12th meeting of ksczma proceedings - corrected · proceedings of the 12th meeting of karnataka...

Proceedings of the 12 th meeting of Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority (KSCZMA) held on 15 th December, 2015 at 11.00 AM at Room No. 253, 2 nd Gate, M.S. Building under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Forest, Ecology & Environment Department. Members present: As per the list enclosed. The Chairman welcomed the members present. All the files were placed before the Authority for perusal and the subjects were deliberated as per the Agenda. 12.1 Confirmation of the proceedings of the previous KSCZMA meeting held on 15.10.2015. The proceedings of the previous KSCZMA meeting held on 15.10.2015 were read out. The proceedings were confirmed as there were no comments or amendments received from the members. 12.2 Action Taken Report on the proceedings of the previous KSCZMA meetings held on 15.10.2015. (Annexure-1). Action Taken Report at Annexure – I was perused and the Authority noted the action taken. 12.3 Preparation of State Coastal Zone Management Plan: Regarding preparation of Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) by National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management Institution, Chennai, Special Director & Scientific Officer (Grade-1) concerned visited Chennai on 9 th and 10 th of September, 2015 along with the Regional Director (Environment). Demarcated HTL have been examined by the team and some doubts sought by the institution were clarified by the State Officers. Then it was requested by the institution to furnish the following information needed to complete the work: Cadastral maps on Shapefile format (cad format already received from your office / CZMA) Hard copies of 1991/1996 CZMP maps preferably on 1:25,000 scales, if available, otherwise on 1:50,000 scale. Boundaries of Corporations / Municipalities / other urban bodies of all coastal districts of Karnataka, preferably in Shapefile format, otherwise, hard copy maps. It was informed by the Regional Director (Environment), Mangalore and Udupi that all the informations have been sent to Chennai. Whereas, the Regional Director (Environment), Karwar informed that, information has not been sent to Chennai since they have not yet received village maps in shape file format of all the villages coming under Coastal Districts from Remote sensing application centre. The secretary to Government (Environment and Ecology) informed the chairman that the necessary village maps in shape files format of all the villages coming under coastal districts will be collected from the ICT Centre, Aranya Bhavan and will be submitted to the NCSCM, Chennai at the earliest, as the validity of using old files will expire by 30 th January 2016. 12.4 Construction/ Re-construction and Conversion of Residential Buildings: 12.4.0 Mangalore District:

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Page 1: 12th meeting of KSCZMA Proceedings - Corrected · Proceedings of the 12th meeting of Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority (KSCZMA) held on 15th December, 2015 at 11.00

Proceedings of the 12th meeting of Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority (KSCZMA) held on 15th December, 2015 at 11.00 AM at Room No. 253, 2nd Gate, M.S. Building under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Forest, Ecology & Environment Department.

Members present: As per the list enclosed.

The Chairman welcomed the members present. All the files were placed before the Authority for perusal and the subjects were deliberated as per the Agenda.

12.1 Confirmation of the proceedings of the previous KSCZMA meeting held on 15.10.2015.

The proceedings of the previous KSCZMA meeting held on 15.10.2015 were read out. The proceedings were confirmed as there were no comments or amendments received from the members.

12.2 Action Taken Report on the proceedings of the previous KSCZMA meetings held on 15.10.2015. (Annexure-1).

Action Taken Report at Annexure – I was perused and the Authority noted the action taken.

12.3 Preparation of State Coastal Zone Management Plan:

Regarding preparation of Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) by National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management Institution, Chennai, Special Director & Scientific Officer (Grade-1) concerned visited Chennai on 9th and 10th of September, 2015 along with the Regional Director (Environment). Demarcated HTL have been examined by the team and some doubts sought by the institution were clarified by the State Officers. Then it was requested by the institution to furnish the following information needed to complete the work:

• Cadastral maps on Shapefile format (cad format already received from your office / CZMA)

• Hard copies of 1991/1996 CZMP maps preferably on 1:25,000 scales, if available, otherwise on 1:50,000 scale.

• Boundaries of Corporations / Municipalities / other urban bodies of all coastal districts of Karnataka, preferably in Shapefile format, otherwise, hard copy maps.

It was informed by the Regional Director (Environment), Mangalore and Udupi that all the informations have been sent to Chennai. Whereas, the Regional Director (Environment), Karwar informed that, information has not been sent to Chennai since they have not yet received village maps in shape file format of all the villages coming under Coastal Districts from Remote sensing application centre.

