100215 sudan sanctions draft res. - blue (e)

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  • 8/9/2019 100215 Sudan Sanctions Draft Res. - Blue (E)


    United Nations S/2015/97


    Security Council Provisional

    9 February 2015

    Original: Englis

    United States of America: draft resolution

    The Security Council !

     Recalling   its "revious resolutions and state#ents o$ its President %on%erning


     Reaffirming   its %o##it#ent to te %ause o$ "ea%e trougout Sudan! to te

    sovereignty! inde"enden%e! unity and territorial integrity o$ Sudan! and to te $ulland ti#ely i#"le#entation o$ resolution 1591 &2005'! and re%alling te i#"ortan%e

    o$ te "rin%i"les o$ good neigbourliness! non(inter$eren%e and %oo"eration in te

    relations a#ong States in te region! and recalling  tat te )overn#ent o$ Sudan

     bears te "ri#ary res"onsibility $or "rote%ting all "o"ulations *itin its territory!

    *it res"e%t $or te rule o$ la*! international u#an rigts la* and international

    u#anitarian la*!

     Reiterating   te need $or an end to te violen%e and %ontinued abuses in +ar$ur!

    underscoring  te i#"ortan%e o$ $ully addressing te root %auses o$ te %on$li%t in

    te sear% $or a sustainable "ea%e! and recognizing  tat te +ar$ur %on$li%t %annot be

    resolved #ilitarily and a durable solution %an only be obtained troug an in%lusive

     "oliti%al "ro%ess!

     Noting   te i#"ortan%e o$ te *or, o$ te -$ri%an Union .ig(evel#"le#entation Panel &-U.P'! te ai#s o$ te +oa +o%u#ent $or Pea%e in

    +ar$ur &++P+'! and te stated %o##it#ent o$ te )overn#ent o$ Sudan to an

    in%lusive national dialogue building on te -U.Ps ongoing "ea%e e$$orts! and

    calling  $or an environ#ent %ondu%ive to tat national dialogue!

     Expressing  dee" %on%ern at te in%reased violen%e and inse%urity in +ar$ur in

    re%ent #onts! in%luding $igting bet*een te govern#ent and ar#ed grou"s and

    inter(%o##unal $igting! expressing deep concern  tat su% violen%e as ad an

    adverse e$$e%t on te se%urity situation! as %ontributed to te signi$i%ant in%rease in

    te nu#ber o$ internally dis"la%ed "ersons observed in 201! and %ontinues to

    restri%t u#anitarian a%%ess to %on$li%t areas *ere vulnerable %ivilian "o"ulations

    reside! and reaffirming   te %ru%ial need to address te urgent u#anitarian %risis

    $a%ed by te "eo"le o$ +ar$ur! in%luding by $a%ilitating sa$e! ti#ely and uninderedu#anitarian a%%ess to all areas by u#anitarian agen%ies and "ersonnel! %onsistent

    *it te United Nations guiding "rin%i"les o$ u#anitarian assistan%e! in%luding

    u#anity! i#"artiality! neutrality and inde"enden%e! and te relevant "rovisions o$ 

    international la*!

    15(01349 &E'

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     Emphasizing  te i#"erative $or all ar#ed a%tors to re$rain $ro# all a%ts o$ violen%e

    against %ivilians! in "arti%ular #e#bers o$ vulnerable grou"s su% as *o#en and

    %ildren! and to end all violations and abuses o$ u#an rigts and violations o$ 

    international u#anitarian la*! and further emphasizing  tat so#e o$ tese a%ts #ay

    a#ount to *ar %ri#es or %ri#es against u#anity under international la*!

     Expressing  %on%ern about te eternal lin,s! in "arti%ular #ilitary! bet*een non(

    signatory ar#ed grou"s in +ar$ur and grou"s outside +ar$ur! and de#anding tat

    dire%t or indire%t #ilitary su""ort $or su% ar#ed grou"s in +ar$ur %eases! and

    condemning   a%tions by any ar#ed grou" ai#ed at $or%ed overtro* o$ te

    )overn#ent o$ Sudan! noting tere is no #ilitary solution to te %on$li%t in Sudan!

     Demanding   tat te "arties to te %on$li%t eer%ise restraint and %ease #ilitary

    a%tion o$ all ,ind! in%luding aerial bo#bard#ents!

