15th international peat congress 2016 (2nd circular)

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  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    Second Circular & Call For Papers

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)



    ‘Selamat Datang’ (Welcome) to IPC 2016On behalf of the organising commi ee, it is my pleasure and with great delight to announce that the15 th Interna onal Peat Congress 2016 (IPC 2016) will be held in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia from August15 th to 19 th , 2016.

    This is the rst me the Congress will be organised in Southeast Asia and this, in itself, presents amarvellous opportunity to showcase peatlands, related sciences and industries and the di erent anddiverse facets of region to the world. Moreover, it will provide a pla orm to bring together all researchcommunity from each and every part of the globe to come together and experience a unique mixtureof cultures as well tap into the abundant resources for research on peatlands and peat.

    The organisers are preparing various and inspiring programmes of events, demonstra ons and eldvisits unparalleled in the history of Interna onal Peat Congresses, bringing together informa on and

    discussions on land use, land use change and economic development while emphasising the importance of biodiversity andconserva on of peatlands. There will be mul ple sessions on all aspects of peatlands and peat based on the 10 IPS Commissionsbut with opportuni es to propose addi onal sessions on specialist and emerging topics to suit every preference and requirement.

    The Congress will be well worth the e ort and me to come to Kuching. There will be a broad selec on of cultural and socialevents and eld excursions to provide an excellent introduc on to Sarawak, Malaysia, and the wider Southeast Asian region. Thecosts of food and accommoda on are very reasonable, and for those coming from afar, it is an excellent opportunity to combinethe Congress with a holiday. It is the chance of a life me.

    Last but not least, I look forward to mee ng you and assure that you will have an exci ng and memorable experience on your visithere. I truly believe that all delegates will nd IPC 2016 a proli c and meaningful congrega on towards enhancing the peatlandsand hence the world, to be a be er and sustainable place for everyone, now and in the future.

    Mr. Frederick Haili TeckPresident, Malaysian Peat Society (MPS)

    Welcome to KuchingThe Interna onal Peat Congress (IPC) has a long history. It is the prime scien c event of theInterna onal Peatland Society (IPS) and has been organized every fourth year since the rst mee ng inIreland in 1954. The 15 th IPC will be di erent from all the previous Congresses. For the rst me the IPCis organized in Tropical Asia – in Kuching, Malaysia.

    Peat and peatland scien sts and stakeholders from all world regions are invited to this pres gious event.As in previous years, the scien c core of the mee ng will embrace ALL aspects of peat and peatlandsglobally, as well as regional and local characteris cs of the host country. The most recent resultsfrom studies on pris ne, cul vated and restored areas will be presented and speakers will give newknowledge on carbon emissions and climate change, biodiversity, a er-use and peatland restora on,nature conserva on and responsible management of peatlands. On display we also have the important

    peat products for energy and hor culture, and cultural, educa onal, medicinal and socio-economic aspects of peatlands and peat.The la er include even peat art, literature and music!

    While the 15 th IPC, as all previous Congresses, maintains the interest and par cipa on of peatland scien sts and stakeholdersfrom all over the world, the Kuching Congress obviously presents an extra favourable opportunity for input from and par cipa onof peat family members in the Asian region. The Congress will serve as the perfect pla orm for highligh ng the characteris cs andimportance of tropical peatlands, certainly including those covered with rainforests, with the aim of lling knowledge gaps relatedto their vital role in the welfare of people and wildlife. In addi on we would like to highlight the large role of Asia as a market areain interna onal trade, an aspect that our European and North-American members are surely apprecia ng. You are very welcometo add to this impressive mix of knowledge and experience by presen ng, listening and socializing.

    I recently had the pleasure of visi ng Kuching, the Congress venues and also experience some of the exci ng excursion routes.My immediate and las ng impression of the visit is that as a peat lover the 15 th IPC is an event you should not miss. I was met bya great hospitality and a solid commitment by the organisers to o er the right set of circumstances for a top class interna onalmee ng.

    The Interna onal Peatland Society is a proud partner of the main IPC15 organizer, the Malaysian Peat Society. We invite you to aunique Congress with lots of opportuni es for expanding your networks and sharing knowledge on peat and peatlands.

    Mark 15–19 August 2016 in your calendar. Let’s meet at the IPC15 in Kuching next year!

    Prof. Björn HånellPresident, Interna onal Peatland Society (IPS)

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    3/243Peatlands in Harmony – Agriculture, Industry & Nature


    Peatlands in Harmony – Agriculture, Industry & NatureIt is our great pleasure and honour to welcome delegates and guests from around the globe to the 15 th Interna onal Peat Congress (IPC) in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, from August 15 th to 19 th , 2016.

    This pres gious Quadrennial Conven on will be hosted by the Malaysian Peat Society (MPS) inpartnership with the Interna onal Peatland Society (IPS). It will be the rst me in the Society’s longhistory of organising this Congress that it will convene at a loca on outside of Europe and NorthAmerica and also in South East Asia.

    The theme of the Congress is Peatlands in Harmony-Agriculture, Industry & Nature . Presenta ons willrelate to an integrated global perspec ve for the responsible use of peatlands and the preserva on oftheir unique dynamics and natural biodiversity.

    The Congress will also provide for researchers, academics and prac oners an ideal pla orm to congregate, share informa on anddiscuss their scien c results and experiences with par cular reference to peat and peatlands in the tropics.

    Sarawak, Malaysia’s largest state, famously known as the Hidden Paradise of Borneo and the Land of the Hornbills, is lavishlyendowed with impressive natural landscapes, cultural diversity and friendly and welcoming people. Sarawak also o ers up-to-the-minute conven on facili es and technology. As such, it is the perfect venue for delegates to confer, network, gain inspira on, soakup the local scenery (including some interes ng peatlands) and relax. The Sarawak State Government, the Federal Government ofMalaysia and the corporate sector na onwide are fully commi ed to suppor ng the Congress.

    On our part, I can assure you the Malaysian Peat Society has already determined that the 15 th Interna onal Peat Congress will seta new standard for future Interna onal Peat Congresses.

    I believe this Congress will provide you with a frui ul intellectual experience as well as a memorable stay in Sarawak.

    We look forward to seeing you on our shores!

    Dr. Lulie MellingCongress General

    Welcome to IPC 2016!The 15 th Interna onal Peat Congress 2016 (IPC 2016) will be held in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia fromAugust 15 th to 19 th , 2016.

    This pres gious quadrennial conven on will be hosted by the Malaysian Peat Society (MPS) inpartnership with the Interna onal Peatland Society (IPS).

