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Page 1: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write
Page 2: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write

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aMAZE Journey Page 3

What is included in Turnkey Page 4

Tips for Series Page 4

Sample Sessions Page 6

Don’t have a weekend Page 13

Appendix Page 15

Peacemaker Sheets Kit Sheets

Trusted Adult Sheets

BFF Walk in my Shoes

Middle School Rummy Cards

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aMAZE Journey

Life is a maze of relationships and this journey has Girl Scout Cadettes maneuvering through all its twists and turns to find true friendships, plenty of confidence, and maybe even peace. The adult facilitator guide offers tips for talking about relationship issues with girls, and pointers for understanding Cadettes' development and creating a safe, welcoming space. What Girl Scout Cadettes Can Earn During this Journey… 3 Leadership Awards! (Please note they will not complete the Journey nor earn all the awards during this series) You will earn, the Peace Maker and Interact Journey awards, and begin to think about planning for Diplomat Award which includes a Take Action/Service Learning project.

The Interact Award signifies that girls can advance peace in the world around them—one interaction at a time. To earn it, girls must complete three of the nine Interact Challenges—though they can do as many challenges as they like! These challenges invite the Cadettes to try small—and positive—new ways of interacting in their daily lives.

The Diplomat Award focuses on how a diplomat ''possesses skill or tact in dealing with others.'' To earn the award, Cadettes demonstrate that they can use something they have learned about relationships to design and implement a project that benefits others.

The Peacemaker Award invites girls to collect relationship ''tools'' they can use and pass on to others along the journey. The girls earn the Peacemaker Award at the end of the journey by reviewing all the tools they've collected and making a commitment about how they will continue using them throughout their lives.

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This turnkey model includes:

Journey--based series outline for Cadettes that focuses on aspects of the aMAZE Journey

List of materials

Tips for utilizing the series

Discover + Connect + Take Action = Leadership This weekend series outlined below takes your girls on a journey where they will practice Girl Scouting’s three keys to leadership. Use the series outlined in this model along with the corresponding Facilitator Guide and Girl books. During the series, each girl will:

Discover her values and views about the world.

Connect with others to expand her networks and strengthen team-building skills.

Take Action to begin to identify and solve problems in their community and inspire others to act, and become empowered to make a difference in the world.

Tips for this Series

1. The purpose of this overnight is to explore the aMAZE Journey. You will earn,

the Peace Maker and Interact Journey awards, and begin to think about planning for Diplomat Award which includes a Take Action/Service Learning project. This overnight allows you to focus on the earning a Journey for Cadettes, without the distractions of our busy lives. During this weekend you will explore leadership from the inside out, have fun and learn about relationships. .

2. The facilitator guide contains everything you need to make the journey come alive for the girls, including lots of helpful examples, tips, and suggestions to guide you on your way. Spend some time getting familiar with it and feel free to customize activities as your girls make it clear where their interests lie.

3. As part of the program, the girls are asked to share their experiences and

thoughts with a trusted adult. There will be scheduled times that you can do this during the program (timing of this will be around meal time, either before or after). So, please have the girls think who that trusted adult is in advance and make sure they can contact them over the weekend by either phone, or text, whichever they and you prefer. Remember. Not all adults are text savvy, so please remind your girls to check with them and make sure they can contact them and what they prefer. Make sure the girls have their contact information for the weekend. “A trusted adult is anyone, who is over 18 who you trust. She or he could be an aunt/uncle, grandparent, parent, sister/brother, etc.”

4. Cell phones will be collected and put in a baggie at check in. Girls will be able to use them during free times and also be using them to contact their trusted adult.

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**Please remember the charger. ** Anyone without a cell phone will be able to use a facilitator’s phone for the trusted adult activities.

5. Even though the girls won’t complete a Take Action Project as part of this series, girls are still encouraged to continue on beyond this series to do their Take Action project to earn all the aMAZE awards. It may be helpful to note that girls who do intend to complete a Take Action project and go on to earn all the awards offered on the journey that they’ll be one step closer to earning the prestigious Girl Scout Silver Award (Grades 6–8) , since the first requirement is completing a Journey. Information about the Silver Award can be found online at http://gsneny.org/resources/ under girls.

