1. i presided over the war of 1812, witnessed the burning of our capital, and signed the treaty of...

1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks as long as I could before supporting a Declaration of War against Great Britain. 3. I brought the War of 1812 to a close before the Hartford Conventi (New England States) could sign a separate treaty with the British. 1. I went against my own political philosophy to authorize the Louisiana Purchase so that the U.S. would control the Mississippi River and P of New Orleans. 2. I placed an embargo on products traded with Great Britain that ki the New England shipping industry. 3. I sent Lewis and Clarke to explore Louisiana and report on their findings. 1. I continued the policy of neutrality, but waged the Quazi War against France in the Caribbean (Reaction to XYZ Affair) 2. The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed in order to silence criticism of me by the Democratic-Republicans. 3. I appointed John Marshall to the Supreme Court, which resulted in the strengthening of the Federal Government (Midnight Justices). George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe 1. I established a policy of neutrality in American foreign policy. 2. I led federal militia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion and show that the federal government would enforce its laws 3. I warned the nation against becoming involved in permanent alliances. 1. My election ushered in the "Era of Good Feelings", a period of reduced sectionalism (only one political party). 2. The Victory at the Battle of New Orleans created a Euphoria withi the country that put sectional rivalries aside for a while. 3. My Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, drafted the Monroe Doctrine asserting American dominance of the Western Hemisphere. 1789-1797 1797-1801 1801-1809 1809-1817 1817-1825 No political Party Federalist Democratic- Republican Democratic- Republican Democratic- Republican C A D B E 2 1 3 4 5

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Page 1: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting.2. I held off the War Hawks as long as I could before supporting a Declaration of War against Great Britain.3. I brought the War of 1812 to a close before the Hartford Convention (New England States) could sign a separate treaty with the British.

1. I went against my own political philosophy to authorize the Louisiana Purchase so that the U.S. would control the Mississippi River and Port of New Orleans.2. I placed an embargo on products traded with Great Britain that killed the New England shipping industry.3. I sent Lewis and Clarke to explore Louisiana and report on their findings.

1. I continued the policy of neutrality, but waged the Quazi War against France in the Caribbean (Reaction to XYZ Affair)2. The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed in order to silence criticism of me by the Democratic-Republicans.3. I appointed John Marshall to the Supreme Court, which resulted in the strengthening of the Federal Government (Midnight Justices).

George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe

1. I established a policy of neutrality in American foreign policy.2. I led federal militia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion and show that

the federal government would enforce its laws3. I warned the nation against becoming involved in permanent alliances.

1. My election ushered in the "Era of Good Feelings", a period of reduced sectionalism (only one political party).2. The Victory at the Battle of New Orleans created a Euphoria within the country that put sectional rivalries aside for a while.3. My Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, drafted the Monroe Doctrine asserting American dominance of the Western Hemisphere.






No political Party















Page 2: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Martin Van Buren

William Henry Harrison

John Tyler 1. The Erie Canal was completed during my Presidency, linking the Ohio River Valley and Great Lakes to the commercail center of New York City.2. Some people, Andrew Jackson, accused me of "stealing" the election of 1824 by what they called the "corrupt bargain".3. The Democratic-Republican Party (Jacksonian Democrats) was formed in opposition to my Presidency.

1. I won the Presidency as part of a new Third Party called the Whig Party.2. I was one of the first Presidents to use catchy campaign slogans: "Tippecanoe and Tyler too".3. I died within two months of my inaugeration.

1. I became President almost by accident, taking over after William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia.2. The Utopian Community of Brook Farm opened in Massachusetts.3. I was a dismal failure and major disappointment for the newly formed Whig Party.

1. I instituted a policy of Forced Removal against the Southeastern Native American tribes. Even after the Cherokee won in Worchester v. Georgia, I allowed them to be removed to Oklahoma anyway.2. I fought with my Vice President (John C. Calhoun) over the "Tariff of Abominations" and Nullification Crisis. I threatened use of federal troops to enforce the tariff, he threatened secession.3. I killed the Bank of the United States through the creation of what I called "Pet Banks".

1. I had the misfortune of being President for the Panic of 1837, one of the first Banking and Credit Crises to hit the U.S. financial system.2. Everything I did to try to solve the financial crisis only worsened things and made it impossible for me to win reelection.





















Page 3: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

James K. Polk

Zachary Taylor

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

James Buchanon

1. The Lone Star Republic (Texas) was annexed as the 28th State in the Union2. I signed the Treaty of Fort Laramie giving the Native American some control over the Great Plains in exchange for safe passage of settlers through the region.3. Brigham Young led the Mormons to Utah.