The secretary to Government (Environment and Ecology) informed the chairman that the necessary village maps in shape files format of all the villages coming under coastal districts will be collected from the ICT Centre, Aranya Bhavan and will be submitted to the NCSCM, Chennai at the earliest, as the validity of using old files will expire by 30th January 2016.

12.4 Construction/ Re-construction and Conversion of Residential Buildings:

12.4.0 Mangalore District:

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12.4.1. Request for issue of CRZ Clearance for the development of four berths in Western Dock Arm in New Mangalore Port Trust, Panambur, Mangalore (FEE 580 CRZ 2015)

New Mangalore Port Trust, Panambur has requested CRZ Clearance for the development of four berths in Western Dock Arm in New Mangalore Port Trust, at Panambur village. The Environment and CRZ clearance for the development of three berths (berth no.16,17,18) has been issued by MoEF vide letter No. 11-2/2010-IA III dated 19-09-2011 and the one berth No. 15 to handle mechanized coal cargo for M/s UPCL vide letter no. J-1301/23/96-1A2 (t) dated 04-07-2007.

The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the site and reported that

the area falls under CRZ-II as per approved Coastal Zone Management Plan. The above areas are located inside the port and the development is part of Master plan. The port authorities mentioned that MoEF had given clearance for Adjacent berths No.16 and 17 for developing bulk (Coal) and break terminal after the completion of construction berth No.18. Now it is requested to swap the cargo handling of berth NO.17 as container terminal and berth No.18 as bulk (coal) and break bulk terminal.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for the

development of four berths in Western Dock Arm in NMPT, which was submitted by New Mangalore Port Trust, Panambur along with the application in the prescribed format, checklist, Form-I, MoEF letter dated 19-09-2011, site plan, note on amendment in Environmental Clearance for swapping the container terminal to berth No: 17 and Bulk (Coal) and break bulk to Berth No.18, copy of challan about payment of processing fees, CZMP of the proposed site, google map, inspection report of Regional Director(Environment), proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 29-06-2015 & 16-11-2015.The DCZMC recommended the proposal to issue NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 16-11-2015.

The area of berth No. 17& 18 falls under CRZ-II as per approved Coastal Zone Management Plan 1996. As per Para 4 (i) (f) of the CRZ Notification 2011, the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue CRZ clearance for

development of four berths in Western Dock Arm in New Mangalore Port Trust, Panambur considering the clearance issued by MoEF vide letter dated 19.09.2011 and 04.07.2007, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.4.2. Request for issue of CRZ Clearance for the construction of Coast Guard amphibious vehicle (Hovercraft) Stowage operation and maintenance base station at Bhengre Village at Sy. No. 52 & 1 in 15 Acre area by Indian Coast Guard (FEE 498 CRZ 2015)

District works officer, Indian Coast Guard DHQ-3, Panambur has requested CRZ Clearance for the construction of Coast Guard amphibious vehicle (Hovercraft) Stowage operation & maintenance base station at Bhengre Village. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at distance of 150 mts from river & 500 mts from sea (as per CZMP approved

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1996). It is classified as CRZ-I & CRZ II. The distance from HTL of sea is 0 mts to 220mts, and above 100 mts from HTL of river.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for the

construction of Coast Guard amphibious vehicle (Hovercraft) Stowage operation & maintenance base station at Bhengre Village, submitted by District works officer, Indian Coast Guard DHQ-3, Panambur along with application in the prescribed format, survey map of the site, Form 1, abstract of the proceedings of KSCZMA meeting held on 26-08-2013, possession certificate & record of land ownership, site plan, building plan, estimate, commitment letter regarding Liquid Waste Management, google map, inspection report of RD (Env) and proceedings of DCZMCC meeting held on 01.10.2015. In its meeting held on 26-08-2013, KSCZMA has recommended for issuance of NOC from appropriate authority for the same project. But the project area shifted beside the alloted area and all the activities of project shifted to this area. Therefore they have requested for CRZ clearance for this area. The DCZMC recommended the proposal to issue NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 01.10.2015.

The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the site and the proposed project site is on western side of Bengre–Panambur beach road. On northern side there is a long stretch of casuarina and Acacia plantation of forest department. The project site falls fully within this plantation area. Out of 15 acre land, part of the land lies between HTL and LTL which falls under CRZ-I and rest of the land is in CRZ-II as per approved Coastal Zone Management Plan.

