1799 contract greeves street streetscape upgrade spec

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  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    4. Specifcation - Landscaping

    Prepared by Michael Smith and AssociatesLandscape Architecture and Urban Design

    In conjunction with:

    ST!M "onsulting Pty Ltd

    Martin #utcher Lighting Design

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade 19!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    $. P!%L&M&'A!&%S

    $.$ Scope

    The landscape wors are to -e carried out in accordance with thisSpeci.ication, lans, /etails and 0ill o. uantities2 This Speci.ication will -eread in accordance with Speci.ication sections and drawing notes .ro' the3ngineer 4ST!"5 Consulting6 and the separate Speci.ication .ro' the$ighting /esigner 45artin 0utcher $ighting /esigns62

     n( .ound con.lict -etween the Speci.ication, /rawings and /etails or Instructionwill-e -rought to the Superintendent8s attention .or clari.ication prior to tender closing2

    The wors include the suppl( and construction o. all wor, 'aterials andeuip'ent necessar( .or the proper co'pletion and esta-lish'ent o. worsshown or i'plied in the Speci.ication and associated drawings and docu'ents2

    The wors .or the (ree)es Street* St +ilda Streetscape Upgrade will include-ut not -e li'ited to, the .ollowing:

    Set out, earthwors and ecavation;.illing<

    3rection o. .encing to the wors site to prevent pu-lic access<

    3cavation and re'oval o. eisting gravel sur.acing<

    "e'oval o. several sections o. eisting -luestone er- and channel that have

    -eco'e displaced along the street2 Salvage and securel( store to avoid the.t<

    "e'oval and disposal o. section o. eisting road sur.ace<

    3cavation and re'oval o. eisting -ric speed hu'ps<

    "e'oval and disposal o. eisting tu.ting plants, low shru-s, ground covers and'ulch to eisting garden -eds<

    rotection o. eisting underground services and con.ir' -( using anunderground

    detection .ir' to prove location<

    "e'oval and disposal o. eisting grassed sur.ace and soil to sections o. the

    nature strip<

    rotection o. eisting trees to -e retained<

    rotection o. eisting assets including grassed areas, road sur.aces and eisting

    path sur.aces<

    rotection o. private propert( gates, .ences, paths and plants<

    Suppl( and construction o. a -luestone pitcher edge to new garden -ed areas2

    0luestone pitchers availa-le .ro' Council8s /epot<

    Suppl( and construction o. asphalt sur.acing<

    "e&setting o. the re'oved -luestone er- and channel<

    reparation o. planting areas, suppl( o. topsoil and 'ulch<

    Suppl( and planting o. shru-s and groundcovers

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Thinning o. canop( o. eisting eight /esert sh trees<

    reparation o. grassed areas, suppl( o. topsoil, preparation o. topsoil, suppl( and

    installation o. instant tur.<

    "elocation o. two eisting litter -ins .ro' Carlisle and Iner'an Streets<

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    )*!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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      "epairs and 'iscellaneous ite's<

      5aintenance and 3sta-lish'ent, Construction /e.ects $ia-ilit( and


    on all supplied and constructed ite's a-ove2

    Carr( out the .ollowing wors in accordance with Speci.ication sections anddrawing notes -( ST!"5 Consultanc( t( $td and 5artin 0utcher $ighting /esign:

      "e'oval o. one eisting side entr( pit<

      Suppl( and installation one new side entr(

    pit<   Upgrading o. two eisting side entr(


      Suppl( and construction o. 1) ti'-er garden light posts<

      Ca-ling, electrical wors and suppl( and connection o. /istri-ution -oards<

    $., Protection o eisting and ne/ /or0s

    The Contractor is responsi-le .or the protection o. eisting pu-lic assets and thenew wors during construction and 'aing good an( da'ages duringconstruction2

    The Contractor is reuired to tae photographs or videotape legi-l( the eistingsite to ensure ueries as to the nature o. the e:isting site, prior toco''ence'ent o. wors, can -e con.ir'ed2

    $.1 "onstruction Management Plan

    The Contractor is to prepare a Construction 5anage'ent lan within 7 da(so. receipt o. the $etter o. cceptance2 The plan is to -e su-'itted .or approval -(the Superintendent2 The plan will include the .ollowing:

      roposed location o. storage .or plant and


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    Contractors 'ust undertae a 'andator( visit to the site prior to tenderingto ascertain .or the'selves the actual e:tent o. wor to -e undertaen, thenature o. and the di..iculties associated with the wors2 The client will not consider an( clai' whatsoever on account o. .ailure to do so2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    )1!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    $. Site Access* 5ehicle "ontrol and 'oise "ontrol

    Site access to Greeves Street, St >ilda is to -e .ro' adjoining streetsIner'an Street 4) /76 and Carlisle Street 4) /962 The northern hal. o. Greeves Street is one wa( south -ound .ro' Iner'an Street to the @aleStreet intersection The Contractor should 'ae the'selves .a'iliar with the

    access points and consider the transport and loading ; unloading o. plant and'aterials2 void using 0lanche and @ale Streets .or access2 ccess to the sitewill -e discussed in detail at the tender stage and con.ir'ed with the success.ulcontractor2

    lant and euip'ent 'ust -e capa-le o. -eing 'aneuvered on site withoutda'age to the site, wors and adjacent areas2

    The Contractor is to wor solel( within the con.ines o. the i''ediate GreevesStreetcorridor2 @ehicles, 'achiner( and 'aterials are not to access or -e stored tothe

    areas -e(ond the Greeves Street corridor2 n( private or pu-lic assets da'aged

    -e(ond the Greeves Street corridor are to -e reinstated -( the Contractor .ollowingco'pletion o. construction and horticultural wor2 Soil distur-ance within theGreevesStreet corridor should -e li'ited to areas o. new wors and the Contractor shouldavoid distur-ance and co'paction around root Aones o. trees2 Upon co'pletiono.

    wors the Contractor is responsi-le .or 'aing good and reinstating an( areaso.

    ground within the Greeves Street corridor which have -een distur-ed duringthewors2

    The Contractor is to undertae all wors in accordance with 3 noise regulationsin a residential area2

    $.6 Pro)ision or Tra7c as per "ity o Port Phillip !e8uirements

    $.6.$ Defnitions

    2or0 9one

    The length o. roadwa( within the Contract li'it o. the =orsasspeci.ied2

    2or0 AreaThe speci.ic area where wor is -eing carried out, as de.ined intheContract2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Side Trac0  te'porar( roadwa( constructed within the road reserve to carr(tra..ic around the =ors or =or Bone2

     Tra7c Detour  detour o. tra..ic awa( .ro' the =or Bone or the =ors via

    alternative roads or streets2

    $.6., (eneral

    This Clause covers reuire'ents where the Contractor issolel( responsi-le .or tra..ic 'anage'ent2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    ))!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    Unless speci.ied otherwise, the Contractor is to 'ae provisions.ortra..ic, including pedestrian, in accordance with this section and the

    relevant parts o. the @ic"oads =orsite Tra..ic5anage'ent

    4"oadwors Signing6 Code o. ractice, hereina.ter re.erred to as the

    Code, or ustralian Standard S 17+)2 & 5anual o. Uni.or' Tra..ic

    Control devices2 The Contractor is to 'ae such provision .or tra..ic

    notwithstanding an(thing contained in the General Conditions o. 

    Contract and without derogating in an( wa( .ro' theContractor8so-ligations pursuant to the General Conditions o. Contract andin

    particular .ro' the Contractor8s o-ligations pursuant toClauseDrotection o. eople and ropert(E o. the General Conditionso.


    The Contractor is to su-'it, within 7 da(s o. receipt o. the $etter o. cceptance, a Tra..ic 5anage'ent lan providing details o. the proposed provisions .or tra..ic to -e provided during theContract .or approval -( the Superintendent2 =ors shall notco''ence until approval -( the Superintendent has -een granted2

    =ors will not co''ence or continue at an( location until allappropriate signs and devices such as la'ps, -arricades, tra..iccontrol apparatus and the lie are in place, side tracs have -eenconstructed where reuired and line 'aring co'pleted wherereuired2

     t all ti'es when the Contractor8s e'plo(ees are on site, theContractor is to render i''ediate assistance without charge to an(person whose law.ul passage through a wor area 'a( -eo-structed or 'ade di..icult -( or as a result o. the Contractor8soperations2

    Unless otherwise approved, when wor is not -eing per.or'ed on thesite, tra..ic will not -e carried through that wors Aone or wors areaon side tracs, detours or part widths o. the eisting pave'ent2

    $.6.1 "are o Areas Used by Tra7c

    0oth during and at the end o. each da(8s wor, the Contractor is to -e

    responsi-le .or ensuring that the pave'ent and shoulders used -(

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    tra..icwithin the =or rea, and all other areas within the =or Bone where

    the Contractor has undertaen wor, are in a sa.e and tra..ica-le


    The Contractor is to i''ediatel( re'ove an( 'aterial that has .allenonan( travelled path, or road leading to;.ro' the wor site, as a resulto.the transportation o. 'aterials or other2 The Contractor is toi''ediatel( re'ove an( 'aterial stored or deposited near thetravelledpath that could constitute a haAard to tra..ic2 n( soiling o. adjacentroad pave'ents, caused -( vehicles or euip'ent engaged in these

    activities are to -e i''ediatel( cleaned o.. -( the Contractor to the

    satis.action o. the Superintendent2 The Contractor is to -ear allcostsincurred in co'pl(ing with this clause2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    )!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    $.6.4 Signs and De)ices

    Unless otherwise speci.ied, the Contractor is to suppl( signsand devices reuired to co'plete the wor covered -( this section2

