10 anti-aging recipes - superfood blogsuperfoodblog.co.uk/wp...10-anti-aging-recipes-def.pdfet al.,...


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01 Why aging is inevitable 3

02 Factors that influence the aging process 4

03 How to prevent accelerated aging 5

04 How to delay aging 6

05 Anti-aging superfoods 6















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And, although older people generally report feeling much happier and more satisfied with their life than when they were young, most would still prefer to look younger. Unfortunately, the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots, as well as physical discomfort and ailments, are inevitable. However, you can help to slow down the aging process, in order that you look and feel, young, healthy and energetic for longer.

In this e-book you’ll learn about the causes of aging, the factors that influence the aging process and how you can actively delay its onset. You’ll also discover 10 delicious recipes packed with nutrients that not only help to slow down the aging process; they also steer you towards a fitter body and mind, and ultimately your best health ever!

Do you take it as a compliment when someone

mistakes you for being a lot younger than you really

are? You’re certainly not the only one! Because

that youthful appearance positively radiates

health and vitality.


Aging is an accumulation of physical, mental and social changes that occur during our life

span. Although aging is often associated with knowledge, wisdom and experience, it also

leads to decay. Biologically speaking, the human body can only optimally recover and re-

new itself up until a certain age (usually somewhere between 20 and 35 years). After this

point, physical aging begins. Physical aging is characterised by a number of unwelcome

developments, including wrinkled skin, impaired vision, muscle stiffness, a reduced ability

to cope with stress and an increased risk of disease. Initially, these irreversible changes

are relatively harmless, however, they progressively worsen over time until, eventually,

we die.

We’re genetically programmed to age. So, no matter how much we'd like to, and despite

all of the medical knowledge that mankind has at its disposal, none of us can escape the

aging process. In humans and animals, cell aging is caused by the shortening of telomeres -

single-stranded DNA that’s located at the end of chromosomes. With every cell division,


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this DNA is duplicated and the telomeres shorten. Eventually they’re too short to divide

and the cells die. The original length of your telomeres is genetic. Some of us are born

with longer telomeres than others. The speed at which cells divide also varies per indivi-

dual. So whilst the length of your telomeres largely determines how long you’ll live, the

rate at which they shorten also plays a significant role in aging.


As you’ve read in the previous chapter, you cannot influence the length of your telomeres.

However, you can have some effect on the rate at which they shorten.

Key factors that speed up the shortening of telomeres and thus accelerate aging are:

• An unhealthy lifestyle. Unhealthy habits, such as smoking, taking drugs, immoderate

alcohol consumption, excessive sunbathing, intensive exercise, an unhealthy and

unvaried diet, exposure to chemicals and radiation, elevated blood sugar levels and

obesity, lead to oxidative stress within the body. Oxidative stress means that your body

doesn’t haven’t enough antioxidants to effectively combat free radicals. Free radicals

cause damage to tissue and organs, which leads to a shortening of your telomeres and

accelerated aging as a result.

• Infections. Scientists agree that infections demonstrably speed up the aging process.

During an infection, bodily tissue is attacked by pathogenic micro-organisms. These

micro-organisms include viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, which multiply once

inside the body. Your immune system responds by expelling these ‘foreign invaders’

from the body. Unfortunately, this ingenious mechanism also causes oxidative

stress, which accelerates the aging process. It’s great that your immune system is

able to do its job and protect your body from disease, however, infections (such as

chronic gingivitis or candida infections) that are left untreated for too long can cause

irreparable damage. Indeed, your body is then constantly at war with free radicals and

the resulting oxidative stress increases your risk of serious illness, such as cancer and

cardiovascular disease (Gavazzi & Krause, 2002).

• Sugar rich foods. Sugars play a significant role in the acceleration of aging. In fact,

whenever you eat sugar, a stream of chemical reactions causes it to bind to proteins

that eventually become damaged beyond repair. This causes inflammation. And

inflammation triggers your body’s immune system, leading to infections and oxidative

stress, which ultimately accelerates the aging process (Wells-Knecht et al., 1995).

• Stress. Stress doesn’t just feel unpleasant; it also causes accelerated aging. Indeed,

researchers at the University of California have demonstrated that chronic stress

can greatly speed up the shortening of telomeres (Nelson et al., 2011). During times

of stress inflammatory reactions occur and the body manufactures cortisol. Both

increase oxidative stress and speed up the aging process (Flohe et al, 1995).


