19 th special operations squadron understanding the special operations aircraft

19 th Special Operations Squadron Understanding the Special Operations Aircraft

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19th Special Operations Squadron

Understanding the

Special Operations Aircraft

Lesson Objective

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to do the following:– Select the nomenclature of the aircraft that

the 19th SOS provides training for from a list of US Air Force mission airframes

– Recall mission roles and requirements of 19th SOS trained aircrews by answering true / false questions

19th SOS Mission

The 19th Special Operations Squadron, located at Hurlburt Field, Fla., is the Air Force Special Operations Command's largest formal school house. The 19th SOS teaches initial qualification and upgrade courses to provide qualified AC-130H, AC-130U, and MC-130E aircrew members for Air Force Special Operations.

Distribution of Aircraft









Active Reserve Air Guard

AC-130U AC-130H MC-130E

Main Menu

Select a topic from the list below to learn more about it. Select the Progress Check item when you have completed all other sections and are ready to test your knowledge.

• Gunships– AC-130U Spooky– AC-130H Spectre

• MC-130E Talon

• Progress Check


AC-130H SpectreAC-130U Spooky

AC-130U v. AC-130H:Similarities

• These heavily armed aircraft incorporate side-firing weapons integrated with sophisticated sensor, navigation and fire control systems to provide surgical firepower or area saturation during extended loiter periods, at night and in adverse weather.

• The sensor suite consists of a television sensor, infrared sensor and radar.

• These sensors allow the gunship to visually or electronically identify friendly ground forces and targets any place, any time.

AC-130U v. AC-130H:Differences

• The AC-130U employs synthetic apertures strike radar for long-range target detection and identification.

• The AC-130U employs the latest technologies and can attack two targets simultaneously.

• The AC-130U has twice the munitions capacity of the AC-130H.

• The AC-130U uses 3 types of guns (25MM, 40MM, and 105MM) while the AC-130H uses only 2 (40MM and 105MM).

AC-130U Spooky

• The AC-130 gunship's primary missions are close air support, air interdiction and force protection.

• Missions in close air support are troops in contact, convoy escort and urban operations.

• Air interdiction missions are conducted against preplanned targets or targets of opportunity.

• Force protection missions include air base defense and facilities defense.

AC-130H Spectre

• The AC-130 gunship's primary missions are close air support, air interdiction and force protection.

• Missions in close air support are troops in contact, convoy escort and urban operations.

• Air interdiction missions are conducted against preplanned targets or targets of opportunity.

• Force protection missions include air base defense and facilities defense.

MC-130E Talon

• The MC-130E Talon provides infiltration, exfiltration and resupply of special operations forces and equipment in hostile or denied territory.

• Secondary missions include:– Psychological

operations (pamphlet airdrops)

– Helicopter air refueling

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Progress Check

You will now be administered a two-part progress check.

If you would like time to review the lesson material again, select the Back button.

If you are prepared for the test, select the Forward button.

Select the three aircraft for which the 19th SOS provides training. Listen carefully for your feedback. • E-3 Sentry• C-130 Hercules• F-16 Fighting Falcon• KC-10 Extender• EC-130H Commando• AC-130U Spooky• T-38 Talon• C-5 Galaxy

• F-15 Eagle• AC-130H Spectre• B-1B Lancer• MQ-1 Predator• UH-1N Huey• C-141 Starlifter• E-8 Joint Stars• MC-130E Talon

Progress Check: Part I

1) The MC-130 Talon is used in psychological warfare operations.

• True• False

2) The AC-130U Spooky but not the AC-130H Spectre is used to defend airbases.

• True• False

Progress Check: Part IISelect the correct answer for the next four questions. Listen carefully for your feedback.

3) The AC-130H has twice the munitions capacity of the AC-130U.

• True• False

4) The AC-130 Gunships support troops in close contact with the enemy.

• True• False

Progress Check: Part IISelect the correct answer for the questions. Listen carefully for your feedback.

Additional Resources

• AC-130U/H Air Force Fact Sheethttp://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=71

• MC-130E/H Air Force Fact Sheethttp://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=115

• 19th SOS, Global Securityhttp://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/usaf/19sos.htm

Congratulations, you have completed this lesson! Learn more at the links below, select the Back button to return to the Main Menu, or select the Exit button to leave the lesson.