    Signs and devices are to co'pl( with the relevant sections o. the

    Code together with the .ollowing additional reuire'ents:

    a6 ave'ent 'arers are to co'pl( with the reuire'ent o. S 19*F,

    "etrore.lective 5aterials and /evices .or "oad Tra..ic

    Control urposes, art & "aised ave'ent 5arers

    4"etrore.lective and Non "etrore.lective62 The adhesives used

    to .asten the' to the pave'ent are to co'pl( with the

    reuire'ents o. Section ? o. @icroads Standard


    -6 "etrore.lective sheeting used on an( sign or device is to co'pl(

    with the reuire'ents o. S 19*F, "etrore.lective 5aterials

    and /evices .or "oad Tra..ic Control urposes, art 1 &

    "etrore.lective 5aterials, .or Class ) 'aterial, ecept that

    the coe..icient o. lu'inous intensit( will not -e less than *H

    o. the values given in Ta-le )2) o. S 19*F art 1, .or each

    designated colour when tested in the cleaned condition2

    c6 /irt(, illegi-le, da'aged or .aded signs are not to -e used i. there

    is an( dou-t that the 'essage or intent o. the sign is unclear or 

    con.using to road users2 The Contractor is to clean, replace or 

    renew all signs as reuired to ensure legi-ilit( and



    $.6.3 Storage o Plant and %8uipment

    =hen not in use, the Contractor will -e responsi-le .or the sa.estorage o. plant and euip'ent clear o. the travelled path2

    =herever possi-le, plant and euip'ent is to -e stored not lessthan ' .ro' the edge o. the tra..ic path2 I. it is not possi-le toprovide such clearance, the plant and euip'ent is to -e 'oved .ro'the =ors area to a suita-le storage site or -e protected -( suita-lesigns, lights and devices2

    $.6. Access to Side !oads and Abutting Property

    Construction operations are to -e conducted in such a 'anner as

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    to'ini'ise inconvenience to a-utting propert( owners2 Unlessotherwisespeci.ied, access to properties and side roads is to -e 'aintained atallti'es wherever practica-le other than when the wors present a

    tra..ichaAard or the wor would su..er da'age as a result o. the passage o. 


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    )+!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    =here the Contractor proposes to restrict access to a-uttingpropertiesas a result o. the Contractor8s operations, the Contractor is toprovide a'ini'u' o. )+ hours notice to the a..ected propert( owner;occupier2

     ccess will not -e denied to an( a-utting propert( outsidethe custo'ar( woring hours2

    $.6.6 "onstruction perations A:ecting Tra7c

    (eneralUnless otherwise speci.ied, the Contractor is to conduct theoperationsas to 'ini'ise o-struction and inconvenience to the pu-lic, and willnothave under construction an( greater length or a'ount o. wor thancan

    -e 'anaged properl( with due regard to the convenience o. thepu-lic2

     n( inter'ingling o. construction plant with tra..ic is to -e eptto a 'ini'u' at all ti'es2

    Unless speci.ied otherwise, the Contractor is to:

    a6 provide a 'ini'u' sa.e woring width .or the Contractor8s

    construction plant plus an a-solute 'ini'u' clearance to

    the edge o. tra..ic path o. 12) '<

    -6 provide a 'ini'u' one wa( clear travel path width o. tra..ic o.not

    less than 2 ' .or one&wa( operation and 7 ' .or two&



    c6 not wor on an( part o. a carriagewa( during pea tra..ic .lows

    unless such wor in conducted that it does not cause an(

    additional dela(s to tra..ic than i. the wor was not done<

    d6 locate the longitudinal joint4s6 .or pave'ent construction and;orcold planing wors at either the tra..ic lane line4s6 or at the

    centre o. the tra..ic lane4s62

    %arth/or0s and Pa)ement "onstructionUnless otherwise approved -( the Superintendent, earthworsand pave'ent construction are to proceed onl( in areas clear o. travelled paths and .ootpaths2

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    =here construction is -eing carried out over part o. thecarriagewa( width, the .ollowing conditions are to appl(:

    a6 steps or -atters within 12 ' o. the travelled path o. thecarriagewa( are to -e delineated as speci.ied in the Code2

    =herethe step or -atter .or's a drop in level o. 'ore than )** '' at

    aslope steeper than 1 in F, -arricades will -e used in addition to


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    )!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    -6 where the level di..erence in the .or' o. a step or -atter o. lessthan ?* '' and is -etween the travelled paths, such step or -atter is to -e re'oved -e.ore the close o. wor each da( andthe .ull width o. carriagewa( 'ade availa-le to tra..icovernight2 The re'oval o. such step or -atter will -ee..ected -( shaping to a cross&.all not steeper then 1 in 1*2

    c6 Unless otherwise speci.ied, prior to the close o. wor each da(all

    steps -etween la(ers o. un-ound pave'ent 'aterial -eing

    placed are to -e tapered to a slope not steeper than 1 in 1*2

    ;ootpaths and Pedestrian 2al0/aysUnless otherwise speci.ied, te'porar( .ootpaths or pedestrianwalwa(swithin the wor Aone are to -e not less than 12 ' wide, are to have a.ir', even and .ree draining sur.ace and are to -e .ree .ro' steps and


    $.6.< Side Trac0s* Detours and !oad "losures

    Side Trac0sTra..ic will not -e diverted on to an( side trac until per'ission touse such side trac has -een given -( the Superintendent2

    DetoursUnless otherwise speci.ied, tra..ic will not -e detoured on toroads outside the wor Aones2

    !oad "losures"e.er to @ic"oads Tra..ic 5anage'ent Note No2 1* Drocedure.or lanning "oad ClosuresE2

    $.< Tra7c Management Plan


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    5anage'ent lan2 The a'ount o. detail included in the planisdependent on the liel( i'pact on tra..ic o. the closure o. the roadorsection o. road2 The plan 'ust tae into account the availa-letra..ic

    capacit(, possi-le alternative routes, and ti'e o. da( when theclosurecan -est -e undertaen, tra..ic signal changes, need .or pu-licit( and

    other issues2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    )F!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    the tra..ic operations are regularl( reviewed and that considerationisgiven to taing re'edial action where necessar( i. the tra..ic dela(saregreater than 1* 'inutes2

     n( change to the closure is to -e checed against the provisions o. the Code and the TCCC should -e noti.ied2


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    su-'it clearances .ro' 'unicipal and other authoritiesconcerned -e.ore the inal Certi.icate is issued2

    In respect o. repair o. da'age to roads, the Contractor will -edee'ed when tendering:

    a6 to have inspected the roads used .or transport<

    -6 to have acuired, -( consultation with the 'unicipal or other

    authorities concerned, nowledge o. the roads and an( eisting


    liel( restrictions upon their use which could a..ect the transport


    c6 to have assessed the possi-ilit( and etent o. an( da'age to

    the roads which 'a( -e caused -( the transport under the Contract<

    d6 to have 'ade due allowance .or the e..ects o. such restrictions

    and .or the cost o. recti.ication o. such da'age in accordance

    with the reuire'ents o. the authorities concerned2

    $.= Storage and Site "leanliness

    The Contractor is to eep the site .ree .ro' ru--ish, de-ris or an( other deleterious 'aterial at all ti'es2 ll unused or re'oved ru--ish and de-ris is to -ere'oved .ro' the site and disposed to a legal point o. discharge at theContractor8s e:pense2 =here the ru--ish is a haAard or is re'aining a.ter threeda(s the Superintendent will arrange .or the re'oval o. the de-ris at theContractor8s epense2

    $.$> 2or0s Program

    The Contractor will co''ence wors in accordance with theContract Co''ence'ent date as stated within the $etter o. cceptance2 TheContractor is to prepare and lodge a co'plete wors progra', outlining stages andco'pletion ti'es, to the Superintendent within 7 da(s o. receipt o. the $etter o.  cceptance .or approval -( the Superintendent2

    $.$$ Super)ision? &nspections and Samples

    The Contractor will 'ae the site availa-le to the Superintendent at all ti'es.or inspections o. the wors, and give a 'ini'u' o. +? hours notice tothe Superintendent .or inspections2 The Contractor or their representative'ust -e present at all inspections2

    Inspections and sa'ples will include, -ut not -e li'ited to, the .ollowing:

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


      rior to co''ence'ent o. de'olition, i2e2 'aring out;pegging etc<

      Co'pletion o. de'olition and co''ence'ent o. set out .or new


  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


      $a(ing o. new su- -ases and sur.aces .or asphalt

    sur.ace<   Su- -ase preparation .or er- and channels<

      Set out o. lighting<  Installation o. lighting<

      Topsoil and 'ulch spread and leveling .or garden


  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    de'olition,ecavation and construction2 n( 'odi.ications to eisting underground servicesandassociated in.rastructure 4pits, 'eters, valves etc6 'ust -e approved -( the

    Superintendent and the relevant Service uthorit(2 rovide services

    wherenecessar( .or construction2 Noti.( the Superintendent o. an( con.licts withservices


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade


    !"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    $.$4 Materials

    The Contractor is to place orders .or deliver( o. all 'aterials, plants, supplies,etc2, with a'ple ti'e to ensure that suppliers guarantee deliver( at ti'es toaccord with the construction progra'2

    The Contractor 'ust allow .or suppl( o. 'aterials .ro' an( availa-le sourceto ena-le co'pletion within the speci.ied ti'e2 No cost adjust'ent will -e 'ade.or the use o. i'ported 'aterials i. the Contractor .inds it necessar( to aug'entor replace local supplies with i'ported 'aterial2

     ll 'aterials lia-le to deteriorate -( eposure to the weather will -e ept under cover and the Contractor will -e held responsi-le .or loss or deteriorationoccurring in the course o. loading, unloading, transit or storage no 'atter what thecause2

    $.$3 Protection o /or0s

    (eneralThe Contractor is responsi-le .or ensuring the sa.et( o. the site and theGeneralu-lic -( parawe- .encing around each area and other sa.et( protective'easuresas per clauses 127 and 12? o. wors as it occur, to the satis.action o. theSuperintendent2 Signage advising unauthorised entr( to the site wors areas isnot

    per'itted is to -e provided at regular intervals2 The Contractor will ensure thesa.et(and securit( o. the wors site2

