111111111fueling of the flame

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  • 7/29/2019 111111111Fueling of the Flame


    Fueling of the Black Flame Ritual by Rev. Juan Duran

    Materials Needed:


    Ritual Dagger

    2 Candles (black or blue preferred, red is acceptable)Chalice (filled with substance which symbolizes life to you, red

    wine, water, etc.)

    Incense (Whichever you prefer, scent is of you liking)

    Mirror (Magic mirror if possible)

    Ritual Garments (robes, black ritual attire, whatever is comfortable

    for you, street clothes if that is best for you)

    If you prefer you can have mood music, preferably something that you

    enjoy and reminds you of the joys of life, and introspection


    (Prepare alter, with candle on outer ends, incense in middle,

    chalice on left hand, and dagger on right. Mirror on wall, or held

    on altar, light all candles/incense, and fill chalice. Exit ritual

    room and don ritual attire. Clear mind before entering, remember the

    rules laid out for ritual workings as in TSB)

    -=Enter Ritual Room=-

    *Raise hands, look within mirror and say:

    I am man, who knows not of the world, for my eyes are shut by the

    blinding of those who would rule the ignorant. I ask that the Dark

    Lord come and bear his Light. Lucifer, the Morning Star, she that

    would reveal the World to me, guide me in my journeys.

    *Look within Mirror and see Lucifer inside yourself*

    -=Meditate on the power of knowledge=-

    *Raise hands, look within mirror and say:

    I am man, who knows not of the world, for my body is a temple which

    I am not allowed to control. I ask the Dark Lord to open my body to

    the desires of man!

    -=Meditate on the carnal joys=-

    Proclaim: Hail the Underworld, the Darkness of Unknown! I come to

    proclaim my throne for I am the Beast within Man!

    *Take dagger and move it through the incense, look within mirror, say:

  • 7/29/2019 111111111Fueling of the Flame


    As I breathe, I know this is my kingdom, Here and now shall I Live

    and Be Known! I am the center of my Universe, the Breath of Life is


    *Take dagger and move it through flames, look within mirror, say:

    The flames of Hell burn bright in my body! Through my burning desire

    to Know my Will, I shall Triumph over those who Oppose ME! I am the

    scorching Torch of Power, Knowledge is Power, I obtain Knowledge,

    and therefore Power is MINE!

    *Take dagger and put it into chalice, look within mirror, say:

    The fluids of life are mine! Through my fluids I Create Life, thus

    making me God Unto my Universe! The force of Life is that of the

    Creator, I am Creator, the Power of the Gods be MINE!

    *Set all items down, look within mirror, say:

    Knowledge, Creation, Man-God, all this is my Kingdom! As I look

    within, I find the Power to control that Without. I cast aside the

    shackles of Mortal Men and Evolve beyond. Satan has always been

    within me, Satan is becoming one with me, I am the great Satan! This,

    is my Hell, I reign supreme. My eyes shall be open for all eternity.

    *Raise the Chalice, proclaim:

    As I drink the Fuel of Life, I further my own Inner Flame! It shall

    always burn bright, non-shall distinguish it. I am the All Father,

    Baphomet is my name!

    *Place Chalice Down, look within mirror, and with confidence:

    Hail Satan!

    -=Meditate on all accomplishments made, and all your future


    -=Take time to look within yourself and your personal growth=-

    (Extinguish flames and incense. Meditate and be sure to leave your

    ritual workings in the Chamber)

    Hail Thyself! Hail the Age of Man! Carnality at its Best!