According to Para 3 (a) & (xiv) & Para 8 I CRZ I (ii) and (g) of the CRZ Notification 2011, the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue CRZ clearance for Coast Guard Amphibious Vehicle (Hovercraft) Stowage operation and maintenance base station at Bhengre Village, at Sy. No. 52 & 1 in 15 Acre area by Indian Coast Guard, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.4.3. Request for issue of CRZ Clearance from Raftar Terminals Private Limited for the storage of Acetic acid, MEG (Mono Ethylene Glycol), Naptha, Motor Spirit at Sy. No. 46/1(P), 47/1(P), 47/2(P), 47/3(P), 47/7(P1), 47/7(P2), 47/8(P), 47/13(P), 47/14(P), 47/15, 47/16(P), 47/3P, 47/9(P), 47/10(P), 47/7(P3) of Thannirubhavi Village, Mangalore (FEE 364 CRZ 2015)

M/s Raftar Terminals private Limited has requested CRZ clearance for the storage of Acetic acid, MEG (Mono Ethylene Glycol), Naptha Motor Spirit at Thannirubhavi village. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at distance of 150 mts from river & 500 mts from sea (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ III. The Distance from HTL is Approximately 205mts from HTL of sea, & approximately 150 mts from HTL of river. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the site and reported that the area falls under CRZ-III as per approved Coastal Zone Management Plan 1996.

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The proposal was placed in DCZMC meeting held on 29-06-2015. The committee after discussions, defered the case and decided to re-inspect the site with committee members. Accordingly the committee inspected the spot on 30-06-2015 and submitted a report for having violated the Para 3(iv) of CRZ Notification 2011. Para 3(iv) says “Land reclamation, bunding or disturbing the natural course of seawater” is prohibited activity. But again on 09.10.2015, the committee members inspected the site and after detailed verification, it is found that:-

1. The said area is not at all coming under the natural course of sea water and not disturbing the natural course of seawater. Hence no voilation is noticed.

2. The said area is adjacent to the G.M.R foundation project which is being executed long back where CRZ clearance has been obtained.

3. This land belongs to KIADB Industrial area, which is purchased on lease by M/s Raftar Terminals private Limited.

4. In this area no Mangroves species is found. 5. The project involves storage of petrolium products i.e Naptha, Motor

Spirit, Acetic acid and Mono Etylene Glycol (MEG).

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for the storage of Acetic acid, MEG (Mono Ethylene Glycol), Naptha Motor Spirit at Thannirubhavi village, submitted by M/s Raftar Terminals private Limited, along with the application in the prescribed format, checklist, Form-I, survey sketch of site. Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board possession certificate, material safety data sheet satellite image (10 Ms radius), tank farm facility layout, pipeline facility layout, site location showing the survey numbers, contour of the Site, green area, overall area and used area, connectivity map, pipeline road corridor, storm water layout, fire fighting layout, water NOC, fire NOC, MESCOM NOC, aerial view of the site, CRZ map and report by IRS, Anna University, geotechnical investigation report, risk assessment study report, copy of challan about payment of processing fees, CZMP of the proposed site, google map, inspection report of Regional Director(Environment), proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 29-06-2015 & 16-11-2015. The DCZMC recommended the proposal to issue NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 16-11-2015 with a condition that, the storage of Acetic acid & MEG were not there in the Annexure II of the Notification, and they have to take necessary permission for the storage of the same from the concerned department.

The area falls under CRZ-III as per approved Coastal Zone Management Plan.

As per Para 8 III CRZ III (iii) and (e) of the CRZ Notification 2011, the above project is a permissible activity except for the storage of Acetic acid & MEG, for which permission may have to be obtained from the MoEF.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to send a team of officers

consisting of Sri. A. Ramesh, SEO dealing with Hazardous Waste, concerned EO of Mangalore from KSPCB and RD, Mangalore to inspect the site and to get a report from them at the earliest before coming to final decision regarding giving CRZ clearance for the storage of Acetic acid, MEG (Mono Ethylene Glycol), Naptha, Motor Spirit, at Thannirubhavi Village, Mangalore.