    The Contractor is responsi-le .or the protection o. private residential assets,including -ut not li'ited to .ences, gates, pathwa(s and vegetation2 n( da'ageto private propert( 'ust -e reported to the Superintendent i''ediatel( andarrange'ents 'ade to repair;replace with the Superintendent and propert(owner at no cost to the Council or the propert( owner;occupier2

    The Contractor will -e responsi-le .or the control and clean up o. allassociatedwors that produce waste 'aterial, including dust and slurr(2 The Contractor willcontrol all grinding, cutting and associated wors are controlled in a 'anner tostop

    the travel o. waste, including dust and slurr(, into new structures or over thegeneralarea2

    The Contractor will, at their epense, as soon as the progress o. the worsper'its,repair and restore an( structure, service or pu-lic asset da'aged in an( wa( tothesa'e or -etter condition in which it was in prior to the da'age to the satis.action

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    o.the Superintendent2

     ll roads, all sur.aces, garden -eds, channels, paths or other places usedin conjunction with the wor will -e ept .ree o. unnecessar( o-struction whilst thewor is proceeding and le.t in a tid( condition upon co'pletion and reinstated

    to their previous condition prior to contract wors2

     n( da'age to propert( 'ust -e reported to the Superintendent i''ediatel(2

    $.$ Soil and 2aste in Drains

    The Contractor is to cover all relevant culverts and drains during soil&'ovingoperations and operations where 'o-ile waste is produced2 The Contractor willavoid

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    *!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    soil and other deleterious 'aterials entering pits or drains during the Contract2TheContractor will re'ove 4not -( washing down the pipe6 an( 'aterial which entersthepits2

     llow .or an( wors necessar( to e..ectivel( control erosion and siltation on thesite .or the duration o. the contract period2

    $.$6 2ater Supply

    The Contractor is responsi-le .or the suppl( o. water on&site as necessar(to undertae the wor included as part o. the contract2

    $.$< %lectricity Supply

    The Contractor is responsi-le .or the suppl( o. electricit( on site, i. reuired -(the Contractor, -( 'eans o. a site generator2

    $.$= Sanitary Accommodation

    The Contractor is responsi-le .or the provision o. sanitar( acco''odation toco'pl( to #ealth and Sa.et( regulations2

    $.,> Practical "ompletion

    The Contractor will ensure that all wors ecluding J5aintenance and3sta-lish'ent eriodJ are co'pleted prior to the date .or ractical Co'pletion2

    or the purposes o. issuance o. the Certi.icate o. ractical Co'pletion, all plantsand grassed areas will show signs o. health( vigorous growth2

     n( certi.icates o. warrant( will -e handed over to the Superintendent atractical Co'pletion2

    $.,$ Maintenance and %stablishment Period- @orticultural 2or0s

    The Contractor will 'aintain the horticultural wors .or a period o. twent(&si:4)F6 wees .ollowing the date o. issue o. the Certi.icate o. ractical Co'pletion-( the Superintendent2 ractical co'pletion will -e given when the instant tur. thatch is .ir'l( rooted into the site soil2

     t the conclusion o. the 5aintenance and 3sta-lish'ent eriod all plantsand grassed areas will show signs o. health( vigorous growth2

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    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    1!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    ,. S%T UT A'D %A!T@ 2!+S

    ,.$ The Site

    Greeves Street, St >ilda Streetscape Upgrade 45elwa( re.erence ) /7 and /?6

    Inspection oint: The Contractor and Superintendent will inspect the Site asperschedule2

    ,., Dra/ings

    The .ollowing drawings .or' part o. the contract docu'ents:

    Landscape Dra/ings

    $1: /e'olition lan$): /e'olition lan

    $: Set !ut lan$+: Set !ut lan$: lanting lan$F: lanting lan

    $7: /etailed lantinglans $?: /etails

    Drainage Dra/ings117&**&C*1 4Cover sheet6

    117&**&*) 4>er-, it and $intel /etails& it116117&**&* 4>er-, it and $intel /etails& it

    1+6117&**&*+ 4>er-, it and $intel /etails& it16

    Lighting Dra/ings

    5S$ 1*&3*15S$ 1*&3*)

    ,.1 Setting out o (ree)es Street Streetscape Upgrade

    The Contractor is to -e responsi-le .or the setting out o. all wors and the

    accurac(o. lines and levels2 The Contractor is to provide all necessar( euip'ent to setout

    the wors and have the euip'ent availa-le to the Superintendent to checthelevels and set out2

    ,.4 Demolition

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    The Contractor is responsi-le .or the care.ul de'olition o. all&e:isting sur.aces,there'oval and disposal o. eisting shru-s ; tu.ting plants 4including root s(ste's6and'iscellaneous ite's as shown on the drawings and directed -( theSuperintendent2

    The Contractor shall contact K/ial&0e.ore&%ou&/ig8 prior to co''ence'ent o. 

    de'olition wors2

    Saw cuts shall -e used in e:isting pave'ent sur.aces to -e de'olishedwhen adjoining sur.aces are to re'ain2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    )!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    It is the Contractor8s responsi-ilit( to 'ae their own assess'ent o. the nature o. the ground and the di..iculties liel( to -e encountered during all de'olition,ecavation and .illing wors reuired under the Contract2

     ll de'olished 'aterial 4unless no'inated .or deliver( to Council8s depot6and e:cess 'aterial is to -e re'oved .ro' the site on a continuous -asis

    at the Contractor8s epense to a legal point o. discharge2

     ll -luestone pitchers re'oved .or the re&setting o. e:isting sections o. er-andchannel are to -e cleaned, salvaged and stored in a secure place to avoid the.to.pitchers .or re&use2 !rganise re&setting o. -luestone pitchers as soon as de'olitionisco'pleted to reduce the ti'e o. inconvenience to residents and -usinesses2

    Two No2 eisting litter -ins are to -e relocated .ro' Iner'an and Carlisle Streetsto new locations as per Set !ut lan $ and $+2

    ,.3 !ecyclable Materials

    /ispose o. salvaged -ric, -itu'inous 'aterials o. siAe greater than * '' andother rec(cla-le 'aterials at approved rec(cling esta-lish'ents2

    ,. ;ill Material

    a6 ill 'aterial .or "oads and paved sur.aces

     ll additional 'aterials reuired due to over&ecavation, disposal or a short.allo. suita-le ecavated 'aterial is to -e i'ported at the Contractor8s epense2

    illing 'aterial is to -e Class ) C", co'pacted in la(ers not eceeding1*'', using a 'achine t(pe approved -( the Superintendent2

    The Contractor is to re'ove an( .ill or soil dee'ed unsuita-le .or its intendeduse.ro' the site at the Contractor8s cost2 n( reuired i'ported .ill is to -e to the

    satis.action o. the Superintendent, with a sa'ple -eing approved prior todeliver(2

    -6 ill 'aterial .or nature strips and garden areas

     ll site topsoil to -e re'oved and su-&soil cultivated to areas o. garden -edsand grassed areas2 I'ported clean topsoil is to -e .ree .ro' alle:traneous and deleterious 'aterial, is to -e used su-ject to the approval o. the Superintendent2 Spread i'ported .ill 'aterial to achieve levels onthe plan2 Contact the Superintendent upon co'pletion o. e:cavation andco'pletion o. .illing so that inspections 'a( -e carried out, 4re.er Supervision;Inspections and Sa'ples clause in Section 1 o. this Speci.ication62

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    ill 'aterial to -e a gre( -lac 'ediu' te:tured & sand( loa' .ree o. pests, diseases, organic 'atter and de-ris, ph range 2 & 72

    The Contractor is to re'ove an( .ill or soil dee'ed unsuita-le .or its intendeduse.ro' the site at the Contractor8s cost2 n( reuired i'ported .ill is to -e to the

    satis.action o. the Superintendent, with a sa'ple -eing approved prior todeliver(2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    ,.6 Sub- (rade Preparation

    The Contractor is to noti.( the Superintendent at the co'pletion o. Su-&grade preparation to arrange an inspection prior to su-&-ase preparation2

    Su-&-ases are to -e clear o. all 'aterial containing hu'us and vegeta-le 'atter2

    ill an( so.t spots with H ce'ent sta-iliAed Class ) ine Crushed "oc2

    Su-&grades are to .or' a s'ooth and continuous .inish with no inconsistent risesor depressions causing water to pond2

     ll co'paction is to -e as reuired in S 1)?9 Test3)21;3)2) and test rolled inaccordance with S 79?2

    Su-&-ases are to -e uni.or' in consolidation with no so.t spots2 n( so.t, wetor unsuita-le areas are to -e re'oved and replaced with an approved 'aterialand consolidated to not less than the standard reuire'ent as per clause )2F2"euest approval -( the Superintendent o. an( treat'ent to eradicate so.t

    spots prior to .or'ation o. grades and wors over the treated areas2

    ,.< De-/atering

    /uring earthwors and ecavation, the Contractor is to provide drainage such thatallecavation and .illing will -e .ree draining to low points clear o. the wors at allti'es2/rain or pu'p water .ro' low points to prevent da'age to the wors duetoinundation, .looding, ponding or other causes2 The Contractor is to do allthings

    necessar( to divert an( water, which inter.eres with progress o. the wors, andtoeep areas .ree .ro' water during e:cavation and .illing2 Su..icient pu'ps,well&points or other euip'ent are to -e provided -( the Contractor .or eepingtrenchesand ecavations dewatered during the wors at no additional cost to the council2

    3:isting drainage lines and structures 'a( -e utilised -( the Contractor indraining

    the site2 0e.ore -reaing into an( lines or structures, the Contractor 'ust o-tainprior

    approval .ro' the Superintendent in writing2 Should such approval -egiven,restitution o. the structure to a condition at least euivalent to that -e.orethe-reaing occurred is to -e undertaen -( the Contractor at their epense2

