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VIII sekcija

Sis������������� �������������������������validavimas

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KAI KURIE DIRBTINIO INTELEKTO1���������������� ����� ������� ��������������2

������������������������������� ����

Akademijos g. 4, Vilnius 2600

[email protected], [email protected]



vimas -–

tinkamumas, našumas, apsauga, patikimumas ir pan. Projektuojant siekiama optimizuoti pagal pasirinktus kriterijus. Ve

paprastai yra tenkinamasi tokiais projektiniais sprendi

Šio darbo tikslas išsam

ir aptarti pagrindines tokio tipo


decision support system

padedanti sprendimus priimantiems asmenims atrinkti, analizuoti ir panaudoti duomenis bei modelius,

ma galimas alternatyvos realizavimo pasekmes.

design patterns


o cognitivesciences

2 Darbas pareng

Page 4: 2. FirstPage new


tiniais sprendimais bei komponentais.

vadovaujantis var

metodais ir pan.

( ) ( )iii χϑλχϑ ∑=




kur χ� yra projektavimo objektas, iχ i atributo

iϑ yra i-tojo atributo scoring function) ir iλ yra i-tojo

atributo svorio koeficientas.

projektavimo kriterijus

iωose. Atskiras svorio koeficientas iλ i–tajam projektavimo kriterijui pagal






ωλ (2)

( )ii χϑk

( )ii χϑkonstruojama p

Kadangi skirtingi projektuotojai vadovaujasi skirtingomis preferencijomis, tai tinkamiausios

skirtingos alternatyvos. Tokiu atveju, sistema privalo numatyti galimybes panaudoti ekspertinius vertinimus ir eksp

riant, panaudoti jose dirbtinio intelekto teorijos metodus [1], [7], [13].

samprotavim data mining knowledge discovery),neraiškiosios (angl. fuzzytechnologijos.

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atskleidimo technologija.

Intelektualizavimo technologijoms integruoti naudojamos trys technikos [9]:

• funkciniai hibridai: vienos intelektualiz

perduodamiems duomenims suklasifikuoti,

• s.

(silpna sankiba). Galimas ir mišrus int

traktuojant kaip papildomas, realizuojant jas savarankiškais komponentais ir integruojant tuos komponentus panaudojus vadinamuosius pakiklius (angl. wrapper) [14].

3proceso ypatumai

mos atrodo gana skirtingos, visas jas

• •

• •

(angl. use case3

Projektavimo procesas iš

pereinama naudojant tris operacijas [3], [4]:

• concretisation, specialisation),

• refinement) ir

• extension).

bei verslo sistemoms. Be to,

projektiniais sprendimais (angl. design patterns framework) ir komponentais

3 Angliškas terminas use case

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panaudojant gatavus (tipin

modulio panaudo

panaudoti tik tam tikruose kontekstuose. Kitaip tariant, pragmatika šiuo atveju aprašoma projektavimo


galima suformuoti

prognozuoti priimamo sprendimo pasekmes ir jas vertinti. Kokios technologijos tinkamiausios šiems tikslams, šiame darbe mes nenagri



5 Išvados

[1] 1997.

[2] ". 1990.

[3] Matematikos ir informatikos institutas. Vilnius. 1996.

[4] Matematikos ir informatikos institutas. Vilnius. 1998


2000, p. 276-279.

[6] .

1999, p. 278-284.

[7] Technologija. 2000, p. 211-217.

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[8] Ford F.N. Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems: A Comparison. Information and Management. No 8, p. 21-26.

[9] Goonatilake S., Khebbal S. Intelligent Hybrid Systems. John Willey & Sons. 1995.

[10] Guariso G., Werthner H. Environment Decision Suppot Systems. Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications. Ellis Horwood Limited. Halsted Press: a Division of John Wiley &Sons. NeyYork. Chichhester. Brisbane. Toronto. 1989, p. 14-34.

[11] Karpak B., Zionts S. (Eds). Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Risk Analysis Using Microcomputers. NATOASI Series. Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences. Vol 56. Springer, 1989.

[12] Making Components Work in Enterprise Application. Computerware Corporation. 1998. Internetinis adresas: http://www.computerware.com

[13] Methlie L.B., Sprague R.H. (Eds.). Knowledge Representation for Decision Support Systems. North-Holland, 1985

[14] Paliulionis V.disertacija. Fiziniai mokslai, informatika (09P), Matematikos ir informatikos institutas. Vilnius. 2000.

[15] Scheer A. W. ARIS - Business Process Frameworks. Springer. 1998.

[16] Tyugu E. Knowledge-Based Programming. Addison Wesley & Turing Institute Press. 1988.

[17] Winterfeldt D. von, Edwars W. Decision Analysis and Behavioral Research. Cambridge University Press. 1986.


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS IN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: PROBLEMS OF APPLICATIONS. Some issues of applying artificial intelligence methods in the decision support systems devoted for the designing problems are considered in this paper. The basic criteria for applying artificial intelligence techniques in the decision support system for design of business, information, and software systems are investigated. The problems of creation of design alternatives and analyzing of decisions variants are considered. The aim of this work is to developing the research programm for creation of intellectual decision support systems in design domain of business, information, and software systems.

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���������� ��������������� ����&���������&�����&'������

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

mokymosi ir mokymo galimybes. Intelek




– visiems” [7] vis

svarbiausia Interneto ir

ir prognozuojamas pasekmes,

duomenis ir p

-6, 9, 13-14].



• imo,

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realizavimui, pasitelkiant kompiuterinius tinklus. Pirkti galima visame pasaulyje, klientui patogiu laiku ir 24

• - pagrindinis produktas ir


Iškeliami pagrindiniai tikslai -




arti. Išauga Interneto,

valdymo sistemos ir jose organizu-


rincipai ir darbo

reikalingas platesnis – informacinis, Internetinis raštingumas.

rindiniai tikslai [11] nusako:

• •

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rma kompiuteryje bei susieti su



- o.

sistemas. Integruojant šias priemones s

priimti atitinkamus valdymo ir

tampa d -7, 13-15].

visapusiškai palengvina vModeler[16]).


galimybes pateiks naujausios informa

-14]. Bet kartu, nau



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pagrindus yra pakankamai reikšmingos šiame mokymo etape. Antro etapo mokymo kontekste svarbu suteikti

is sistemomis (1 pav.).

• •

• • • -mi dokumentai • -

• ministerijos (VRM) informacija; • Policijos DB; • ros DB; •

Teismo pirmininko darbo

vieta vieta

Anstolio darbo vieta

Teismo Organiza-Teismo praktikos

registras LITLEX

praktikos VRM ir Registrai,

rejestrai, kadastrai

Teismo vietinis serveris

Page 12: 2. FirstPage new


Internete ir Intranete (Lietu

loginiais ryšiais). Taikomi naujausi metodai informacijos a



integruotais metodais.

moksliniai tiriamiej

6 Išvados

omenduojant tobulinti

kaip formuoti intelektprocese.

[1] Cantor Murray R. Object-Oriented Project Management with UML. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998, p.-343.

[2] General Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. In K.Wang, H.Pranevicius (Eds.) Lecturer Notes of the Nordic-Baltic Summer School on Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Production Engineering. KTUTechnologija Press. Kaunas. 1997, p.1-38.

[3] Technologija. 1999,



kt. Vilnius. LTA Spaudos centras, 1999, p.143-153.

[5] ijimo metodaiTechnologija. 2000, p.211-217

[6] Technologija. 1999, p.390-394.

[7] Integration of Aggregate Approach in Knowledge representation of Multimodal Transport Evaluation System. In J.Barzdinš (Ed.) Proccedings of Third International Baltic Workshop “Database and Information Systems”. Riga. Vol.1. 1998, p. 139-151.

[8] -li http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/information_society/info_en.htm, http://www.lrs.lt/inter/plsql

[9] Keras A., Petrauskas R. -124.

[10] Laudon K., Laudon J. Management Information Systems. New approaches to Organization and Technology. Prentice hall, 1998.

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[11] Milerius J., -koncepcija, 2000, Vilnius, http://www.lrs.lt/owa-bin/owarepl/inter/owa/U0022088.doc

[12] Otas A.Kaunas. Technologija. 1998, p. 181-184.

[13] Petrauskas R. A Glimpse at Computerised Educational Cognitive Environment. In Proc. of Intern. Conf. “Upgrading of the Social Sciences for Development of Post-socialist Countries”. Kaunas University of Technology Press. Kaunas. 1996, p.173-178.

[14] Petrauskas R. modernizavimui. Monografija. Kaunas. Technologija. 1998, p. 481-492.

[15] Solvberg A. Contents of Information Systems Engineering Education. In J. Barzdinš (Ed.) Proceedings of Third International Baltic Workshop “Databases and Information Systems”. Vol. 1. Riga. 1998, p.3-6.

[16] Vellore R.C., Vinze A.S., Sen A. MODELER: Incorporating Experience to Support Model Formulation – a Case-based Planning Approach. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 6, No.1. 1994, pp. 37-56.

[17] Zeleznikow J. Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning in the Legal Domain. Applied Computing Research Institute. La Trobe University. Australia. 1999.

[18] World Law Information. Australasian Legal Information Institute. http:\\www.austlii.edu.au


INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN EDUCATION OF LAW AND MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS New possibilities of information technologies are important in processes of changing environments of management. The new possibilities of information systems in information retrieving, electronic representation and analysis via Internet, Intranet, and Extranet are considered in this paper. There are important to understand clearly between the achievements of information science and technology in the processes of globalization of economics, management and associate such processes with law issues. The contents of teaching of the information systems in the law and management studies are considered. The curriculums of new information systems should be associated with processes of changing environments in law and management domains.

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����������������������& �*���#&��������

Matematikos ir informatikos institutas, Akademijos g. 4, Vilnius [email protected]; [email protected]

Šio straipsnio tikslas -

svarbiausias mokslines problema


sistemos kol kas palaiko gana ribotai ir fragmentiškai. Šitokioms sistemoms kurti

-ipus ir suformuluoti svarbiausias



Verslo sistemos.

"Verslo sistema -

pasireiškia dviem aspektais. Tikslai, kuriems siekti kuriamos verslo sistemos, yra socialinio arba ekonominio

socialiniai ekonominiai dariniai. Jose sva


- procesai, skirt


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komponentai yra sujungti tam tikru konstrukcijos santykiu

[3]. Tikslia


, arba .

PERA[14], ARIS[8],

liais aspektais. Paprastai yra modeliuojama funkciniu (angl. function), organizaciniu (angl. organisation resource) ir informaciniu (angl. information

resources processes goalsbusiness rules) aspektais.

vykdmodeliuojama kaip verslo sistemos resursas.


modeliavimo (proj

koncepcinis abstrakcijos laipsnio lygmenys. Be to, projektinis lygmuo galiprojektavimo lygmenis.

Inform .

[6], [8], [10], [11] ir

funkciniu (angl. function view), organizaciniu (angl. organisation view data view), valdymo (angl. control/process view output view) aspektais.

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generuojami pranešimai. Modeliuojant valdymo aspektu, yra aprašomi patys informacijos apdorojimo procesai.

aukštesnio negu koncepcinis, abstrakcijos laipsnio lygmenys.