    Under the theme, “Peatlands in Harmony – Agriculture, Industry and Nature” , this Congress will bringtogether peatland scien sts and industry players for discussion of latest research discoveries relatedto peatlands, sustainable peatland managements, as well as the preserva on of peatlands and their

    natural biodiversity.

    The Congress will enable the exchange of ideas, ndings, exper se and experiences among scien stsand entrepreneurs on the topic of peat and peatlands.

    For this Congress, there will be six Congress symposiums which will be chaired by renowned experts. In addi on, we will also havea special session on so soil engineering on peat.

    We truly believe that this Congress will be an exci ng event to a end in 2016 as it will be the best place to gain insights on thelatest scien c research and build network for establishing new future collabora ons. Furthermore, it will be a great opportunityto explore and experience Kuching city and the beau ful tropical rainforests of Borneo.

    We look forward to mee ng you at IPC 2016 in Kuching.

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Morin NissomChair of Scien c Commi ee

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    Important Dates

    Programme &Announcement

    31 st Dec 2015 Third Announcement

    1 st Jul 2016 Final Programme

    15 th – 19 th Aug 2016 15 th Interna onal Peat Congress 2016


    15 th Sep 2015 Registra on Open

    31 st Mar 2016 Early Bird Registra on Close31 st May 2016 Normal Registra on Close


    15 th Sep 2015 Open Call for Abstracts

    30 th Nov 2015 Abstract Submission Deadline

    30 th Dec 2015 No ca on of Paper’s Acceptance/Rejec on

    15 th Feb 2016 Extended Abstract Submission Deadline

    Programme At A Glance

    The 15 th I P C 2016 :1. Opening Ceremony2. Plenary Congress, Oral / Poster Presenta on and Exhibi on3. Ice-Breaking Party – Welcome Recep on

    4. Gala Dinner5. Excursions6. Closing Ceremony

    Sunday, Aug 14 Monday, Aug 15 Tuesday, Aug 16 Wednesday, Aug 17 Thursday, Aug 18 Friday, Aug 19

    08:00Registra on


    P o s t e r s a n

    d C o m m e r c i a

    l E

    h i b i o n S e t - U p

    E x C U R S I O N S

    Registra on

    Scien cSessions

    Scien cSessions

    Annual Assembly,General Assembly

    & Closing Congress09:00 Opening

    Ceremony &Exhibi on

    IPS Scien cAdvisory Board

    10:00Co ee Break

    11:00 Scien cSessions

    Scien cSessions

    Scien cSessions

    Annual Assembly,General Assembly

    & Closing Congress12:00

    Lunch Break13:00

    Execu veBoard

    Scien cSessions

    Scien cSessions

    Scien cSessions


    15:00Tea Break


    Brie ng forSession Chairs

    Scien cSessions

    Scien cSessions

    Scien cSessions



    IPS Na onalCommi ee Round



    IPS Business andTechnical Mee ngs

    Gala Dinner BBQ Dinner




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    Peter Morin NissomChair

    - Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, [email protected]

    Lars Lundin

    - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, [email protected]

    Gerald Schmilewski - Klasmann-Deilmann GmbH, [email protected]

    Barbara Kalisz - University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, [email protected]

    Jürgen Schoenherr - Zi au University of Applied Sciences, Germany [email protected]

    Catherine Farrell - Bord na Móna Energy Limited, [email protected]

    Leena Larva - Aino Klinikat, Finlandleena.larva@ainoklinikat.

    Sakari Sarkkola - Natural Resources Ins tute, Finlandsakari.sarkkola@luke.

    Michiel Gerding - Assen, The [email protected]

    Jack Rieley - No ngham University, United Kingdom jack.rieley@b nternet.com

    David Wilson - Earthy Ma ers Environmental Consultants, Irelanddavid.wilson@earthyma ers.ieRoxane Andersen - University of the Highlands and Islands, United Kingdom

    [email protected] Jutras - Université Laval, Canada

    [email protected] Klavins - University of Latvia, Latvia

    [email protected] Radu - Universi Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

    [email protected] R. Sitepu - University of California Davis, USA

    [email protected] Maas - Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

    [email protected]

    Nagamitsu Maie - School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, [email protected]

    Tasren N Mahamooth - Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn. Bhd. (AARSB), [email protected]

    Goh You Keng - Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn. Bhd. (AARSB), [email protected]

    Dave Siak-Wei Ow - Bioprocessing Technology Ins tute, Singaporedave_ow@b .a-star.edu.sg

    Jeyanny A/P Vijayanathan - Forest Research Ins tute Malaysia (FRIM), Malaysia [email protected]

    Margaret Abat - Department of Agriculture Sarawak (DOA), [email protected]

    Wan Rashidah Bt Wan A. Khadir - Forest Research Ins tute Malaysia (FRIM), [email protected]

    Che Fauziah Ishak - Universi Putra Malaysia, [email protected]

    Monique Leclerc - The University of Georgia, College of Agricultural & Environment, [email protected]

    Pozi anak Milow - Ins tute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya, [email protected]

    Hatano Ryusuke - Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, [email protected]

    Takashi Hirano - Laboratory of Environmental Informa cs, Hokkaido University, [email protected]

    Suwardi - Bogor Agricultural Unversity, [email protected]

    Dominic Ong - Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia

    [email protected] Singleton - Sumatran Orangutan Conserva on Programme, Indonesia

    [email protected]

    Scientific Committee

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    Congress Symposium: Themes

    1. I , B , C F P

    Natural peatlands are unique ecosystems with dis nct oral and faunal composi ons that contributegreatly to global biodiversity. These habitats also provide a range of ecosystem services that areimportant to local communi es, na onal economies and global environmental processes. Owing totheir importance and sensi vity to human disturbance compared to other ecosystems, the protec onof remaining undisturbed peatland ecosystems are a conserva on priority. We invite contribu ons tothe following areas:

    v Peat biological, chemical, microbiological and physical characteris cs

    v Classi ca on, inventory and terminology

    v Age, forma on and stra graphy

    v Geochemistry, hydrochemistry and hydrology

    v Peatlands as historical archives

    v Remote sensing, aerial and satellite imagery

    v Peatland conserva on and management with case studies

    v Biodiversity and Ecosystem services

    2. Peatlands and Ecosystem Management

    While peatlands only cover about 2-3% of the Earth’s surface, they are very large terrestrial carbon (C)stores, represen ng up to one third of the world’s terrestrial carbon pool. This is largely due to the slowrate of organic ma er decomposi on. As such, peatlands represent an important long-term sink foratmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2) some of which is released following drainage and land use change.We kindly invite scien sts to submit presenta ons related to:

    v Peatland climate and carbon balance

    v Global, regional and na onal peat carbon stocks and losses

    v GHG measurement technologies

    v GHG measurement comparisons and standards, especially for CO 2, CH4 and N 2O

    v GHG emissions from natural, managed, degraded and restored peatlands

    v Interna onal protocols and conven ons

    3. P A - R

    The restora on of peatland ecosystem func ons has been suggested as one of the most cost-e ec ve

    ways of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mi ga ng the e ects of climate change.Peatland restora on can also enhance biodiversity. Not all degraded peatlands can be restored byrewe ng and there are other forms of a er-use including forestry, agriculture and leisure ac vi es.Therefore, this session welcomes contribu ons to:

    v Restora on techniques and regulatory considera ons

    v Restora on of bogs and fens in boreal and temperate zones

    v Restora on of peatland in the tropics

    v Rewe ng and re-vegeta on techniques

    v Rehabilita on of vegeta on and animal communi es

    v Paludiculture and Sphagnum farmingv Cost, nancial tools and economics of restora on