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    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    +!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    1. AS@P@ALT SU!;A"&'(

    1.$ %tent o 2or0s

    The wors to -e per.or'ed under this part o. this Speci.ication include the suppl(o. all la-our, tools and 'aterials necessar( .or the construction o. the asphalt

    sur.ace to the three speed hu'p points2

    "e.er to the Tra..ic 5anage'ent Section and the rogra' docu'enting the

    Contractors responsi-ilit( in woring with Council on advising residents o. thewors progra' in de'olition, preparation and asphalting2

    Inspection oint: The Contractor will give )+ hours notice to the Superintendent,as per schedule, o. intention to:  Set out o. new sur.aces

      Tri''ing, ecavation and su-&grade co'paction .or the new sur.aces<

      0ase preparation .or the asphalt speed hu'ps and .or the re&set

    -luestonepitcher er- and channels<

      /rainage its and their 

    replace'ent<   irst section test

    and approval<

     ll pave'ents a-utting di..erent .inishes will have the appropriate -ac.ill'aterial and .inish to edge, i2e2 0luestone pitchers, eisting road sur.aces, etc2

    1., #ase Preparation

    !n e:cavation co'pact site soil to 9?H 55//2 "e'ove an( so.t spots andcover with Geo.a-ric la(er2 /epth to -e +?*''2

    There are to -e la(ers o. crushed roc 4a6 Suppl( and spread a 1*'' la(er -asela(er o. +*'' N2/2 C" co'pacted to 9H o. the Standard 5ai'u' /r(/ensit(24-6 Suppl( and spread a 1*'' 'id la(er o. )*'' Class C" co'pacted to9Ho. the Standard 5ai'u' /r( /ensit(2 4c6 Suppl( and spread a 1*'' top la(er o.)*'' Class ) C" co'pacted to 9?H o. the Standard 5ai'u' /r( /ensit(2

    Crushed roc to -e clean and .ree o. de-ris2

    Undertae as per Set !ut lans $ and $+2 "e.er to detail C $?2

    1.1 Sur-ace

    Suppl( and spread a *'' co'pacted la(er o. 1*'' No'2 SiAe T(pe Tasphalt2 sphalt is to -e placed in accordance with the /rawings and this

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    Speci.ication2 ll asphalt to -e 'achine laid where possi-le and con.or' tolevels and pro.iles, 'atching and etending those eisting2

     ll 'aterial and wor'anship is to con.or' to the current @ic"oads Speci.ication


    J5aterials and Construction .or sphalt Sur.acing and 0aseJ2

    Spreading is to -e carried out in a co'petent and care.ul 'anner2 Tools are to -eept clean at all ti'es -( using diesel .uel or erosene2 "aing is to -e ept toan a-solute 'ini'u'2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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     sphalt is to -e -etween 17*oC &1?*oC when leaving the supplier and should -e a

    'ini'u' 1FoC when delivered to site and should not -e accepted otherwise2Noasphalt is to -e placed when the a'-ient te'perature is less than 1*LC or when

    coldwinds chill the asphalt to an e:tent that spreading and co'pacting areadversel(a..ected2

     .ter the .inal co'paction, no part o. the .inished asphalt wor is to have a densit(o. less than 97H o. the la-orator( co'pacted densit(2

    The .inished sur.ace o. new pave'ent is to 'atch eisting sur.ace levelsas approved -( the Superintendent2 The asphalt sur.ace is to -e .inished true tograde, levels and pro.ile, and 'ust not var( 'ore than M or & '' .ro' thetesting edge when tested with a 'etre long straight&edge and pro.ile

    te'plate2 The .inished sur.ace o. all pave'ents is to -e .ree draining and'ust not pond water2 /e.icient areas are to -e 'ade good to the satis.action o. the Superintendent2

    Undertae as per Set !ut lans $ and $+2 "e.er to detail C $?2

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    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    4. +%!# A'D "@A''%L !%-S%TT&'( A'D '%2 #LU%ST'% +%!#%D(&'(

    4.$ %tent o 2or0s

    The wor per.or'ed in this part o. the Speci.ication includes the suppl( o. all

    la-our, tools and 'aterials necessar( .or the suppl( and re&setting o. portions tothe eisting -luestone pitcher er- and channel and new -luestone pitcher edging to the new garden -ed as per Set !ut lans $ and $+ and /etails $?

    and 0 $?2 There are seven short lengths o. -luestone er- and channel reuiringre&setting2

    New 0luestone itcher edging to garden -eds:

    &Council will suppl( -luestone pitchers .ro' Council8s /epot on the da(theContractor advises the( are read( .or the pitchers2 Contractor to pre&arrangethe

    deliver( -( Council2 0luestone is to -e set in place on the da( o. deliver( to'ini'isethe ris o. the.t2

    4., !emo)al

    Con.ir' with Superintendent the precise etent o. each o. the 7N o  sectionseisting -luestone er- and channel as shown on the /e'olition lans $1 and$) and Set !ut lans $ and $+2

    Care.ull( re'ove the -luestone pitchers in order not to da'age or 'ar;scratch individual pitchers2

    3rect -arrier .encing to prevent pedestrian or vehicle entr( into the eposedtrenches along the er- channels and the road section, and retain -arrier .encinguntil the resetting is co'pleted and the concrete has cured2 "e.er to clauses129 and 121* concerning pedestrian and vehicle 'anage'ent2

    4.1 #ase Preparation or #luestone Pitcher +erb and "hannel

    !n ecavation co'pact site soil to 9H 55//2 "e'ove an( so.t spots and .ill witha 7'' co'pacted la(er o. Class ) C"2

    Suppl( and spread 7'' co'pacted la(er o. Class ) C"2 Crushed roc is to

    -e clean and .ree o. de-ris2

    4.4 !e-setting o #luestone Pitcher +erb and "hannel

     ll concrete is to -e placed in da(light2 Concrete is to con.or' to S 179 andhavea 'ini'u' )?&da( co'pressive strength o. )5 when tested in co'pliancewith

     S 1*1)2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    lace concrete -edding to a depth o. 1**'' over the co'pacted Class ) C"and set salvaged -luestone pitchers to 'atch on site levels at a 'a:i'u' o. *'' spacing8s2 ill joints with 5ortar 'i: 1FH ce'ent, 1FH Stone dust, F7H-lended washed sand and 1H li'e< D"ead('i 0luestone GroutE or eualapproved2 3cess 'ortar to -e re'oved .ro' the sur.ace o. the -luestone2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    4.3 'e/ #luestone Pitcher %dging to one garden bed

    To the one section o. garden edge to the south west garden -ed 4garden -ed 36o. the 0lanche Street intersection, install a new -luestone pitcher edge2Council to suppl( new -luestone pitchers2

    !n ecavation co'pact site soil to 9H 55//2 "e'ove an( so.t spots and .ill witha 7'' co'pacted la(er o. Class ) C"2

    Suppl( and spread 7'' co'pacted la(er o. Class ) C"2 Crushed roc is to

    -e clean and .ree o. de-ris2

     ll concrete is to -e placed in da(light2 Concrete is to con.or' to S 179 andhavea 'ini'u' )?&da( co'pressive strength o. )5 when tested in co'pliancewith

     S 1*1)2

    lace concrete -edding to a depth o. 1**'' over the co'pacted Class ) C"and set new -luestone pitchers to 'atch on site levels at a 'ai'u' o. *''spacing8s2 ill joints with 5ortar 'i 1FH ce'ent, 1FH Stone dust, F7H -lendedwashed sand and 1H li'e< D"ead('i: 0luestone GroutE or eual approved23:cess 'ortar to -e re'oved .ro' the sur.ace o. the -luestone2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    ?!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    3. ST!M2AT%! P&T !%M%D&AT&'

    3.$ Preliminary and (eneral

    This technical speci.ication covers the wors reuired to upgrade the lintels o. the stor'water pits 11, 1+ and 1 on Greeves Street, St >ilda, as shown on

    5ichael S'ith and ssociates /rawing No2 $+2 This Speci.ication is to -e read inconjunction with the .ollowing associated Stor' Consulting8s drawings:

    D!A2&'( ' T&TL%117&**&C*1 Coversheet117&**&*) >er-, pit and lintel details & pit 11117&**&* >er-, pit and lintel details & pit 1+117&**&*+ >er-, pit and lintel details & pit 1

    3., Storm/ater Pit !emediation Scope

    The contractor is to suppl( all plant, 'aterial and la-our to carr( out the


    3.,.$ Pit $$ and $3

    "etain e:isting concrete pits and re'ove e:isting concrete lintels,pit lids and covers2 Saw cut and re'ove the e:isting concrete er-and channel and adjacent -luestone edging 4road side o. er- andchannel62 The appro:i'ate e:tent o. the cutting is shown in sheet*) /etail *1 and sheet *+ /etail *2 In addition the roadside wall

    o. each pit shall -e saw cut and lowered -( a su..icient a'ount so asto allow a 'ini'u' 1* '' vertical opening when the lintel is


    "einstate its 11 and 1 with "ocla @ic roads 1?** '' wide linteland"ocla "C 1)** 7* pit lid and cover2 The new lintels are to -ewitha 'ini'u' o. 1* '' co'pacted 49H standard co'pactivee..ort6crushed roc under the lintel pillars either side o. the pits2 The lintel istothen -e -ac.illed around the sides and -ac with concrete toprovide

    support2 The pit lid .ra'e is to -e .itted onto the eisting pit -(-eddingin 'ortar2 The pit lids have -een intentionall( oversiAed andan(overhang -e(ond the pit wall is to -e -ac.illed with concrete toprevent.uture cracing o. the lid8s edges2

    The inside o. the lintels is to -e shaped with concrete in.ill to

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    transition.ro' the lintel width 41** ''6 to the pit width 4assu'ed to -e 9**

