11g r2 rac administration-2

Oracle 11g R2 RAC Administration Presented by Ebin & Suraj

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Oracle 11g R2 RAC Administration Presented by

Ebin & Suraj

Page 2: 11g R2 RAC Administration-2


After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

• Definitions• Differences - Oracle 10g R2, 11g R1, 11g R2• New Features in 11g R2 RAC• Terms / Terminology in 11g R2 RAC• 11g R2 RAC Architecture• Clusterware Scripts• ASM Concepts• ASM Architecture• ASM Sample Scripts

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Cluster Clusterware ASM ACFS

Grid Infrastructure



Oracle RAC 11g R2

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Differences 10g R2 11G R1 11G R2

Node Reboot : OPROCd process Node Reboot : OPROCd process Handled by OHASd process

NTP file is used for Time synchAcross other nodes

NTP file is used for Time synchAcross other nodes

We have NTP as well as CTSSD.Here CTSSD act as observer

ASM is handled using Asmcmd and adding/modifying diskgroup was done by logging in as “/as sysdba”

ASM is handled using Asmcmd

Additionally Here we have ASMCA to add diskgroups. We can use the follSqlplus “ /as sysasm”

ASM doesn’t support other filesIncluding OCR or Voting Disk, but still these were called as ASM files

ASM doesn’t support other filesIncluding OCR or Voting Disk, but still these were called as ASM files

ASM can support 3rd party files asWell as we can store OCR and Voting Disk file. We have ADVM for this

Application Failover takes huge time . Has FAN,ONS to handle this process

Application Failover takes huge time . Has FAN,ONS to handle this process

Fast Connection Failover. LessFailover time .Has FAN ,ONS .

We had to hardcode detailsIn /etc/hosts file on each node and we used DNS server having each entries

We had to hardcode detailsIn /etc/hosts file on each node and we used DNS server having each entries

We have GNS which handles all IP addresses dynamically that is fetched from DHCP.

NO separate Load BalancingTechnique handled

NO separate Load BalancingTechnique handled

Here we have SCAN listener To handle requests effectively, hence having more high availability

Database, Clusterware,ASM hadSeparate home

Database, Clusterware,ASM hadSeparate home

Only 2 Oracle Home .ASM+Clusterware in same home

Manual Backup of Voting DiskIs highly risky and important

Manual Backup of Voting DiskIs highly risky and important

Voting Disk backup is automatic whenever there is structural change and stores info in OCR.

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Terms / Terminology in 11g R2 RAC

OCR Oracle Cluster registry

VIP Virtual IP address

GNS Grid Naming Service

DHCP Dynamic Host configuration Protocal

DNS Domain Name server

GPNP Grid Plug and Play

MDNS Multicast Domain Name Service

SCAN Single Client Access Name

ONS Oracle Notification Service

FAN FAST Application Notification

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Terms / Terminology in 11g R2 RAC (Continue….)

CTSS Cluster Time Synchronization Service

CSS Cluster Synchronization Service

EVM Event Manager

ASMCA ASM Configuration Assistant

ACFS Oracle ASM Cluster File System

ADVM Oracle Dynamic Volume Manager

RAID Redundant Array of inexpensive disks

LBA Logical Block Address

TAF Transparent Application Failover

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SCAN (Single Client Access Name)

• Network Requirements For Using SCAN – Define the SCAN in your corporate DNS (Domain Name Service) – Use the Grid Naming Service (GNS)

• SCAN Configuration in the Cluster

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11g R2 RAC Architecture

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11g R2 RAC Architecture (by hand)

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Clusterware Scripts

Description Commands

SCAN STATUSCheck config of scan

srvctl status scansrvctl config scan

Start Scan $GRID_HOME/bin/srvctl start scan_listener

Relocate Scan srvctl relocate scan -i 1 -n plwcdbuat01 -- (plwcdbuat01 is a new node name where u want to reallocate scan 1)

To list all the sub-modules/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl lsmodules crs/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl lsmodules evm/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl lsmodules css

Network issue /u01/crs/oracle/product/11.2.0/crs/log/oraclebi2/agent/crsd/orarootagent_root

To check ocr file ocrcheck

Grid Plug and play cluvfy comp gpnp

nodes in the cluster olsnodes -n -p -i

Start Cluster services on bi1 crsctl start cluster -n oraclebi1Stop resource crsctl stop resource ora.crsd

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Clusterware Scripts (Continue…….)

Description Commands

start resource crsctl start resource ora.crsdcrsctl start res ora.registry.acfs -n oracletest1

Stop diskgroups and ASM instance

srvctl stop diskgroup -g datasrvctl stop diskgroup -g backupsrvctl stop asm

To create a dependency between FRA diskgroup and a database.

$srvctl modify database -d <unique database_name> -a "DATA,FRA"$srvctl config database -d <unique database_name>

Add databasesrvctl add database -d live -o $ORACLE_HOMEsrvctl add instance -d live -i live2 -n prod-rac02srvctl enable database -d livesrvctl enable instance -d live -i live2

srvctl helpcrsctl help

srvctl -hcrvctl -h

Scan IP settings and Register Database

alter system set remote_listener='oraclei-scan.est.org.uk:1521' scope=both sid='*';alter system set local_listener='(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=oraclebi-vip)(PORT=1521))))' scope=both sid='ABC';


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ASM Concepts



Redundancy Level

Fast Mirror Resync


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ASM Architecture

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ASM Sample Scripts

Description Commands

create ASM Disk Group CREATE DISKGROUP data_dg1 EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY DISK ‘/dev/dsk/sdc5’, ‘/dev/dsk/sdd5’

configure ASM Disks in UNIX / LINUX Environment

# vi /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices

/dev/raw/raw1 /dev/add1

/dev/raw/raw2 /dev/sdd2

/dev/raw/raw3 /dev/sdd3

# vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local

chown oracle:dba /dev/raw/raw*

chmod 660 /dev/raw/raw*

configure ASM Disks using ASMLIB

a) Download ASMLIB rpm at oracle site

b) /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL1 /dev/sde1

add new disks to an existing ASM disk group

alter diskgroup data_dg1 add failgroup ctlr3 disk ‘/asmdisks/disk5’ name dg5 noforce

resizing an ASM disk group alter diskgroup data_dg1 resize all size 200m

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ASM Sample Scripts (Continue……)

Description Commands

check all disks in a specific disk group without repairing alter diskgroup data_dg2 check all norepair

check a specific disk in a specific disk group and repair the disk if needed

alter diskgroup data_dg1 check disk dg_5

mount and dismounting ASM disk groups

alter diskgroup data_dg1 dismount;

alter diskgroup data_dg1 mount;

drop just one disk form an ASM disk group alter diskgroup data_dg1 drop disk dg_5

“undrop” a recently-dropped disk alter diskgroup data_dg1 undrop disk dg_5

create Tablespaces using ASM Disks

create tablespace indy_data datafile ‘+DATA_DG1’ size 100m

set the parameter db_create_file_dest to +DATA_DG1

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Special Thanks


[email protected]

Organized by

Jayakrishnan Pillai

[email protected]

Ebin Kadavi Suraj Daga

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Thanks For Joining !!