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    4. P U , P T A -

    This session is dedicated to the most relevant issues and aspects of peat produc on, peatlandmanagement technologies and the use of peat products for various economic purposes.

    In boreal and temperate zones e ec ve and e cient produc on and high quality processing aim to

    improve peat resources u liza on, as well as implemen ng plans for restora on and responsiblemanagement of cut-over peatland. In the tropics, the desire is to manage the peatland resourcein a manner that minimises greenhouse gas emissions and subsidence rates while op mising cropproduc on. Presenters are invited to contribute to the following topics:

    v Peatland survey methods

    v Planning and establishment of peat produc on and peatland management areas

    v Responsible peat produc on and use

    v Peat harves ng and processing technologies

    v Planta on design, land prepara on and management

    v Legal and regulatory frameworks

    v Peatland restora on planning

    v GIS, apps and new technologies

    W : G

    C : Gerald Schmilewski

    IPS Commission II is pleased to announce a workshop on “The use of growing media in today’s andfuture hor culture in Asia, Oceania and other parts of the world”. The focus is on Asia and Oceaniabut paper and poster proposals from other regions are highly welcomed and encouraged. Economic,environmental and societal aspects will be equally regarded as they are the pillars of sustainabledevelopment of growing media produc on and use. Responsible growing media produc on andhor cultural applica on must be acceptable, feasible and appropriate for all stakeholders. In thissession, scien c progress as well as advances in prac ce and business endeavors will be presentedand discussed between researchers, industry and end-users.

    5. R U z M P

    Peat has many uses and peatlands are managed for di erent purposes. Peat is extracted and usedmainly for energy and hor culture in boreal and temperate zones and for the produc on of a rangeof other products. Managed peatlands are used mostly for agriculture and forestry following drainageand in some cases, removal of vegeta on. In the tropics peatlands are used for smallholder agricultureand planta ons of commodity crops such as oil palm and pineapple and ber planta on for pulp andpaper. There are environmental and socio-economic impacts of many peatland uses some of whichare detrimental to local, regional and global environments. We invite contribu ons spanning the widerange of peatland and peat uses, including:

    v Peat in hor culture

    v Peat for energy

    v Agriculture on peatlands

    v Peatland forestry

    v Planta ons on peatland

    v Other uses of peatv Legisla ons and regula ons a ec ng peatland management

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    P - .

    Q G :1. Your abstract must be submi ed ONLINE and in

    ENGLISH.2. Your abstract must NOT exceed 300 words.3. It should NOT include diagrams and tables.4. Prepare your text with Arial font, size 10 for body

    and size 12 for the tle.5. Single spaced text in a single paragraph without

    any indenta on.6. Copy and paste the text (without the tle and the

    list of authors) in the indicated eld.7. Copy and paste the tle and author’s names in

    the speci ed box.8. FULL CAPS are NOT allowed.

    P TYou can submit your abstract for the following types ofpresenta on:1. Oral presenta on2. Poster presenta on

    D G :1. Abstracts are to be submi ed via the online

    submission form at . 2016. .2. In the abstract submission module, authors are

    requested to register themselves, to ll in a formon author’s informa on, to select the form ofpresenta on, to suggest under which theme andsub-theme the contribu on should appear, and

    nally to submit the abstract.3. Please note that sub-themes are preliminary and

    may be subject to change. The author will haveaccess to his/her abstract - for modi ca ons - un lthe abstract submission is closed.

    4. The abstracts must be wri en in English languageand contain the tle of the paper (maximum20 words), main text of abstract, maximum 300

    words including key words (maximum 5 words) aswell as introduc on, descrip on of methods, mainresults and conclusions in wri en form.

    5. Do not include gures and tables in the abstract.6. All abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated by the

    Scien c Commi ee.7. Primary selec on criteria are scien c quality,

    relevance to the Congress themes and clarity ofexpression.

    8. The Scien c Commi ee does NOT have thecapacity to edit or correct language shortcomings.

    9. Abstracts that are e.g. ambiguous, irrelevant orscien cally outrageous may be rejected.

    10. Authors who are not fully conversant in Englishare encouraged to have it edited to check the

    language before submi ng the abstract.(eg. www.englishproofread.com)

    11. The deadline for submi ng the abstracts is on30 th November, 2015 . The abstracts will beevaluated star ng from 1 st December, 2015 .

    12. Following the acceptance of an abstract, theauthor(s) will be requested to submit an extendedabstract (=short ar cle).

    13. These manuscripts must not exceed 5 pages(including abstract, gures, tables and references),and should be up to full scien c standard inEnglish language following conven onal scien cwri ng style or format.

    14. Detailed instruc ons for extended abstracts willbe issued later.

    15. A er review by the Scien c Commi ee, acceptedabstracts will be included in the Congress

    Proceedings and on the IPS website/intranet.16. Authors consent that their selected full papers

    presented may be published in a special issue ofthe journal, Mires and Peat, if invited.

    17. Authors will be informed when such publica onbecomes available. Par cipants are alsoencouraged to explore alterna ve publica onop ons for papers and/or posters presented intheir sessions.

    M R1. Please note that the acceptance of an abstract

    without the submi ng author registering asa par cipant will not en tle the abstract tobe included in the Congress Programme orProceedings.

    2. Registra on, accommoda on, healthcare, VISA,travel, etc. remain at author’s own cost andresponsibility.

    Key Dates1. Invita on call for abstracts:

    15 th September, 2015

    2. Closing call for abstracts:30 th November, 2015

    3. No ca on of paper acceptance/rejec on:30 th December, 2015

    4. Extended abstract submission deadline:15 th February, 2016

    Decision1. Authors will receive an e-mail informing the nal

    decision through their registered e-mail address(as per login).