    ''62 The concrete in.ill sur.ace is to -e with a s'ooth trowelled .inish2

    The re'oved sections o. er- and adjacent -luestone edge are to -e

    reinstated with a poured concrete channel;apron which is to -e o. a'ini'u' thicness o. ** '' on the road side as shown Section /and2 Steel rein.orcing within the concrete channel;apron are toco'priseo. a single la(er o. S$9) 'esh placed with a 'ini'u' cover o. 7''4'easured .ro' the top sur.ace62 In addition to the rein.orcing 'esh,theconcrete er-;apron is to -e tied to the e:isting concrete pit

    andadjacent channel with /1) started -ars on 'ini'u' )** '' centres2

    The starter -ars are to -e e'-edded a 'ini'u' o. 7 '' intoeisting

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    9!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    concrete 4and secured with suita-le adhesive co'pound, suchas che'set62 The starter -ars are to -e -ent at a suita-le angle toetend a 'ini'u' o. )** '' into the new concrete, the -ars 'ust-e tied to the rein.orcing 'esh2 The poured concrete channel is to-e shaped to concentrate and grade .lows toward the lintel;pitopening2 The lintel opening is to -e at least 1* '' high 4'easured

    -etween the concrete channel;apron and the lintel so..it62 The pouredconcrete channel;apron sur.ace is to -e le.t with a s'ooth trowelled.inish2

    3.,., Pit $4

    0rea out and re'ove the eisting -ric pit, lintel and lid and cover2Saw cut and re'ove the eisting concrete er- and channel andone line o. -luestone edging 4road side o. er- and channel62 Theappro:i'ate etent o. the concrete cutting is shown in sheet */etail *)2

     ll new pits, including access covers, gull( grates and .ra'esco'pl(ing with S:99F, are to -e constructed to the detailsshown on the drawings and to the reuire'ents o. the'anu.acturer8s2 Inlet and outlet pipes are to -e cored .ro' theprecast pits 4cored hole siAe eual to the pipe dia'eter plus * ''62The pipes penetrations through the pit walls shall -e sealed withepo( 'ortar2

    The new it 1+ is to co'prise a "ocla recast ">! F** : 9** pit and

    riser to 'atch eisting depth o. stor'water pipe 4Contractor tocon.ir'62

    The new pit is to -e installed as per the 'anu.actures speci.icationwithpit lid and cover to suit 4shown as "ocla "C 1)** : 7*6 and "ocla

    1?** '' lintel2

    Notwithstanding the 'anu.actures speci.ications the pit is to -eplaced on a 'ini'u' o. 1* '' co'pacted crushed roc2 The linteland lid are to -e installed in the sa'e 'anner as .or its 11 and 12

    3.1 Minor "oncrete 2or0

    3.1.$ Scope

    The wor to -e eecuted under this wor section consists o. thesuppl( and place'ent o. concrete and ancillar( reuire'ents liee:cavation, preparation o. .oundations, .or'ing up, place'ent o. rein.orce'ent, core hole in precast units and -ac.illing .or worshown on the drawings -ut not having individual speci.ications2

    These wors include drainage pits and other supple'entar(

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    structures, .ootings and wors o. a si'ilar nature2

     ll concrete 'ust have a 'ini'u' )? da( co'pressive strength o. )5a and all un.or'ed sur.aces shall have a s'ooth towelled

    .inish2 ll concrete wor 'ust co'pl( with the -elow standards2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    +*!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    3.4 !eerenced Standards

    T#3 !$$!=ING /!CU53NTS "33""3/ T! IN T#IS =!">S3CTI!NS#$$ 03 /3353/ S T#3 $T3ST 3/ITI!N ! T#3 UST"$INSTN/"/S, INC$U/ING 53N/53NTS N/ SU$353NTS2

     S 1*1) 53T#!/S ! T3STING C!NC"3T3 S 1*1)21 5$ING "3S# C!NC"3T3 S 1*1)221 /3T3"5INTI!N ! "!3"TI3S "3$T3/ T! T#3

    C!NSIST3NC% ! C!NC"3T3S$U5 T3ST

     S 1*1)2?21 53T#!/ ! 5>ING N/ CU"ING C!NC"3T3C!5"3SSI!N

     N/ IN/I"3CT T3NSI$3 T3ST S3CI53NS S 1*1)29 /3T3"5INTI!N ! T#3 C!5"3SSI@3 ST"3NGT#!

    C!NC"3T3 S3CI53NS S 1*1)21+ 53T#!/ !" S3CU"ING N/ T3STING C!"3S "!5

    #"/3N3/ C!NC"3T3 !" C!5"3SSI@3ST"3NGT#

     S 11+1 53T#!/S !" T3STING N/ S5$ING GG"3GT3S S 11+121+ "TIC$3 S#3 0% "!!"TI!N$ C$$I3" S 11+12)1 GG"3GT3 C"US#ING @$U3 S 11+12) $!S NG3$3S @$U3 S 11+12)+ GG"3GT3 S!UN/N3SS3@$UTI!N 0% 3O!SU"3 T!

    S!/IU5 SU$#T3 S!$UTI!N

     S 1)?9 53T#!/S ! T3STING S!I$S !" 3NGIN33"INGU"!S3S S 1)?92221 S!I$ C$SSIICTI!N T3STSC$CU$TI!N! T#3

    $STICIT% IN/3O ! S!I$

     S 1)?922+21 S!I$ C!5CTI!N N/ /3NSIT% T3STSC!5CTI!NC!NT"!$ T3ST/"% /3NSIT% "TI!, 5!ISTU"3@"ITI!N N/ 5!ISTU"3 "TI!

     S 179 S3CIICTI!N N/ SU$% ! C!NC"3T3 S 1+7? C#35IC$ /5IOTU"3S !" C!NC"3T3, 5!"T" N/G"!UT

     S 1+7?21 /5IOTU"3S !" C!NC"3T3 S 1+ ST"UCTU"$ ST33$ =3$/ING S 1+2 =3$/ING ! "3IN!"CING ST33$ S )*?) TI503"#"/=!!/@ISU$$% ST"3SS&G"/3/ !"

    ST"UCTU"$ U"!S3S S )7? GG"3GT3S N/ "!C> !" 3NGIN33"ING U"!S3S

     S )7?21 C!NC"3T3 GG"3GT3S S F** C!NC"3T3 ST"UCTU"3S S F1* !"5=!"> !" C!NC"3T3 S 799 $IUI/ 5350"N3&!"5ING CU"ING C!5!UN/S !"C!NC"3T3

     S 97) !"T$N/ N/ 0$3N/3/ C353NTS S;NBS 1?9 4@"I!US6 "3C!NSTITUT3/ =!!/&0S3/N3$S S;NBS ))71 $%=!!/ N/ 0$!C>0!"/ !"3OT3"I!" US3 S;NBS +F71 ST33$ "3IN!"CING 5T3"I$S

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    +1!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

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    . "ULT&5AT&' A'D S&LS

    .$ %tent o 2or0s

    The Contractor is to grade to .inal levels and re&cultivate to garden -eds to areason the lanting lans $, $F, $7 shown as planted2

    ., Site Trimming

    #er-icide spra( all grassed or weed in.ested nature strips to -e converted togarden-ed using approved her-icide and to the 'anu.acturer8s application and

    protectioninstructions2 /on8t spra( on a wind( da( and the Contractor is to tae 'easuresto

    prevent spra( dri.t a..ecting plants within residential and co''ercial properties2!ndie&-ac o. grass, re'ove eisting grass thatch and topsoil to 1**'' depth prior 

    tocultivation o. all areas to -e planted2 Site topsoil is to -e savaged and stocpiled.orreuse as topsoil and .ill soil2

    .1 (arden #ed Preparation

    rior to spreading i'ported topsoil to all new garden -eds and grassedareas, re'ove an( de-ris and grass root thatch, cultivate site soil and .ill 'aterialto a depth o. 1*'' -( 'echanical 'eans2 Suppl( and spread g(psu' evenl(over all garden -ed areas at a rate o. 1g;')2 llow .allow period o. seven476 da(s prior to spreading i'ported topsoil2

    .4 ;ill Material or (arden #ed Mounds and Areas /here !e8uired

    I'ported .ill is to -e a light -rown & gre( cla( loa' 4p# range F&762 Cla( soil o. heav( (ellow or white cla( or .ill soil o. var(ing loa' contents and or soilcontaining -uilding ru--le, de-ris and organic 'atter will not -e accepted2 rior to ordering .ill 'aterial, the Contractor is to suppl( the Superintendent with asa'ple o. the i'ported .ill 'aterial proposed .or use .or approval2

    rior to ordering .ill 'aterial the Contractor is to suppl( the Superintendent with a)g sa'ple o. the i'ported .ill soil proposed .or use .or approval -( theSuperintendent2 This will -e retained -( the Superintendent as a re.erence sa'ple2

    .3 Topsoil or (arden #eds

    Spread i'ported topsoil to a lightl( rolled depth o. 1**'' depth to all new

    garden -ed areas over 1*'' depth o. cultivated site soil2

    I'ported top soil is to -e a *;* 'i o. gre(;-rown 'ediu' tetured loa' and-lac sand( loa'2 $ightl( roll the topsoil spread to grassed areas and garden -edsto .inish topsoil as gentl( haunched at )'' a-ove adjoining .ootpaths and

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    er-lines to allow .or soil settle'ent2 Suppl( 1g sa'ple o. i'ported top soilintended .or use to Superintendent .or approval prior to ordering2

    Should the ground -eco'e over co'pacted due to 'achiner( woring over sur.ace, the Superintendent 'a( reuire re&cultivation o. co'pacted ground prior to planting2 Such re&cultivation is to -e at the Contractor8s epense2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    . Preparation

    I'ported top soil is to -e graded to a s'ooth sur.ace to ensure .reesur.acedrainage2 No clods larger than *'' dia'eter are to -e le.t2 Cultivate sur.ace soilto

    a .ine .ria-le tilth -( 'echanical 'eans2 Grade sur.ace to adjoining.ootpaths,-luestone pitcher and plinth edges2 The sur.ace is to -e .ree o. depressionsandundulations with the variance -eing no greater than *'' over a 'etrelength2Gentl( haunch the topsoil a-ove adjoining .ootpaths and -luestone er-s2 In caseo.adverse weather conditions the wor 'a( -e suspended at the direction o. theSuperintendent2 To areas o. grass to -e reinstated, cultivate the site soil to a deptho.