     Recalling  its resolution 2117 &2016' and expressing concern at te treat to "ea%e

    and se%urity in +ar$ur arising $ro# te illi%it trans$er! destabiliing a%%u#ulation

    and #isuse o$ s#all ar#s and ligt *ea"ons! and te use o$ su% *ea"ons against

    %ivilians a$$e%ted by ar#ed %on$li%t! and te %ontinued treats to %ivilians "osed by

    une"loded ordnan%e!

     Deploring  te %ontinued violations o$ resolution 1591 &2005' by te )overn#ent

    o$ Sudan! in%luding its 8a"id Su""ort For%es &8SF'! and govern#ent(a$$iliated

    ar#ed grou"s involving te routine #ove#ent o$ *ea"ons and a##unition into

    +ar$ur! *itout "rior autoriation o$ te 1591 %o##ittee!

     Demanding   an i##ediate and %o#"lete %essation by all "arties to te ar#ed

    %on$li%t o$ all a%ts o$ seual violen%e against %ivilians! re%ruit#ent and use o$ 

    %ildren in violation o$ a""li%able international la*! oter violations and abuses

    against %ildren! and indis%ri#inate atta%,s on %ivilians! in line *it all relevant

    resolutions on tese issues!

     Reaffirming  its %on%ern over te negative e$$e%t o$ ongoing violen%e in +ar$ur on

    te stability o$ Sudan as a *ole! as *ell as te region! welcoming  te ongoing goodrelations bet*een Sudan and ad! and encouraging  Sudan and te %ountries o$ te

    region to %ontinue to %oo"erate in order to a%ieve "ea%e and stability in +ar$ur and

    te *ider region!

     Deploring   te violations o$ international u#anitarian la* and u#an rigts

    violations and abuses %o##itted by )overn#ent o$ Sudan se%urity $or%es! teir 

     "roies! and ar#ed grou"s! in%luding tose o""osing te )overn#ent o$ Sudan!

    es"e%ially at te or -be%e nternally +is"la%ed Persons &+P' %a#" and at

    ;a*eisa! Nort +ar$ur! as re"orted by te Panel o$ E"erts!

     Expresses concern  at te %ontinued obsta%les i#"osed by te )overn#ent o$ 

    Sudan on te *or, o$ te Panel o$ E"erts during te %ourse o$ its #andate!

    in%luding restri%tions to te $reedo# o$ #ove#ent o$ te Panel o$ E"erts! and

    li#itations on a%%ess to areas o$ ar#ed %on$li%t and areas o$ re"orted violations andabuses o$ u#an rigts and violations o$ international u#anitarian la*!

    Welcoming  i#"roved %oo"eration bet*een te )overn#ent o$ Sudan and te Panel

    o$ E"erts! encouraging   in%reased %oo"eration by te )overn#ent o$ Sudan to

    a%%ede to re

  • 8/9/2019 100215 Sudan Sanctions Draft Res. - Blue (E)



     Recalling  te 12 +e%e#ber 201 re"ort &S/2015/61' by te Panel o$ E"erts! and

    expressing its intent   to $urter study! troug te o##ittee! te Panels

    re%o##endations and to %onsider a""ro"riate net ste"s!

     Emphasizing   te need to res"e%t te "rovisions o$ te United Nations arter 

    %on%erning "rivileges and i##unities! and te onvention on te Privileges and##unities o$ te United Nations! as a""li%able to United Nations o"erations and

     "ersons engaged in su% o"erations!

     Noting   te %riti%al i#"ortan%e o$ e$$e%tive i#"le#entation o$ te san%tions

    regi#e! in%luding te ,ey role tat neigbouring states! as *ell as regional and

    subregional organiations %an "lay in tis regard! and encouraging  e$$orts to $urter 

    enan%e %oo"eration!

     Reminding  all States! "arti%ularly States in te region! in%luding te )overn#ent

    o$ Sudan! o$ te obligations %ontained in resolutions 1553 &200'! 1591 &2005'! and

    195 &2010'! in "arti%ular tose obligations relating to ar#s and related #ateriel!

