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1 002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. World class buildings for World class Education Andy Macleod UK Education Sector Manager Cisco Systems [email protected] 24 th May 2005

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World class buildings for World class Education

Andy Macleod

UK Education Sector Manager

Cisco [email protected]

24th May 2005

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Background to project- Connected Campus

•World class buildings for World class education

•Convergence of buildings and IS @Cisco

•Education best practise examples – breadth not depth

•Developing the Ecosystem – who are the stakeholders?

•Connected Colleges and Campuses – the plan

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Definitions – what are we talking about

Intelligent Buildings


E- Buildings

Smart Buildings

I – Buildings

Converged / connected real estate (WPR)

Cisco Connected Real EstateConnected Campus, College and Schools

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IP Convergence IP Building Platform



Multi Function Systems

Life/ Safety and


BuildingAutomation Data Voice Video

SingleFunctionSystems Fire


Access Control



Data Comm.

Fax and Text Comm.



Building Systems User Systems


The Next Wave of Convergence... Information & Building Systems


(Ethernet enabled)(Ethernet enabled)


‘‘The electronic campus’The electronic campus’

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Attracts staffstudents& partners

Generates revenue and Service streams

Attracts staffstudents& partners

Generates revenue and Service streams

Improve Health, Safety

& Security

Improve Health, Safety

& Security

Reduce buildingLifecycle costsReduce buildingLifecycle costs

‘Productivity’ learning Collaboration & fun

Centre of Community

‘Productivity’ learning Collaboration & fun

Centre of Community

Flexible, AdaptableBuildings

Converging IT and Building Systems to create next generation Campus/Colleges

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World Class further Education

• Huge investment (FE £1.7BN last two years- 300 projects)

• FE 50% of Building Stock needs replacing

• Plan to pull forward to 2010

• BSF background - £10bn for our schools

• Applying Connected RE concept to UK Education-

• Developing stakeholder value to provide world class building services

• Can you help us build this?

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IP Communications


Physical Security


Visitor Access


24 / 7 Monitor

Energy HVAC


TODAYOpen Standards Building Network

LEGACYDisparate Building Networks

Improving Real Estate Lifecycle Services Building & Information Technologies Are Converging

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Conventional Building Systems Legacy Systems Operating in Silos

Safety & Security

• Fire- Extinguishing- Smoke ventilation

- Escape routes- Fire protection flaps

• Holdup• Burglary• Access control• Video

surveillance• Emergency



• Heating• Used hot

water • Cooling• Ventilation

and air conditioning

• Single room control

• Voice• Video • Data


• Elevators• Electricity

distribution• Waste water• Conveying

technology• Kitchen

technology• Special



• Alarming• Monitoring• Operation• Maintenance• Logging

• Alarming• Monitoring• Operation• Maintenance• Logging

• Alarming• Monitoring• Operation• Maintenance• Logging

• Alarming• Monitoring• Operation• Maintenance• Logging

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Building Systems Over IP PlatformMigrating to Common Communication Standards

Centralized Operations Management• Operation• Maintenance

• Logging• Enterprise Integration

• Alarming• Monitoring

IP and Wireless communication standards

Safety & Security

• Fire- Extinguishing- Smoke ventilation

- Escape routes- Fire protection flaps

• Holdup• Burglary• Access control• Video

Surveillance• Emergency



• Heating• Used hot

water • Cooling• Ventilation

and air conditioning

• Single room control

• Voice• Video • Data


• Elevators• Electricity

distribution• Waste water• Conveying

technology• Kitchen

technology• Special



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... Turn the heat up with an IP Phone!