    7'' -( 'echanical 'eans and when soil is in a .ria-le condition, to thenplaceinstant tur.2

    .6 ;inal (rading

    Garden -eds are to -e .inished to .or' a gentl( crowned pro.ile and are to.inish)'' a-ove adjacent concrete edges and grassed areas2 /uring the .allowperiod,lightl( hose the prepared sur.ace to aid settle'ent2 ill an( areas o. su-sidencewith

    stocpiled topsoil to 'aintain grades and tolerances2 To areas o. grass at the ti'eo.tur.ing, cultivate the tur. -ed to a depth o. )'' -( raing soil in transversedirections to give a loose sur.ace2 Soil sur.ace .or instant tur. o. nature strips isto.inish as a lightl( rolled la(er .lush to the adjoining paths and-luestoneedges;er-ing2

    .< ;ertiliser

    Spread ivot 9** .ertiliser at *g's;') to cultivated areas and rae in to the topsoil2

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    6. PLA'T&'(

    6.$ %tent o 2or0s

    The Contractor is to provide plant 'aterial .ro' an approvednurser(;supplier, .ertilisers, staes and la-our to plant plants and deciduous trees

    as per the lanting lans $, $F, and $72

    6., Plant Material

    lants are to -e health(, well&grown speci'ens, .ree o. pest and diseases2 lantsare to -e delivered to the site in such a 'anner as to prevent da'age in transit2The Superintendent is to inspect plant 'aterial on deliver( to site and sign o.. approval2 n( speci'ens which are not in accordance with the plant schedule or are not well grown, .ree o. pests and diseases 'a( -e rejected2

    6.1 Plant SiBes

    lant 'aterials are to -e supplied in the .ollowing 'ini'u' siAes:

    Shru-s & 1**'' container  Groundcovers;Succulents & 1**'' container /eciduous Trees 4dvanced Speci'ens6 & )27'etres high, *'' truncalliper &7**'' dia'eter container

    6.4 Setting ut

    The Contractor is to set out the plant 'aterial in accordance with the plantingplans and o-tain the on&site approval o. the Superintendent prior to planting2

    lanting in large areas 'a( -e staged to ensure plants are not on&site andin containers .or longer than )+ hours2

    6.3 Planting "onditions

    lanting is not -e carried out i. the soil is ver( wet and waterlogged, or duringperiods o. adverse or etre'e weather or wind( conditions2

    6. Planting Procedure or Shrubs* (round "o)ers and Succulents

    Thoroughl( soa the plant -e.ore planting2

    !ver ecavate each plant hole -( at least three ti'es the pot dia'eter 

    and pot height2

    I. the soil is ver( dr(, .ill with water and allow to drain co'pletel(2

    ertilise at the rate o. )g' o. slow release, long li.e K!s'ocote8.ertiliser 

    or si'ilar6 per 1**'' dia'eter pot2 lace .ertiliser in the -otto' o. 


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    hole and cover with soil to ensure there is no contact -etween the


    and .ertiliser2

    lace the plant into the hole and -ac.ill with approved garden soil .ree

    .ro' weeds, stones, clods o. su-soil and other etraneous 'atter2

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    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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      lants are to -e set plu'- and level with the adjacent soil & ensure nosoil

    is placed against the ste' o. the root crown2

    or' a K-owl8 around the plant to hold at least 1 litre o. water2

    Spread 'ulch evenl( over K-owl82

    The plant la-el is to -e re'oved .ro' the trun o. the plant and le.t visi-le inthe adjacent earth2

    6.6 Planting Procedure or Deciduous Trees

    5ini'u' siAe is not to -e less than )27'etres in height 4soil level to top growth6and *'' dia'eter trun caliper2

    Thoroughl( 'oisten plant roots -e.ore planting and soa all container&

    grown stoc2

    /ig hole o. a su..icient siAe, with do'ed -otto' to tae root -all without

    restricting the root dia'eter2 5ini'u' dia'eter +**''2

    I. the soil is ver( dr( .ill with water and allow to drain co'pletel(2

    Cut -ac an( da'aged roots to health( tissue2

    ertilise at the rate o. *g's o. slow release, long li.e K!s'ocote8.ertiliser 

    4or si'ilar6 per tree2 lace .ertiliser in the -otto' o. the hole and


    with soil to ensure there is no contact -etween the roots and .ertiliser2

    lanting: lace plant in hole2 Gentl( cover the roots with i'ported topsoil

    in 1*'' la(ers and co'pact around the peri'eter o. the hole with


    to ensure no air pocets and root ends -end downwards2 3nsure


    are not pressed against the -otto' o. the hole due to .illing with soil


    uicl( or lu'p( soil2

    Staing: llow to provide two 4)6 )****'' hardwood staesper

    tree, set to a 'ini'u' o. **'' apart to avoid root da'age2

    /rive staes **'' into the ground2 Use approved .lei-le Kwe--ing8

    ties tied in a .igure ? con.iguration2 5onitor tree sta-ilit( in prevailing

    winds -e.ore staing advanced trees2

    or' a K-owl8 around trun to hold at least F litres o. water2 Spread'ulch

    evenl( over K-owl82

    "e'ove the plant la-el .ro' the trun o. the plant and either tie to thetree

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    guard, tree stae or leave visi-le in adjacent granitic sand2

    6.< (arden Mulch

     .ter planting plants the Contractor will suppl( and spread shredded pinewood

    'ulch to an average depth o. 7'' 4M;& 1*''6 to all planting -ed areasa.terplanting2 5ulch slither siAes to var( .ro' 1)'' to )'' in length and to 1*''inwidth and -e o. an even range o. siAes2 5ulch level to .inish a-ove adjacent



    5ulch is to -e .ree .ro' soil clods, rocs and all other non&organic 'atter2rovide asa'ple o. 'ulch .or approval -( the Superintendent prior to suppl( and deliver(to

    the site2

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    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    >eep 'ulch awa( .ro' tree truns to avoid rotting at ground level2 ppl('ulch regularl( to 'aintain 'ulch level as speci.ied2

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    Inspect grass on a weel( -asis and i. weeds -eco'e apparent, re'ove weed

    growth -( cultivation2 Selective her-icides 'a( -e used at the Contractor8sdirection2 3nsure that weed spra(ing is carried out on a cal' da( and protect alltrees, shru-s and ground covers .ro' spra( dri.t da'age2

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    =. %STA#L&S@M%'T* D%;%"TS* L&A#&L&TC A'D MA&'T%'A'"%

    =.$ (eneral

    The ractical Co'pletion Certi.icate is given when all construction worsare

    practicall( co'plete to the satis.action o. the Superintendent, garden -eds andplantsshow success.ul esta-lish'ent and the instant tur. has .ir'l( rooted into thei'portedtopsoil la(er2 n( -are areas o. reinstated grass 'a( reuire re&tur.ing anda.tercareand ractical Co'pletion will -e withheld until the de.ined percentage is achieved2

    The 5aintenance and 3sta-lish'ent eriod co''ences at the issue o. theracticalCo'pletion Certi.icate2 The Contractor is to 'aintain the horticultural wors .or the

    period o. twent(&si: 4)F6 wees .ollowing the issue o. the ractical Co'pletionCerti.icate2

    =., Maintenance

    5aintenance includes the care o. the Contract areas -( acceptedconstructionpractices, as well as recti.(ing an( de.ects that -eco'e apparent in the Contractareaunder nor'al use2 This will include -ut not -e li'ited to, the .ollowing ite'swhereand as reuired:

    "e&spreading or topping up o. 'ulch, rela(ing depressions in paved areas, re&.iing .urniture, 'aintaining site neatl( and tidil(2

     n( soil su-sidence or erosion, which 'a( occur a.ter the soil .illing andpreparation operations, is to -e 'ade good2

     ll 'ulched sur.aces are to -e 'aintained in a clean and tid( condition and-e reinstated i. necessar(, as speci.ied2

    =.1 (arden #eds

    Garden -eds are to -e 'aintained weed&.ree, 'ulch ept topped up to thespeci.ied depth and 'aintained clear o. plant ste's2 Control an( plantchlorosis;(ellowing with appropriate .ertilisers2

     n( weeds are to -e re'oved -( hand and disposed o. to a legal point o. discharge2

    =.4 Plant !eplacement

    "eplace an( plants which .ail to thrive or survive within ) wees o. such

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    condition -eco'ing evident2

    =.3 2atering

    Grassed areas, trees and garden -ed areas are to -e watered regularl( -( taner or

    si'ilar 'eans so as to ensure continuous health( growth2 The 'ini'u'accepta-lereuire'ent .or trees and shru-s is 1* litres o. water during each period o. onewee2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    =. !eporting

    /uring the 5aintenance and 3sta-lish'ent period, the site is to -e regularl( androutinel( attended at weel( intervals or 'ore o.ten as reuired2 3ach attendanceis to -e 'ared -( reporting to the Superintendent2

    =.6 ;inal "ompletion

     t the end o. the 5aintenance and 3sta-lish'ent eriod, pave'ents, .i:tures and

    associated wors are to -e in .irst class condition to hand over to theroprietor2 ave'ents and .itures are to -e sta-le, clean, and structurall( andvisuall( sound2 The period 'a( -e etended until a satis.actor( standard isreached2

    "euest an inspection and report -( the Superintendent one 416 wee prior tothe end o. the 5aintenance and 3sta-lish'ent eriod2 n( de.ects are to -erecti.ied -e.ore the 5aintenance and 3sta-lish'ent eriod is dee'ed to -eco'plete2