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12.4.4. Request for issue of CRZ Clearance for Addition of storage facility for

finished goods and relocation of Fire Hydrants within the existing Factory premises of Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Boloor, Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada District (FEE 1151 CRZ 2014)

M/s Hindustan Unilever Ltd., has requested CRZ Clearance for addition of storage facility for finished goods and relocation of Fire Hydrants within the existing Factory premises at Boloor village. M/s. Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Boloor, Mangalore already obtained CRZ clearance for a raw material and finished goods shed from MoEF vide letter No.11-74/2006-IA.III dated 7th May, 2007.

The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the site and reported that

the area falls under CRZ-II as per approved Coastal Zone Management Plan. Now proposing construction of an additional storage shed by the side of the existing shed in Sy. No. 1587/2A of Boloor village. The Distance from river HTL is 70 mtr.The proposed site is located within the existing Factory premises.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for addition

of storage facility for finished goods and relocation of Fire Hydrants within the existing Factory premises at Boloor village, which was submitted by M/s Hindustan Unilever Ltd, along with application in the prescribed format, checklist, Form-I, executive summary of the proposed project, Mangalore port officer letter on existence of building before1991, GoK land grant order, R.T.C and survey sketch of site, existing CRZ clearance, certified factory plan, planning activity chart, disaster management plan and other details, CZMP of the proposed site, google map, inspection report of Regional Director (Environment) and proceedings of DCZMCC meeting held on 16-11-2015. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issuing of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 16-11-2015.

The area falls under CRZ-II as per approved Coastal Zone Management Plan. As per Para 8 II CRZ II (i) and (ii) of the CRZ Notification 2011, the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue CRZ Clearance for addition of storage facility for finished goods and relocation of Fire Hydrants within the existing Factory premises of Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Boloor, Mangalore, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5 Construction / Re-construction and Conversion of Residential Buildings of Udupi District:

12.5.1. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Paddu Poojary W/o Sheena Poojary for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 31/4C of Navunda Village, Kundapura Taluk (FEE 554 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Paddu Poojary W/o Sheena Poojary has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 31/4C of Navunda village, Kundapura Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea (as per CZMP

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approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 120mts from Sea.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Paddu Poojary W/o Sheena Poojary, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, Survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1988-89, Certificate from Navunda Grama Panchayath for change of door no. dated: 10.09.2015, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The size of the plot is 8m x7 m and the plinth area is about 56.00Sq.mtr. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.2. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Kamala Poojarthy W/o Late. Ammayya for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 175/9-P1 of Paduvari Village, Kundapura Taluk (FEE 556 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Kamala Poojarthy W/o Late. Ammayya has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 175/9-P1 of Paduvari village, Kundapura Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 90 mts from Sea.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Kamala Poojarthy W/o Late. Ammayya, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, Survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1990-91, Certificate from Paduvari Grama Panchayath for change of door no. dated: 29.07.2015, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The size of the plot is 25’ x20’ and the plinth area is about 500.00Sq.ft or about 46.45 Sq.mtr. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

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The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for

re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.3. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Devdas Kharvi S/o Late. Pursu Kharvi for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 27/3C1P9 of Trasi Village, Kundapura Taluk (FEE 557 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Devdas Kharvi S/o Late. Pursu Kharvi has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 27/3C1P9 of Trasi village, Kundapura Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at Jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 125 mts from Sea. The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Devdas Kharvi S/o Late. Pursu Kharvi, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1988-89, certificate from Trasi Grama Panchayath for change of door no. dated: 01.10.2015, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The size of the plot is 28’ x35’ and the plinth area is about 980.00Sq.ft or about 91.08 Sq.mtr.. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for

re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.4. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Bhaskar M Salian S/o Muddu M Salian for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 59/2 of Hejamadi Village, Udupi Taluk (FEE 558 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Bhaskar M. Salian S/o Muddu M. Salian has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 59/2 of Hejamadi village, Udupi Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 60 mts from Sea. The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Bhaskar M. Salian S/o Muddu M. Salian, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1984-85, approved CZMP sheet, draft

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digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The building is having a plinth area of 650 Sq.Ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.5. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Dugga S/o Manja for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 142/1B3 of Maravanthe Village, Kundapura Taluk (FEE 560 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Dugga S/o Manja has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 142/1B3 of Maravanthe village, Kundapura Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 150 mts from Sea. The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Dugga S/o Manja, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax paid receipt dated: 13/03/1989, certificate from Maravanthe Grama Panchayath for change of door no. dated: 31.08.2015, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The building is having a plinth area of 88.00 Sq.mtr. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.6. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Jainabi W/o Hassan Byari for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 66/12AP1 of Muloor Village, Udupi Taluk (FEE 565 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Jainabi W/o Hassn Byari has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 66/12AP1 of Muloor village, Udupi Taluk. The