Kadangi informaciniai procesai yra pagalbiniai verslo sistemos procesai, tai inf

matome, kad bet kuriuo atveju a

koncepcinis ir projektinis lygmenys. Realizacinis lygmuo paprastai išskiriamas t

papildomai dar yra


3 Intelektualizuotos infr

kontroliuojami konkreta

(angl. system development infrastructure). Kartais dar yra vartojamas terminas "projekto palaikymo sistema" [2].



t, repozitorijus -

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Ji pateikia

generatyvi, gebanti analizuoti repozitoriujuje saugomus duomenis ir aktyviai asistuojanti vartotojui.

Aptarsime šias savybes išsamiau.


savo funkcines galimybes ir keisti savo interfeisus.


a pati kurti (generuoti) tam tikrus artifaktus (testus, techninius sistemos aprašus ir pan.).

kitus reikalingus sprendimus.


e to,



sprendimus kaip jas taisyti. Toks agentas

ne tik

performance monitor

otus agentus, t.y. agentus,


vartotojo asistentas. Kitaip tariant, jis


2 Tokie agentai vadinami tinklo valdymo agentais (angl. network management agent).

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komponentais -pl

sistemos priemones ir kokia tvarka panaudovykdomas remiantis apibendrintais scenarijais. Kitaip tariant, artifaktas projektuojamas konkretizuojant,

Tai reiškia, kad


intelligent warehouserepozitorijaus lygmenis.

ie ir kaupia chunk) pavidalu.

apibendrinamos ir išreiškiamos a



precedentais (analogais). Ši problema turi du aspektus:

• mo

. Intelektualizuojant infrastruk

panaudojimo problemos:

• nustatyti koki

• • sulieti (angl. fuse

vaizdavimo formalizmais.

Page 19: 2. FirstPage new


. Kuriant in

išgavimo technikomis.

panaudojimo analizuojant ir vertinant reikalavimus, projektinius sprendimus, testus ir kitus artifaktus.

6 IšvadosSvarbiausios darbo išvados yra šios.



gyvybinga, adaptyvi, reaktyvi, generatyvi, gebanti analizuoti repozitoriujuje saugomus duomenis ir aktyviai asistuojanti vartotojui.



[1] Matematikos ir informatikos institutas, Vilnius, 1996.

[2] L.M.L. Chung, K. C.C. Chan. Intelligent project management for multi-site software development. In Proc. of First Asia Pacific Workshop on Intelligent Software Engineering (APWISE'98).

[3] H.-E. Ericksson, M. Penker. Business Modeling with UML. Business Patterns at Work. John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2000.

[4] A. Knowles. High Performance Windows NT4. Optimization and Tuning. Coriolis Group Books, 1998. [5] K. Kosanke. CIMOSA - Overview and Status. Computers in Industry, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995. [6] J. Martin. Information Engineering, Book II: Planning and Analysis. Englewoo Cliffs, 1990. [7] A. Newell. Unified Theories of Cognition. The William James Lectures, Harward University Press, 1987. [8] T.W. Olle et al. Information Systems Methodologies: A Framework for Understanding. 2 ed., Wokinham, 1991. [9] P.S. Rosenbloom, J.E. Laird, A. Newell. The Soar Papers: Readings on Integrated Intelligence. Cambridge, MA:

MIT Press, 1993. [10] A. -W. Scheer. ARIS - Business Process Frameworks. Springer, 1998. [11] F. Sowa, J.A. Zachman. Extending and formalizing the framework for information systems architecture. IBM

System Journal, Vol. 31, No. 3, 1992, 590-619.

[12] E. Sperley. The Enterprise Data Warehouse. Hewlett-Packard® Professional Books., Prentice Hall Ptr, Uper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, 1999.

[13] R.C. Waters. The programmer's apprentice: a session with KBEmacs. IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering,Vol. SE-11, No. 11, 1985, 1296-1320.

[14] T.J. Williams. The Purdue Reference Architecture. Purdue Laboratory for Applied Industrial Control, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA, March, 1992.

[15] F. Vernadat. Enterprise Modeling and Integration: principles and applications. Chapman & Hall, 1996. [16] M. Zelm, F.B. Vernadat, K. Kosanke. The CIMOSA business modelling process. Computers in Industry, Vol. 21,

No. 2, 1995.


INTELLIGENT SYSTEM ENGINEERING: REVIEW OF PROBLEMS The paper considers the problems related to development of intelligent infrastructure common for business systems, information systems, and software. It proposes general approach how implement such infrastructure.

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*+��������,����)*������ �+���+�-�&��������������������

– 351, Kaunas LT-3028

metodo – policijos


odeliavimo techniniuose ir socialiniuose moksluose.

-222, kur nusikalstamos veikos imitacijos modelio




2 Nusikalstamos veikos imitacijos modelio semantika-


1)slaptasis policijos agentas.

2) Subjekto elgesys, kuris modeliuojamas, yra nusikalstamos veikos imitacija. Imitacijos veiksmai – atliekami nusikalstami veiksmai, bet

sankcionuoti generalinio prokuroro (11 str. 1 d.).


4)teiginys tiesiogiai sie


lui ir susieta su

analizei pasitelkiame fo

Page 21: 2. FirstPage new

Nusikalstamos veikos imitacinis modelis 207


Pirmasis loginis teiginys pp:

Antrasis loginis teiginys qq:

Formalioje logikoje pirmasis teiginys laikomas prielaida p, o antrasis teiginys vadinamas pasekme q.Abu teiginius p ir q suriša loginis implikacijos op ⇒ .

m), sudarytas iš dalinio teiginio – prielaidos p, dalinio teiginio – q cijos operatoriaus:

( )qpm ⇒≡

Simbolis ≡ reiškia: tolygu ar ekvivalentiška.


interpretacija .


3.1Modelio apbr m, sudarytas iš prielaidos p q ir abi teiginio

komponentes p ir q

12 d., jo t

p q ir šiuos teiginius jungiantis

3.2 q

Nusikalstamos veikos imitacijos elgesio modelio loginis teiginys q

p ––

q prieštarauja bau.

3.3 Modelio prielaidos teiginys pPrielaidos p

(modus tollens

p ⇒ q – teisingas q – neteisingasp – neteisingas

p ⇒ q) yra teisingas, o išvada q – neteisingas teiginys, tai, remiantis neteisingos išvados taisykle, išplaukia, kad prielaida p jantis elgesio modelis yra neteisingas.

. Pastaba. Neteisingos išvados (modus tollens

Page 22: 2. FirstPage new

Povilas 208

3.3.1 Implikacija Teiginys teisingas (sutrumpintai: 1), teiginys neteisingas (0).

Jeigu p ir q teiginiai, tai teiginys “jeigu p, tai q p ⇒ q.Implikacijos te

p q p ⇒ q1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

Implikacija p ⇒ q yra neteisingas teiginys tada ir tik tada, kai p teisingas, o q neteisingas.

Implikacija p ⇒ q

iš p išplaukia q;

q tada, kai p;

p yra teiginio q pa

q yra teiginio p

4 Modelio sankcionavimo tvarka

-222 11 straipsnis. 11 straipsnis. Nusikalstamos veikos imitacijos modelio sankcionavimo tvarka.






5) s;


s: ralinio prokuroro pavaduotojas;


– teiginiai:




t4: tei

t5:tarpinius tikslus;

t6: teikime nurodomas siekiamas rezul


t yra teikimo komponen –

( )7654321 tttttttt ∧∧∧∧∧∧≡t

ir sankcionavimo teiginio s implikacija:

(t ⇒ s)

Page 23: 2. FirstPage new

Nusikalstamos veikos imitacinis modelis 209


pasirinkimas yra neleistinas.

s yra .

(t ⇒ s tloginis teiginys s

6 Nusikalstamos veikos imitacijos elgesio modelio taikymas


d. sankcionuojamas nusikalstamos veikos imitacijos modelis;

6.2 –

laus nusikalstamo proceso modelis;

toleruojami ginantis nuo priešininko.



6.4Konstitucinis Teismas konstatuojamosios dalies III skyriaus 8 dalyje teigia: “ …darytina išvada, kad

aduotojas, neprieštarauja Konstitucijos 22 straipsniui.

labiau lstamos

inarines gradacijas (tiesa-

logika (fuzzy logic).

Page 24: 2. FirstPage new

Povilas 210

7 Išvados1.

Konstitucinio Teismo Nutarimo 2000 05 08 konstatuojamosios dalies III sk. 7 d. teigiama, kad nusikalstamos veikos imitacijos elgesio modelis yra

s Konstitucijai.

(Excluded Middle),

2. o sistema.

fuzzy logic)prognozavimo ir valdymo modelius.

naujomiprognozei ir reguliavimui.

[1] R.Gustas. Semantic and pragmatic dependencies of Information Systems. Kaunas. Technologija. 1997.

[2] D.Gries, F.B.Shneider. A logical approach – to discrete MATH. Springer Verlag. 1997.

[3] – .1978.

[4] . 1977.

[5] Formmetodai. Mokslinio darbo ataskaita., KTU-BMP9-14, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2000.

[6] nis, J.Prapiestis, G.Švedas. Vilnius: Eugrimas, 1996.

[7] V.Piesliakas. Atviros Lietuvos fondas, 1996.

[8] 40.

[9] -222.



MODEL FOR CRIME IMITATION Legislator has introduced advanced method of modeling into operational activity law but he made logical semantic error in formulation of reasons for crime imitation. The semantic error is evident from comparative analysis of model concepts (operational activity law article 2, part 12) against fundamental concept of crime (criminal code 1 and 8 articles). The peculiarity of this error lies in certainty that model of crime is operational activity law is expressed by a criminal formula. This theoretical property predetermines is essence employment of modeling methods is law and order: model is formulated not for real criminal process, but for action of subject – undercover agent (police officer). The boundary to action of police officer is defined by corresponding article of criminal code. The action of undercover police officer is not regulated by operational activity law. Undercover police officer may choice his action according to boundaries of criminal code article, he may incite to commit a crime. Model for crime imitation is unlawful not only for abuse of discretion of undercover police officer, but in essence is conflicting to principles of law and information sciences and violates human rights protected by European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

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������������ �������� �����������

P.Jakutis, P.Kanapeckas

Kauno technologijos u g. 50 –202

vykdymo matematinio modeli

ir prjektavimui.



• •

tvarka. Tarptautinio Telefono ir Telegrafo Konsultacinio Komiteto (CCITT – Commitete Colsultativ

– SDL diagramomis (SDL – –

veiksmus taip, kaip jie suprantami tinklo operatoriaus. SDL diagramomis pateikiami reikalavimai, kuriuos turi tenkinti TK tinklas.

modeliui sukurti –

• PROT –

• PROT – tinkl

• –

• PROT –modeliavimui.

2 PROT tinklo matematinis modelisPROT – tinklas – = (P, R, I, O, TS, TH, TD, to, T0, Mo), kur:

• P –

• R –

• I:R –

• TS:L – signalo nus= {1, 2, …}, L = {(Pi, Pj) | Pi, Pj, ∈ P, i ≠ j}⊂ PXP; TH:L – signalo išlaikymo

(išsaugojimo) laiko funkcija;

• TD:L – signalo sklidimo laiko funkcija;

• to –

• T0 – PROT tinklo funkcionavimo laikas;

• Mo:P x, 0} –x arba nuliu.

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P.Jakutis, P.Kanapeckas 212

x = (a1, a2); kur a1, a2 –

• a1 –

• a2 – laiko atributas.