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In the previous chapter you read how an unhealthy lifestyle, infections, a sugar-rich diet

and stress all trigger oxidative stress within the body. And, that oxidative stress speeds

up the shortening of your telomeres, thus accelerating the aging process.

If you wish to slow down the aging process, you’ll therefore need to minimise the

factors that accelerate aging in the first place:

• Choose for a healthy lifestyle: Stop smoking, avoid taking medication that isn’t strictly

necessary (such as painkillers, sleeping pills, birth control pills, etc.) or use a healthy

alternative instead, avoid or minimise alcohol, refrain from excessive sunbathing,

avoid exercising too intensively, enjoy a healthy and varied diet, prevent exposure to

chemicals and radiation, and maintain a healthy body weight.

• Prevent infection. A strong and healthy immune system is the best way to prevent

infection. So, consume a healthy and varied diet, exercise regularly, get plenty of rest

and try to avoid stress. Of course, infections can’t always be prevented - if you are

suffering from one (even chronic gingivitis or a candida infection), then make sure that

you tackle it as soon as possible.

• Avoid sugary foods. Sugar doesn’t only make you fat; it also ages you. Avoid processed

foods, as these contain hidden sugars, and opt for acidic fruits (such as oranges,

grapefruits, tangerines, kiwi) that are low in natural sugars. If you suffer from a

genuine sweet tooth, then switch to natural sweeteners that contain little or no sugar,

such as stevia (completely sugar-free), lucuma powder and mesquite powder. Artificial

sweeteners are not a healthy sugar substitute. In fact, they contain harmful chemicals

that 'fool' the body and thus have the same effect as ordinary sugar (Hudson et al,


• Prevent stress. Whilst you can’t always prevent stress completely, you can do

your best to avoid the factors that trigger it. And, although it might not tackle the

underlying cause, healthy eating, regular exercise and adequate sleep can all help to

reduce your stress levels. Take a closer look at certain patterns in your daily life and, if

you’re unable to avoid stress altogether, then educate yourself on the actions you can

take to minimise it (Flohé et al, 1995).


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As well as avoiding the factors that trigger oxidative stress, you can actively reduce

oxidative stress within the body, with the help of antioxidants.

Simply put, antioxidants are molecules that help to inhibit the oxidation of other molecules.

They halt the domino effect of free radicals and thus prevent them from attacking your

body. Although your body naturally manufactures antioxidant enzymes, this production

gradually decreases as you get older. Fortunately, you can additionally obtain antioxidants

from your food. That’s why it’s so important to start consuming plenty of antioxidant-rich

foods from a young age.

There are lots of different types of antioxidants and their effect is dependent on a

number of factors. So, it’s important that you obtain as many antioxidants from as

many different food sources as possible. You can do this by:

• Regularly consuming a variety of (preferably organic) raw vegetables.

• Enjoying a fresh smoothie or juice that contains plenty of raw vegetables and acidic

fruit on a daily basis.

• Adding a few antioxidant-rich superfoods to your diet. It’s better to eat smaller

amounts of three antioxidant-rich superfoods than a larger amount of only one.


Superfoods that are rich in antioxidants and thus help to delay aging are:

Açai powder: made from acai berries that grow on the Euterpe oleracea - a palm tree

found in Central and South America. Acai powder is not only rich in antioxidants (Schauss

et al., 2006), it also contains polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer

properties (Del Pozo-Insfran et al., 2006), as well as various amino acids that strengthen

the immune system and detoxify the body (Holderness et al., 2011). Stir acai berry powder

into smoothies and juices or sprinkle over fruit salads and desserts.

Goji berries: grow on the Wolfberry (Lycium Barbarum) - a shrub that belongs to the

nightshade family, is native to the Himalayas, and now grows in many other parts of

the world. Goji berries are rich in powerful antioxidants that boost the immune system,



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lower cholesterol levels, help to prevent premature aging and reduce the risk of cancer

and cardiovascular disease (e.g. Knight, 2000). Enjoy them as a snack or add to a variety of

different drinks and dishes (i.e. smoothies, juices and trail mix), just like other dried fruits.

Goji berries can also be used to prepare a delicious cup of tea.