    Calling   on te )overn#ent o$ Sudan to $ul$il all its %o##it#ents! in%luding

    li$ting te state o$ e#ergen%y in +ar$ur! allo*ing $ree e"ression and underta,ing

    e$$e%tive e$$orts to ensure a%%ountability $or violations and abuses o$ u#an rigts

    and violations o$ international u#anitarian la*! by *o#soever "er"etrated!

     Noting   tat a%ts o$ ostility! violen%e or inti#idation against te %ivilian

     "o"ulation! in%luding nternally +is"la%ed Persons &+Ps'! in +ar$ur! endanger or 

    under#ine te Parties %o##it#ent to a %o#"lete and durable %essation o$ 

    ostilities! and *ould be in%onsistent *it te ai#s o$ te ++P+!

     Determining   tat te situation in Sudan %ontinues to %onstitute a treat to

    international "ea%e and se%urity in te region!

     Acting  under a"ter = o$ te arter o$ te United Nations!

    1>   Decides to etend te #andate o$ te Panel o$ E"erts! originally a""ointed

     "ursuant to resolution 1591 &2005' and "reviously etended by resolutions 1351&2005'! 1335 &2003'! 1716 &2003'! 1779 &2007'! 141 &2004'! and 1491 &2009'!

    195 &2010'! 1942 &2011'! 2065 &2012'! 2091 &2016'! and 2164 &201' until 12

    ?ar% 2013! expresses its intent  to revie* te #andate and ta,e a""ro"riate a%tion

    regarding $urter etension no later tan 12 February 2013! and reuests  te

    Se%retary()eneral to ta,e te ne%essary ad#inistrative #easures! in%luding basing

    arrange#ents! as e"editiously as "ossible@

    2>   Reuests  te Panel o$ E"erts to "rovide no later tan 12 -ugust 2015! a

    #idter# u"date on its *or, to te o##ittee establised "ursuant to "aragra" 6 &a'

    o$ resolution 1591 &2005' &ereina$ter Ate o##itteeB' and a $inal re"ort no later 

    tan 15 Canuary 2013 to te oun%il *it its $indings and re%o##endations@

    6>   Reuests te Panel o$ E"erts to "rovide u"dates every tree #onts to te

    o##ittee regarding its a%tivities! in%luding Panel travel! and reuests  tat anyobsta%les en%ountered to te $ul$il#ent o$ its #andate! as *ell as violations o$ any

     "art o$ te san%tions regi#e be re"orted i##ediately@

    >   Reuests  te Panel o$ E"erts to re"ort! in te ti#e$ra#e identi$ied in

     "aragra" 6! on te i#"le#entation and e$$e%tiveness o$ "aragra" 10 o$ resolution

    195 &2010'@



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    5>   Reiterates  its su""ort $or te e$$orts o$ te United Nations/-$ri%an Union

    .ybrid O"eration in +ar$ur &UN-?+'! te United Nations Se%retary()eneral! te

    -$ri%an Union .ig evel #"le#entation Panel on Sudan &-U.P'! te Coint

    S"e%ial 8e"resentative! and te leaders o$ te region to "ro#ote "ea%e and stability

    in +ar$ur@

     Arms Em!argo

    3>   Expresses its concern  tat te dire%t or indire%t su""ly! sale or trans$er to

    Sudan o$ te%ni%al assistan%e and su""ort! in%luding training! $inan%ial or oter 

    assistan%e and te "rovision o$ s"are "arts! *ea"ons syste#s and related #ateriel!

    %ould be used by te )overn#ent o$ Sudan to su""ort #ilitary air%ra$t being used in

    violation o$ resolutions 1553 &2005' and 1591 &2005'! in%luding tose air%ra$t

    identi$ied by te "anel! and urges all States to be #ind$ul o$ tis ris, in ligt o$ te

    #easures %ontained in resolution 1591 &2005'@

    7>   Recalls  te )overn#ent o$ Sudans obligations under resolution 1591

    &2005'! in%luding te re   Expresses its %on%ern tat %ertain ite#s %ontinue to be %onverted $or #ilitary