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    3. Specifcation - LightingU'M%T%!%D PU#L&" ;%ATU!% L&(@T&'(



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    Contract No: 1799Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    $. 2!+&'( &'ST!U"T&'S

    $.$ Dra/ings

    The .ollowing u-lic $ighting and ssociated electrical services drawings shall

    .or' part o. the Contract:

    Dra/ing 'o. Title

    5S$1*&3*1 Greeves Street, St >ilda, Streetscape Upgrade roject& 5etered eatured u-lic $ighting $a(out

    5S$l1*&3*) Greeves Street, St >ilda, Streetscape Upgrade roject& 5etered eatured u-lic $ighting $a(out

    $., perating and Maintenance &nstructions and Manuals

    rovide operating and 'aintenance instructions and 'anuals in accordance withthe .ollowing speci.ication:&

    perating and Maintenance Manuals - (eneral

    T#"33 46 C!I3S o. the 'anual are reuired2

    The data to -e provided in the 'anuals shall include 'anu.acturerPsliterature,diagra's, illustrations and drawing and test reports covering co''issioning and

    wors tests2

      dra.t o. the proposed 'anual shall -e provided .or the approval o. the Superintendent not later than one wee prior to the due date .or ph(sicalco'pletion o. the wor under the Contract2


    5anuals shall -e o. International + siAe, with sti.. plastic covers2 The -indingshall -e o. the loose lea. T(pe with all pages 'achine punched and shall per'itpages to lie .lat and ena-le eas( insertion and re'oval o. pages2Good ualit(, dura-le printing paper shall -e used .or tet, printed on one sideonl(2 /rawings shall -e .olded in their length to .it covers2

    $.1 As &nstalled Dra/ings

    !n co'pletion o. the wors, provide as&installed drawings detailing the



    Suppl( a set o. prints in each 'anual, and one 416 set o. C/ diss2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


     ll drawings shall -e prepared using the co'puter aided dra.ting s(ste' UT!C/latest "elease, pplication C/ so.tware and shall -e supplied with 2/O, 2/=GQ2/ .or'at .iles2 ll co'puter drawings shall -e co'piled and saved on C/&"!52

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    $.4 ;ees and Permits

    The Contractor shall i''ediatel( upon entering into a contract 'ae allapplications .or per'its and or certi.icates reuired -( an( authorit( having jurisdiction over this contract and pa( all associated .ees including all on&siteinspection .ees2

    $.3 Materials* 2or0manship and Sundries

     ll 'aterials, .ittings, accessories and apparatus shall -e new and unused o. .irst grade design and 'anu.acture, and shall co'pl( with the relevant S222docu'ent2 The wor'anship shall -e o. a high standard throughout2

    The Contractor 'ust su-'it to the Superintendent prior to co''encinginstallation,sa'ples o. all accessories, .ittings and apparatus which it is proposed to e'plo(inthe wor, and onl( such ti'es as have -een approved 'a( -e installed2 ailure

    toco'pl( with this provision 'a( result in the unconditional rejection o. suchite'swhen inspected on site2

     n( rejected 'aterials, accessories or apparatus shall -e re'oved .ro' thesite within twent(&.our 4)+6 hours2

    $. Setting ut* "utting A/ay and Ma0ing (ood

    Thoroughl( chec the relevant di'ensions on the drawings and con.ir' -(site 'easure'ents which will tae precedence over other .igures2

    The setting out shall -e con.ir'ed on&site with the Superintendent atthe co''ence'ent o. the contract and prior to an( on&site wors -eing per.or'ed2

    The 3lectrical Contractor shall set out, at the earliest opportunit( the positionandsiAes o. all penetrations, recesses, etc, necessar( .or the acco''odation o. theworincluded in this Contract, and shall arrange to cut awa( .or and 'ae gooda.ter,such wor2

    $.6 "oordination

    The 3lectrical Contractor shall -e responsi-le .or checing and co&ordination o. wor under the $ighting and 3lectrical Services =ors pacage2

    $.< Sca:olding* @oisting and Liting

    rovide all cranage, li.ting, hoisting, protection, hoarding, sca..olding and the


  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    associated with the wors o. the Contract to the reuire'ents o. the=orcover@ictoria, 3lectrical /istri-ution 0usiness 4Citipower6 and an( other relevant


    $.= Tests

    Carr( out co'plete co''issioning and testing2 ll testing and co''issioning wor shall -e carried out -( uali.ied persons2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

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    $.$> &nspection o- Site

    The 3lectrical Contractor warrants that -e.ore tendering, the 3lectrical Contractor 

    inspected the site and is conversant with all visi-le e:isting conditions inand

    surrounding the site and with conditions o. access to and use o. the site .or -uildingpurposes and has noted an(thing liel( to a..ect the per.or'ance o. thecontractwhich such an inspection should have reasona-l( disclosed including wor-elowoverhead power lines2

    $.$$ Site 'oise "ontrol and Disruption

    Co'pl( with all statutor( reuire'ents relating to noise levels on site2Tae all necessar( precautions to prevent nuisance .ro' noise and vi-ration2

    Cutting, drilling, digging, de'olition and lie activities shall -e planned andconducted in such a wa( as to cause as little inconvenience as possi-le tooccupants o. adjacent areas and the pu-lic2

     ll co'pressors and other stationer( engines shall -e o. the silenced t(peand silence jacha''ers shall -e used where such -reaing euip'ent isnecessar( or called .or2 !peration o. euip'ent shall -e closel( supervisedto ensure that silencers are alwa(s in place2

    $.$, "odes and Standards

    Notwithstanding that stated herein, the entire electrical services installation shall.ull(co'pl( with the regulation o. the .ollowing uthorities having jurisdiction over suchwors:

    & @ictoria 0uilding "egulations incorporating 0uilding Code o. ustralia

    & Insurance Council o. ustralia 4IC6

    & 3lectricit( /istri-ution 0usiness 4Citiower6

    & =orcover @ictoria

    Together with all relevant ustralian Standards and all 'end'ents tothose Standards2

    $.$1 Alternati)es

    The 'anu.acturer and 'odel nu'-ers speci.ied herein or on the drawingsindicate the pre.erred t(pe o. euip'ent and the design intent2 The 3lectricalContractor 'a( propose alternatives where noted with proo. that the( are

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    JeualJ2 ccepta-le JeualJ proposal shall include su-'ission o. proo. .or

    a6 Identical construction details

    -6 Identical 'aterials speci.ication

    c6 Identical technical per.or'ance

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    Su-'it proo. to Superintendent .or approval i. alternative is proposed2The su-'ission shall include:

    a6 ppropriate technical literature

    -6 n( initial and running cost savings

    c6 Technical calculations

    =here an ite' o. euip'ent other than that speci.ied or detailed in thedrawing,which reuires an( redesign o. the s(ste', drawings showing the la(out o. theeuip'ent and such redesign as reuired there.ore shall -e prepared tothesatis.action o. the Superintendent at the 3lectrical ContractorPs own epense2=heresuch approved deviation necessitates a di..erent uantit( and arrange'ent

    o.'aterials and euip'ent .ro' that originall( speci.ied or indicated on the/rawings,additional 'aterials and euip'ent reuired -( the s(ste' shall -e provided atno

    additional cost2

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    ,. S"P% ; 2!+ - %L%"T!&"AL "'T!A"T

    The scope o. wor covered -( the $ighting Q ssociated 3lectricalServices docu'ents and to -e per.or'ed -( the 3lectrical Contractor includes the 'anu.acture, suppl(, installation, testing, co''issioningand su-seuent 'aintenance during the /e.ects lia-ilit( period o. the wor

    speci.ied herein and shown on the acco'pan(ing drawings2

    The 3lectrical Contractor shall -e responsi-le .or the provision o. all

    'anu.actured ite's, 'aterials, la-our, cartage, tools, plant, appliances and

    .i:ings necessar( .or the proper eecution o. the wors, including all 'inor andincidental wors2

    12 11** 5!CS Call, location and service location testing on site o. allUnderground Services along the route o. proposed trenches2

    )2 Conduct o. .or'al Citiower KN! G! B!N3 SS3SS53NT8 prior tostarting wors on site to esta-lish all sa.e woring procedures

    .or wors taing place near live networ electrical assets2

    2 $iaison with Citiower and provision o. Citipower pole 'ountedused

    5ains Runction 0o: and 3nclosure 5ain Switch-oard including a )

     'p Circuit -reaer together with co&ordination o. theun'eteredsuppl( connections 4+ No6 .or underground power suppl( to the new

    5ain /istri-ution illars, 5/&Carlisle, @ale, 0lanche Q Iner'anand

    pa('ent o. truc appoint'ent .ees to 'ae connection2 Note the/rgshows an appro:i'ate location onl( with e:act suppl( points to -e


    +2 new 5ain /istri-ution 0oard illars 5/&Carlisle, @ale, 0lanche QIner'an as shown and speci.ied including production o. a dra.ted

    shop drawing .or approval2 illars shall include 5ain/istri-ution0oard and u-lic $ighting Controls as shown and shall also

    include3nerg( "etail 5eter panels to suit possi-le .uture 'etering

    additionsin case Council decide at a later date to convert to 'etered suppl(2

    2 4Ite' /eleted & no new ite'6

    F2 Suppl( and installation o. New Ti'-er $ight osts T(pe KT$18 and

    KT$)88 including attendance during concrete pouring to locateconduit into osts2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    72 Suppl( Q Installation o. T(pe K8U8 KS18and KS)8 lu'inaires and wiring at

    $ight osts2 =ors to also include all associated $3/ power supplies and controls2

    ?2 Night Trial during Construction to pinpoint place'ent and setouts o.Ti'-er $ight ost and orientation o. lu'inaires 2