    2. No correspondence will be entertained ondecisions.

    Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    Social Events

    I -B P — W R

    D : S 14th August, 2016

    V : TBC *

    The Welcome Recep on will be a trip down memory lane when Malaysia was a Bri sh Colony. Themed‘Colonial’ the se ng truly depicts an era gone by but s ll remains a part of us. The ambience, music,colour, food (both local and western) and not forge ng the panaromic view of the city of Kuching, willprovide an ideal environment for all to have lots of fun and a memorable evening.

    G D ‘B T R ’

    D : W 17th August, 2016

    V : R M

    As to cherish the amazing nature we have here, the Gala Dinner would be themed ‘Borneo TropicalRainforest’ where delegates will expect to feel the ambience of the natural tropical rainforest ofSarawak. With light quite dimly lit, the sound of nature will ll the dining hall imita ng the atmosphereof the rainforest. Imagine walking along the real forest oor, the view is dark and cool as the canopyabove would block direct sunlight to the ground. Sounds of the birds, insects and river streams willtruly cap vate your senses which make you feel one with nature. Delegates are also expected to try

    some of the exquisite local delicacies where it may ckle your taste buds; whether you like it or not,surely it will be an amazing experience.

    In addi on to welcome delegates from all around the world, there will be a non-stop entertainmentincluding tradi onal dances and sound of the ethnic music. Looking at various tradi onal costumesof each ethnic group such as the Sirat (Loin Cloth), sarong, vest and straw headband, creates theauthen city and uniqueness to experience the ambience of mul ple races available in Sarawak. Withmore than 40 sub-ethnic groups, each of them has di erent cultures, lifestyles and languages.

    Be prepared to have a wonderful evening, wild yet calm and soothing, just like our astounding BorneoTropical Rainforest.

    * To be con rmed

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)

    11/2411Peatlands in Harmony – Agriculture, Industry & Nature

    1. A T P : S F

    Smallholder farming is an important agricultural sector in Malaysia.This excursion showcases farms on tropical peatland in theSamarahan Basin, which is situated about 40 km to the south ofKuching City. We begin our excursion at the KPF Planta on, an oilpalm planta on, undertaken by the Federal Land Consolida onand Rehabilita on Authority (FELCRA). This FELCRA ini a ve aimsto improve the standard of living of the rural communi es throughtheir par cipa on in na onal economic ac vi es. The seconddes na on is a pineapple farm located in the Integrated AgriculturalDevelopment Area (IADA), an agency established under the Ministryof Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Malaysia. IADA provides theinfrastructural facili es and assists the farmers to commercialise theirproduc on. Pineapple is among the cash crops introduced to thefarmers with the objec ve to improve their standard of living. On thisvisit, you will get the opportunity to see good agricultural prac ces

    without compromising the need for sustainable development ofsmallholder establishments. The highlight of this excursion is thebrie ng on the soil pro le of a peat pit. The pit is large enough to enter and make closer observa onson the tropical peat characteris cs. On your return to Kuching, you will visit the Tropical Peat ResearchLaboratory Complex and be treated to high tea.

    2. A T P : O P I

    Oil palm planta on and palm oil produc on is the largest sector ofagro-based industry in Malaysia. This tour showcases an establishedoil palm planta on on tropical peatland in the Samarahan Basin,which is situated about 40 km to the south of Kuching City. The

    oil palm planta on is owned by the se lers of the Federal LandDevelopment Authority (FELDA) via their co-opera ves. On this visit,you will get the opportunity to know the good agricultural prac ceswithout compromising the need for a sustainable development ofthe oil palm planta on. At this site, you will be briefed on the soilpro le of a peat pit. The pit is large enough to enter and makecloser observa ons on the tropical peat characteris cs. This tourthen con nues with a visit to the Ensengei Palm Oil Mill, a modernprocessing mill. The excursion ends with a high tea at the TropicalPeat Research Laboratory Complex, before your transfer back toKuching.

    3. Semenggoh Nature Reserve

    The Semenggoh Nature Reserve lies just 20 kmsouth of Kuching City. You will be taken to explorean area of 653 ha which includes both the WildlifeCentre (SWC) and the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre(SBC). The main a rac on of the reserve is theSWC, where over 20 orangutans are trained to fendfor themselves before being released into the wild.They were once kept illegally as pets. Their trainingat SWC has made them accustomed to humans.Semenggoh is one of the few places in the worldwhere we can observe these shy jungle cousins.

    One-Day Excursion (15 th August, 2016)

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    We then proceed to visit the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre (SBC), which is one of Sarawak’s leadingstate government agencies in research and development (R&D) on our rich biodiversity. Being locatedwithin the Semenggoh Nature Reserve, the par cipants will have the opportunity to hear about therich biodiversity of the Borneon Tropical Rainforest. Par cipants will hear about e orts to document theTradi onal Knowledge of the indigenous communi es. The centre conducts Research and Developmentac vi es to derive therapeu c compounds from natural products extracted from the local plants andmicroorganisms.

    A er lunch, the group will proceed for High Tea at the Tropical Peat Research Laboratory (TPRL) Complexat Kota Samarahan. The Laboratory is the only Tropical Peat Research Lab in this region to undertakeresearch and development on tropical peatland.

    4. B N P

    Bako Na onal Park is located on a small peninsula,about one hour and thirty minutes from KuchingCity centre. It is the oldest gaze ed na onal park inSarawak and is also one of Southeast Asia’s smallest

    na onal parks. This tour will bring you a uniquetropical forest landscape with high diversity. ThePark is home to several dis nct ecosystems; beachvegeta on, cli vegeta on, mangrove forest, mixeddipterocarp forest, heath forest (Kerangas) andgrasslands. Cli faces, sandstone structures, seastacks and pris ne sandy beaches dot the area.

    The star of the Park is undoubtedly the proboscis monkey, the big nosed, pot-bellied comedian of therainforest – some mes nicknamed “The Dutchman” by the locals. The star has a suppor ng cast oflong-tailed macaque monkeys, silvered leaf monkeys, monitor lizards, squirrels and ying lemurs thatglide from tree to tree. The par cipants have a chance to see bearded pigs as you walk along Bako’s

    jungle trails. There are more than 190 species of birds including some rare varie es.

    5. P S F : T U S N P

    This is a long travelling me excursion for thehardcore peat enthusiasts. You will experience theenvironment of a tropical peat swamp forest whichis the Ulu Sebuyau Na onal Park (NP). The south –western corner of the na onal park can be reachedby 4WD vehicles from Kuching via Simunjan townin about two and a half hours. The Ulu SebuyauNP is located in the Samarahan Division i.e. at the

    lower part of the Batang Lupar river which is veryfamous for the abundance of crocodiles. The areais accessible by ex-logging road from Pantu or viaKg. Kepayang. The park is about 18,287 hectares in

    size and comprises of mixed peat swamp forest, nipah and mangrove forest along the river bank. TheSebuyau River is the main river system which passes through the park from the southeast to the westparts of the park. Being peat land area, most of the park is inundated by a high water table almost allyear round especially those areas along the Sebuyau River.