– I | i = 1, n; Pi = (ni, ξi, βi), kur ni – i,ξi – i reikšmes, βi – i

j = (A, B, C, V, Dj, ϑj, Π, Tx), kur: Airj {pI | i = 1, s} ⊂ I –

j – Uzv 1= Bv, Bv ⊂ I – valdymo funkcija; ϑ ⊂

O – j j – j ϑj:X Π –Π; Π = {Πy | y = 1, b} – x ⊂

TD – j

PROT tinklo elementai turi šias semantines prasmes:

• •

S, TH, TD, to, T0


Pj ∈ RP

j ∈ R p suveikimo

takte tm-1 m m-1) | R p M’(tm), kur

| RP

n …, Mn

ψn = R p1 , …, R p


M(t1) | R p1 1(t2) | R p

2 | R pn

n (tq | ψ n n .

• •

Pateiktas PROT –

elementai TS, TH, TD ir T0

3 Pavyzdysatymo operacijos (3 –

rekomendacijose [1] 1 pav.

Šios operacijos matematinis modelis PROT tinkle atrodys taip:

φ = ({P1, P2,…P10}, {r1, r2,…r9}, I, O, TS, TH, TD, to, T0, MO);

I:r1 p1;

O:r7 9, r9 10;

TS = TH = TD = T0 = 0

t0: a1 – 1 atributas;

M0 = (a1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).

Page 27: 2. FirstPage new

mas 213

N TPaklausimas galimas?

Paklausimo nustatymas

Nurodyti negalimumo


Ryšys atsakytas

Ryšio patvirtinimo indikacija




















P9 P10

a4 a5






r1 –

r2 –

r3 –

r4 – egalimas;

r5 –

r6 –

r7 -

r8 –

r9 –

4 Išvados

TK tinklams modeliuoti pritaikytas PROT – tinklas.

Page 28: 2. FirstPage new

P.Jakutis, P.Kanapeckas 214


• arptautinio Telefono ir Telegrafo Konsultacinio

• -tinklas (modifikuotas Petri tinklas);

• pateiktas ma

[1] P. Kanapeckas, P. Jakutis. Informacitechnologijos 2000, ‘Technologija”, 2000, 32.

[2] Rekomendacii I.200 - I240. 1988, Melburn.

[3] Rekomendacii I.500 – I605. 1988, Melburn.


VIII, 25.


EMPLOYMENT GLOBAL FUNKTIONS FOR REPRESENTING TELECOMUNICATION SERVISES PROT-network based telekomunication network mathematikal model is presented in this paper. Modern technologies based networks may be investigated and developed using this model.

Page 29: 2. FirstPage new

����#�.)�� ���/��)���.�#��0����/������/����.����ISTEMAS


Matematikos ir informatikos institutas

panaudojimo privalumai).


elis IV a.pr.m.e.). Pats

Dirbtinio intelekto srityse6 knowledge sharing”common sense”

Ontologija - tai ta

(angl.: “An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization”).

Pagal J.F. Sowa7,tipus; ontologija -

• ;

• • (neprivaloma): pateiktais esybi pavyzdiniais atvejais, pvz. biologijoje;

• (neprivaloma): postuluotais esamais .


• • os,

• • meta-

• • •

• neformalias ontologijas

• formalias ontologijas:

• prototipais paremtas terminologines ontologijas,

• mišrias ontologijas.

1.3.pavyzdiniai atvejai (išskirtieji objektai) ir aksiomos [13].

1 http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mfkb/related.html 2 http://www.bestweb.net/~sowa/ontology/index.htm

Page 30: 2. FirstPage new





Activity Specification, Execute, Executed Activity Specification, T-Begin, T-End, Pre-Conditions, Effect, Doer, Sub-Activity, Authority, Activity Owner, Event, Plan, Sub-Plan, Planning, Process Specification, Capability, Skill, Resource, Resource Allocation, Resource Substitute.


Person, Machine, Corporation, Partnership, Partner, Legal Entity,Organisational Unit, Manage, Delegate, Management Link, Legal Ownership, Non-Legal Ownership, Ownership, Owner, Asset, Stakeholder, Employment Contract, Share, Share Holder.


Purpose, Hold Purpose, Intended Purpose, Strategic Purpose, Objective, Vision, Mission, Goal, Help Achieve, Strategy, Strategic Planning, Strategic Action, Decision, Assumption, Critical Assumption, Non-Critical Assumption, Influence Factor, Critical Influence Factor, Non-Critical Influence Factor, Critical Success Factor, Risk.


Sale, Potential Sale, For Sale, Sale Offer, Vendor, Actual Customer, Potential Customer, Customer, Reseller, Product, Asking Price, Sale Price, Market, Segmentation Variable, Market Segment, Market Research, Brand Image, Feature, Need, Market Need, Promotion, Competitor.

Time Time Line, Time Interval, Time Point.

2 paveiksle.


• The Ontology Server (http://www-ksl-svc.stanford.edu:5915/ ar jo veidrodinis tinklalapis Europoje: http://kepler.cogsci.kun.nl:5915/ ),

• Cycorp’s Upper CYC Ontology Server (http://www.cyc.com ),

• Ontosaurus (http://www.isi.edu/isd/ontosaurus.html ).

2.2. udojamos tokios kalbos:

• eksportuoti Lisp (t.y., Ontolingua), KIF, Generic-Frame, Loom, Clips, Epikit, HTML formatais);

• CYC projekto10

• KL-

• • ISO-10303 STEP

(“STandard for the Exchange of Product model data”)

• UML;

• XML.

3 http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/knowledge-sharing/ontologies/index.html 4 http://ltsc.ieee.org/suo/refs.html 5 http://www.cyc.com/

Page 31: 2. FirstPage new


(Define-Frame Activity:Own-Slots ((Documentation "Something done over a particular Time-Range.

The following may pertain to an Activity:* is performed by one or more Actual-Doer s;* is decomposed into more detailed Sub-Activity s;* Can-Use-Resource s;* An Actor may Hold-Authority to perform it;* there may be an Activity-Owner;* has a measured efficiency.")

(Instance-Of Class) (Subclass-Of Activity-Or-Spec)):Template-Slots ((Actual-Activity-Interval

(Minimum-Cardinality 0)(Cardinality 1)(Value-Type Time-Range))

(Actual-Pre-Condition(Minimum-Cardinality 1)(Value-Type Pre-Condition))

(Actual-Effect(Minimum-Cardinality 1)(Value-Type Effect))

(Activity-Status(Minimum-Cardinality 1)(Value-Type Activity-State))))


(Define-Class Organisational-Unit (?X) "An Entity for Managing the performance ofActivities to Achieve one or more Purposes.An OU may be characterised by:* the nature of its Purpose(s);* one or more Person(s) working for the OU;* Resource(s) allocated to the OU;* other OUs that Manage or are Managed-By the OU;* its Assets;* its Stakeholders;* being Legally Owned;* its Market (if it is a Vendor)."

:Def (And (Potential-Actor ?X)))__________________________________________________________________________

(Define-Class Legal-Entity (?X) "That which can enter into a legal contract. Forthe purposes of the Enterprise Ontology, this is equivalent to the union ofPerson, Corporation, and Partnership."

:Iff-Def (And (Eo-Entity ?X) (Or (Person ?X) (Corporation ?X) (Partnership ?X)))

:Axiom-Def (Partition Legal-Entity (Setof Person Corporation Partnership)))


(Define-Class Purpose (?Purpose) "a State-Of-Affairs that is either1) the Intended-Purpose of some Plan, or2) in a Hold-Purpose relationship with some Actor"

:Iff-Def (And (State-Of-Affairs ?Purpose) (Qua-Entity ?Purpose) (Or (Exists (?Plan) (Intended-Purpose ?Plan ?Purpose))

(Exists (?Actor) (Hold-Purpose ?Actor ?Purpose)))))

2 pav.

Page 32: 2. FirstPage new



• 11 [13];

• 12 [3];

• 13 [5];

• OntoSaurus14

• ODE (Ontology Design Environmentgalimybes;

• KADS2215


• • M.Grüninger'io ir M.S.Fox’o (TOVE) metodika [24];

• METHONTOLOGY karkasas [7];

• KACTUS metodika [2];

Naujas onto

3 O3.1.

• • • eika;

• • • •


• • • • naudojamos p

• ontologijos brandumo lygis,

• Šiuo m

• Neformalios ontologijos –

6 http://ontolingua.stanford.edu 7 http://webonto.open.ac.uk/8 http://smi-web.stanford.edu/projects/prot-nt/ 9 http://sevak.isi.edu:8300/loom/shuttle.html 10 http://swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/KADS22/index.html

Page 33: 2. FirstPage new


• • Ontolog

• Ontologijos kaip keitimosi duomenimis formatai;

• • •



• ftp://ksl.stanford.edu/pub/knowledge-sharing/ontologies/html-ontologies.tar.Z )

• 16

-profiler'iu http://www.physics.orst.edu/bulatov/HyperProf/index.html )

The Brain17


• • •

• randant artimiausius dalinius atitikmenis).

• kuriamos ir tobulinamos bendradarbiaujant,

• bendrai naudojamos,

• supratimui),

• lengvai integruojamos.

4 Išvados

[1] V.R. Benjamins, B. Chandrasekaran, A. Gómez-Pérez, N. Guarino, M. Uschold (eds.). Proc. of the IJCAI-99 workshop on Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods (KRR5), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1999. http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-18/

[2] A. Bernaras, I. Laresgoiti, J. Corera. Building and Reusing Ontologies for Electrical Network Applications. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’96), Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1996.

[3] J. Domingue. Tadzebao and WebOnto: Discussing, Browsing, and Editing Ontologies on the Web. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management (KAW'98), Banff, Alberta, Canada, April 1998. http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/KAW/KAW98/KAW98Proc.html

[4] A.J. Duineveld, R. Stoter, M.R. Weiden, B. Kenepa, V.R. Benjamins. WonderTools? A comparative study of ontological engineering tools. In: Proc. of the 12th Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management (KAW'99), Voyager Inn, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 1999. http://sern.ucalgary.ca/KSI/KAW/KAW99/papers.html

11 http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/broker 12 http://www.thebrain.com

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[5] H. Eriksson, R. Fergerson, Y. Shahar, M.A. Musen. Automatic Generation of Ontology Editors. In: Proc. of the 12th Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management (KAW'99), Voyager Inn, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 1999. http://sern.ucalgary.ca/KSI/KAW/KAW99/papers.html

[6] M. Fernández López. Overview of methodologies for building ontologies. In: [1], pp. 4-1 - 4-13.

[7] M. Fernández, A. Gómez-Pérez, J. Pazos, A. Pazos. Building a Chemical Ontology Using Methontology and the Ontology Design Environment. IEEE Intelligent Systems, January/February 1999, pp. 37-46.

[8] A. Gangemi, D.M. Pisanelli, G. Steve. An overview of the ONIONS project: Applying ontologies to integration of medical terminologies. Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 31, 1999, pp. 183-219.

[9] M. R. Genesereth, R. E. Fikes (Eds.). Knowledge Interchange Format, Version 3.0 Reference Manual.Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Technical Report Logic-92-1, June 1992. http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/knowledge-sharing/README.html#kif

[10] A. Gómez-Pérez. Evaluation of taxonomic knowledge in ontologies and knowledge bases. In: Proc. of the 12th Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management (KAW'99), Voyager Inn, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 1999. http://sern.ucalgary.ca/KSI/KAW/KAW99/papers.html

[11] A. Gómez Pérez, V.R. Benjamins. Overview of Knowledge Sharing and Reuse Components: Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods. In: [1], pp. 1-1 - 1-15.