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aMAZE Sample Overnight Schedule

Friday Total time 1 hour and 15 minutes Materials:

Facilitator Guide

Girl Book

2 Truths and a lie: Post-it’s and pens

Peacemaker Kit: Chinese take-out containers or paper Mache

boxes, markers, decorations for boxes, etc. & Peace Maker

handouts (in appendix)

Team agreement Parking Lot: post its, pens & large sheet of


Trusted Adult handouts in the appendix

Session 1: BFF

30 minutes Cooperative games in order to get to know each other facilitators and group:

o Group Share – Ask the girls to share something interesting or funny about them that others in the group wouldn’t know: Pets name, vegetable they refuse to eat, sport they are best at, where their name came from or what it means, one thing they are afraid of, (spiders, riding on planes, snakes, etc.).

o 2 Truths and a Lie –Give each person a post-it and pen, have them write 2 truths and a lie about themselves give them about 5 minutes to do this. Then have each person read their list girls should then guess which the 2 truths are and which the lie is.

25 minutes Peacemaker Kit Start: We can begin by decorating our Peace Maker Kits as we work through the different stages of aMAZE the sheets reflect the friendship skills you are learning, (You can answer the questions on post-its to place in your kit, you can create a poem, a drawing, a paper flower or any symbol that reflects this). The sheets are to include in your Peacemaker kit.

20 minutes Team Agreement Parking Lot: The aMAZE Journey helps you with BFF – Be a Friend First – learn how to navigate friendships along with learning about bullies, understand what bully behavior is about and how to be confident in standing up to bullying behavior.

o Team agreement Parking Lot – Set out the post-its and pens as we go through the twist and turns of aMAZE it is important we work to trust each so we can have a positive experience. We can do this by promising each other how we will act and treat each other by agreeing to…………..

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If we have a conflict with someone in the group we can…………. If we have a different opinion we can………………. We will watch our body language by…………….(no eye rolling) Gossip would be hurtful because…………….

o Have the girls write on the post-its what they feel some of agreements should be a place on Team Agreement parking lot.

Explain about Trusted adults and handout sheets – take away to complete with their trusted adult Friday Dinner and Clean-up Friday Evening 3 hours and 15 minutes Materials:

Facilitator Guide

Girl Book

Beneath the Surface: Beach ball with questions from girl and

adult book, (pg. 36 Adult, pg. 20 Girl book), painters tape (to

cover questions on the ball).

Walk in my shoes: shoeprints with lines, pens

Stereotypes: papers and pens

Peacemaker kits

Movie- The Clique

First Impression info:

Most impressions are made within 30 seconds of meeting someone

55% are based on appearance

40% based on voice and speech quality

Only 5% is based on what is said by the person

What did you notice when meeting me?

Beneath the Surface Beach ball activity Bully prevention focus: What does it mean to: Be a friend first? Go beneath the surface? Never be judgmental?

When the ball is passed to you, remove one piece of the tape and answer the

question underneath. After answering toss the ball to someone who hasn’t had a


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Ball Questions:

1. Something obvious about me is… 2. Only a few other people know that I… 3. My biggest fear is…. 4. A time when my impression of someone was very wrong was…. 5. The nicest thing someone has ever done for me is… 6. Two words people use to describe me are…. 7. Before people get to know me, they assume I… 8. The funniest thing that ever happened to me was… 9. A song that always makes me happy is… 10. If I could only have one artistic talent, it would be…. 11. If I could excel at only one sport it would be…. 12. My family made me proud when… 13. The first thing I notice about someone new is… 14. The first thing I hope others notice about me when we meet is… 15. Three qualities a leader should have are… 16. The last time I teased someone was… 17. If I could be a cartoon character, it would be… 18. The reality TV show I know I could win is… 19. I could spend a week without… 20. To stay healthy, I … 21. My only vice is… 22. The animal sound I can make the best is…

Walk in my Shoes, optional – pg. 32 in Girl Book – qualities of friends. Never

judge someone else until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. Let’s figure out

what that old proverb means.

o Ask girls to define themselves by listing the qualities of friendship that they

feel best describes them on their shoe print.

o After they are done ask them to pair up, preferably with someone they

don’t know well and invite them to share their friendship characteristics by

switching footprints.

o Ask: What did you learn about your partner that you didn’t know before? What do you share in common? What do you think it means to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes? How do you think it helps to see things from another person’s perspective? What do bullies look like and why do they bully?