    Some of the dominant tree species include Gonystylus spp., Shorea spp., Dactylocladus stenostachys ,Parastemon urophyllum and Mezze a leptopoda . There are a few totally protected animals that inhabitthe parks and these include Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) , Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) , Banded

    langur (Preby s melalophos chrysomelas) , Rhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros) , Black hornbill(Anthracoceros malayanus) , Wrinkle hornbill (Rhy ceros undulatus) Pied hornbill (Anthracoceroscoronatus) and Grey-headed sh eagle (Ichthyophaga ichtyaetus) . The area is also a habitat for varie esof migratory birds.

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    Fairy and Wind Cave (Daytrip)The town of Bau, 22kmfrom Kuching is famousas a gold mining centreand as the headquartersof the Chinese Rebellionof 1857. Nowadays itsmost popular a rac onsare two unusuallimestone caves. TheFairy Cave is so-calledbecause of a stalagmitestructure at itsentrance, which is saidto resemble Kuan Yin,the Chinese Goddess ofMercy. The Wind Cave isnamed for the constant

    cooling breeze, which blows through it. Visitors can

    then explore the rock forma ons and admire thenatural limestone sculptures.

    Rainforest Kayaking (Daytrip)Treat yourself to a fun lled kayaking adventurein some of the most beau ful natural se ngs inKuching! Paddle leisurely from the upper reaches ofSungai Sarawak. Savour the sights of unique limestoneforma ons and towering riverine trees while enjoyingthe peace and tranquility of the rainforest. Discover thefascina ng carnivorous pitcher plant Nepenthes s.p. intheir natural habitat. Get to know some local herbs,

    spices, vegetables and fruits in a na ve Bidayuh village.Take a cool dip and have your packed lunch on a sandybank. Ends at Kpg. Semadang, Borneo Highlands.

    Lemanak River Safari (2D1N)D 01: A 225 km car/coach journey takes you through lush

    green countryside do ed with padi elds, peppergardens and rubber planta ons, and anked by rugged jungle-clad mountains. Along the way, stop o at theSerian farmer’s market, visit a pepper garden and viewcarnivorous pitcher plants. Stop for lunch at a roadsidebazaar deep in Iban country. Arrive at Lemanak je ymid-a ernoon for a longboat ride up the LemanakRiver, passing through typical Borneo countrysidewith an ancient longhouse tucked behind almost

    every bend in the river. Arrive at Ngemah Longhouseand visit the “en re village under one roof.” Dinner,featuring delicious fresh jungle produce, is served in

    Pre Congress Toursthe simple guest-house.A er dinner, return tothe longhouse for anevening’s entertainment,including tradi onaldancing, music, gamesand a glass or two oftuak (rice wine) withthe longhouse chief. TheIban are a fun-lovingpeople, and visitorsare expected to join in!Overnight in the guesthouse.

    D 02: A er breakfast, enjoy ablowpipe demonstra onand try shoo ng one yourself. Then take a short walkthrough the forest accompanied by tradi onally-cladIban trackers, and learn about the tradi onal uses ofrainforest plants in Iban culture. Depart for Kuching via

    the same route. Lunch is served en-route.

    Ulu Lemanak River Safari (3D2N)D 01: Journey and overnight

    in Ngemah Longhouseas per Lemanak RiverSafari (see overnightLemanak).

    D 02: A er breakfast, departfrom the longhouse fora full-day jungle trekkingalong ancient na vetrails, accompanied bytradi onally-clad Ibantrackers. Along the way,learn about the plantsand creatures of the rainforest and their importancein Iban lifestyle and culture. Lunch in tradi onal Ibanstyle, cooked in bamboo tubes over an open re.Arrive Skandis Longhouse late a ernoon. Visit thelonghouse or relax in the simple guest house. Dinnerwill be served at the longhouse followed by tradi onalentertainment. Overnight in the longhouse.

    D 03: A er breakfast, enjoy a blowpipe demonstra on andtry shoo ng one yourself. Depart for Lemanak je y bylongboat and return to Kuching via the same route.

    Lemanak + Hilton Batang Ai (3D2N)D 01: Journey and overnight in Ngemah Longhouse as per

    Lemanak River Safari (see overnight Lemanak).

    D 02: A er breakfast, enjoy a blowpipe demonstra onand try shoo ng one yourself. Then take a short walkthrough the forest accompanied by tradi onally-cladIban trackers, and learn about the tradi onal usesof rainforest plants in Iban culture. The walk ends atthe river bank, where you embark in a longboat for a

    journey upriver to a tree-lined jungle pool. Lunch iscooked at the riverside in tradi onal Iban style – allingredients are steamed in freshly-cut bamboo tubes

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    over an open re. A er lunch, bathe in the pool orrelax at the waterside. The return journey is done intradi onal style to the sounds of the rainforest – boatsare propelled with poles instead of outboard motor.Return downriver for transfer to Batang Ai je y. A era 30 minute boat river across the 24 sq km Batang AiHydro Lake, arrive at the luxurious Hilton Batang AiLonghouse Resort. Dinner and accommoda on at theResort.

    D 03: Breakfast at the resort, followed by a short nature walkwith the resort’s resident guide. Depart for Kuching viathe same route. Lunch is served en route.

    Hilton Batang Ai Deluxe (3D2N)D 01: Today depart for 3 Days / 2 Nights Deluxe Batang Ai

    Tour from Kuching by air-condi oned van / coach forHilton Batang Ai Resort, 166 miles from Kuching City,passing through scenic countryside consis ng of quaintli le towns, villages, padi elds, pepper and oil palmplanta ons interspersed with secondary and virgin

    jungle as the road starts to wind and undulate as yougo deeper into the interior. Stop for lunch at Lachau,a small town on the way to the resort. Arrive at theHydro lake at Lubok Antu. Board a shu le ferry forthe resort situated on the southern bank. Dinner andovernight at the Hilton Batang Ai Resort.

    D 02: Breakfast at the Resort. Depart for Mengkak Longhouseor similar by motorized na ve longboat. The journeywill take you across the lake into the Engkari River,one of the many tributaries owing into the lake.The journey will take approximately 35 to 40 minutesbefore reaching Mengkak Longhouse nestled on a hillbeside the river. Enjoy a short cultural performance bythe inhabitant of the longhouse followed later on by ablow pipe demonstra on. Lunch will be provided eitherat the Longhouse or by the riverbank and if weather

    permits we will go for a short jungle walk around thevicinity of the longhouse. Later on in the a ernoonreturn back to the Resort via the same route for Dinner

    and accommoda on at resort.