[12] A. Gómez-Pérez, M. Fernández, A.J. de Vincente. Towards a method to conceptualize domain ontologies. In: Proc. of the Workshop on Ontological Engineering, held in conjunction with ECAI’96, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1996. http://wwwis.cs.utwente.nl:8080/kbs/EcaiWorkshop/fullpapers.html

[13] T.R. Gruber. A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications. Knowledge Acquisition, 1993, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 199-220. http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/knowledge-sharing/README.html#ontolingua-intro

[14] International Standards Organization. The EXPRESS Language Reference Manual, 1994, Reference No: ISO 10303-11:1994(E).

[15] ISX Corporation. LOOM Users Guide (Version 1.4), 1991.

[16] M. Kifer, G. Lausen, J. Wu. Logical foundations of object-oriented and frame-based languages. Journal of the ACM,1995.

[l7] D.B. Lenat, R.V. Guha. Building large knowledge-based systems. Representation and inference in the Cyc project.Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1990.

[18] R. MacGregor. Inside the LOOM classifier. SIGART Bulletin, June 1991, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 70–76.

[19] S. Maskeliunas. Ontological engineering: common approaches and visualisation capabilities. Informatica, 2000, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 41-48.

[20] H.S. Pinto, A. Gómez-Pérez, J.P. Martins. Some issues of ontology integration. In: [1], pp. 7-1 - 7-12.

[21] D. Schenck, P. Wilson. Information Modeling the EXPRESS Way. Oxford University Press, 1994.

[22] A.Th. Schreiber, B.J. Wielinga, R. de Hoog, J.M. Akkermans, W. Van de Velde. CommonKADS: A Comprehensive Methodology for KBS Development. IEEE Expert, 1994, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp.28-37.

[23] B. Swartout, P. Ramesh, K. Knight, T. Russ. Toward Distributed Use of Large-Scale Ontologies. In: Symposium on Ontological Engineering of AAAI, Stanford (California), Mars, 1997.

[24] M. Uschold, M. Grüninger. Ontologies: Principles Methods and Applications. Knowledge Engineering Review,June 1996, Vol. 11, No. 2. ftp://ftp.aiai.ed.ac.uk/pub/documents/1996/96-ker-intro-ontologies.ps.gz

[25] M. Uschold, R. Jasper. A framework for understanding and classifying ontology applications. In: [1], pp. 11-1 - 11-12.

[26] M. Uschold, M. King, S. Moralee, Y. Zorgios. The Enterprise Ontology. The Knowledge Engineering Review (Special Issue on Putting Ontologies to Use, eds. M. Uschold, A. Tate), 1998, Vol. 13. http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/project/enterprise/enterprise/ontology.html


POSSIBILITIES TO USE ONTOLOGIES FOR COMPLEX SYSTEMS ENGINEERING The paper presents a notion of ontologies (i.e., term origin, definition, sorts, main constructions, examples of ontologies), characterises the design of ontologies (i.e., representation languages, software tools, design methodologies and phases, alternative ways of integration, most common mistakes), and considers the usage of ontologies (i.e., application areas, visualisation possibilities, benefits of their usage).

Page 35: 2. FirstPage new

����������%�����1 ����#�2�!/�"���%MOOPTIMIZAVIMAS

�& ��&����,�����

Matematikos ir informatikos institutas, Akademijos g. 4, 2600 Vilnius

– portalas turi

(http://www.banga.lt ultatai.



Dinaminiai puslapiai rašomi specialiomis programavimo kalbomis (PERL, PHP, ASP ir kt.),

saugoma duome

– kuo puslapis dinamiškesnis, tuo jo generavimas reikalauja



– tuo tikslu vartotojai gali dalyvauti portalo

Page 36: 2. FirstPage new


–dinamiški [2].

dinamiškumo, serveriams tenka nem

2.2 Apkrovos problemos sprendimas


Serverio .

– puslapius,

Perkamas galingesnis serveris ngus metodas.

Atskiriama labai dinamiška dalis

dinamiškus, kurie taip ir paliekami, ir



3.1Netrukus po “Bangos” – serveris

– kuo

ji labiausiai

taikomas –

3.2 Metodo aprašymasVartotojui a

nurodoma, kokie informacijos blokai – objektai –

Page 37: 2. FirstPage new


sutelkta šioje dalyje).


–puslapis konstruojamas, jei ne –


praktiškai nepritaikomi.


toks, kad vienu atveju sugeneruoti HTML dokumentai buvo išsaugojami kietajame diske kaip atskiri failai (A-- -

praktiškai vienodo efektyvumo.


4.1 Tyrimo metu surinkti duomenysTyrimo metu buvo fiksuojama, per kiek laiko sugeneruojamas pus

–- – -

• bendrai visam portalui,

• •



iuose yra

– kitam vartotojui to rodyti,

A-failai A-

Kuriama naujai 100 % 8.5 % 9 %

Dalinai kuriama 0 % 27.1 % 36.9 % 0 % 64.4 % 54.1 %

Page 38: 2. FirstPage new


2 pav. pa


Be atmint A-failai A-

41.3 % 35.9 % 38.5 %

A-failai A-

Kuriama naujai 100 % 0 % 0 %

Dalinai kuriama 0 % 42.5 % 44.5 % 0 % 57.5 % 55.5 %

Page 39: 2. FirstPage new


dinamiškiausioje srityje)


portalo srityje?

A-failai A-

16.8 % 16.8 % 15.8 %

A-failai A-

Kuriama naujai 100 % 0 % 0 %

Dalinai kuriama 0 % 1.2 % 4.9 %

0 % 98.8 % 95.1 %

Page 40: 2. FirstPage new


5 Išvados

pasiekiamas gana didelis

lai –

Tirtos A- -


[1] “Bangos” portalas, http://www.banga.lt

[2] L.Rosenfeld, P.Morville. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. O’Reilly, 1998.

[3] P.Killelea. Web Performance Tuning. O’Reilly, 1998.

[4] Zend Cashe, http://www.zend.com/

[5] Controlling PHP Output: Caching and compressing dynamic pages, http://www.phpbuilder.com/

[6] Portal Systems, http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/Portal_Systems/


OPTIMIZATION OF DYNAMIC INTERNET PORTAL CONTENT The business purpose of any internet portal is to attract as much advertising as possible. The bigger the number of users, the more advertisers want to reach them. Therefore, every portal tends to aggregate as much content as possible in one place. To ensure repeat visits, the information must be updated as often as resources allow – the portal is highly dynamic. If we consider the fact that hundreds of thousands visitors flip tens of pages every day, while the information is updated several times during the day, it becomes evident that the underlying web server and database engines experience high loads. The paper discusses how to reduce server loads while ensuring dynamic content and ongoing update. The solution proposed in this paper has been applied in practice (http://www.banga.lt/) and is based on the empirical data collected from that project.

Page 41: 2. FirstPage new


3�������� ����+�-�&�����������%����������4�������������+�-�&�

Kauno technologijos universitetas, Verslo informatikos katedra [email protected]

Straipsnyje pateikiamas logistikos sistemos mo–

istema PRANAS-2.

1Logistikos sistema –

svarba šiuolaikiniam versl

lyvio konkurencingumas, kartu ir jo

– tai procesas, kuri


pateiktas logistikos sistemos funkcionavimo modelis, kurio sudarymui yra naudojamas agregatinis metodas [1].

Šiame straipsnyje yra pateikiama logistikos centro-2 [2].

2Konceptualus modelis. Sistema susideda iš N Prekybos cent , ir Kai Prekybos

centre . Kiekvienas


Prekybos centras_i,

Ni ,1= , ir Gamintojai (pav.).

Page 42: 2. FirstPage new


Prekybos centras 2

Prekybos centras N

Prekybos centras 1


Sand lys







1 1










Prekybos centras_k, Nk ,= formali specifikacija.

1. }{xX = ),( xxx = , ir kx = , x -

2. . }{yY = ),( yyy = ir ky = , y -

3. { }eE ′=′ e′

4. }{eE ′′=′′ e ′′prekybos centre.

5. :

{ } ,,, ∞=→′′ je jξ

{ }jξ -

6. Parametrai:

sΔ -

s - )( mts , kai s

7. :

)}(),({)( mmm tstst =ν ia )( mts - Prekybos centre, )( mts -

8. :

{ }),()( mm tewtz ′′=ν .

9. :

ststtewsts =+=′′≥ )(,),(,)( ξ .

10. :

)( '1eH :

xtsts mm +=+ )()( .

)(eH ′′ :

jmm tsts η−=+ )( (0,max)( ),

jη -

jmm ttew ξ+=′′ + ),( .

)(eG ′ :

),,( sky Δ= if )()( +>≥ mm tssts .

3 Modelio validavimo rezultataiAnkstesniame skyriuje pateikta logistikos centro formali specifikacija buvo panaudota sukuriant

-2 [2} sistema.

Page 43: 2. FirstPage new

Logistikos sistemos modelis 229

Modelio validavimo rezultatai pateikiami l , kurioje

Prekybos centras_1 : 7 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 7 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 7 4

Gamintojai : 0

↓ "e Prekybos centre_3Prekybos centras_1 : 7 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 7 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 5 4

Gamintojai : 0

↓ "e Prekybos centre_1Prekybos centras_1 : 4 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 7 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 5 4

Gamintojai : 0

↓ "e Prekybos centre_2Prekybos centras_1 : 4 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 5 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 5 4

Gamintojai : 0

↓ "e Prekybos centre_3Prekybos centras_1 : 4 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 3 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 4 4

Gamintojai : 0

↓ "e Prekybos centre_2

y Prekybos centre_2'e

Prekybos centras_1 : 4 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 3 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 4 4

Gamintojai : 0

↓ "ePrekybos centras_1 : 4 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 3 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 4 4

Gamintojai : 32

↓ "e Prekybos centre_1

y Prekybos centre _1 'e

alas y'e agregate Gamintojai

Prekybos centras_1 : 1 4 Prekybos centras_2 : 3 4 Prekybos centras_3 : 4 4

Gamintojai : 32

Page 44: 2. FirstPage new


Logistinio sistemos darbo imitacinio modeliavimo rezultatai, gauti panaudojant šiame darbe aprašyta

4 Išvados

imitacinius modelius. Sukurtas imit

[1] H.Pranevicius. Aggregate approach for specification, validation, simulation and implementation of computer network protocols. Lectures notes in Computer Science, 502, Springer-Verlag , 1992, 433-477.

[2] H.Pranevicius, V.Pilkauskas, A.Chmieliauskas. Aggregate approach for specification and analysis of computer network protocols. Kaunas, Technologija, 1994.

[3] L.Vitkus. Logistinio centro valdymo modelis. KTU, Bakalaurinis darbas, 2001.


LOGISTICS SYSTEM MODEL Paper presents logistics system model that permits to solve one of the main logistics task—to define how many, when and where deliver goods, as well as how many and when they have to be ordered from supplier. Aggregate formalisation method and simulation model creation system PRANAS-1 were used for model creation.

Page 45: 2. FirstPage new


3�������� ����+�-�&���%���&����.������+�-�&�

Kauno technologijos universitetas, Verslo informatikos katedra [email protected]

, naudojanti sistemos funkcionavimo -

-SDL kalbose.



modeliuojamos sistemos funkcionavimas yra aprašoma agregatiniu metodu [1], kuris yra pl

Šie principai yra iliustruojami pateikiant apt

Description Language) A-SDL.