Chia seeds: derived from the Salvia hispanica - a Mexican mint plant belonging to the

Lamiaceae family. Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which strengthen the

immune system, inhibit inflammation and cancer, lower cholesterol and blood pressure,

help to prevent heart disease and reduce the risk of neurological diseases (Ruxton et al.,

2004). In addition, chia seeds contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

that are extremely important for a healthy metabolism and can help to neutralise the

harmful effect of free radicals, which prevents aging and boosts immunity (Graf & Eaton,

1990). Chia seeds can be sprinkled over salads, mixed into peanut butter, nut spreads,

muesli, cereals, sauces and soups, or stirred into smoothies and shakes. When soaked in

water (+/- 150 ml per 15 grams) chia seeds form a gel-like substance that makes an ideal

base for desserts, hamburgers and biscuits, and can be used to thicken tea. For optimal

health results, grind your chia seeds prior to use.

Inca berries: grow on the Physalis peruviana – a small shrub that’s native to high

altitude, tropical regions of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Inca Berries contain pectin, a

heteropolysaccharide that’s gradually absorbed into the bloodstream, regulates blood

sugar levels, balances cholesterol levels and strengthens the immune system (Pinto et

al., 2009). They’re also a source of bioflavonoids (vitamin P), which support the blood

vessels, boast anti-inflammatory properties and can help to increase the absorption of

vitamin C (Wu et al., 2006; Franco et al., 2007). Incan berries can be enjoyed just as they

are or combined with nuts, goji berries, camu camu berries and other dried fruits. They

also make a delicious dessert topping and an irresistible ingredient in raw chocolate,

cakes, biscuits and other sweet treats.

Sunflower seeds: are the seeds of the sunflower plant, Helianthus annuus. They contain

a wealth of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help to delay the aging process,

such as B-vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Enjoy

sunflower seeds as a snack between meals, add to trail mix or use as an additional

ingredient in a variety of treats, such as biscuits.

Coconut oil: made from coconuts that grow on the coconut tree – a primeval plant

that’s a distant relative of the grass species. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, a fatty

acid that supports the intestinal flora and helps to protect against infections, bacteria,

viruses, fungi, and microbes (Ogbolu et al, 2009). Coconut oil additionally restores the

skin’s natural fat content at a cellular level, thus helping skin remain younger looking

for longer (Agero et al., 2004). Use coconut oil as a healthy substitute for cooking oil

(for stir-frying, frying and roasting), as a delicious alternative to butter, or as tempting

ingredient in homemade raw chocolates. It can also be applied directly to skin as a gentle

and exceptionally moisturising body lotion or used as an aromatic ingredient in massage


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Spirulina powder: a superfood food made from freshwater algae (especially Arthrospira

platensis and Arthrospira maxima), which has been harnessed by a variety of different

cultures, such as the Aztecs, for thousands of years. Spirulina is extremely rich in

chlorophyll, a natural cleansing substance and antioxidant that helps to cleanse the

bowels and the blood, enables the body to absorb oxygen more efficiently and helps to

expel toxins, such as pesticides and fungi. Chlorophyll additionally contains magnesium,

which stimulates the brain and nervous system, and prevents the storage of toxic

substances in the central nervous system (Ferruzzi & Blakeslee, 2007). Spirulina is also

a source of phycocyanin, a powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant that strengthens

the immune system, stimulates the manufacture and recovery of bone marrow stem

cells, can help to prevent cancer, detoxifies, regulates blood sugar levels and mimics

erythropoietin (EPO) within the body (Park et al., 2008). Lastly, spirulina contains

superoxide dismutase (SOD), enzymes that catalyse the dismutation of superoxide (O2-) in

oxygen and hydrogen peroxide and are thus considered major health enhancing enzymes

and antioxidants (Lumsden & Hall, 1974). Stir spirulina powder directly into your favourite

drinks, liquid foods and raw snacks.

Bee pollen: is made from the millions of microscopic pollen grains that bees collect,

return to the hive and subsequently bind with nectar to form bee pollen. Bee pollen is

extremely rich in antioxidants, which are essential in fighting free radicals within the

body and thus help to reduce the risk of infections and cancer (Leja et al., 2007). It also

contains the immune system-stimulating substances, RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA

(deoxyribonucleic acid), which promote the growth, regeneration, and repair of cells

(Campos et al., 1997). Bee pollen additionally enhances mental capacity (clarity, cognitive

memory and concentration) and boosts energy and stamina (Campos et al., 1997). Enjoy

bee pollen neat or still into cold drinks, breakfast dishes, salads and desserts.

Raw cacao powder: is made from the cacao bean - the key ingredient in chocolate.