Session 2: BFF-Navigating Friendships

Stereotypes – What does it mean to “stereotype” other people? Generalizations or assumptions we make about people who are members of a particular group. Are all people within a certain group the same?

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Pg. 23 Activity in Girl Book Draw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write a characteristic or description that makes you the person you are: female, athlete, only child or anything else you consider important to whom you are. Some may be obvious labels you or others assign to one another. Write down a stereotype associated with any of the groups you identify with that isn’t consistent with who you are. I’m _________________________ and I’m _____________________________

Discussion: Was there ever a time when you were embarrassed, hurt or felt afraid to be identified with one of your characteristics because of stereotypes or impressions others had of you?

1st Peacemaker Kit offering – During the first few activities you were learning about friendship, first impressions and stereotypes fill out the first sheet of the peacemaker kit and place it in box. You can also use a post-it to write your thoughts, a poem, etc., as your commitment to Being a Friend First and peace.

Movie- The Clique 1 hour 45 minutes

The Clique (Video 2008) 87 min - Comedy | Drama | Family - 11 November 2008 (USA) A young girl tries to fit in with a clique of popular middle school girls after moving into the guest house of one of their homes. Discussion: what did you view during the movie that would be considered bullying

behavior? Do you think cliques exclude others and have rules that you need to follow to

belong to the group? Do you think everyone in a clique has equal power?

Saturday Morning Breakfast: 1 hour Saturday Morning 3 hours Materials:

Facilitator Guide

Girl Book

What Really Matter: Questions on large post it sheet

Peacemaker sheet # 2 (appendix) for box can add one of the

word beads to go with.

Where do you stand: Girl Book

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Peacemaker Sheet #3 (appendix)

Flip the script: Girls book (for the scenarios)

Session 3: What Really Matters?

What Really Matters Activity – pg. 31 girl book We know what we look for in a friend, but sometimes what we want and seek are

2 different things. Questions on large post it sheet -

Peacemaker sheet # 2 for box can add one of the word beads to go with. Session 4: Cliques and Conflicts

Cliques & Conflicts What is a clique? Group of people that excludes others………. When is the last time someone new came into your circle of friends? Have you ever been part of a group that wants you to only hang out with them? Do you ever feel the need to do something you don’t feel right about in order to remain in your group?

Where do you stand? Pg. 52-53 adult book I – Statements – Conflicts can cause relationship obstacles. I statements can be helpful when it comes to resolving conflicts, especially when you are faced with bully behavior to be a better. (Facilitator) Describe an action that hurts you I feel (say your feeling) because (Why the action connects to your feeling) I Statement Scenarios: When you’re alone with a friend she is nice to you but when you are in a group she is bossy and doesn’t pay attention to you. A classmate passed a rumor that you cheated on a test. A group of your friends refuses to invite your cousin to a party because she isn’t popular. One of your soccer teammates always teases you in front of the team and says you’re weak for not being able to take a joke.

Scenario Role Playing activity Girl Book Pg. 66 – 67

I Statements so you can keep away from bullying behavior – I promise not to be involved in passing on gossip about my co-worker because I know their feelings will get hurt.

Peace maker sheet # 3 Session 5: Caution Bullies Straight Ahead

What is Bullying?