2.1 lo modelis.


−− 11 p 2p 21 p−

3p r su tikimybe 31 p−

21, μμ ir 3μ .

Sant. AS1μ1


Absol. AS2μ2







Page 46: 2. FirstPage new


1λ ir 2λ .

2.2tai AS1, AS, AS3 ir


1 1AS2

2 2

1 1AS1

2 2

1 1AS3

2 2


},{ 21 xxX = ,

1x - aiška;

2x -


},{ 21 yyY = ,

1y -

2y - sistemoje aptarnauta paraiška


{ }"2

"1," eeE = ,

1e′ - 1x ;

2e′ - 2x .


{ }"1eE = ,

"1e -


{ } ∞=→ ,1,"1 je jη ,

jη - 2μ .

6. amoji:

{ }),()( "1 mm tewtz =ν ,

),( "1 mtew - paraiškos aptarnavimo pabaigos momentas.

Page 47: 2. FirstPage new



{ })(),(),()( 21 mmmm ttntnt χν = ,

)(1 mtn -

)(2 mtn -




)( mtχ


{ } { }∞== )(,,0,0,0)( 00 tzt νν .


( )'1eH :

1)()( 111 +=+ mm tntn ,

1)( 1 =+mtχ , if 1)(0)( −=∨= mm tt χχ ,



=+ .1)(),,(

,1)(0)(,),( "




mmmm ttew



( )'2eH :

1)()( 212 +=+ mm tntn ,



=+ .0)(),(

,0)(,1)( 1


mm tt







,0)(,),( "









( )"3eH :

1)()( 111 −=+ mm tntn , jei 1)( =mtχ ,

1)()( 212 −=+ mm tntn , jei 1)( −=mtχ ,






















=+ .)(,






mmjmm tntn



( )"1eG :

,1y jei , p<ξ

,2y jei ,1 ≤≤ ξp

ξ - p –

2.3 Agregato AS2 specifikavimas A-SDL kalboje-SDL kalboje [4].

...Aggregate2UNIT Aggregate2 INPUTS: X0, // Absolute priority X1; OUTPUTS: Y0, Y1; QUEUES: Queue0 [5] = 0, // queue of requests with absolute priority

Page 48: 2. FirstPage new


Queue1 [5] = 0, // queue of requests without priority Priority[2] = 0; // request with priority is served OPERATIONS: Processor0 [0.1] = 0; POSSIBILITIES: p21 = 0.5 , p22 = 0.5;

H ( X ) { IF Priority = 2 THEN LET Queue0 = Queue0 + 1; ELSE LET Processor0 = 1; LET Priority = 2; ENDIF }

H ( X1 ) { IF Processor0 = 0 THEN LET Processor0 = 1; LET Priority = 1; ELSE LET Queue1 = Queue +1; ENDIF }


IF Queue0 = 0 THEN IF Queue1 = 0 THEN LET Processor0 = 0; LET Priority = 0; ELSE LET Queue1 = Queue1 – 1; LET Priority = 1; ENDIF ELSE LET Queue0 = Queue0 – 1; LET Priority = 2; ENDIF }ENDUNIT


2.4 Rezultatai

Generatorius1:Procesorius0 μ = 0.1

Generatorius2:Procesorius0 μ = 0.1

Agregatas1:Eile0 maksimalus ilgis – 5; Procesorius0 laisvas, μ = 0.1 P11 = 0.5 , P12 = 0.5;

Page 49: 2. FirstPage new


Agregatas2:Absoliutaus prioriteto Eile0 maksimalus ilgis – 5; Eile1 maksimalus ilgis – 5; Procesorius0 laisvas, μ = 0.1 P21 = 0.5 , P22 = 0.5;

Agregatas3:Santykinio prioriteto Eile0 maksimalus ilgis – 5; Eile1 maksimalus ilgis – 5; Procesorius0 laisvas, μ = 0.1 P21 = 0.5 , P22 = 0.5;

ramos MSS pagalba gautas 11 137 84 794

tokios sistemos charakteristikos:

• -

• procesoriams –



Agregatas Elementas Charakteristikos reikAgregatas1 Eile0 2,142857143 Agregatas2 Eile0 2,093023256 Agregatas2 Eile0 2,441860465 Agregatas2 Prioritetas 1,813953488 Agregatas3 Eile0 2,432432432 Agregatas3 Eile1 2,432432432 Generatorius1 Procesorius0 1 Generatorius2 Procesorius0 1 Agregatas1 Procesorius0 0,857142857 Agregatas2 Procesorius0 0,976744186 Agregatas3 Procesorius0 0,972972973

3 Išvados

-SDL). Ši kalba iki šiol buvo naudojama

[1] H.Pranevicius. Models and methods for computer system investigation, Vilnius: Mokslas, 1982.

[2] H.Pranevicius, E.Valakevicius. Numerical models of systems specified by Markovian processes, Kaunas, Technologija, 1996.

[3] Rygos , 1983.

[4] s, V.Pilkauskas. KTU, 1987.

[5] KTU


NUMERICAL MODELS OF SERVICE SYSTEMS Paper presents an approach for creation numerical model systems, described by Markov processes when for system description the aggregate systems design language (A-SDL) is used. Presented approach is illustrated by example. The functioning of queuing systems network are described used aggregate and A-SDL languages.

Page 50: 2. FirstPage new

LAIKO LOGIKOS PANAUD������������ �����������������

�������������� �����JE

�������������������� ���!�����"�#�����

Verslo informatikos katedra, Kauno technologijos universitetas g. 56-301, Kaunas LT3028 [email protected]

PRANAS sistema naudojama sisttyrimo tikslas –

– dalinis programos korektiškumas, lokalus invariantas, pulsuojantis




ti tikrinamos naudojant programines priemones–modelio tikrinimo sistemos [13], [10], [11], [12], [9].

Straipsnio tikslas–

2 CTL laiko logikos ir modelio tikrinimo metodo santraukastatiškai

dinamine, kurio

(angl.–computation tree logic) CTL, tiesinio laiko logika (angl.- l

Toliau bus pateikiama straipsnyje naudojamos laiko logikos ir modelio tikrinimo metodo satnrauka.

Pasiekiamumui anali


φ ::= true⏐false⏐p⏐(¬φ)⏐(φ ∧ φ)⏐(φ ∨ φ)⏐(φ → φ)⏐AXφ⏐EXφ⏐A[φ U φ]⏐ E[φ U φ]⏐AGφ⏐EGφ⏐AFφ⏐EFφ ,

p – AT elementas. Operatoriai AX, EX, AG, EG, AU, EU, AF ir EF vadinami laiko operatoriais. Kiekvienas CTL laiko

A arba E. A reiškia “palei visus kelius”, E reiškia “palei X, F, G, arba U


Page 51: 2. FirstPage new


. Modelis M yra trejetas (S, R, L), M =(S, R, L S – R ⊆ S × Stotalus (∀s ∈ S, ∃s′ ∈ S : (s, s′) ∈ R); ir L: S → POWERSET(AT) yra funkcija


Kelias modelyje M π = s0, s1, … tokia, kad ∀i, i ≥ 0, (si, si+1) ∈ RM, s⎥=φ reiškia, kad φ tenkinama modelio M s.

M=(S, R, L). Bet kuriai s iš S φ, kuri s M, s⎥=φ.

metodas. Šis metodas yra

M, s⎥=φ yra tenkinama.. Modelio tikrinimo metode modeliai M yra φ yra laiko logikos

• M.

• formule φ.

• M ir φ.

Mode M ⎥=φ – priešingu atveju. Kai

sistemos projektavimui ir derinimui.


aptikimui [4].

3.1 PRANAS sistemoje tikr


M, s⎥=AG(φ ( )maxmin



defddd ≤≤= ∧

=φ ,

t.y. i- tik jai nustatytame intervale, m –

Pabaigiamumas –

M, s⎥= AF(φ ( )fjj



defddww === ∧




φ ,

wif, dj

f –

Page 52: 2. FirstPage new



M, s⎥=AG(¬φ ( )falsewini

def== ∧

= ,1

φ ,


–φ. Formaliai:

M, s⎥=AGEFφ .



• saugumo invariantoblogo.

• gyvybingumo tvirtina, kad .

Dalinis programos korektiškumas φ ir po– ϕφ

ϕM, s⎥= l0 ∧ φ → AG (lf → ϕ),

l0 lf . inimo φ globalus invariantas. Jis išreiškiamas paprasta


M, s⎥= AGφ .

Lokalus invariantas – φ tenkinama, kai sistema randasi tam tikroje kelio atkarpoje.

M, s⎥= AG (l → φ ),

l yra kelio atkarpos–


M, s⎥=AG(φ).

Kai φAbipusio išskyrimo

M, s⎥= AG(¬ (cs1 ∧ cs2) ),



– reiški φ tenkinama tam tikroje kelio l, tai φ


EG ((l ∧ φ ) → EF (l ' ∧ φ')).

s atvejis yra programos visiškas korektiškumas φ ir po ϕ:l0 ∧ φ → AF(lf ∧ ϕ),

Page 53: 2. FirstPage new


φ ir kuri l0 senoje, kurioje tenkinama po– ϕ lf.


AG (tryi → EFcsi )

tryi ir csi iatsakomumas

tikrinti, kad kiekviena paraiška

tokioje formoje:

AG (reqi EF granti)

reqi ir granti iresursu buvo suteiktas.

– eiliškumoprioritetus.

4 Išvados metu korektiškumo

panaudojus modelio t

Tikrinama PRANAS sistema irmodelio tikrinimo metodu

Tikrinama PRANAS sistema bet netikrinama modelio tikrinimo metodu *

Netikrinama PRANAS sistemoje bet tikrinama modelio tikrinimo metodu


Pilnumas Specifikacijos nepertekliškumas Dalinis programos korektiškumas Globalus invariantas Lokalus invariantas Abipusio išskyrimo reikalavimas




modelio tikrinimo metodo pagalba yra šios: dalinis programos korektiškumas, lokalus invariantas, pulsuojantis

[1] E.M. Clarke, O. Grumberg, D. Peled. Model Checking. Mit Press. December 1999, 314 p.

[2] E.A. Emerson, Temporal and Modal Logic. In Handbook of theoretical computer science. Ed.: J.van Leeuwen, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1990, 998–1072.

[3] M. Huth, M. Ryan. Logic in computer science: modelling and reasoning about systems. Cambridge university press,2000

[4] I. Masaki. Reduction techniques for the protocol reachability analysis.Universite de Montreal, Publication#656, May 1988.

Page 54: 2. FirstPage new


[5] R. Miseviciene. Creation of models from aggregate specifications using first order predicate logic. In Proc (Eds. H.Pranevicius, B.Rapp) The IFORS Special Conference “Organisational structures, management, simulation of business sectors and systems”, Technologija, Kaunas, 10-104, 1998.

[6] H. Pranevicius, Specification and analysis of real-time systems by means of aggregate approach. In Proc of the 3rd Baltic Summer School on Information Technology and System Engineering, Technologija, Kaunas, 1996, 57-88

[7] H.Pranevicius, V.Pilkauskas, A.Chmieliauskas. Aggregate approach for specification and analysis of computer network protocols, Technologija, Kaunas, 1994.

[8] Technologija, Kaunas, 1993, 85 p.