     "ur"oses and trans$erred to +ar$ur! and urges all States to be #ind$ul o$ tis ris, in

    ligt o$ te #easures %ontained in resolution 1591 &2005'@


    10>   Condemns  te %ontinued violations o$ te #easures %ontained in "aragra"s7 and 4 o$ resolution 1553 &200' and "aragra" 7 o$ resolution 1591 &2005'! as

    u"dated in "aragra" 9 o$ resolution 195 &2010' and o$ resolution 2065 &2012'

    and directs  te o##ittee! in line *it its #andate and guidelines! to %onsult as

    soon as "ossible *it any ?e#ber State about *i% te o##ittee dee#s tere is

    %redible in$or#ation tat "rovides reasonable grounds to believe te State is

    $a%ilitating su% violations or any oter a%ts o$ non(%o#"lian%e *it tese


    11>   Expresses its concern  tat te travel ban and asset $reee on designated

    individuals is not being i#"le#ented by all ?e#ber States! reuests  te Panel to

    sare *it te o##ittee any in$or#ation regarding "ossible non(%o#"lian%e *it

    te travel ban and asset $reee as soon as "ossible! and directs  te o##ittee to

    res"ond e$$e%tively to any re"orts o$ non(%o#"lian%e by ?e#ber States *it "aragra" 6 o$ resolution 1591 &2005' and resolution 1372 &2003'! in%luding by

    engaging i##ediately *it all relevant "arties@

    12>   Reiterates  tat all States! "arti%ularly tose in te region! sall ta,e te

    ne%essary #easures to "revent entry into or transit troug teir territories o$ all

     "ersons as designated by te o##ittee! in a%%ordan%e *it "aragra" 6 o$ 


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    resolution 1591 &2005'! and calls upon  te )overn#ent o$ Sudan to enan%e

    %oo"eration and in$or#ation saring *it oter States in tis regard@

    16>   #rges all States! in "arti%ular tose in te region! to re"ort to te o##ittee

    on te a%tions tey ave ta,en to i#"le#ent #easures i#"osed by resolutions 1591

    &2005' and 1553 &200'! in%luding i#"osition o$ targeted #easures@1>   Expresses its intention! $ollo*ing te #idter# u"date! to revie* te state o$ 

    i#"le#entation! in%luding obsta%les to $ull and e$$e%tive i#"le#entation o$ te

    #easures! i#"osed in resolution 1591 &2005' and 195 &2010'! *it a vie* to

    ensuring $ull %o#"lian%e@

    15>   Regrets tat so#e individuals o$ te )overn#ent o$ Sudan and ar#ed grou"s

    in +ar$ur %ontinue to %o##it violen%e against %ivilians! i#"ede te "ea%e "ro%ess!

    and disregard te de#ands o$ te oun%il! expresses its intention to i#"ose targeted

    san%tions against individuals and entities tat #eet te listing %riteria o$ "aragra" 6

    &%' o$ resolution 1591 &2005'! and encourages te Panel o$ E"erts! in %oordination

    *it te Coint -$ri%an Union/United Nations ?ediation! to "rovide to te

    o##ittee *en a""ro"riate te na#es o$ any individuals! grou"s! or entities tat

    #ay #eet te listing %riteria@

    13>   Deplores  te atta%,s against UN-?+ and calls upon  te )overn#ent o$ 

    Sudan to s*i$tly investigate and bring te "er"etrators to Dusti%e! ta,ing into a%%ount

    te $indings o$ te 201 $inal re"ort o$ te Panel o$ E"erts! and rea$$ir#s its dee"

    %ondolen%es to te )overn#ents and $a#ilies o$ tose ,illed@

    17>   Condemns  te use o$ %ivilian establis#ents! in "arti%ular te %a#"s $or 

    internally dis"la%ed "ersons! by te ar#ed grou"s! in%luding tose o""osing te

    )overn#ent o$ Sudan! to gain a #ilitary advantage in a #anner tat "la%es te

    %ivilians and %ivilian obDe%ts at ris, $ro# te dangers arising $ro# ar#ed %on$li%t@

    14>   Reuests  te Panel o$ E"erts to %ontinue to investigate te $inan%ing and

    role o$ ar#ed! #ilitary! and "oliti%al grou"s in atta%,s against UN-?+ "ersonnel

    in +ar$ur@19>   Recalls tat individuals and entities *o "lan! s"onsor or "arti%i"ate in su%

    atta%,s %onstitute a treat to stability in +ar$ur and #ay tere$ore #eet te

    designation %riteria "rovided $or in "aragra"s 6 &%' o$ resolution 1591 &2005'! and

    expresses its intention to i#"ose targeted san%tions on individuals and entities *o

