1 nursing as a profession

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  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession



  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    Unit I (Syllabus)

    •Development of nursing as a profession

    • Objectives and responsibilities of a graduate nurse

    • Trends influencing nursing practice

    • Expanded role of nurse

    • Development of nursing education in India and trends in nursineducation

    • rofessional organi!ations

    • "areer planning

    • "ode of et#ics and professional conduct for nurses

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


     $U%SI$& 'S '%OESSIO$

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession



    •osition + a group of tas, assigned to one individual

    • -ob . a group of positions t#at are similar in nature and level of scan be carried out by one or more individuals

    • Occupation. a group of job t#at are similar in type of /or, and tusually found t#roug#out an industry or /or, environment0

    •rofession. a type of occupation t#at meets certain criteria t#at ralevel above t#at of an occupation

    • rofessional. a person /#o belongs to and practices a profession

    • rofessionalism. demonstration of #ig# level of personal1 et#icallevel of s,ill c#aracteristics of a member of a profession0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession



    • rofessions are t#ose occupations possessing a particu

    combination of c#aracteristics generally considered to

    expertise1 autonomy1 commitment1 and responsibility

    • ' profession is an occupation based on speciali!ed

    intellectual study and training1 t#e purpose of /#ic# i

    supply s,illed services /it# et#ical components and o

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    rofession 2 c#aracteristics

    •Is basically intellectual

    • Is based on a body of ,no/ledge t#at can be learned0

    • Is practical rat#er t#an t#eoretical0

    • "an be taug#t t#roug# a process of professional education0

    3as a strong internal organi!ation of members0• 3as practitioners /#o are motivated by altruism (desire to #e

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    'bra#am lexner (5659)1 conducted study of medical educat

    /ent on to study ot#er disciplines and latter1 in a paper about

    /or, publis#ed a list of criteria t#at #e felt /ere c#aracterist

    true professions0

    • lexner believed in professional /or,0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    "riteria of profession + 'bra#am lexne(565:)

    Intellectual (opposite of p#ysical)0• 4ased on body of ,no/ledge1 t#at can be learned0

    • ractical rat#er t#an t#eoretical0

    • "an be taug#t t#roug# a process of professional education0

    3as a strong internal organi!ation of members0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    ;elly. + 56

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


     $ursing is gaining recognition as a profession based on t#e criteria t#at amust #ave. +

    • ' /ell defined body of ,no/ledge0

    • ' strong service orientation0

    • %ecogni!ed aut#ority by a professional group0

    ' code of et#ics. I"$0• ' professional organi!ation t#at sets standards0

    • On going researc#0

    • 'utonomy0

    3ence1 nursing is a $obel profession1 %ecogni!ed internationally0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    '$' Standards of rofessional erformanc

    >uality of practice• rofessional ractice Evaluation

    • Education

    • "ollegiality

    • Et#ics

    • "ollaboration

    • %esearc#

    • %esource Utili!ation

    • *eaders#ip

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    "%ITE%I' O T3E %OESSIO$

    50 3I&3 I$TE**E"TU'* *E?E* O U$"TIO$I$&.

    • odern nurses use assessment s,ill and ,no/ledge1 #ave t#e

    reason and ma,e routine judgment depending on patient@s co

    •rofessional nurses functions at a #ig# intellectual level 0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    A0 3I&3 *E?E* O I$DI?IDU'* %ESO$SI4I*IT'""OU$T'4I*ITB

    • $urses must be accountable and demonstrate a #ig# l

    individual responsibility for t#e care and services t#e

     provide0• T#e concept of accountability #as legal1 et#ical and

     professional implications t#at include accepting

    responsibility for action ta,en to provide client care a

    as accepting responsibility for t#e conseCuences of a

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    0 SE"I'*IED 4ODB O ;$OF*ED&E• $ursing #as developed into an identifiable separate disciplin

    speciali!ed body of ,no/ledge called as nursing science /ast#roug# t#e researc# effort of nurses /it# advanced educatiodegrees0

    'lt#oug# t#is body of speciali!ed ,no/ledge is relatively smforms a t#eoretical basis for t#e practice of nursing today0

    • 's more nurses obtain advanced degrees1 conduct researc# adevelop p#ilosop#ies1 and t#eories about nursing1 t#is body o,no/ledge /ill increase in scope

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    70 E?IDE$"ED 4'SED %'"TI"E• Evidenced based practice is t#e practice of $ursing in /#ic#

    interventions are based on data obtained from researc# t#atdemonstrate t#at1 t#e findings are appropriate and successful

    • It involves a systematic process of uncovering1 evaluating an

    information from researc# as t#e basis for ma,ing decisions  providing client care0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    80 U4*I" SE%?I"E '$D '*T%UISTI" '"TI?ITI• $ursing #as been vie/ed universally as being an altr

     profession composed of selfless individuals /#o plac

    lives and /ell being of t#eir clients above t#eir perso

    safety0• Dedicated nurses provide care for victims of deadly d

    /it# little regard for t#eir o/n /elfare0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    :0 FE** O%&'$ISED '$D ST%O$& %E%ESE$T'TIO$• rofessional organi!ations represent t#e members of t#e prof

    and control t#e Cuality of professional practice

    • $ational *eague of $ursing and t#e 'merican $urses 'ssoct/o organi!ations t#at represent nursing in today@s #ealt# car

    •any nurses belong to specialty organi!ations t#at representarea of practice0

    • T#is lac,s sufficient political po/er to produce c#anges in #la/s and policies at t#e national level0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    G0 "ODE O ET3I"S• $urses #ave several codes of et#ics t#at are used to guide nu practice0

    • "ode of et#ics is recogni!ed by ot#er profession as a standar/#ic# ot#ers are compared0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    60 'UTO$OB '$D I$DEE$DE$"E O %'"TI"E• In reality nursing is bot# an independent and inter+dependant disc

    • $urses in all #ealt# care setting must /or, /it# p#ysicians1 #ospiadministrators1 p#armacists and ot#er groups in t#e provision of c

    • In some cases nurses in advanced practice role eg0 $urse practitio

    establis# t#eir independent practices0• $urse practice act allo/ nurses to practice more independence in  practice t#an t#ey reali!e0

    • To be considered a true profession1 nursing /ill need to be recognot#er disciplines as #aving practitioners /#o practice nursing inde

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession


    590 %OESSIO$'* IDE$TITB '$D DE?E*OE$T• Until nurses are fully committed to t#e profession of nursing

    /it# it as a profession and are dedicated to its future developnursing /ill probably not ac#ieve professional status0

  • 8/19/2019 1 Nursing as a Profession



    ?ariability in educational preparation• &ender issues

    • 3istorical influences

    • External conflicts

    • Internal conflicts