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Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 85 mts from Sea. The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Jainabi W/o Hassn Byari, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax paid receipt dated: 30/01/1989, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The size of the plot is 28’ x20’ and the plinth area is about 560.00Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.7. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Richard Curvello for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 67/3AP1 of Basruru Village, Kundapura Taluk (FEE 566 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Richard Curvello has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 67/3AP1 of Basruru village, Kundapura Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jJurisdiction of 100 mts from river (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 45 mts from river.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Richard Curvello, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1989-90, certificate from Basruru Grama Panchayath for change of door no. dated: 13.03.2014, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The building is having a plinth area of 458.00 Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

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The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for Construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.8. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Geetha Shedthy D/o Late. Bolu Shetty Alias Jagannatha Shetty for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 61/5 of Haradi Village, Udupi Taluk (FEE 567 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Geetha Shedthy D/o Late. Bolu Shetty Alias Jagannatha Shetty has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 61/5 of Haradi village, Udupi Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 150 mts from river (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 90 mts from river. The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Geetha Shedthy D/o Late. Bolu Shetty Alias Jagannatha Shetty, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax paid receipt dated: 19/09/81, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The building is having a plinth area of 120.00 Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.9. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Indira Kotian W/o Jagannatha Mendon for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 211/22P6 of Kodavoor Village, Udupi Taluk (FEE 568 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Indira Kotian W/o Jagannatha has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 211/22P6 of Kodavoor village, Udupi Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 100 mts from river (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 60 mts from river. The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Indira Kotian W/o Jagannatha, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax paid receipt dated: 16/03/1985, certificate from Udupi Municipality for change of door no. dated: 17.10.2015, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The building is having a Plinth

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Area of 840.00 Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.10. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Madhava M Poojary S/o Manja Poojary for reconstruction of Oil Mill Building at Sy. No. 217/9 of Kundapura Kasba Village, Kundapura Taluk (FEE 569 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Madhava M. Poojary S/o Manja Poojary has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of Oil Mill building at Sy. No. 217/9 of Kundapura Kasba Village, Kundapura Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea and 150 mts from River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 245 mts from Sea and 45 mts from river (width of the creek is 60 mts) The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Madhava M. Poojary S/o Manja Poojary, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax paid receipt dated: 23/01/90, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed reconstruction, photos of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The building is having a plinth area of 810.00 Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.5.11. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Sharada W/o G Shivappa Kharvi for construction of Kalyana Mantapa / Sabha Bhavana at Sy. No. 146/14 of Gangolli Village, Kundapura Taluk (FEE 571 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Sharada W/o G. Shivappa Kharvi has requested to issue NOC for construction of Kalyana Mantapa/Sabha Bhavana at Sy. No. 146/14 of Gangolli village, Kundapura Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdiction of 500 mts from Sea (as

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per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified as CRZ-II. The distance from HTL is 375 mts from Sea. The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Sharada W/o G. Shivappa Kharvi, along with application in the prescribed format, survey map of the site, RTC, approved CZMP sheet, draft digitized CRZ map showing the area of proposed construction and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015. The building is having a plinth area of 349.63 Sq.mtr. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 23.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 II CRZ-II (i) buildings shall be permitted only on the landward side of the existing road, or on the landward side of existing authorized structures, & the above project is a permissible activity. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for Construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC

12.6 Construction / Re-construction and Conversion of Residential Buildings of Uttara Kannada District:

12.6.1. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Krishna S/o Narayan Patgar for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 435/2A of Hegde Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 521 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Krishna S/o Narayan Patgar has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 435/2A of Hegde Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 90 mts from river.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Krishna S/o Narayan Patgar, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax paid receipt for the period 1980-1981, 1990-91 & 2014-15, annuxure IV format, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015. The building is having a plinth area of 532.38 sq.ft or 49.47 sq.mtr. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A (ii) of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC

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12.6.2. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Honappa Goli Ambiga for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 62A1/7 of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 522 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Honappa Goli Ambiga has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 62A1/7 of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 20 mts from river.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Honappa Goli Ambiga, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1989-90 & tax receipt for the year 2014-15, ownership letter, annuxure IV format, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015. The size of the plot is 22’ x24’ and the plinth area is about 528.00Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A (ii) of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC

12.6.3. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Ishwar Jatti Ambig for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 267/2A of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 523 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Ishwar Jatti Ambig has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 267/2A of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 50 mts from river and 50 mts from Sea.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Ishwar Jatti Ambig, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax Assessment Extract for the year 1989-1990 & tax Receipt for the year 2014-15, ownership letter, annexure IV format, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015. The size of the plot is 24’ x18’ and the plinth area is about 432.00Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A (ii) of the CRZ

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Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC

12.6.4. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Manjunath Bin Rama Ambiga for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 245/3 of Mirjan Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 524 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Manjunath Bin Rama Ambiga has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 245/3 of Mirjan Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-I. The distance from HTL is 30 mts from River.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Manjunath Bin Rama Ambiga, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1980-81 & tax paid receipt for the year 2015-16, annuxure IV format, ownership letter, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015. The size of the plot is 18’ x12’ and the plinth area is about 216.00Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 3 (i) (e) of the CRZ Notification 2011, reconstruction, repair works of dwelling units of local communities including fishers in accordance with local town and country planning regulations are allowed and hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC

12.6.5. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Kusuma Mahabaleshwar Ambiga for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 246 of Mirjan Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 525 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Kusuma Mahabaleshwar Ambiga has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 246 of Mirjan Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-I. The distance from HTL is 30 mts from River.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Kusuma Mahabaleshwar Ambiga, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the Period 1980-1981 & 1990-91, & tax paid receipt for the year 2014-15, annuxure IV format, ownership letter, approved CZMP map sheet,

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draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015. The size of the plot is 25’ x20’ and the plinth area is about 500.00Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 3 (i) (e) of the CRZ Notification 2011, reconstruction, repair works of dwelling units of local communities including fishers in accordance with local town and country planning regulations are allowed, & hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC

12.6.6. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Bharati Keshav Harikantra for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 40/3 of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 526 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Bharati Keshav Harikantra has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 40/3 of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 30 mts from River.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Bharati Keshav Harikantra, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the Period 1980-1981 & 1990-91 & tax paid receipt for the year 2014-15, annuxure IV format, ownership letter, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015. The size of the plot is 25’ x20’ and the plinth area is about 500.00Sq.ft.The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A (ii) of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities & hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC

12.6.7. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Somanath Krishnappa Naik for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 100/2A of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 527 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Somanath Krishnappa Naik has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 100/2A of Aganashini Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per

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CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 120 mts from River.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Somanath Krishnappa Naik along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the Period 1989-90, 2013-14 & tax paid receipt for the year 2014-15, ownership letter, annuxure IV format, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015. The size of the plot is 20’ x16’ and the plinth area is about 320.00Sq.ft.The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 09.10.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A (ii) of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities & hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.6.8. Request for issue of CRZ Clearance for reconstruction/improvements of Taranagmate Fisheries Link Road in Ankola Taluk (FEE 528 CRZ 2015)

The Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and Inland Water Transport Department, Sub-Division, Karwar Division, Karwar has requested for issue of CRZ clearance for reconstruction/improvements of Taranagmate fisheries link road in Ankola taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site G.P.S readings are a) 140 44’ 4.0”N, 740 15’ 18.8”E b) 140 44’ 10.2”N, 740 15’ 7.4”E. It is classified at CRZ-I and CRZ-III. The extent of the project is 250 mts in length and located 100 mtr from HTL of the Sea.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction/improvements of Taranagmate fisheries link road in Ankola taluk submitted by the Executive Engineer, Public Works, Ports and Inland Water Transport Department, along with application in the prescribed format, checklist and declaration, Form-1, CRZ map and google map, inspection report of Regional Director (Environment) and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 19.06.2015. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 19.06.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 3 (iv) (a) required for setting up, construction or modernisation or expansion of foreshore facilities like ports, harbours, jetties, wharves, quays, slipways, bridges, sealink, road on stilts, and such as meant for defense and security purpose and for other facilities that are essential for activities permissible under the notification and Para 8 I CRZ I (ii) (b) construction of dispensaries, schools, public rain shelter, community toilets, bridges, roads, jetties, water supply, drainage, sewerage which are required for traditional inhabitants living within the biosphere reserves after obtaining approval from