[9] Sistema CWB. Vartotojo vadovas. www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/cwb

[10] Sistema FDR. Vartotojo vadovas. http://www.formal.demon.co.uk/FDR2.html

[11] Sistema SyMP. Vartotojo vadovas. www.cs.cmu.edu/~modelcheck/

[12] Sistema SMV. Vartotojo vadovas. www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/~kenmcmil/

[13] Sistema SPIN. Vartotojo vadovas. http://netlib.bell-labs.com/netlib/spin/whatispin.html

[14] Šiupšinskas, S.-95, Technologija, Kaunas, 23-31, 1995


USE OF TEMPORAL LOGIC FOR REACHABILITY ANALYSIS OF AGGREGATE SPECIFICATIONS PRANAS tool is used for correctness analysis of systems specified by Aggregate approach. Purpose of performed investigation is to identify properties that could be additionally checked using model checking method performing reachability analysis of aggregate specifications. Such properties were identified through defining in CTL temporal logic general correctness properties checked both in PRANAS tool and using model checking method. Resulting correctness properties are partial correctness of a program, local invariance, intermittent assertion, guaranteed accessibility and precedence property.

Page 55: 2. FirstPage new



KTU, Informatikos fakultetas,Verslo informatikos katedra, g. 56-301, 3028 Kaunas

analizei. Aptarti šiuo metu egz

loginio programavimo pranašumus.


aptariamas agregatinis


nes specifikacijas automatiškai analizuoja panaudojant loginio programavimo priemones.

variantai aptariami šiame darbe.


PRANAS yra automatizuota

3], kuris panaudoja loginio programavimo




Page 56: 2. FirstPage new



2. l

Sistemos PRANAS++ privalumai:



u programavimu. Toliau

3 Objektiškai orientuoto programavimo (OOP) ir loginio programavimo palyginimas

3.1 Objektiškai orientuoto programavimo panaudojimo tikslingumas

(apie 105

as, ištrinamas ar

Kadangi objektiškai orientuotas projektavimas yra nuo kalbos nepr

3.2 Prolog pasirinkimo pagrindimas


Page 57: 2. FirstPage new

Loginio programavimo panaudojimo ypatumai analizuojant agregatines specifikacijas 243


• Objektiškai orientuotas programavimas logikoje sulieja loginio programavimo ir objektinio programavimo modelius.

• limybes lengvai

• Prolog yra deklaratyvi kalba. Ta

programos faktus ir taisykles.

4 Eksperimentinis tyrimas


1. Sakiniai aprašantys agregati2.3.4.

orientuoto programavimo savybes išskaidant pgalimybes.

sakiniai pateikti toliau.


1. ∅=X ;

2. ∅=Y ;

3. ∅='E ;

4. },,...,,,,,{" 32322231211 ss eeeeeeeE ′′′′′′′′′′′′′′= ;

5. ,..., 21 ηη→′′e , iie ξ→''2 , iie ζ→""

3 .

6. )}(),...,(),(),(),(),({)( 21 tltltltstptnt s=ν ;

7. )},(),,(),...,,(),,(),,(),,(),,({)( 32322231211 tewtewtewtewtewtewtewtz ss′′′′′′′′′′′′′′=ν ;

8. 35)( 0 =tn , 0)( 0 =tp , 0)( 0 =ts , 100"1 ),( η+= ttew .

Page 58: 2. FirstPage new


9. operatoriai:

( ) ( )

( ) ( )⎩⎨⎧ >=−∞



⎩⎨⎧ −





atvejupriešingu ,













































−− +=+=













−− +==′′






Q(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) ∧ (W1=1) ∧ (N>L) →Q -L).Q(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) ∧ (W1=1) →Q(0,W2L,W3L,List,S,N).Q(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) ∧ (W2L<>[]) →QQ(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) ∧ W3L<>[] →Q(W1,W2L,išmesti(W3L,1),išmesti(List,L),S-1,N+L).Q(1,[],[],[],0,35).

4.3 Prolog kalbos sakiniaiQ(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) :- W1=1, random(7,LL), N >= LL,!,

-LL,!,Q(W1,W2Ln,W3L,Listn,Sn,Nn),!.Q(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) :- W1=1, !,Q(0,W2L,W3L,List,S,N), !. Q(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) :- W2L\Q(W1,W2Ln,W3Ln,List,S,N), !. Q(W1,W2L,W3L,List,S,N) :- W3L\=[],!,išmesti(1,W3L,W3Ln),pirmas(LL,List),išmesti(LL,List,Listn),Sn is S-1,Nn is N+LL,!, Q(1,W2L,W3Ln,Listn,Sn,Nn,X7), !.

4.4 Objektais aprašytas modelis

vardas(String) grDydis(Integer)


informacija() (Integer)

informacija() informacija() Modelis

laisvu_vietu(Integer) eile(sar) sarasas(obs) busena(obs,Integer,Integer)

iniciacija() modeliavimas() isimti_ivyki() itraukti_ivyki(sar,obs) informacija() informacija(sar)

Page 59: 2. FirstPage new

Loginio programavimo panaudojimo ypatumai analizuojant agregatines specifikacijas 245


rogramos kodas % (2 pav.).

specifikacija 12%

Prolog 24%

Visual Prolog 27%


1 pav.

specifikacija 14%


Prolog 29%

Visual Prolog 14%


2 pav.

5 Išvados1.

2. Objektiškai orientuoto pro

3.panaudojami jau sukurti moduliai.

[1] H.Pranevicius. Formal Specification and Analysis of Distributed Systems. Applications of AI to Production Engineering. Kaunas University of Technology Press, 1997.

[2] H. Pranevicius, V. Pilkauskas, A. Chmieliauskas. Aggregate Approach for Specification and Analysis of Computer Network Protocols. Kaunas, Technologija, 1994, p.19-52.

[3] R. Ceponyte. Logic Programming Application for Correctness Analysis of Computer Network Protocol Aggregate Specifications. // Abstract of the Thesis for a Doctor Degree, Kaunas, Technologija, P.9-13.


USAGE PROPERTIES OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING FOR ANALYSIS OF AGGREGATE SPECIFICATIONS The paper describes the usage of logic programming for aggregate specification analysis. Paper presents advantages and disadvantages of now existing systems. The advantages of presented approach are illustrated by an example.

Page 60: 2. FirstPage new



g. 56, LT-3031, Kaunas


vertinant fotodetektoriumi bei specialiai tam sukurta programa.



Skaterometrija -sos

dimensijas [2,3].

išé International des Poids et Mesures.

Metodo privalumai:

• • ik

2o registravimo konstrukcija: He-Ne lazerio

monochromatinis šviesos spindulys (λ

perduodami ko

Page 61: 2. FirstPage new





- skaitmeninis vaizdo aparatas

3 Eksperimentai


( ) ( )22220 /sin kakRtNII k ππ= , (1)

I0 –centrinis intensyvumas; N- bat += - a ir b – tamsaus ir taR /= .





N, ryškiai išsiskiria pagrindiniai difrakcijos maksimumai,- gaunama aukšto tikslumo spektro filtracija.

Kiekvieno pagrindinio maksimumo pozicija Fraunhoferio difrakcijos plokštumoje nusakoma išraiška tzkxk /λ= z –

÷xaz /2λ : ( ) xaztz /2105/ λλ ÷≥ 2010/ ÷== Ntax . (Pastaba, kai N>10, antriniai maksimumai

00 ≈f


)exp()( 00 ϕifxf = , ax <≤0 ) ir faziniams objektams tikslingiausia naudoti pirmo ir

0≠k :

( ) ( )RkkRkkIIi nmmnkkmn nmππ 2222 sinsin/ == , (2)

km ir kn –

( ) ( ) ( )RRRIIi kk πππ 22221 cossin42sin/

12=== ; ( ) 21arccos/ ita π= . (3)

Jei paimsime 5.0→R (a=b25.0≈R , tuomet 12 5.0 II ≈ ;

( )( ) 2/121

2/12121 12// −−−−= iitdida π

reikšmes R=0.25, i21=0.5, gausime

211 ita Δ⋅=Δ −π . (4)

Page 62: 2. FirstPage new


Matuodami i21 Nt=10μm (a=2.5μm), gausime 03.0=Δa . Periodas t

tkk /sinsin λαα += αk – difrakcijos kampas, atitinkantis k- α – spindulio



Lygties (2) sprendinys Rimn R sprendinys

ta < .

( ) ( )RkkRkkkkRW nmmnnm ππ 2222 sinsin),,( = kn ir km

Rskirtumas (pvz., 5- R


W(R,km,kn) kiekviename savam periode turi po vie im'n' reikšmei, prie kurios tikrasis lygties (2) sprendinys yra funkcijos (W(R,km',kn'), kai km'>1,kn'

km' -kn') neduos tinkamo sprendinio.

At t~5.5μm, o 5.0→R , t.y. tas atvejis, kai pirmos ir intensyvu

namas elektrinio lauko



W R k m, k n,

i mn1

20 R0 0.5 1 1.5 2




a) km=2, kn=1



W R k m, k n,

i mn1

20 R0 0.33 0.67 1 1.33 1.67 2












b) km=3, kn=1

0 0.33 0.67 1 1.33 1.67 20



.c) km=3, kn=2

0 0.33 0.67 1 1.33 1.67 20







.d) km=5, kn=3

3 pav. W(R,km,kn) funkcijos grafikai duotoms ki

const imn

Page 63: 2. FirstPage new


1 le- - fotodetektorius

km/kn R2/1 0.429 0.5714/1 0.213 0.299 0.438 0.562 0.701 0.787 3/2 0.466 0.534


5/2 0.463 0.5372/1 0.467 0.5333/1 0.249 0.751 FD 3/2 0.469 0.531

Optiniu mikroskopu Nikon Model S x1200 a=2.905μm, b=2.659μm,



matuojant fotodetektoriumi buvo naudojama tikslesnis lazerinis stendas,-

ntykio const W(R,km,kn) bangos keteros.

Tiksliausi rezultatai tiek programa, tiek otodetektoriumi registruojant šviesos intensyvumus, gaunami tu fiksuotas difrakcijos vaizdas matomas 4 pav.,

t~5.5μ5 pav. Difrakcijos vaizdas, gautas nuo t~4μm periodo

t~2μ - ant Fe2O3. Nikon Model S x1200 aCr=1.32μm, bCr=0.68μm,

RCr=0.66- gardelei su Cr danga; bei aFeO=1.44μm, bFeO=0.57μm, tikroji RFeO=0.716- gardelei su Fe2O3

ms su Cr ir Fe2O3

dangomis atitinkamai lygios 1.21% ir 0.98%.

makjuostos plotis a b, tinkamas R

t~4μm, suformuota ant Cr dangos, buvo analizuojama skaitmeniniu vaizdo aparatu bei fotodetektoriumi.

Danga R0.376 0.6240.332 0.668Cr0.383 0.6170.265 0.735

Fe2O3 0.289 0.711- atitinkamai gauti

a=1.89μm, b=2.13μ R=0.47.

Page 64: 2. FirstPage new



km/kn R3/2 0.424 0.576 3/2 0.434 0.566 DIFFRAIN 3/2 0.43 0.57 2/1 0.46 0.54 3/1 0.255 0.461 0.539 0.745 FD 3/2 0.46 0.54

vienas yra t

4 Išvados Atlikti ek

sutampa su realiais išmatavimais.