Raw cacao is rich in antioxidants, which boost the immune system, lower cholesterol

levels, help to prevent premature aging, and reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular

disease (e.g. Knight, 2000). It also contains an extremely high concentration of PEA

(phenylethylamine), the so-called "love drug" that increases libido, boosts energy,

enhances alertness and improves concentration. In addition, raw cacao is a valuable

source of magnesium, which provides welcome energy. Stir raw cacao powder into

smoothies, nut milks and juices, or use to prepare delicious chocolate flavoured desserts

and homemade chocolates.

Hemp seeds: come from the Cannabis sativa - one of the oldest medicinal plants in the

world that belongs to the mulberry family. Hemp seeds contain all essential amino acids,

as well as a generous amount of enzymes and antioxidants, including vitamin E and

lecithin, both of which are important for healthy brain chemistry. Lecithin also supports

healthy liver function and promotes the natural cleansing of the body (Benhaim, 2000).

Hemp seeds additionally contain the anti-inflammatory fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid

(GLA), and boast anti-cancer properties (Naidu et al., 1992). Stir hemp seeds directly into

smoothies, nut milks, soups and salads, or grind into a flour that can be used to prepare

delicious gluten-free cakes, breads and hemp milk.

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Quinoa: is derived from the Chenopodium – a flowering plant that belongs to the

Amaranthaceae family. It’s often referred to as a ‘pseudo grain’ because it’s not a cereal,

doesn’t belong to the grass family (like other grains, such as wheat) and is entirely gluten-

free. Quinoa contains almost every protein and essential amino acid (including lysine),

which help to strengthen the immune system and detoxify the body (Holderness et al.,

2011). It also contains superoxide dismutase, enzymes that catalyse the dismutation of

superoxide (O2-) in oxygen and hydrogen peroxide and are thus considered major health

enhancing enzymes and antioxidants (Lumsden & Hall, 1974). Prepare quinoa by cooking

the seeds in boiling water, in exactly the same way as you would rice. As they absorb a

significant amount of water, the results are comparable to risotto. Alternatively, you can

toast, ferment or stir quinoa seeds into soups and broths.

Maca powder: is made from the roots of the Lepidiumyenii - a root vegetable that

belongs to the finial family and is native to Peru. Maca is known as an adaptogen. This

means that it has a balancing and regulatory effect within the body (e.g. hormone levels

and blood sugar levels), which can help to prevent infections (Ley, 2003). It also contains

glucosinolates, which are created from amino acids and boast anti-cancer properties (Keck

& Finley, 2004). In addition, maca strengthens the immune system (Valerio & Gonzales,

2005) and helps to reduce stress (Gonzales et al., 2007). Stir maca into smoothies, nut

milks and juices. Maca is particularly delicious when combined with raw cacao.

Linseeds: are the seeds of the Linum Usitatissimum – a food and fibre crop that’s a

member of the Linaceae family. Linseeds are extremely rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which

boost the immune system, inhibit inflammation and cancer, lower cholesterol and blood

pressure, help to prevent heart disease and reduce the risk of neurological diseases

(Ruxton et al., 2004). They’re also a valuable source of amino acids and in particular,

arginine, which has a powerful effect on immune system function. Stir linseeds liberally

into a variety of drinks and dishes, sprinkle over salads or use as an additional ingredient

in snacks and treats, such as biscuits.

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Ingredients• 1 large ripe banana

• 70 grams frozen blueberries

• 5 tbsp. orange juice

• 1 tbsp. acai powder

PreparationPop all of the ingredients into your blender and blitz

until nice and creamy. Serve with a topping of your

choice, such as Brazil nuts, desiccated coconut, goji

berries, bee pollen or cacao nibs, and enjoy!


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IngredientsFor the coconut milk: • 180 ml hot water and 2 table-

spoons of desiccated coconut

(blended into a ‘milk’)

• 1/2 cup (125 ml) oatmeal

• A pinch of fresh vanilla

• 1 tbsp. chia seeds

• 1 tbsp. goji berries

• 1 tbsp. Inca berries (cut into pieces)

• 1 dried fig (cut into pieces)

• 1 tbsp. sunflower seeds

• 4 chopped Brazil nuts

• 1 tbsp. maple syrup

• 1/2 tbsp. coconut oil

PreparationPop the oatmeal into a large bowl, add in the warm

coconut milk, coconut oil and vanilla, and then

thoroughly mix. Top with the remaining ingredients

before serving.