1. The Compromise of 1850 was signed into law creating a stronger Fugitive Slave Law, banning the Slave Trade in Washington D.C., and allowing Popular Sovereignty in Utah and Nevada.2. Harriet Beecher Stowe fueled the Abolition movement with her publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

1. John Brown launched a raid on the Federal Arsenal at Harper's Ferry and set off a firestorm of sectionalism. His hanging was viewed by some as a just end for a murderous traitor and by others as the martyrdom of a great hero.2. The Republican Party formed promising to stop the spread of Slavery into the Western Territories.

1. I won the election of 1844 based on my promise to fulfill Manifest Destiny.2. I added more territory to the United States than any other President.3. I waged the Mexican War in an effort to add California, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona to the United States.

1. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed for a vote (popular sovereignty) on slavery in those territories and a mini-Civil War broke out.2. Dred Scott sued his master and the Supreme Court stated that Congress had no right to regulate the private property of Territorial residents.





















Page 4: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

James A. Garfield

Rutherford B. Hayes

Ulysses S. Grant

Andrew Johnson

Abraham Lincoln

1. My election in 1860 caused the secession of 7 Southern States (11 total) from the Union.2. Although my initial aim for fighting the Civil War was preserving the Union, I issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in recaptured Confederate territory.3. William T. Sherman's capture of Atlanta combined with the absentee ballots cast by the Army sealed my reelection in 1864.

1. I was placed in office as part of the Compromise of 1877.2. I authorized the removal of Federal Troops and the end of

martial law (the military districts) in the South, effectively closing Radical Reconstruction.

1. I was a reform-minded Presidential Candidate that supported regulation of the Railroads and termination of the spoils system in government hiring.2. Supported Merit System during the Gilded Age.

1. I fought with Congress over who should control the Reconstruction process. I supported continuing Lincoln's plan for "Easy Reconstruction" while the Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South.2. I was impeached by Congress for violating the Tenure of Office Act.

1. Bloody Shirt Campaign-Euphamism used by Grant to remind voters of what the Democrats and the South had done to the Nation (Civil War).2. My administration was racked by scandal, the worst of which was the Credit Mobilier, which involved bribes reaching all the way to the Vice Presidency.




















Page 5: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

Chester A. Arthur

Grover Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison

Grover Cleveland

William McKinley

1. My campaign for the presidency was financed by huge contributions from large corporations that wanted even higher tariffs than the high tariffs that already existed.2. These tariffs protected American products at home but they caused rampant inflation and closed foreign markets to our goods.3. I signed the McKinley Tarriff, raising tariff levels to an all-time high.

1. My reelection was the first time any president had been elected for two non-consecutive terms.2. I had a bill in place to lower the Tariff, but it featured a Federal Income Tax, so I refused to sign it.3. Congress passed another Tariff Bill that continued to raise the tariff even further.

1. I was strongly opposed to high Tariffs because they caused inflation (raised prices on goods) and closed foreign markets to American manufactured goods.2. Although I won more popular votes than my opponent I lost my reelection bid because Benjamin Harrison won more votes in the electoral college.

1. Reluctantly, I supported a declaration of war against Spain after the confiscation of the De Lome Letter and the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine.2. The Treaty of Paris of 1898 acquired for the U.S. its foreign empire, which would provide cheap raw materials, new markets, and status as a world power.

1. I took office after the assassination of James Garfield.2. Although I had strong ties to conservatives, I became a strong

reformer as President.3. Under my leadership Congress passed the Pendleton Civil Service Act ending the Spoils System and creating the Civil Service Exam.





















Page 6: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

Theodore Roosevelt

William H. Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Warren G. Harding

Calvin Coolidge

1. I kept the United States neutral during the early stages of World War I, my reelection campaign slogan was "He kept us out of war".2. Reluctantly, I lead the U.S. into World War I after the interception of the Zimmerman Note and the continued German policy of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (The Lusitania).3. I proposed the Fourteen Points trying to preserve "peace with honor" and avoid the anger and resentment that would lead to Worl d War II.

1. I continued the deregulation of American business initiated by Harding.2. My famous quote was that "the business of America is business"

1. Progressivism faltered under my leadership.2. My one progressive virtue was my attacks on the Monopolies using the

Sherman Anti-Trust Act.3. Foreign Policy based on "Dollar Diplomacy"

1. I was elected on the promise of returning the nation to a state of "normalcy", retracting many Progressive reforms and withdrawing from world affairs.2. I implemented a policy of Isolationism in foreign affairs (Washington Naval Conference, Naval Holiday, Kellogg-Briand Pact).3. My Cabinet was extremely corrupt, the most notable being the Teapot Dome Scandal where Naval oil reserves were leased out to private companies.