    D 03: A er breakfast depart for Kuching via the same routeas your arrival. Stop for lunch at a small roadside townbefore con nuing your journey to Kuching.

    M S C (3D2N)

    D 01: Arrival transfer and check into Royal Mulu Resort.

    Transfer to Mulu Na onal Park headquarters, andproceed on foot along a wooden plank walk throughvirgin rainforest for 45 minutes to the entrance of DeerCave, the world’s largest cave passage and Lang Cave.A er exploring the caves, proceed to bats observatoryto observe bats ying out of caves entrance at lateevening (only con ne to ne weather) Return via sameplank walk to park headquarters and transfer back toresort. Dinner and overnight at the resort.

    D 02: A er breakfast, journey by longboat along the MelinauRiver to the Wind Cave, and explore the King’s Room,a remarkable display of spectacular stalagmites.Con nue by boat to the Clearwater Cave, where atributary of Melinau emerges from deep underground.Explore the Clearwater Cave, the longest cave passagein Southeast Asia, and view the rock forma ons of theYoung Lady. Picnic lunch at Clearwater summer hutsand later on enjoy a swim at Clearwater spring. Latea ernoon return transfer by longboat to resort. Dinnerand overnight at resort.

    D 03: Breakfast at resort. Free at own leisure un l transfer toMulu airport for departure ight.

    N :1. All Pre Congress Tours are to be completed before the


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    S J E (4D3N)D 01: Journey very similar to

    Lemanak River Safari(Lemanak overnight)to arrive at Batang AiHydro Lake. A 1 ¼ hour

    longboat journey takesyou across the deepblue water of the lakeand up the narrowBatang Ai River, pastrugged hillsides do edwith rice elds andPepper gardens, toJingin or similar. Visitthis 10 door longhouseand learn all about this“en re village under1 roof.” Dinner is served in the simple guest-house.A er dinner, return to the long-house for an evening’sentertainment, including tradi onal dancing, music,

    games, and a glass or two of tuak (rice wine). The Ibanare a fun-loving people, and visitors are expected to join in! Overnight in the longhouse.

    D 02: Breakfast at the Longhouse. Depart Jingin longhousefor 3 days / 2 nights trekking deep into the heart ofBorneo, accompanied by experienced Iban trackers.The trek takes you into the remote Batang Ai Na onalPark, near the Indonesian border, between 900and 1600 m above sea level. The area is home to alarge popula on of wild orang utan, there is a goodpossibility of an encounter with one of these “men ofthe forest.” Other wildlife and fascina ng plant life arealso abundant. Overnight in tents or makeshi sheltersconstructed from leaves and branches.

    D 03: Con nue trekking and exploring the rainforest, observeat close hand the unique ora and fauna that populatethe remarkable ecosystem, and learn how to survive inthe jungle. Overnight in the jungle.

    D 04: A er breakfast in the jungle, depart by longboatdownriver and across the lake to the je y. Return toKuching via the same route. Lunch is served en route.

    S R E (4D3N)D 01: Journey and overnight in Ugat longhouse as per

    Sarawak Jungle Escapade.

    D 02: A er breakfast, travel upriver by longboat to theremote Lubok Pantau longhouse. The water owsfaster as the boat climbs higher, and the boatmanfrequently has to “shoot the rapids.” During the dryseason, visitors may have to climb out and help pushthe boat. Lunch is cooked in tradi onal Iban style

    Post Congress Toursby the river bank. In the a ernoon, arrive at the 13doors Lubok Pantau longhouse. Dinner and tradi onalentertainment in the longhouse. Overnight oncomfortable tradi onal beds unrolled on the longhouse


    D 03: Breakfast in the longhouse. Spend the morning buildingtradi onal Iban ra s, made from mber and bamboolashed together with jungle creepers. Embark fordownriver ra ing trip in near-white-water condi ons,accompanied one experienced Iban ra man forevery 2 persons. Dinner and accommoda on by theriver bank (tents or tradi onal makeshi shelters)or in a nearby longhouse, depending on ra buildingprogress.

    D 04: Breakfast by the river bank. Con nue ra ing to Ugatlonghouse. Board a longboat to the je y for van /coach transfer to Kuching, with lunch en route.

    Mulu Pinnacles (3D2N)

    D 01: Upon arrival at Mulu Airport, transfer to je y forlongboat ride to Batu Bungan – Penan Se lement.

    Picnic lunch at Clearwater summer huts and relax fora while. Con nue journey by longboat to Long Litut.Adventure begins with a 3 hour trek to Camp 5. Dinnerand overnight at Camp 5.

    D 02: A er breakfast at Camp 5, begin your climb up GunungApi. Depending on your stamina and strength, normallya 3 hours climb is su cient to reach the peak to viewthe magni cent Pinnacles. During the climb you willsee many species of plants and insects. Packed lunchwill be served at the observatory point. A er lunchdescend back down to Camp 5. Dinner and overnightat Camp 5.

    D 03: Breakfast at Camp 5 and jungle trek to Long Litut

    where your longboat transfer will bring you back toClearwater summer hut for a picnic lunch. You canenjoy swimmining at the clear water spring a er lunch.Transfer by longboat and by land to Mulu airport foryour departure ight.

    N :1. All Post Congress Tours with accommoda on requirements

    are subject to availability2. Tours which are under the EXTREME category are only

    available for POST Congress tours. A certain amount of meis required for physical recovery due to strenuous walking/ trekking.

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    Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse

    The focal point of the village is its large and well-preserved tradi onal longhouse which is home to dozensof families. This guided tour introduces visitors to theunique use of bamboo within the longhouse with regardto its construc on and in the agricultural prac ces of theBidayuh and other features of the longhouse.Annah Raisis a Bidayuh village about 45 minutes drive away fromKuching city.

    L V :

    O 1 –J B B

    O 2 – A TRestaurant

    L V :

    Lim Hock Ann Seafood

    S C V

    Sarawak in a nutshell. 45-minutes away, nestled

    in the foothills of MountSantubong, dubbed, a ‘livingmuseum’, seven authen ctradi onal buildings are setamidst a scenic 17 acre site

    populated by members of Sarawak’s many ethnic groupsgoing about their daily ac vi es.

    D 2: Wednesday, 17th

    August, 2016Mangrove & Dolphin Watching Cruise

    Enjoy a close view of the heavily silted mangrove swampwhich is a safe haven to creatures like mudskippers, crabs,monkeys and rep les. The Santubong area is one of the

    best areas to spot the Irrawaddy, or snub n dolphin as thewaters are shallow and brackish. Pick up at 9 a.m. fromyour hotel and transfer to the Sarawak Boat Club which is a40 minute drive away from Kuching city.

