12 reasons we need a sense of humor @work (a.k.a. the 12 hats of christmas)

If you’ve been holding back your funny side at work for fear of coming off as not serious or embarrassing yourself, it’s time to look at your humor from a new perspective. Believe it or not, a dose of tasteful humor can actually be a key to success at your job. Having a sense of humor at work can help you feel more relaxed while on the job, encourage you to come up with new and better ideas, and help you build meaningful relationships with your coworkers. Laughter can go a long way to making your life at work easier and more fulfilling. Don’t believe us? Here are 12 reasons why it’s important to have a sense of humor at work. 12 Reasons we NEED a Sense of Humor @Work (a.k.a. The 12 Hats of Christmas) Chris Dorman Wishing you the MERRIEST of holidays… by BlueSkyExhibits.com

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Page 1: 12 Reasons we NEED a Sense of Humor @Work (a.k.a. The 12 Hats of Christmas)

If you’ve been holding back your funny side at work for fear of coming off as not serious or embarrassing yourself, it’s time to look at your humor from a new perspective. Believe it or not, a dose of tasteful humor can actually be a key to success at your job.

Having a sense of humor at work can help you feel more relaxed while on the job, encourage you to come up with new and better ideas, and help you build meaningful relationships with your coworkers. Laughter can go a long way to making your life at work easier and more fulfilling. Don’t believe us? Here are 12 reasons why it’s important to have a sense of humor at work.

12 Reasons we NEED a Sense of Humor

@Work(a.k.a. The 12 Hats of Christmas)

Chris Dorman

Wishing you the MERRIEST of holidays…by BlueSkyExhibits.com

Page 2: 12 Reasons we NEED a Sense of Humor @Work (a.k.a. The 12 Hats of Christmas)

#1Humor Creates Opportunities

Have you been itching for a promotion? Your sense of humor could be the ticket to that corner. An international survey by Robert Half found that 91 percent of executives believed a sense of humor was important for career advancement while 84 percent felt that employees with a good sense of humor did a better job. Showing that you can take and crack a joke could also translate into a bigger paycheck. When researching an article for the Harvard Business Review, writer Fabio Sala found that the size of executives’ bonuses positively correlated with their use of humor during interviews.


Erica Williams

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Humor Can Keep You Healthy Did you ever think having a good sense of humor could lead to a healthier you? It’s true. When you laugh, your body activates T cells, specialized immune system cells that help you fight off sickness. Laughter also decreases your blood pressure and even burns calories. A study conducted by Vanderbilt University Medical Center revealed that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes could burn anywhere from 10 to 40 calories.


Rebecca King

Page 4: 12 Reasons we NEED a Sense of Humor @Work (a.k.a. The 12 Hats of Christmas)

#1Humor Solves Problems

Need to solve a problem fast? It wouldn’t hurt to laugh a little. Researchers at Northwestern University found that participants who were in a positive mood were more likely to come up with creative insight that helped them solve a problem. And since we know laughter gets those feel-good chemicals pumping, try laughing the next time you have a tough problem at hand. You’ll find that you have better analytic precision and a more flexible mindset when it comes to decision making.


Michael Baker

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#1Humor Promotes Happiness

You’ve probably heard of endorphins, your body’s so-called “feel good” chemical. Many health advocates use endorphins as a motivation for working out, as your body releases a flood of endorphins when you get your heart rate pumping. But there’s an even easier way to get that endorphin rush — laughing. When you laugh, your body releases those feel-good chemicals that make you happy. So if you find yourself feeling a little gloomy, try watching a funny video to get a little pick-me-up.


Lori Wager

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Humor Makes You Productive Everyone starts feeling burnt out at work every now and again. Perhaps all you need to kick your productivity into gear, though, is a little humor. In a study of more than 2,500 employees, 81 percent reported that working in a fun environment likely would make them more productive. They’re probably right. Additional studies found that businesses that used humor in the workplace had fewer people calling in sick, increased loyalty to the company and decreased feelings of burnout and stress.


Roger Reyelts

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Humor Gives Your Brain a BoostIf you’re facing that afternoon slump, instead of grabbing a cup of coffee, try a dose of laughter instead. When you laugh, your body releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that brings you improved focus, objectivity and boosts your overall brainpower. Several studies have also shown that humor can significantly increase your short-term memory recall.


Robney Chapmon

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#1Humor Enhances Leadership

SkillsThere’s something about executives and other business aficionados having a good sense of humor that gives off a “this is a real human being who’s not so different from me” vibe. Using humor in the workplace can give your co-workers the impression that you are on top of things, in charge and in control. After all, you wouldn’t be making jokes if you were in dire straits, right? It also can help you increase profit and work compliance by establishing an inviting and positive work culture.


Steve Martin

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#1Humor Builds Trust

In an article titled “Humor in the Workplace: A Communication Challenge,” Robert A. Vartabedian notes that “humor helps individuals view themselves and others more objectively and helps build rapport, trust, and acceptance of diversity among team members.” Trust is so important, whether it’s between coworkers or managers and their employees. Without it, you won’t get very far in the business world, so use your humor to your advantage and build meaningful relationships with your peers.


Nicholas Peterson

Page 10: 12 Reasons we NEED a Sense of Humor @Work (a.k.a. The 12 Hats of Christmas)

Humor Sparks Creative Thinking A fun, playful environment can be the key to unlocking the next great idea. People tend to hold back their ideas for fear of being judged or shot down. But when you introduce humor, the environment changes to one where tossing around wild and crazy ideas is not only accepted but encouraged. Humor offers people a way to play with their ideas, looking at them in a new way rather than being overly critical. So the next time you’re struggling to come with new ideas, try cracking a joke or two and see where it takes you.


Darryl Peterson Johanna Haren

Page 11: 12 Reasons we NEED a Sense of Humor @Work (a.k.a. The 12 Hats of Christmas)

#1Humor Reduces Stress

Having a sense of humor can actually keep you feeling less stressed as you move through the workday. Laughing at yourself every now and then is healthy — it helps you not take yourself too seriously, relieving you of that “the world is hanging on my shoulders” feeling. Plus, humor can eliminate feelings of fear, one of the biggest stress-inducing factors at work. Need more proof that humor can offer the stress relief you’ve been looking for? Consider this: Research has shown that laughter stimulates circulation and aids in muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce the physical symptoms of stress.


Steve Pitts

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Humor Promotes TeamworkThere’s something about laughter that brings people together. Vartabedian also found that humor led to group cohesiveness, a reduction of status differentials and more successful team building among coworkers. Laughing together is an easy way to create a bond between team members, so remember to have a little fun together while you work.


Jeff Sasser & Tim Kelley

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#12Humor Boosts Morale

and Retention Finally, your humor can contribute to the overall morale of the workplace. When you have a fun working environment, employees (including you) are more likely to look forward to coming to work. Employees like working with people who have a sense of humor — it makes things more fun and helps them feel more comfortable. And when employees like coming to work, they’re less likely to be spending their down time surfing the job boards. Chris Langely

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In closing, this reminds me of a Biblical truth from Proverbs 17:22:

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” 

Adding laughter to everything you do, truly cures many of the ailments of everyone around you.  I always want our work environment to be a place filled with positive excitement where people can grow and shine. – Don Keller, CEO Blue Sky Exhibits

Wishing you the MERRIEST Christmas and

the most HILARIOUS Holidays!!!

Don & Tim

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