-yusuf (a.s) was the son of yaqub (a.s) -yusuf (a.s) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his...

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S) Made by: Husban Ahmed

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Page 1: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)

Made by: Husban Ahmed

Page 2: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)-Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin)-Yusuf was wise and beautiful, Yaqub (A.S) loved him dearly, -He knew Yusuf was very special-Like all the other prophets, Yusuf (A.S) too was given miracles-He was given the miracle of the shirt and the ability to interpret dreams

Page 3: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

-One day, Yusuf (A.S) had a dream-He dreamt that 11 stars, the sun and the moon were all

bowing down to him-He decided to go to his father and tell him about the dream

- When Yaqub (A.S) heard about Yusuf’s dream, he knew that Yusuf would be granted prophet-hood

- Yaqub (A.S) told Yusuf to not talk about this dream to his brothers, they would get jealous of Yusuf and plot against him

(harm him)

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)

Page 4: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)-When Yusuf’s stepbrothers found out about his dream, they felt very jealous and immediately plotted against him-They had a plan, the stepbrothers would say that they would take Yusuf to the park with them, but then they would throw him into a well-The stepbrothers went to Yaqub (A.S) and asked if they could take Yusuf to the park-Yaqub (A.S) doubted the stepbrothers, but they pleaded to him so much that Yaqub (A.S) agreed and gave the brothers permission to take Yusuf to the park with them.-However, the brothers did not take Yusuf to the park, they took him to a well and threw him in it-The brothers got Yusuf’s shirt and stained it with wolf blood to make it look like a wolf attacked him.-The stepbrothers went back to Yaqub (A.S), they pretended to be sad and told him that Yusuf was eaten by a wolf-Yaqub (A.S) saw that the shirt was not torn from anywhere yet there was so much blood on it-He knew that Yusuf was not eaten by a wolf, but instead the brothers had done something to harm him-After suffering this much, Yaqub (A.S) was still very patient

Page 5: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)-Soon, a Caravan approached the well, they needed to draw

water- But when they reeled up the bucket, there was no water,

but a very handsome boy (Yusuf A.S)- The caravan decided to take the boy to Egypt and sell him

there as a slave- Yaqub (A.S) was still in Palestine and he cried for Yusuf so

much that he had lost his eyesight.- Later on, Yusuf was sold in Egypt as a slave, the Governor

of Egypt had bought him- He lived in the Governor’s house

- He learned quite a bit from the governor

Page 6: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)H- The governor’s wife put many false allegations on Yusuf and later on, he was thrown in prison - In prison, he met two of the king’s servants - One of them told Yusuf that he had a dream that he was pressing grapes - The other man told Yusuf that birds were pecking at his head - Now, remember, Yusuf still had the ability to interpret dreams - He said to both of them that they would get out - He told the man who had the grape dream that he would serve the king wine - He told the man who had the bird dream that he would be crucified and birds would eat him.

Page 7: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)- Yusuf was still in prison for many years and no one had helped him- One day, the king had a dream that 7 strong cows were eating 7

weak ones- He told the wine-server about his unusual dream

- The wine-server immediately remembered that Yusuf (A.S) could interpret dreams

- Yusuf was taken from prison to interpret the dream- He said that there would be 7 years of great crops and fertile soil and following that would be 7 years of famine (no crops, no rainfall)

- The king was satisfied with Yusuf’s interpretation and asked him what to do for the 7 years of famine

- Yusuf (A.S) said that during the 7 years of good crops, they could save up their crops for the 7 years of famine

- Again, the king was happy and he appointed Yusuf, the head of the entire crop collecting and harvesting

- Yusuf had just been released from prison

Page 8: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)- The 7 years of good crops had ended and the famine begun

- People from nearby countries were coming to Egypt to collect some crops from their families

- Soon, 11 men came to Egypt with 11 camels- Yusuf recognized them, they were his 11 stepbrothers!- However, the stepbrothers could not recognize Yusuf

- Yusuf asked them if they had anymore family, they told him that they had a brother and a blind father

- Yusuf asked them to bring their other brother or they would not get any crops

- The brothers went back home and asked Yaqub (A.S) if they could take Binyamin with them to Egypt

-The father was hesitant but later on gave them permission to take Binyamin to Egypt

- The 12 brothers went back to Egypt and Yusuf gave them 12 camel loads of crops

- As they left, Yusuf (A.S) sneaked a valuable gold cup into Binyamin’s sack

Page 9: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)

-As they left, there was an announcement that a valuable gold cup had been stolen from the governor’s office, they searched every load and

found the cup in Binyamin’s load- Yusuf (A.S) told the brothers that he would keep Binyamin

- Yusuf also gave them a shirt and told the brothers to give it to their father

- The brothers were astonished, they went back to Yaqub (A.S) and told him what had happened

- Yaqub (A.S) took the shirt and placed it over his eyes and he realized immediately that this shirt came from Yusuf

- Yaqub (A.S) had gotten his eyesight back from the shirt- He and the brothers went to Egypt

- Meanwhile, Yusuf had told Binyamin not to be scared and that he was Yusuf

- Yaqub (A.S) arrived in Egypt and saw Yusuf- They were all very happy to see each other again- Yusuf forgave the stepbrothers for what they did

Page 10: -Yusuf (A.S) was the son of Yaqub (A.S) -Yusuf (A.S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf

Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)- Yusuf, is appointed the throne by the king of Egypt

- And just like in his dream- 11 stars (brothers), the sun (Yaqub A.S), and the moon (king) all bow

down to him- Yaqub (A.S) stays in Egypt along with the brothers

- And they all live peacefully

Made by: Husban Ahmed