    92 3ternal eature $ighting Controls as detailed2

    1*2 New Ti'-er $ight ost oundations .or T(pe KT$18 and KT$)8 $ight

    osts as detailed on the $andscape rchitectural /rawings2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    !"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    112 rovision o. lu'inaire sa'ples .or approval and swatches tocon.ir'

    paint colours .or illar8s2

    1)2 3:cavation, -ac.illing and reinstate'ent to suit theproposed

    Underground conduit and pit installation wors2

    12 Suppl( and Installation o. Cat underground @C conduits anddraw

    wires to suppl( $ighting Q ower including 5arer Tapes

    1+2 3lectrical its as shown2

    12 Suppl( Q Installation o. u-lic $ight and ower circuit wiring2

    1F2 3ngage'ent o. a specialist co'pan( to accuratel( record toCitiower

    approved record standards, the underground services laidor

    discovered to include precise o..set 'easure'ents .ro'


    site .eatures such as er-ing and entr( into the 5!CS s(ste' to.or'

    a per'anent site record o. wors undertaen2

    172 Testing and Co''issioning including setup and .unctional chec o.

    u-lic $ighting Controls2

    1?2 rovision o. !perating and 5aintenance 5anuals 4 sets6 including

    anas&-uilt drawing and C/ dis2

    192 "e'oval o. all ru--ish and de-ris .ro' the site associated withthe

    wors on a dail( -asis2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    F!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    1. 2!+ #C T@%!S


    12 4Ite' deleted62

    )2 Suppl( Connection Charge .or the New u-lic $ighting Suppl(levied

    on 1st Custo'er 0illing ccounts -( the 3nerg( "etailer .or eachnew

    3lectricit( 5eter22

    4. (%'%!AL %L%"T!&"AL !%EU&!%M%'TS

    3ecute all wor in accordance with the attached speci.ication and drawings,current rules and regulations and ustralian Standards, the .ollowing in particular:

    S 0uilding Code o. ustralia including @ictorian 'end'ents

    S  S*** S =iring "ules

    S =iring "egulations

    S Service and Installation "ules & Code o. ractice .or the Connection o. 

    3lectricalInstallations to Suppl( 5ains2

    S  S**? & Selection o. Ca-les .or 2C2 @oltages up to *2F;1@

    S  S+921 & $ow @oltage Switchgear and Controlgear sse'-lies


    New 'aterials shall -e supplied, unless otherwise speci.ied on drawings2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    7!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    3. %L%"T!&"&TC SUPPLC A'D M%T%!&'(

    3.$ Alternati)es

    3lectricit( Suppl( shall -e new at suppl( points as shown2

    Un'etered suppl( charges levied -( Citipower will -e the responsi-ilit( o. therincipal2

    Suppl( shall -e taen at )+* @ * #A Single hase and neutral2

    rovide underground service conduit .ro' 5ain /istri-ution illars to eachsuppl( pole2 rovide all wors on suppl( pole to run 'ains up each suppl( poleincluding ca-le guarding, a new used 5ains Runction 0o: and enclosurest(le 5ain switch-oard 'ounted at + 'etres including a ) 'p Circuit 0reaer as the 5ain Switch all to Citipower reuire'ents and veri.ied with Citipower Connections Technical dvisor, 5r Terr( $ong 1** 1) ?9+2

    3., Metering

     rrange .or each suppl( to -e 'ade as an un'etered connection o. suppl(2

    Con.er with the 3lectricit( /istri-ution 0usiness to con.ir' reuire'ents

    .or connection and allow .or all 'aterials and la-our reuire'ents2

    =or shall include $iaison, and .ollow&up with the 3lectricit( /istri-ution 0usinesson -ehal. o. the rincipal2

    Co'plete all paperwor reuired -( Citipower to e..ect connection with the

    rincipal and lodge on the rincipal8s -ehal.2ollow up during construction to o-tain connection in good ti'e .or theworsprogra'2

    Suppl( and install a 'eter panel in each illar to allow the possi-le .utureconversionto a 'etered suppl( in co'pliance with current Service Q installation



    3.1 F'o (o 9oneG Assessment

    The Contractor shall independentl( ascertain .ull details .ro' the 5!CS 11**

    Call Service concerning the assets on site and carr( out a site services location

    surve( using ca-le detection euip'ent to ensure assets are correctl( pinpointed2

    Upon award o. contract and prior to an( site wors co''encing directl( arrangewithCitiower to have a N! G! B!N3 SS3SS53NT carried out on proposed wors

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    procedures and co'pl( with all reuired provisions without variation to the contract2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    ?!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    . MA&' S2&T"@#A!D P&LLA!S H4 'I

    .$ (eneral !e8uirements

    Suppl( Q Install new 5ain Switch-oard /istri-ution pillars 45S8s6 .a-ricated onl(-( an approved 'anu.acturer2

    3ach pillar shall -e identical, .ree standing, totall( enclosed, weatherproo., 'etalclad, air -rea and dust ver'in proo.ed t(pe23ach pillar shall -e .ront connected and con.or' with S +9 and S 199 & IF2

    rovide switchgear, -us-ars, ca-les, supports, .i:ings, lugs, glands, gland plates,

    ter'inals, na'eplates, la-els and all accessories necessar( .or the wor2 Usenon.la''a-le, non&h(groscopic and non&tracing 'aterials2!perating handles o. switchgear shall not -e higher than )***'' and lower 

    than 7'' a-ove .inished .loor level2

    a-ricate cu-icles as shown using .olded and welded sections and -racings2

    Ground .lush all welds in nor'all( visi-le areas2

    rovide a channel .ra'e as shown which shall -e incorporated in the -ase o. each pillar to provide rigidit( and support .or li.ting2 rovide each pillar with asuita-le concrete plinth and -olt to this concrete plinth to approval2

    The 'etalwor shall -e clean, .ree .ro' scale and -le'ishes, and giveninternall( and e:ternall( a corrosion inhi-iting treat'ent, .ollowed -( a .irstundercoat and a .inal coat2 Colours shall -e internal =#IT3, eternal a selectedcolour which shall -e con.ir'ed -( the Superintendent at the ti'e o. shop drawingapproval2

    rovide adeuate ventilation to li'it te'perature rise to the reuire'ents o. this speci.ication and S+92@entilation louvres shall not -e installed on .ront o. switch-oard2

    it loca-le doors to .ront .or 'aintenance, inspection and testing2it sponge neoprene gasets around doors .or dust&proo.ing2/oor and panel handles, hinges and .astenings shall -e stainless steel2it a door restraint ar' at -ase o. pillar to allow door to -e secured openagainst wind conditions2

    Control sections o. the switch-oard shall -e co'part'entalised .ro' thepower

    sections2Control and 'onitoring ca-les shall -e 'ulti&stranded 'ini'u' )2''

    )  *2F;1>@

    @7grade2Colour code wiring in accordance with S)*F7 and identi.( the' -( 'oulded.errules at -oth ends2Ter'inate inco'ing and outgoing ca-les on insertion or tunnel t(pe rail&'ounted

    ter'inal -locs2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    $ace and loo' ca-les and wires using ties, cleats, tra(s and ducts asappropriate2 rovide -ushes to prevent cha.ing o. ca-les2

    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    9!"T #I$$I CIT% C!UNCI$ & a'ended and reproduced under cop(right $icence 1)*+&c*19

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    $a-el all pillar apparatus and controls2 $a-els shall -e pol(car-onate,engraved -lac lettering on white and all la-els shall -e 'echanicall( .ied2 Thepillar shall -e .itted with a 'ain la-el with 1*'' high letters, in a position on insideo. /oor2

    rovide a rating plate to provide all in.or'ation prescri-ed in S +9 and

    include details o. the rating plate on the su-'itted shop drawing2 The plate shall-e located inside o. door and in an( case shall note 'anu.acturer, date o. 'anu.acture, .ault rating capacit( and .or' o. construction2

    3lectrical euip'ent shall not -e connected to the pillar until the euip'ent has-een tested to -e sa.e .or connections2 Te'porar( .inal circuit connectionsshall -e provided with earth leaage protection2

      spares holder shall -e provided inside the door o. the pillar2

    ., Shop Dra/ings

    repare a pro.essionall( dra.ted shop drawing .or approval -( Citiower 

    and Superintendent showing the proposed pillars2

    Shop drawing shall include plans, elevations, sections, details and sche'aticwiring diagra's to show the 'ae up o. each pillar, 'anu.acturers o. euip'entand all details necessar( to provide a proper record o. the installation2

    .1 Distribution #oard

     s listed provide a new 5etalclad $oad Centre st(le 5ain Switch-oard at eachpillar2 it .ault current li'iters as shown

    The /istri-ution 0oard shall -e a .ull( enclosed unit co'plete with /oor and

    $oc and not just a chassis and .ront escutcheon2

    5iniature circuit -reaers shall co'pl( with S1112Select .ault interrupting capacit( in accordance with the prospective .aultlevels indicated on drawings2In an( case the 'ini'u' .ault interrupting capacit( shall -e F 2 The utilisationo. current li'iting .uses are accepta-le2Use the sa'e 'anu.acture o. 'iniature circuit -reaers throughout theinstallation2 5C08s shall -e /IN st(le2

    Circuit la-elling and schedule shall -e a..ied to the inside o. distri-ution -oards2New $a-els shall -e 'anu.actured and -e o. engraved la'inated plastic, Tra..ol(te

    oreual2 Identi.ication la-els shall -e 1*'' high letters2

    3lectrical euip'ent and accessories shall not -e connected to the distri-ution-oard circuit -reaers until the( have -een tested to -e in sa.e operational order2

     llte'porar( connections .or construction use or site tests shall -e provided withearth leaage protection2 3lectrical loading shall -e -alanced as evenl( aspossi-le across the three phases during co''issioning2

  • 8/18/2019 1799 Contract Greeves Street Streetscape Upgrade Spec


    Contract No: 1799

    Title: Greeves Street, Streetscape Upgrade

    F*!"T #I