     "lan! s"onsor or "arti%i"ate in su% atta%,s@


    20>   "nsists that  te )overn#ent o$ Sudan re#ove all restri%tions! li#itations and

     bureau%rati% i#"edi#ents i#"osed on te *or, o$ te Panel o$ E"erts! in%luding

     by issuing ti#ely #ulti"le(entry visas to all #e#bers o$ te Panel o$ E"erts $or te

    duration o$ its #andate! and by *aiving te re   #rges  te )overn#ent o$ Sudan res"ond to te o##ittee re

  • 8/9/2019 100215 Sudan Sanctions Draft Res. - Blue (E)



    investigations %ondu%ted and a%%ountability #easures underta,en $or atta%,s against

     "ea%e,ee"ers and u#anitarian "ersonnel@ and te situation o$ %ivilian "o"ulations

    in areas su% as eastern Cebel ?arra and es"e%ially tose areas in Nort +ar$ur 

    *ere te Panel o$ E"erts! UN-?+ and u#anitarian agen%ies and "ersonnel

    ave been denied a%%ess! and #easures ta,en to allo* ti#ely! sa$e! and unindered

    a%%ess $or u#anitarian relie$ to tese areas! in a%%ordan%e *it international la*!in%luding international u#anitarian la*! and te United Nations guiding "rin%i"les

    o$ u#anitarian assistan%e! in%luding u#anity! i#"artiality! neutrality and


    22>   Welcomes  te o##ittees *or,! *i% as dra*n on te re"orts o$ te

    Panel and ta,en advantage o$ te *or, done in oter $ora! and urges  all States!

    relevant United Nations bodies! te -$ri%an Union and oter interested "arties! to

    %oo"erate $ully *it te o##ittee and te Panel o$ E"erts! in "arti%ular by

    su""lying any in$or#ation at teir dis"osal on i#"le#entation o$ te #easures

    i#"osed by resolution 1591 &2005'! resolution 1553 &200'! and resolution 195

    &2010' and to "rovide ti#ely res"onses to in$or#ation re   Reuests  te Panel o$ E"erts to %ontinue to %oordinate its a%tivities as

    a""ro"riate *it te o"erations o$ te United Nations/-$ri%an Union .ybrid

    O"eration in +ar$ur &UN-?+'! *it international e$$orts to "ro#ote a "oliti%al

     "ro%ess in +ar$ur! and *it oter Panels or )rou"s o$ E"erts! establised by te

    Se%urity oun%il! as relevant to te i#"le#entation o$ its #andate@

    2>   Reuests te Panel o$ E"erts to assess in its #idter# u"date and $inal re"ort

     "rogress to*ards redu%ing violations by all "arties o$ te #easures i#"osed by

     "aragra"s 7 and 4 o$ resolution 1553 &2005'! "aragra" 7 o$ resolution 1591

    &2005'! and "aragra" 10 o$ resolution 195 &2010'! and "rogress to*ards re#oving

    i#"edi#ents to te "oliti%al "ro%ess! treats to stability in +ar$ur and te region@

    violations o$ international u#anitarian la* or violations or abuses o$ u#an rigts!

    in%luding tose tat involve atta%,s on te %ivilian "o"ulation! seual( and gender(

     based violen%e and violations and abuses against %ildren! and oter violations o$ 

    te above(#entioned resolutions! and to "rovide te o##ittee *it in$or#ation onte individuals and entities tat #eet te listing %riteria in "aragra" 6 &%' o$ 

    resolution 1591@

    Sanctions Committee

    25>   Reaffirms  te #andate o$ te o##ittee to en%ourage dialogue *it

    interested ?e#ber States! in "arti%ular tose in te region! in%luding by inviting

    re"resentatives o$ su% States to #eet *it te o##ittee to dis%uss

    i#"le#entation o$ te #easures and $urter en%ourages te o##ittee to %ontinue

    its dialogue *it UN-?+@

    23>   Emphasizes  te i#"ortan%e o$ olding regular %onsultations *it %on%erned

    ?e#ber States! as #ay be ne%essary! in order to ensure $ull i#"le#entation o$ te

    #easures set $ort in tis resolution@

    27>   Decides to re#ain a%tively seied o$ te #atter>