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concerned CZMA and Para 8 III CRZ III A (iii) (j) of the CRZ Notification 2011, construction of dispensaries, schools, public rain shelter, community toilets, bridges, roads, provision of facilities for water supply, drainage, sewerage, crematoria, cemeteries and electric sub-station which are required for the local inhabitants may be permitted on a case to case basis by CZMA & hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue CRZ clearance for reconstruction/improvements of Taranagmate Fisheries Link Road in Ankola Taluk, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.6.9. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Mukund S/o Devu Harikantra for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 240/4 of Hichkad Village, Ankola Taluk (FEE 555 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Mukund S/o Devu Harikantra has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 240/4 of Hichkad Village, Ankola Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-I. The distance from HTL is 45 mts from river.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Mukund S/o Devu Harikantra, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1984-85 & tax paid receipt for the year 2013-14, annexure IV format, ownership letter, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015. The size of the plot is 21’ x20’ and the plinth area is about 420.00Sq.ft.The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 3 (i) (e) of the CRZ Notification 2011, reconstruction, repair works of dwelling units of local communities including fishers in accordance with local town and country planning regulations are allowed, & hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.6.10. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Nagappa Devu for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 237/1 of Hichkad Village, Ankola Taluk (FEE 562 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Nagappa Devu Harikantra has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 237/1 of Hichkad Village in Ankola Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-I. The distance from HTL is 20 mts from river.

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The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Nagappa Devu Harikantra, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the year 1984-85 & tax paid receipt for the year 2014-15, annuxure IV format, ownership letter, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015. The size of the plot is 25’ x21’ and the plinth area is about 525.00Sq.ft.The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 3 (i) (e) of the CRZ Notification 2011, reconstruction, repair works of dwelling units of local communities including fishers in accordance with local town and country planning regulations are allowed, & hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.6.11. Request for issue of NOC from Sri. Dayanand Devu Harikantra for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 16/1 of Hichkad Village, Ankola Taluk (FEE 563 CRZ 2015)

Sri. Dayanand Devu Harikantra has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 16/1 of Hichkad Village, Ankola Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-III. The distance from HTL is 25 mts from river.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Sri. Dayanand Devu Harikantra, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, electricity eupply record for the year 1984-85, tax paid receipt for the year 2014-15 & 2015-16, annuxure IV format, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015. The size of the plot is 23’ x20’ and the plinth area is about 460.00Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 8 (i) III CRZ III A (ii) of the CRZ Notification 2011 no construction shall be permitted within NDZ except for repairs or reconstruction of existing authorized structure not exceeding existing FSI, existing, plinth area and existing density and for permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for the said activities. Hence the above project is a permissible activity

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

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12.6.12. Request for issue of NOC from Smt. Parvati Laxman Ambiga for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 208/3 of Mirjan Village, Kumta Taluk (FEE 564 CRZ 2015)

Smt. Parvati Laxman Ambiga has requested to issue NOC for reconstruction of residential house at Sy. No. 208/3 of Mirjan Village, Kumta Taluk. The Regional Director (Environment) has inspected the proposed site and reported that project site is at jurisdication of 100 mts form HTL of River (as per CZMP approved 1996). It is classified at CRZ-I. The distance from HTL is 80 mts from river.

The Regional Director (Environment) has submitted the proposal for reconstruction of residential house submitted by Smt. Parvati Laxman Ambiga, along with application in the prescribed format, RTC, survey map of the site, tax assessment extract for the Period 1980-81 & tax paid receipt for the year 2015-16, annuxure IV format, ownership letter, approved CZMP map sheet, draft digitized map showing the proposed area of reconstruction, photo of old house and proceedings of DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015. The size of the plot is 20’ x17’ and the plinth area is about 340.00Sq.ft. The DCZMC recommended the proposal for issue of NOC in the DCZMC meeting held on 07.11.2015.

As per the provisions under the Para 3 (i) (e) of the CRZ Notification 2011, reconstruction, repair works of dwelling units of local communities including fishers in accordance with local town and country planning regulations are allowed, & hence the above project is a permissible activity.

The Authority after discussion and deliberations decided to issue NOC for re-construction, as per the recommendation of the DCZMC.