1. I organized the famous "Rough Riders" during the Spanish-American War.2. I followed the "walk soft and carry a big stick" philosophy in foreign policy. I issued the Roosevelt Corollary making the U.S. an international policeman in Latin America and built the Panama Canal. 3. I proposed a "Square Deal" for America.





















Page 7: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

Herbert Hoover

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower

John F. Kennedy

1. I promised a "New Deal" for America that would provide Relief, Recovery, and Reform.2. I helped implement such programs as Social Security, the FDIC, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Tennessee Valley Authority3. I helped create the Atlantic Charter and authorized the construction of the Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project).

1. I was President when the Stock Market crashed (Black Tuesday) and the Great Depression began.2. My name became attached to many things that were symbolic of the poverty of the Great Depression, such as Hoovervilles.3. My approach to Depression was Rugged Individualism ("Get a Job")

1. I was faced immediately with the decision to use the Atomic Bomb against Japan.2. I authorized the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, I led the U.S. through the Korean War.3. I had to deal with the threat of communist infiltration within our own government. I established the Loyalty Review Board to investigate for communist leaks.

1. I challenged Americans "ask not what their country could do for them, but what they could do for their country". (Peace Corps)2. I invigorated the Space Program as part of my "New Frontier"3. I blockaded Cuba when the Soviets tried to put ICBMs in that country (Cuban Missile Crisis)

1. I put Joseph McCarthy on TV and exposed his "witch hunts" effectively ending the Red Scare.2. I federalized the Arkansas National Guard to integrate Central High School (Little Rock Nine).











Page 8: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

Lyndon B. Johnson

Richard M. Nixon

Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

1. I adopted a social agenda called the Great Society, which declared war on poverty. It involved civil rights legislation, medicare, and medicaid.2. I escalated U.S. involvement in Vietnam and ultimately became the war's highest ranking casualty, the war killed the Great Society and my political legacy.

1. I was a former Peanut Planter from Georgia and I was a "Washington Outsider".2. My greatest achievements were the Camp David Accords (temporary peace in the Middle East) and the National Energy Act(gas guzzling cars).3. My greatest failure was my handling of the Iran Hostage Crisis and rising inflation (caused by OPEC raising gas prices).

1. I campaigned on a promise to cut taxes (Supply-Side Economics/Reaganomics).2. I authorized the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars Missile Defense System) and the invasion of Grenada.3. My Presidency was tainted by the Iran-Contra Scandal, it was revealed that I authorized the sale of weapons to Iran in return for the release of Hostages then sent the money to rebels fighting a communist regime in Nicaragua.

1. I am the only President not ever elected by the people.2. I pardoned Richard Nixon to keep the country from having to endure a

long and embarrassing trial.

1. I won the Presidency promising to withdraw troops from Vietnam (Vietnamization) and to return the nation to a state of "law and order"(Kent State Riot being an example).2. My Presidency unraveled when the Watergate scandal was exposed and it became clear that I had used my power to obstruct the investigation.3. I became the first U.S. President to resign from office.











Page 9: 1. I presided over the War of 1812, witnessed the burning of our Capital, and signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the fighting. 2. I held off the War Hawks

George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

1. I helped liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. Desert Storm helped restore the nation's honor in our military and healed many wounds from Vietnam.2. Recession and H. Ross Perot cost me reelection.3. My administration drafted "A Nation At Risk" which concluded that American students lagged behind students in other industrialized nations. I proposed "America 2000" which would give parents more choice in education.

1. I authorized a $1 Trillion Bailout of the Financial Industry in order to stabilize the economy from the Panic of 2008. 2. I promised the closure of Guantanimo Bay and, by executive order, banned the use of torture to gain information from suspected terrorists. I have required that Terror Suspects arrested in the United States be given their Miranda Rights and be tried in American Courts.

1. I defeated Al Gore in the 2000 Presidential election, decided by a Supreme Court decision in the case of Gore v. Bush. 2. I signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind) that tied Federal money to local test scores.

1. I sponsored the NAFTA that lowered tariffs between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.2. My foreign policy was based on protecting Human Rights around the world: air strikes against Bosnia to stop "ethnic cleansing", Army Rangers to Somalia to stop the hoarding of UN supplies, a "No Fly Zone" over northern and southern Iraq to protect the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein.3. My Presidency was tainted by the Monica Lewinsky scandal and impeachment.







