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Post on 06-Nov-2015




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  • Loi gioi thieuPhuong phap viet bai luan1.Tam quan trong cua bai viet luan2.Nhung chu y khi lam van3.Cac dang bai viet4.Cach thu thap tai lieu cho bai luan5.Cach lap dan y mot bai luan6.Nhung net quan trong cua dan baiBai luan mau7.Mot diem quan trong cua bai luan

    1.Life in the city2.Living in a multiracial community3.A visit to a famous city4.Modern inventions5.Adventure in a forest6.An unusual opportunity I had7.The value of libraries8.A horrible sight9.Discuss the part that money plays in our lives10.Science and its effects11.The rights and duties of a citizen12.The most important day in my life13.The subject I consider most important14.An incident I shall never forget15.The value of music in the happyness of man16.The adventages and disadventages of the cinema17.Describe some of the interesting places in your country18.What career would you like to choose after leaving school19.Why is agriculture important in the world of today?20.A heroic deed21.Crimes in society22.A strange happening23.The importance of agriculture24.Travel as a means of education25.A journey by train26."New's travels fast".Discuss27.World trade28.A narrow escape29.The country I would like to visit30.Good manners31.Choosing a career32.A visit to a zoo33.The importance of the newspaper34.The things that I like most35.My hobby36.The adventages and disadventages of the cinema37.The importance of texaminations38.A week in hospital39.A frightening experience40."Fire is a good servant, but a bad master".Discuss41.An accident I have witnessed42.The important of good roads in a country43.Life in the village44.My favourite author45.The value of higher education46.The rainy season47.The importance of water48.Describe what you saw and enjoyed during a visit to a zoo49.The things I dislike the most50.How I spend my time after school51.Describe the things you enjoy doing52.Express your opinion on the importance of studying geography53.The importance of rivers54.The value of books55.Do you think that physical education is important56.The importance of reading newspaper57."Water is important for all living things".Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinion.58.The value of education59.An interesting story I have heard60.My most favorite subject61.Describe an unpleasant dream that you have had62.Give an account of how you spent your last holiday63.Why should we have good manners?64.Journalism as a career65.Beauty in nature66."It is essential to progress that each generation shall rebel against the idias of the generation before it".Discuss67.Do you agree that the study of Mathematics is essential to the progress of the human race68.What contributions can writers make to the promotion of good will among the people of a country?69.Which period in the history of your country do you find most inspiring?70.Which language do you think has made the greatest contribution to the promotion of bettter understanding among the people of the world?71.Liberty72.Discuss the role of the police force in society73.Discuss the view that tolerance is essential for peace and harmony in any community or country74.Discuss the adventages and disadventages of having to many university graduates in yyour country75.War and peace76.Do you think that a literacy education is preferable to a scientific education today?77.Courage78."Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to persuade; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave".Discuss79.Discuss the part played by science in the promotion of public health during the last hundred years80.Do you think that the United Nations Organization perform a useful function in promotion pesce and happiness in the world?81.What in your opinion are the qualities of a good judge?82."Great literature belongs not to one age but to all ages;not to one country but al country".Discuss83."Studies of geography can make great contribution to the service of man".Discuss84."The luxuries of today are the necessities of tomorrow".Discuss85.What contributions can studies of Eonomics make to the extension of world trade?86.Journalism87.Reply to a friend on his interest in the English language88.Letter of thanks to a teacher89.To a station master informing him about the loss of one of your bags during a journey by train90.To a friend describing a book fair91.Reply to a friend who has written to say how he was saved by a policeman92.To a Principle of a Commercial College asking about a course you are interested in93.Reply to a friend who has asked you to join him in his factory where the pay is more94.To a friend telling him about your new house95.To a friend telling him about the trouble the writer had with the police recently96.To a friend thanking him for lending some money97.To a friend who has not repaid a loan of money98.To a neighbour requesting him to keep his dog from barking and disturbing99.Thanking someone for a recommendation100.To a lady expressing appreciation for her hospitallity101.To a doctor thanking him for someones's recovery from a serious illness102.An invitation to a friend103.To a friend inviting her to attend a wedding104.Declining an invitation to a wedding105.Informing a mother about someone'ssuccess106.From a son to a mother who has sent a gift to celebrate his success in his examination107.To a business firm asking about jb108.Reply to an advertising for a Junior Clerk109.To the Editor of a Newspaper about the dirty roads in your locality110.To a Post Master about a change of address111.For the post of Assistant Secretary in a commercial firm112.For the post of Shorthand Typist113.An application for the post of junior clerk114.To a company, from a girl who has been compelled to leave school and look for work115.For a post of Salesman in a large firm116.Imagine that you are a father.Your son was ill for a few days and was unable to go to school.Write a letter to the principle of the school in which your son is learning117.To an airways company saking about flights and fares118.Imagine that you are a clerk in an office.Write a letter to your employer telling him why you were unable to report for work for a few days119.Imagine that you are an employee in a business firm.Your son is very ill in America.Write to your employer asking for leaving of absence for a month120.To a publisher enquiring about some books121.To the Chief Medical Officer of a hospital, expressing your appreciation for the good treatment you received as a patient122.Imagine that you have to pay Income Tax. Write a letter to the Income Tax Department reqquesting time to pay your tax123.To your landlord, asking him to repair the roof which is leaking124.Reply to the manager of a business firm who has sent you the last reminder for payment of a bill for goods supplied to you125.To a dentist for an appointment126.Reply to a dealer of goods who has threatened to take legal action against you for your having failed to pay what you owe him127.Getting to know someone128.Looking for a job129.Looking for someone in a large bank130.An interview for the post of secretary131.A stubborn salesman132.Meeting the manager of the firm133.Visiting a doctor134.The reading habit135.An unexpected situationMot so de thi va bai luan mau trong cac ki thi Toefl va Ielts