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o Bullying can be: Write on large Post-it Sheet – have the girls come up with the answers

o Where can it happen - have the girls come up with the answers

Physical – kicking, hitting, spitting, taking and/or damaging property or belongings Verbal – threats, teasing, taunting, name-calling, offensive or derogatory remarks Indirect – gossip, spreading negative rumors, or stories about someone, lying, excluding people from social groups Virtual – cyber-bullying is sending negative or threatening messages, texts, or pictures via email, instant messages, cell phones, chat rooms or websites. Girls are more likely to use Relational aggression – emotionally hurtful behavior that includes gossip, exclusion, and teasing. Cyber-bullying – spreading malicious rumors or private photos via texts & tweets, or on social media sites is another form of relational aggression.

o Ask if they have ever witnessed any of these behaviors. o Ask why do people bully –

Flip the Script Activity Anti-Bullying Alliance: “Witnesses play a very important role in bullying situations. Bullying will stop in less than 10 seconds nearly 60 percent of the time when peers intervene!” Witnesses (those who observe or are present during bullying) are in a very important position because they can positively or negatively affect the situation. The person being bullied is referred to as “target” and not as “victim,” because “victim” is disempowering. Also “target” depersonalizes the bullying.

o Girls will break into teams of three and will be assigned a bullying scenario (pages 85-87 of girl book)

o Girls will decide who the bully, witness is and target. o Use the ideas we have been discussing related to witnesses and taking

back the power to “flip the script” so that the bully does not get away with her behavior.

o Try to perform the way it may happen in real life. o Once teams have practice give them the opportunity to share with others

and discuss. Lunch- 45 minutes Saturday Afternoon 1 hours and 30 minutes Materials:

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Facilitator Guide

Girl Book

Cyber relationships: large post-it board, paper and pens

Take a Peace Break- Zen Garden- Materials: Permanent

markers, Small wooden trays, Sand, Rocks, Small items

reminders of peaceful thoughts or places for garden, Plastic

fork, (small colored cocktail forks work great), Gallon size Ziploc

bags so garden will fit to carry home

Session 6: Cyber Relationships and Next Steps

Cyber Relationships: 45 minutes o Ask:

1. Weirdest IM or text you’ve gotten 2. Which do you like most IM’ing, texting or emailing 3. If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life what

would it be 4. What’s your favorite thing to do online

o What have you learned about so far with aMAZE: use large post-it board

Strengthening friendships Cliques First Impressions & Stereotypes Conflicts Peer Pressure I Statements

o Small groups: Imagine how all these relationship topics taking place online

in chat rooms, forums, email, IM’ing, texting etc. Hand out paper & pens 1. Ask girls to choose one of the relationship topics and brainstorm

how it looks, feels & sounds online.

Cliques may look like …………

Bullying may sound like………………….

Peer pressure may look like………………..

How are online relationships challenging or different. What are positive or negative risks people are willing to take online?

How do predators or others lead you into a virtual maze until you are telling them more about yourself than you would in a face to face interaction? How can you stop this from happening?

Emailing, IM’ing & texting are instantaneous & can feel anonymous. Have you ever written or received hurtful messages or ones that you or others might not say in person? Why does it seem OK online?

Take a Peace Break (page 94 girl book) create a Zen Garden- Decorate outside of the garden with details you feel signify you inner peace. Discussion: A Zen

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Garden is made to closely resemble the calm beauty in nature. When we start to think about Take Action we will be looking at ways to “Let the Peace Begin with you”. So while the girls are creating the gardens there can be discussion on the thoughts of calm and peace they could bring to themselves & others through inspirations and intentions. They could write these on the pebbles contained in their garden. The objects in your garden reflect your sense of calm. You can rake the sand with the fork to change the “paths” according to your mood.

o What are the important pieces of your friendships/relationships that allow for calm and peace?

o What are the ones that bring conflict?