[1] P.Lalanne, P.Pichon, P.Chavel, E.Cambril. Interferometric characterization of subwavelength lamellar gratings. Applied optics, Vol.38, No.23 (1999).

[2] D.C.Dobson. Optimal shape design of blazed diffraction gratings. Appl. Math. Opt., 40 (1999), 61-78.

[3] C.J.Raymond, M.R.Murnane, S.S.Naqvi, J.R.McNeil. Metrology of subwavelength photoresist gratings using optical scatterometry. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 13(4), Jul/Aug (1995).

[4] T.H.Yoon, C. Il Eom, M. Sai Chung, H.J.Kong. Diffractometric methods for absolute measurement of diffraction-grating spacings. Optics letters. Vol.24, No.2 (1999).

[5] T.Tamir, S.Zhang. Resonant scattering by multilayered dielectric gratings. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.14, No.7 (1997).

[6] .

[7] metodas. Taikomoji fizika. Kaunas: Technologija, 2000.- P. 263-266.


MEASUREMENT THE GEOMETRY OF DIFFRACTION GRATINGS USING LASER SCATTEROMETRY An article presents the recent approah of measurements of diffraction grating physical parameters; it is scatterometry. We put in some results of experiments performed by principles of scatterometry. The experiments encompass planar transmission diffraction gratings. We concentrate on the calculation of a light stripe width and grating spacing ratio; for this purpose, diffraction intensities are evaluated by a photodetector and the special created for this reason program.

Page 65: 2. FirstPage new

����������� ���� ��� ������������ �



g. 56, 301 Kaunas LT 3031, [email protected]

Pateikiamas tolerantiškas gedimams protokolo imitacinis modelis. Modelio sudarymui panaudotas

trumpalaikiams ar pastoviems gedimams.




3. rio pagalba.


CSMA/CD atveju vis kompiuteriniame tinkle esantys kompiuteriai, tiek vartotojai, tiek serveriai


totojas net nesupranta, kad

, kad

aus tipo paketas - markeris -ciklu eina nuo vieno


Pakankamai naujas metodas -


2 Protokolo konceptualinis modelis


viena valdanti stotis.

yra laikomas lokaliame kintamajame CTRL_STATION.

DESTINITION_ADDRESS ir SOURCE_ADDRESS registrai turi savyje paskutinio pranešimo buvusio

Page 66: 2. FirstPage new


aitliukai D ir T.


*τ, kur τ yra maksimalus

.stoties adresas laikomas kintamajame CONTROL_STATION_ADDRESS, kuris yra lokalus kiekvienoje stotyje.

WhenewerIF my_address = control_station_address AND BUS_EMPTY THEN my_turn_to_send FI

nebuvo jokio signalo.

radedamas po ProgramModify.

. Klaidingos stoties adresas yra

ProgramModifyRemove(failed_station_address) IF failed_station_address = PREVIOUS_ADDRESS THEN PREVIOUS_ADDRESS: = PREVIOUS_ADDRESS-1 FI IF failed_station_address = control_station_address THEN control_station_address: = control_station_address+1 IF control_station_address = my_address THEN become_control_station FI FI

Pakartotinas stoties prisijungimas. Prieš tai suklydusi stotis, norint

Page 67: 2. FirstPage new


3 Protokolo formalus aprašymasProtokolo formaliam aprašymui naudojamas agregatinis metodas [3,5]. Šis aprašymas buvo naudojamas

aplinkos agregatai.



{ }"4

"1 ,...," eeE = "

1e - "2e - u "

2e - stotis (aš) iš naujo prisijungia "4e - stotis (aš) išsijungia iš tinklo.








par_kiekis(tm) –


=išjungtas; taimerisjei ,0

taimerisei,1)(ttaimeris_T m



=nedirba;betprieprijungtastotisjei ,0

, dirbairprieprijungtastotisei,1ba(tm)[i]stotis_dir



=loginioprie iprisijungtnenoristotisjei ,0

,loginioprie iprisijungtnoristotisei,1iki(tm)[i]sukelti_tr


prieš(tm)[i] –

po(tm)[i] –

m) – -1;

mo operatorius H[ "2e ]


W( "1e ,tm+1):=η1;


W( "2e ,tm+1):=η2;

if (stotis_dirba(tm)[aš]=1) and (sukelti_triki(tm)[aš]=0) thenbegin if (prieš(tm)[aš]=6) then

begin if (kiekis(tm)>0) then begin Y1(aš,g); /*siuntimas*/

kiekis(tm+1):=kiekis(tm-1; end;

else Y(aš,po(tm)[aš]) /*praleisti siuntimend;

end;if (stotis_dirba(tm)[aš]=0) and (sukelti_triki(tm)[aš]=1) then

begin sukelti_triki(tm+1)[aš]:=0; stotis_dirba(tm+1)[aš]:=1 Y5; /*sukeliamas trikis*/


Page 68: 2. FirstPage new


4 IšvadaModeliavimo rezultatai porode, kad analizuoto protokolo charakter


[1] B.Nans. Kompiuteriniai tinklai, Maskva, Leid. "Bisson", 1995.

[2] L.Sintonen. MAC protocol for wireless lands and its performance under signal losses. Draft. 1997.

[3] H.Pranevicius. Aggregate approach for specification, validation and implementation of computer network protocols. Lectures notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, N502, , 1991.

[4] H.Pranevicius, V.Pilkauskas, A.Chmieliauskas. Aggregate approach for specification and analysis of computer network protocols. Kaunas, Technologija, 1994.

[5] Mokslas, 1982.


SELF-STABILIZING DATA TRANSFER PROTOCOL MODEL A simulation model of fault-tolerant protocol is presented. The protocol reestablishes its normal operation after transient or permanent failures. Aggregate approach was used for model creation.

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Lietuvos tAteities g. 20, 2057 Vilnius

Abstract. The article deals with the protection of geographical indications in the international level, thus examining the main international convention regulating those issues. The subject has a special importance in the Lithuanian legal system related to protection of intellectual property rights, as until the recent time there have not been adopted special legislation on protection of geographical indications

1 General and Terminology The main function of geographical indications is to distinguish goods originating from a certain source.

But different from trademarks, geographical indications distinguish the goods for which they are used through a reference to the place where they were made, and not through a reference to their manufacturing source. Unlike patents or trademarks, geographical indications can be protected on the national and regional level under a wide range of different principles, such as protected appellations of origin, registered geographical indications, protection under trademark law, and unfair competition. This variety of concepts is reflected in the applicable terminology18.

The term “indication of source” is used in Articles 1(2) and 10 of the Paris Convention19

. It is also used in the Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods of 189120. There is no definition of “indication of source” in those two treaties, but we can derive the meaning from other articles: an indication of source can be defined as an indication referring to a country or to a place situated therein as being the country or place of origin of a product. This definition does not require that the product in question have a certain quality or characteristics, which are derived from its geographical origin. Example for such indications of source is sign on the product - “made in Germany”.

The term "appellation of origin" is defined in the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, of 1958 21. Under definition in Article 2, an appellation of origin can be regarded as a special kind of indication of source, because the product for which an appellation of origin is used must have a quality and characteristics which are due exclusively or essentially to its geographical environment. Examples for protected appellations of origin are “Bordeaux” for wine, “Noix de Grenoble” for nuts, “Tequila” for spirit drinks, or “Jaffa” for oranges. In the Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2081/92 on the Protection of Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin for Agriculture Products and Foodstuffs


the term “designation of origin” is used, but the meaning is very close to appellations of origin.

The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights23

defines the expression "geographical indication." Article 22.1 of the TRIPS Agreement states: “Geographical indications are, for the purposes of this Agreement, indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.” Although this definition is based on the definition of appellation of origin in Article 2 of the Lisbon Agreement, it deviates from Article 2 of the Lisbon Agreement in some respect. Article 2 of the Lisbon Agreement does not cover appellations of origin which are constituted by a sign other than a geographical name, for example, a figurative element, although such signs would fall under the definition of geographical indications in Article 22.1 of the TRIPS Agreement. Furthermore, the Lisbon Agreement requires that the quality and the characteristics of the product in question be due exclusively, or essentially, to the geographical environment, including natural and human factors. The definition of geographical

1 WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) document No.SCT/5/3 “Possible solutions for conflicts between trademarks and geographical indications and for conflicts between homonymous geographicalindications”, prepared for 5th Session, Geneva, September 11-15, 2000, http://www.wipo.org/activities/en/

2 1883 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, http://www.wipo.int/treaties/ip/paris/index.html 3 1891 Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False and Deceptive Indications of Source of Goods,

http://www.wipo.int/treaties/ip/madrid/index.html 4 1958 Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration,

http://www.wipo.int/treaties/registration/lisbon/index.html 5 Council Regulation (EEC) No.2081/92 on the Protection of Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin for Agriculture Products

and Foodstuffs, O.J. EC 1992, L 208/1 6 1994 Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, http://www.wto.org/enlish/tratop_e/trips_e/t_agm0_e.thm

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indications contained in Article 22.1 of the TRIPS Agreement covers goods which have a given quality, reputation or other characteristic that is essentially attributable to their geographical origin.

The same term “geographical indication” is used in Foodstuffs Regulation, but it does not cover any appropriate sign (except “traditional names” mentioned in Article 2(3)) as in the TRIPS Agreement, but only the name of region, specific place or country (which is more close to Lisbon Agreement approach). It is interesting that even specialists point out that borders between terms “geographical indication” and “designation of origin”in the Foodstuff Regulation are very vague, and it is difficult to see real ground for differentiation. Indication of source is the broadest term. Indications of source only require that the product on which the indication of source is used originate in a certain geographical area, but does not require a particular quality reputation or characteristic of products. This term comprises geographical indication and appellation of origin. Appellation of origin (designations of origin) is a special kind of geographical indications. In general, an existence of geographical indication is recognized in the country in which the area to which the geographical indication refers is located. This country is commonly referred to as “the country of origin.” Article 2(2) of the Lisbon Agreement contains a definition of the term “country of origin,” namely, “the country whose name, or the country in which is situated the region or locality whose name, constitutes the appellation of origin which has given the product its reputation.”

The use of a given geographical indication is in principle permitted for every manufacturer, to the extent that goods bearing the geographical indications originate in the place indicated and, as the case may be,comply with applicable standards of production, if any. The rightful users of geographical indications are entitled to prevent anybody from using that geographical indication if the goods on which the geographical indication is used do not have the indicated geographical origin. Like trademarks, geographical indications are subject to the principles of “specialty,” i.e., they are only protected for the kind of products on which they are actually used, and “territoriality,” i.e., they are protected for a given territory only and are subject to the laws and regulations applicable in that territory.24 An exception to the principle of specialty exists for geographical indications having a reputation (see, for example, Article 13 (1) (a) in the Foodstuff Regulation).

2 Protection of Geographical Indications on International Level According to the principle of territoriality, a particular geographical indication may be protected in one

country, whereas in another country the same geographical indication may be considered as a generic term for the same kind of products. In order to extend a territorial scope of protection of geographical indications, international agreements are concluded between states.

The World Intellectual Property Organisation administers a number of treaties for the protection of geographical indications, such as the 1883 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, and the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration. The 1891Madrid Agreement on the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods deals essentially with the importation and seizure of goods bearing a false or deceptive indication of source. Within the framework of the World Trade Organisation the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights deals with international protection of geographical indications.