    Accompanying Persons – 3 Days Programme

    D 1: Tuesday, 16th August, 2016Kuching City Tour

    This tour includes Kuching’s Chinatown, the Cat Statue‘Pu h’, Tua Pek Kong Chinese Temple, Civic Centre viewingPla orm and the Sarawak Museum. Across the river,the Cat Museum, and return via the golden-domed CityMosque, through Old Kuching.

    D 3: Thursday, 18 th August, 2016S W R C

    The best place inSarawak to viewsemi-wild orangutansrescued from cap vityand trained to survivein the surroundingforest reserve. Thecentre is a 45 minutesdrive away fromKuching city andanother 20 minuteswalk to the feeding area. Feeding mes are at 9 a.m. and3 p.m.

    N : The orang utans are semi-wild therefore sigh ngscannot be guaranteed.

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    17/2417Peatlands in Harmony – Agriculture, Industry & Nature

    Registration Fees

    One-Day Excursion (Monday, 15 th August, 2016)

    Category E R(By March 31, 2016)N R(By May 31, 2016)

    O - R(F J 1, 2016)

    IPS Member USD 650 USD 700 USD 750

    N - USD 700 USD 750 USD 800

    Student * USD 500 USD 500 USD 500

    L - C ** USD 500 USD 550 USD 600

    Accompanying Persons USD 300 USD 300 USD 300

    Malaysian MYR 1500 MYR 2000 MYR 2500

    Malaysian Student * MYR 1000 MYR 1000 MYR 1000

    * For Student, suppor ng le er from their university or college is required during registra on.** As de ned by the World Bank (July 2015), low-income countries and lower-middle-income countries. Many countries are covered by the World

    Bank Des na ons. Of these, among the principal countries with peatland interest are: all Africa except South Africa, Armenia, Cambodia, India,Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Ukraine, Vietnam, etc.

    T :v Access to the Opening and Closing Ceremony.v A endance at all scien c sessions and to the exhibi on and poster area.v Co ee/tea breaks and lunches.v Congress kit.v Proceedings of the congress on a USB ash drive.

    Category Venue USD

    Agriculture on Tropical Peatland:Smallholder Farms

    Samarahan 100

    Agriculture on Tropical Peatland:Oil Palm Industry

    Samarahan 100

    Semenggoh Nature Reserve Semenggoh 100

    Bako Natonal Park Bako Natonal Park 100

    Peat Swamp Forest:The Ulu Sebuyau Natonal Park

    Ulu Sebuyau Natonal Park 100

    Social Events

    Category Venue & Date USD

    Ice-Breaking PartyTBC,

    Sunday 14 th August, 201630

    Gala DinnerRiverside Majestc,

    Wednesday 17 th August, 201680

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    Payments and Cancellations

    Method of PaymentLocal -



    Crossed cheque / Bank DraBank TransferLocal Order

    Credit CardPayPal

    I ---

    Bank TransferCredit CardPayPal

    Bank Detail

    Account Name : PEAT 2016Name : RHB Bank Berhad

    Branch : RHB Simpang Tiga

    Address : 11, Jalan Simpang Tiga,93758 Kuching,Sarawak, MALAYSIA

    Account No. : 2 111 46000 25349


    Branch Code : 264

    Please submit your remi ance or proof of payment via mail / fax / email to:

    The Secretariat I P C 2016Tropical Peat Research Laboratory (Chief Minister’s Department)Lot 6035, Kuching-Kota Samarahan Expressway,94300 Sarawak, Malaysia

    Tel : +60 82 662491Fax : +60 82 662497Email : [email protected]

    Con rma on of registra on requires full payment of fees. Please instruct your bank to remit us full amount,net of bank charges. You will receive an invoice with your registra on.

    C A R PCancella ons must be processed prior to 15 th May, 2016 for a full refund, less a USD150 registra on refundtransac on fee. All requests must be submi ed in wri ng, via email, fax, or postal mail. No refunds will beissued a er 15 th May, 2016. Please note that you are responsible for cancelling any other reserva ons (airfare,hotels, etc.) you may have made in prepara on for the Congress. Congress hosts are not responsible for anyfees associated with those cancella ons.The Congress nor IPS does not take responsibility for health, visa and other personal issues.All par cipants cover their own travel registra on and accommoda on costs.

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    Marketing Opportunities

    G & E OThe 15 th Interna onal Peat Congress 2016 will maximize exposure of all sponsors to the right targetedaudience. Through sponsorship of this pres gious event, your organisa on will be exposed to 1,000par cipants from all over the world. Sponsorships are a proven technique for marke ng your brandand your product. Sponsorships will allow you to posi on your product; expose your brand, alsoopportunity for networking and connec ons with interna onal market.

    Major Sponsors

    LEAD PARTNER - RM 200,000v Organisa on name & logo & website Link displayed on Congress websitev

    Organisa on name & logo displayed in Programme Book and on Congress Backdropv One (1) piece of Promo onal Materials for delegate satchel inser onv Ten (10) complimentary ckets to the Gala Dinner

    TITANIUM - RM 150,000v Organisa on name & logo & website Link displayed on Congress websitev Organisa on name & logo displayed in Programme Bookv One (1) piece of Promo onal Materials for delegate satchel inser on

    PLATINUM - RM 100,000v Organisa on name & logo & website Link displayed on Congress websitev Organisa on name & logo displayed in Programme Book

    DIAMOND - RM 75,000v Organisa on name & logo & website Link displayed on Congress websitev Organisa on name & logo displayed in Programme Book

    GOLD - RM 50,000v Organisa on name & logo & website Link displayed on Congress websitev Organisa on name & logo displayed in Programme Book

    SILVER - RM 25,000v Organisa on name & logo displayed in Programme Book

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    AdvertisingAll par cipants will receive a copy of Programme Book during congress, thus adver sement inProgramme Book will increase exposure to your company. Do submit so copy of a high resolu onimage adver sement in A4 size (for prin ng purposes).

    v OUTSIDE BACK COVER - RM 25,000

    v INSIDE FRONT COVER - RM 20,000

    v INSIDE BACK COVER - RM 15,000

    v FULL PAGE (COLOUR) - RM 10,000

    v FULL PAGE (BLACK & WHITE) - RM 5,000

    Exhibition BoothThis congress provides your company with an unparalleled to get beforeindustry decision-makers. Exhibi ng at the right exhibi on can be one of the most , and ac vi es available to you.

    Some companies have been thinking of ways for events to help their business, let us show you the 5 ways that you will bene t from this grand event.