Discussion about the Diplomat Award: 30 minutes

o Community Service makes the world a better place for people and animals - right now. Examples of community service are collecting food for the local animal shelter or food pantry feeds people and animals - right now. Gathering toys for a homeless shelter or to send to another country makes kids happy right now. Community Service projects are great acts of kindness and important ways to help - right now.

o Service Learning – Take Action Projects girls would begin by creating a listing of issues/problems that concern them, then research & investigate to find the root cause of the problem, next network with community partners or experts for advice to find solutions to the problem, then create a plan, put the plan in motion to address the root cause of the issue/problem. Through this girls are leading with their heads and hearts. An example of a service learning project on the environment could involve exploring the issue of why, (root cause) a local river or water source is polluted. Once research is done to find why this has happened, investigating potential solutions coupled with networking with community partners/experts to assist with finding a solution to create a plan that can then be put into motion addressing the root cause of the issue.

o Next Steps- example Take Action ideas could be found on page 69 of the adult facilitator guide. When working toward their Diplomat award for their Take Action project they will go through the seven steps of taking action for their Journey Award, which is on page 114 of their girl book. Girls will work through these steps either as a group (small or large) or individually to carry out their Take Action project.

1. Identify the issue 2. Brainstorm a take action solution 3. Assess resources 4. Create a plan and time line for specific actions to accomplish the

project 5. Publicize the Take Action project 6. Carry Out the Take Action Project 7. Reflect

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Once the girls have completed their Take Action Project they will have earned all 3 Journey aMAZE leadership awards.

Don’t have a weekend?

Here is a way to spread the activities over six weeks

Session 1- BFF- Group Share, 2 Truths and a Lie, Starting the peacemaker kit,

Team Agreement parking lot, Beneath the Surface, Walk in my Shoes (optional)

Session 2- BFF-Navigating Friendships- Stereotypes, 1st Peacemaker kit

offering, movie

Session 3- What Really Matters- What really matters, peacemaker sheet #2

Session 4- Cliques and Conflicts- Where Do You Stand, Peacemaker sheet 3

Session 5- Caution Bullies Straight Ahead- Flip the Script

Session 6- Cyber Relationships and Next Steps- Cyber-Bullying, Take a Peace

Break, Discussion on the Diplomat Award

Continue your Take Action Project to earn all 3 Journey Awards!!

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For Your Peacemaker Kit (1)

To make a great First Impression, I can:

To give others a chance to make a great First impression, I


Stereotyping interferes with peace in my world because:

Two things I can Do about stereotypes- and pass on by

inviting others to try doing – are:

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For Your Peacemaker Kit (2)

Why are true friends on one of the most remarkable

treasures human beings have?

What is one quality or skill you are going to try to use

more often in your friendships?

What is one idea you can suggest to help other people

improve their friendships?

How could one or two of the ideas you had in this section

of aMAZE create more peace in your world?

For Better relationships I will:


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For Your Peacemaker Kit (3)

What values of the Girl Scout Law do I hold dear?

How will I show I live these values-no matter what?

What are two things I can always have ready to say when someone

wants me to do something I don’t want to do?

What are some activities I’m involved in, or that I can get involved in,

where I can be myself –no matter what?

Have I been pressuring my friends to do anything they don’t want to do?

If yes I will

If I can recognize I am feeling jealous, I will try to work pass it by

What are two relationship strategies you thought about this weekend that

you think would create more peace in your world – if you use them and

encourage others to use them too?

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For Your Peacemaker Kit (4)

You likely have a very different perspective when you’re standing in the

middle of a clique- or in the middle of a conflict – compared to when

you’re on the sidelines. So get out of the middle and think about how

you can be a leader who builds connections with different groups.

Answer “TRUE” OR “FALSE” to the following statements then think about

related actions you can take to crate more peace in your world.

The activities I’m involved in build bridges among diverse groups at school or

within Girl Scouts.

Each of my friends brings something special to our relationship, and my friends

would say the same of me.

I am a leader when it comes to making others, especially those who are

misunderstood, feel more accepted and valued.

If I see cliques doing something that goes against the qualities of friendship I

value, or if I’m part of a clique that does something contradicting my friendship

values, I can express my feelings openly.

My circle of friends shares our personal power evenly. Everyone gets a chance to

drive our discussions and decisions, social and otherwise.

Two things I can do related to this passageway in the maze that would bring more

peace to my world are;

To make new friends

I will: ______________________________

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For Your Peacemaker Kit (5)

When I see another girl being bullied or teased, I will

To inspire peace instead of aggression between girls I will

One action I can take to eliminate bullying behavior on

large scale is.