2.1 The Paris ConventionThe Paris Convention mentions two kinds of geographical indications – indications of source and

appellations of origin. The provisions of the Paris Convention concern the use of false indications of source. However, there are cases when the use of an indication of source, which is literally true, may still be misleading or deceptive. This may be the case when a given geographical name exists in two different countries, but was used as an indication of source only for products originating from that place in one country. Use of that indication of source by producers from other country cannot be regarded as a use of a “false” geographical indication, although consumers may be deceived by such use.25

Several countries in the beginning of 20th century established national systems for appellations of origin. Between the initiators were Southern states France, Portugal, Italy etc whose wines have been copied because of their good reputation. According to the established traditions unions of manufacturers and even the state monitors the quality of the products and whether production rules are observed. This approach is based on the close connection of the quality of the product with the specific conditions of climate, soil and other factors of a particular region. This may be called a French system. States supporting this view have agreed on cooperation with international registration of appellations of origin under Lisbon Agreement. According to the Intellectual Property Code, in France a geographical name may be protected as an appellation of origin (Article L.721-1).

7 Supra, f.n.1 8 WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical indications (SCT) document No.SCT/5/3

“Possible Solutions for Conflicts Between Trademarks and Geographical Indications and for Conflicts Between Homonymous Geographical Indications”, prepared for the session, Geneva, September 11-15, 2000

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The definition of this right is embodied in the Consumer Code (Article L.115-1): “An appellation of origin consists of the name of the country, a region or a town, used to identify a products originating therefrom, and the quality and characters of which are related to the geographical environment, including natural and human factors.” Appellations of origin are owned by all producers of the given geographical area. Moreover, the geographical name protected as appellation of origin may not be registered as a trademark either by a producer entitled to the appellation of origin, or by a third person – such mark is deceptive. However, a producer entitled to use the appellation of origin may include it in a complex trademark including additional distinctive signs.26

2.2 The Lisbon AgreementThe Agreement recognizes as protectable only goods whose quality and characteristics are directly

dependant upon the geographical environment of their place of origin, including natural and human factors. Definition contained in the Article 2(1) requires that appellation of origin encompasses particular elements:

• appellation must be geographical name of a country, region or locality;

• appellation of origin must serve to designate a product originating in the country, region or locality;

• there must be a qualitative link between the product and the geographical area - the quality and characteristics must be due exclusively or essentially to the geographical environment, including natural and human factors.

From this follows that an appellation of origin is a special kind of geographical indication, so the concept of geographical indication encompasses appellation of origin. The definition of appellation of origin in Article 2(1) may have a serious drawback for countries whose denominations typically do not apply to agricultural products or products of handicraft but to products of industry. The difficulty is caused by the fact that a definition requires the existence of a qualitative link between the geographical environment and the product, even though the presence of purely human factors would be considered sufficient. This link may exist in the beginning of manufacture of industrial product, but may subsequently be stretched to the point that its existence is difficult to prove. Moreover, traditions in manufacture and staff may be shifted from one geographical are to another during the process of increasing mobility of human resources all over the world.27

In order to acquire international protection, the appellation of origin must be registered by the International Bureau of WIPO. The scope of protection is broader than in the Paris Convention and the Madrid Agreement, because not only misleading use of a protected appellation of origin is prohibited, but also any usurpation or imitation, even if the true origin of the product is indicated or if the appellation is used in translated form or accompanied by terms such as “kind”, “type”, “make”, “imitation” or the like (Article 3). Until now the Agreement has only 20 member states28 and in international register there are included only some hundreds of appellations of origin. Latvia has not adhered to this Agreement. Probably because of the limited success of the Lisbon Agreement (only 20 member states), bilateral agreements have also played an important role in the protection of indications of origin.29

Other states have developed an approach, according to which direct as well as indirect indications of geographical origin are protected according to the same principles that are mentioned in civil law – principle of good faith, prohibition of misleading, obligation to recover damages. Also principles that are mentioned in acts regarding unfair competition are applied. This theory is called a German theory and the main principle under it is that the quality of the product goes hand in hand with the producer’s good reputation that may not be used by others. Protection is given to all indications of origin, but if the particular goods have special quality or characteristics or the indication of origin has a high reputation, the use of it is regulated more strictly (Section 127(2) and (3) of the German Law on the Protection of Trademarks and Other Signs).30 According to the German Law, indications of geographical origin shall be names of places, areas, regions or countries as well as other indications or signs used in the course of trade to identify the geographical origin of goods or services (Section 126(1)).

2.3 The Madrid AgreementThe Madrid Agreement is a special agreement within the framework of the Paris Union. It provides for

seizure of products bearing a false or deceptive indication (Article 1). The same is also provided by the Article 9 of the Paris Convention. The Agreement also prohibits the use of indications that may mislead the public as to the source of goods (Article 3bis). This agreement provides remedy also in such situations when an indication of source is literally true, but nevertheless misleading – deceptive geographical indications are prohibited.

9 International Encyclopedia of Laws, Volume 2, Intellectual Property, Kluwer Law International, 1999, p.France 173 10 Intellectual Property Reading Material, Geneva, WIPO, 1998, p.122 11 http://www.wipo.org/treaties/docs/english/j_lisbon.doc 12 Intellectual Property & International Trade. A Guide to the Uruguay Round TRIPS Agreement, ICC Publishing S.A., Paris, 1997, p.3513 F.K.Beier, G.Schricker, W.Fikentscher, German Industrial Property, Copyright and Untitrust Laws, Munich, VCH, 1996

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2.4 The TRIPs AgreementThe TRIPs Agreement has considerably concretised and raised minimum standards in the field of

intellectual property protection. It is an agreement which must be adopted by the countries when joining the World Trade Organization, therefore all members of WTO (on May 31, 2001 there are 141 member countries31)are also members of the TRIPs. TRIPs Agreement contains a special chapter devoted to geographical indications – Section 3. Geographical indications for the purposes of this Agreement are indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a member state, or a region or locality in that territory, where given quality, reputation or other characteristics of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin (Article 22(1) of the TRIPs Agreement). This approach, established by the TRIPs, is wider, because besides the protection of appellations of origin it allows also protection of such goods that have a reputation derived from their origin, without the requirement at the same time to possess characteristics that directly depend on the origin. Looking from this point of view it is like a compromise between the two systems – German and French. Despite the quite restrictive scope of application, the protection described in Article 22(2) basically does not go beyond the situation existing in most countries at present and, in particular, does not provide for any exclusive right for the owner of such geographical indication.32

Member states must provide interested persons with legal means to prevent (Article 22(2)):

1) the use of any means in the designation or presentation of goods that indicates or suggests that the good in question originates in a geographical are other than he true place of origin in a manner which misleads the public as to the geographical origin of the good;

2) any use which constitutes an act of unfair competition within the meaning of the Article 10-bis of the Paris Convention.

This Article probably is subject to broad interpretation, since it speaks about “any use of any means”.Thus it encompasses not only direct indications to geographical areas, but also indirect ones.

TRIPs Agreement contains also provisions on prevention of misleading geographical indications in trademarks (Article 22(3)). Such trademarks can be invalidated or refused to register.

Article 23 establishes additional protection requirements for wines and spirits. Legal means must be provided to prevent use of a geographical indication identifying wines and spirits for the products not originating in the place indicated by the geographical indication, even where the true origin of the goods is indicated or geographical indication is used in translation. A registration of a trademark for wines or spirits which consists of geographical indication shall be refused or invalidated.

Nevertheless, the Agreement provides also for considerable exceptions (Article 24). For instance, states have no duty to protect such indications which have become common names for such goods in that country. The prohibition to use particular geographical indication may not be applied to persons who have used this indication on goods before April 15 of 1994 continuously (at least ten years before the date of the Ministerial Meeting concluding the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations) or in good faith. Thus, the farther reaching protection afforded under the Lisbon Agreement, the Foodstuff Regulation as well as under many bilateral agreements is safeguarded.33 Also trademarks registered in good faith and used before the date of application of these provisions or before the geographical indication is protected in its country of origin, the measures provided does not prejudice eligibility for or validity of the registration of trademark or the right to use a trademark, on the basis that such a trademark is identical or similar to a geographical indication.

States are not obliged to protect geographical indications which are not or cease to be protected in their country of origin (Article 24(9)).

However, the TRIPs Agreement does not establish procedure, how the geographical indications should be protected in each and every member state, it does not require to establish registration system. Article 23(4) calls for the debate only on establishment of international registry of wines and spirits, but the question regarding its legal importance is still left open.

3 Conclusion Geographical indications are protected in every country according to its national laws and thus it may

happen that a particular geographical indication may be protected in one country, but considered as a generic term in another. To eliminate such situations, states conclude bilateral and international agreements for he protection of geographical indications. These agreements were in detail examined in this paper.

The main advantage of the protection afforded by the Paris Convention to indications of source is in the extent of the territorial are covered by the Paris Union countries. However, the Paris convention does not

14 http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news_e.htm 15 Intellectual Property & International Trade. A Guide to the Uruguay Round TRIPS Agreement, ICC Publishing S.A., Paris, 1997, p.3616 Intellectual Property & International Trade. A Guide to the Uruguay Round TRIPS Agreement, ICC Publishing S.A., Paris, 1997, p.37

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address the issue of indications which, in countries other than the country of origin, have become generic names of a product, so the member states can be free in this respect. Finally, sanctions are not in all cases mandatory and apply only to false but not to misleading indications of source.

The minimum standard provided by TRIPs is less far reaching than that provided by the Lisbon Agreement and existing bilateral agreements and by Foodstuffs Regulation. However, member states are allowed to provide better protection, if it is considered necessary. Only the provisions concerning additional protection for wines and spirits give absolute protection against the use for identical goods of identifications identifying wines and spirits not originating in the place claimed by the geographical indication. This is an improvement of the present protection accorded to wines and spirits by countries which are not members of the Lisbon Agreement or of the EU and not bound by bilateral treaties.

The Lithuanian legal system has also legal norms for protection of geographical indications provided in different legal acts, however, as those rules have been very rarely applied in practice, it is hard to comment on the level of their effectiveness.

References [1] 1883 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, http://www.wipo.int/treaties/ip/paris/index.html

[2] 1891 Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False and Deceptive Indications of Source of Goods, http://www.wipo.int/treaties/ip/madrid/index.html

[3] 1958 Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, http://www.wipo.int/treaties/registration/lisbon/index.html

[4] Council Regulation (EEC) No.2081/92 on the Protection of Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin for Agriculture Products and Foodstuffs, O.J. EC 1992, L 208/1

[5] 1994 Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, http://www.wto.org/ english/tratop_e/ trips_e/t_agm0_e.thm

[6] WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) document No.SCT/5/3 “Possible solutions for conflicts between trademarks and geographical indications and for conflicts between homonymous geographical indications”, prepared for 5th Session, Geneva, September 11-15, 2000, http://www.wipo.org/activities/en/

[7] International Encyclopedia of Laws, Volume 2, Intellectual Property, Kluwer Law International, 1999;

[8] Intellectual Property Reading Material, Geneva, WIPO, 1998;

[9] Intellectual Property & International Trade. A Guide to the Uruguay Round TRIPS Agreement, ICC Publishing S.A., Paris, 1997;

[10] F.K.Beier, G.Schricker, W.Fikentscher, German Industrial Property, Copyright and Untitrust Laws, Munich, 1996;

[11] Barbara M. Vroom-Cramer, “PDOs and PGIs: geographical denominations protected by registration”,http://www.ivir.nl/publications/vroom-cremer/eflr1.doc


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