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Ingredients• 1 frozen banana (in pieces)

• A generous handful of chard

• 1/2 avocado

• 250 ml rice milk

• A piece of courgette

Topping• Bee pollen

• Your choice of red berries

• Banana slices

• Spirulina powder

PreparationPuree all of the ingredients and pour into a bowl.

Top with bee pollen, red berries, banana slices,

spirulina powder and enjoy.

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Ingredients• 40 ml chia seeds

• A small handful of blackberries

• A small handful of raspberries

• 2 tbsp. desiccated coconut

• 1/2 tbsp. raw cacao powder

• Optional: fresh mint

PreparationPlace the chia seeds into a bowl (research indicates

that the nutritional value of seeds increases if you

grind them before use), together with the raw cacao

powder. Pour in 1/2 cup of lukewarm water, stir

thoroughly and leave to stand for 5 minutes, before

stirring thoroughly once more. If the porridge is too

thick, add in a little more lukewarm water and stir

thoroughly. Finally, top with the remaining ingredients

and enjoy!

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Ingredients • 1/4 cup quinoa (60ml)

• 1 small handful of seedless black


• 1 small handful of red berries

• 2 tbsp. Inca berries

• 1 tbsp. hemp seeds

• 1 tbsp. desiccated coconut

• 1 tbsp. coconut oil

• A pinch of cinnamon

PreparationFirst soak the quinoa overnight. Next morning, rinse

thoroughly in order to remove the bitter outer layer.

Pop the quinoa into a pan of fresh water and bring

to the boil over a medium heat. The quinoa is ready

as soon as it starts to split open and is nice and soft.

Next drain any remaining water and gently spoon the

quinoa into a bowl. Immediately stir in the coconut oil

(so that it melts), mix in the remaining ingredients and


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Ingredients• 1 freshly squeezed orange

• 1/2 an avocado

• 1 small cup of red berries

• 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk

• 1 tbsp. raw cacao powder

Toppings• 1 small handful of Superfoodies

Brown Granola Cacao Nibs &


• Desiccated coconut

• Chia seeds

• Fresh red berries

• 1 sliced banana

PreparationPlace the freshly squeezed orange, avocado, red

berries, unsweetened almond milk and raw cacao

powder into your blender and process until smooth.

Pour into a bowl, top with red berries, banana, desic-

cated coconut, chia seeds and Superfoodies Granola,

and enjoy.



Ingredients• 1 banana

• 1 small handful of kale

• 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk

Toppings• 1 small handful of Superfoodies

Red Granola Goji & Acai

• Desiccated coconut

• Goji berries

PreparationPlace the banana, kale and unsweetened almond milk

into your blender and process until smooth. Pour into

a bowl, top with Superfoodies Granola and desiccated

coconut, and enjoy.

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CHIA MAMA MIA!08Ingredients• 40 grams chia seeds

• 3 tbsp. pomegranate seeds

• 2 tbsp. oats

• 1 tbsp. soaked mulberries

• 1 tbsp. soaked goji berries

Ingredients for the milk• 250 ml warm water

• 2 pitted dates

• 2 tbsp. cashew nuts

• 2 tbsp. hemp seeds

• Spice mix: 1 tbsp. ground

cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. ginger, 1/4 tsp.

nutmeg and 1/4 tsp. clove

PreparationFirst blend all of the milk ingredients together.

Next, stir in the chia seeds and leave to swell for

10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Finally mix in the

pomegranate seeds, oats, goji berries and mulberries

before serving.


Ingredients• 200 ml almond milk

• 100 grams raspberries

• 1/2 avocado

• A handful of lettuce (or other

leafy green vegetables)

• A small handful of mint leaves

• Chia seeds, hemp seeds or


PreparationPop all of the ingredients into your

blender and blitz until nice and


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Ingredients • 70 grams frozen blueberries

• 30 grams peeled courgette

• 5 tbsp. orange juice

• 1/2 ripe banana

• 1 tbsp. acai powder

PreparationPop all of the ingredients into your blender and blitz

until nice and creamy. Top with your choice of berries,

oats, desiccated coconut, mulberries, raisins, chopped

Brazil nuts and enjoy.

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Ingredients• 375 ml warm green tea

• 130 grams mango

• 3 tbsp. shelled hemp seeds

• 2 tbsp. of goji berries

• 2 tbsp. lemon juice

• 1 tbsp. chia seeds

• A pinch of cayenne pepper

• A pinch of turmeric

PreparationPop all of the ingredients into your

blender and blitz until nice and