To eliminate bullying,

I can: ______________________________

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Trusted Time with Your Trusted Adult (1)

What was the first impression you had of me? Do you have any words of

advice about this?

Can you tell me about a time when other judged you based on stereotypes or

had the wrong first impression of you? If so, how did you overcome it?

Can you share any examples where you made decisions about relationships

in your life based on first impressions and what happened as a result?

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Trusted Time with Your Trusted Adult (2)

Friendships are wonderful and difficult – often at the same time!

Ask your trusted adult whether she’s ever had a conflict with a


How did she try to resolve it?

What friendship qualities is she most proud of?

Has she ever had to end an unhealthy relationship?

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Trusted Time with Your Trusted Adult (3)

At some point, all of us have to deal with group politics and

cliques. Ask your trusted adult how she tires to create inclusive

circles of belonging in her life. What have been the hardest

“clique situations” for her, and what lessons can she pass on to


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Trusted Time with Your Trusted Adult (4)

Talking about bullies and bullying behavior with someone you

trust can make you feel a lot better about dealing with these non

peaceful relationships. When you get together with your trusted

adult, ask:

Why do you think people bully? What do they gain?

Have you ever dealt with a bully, either when you were a girl or as you’ve

gotten older? If so, how did you handle it?

In situations where bullies are involved, what role do you see me as – target,

bully, or witness?

If there’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone being bullied, what

would it be?

How can you support me to be a role model when it comes to dealing with

bullying behavior?

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Trusted Time with Your Trusted Adult (5)

With new technologies popping up every day, you may know

more about digital communication than your trusted adult.

When you get together, talk about how you use technology, and

maybe even show her a few tips for staying connected.

Ask: What’s your opinion of technological communication and

its impact on relationships? Has there been a time when you

didn’t feel safe online? IF so, how did you get out of the


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Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

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Welcome Families to Girl Scouts of the USA

Show Girls They Belong to a Big Sisterhood

Guide Girls to Develop as Leaders

Empower Girls to Take Action in

Their Communities

Support Girls to Build Skills Through Proficiency Badges

Expand Girls’ View of the World

Celebrate with Ceremonies and Traditions

Use a Girl-Friendly Approach

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Name

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Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Page 30: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write
















Encourage Girls to Earn and Learn Through the

Girl Scout Cookie Program

Inspire Girls to Continue Growing Through

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouting helps girls become leaders in their daily lives and in the

world. Let girls know about all the fun they’ll have—and tell families what

Girl Scouts does and why it matters.

Help girls make the connection between their group and the millions

of girls around the country and the world who share a mission to make the world a better place.

Apply aspects of the national leadership curriculum to help girls experience all three keys

to leadership—Discovering Self, Connecting with Others,

and Taking Action—in the context of the series theme.

Girls want to know they can make a difference in the world. Series are

created using aspects of the national leadership curriculum to address

specific Girl Scout outcomes, including Take Action outcomes

and projects. Use the series plan to ensure that girls get an opportunity to make the world a better place.

Girls feel proud and confident when they’ve learned a new skill through

earning a badge. Depending on time and topic, girls can earn

badges if they’re interested.

Based on the time you have, give girls the opportunity to go to new places, meet new friends, and talk

to experts in various fields. This expands their horizons and helps

them imagine all kinds of new possibilities for their futures.

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Definition

Essential Element Definition

Essential Element Definition

Essential Element Name

Essential Element Definition

Essential Element Definition

Essential Element Definition

Page 31: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write

















Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Page 32: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write
















Provide girls with opportunities to celebrate their growth and what

they’ve learned during a series. Some girls might enjoy beloved Girl Scout traditions, such as flag ceremonies,

sing-alongs and campfires; or coming together at bridging ceremonies to mark the moment when girls move to the next level in Girl Scouting.

Girls have fun when they can shape their own experiences, do hands-

on activities, and work together as teams. Help make this happen by

using Girl Scouts’ three processes: Girl Led, Learning by Doing, and Cooperative Learning.