12.7 Ratification of provisional NOC issued by the Regional Director (Environment) with the approval of the DCZMCs.

The KSCZMA during the meeting held on 15.10.2015 had taken a decision to

authorize the Regional Directors (Environment) of the coastal districts to issue provisional NOC for construction/reconstruction/repair of dwelling units in CRZ I, CRZ II and CRZ III and outside the CRZ limits with the approval of the concerned DCZMCs and then to submit proposal for ratification of the action taken. A detail procedure in this regard has been issued to Regional Director (Environment) Mangalore and Udupi vide the Government Letter No. FEE 236 CRZ 2013, dated: 02.12.2015 and FEE 322 CRZ 2015, dated: 20.11.2015 respectively. Accordingly, the Regional Directors (Environment) of the coastal districts have submitted proposals for ratification of the provisional NOC issued. The details of proposals on which provisional NOC have been issued by the Regional Directors (Environment), Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Uttara Kannada districts subject to ratification are enclosed as Annexure – II, Annexure – III and Annexure – IV respectively.

Subject is placed for ratification of provisional NOC issued and accordingly approval for issue of proper NOC.

The Authority reviewed the provisional NOCs issued by the Regional Directors, Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Uttara Kannada Districts and after discussion the Authority decided to accord ratification for the action taken by concerned RDs.

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Further, the Authority decided to issue proper CRZ NOC for the proposals listed in Annexure – II, III and Annexure – IV

The meeting ended with thanks to the Chair.


(M. MADAN GOPAL) Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Forest, Ecology & Environment Department

& Chairman, Karnataka State Coastal

Zone Management Authority.

No. FEE 236 CRZ 2013

Special Director (Technical Cell) & Secretary, KSCZMA

Forest, Ecology and Environment Department.

Page 21: 12th meeting of KSCZMA Proceedings - Corrected · Proceedings of the 12th meeting of Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority (KSCZMA) held on 15th December, 2015 at 11.00

Draft Proceedings for the 12th KSCZMA meeting

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Meeting of the 12th Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority (KSCZMA) held on 15th December, 2015 at 11.00 AM at Room No. 253, 2nd Gate, M.S. Building under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Forest, Ecology & Environment Department.


1. Sri M. Madan Gopal, IAS., Chairman, KSCZMA & Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Department of Forest, Ecology & Environment, M S Building, Bangalore – 560 001

In Chair

2. Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Tourism Department, Vikasa Soudha Bangalore.

Leave of Absence

3. The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Industries and Commerce Department, Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore

Leave of Absence

4. Principal Secretary to Government, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore.


5. Sri. Ramachandhra, IFS, Secretary to Govt. (Ecology & Environment) Forest, Ecology and Environment Department Bangalore- 560 001.


6. Sri. S.Shanthappa, IFS., Member Secretary, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, No. 49, Parisara Bhavan, Church Street, Bangalore- 560 001.


7. Director General, Environment Management and Policy Research Institute (EMPRI), Hasiru Bhavana', Doresanipalya Forest Campus, Vinayaka Nagara Circle, J. P. Nagar, 5th Phase, Bangalore-560 076.


8. Karnataka State Remote Sensing Application Centre, KSRSAC, Department of IT, BT, S&T, 6th Floor, Multi Storied

Leave of Absence

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Draft Proceedings for the 12th KSCZMA meeting

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Building, Bangalore- 560 001.

9. Dr. B.K. Shivaprasad Rai, Consultant Surgeon and former Commandant of Home Guards, Shourya, Martin Pais Road, Hat Hill, Bejai Post, Mangalore-575004.

Leave of Absence

10. Dr. Subba Rao, Professor Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Suratkal, Mangalore.

Leave of Absence

11. Dr. Gangadhara Gowda Professor and Head, Aquatic Environment Management Department, College of Fisheries, Mangalore.


12. Dr. K.S. Jayappa Professor, Department of Marine Geology, Mangalore University, Mangala Gangothri, Mangalore.


13. Sri Vijayakumar, IFS., Special Director (Technical Cell) and Secretary, Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority, Forest, Ecology and Environment Department.


14. Deputy Director (Technical Cell), Industries and Commerce Department, Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore


Invites Present:

15. Regional Director (Environment), Forest, Ecology & Environment Department, Corporation Commercial Complex, I Floor, Lalbagh, Mangalore-575 003.


16. Regional Director (Environment), Forest, Ecology & Environment Department, 1st Floor, C Block, Rajathadri, District Administrative Centre, Manipal- 576104, Udupi District.


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Draft Proceedings for the 12th KSCZMA meeting

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17. Regional Director (Environment), Forest, Ecology & Environment Department, Meera Building, I Floor, Kajubagh, Karwar, Uttara Kannada District.


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