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Understanding Building Life Cycle Costs

ConceptConceptConceptConcept DesignDesignDesignDesign ConstructConstructConstructConstructMaintain &Maintain &

OperateOperateMaintain &Maintain &


Development Period

2% 23%

Operating Period

75 %

25-30 yearsArchitects





Asset Management (Owners)

Facility Management (Users)


System Integrators

Tech Vendors

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Lifecycle Cost Savings ( WPR Germany)

• Capital Investment up to 60% reduction

– Integrated Infrastructure (50% cable install saving)

– Plug and Play Installation

– Staff Productivity

• Streamlined Operations up to 50% reduction

– Centralized Operation Management

– Automated Processes

– Energy Efficiency

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Building Infrastructure Investments

• Building $ 150 per sqft

• Electricity $ 15 per sqft

• Water $ 10 per sqft

• Gas $ 5 per sqft

• Communications $ 2 per sqft

...communication investments are a “rounding error” in the financial pro-forma…IT is a utility(WPR study USA CA)

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Example of Integrated Security Applications over the WAN






Major Segments of SecurityMajor Segments of SecurityINTRUSIONDETECTION


Video filesEvent linkagesVideo alarms

Burglar Alarms



SEAMLESS INTEGRATION•Single Database•Single GUI•Single Network Configuration•Single Application•Single Code

Security & IT have converged and there will be a continuing trend to enable other BMS and edge devices onto IP platforms.

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Connected Real Estate Roadmap- College map?

Ease of Implementation









H Must Have’s

Quick Wins


Low Hanging


AVVID(ConvergedVoice, Video

& Data)

AVVID(ConvergedVoice, Video

& Data)




Access ControlAccess Control



Asset Tracking

Asset Tracking

Fire/Life &Safety

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BAS Waves of Adoption – IP Enabled Devices

Ist Wave 2nd Wave 3rd Wave





ControlAccess Control



Asset Tracking

Asset Tracking

Fire/Life &Safety

2004 2005 2006 2007

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Falmouth College of Arts- CUC

•New build opportunity for regional development – Combined Universities of Cornwall

•State of the art Media Centre, Design Centre and Student Halls

•IP Infrastructure to support communications + teaching & learning

•Significant reduction in overall operating expenditure

•IP Applications include:Door access – IP phonesCCTVIP to mobile phone SMS textingStudent telephonyBuilding management systemsWireless telephonyVideo streaming for eLearning

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Crossways Academy

•IP Infrastructure at the College supporting:

College access through connectionsless smart cards

Biometric id for Library resources

HVAC automation , mgt and control

IP based CCTV providing pervasive security

IP TV for distributing multi media around the academyPervasive wireless for mobility and anywhere learning, and info

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University College and School examples

• Car park barriers ,CCTV and HVAC @Nottingham Trent - £savings on management.

• Biometric ID scanning helps prevent bullying in lunch queues and fingerprints help library assets.

• IPCCTV 24hr @Newport Lea – 41% drop vandalism( £46k broken windows and £75k graffiti & litter

• 33% increase in student numbers at Crossways.

• 70%reduction in crime @Brunel since IP car barriers- and HVAC and IPT making savings

• SMT comms via IP wireless phones for ‘crowd control’ and canteen logistics in Academies – at no cost

• Lightbulbs and Glaswegians

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Developing the Ecosystem – stakeholder agendas & value- what is the FE/HE model?

Staff/Students• Collaboration• Mobility• Remote access

Building Owners?• Revenue streams• New business models• Attract & retain tenants• Reduce churn

Tenants?• Business efficiency• Cost benefits• Core vs Context

Investors?• Value over time• Yields• ROA/ROI

Facility Manager• Operational efficiencies• Service availability• TCO

Developers• Cost of building• Time to build• Competitive Adv

Principal/£dirCentre for LearningAttractiveFlexibleLow cost

Estates Dir• Mgt• Space optimisation•Flexibility

The Network is the new utility (like water, electricity..)

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Connected Campuses and Colleges – building the ecosystem

• Stakeholder workshops

• Collecting best practices & case studies

• Consultation with architects, M&E,Prime Contractors,Property consultants and associations

• Cisco working with BAS manufacturers,SIs, FM etc

• White papers, Blueprints

• Liaison with BECTA,NILTA,FERL,JISC, Dfes and ?Else?

• Ecosystem development - partners

• Stakeholder conferences/meetings feb- april

• World Class Buildings conference June 30th

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World class transformation in further education

Together we can build this.

Thank you