Based on local timing, give girls the opportunity to take part in

the Cookie Program and coach them to develop five key skills—

Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics—by taking part in the largest girl-

led business in the world.

Share with girls all the other exciting ways they can continue

to take part in Girl Scouting.

Expand the Family and Friends Network, so others can be

involved in the Journey during Take Action, share a topic of

mutual interest, or assist with field trips. (Adult aMAZE/pg 15)

As you make sure girls know they are part of the big sisterhood of Girl Scouting, invite the girls to create a great experience by suggesting that the team now make a plan for how this Journey through aMAZE will unfold. (Adult aMAZE/pg 34)

Lead on! Interact, Diplomat, and Peacemaker awards.

(Girl aMAZE/pgs 9–10)

As the series concludes, girls are provided options about how they may continue their adventures in

Girl Scouting, including doing Take Action projects and other series, and

mentoring younger girls. (Ensure that girls know more opportunities

are always available, even if the next experience is a season away.)

Essential Element Definition

National Print Resource

Essential Element Definition

National Print Resource

Essential Element Definition

National Print Resource

Essential Element Definition

National Print Resource

Page 33: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write

















Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Page 34: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write
















Girls explore the science of happiness, including performing

a happiness experiment!

In “How Feelings Fit into Farm Work,” scientist Elizabeth Byanjeru

Rubaihayo of Uganda shares her thoughts. (Girl aMAZE/pg 131)

How would girls like to symbolize their “Toward Peace” commitments?

How would girls like to receive the awards they have earned? How would girls like to honor

their accomplishments together? (Adult aMAZE/pg 81 and

Girl aMAZE/pg 133)

Coaching girls to lead through ways of work that encourage

them to choose their activities, reflect on the results, and plan for change. (Adult aMAZE/pg 16)

Girls experience the 5 Skills by earning the Girl Scout Cookie

Activity Pin and completing Cookie Business Badges.

Girls share the most important thing they have gained on their aMAZE

Journey and how they will use it to “increase the peace” in their life and the world around them.

How will you improve your world? Include any ideas you have, no matter how outrageous, to get

other people involved in solving the issue. (Girl aMAZE/pg 120) Share the Girl Scout Calendar app

with families, so they know where and when to get involved in their

daughter’s Girl Scout experience. Under the “Program-Program

Basics” tab at www.girlscouts.org.

Invite girls to check out the “Girls Connecting Globally” posts at the

forgirls.girlscouts.org website.

National Print Resource

National Print Resource

National Print Resource

National Print Resource

National Print Resource

National Digital Resource

National Print Resource

National Print Resource

Page 35: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write

















Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Girl Scout Rummy New Delivery Options

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Membership Growth Strategy

Page 36: 2 Turnkey.pdfDraw a circle in the middle of a piece of paper, with smaller circles connected to and extending out. Write your name in the middle circle; in the smaller circles write
















Download and use the GSUSA program resource and facilitator

guide “Sister to Sister: The Darker Side of Friendship” to

jump-start discussion on bullying, relational aggression, cyberbullying,

and romantic relationships.

Girls demonstrate their leadership through a Take Action

project that advances peace in the world and then “Map It”

on forgirls.girlscouts.org.

After “learning how to learn” about their own special topic, girls visit the Badge Explorer

at forgirls.girlscouts.org to design their own badge.

Check out the Inspiring Women Timeline site, It’s Your Business—

Run It!, and the Global Travel Toolkit at forgirls.girlscouts.org.

Learn more about Girl Scout traditions and ceremonies under the “Program-Program Basics”

tab at www.girlscouts.org.

Read “Transforming Leadership” and continue to learn more about the Three Process in action. Click on the “Research-Publications” tab

and download at www.girlscouts.org.

Share the Girl Scout Calendar app with families, so they know where and when to get involved in their

daughter’s Girl Scout experience. Under the “Program-Program

Basics” tab at www.girlscouts.org.

Share the PDF electronic file of steps Cadettes can take to earn their LiA (Leadership in Action)

award as they work with Brownies.

National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource

National Digital Resource