    1. P Smart marketers spend a lot of me deciding how to “posi on” their products or services inthe consumer’s mind. If you DO choose the right posi oning for your product or service, and

    communicate it forcefully to your target audience, you can ul mately build a strong brand iden tythat has enduring value.

    2. Brand exposureWith the quality and number of visitors in a endance, exhibi ng at this conference gives youbrand exposure to the sort of people who will actually buy your services. Remember, being in thesame room as your compe tors only increases brand awareness if your customers are there to seeyou...

    3. NThis congress will extend business, networking and learning opportuni es beyond the event venueand successfully acts as a bridge between Malaysia and the interna onal market.

    4. CIt is not only a congress but also a pla orm where you can meet your clients, prospects and friendsor seek poten al business opportunity.

    5. An ideal mediumIt is an ideal medium for test marke ng or launching new products. New buying interests can bediscovered and otherwise inaccessible buyers appear in front of your exhibit.

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    B R - RM 10,000v Organisa on name & logo displayed in Programme Bookv Organisa on name & booth number lis ng in exhibi on directory signagev Two (2) exhibitors en tled for co ee break, lunch and tea break for 16 th - 19 th August 2016.v Booth Size 3m x 3m

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    Delegates MaterialsYour company logo will be printed on the sponsored item. All par cipants and speakers will receive aname tag and a lanyard that is worn for the en re dura on of the congress. USB cards for papers andcongress bags with your company logo will also be distributed to all par cipants and speakers. This willgive a con nual visibility of your company name throughout the 5 days event.

    v NAMETAGS - RM 20,000 (1000 PCS @ RM20)v LANYARD - RM 25,000 (1000 PCS @ RM25)

    v USB CARDS - RM 50,000 (1000 PCS @ RM 50)

    v CONGRESS BAGS - RM 100,000 (1000 PCS @ RM 100)

    Social EventsICE BREAKING - RM 100,000 (1000 PAX @ RM100)

    v Company Logo (medium size) & Link on Congress websitev Logo displayed in Programme Bookv To supply a promo onal gi for Congress par cipants at the recep on (gi to be supplied and

    distributed by the sponsor, subject to Secretariat approval)v Two (2) pull up banners for display during Welcoming Recep onv Three (3) minutes address to the par cipants at the recep on

    Other Sponsorshipsv BANNERS - RM 50,000 (5 UNITS @ RM10,000)

    The banner will be displayed at di erent strategic loca ons.

    v BUNTINGS - RM 24,000 (12 UNITS @ RM2,000)

    The bun ngs will be displayed at every entrance of concurrent room, registra on area and

    informa on area.

    v SECRETARIAT T-SHIRTS - RM 25,000 (250 PCS @ RM 100)

    All the Secretariat teams will wear the T-shirt with your Company logo throughout the ve (5)days event.

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)

    23/2423Peatlands in Harmony – Agriculture, Industry & Nature

    Sponsorship / Exh on Applic on Form

    Payment should be in the form of a crossed cheque or money order payable to:

    “PEAT 2016” Bank : RHB Bank Berhad Branch : Simpang Tiga, Kuching

    Account No : 2 111 46000 25349 Swi ode : RHBBMYKL

    Yours sincerely,

    Signature :

    Name :

    Date :

    Company Stamp:



    Company Inform

    Company Name :

    Contact Person : Posi on :

    Address :Tel : Mobile :

    Fax No : E-mail :


    Adver sing

    Outside back cover RM 25,000 Full page (colour) RM 10,000

    Inside front cover RM 20,000 Full page (black & white) RM 5,000

    Inside back cover RM 15,000

    Exhibi on

    Booth Rental RM 10,000 Booth Number selec on:__________________

    Company Name on Fascia Board:

    Delegate Materials

    Congress Bags RM 100,000(1000 pcs @ RM100 )

    Lanyard RM 25,000(1000 pcs @ RM25 )

    USB Cards RM 50,000(1000 pcs @ RM50 )

    Nametags RM 20,000(1000 pcs @ RM20 )

    Social Events Others Sponsorship

    Ice Breaking RM 100,000 Banner RM 50 ,000(5 units @RM10,000 )

    Bun ng RM 24,000(12 units @ RM2, 000 )

    Secretariat T-Shirt RM 25,000

    (250 pcs @ RM100 )

    We enclose herewith our reply op on for adv ng material and cheque no: __________________________ with an amount of RM ______________________ being paymentfor the above sponsorship/adv sement.

    Lead Partner Sponsorship RM 200,000

    Titanium RM 150,000

    P num RM 100,000 RM 25,000Silver

    Gold RM 50,000

    Diamond RM 75,000

  • 8/15/2019 15th International PEAT Congress 2016 (2nd Circular)


    V : P K MStrategically situated in theheart of Kuching GoldenTriangle, the hotel features amagni cent panoramic viewof the city. Easily accessible,guest can get to the hotel within 30 minutes from theairport. The contemporary hotel is perfect for businesstravelers with a large conferencing space, innova vefacili es and technology.

    Pullman KuchingNo.1A, Jalan Mathies,93100 Kuching, Sarawak, MalaysiaTel.: +60 (82) 222 888Fax.: +60 (82) 222 999Website: h p://www.pullmankuching.com

    In The Surrounding Area

    Few paths away from the Kuching Waterfront Promenade.Guests can easily venture on foot to discover the city’sdiverse selec on of shops, restaurants, temples andbazaars. Nearby a rac ons include Sarawak CulturalVillage, Damai Beach, Bako Na onal Park and SemenggohWildlife Centre to mingle around with the orangutans ofBorneo.

    G … T K

    Sarawak can be accessed via e cient air links withfrequent ights from Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bharu, KotaKinabalu and Penang in Peninsular Malaysia as well asfrom Singapore, Brunei and Jakarta.

    The modern Kuala Lumpur Interna onal Airport (KLIA) isa regional avia on hub serviced by more than 50 airlines.Flying to Asia via Kuala Lumpur makes good sense as thereare many scheduled ights to domes c des na ons inPeninsular and East Malaysia as well as regionally to all themain gateway des na ons of Asia. Sarawak has frequentand convenient air links from Kuala Lumpur, JohorBahru, Kota Kinabalu and Penang in Malaysia, as well asSingapore, Brunei, Jakarta and Pon anak (Indonesia).

    Currently there is an average of 2,500 ight seats per dayinto Kuching from Kuala Lumpur and many more from theregional hubs men oned above.

    Delegates will have the opportunity to go on pre-congressor post-congress tours to other ci es in Sarawak and/ornearby Peninsular Malaysia.

    There are numerous ways to get to Kuching, with ights

    from many ci es in the region, including Kuala Lumpurand Singapore. Kindly contact your travel agency or airlinefor further details.