file · web viewzen an tha art of motorcycle . robert percy . 1974be illegal! bee illegal! do not...

zen an tha art of motorcycle robert percy 1974 Be illegal! Bee illegal! Do not p[ass go and collect $200 stop walking around in circles on the monopoly board. We are gona go into it today im going to take possibly a bit of a different tone on.. im a bit annoyed with the distortion.. I want focus and clarity... lets go deeper this time.. and I would like to come back on and talk again too.. I can go more.. so lets all spam email dr.marriah stars inbox our lovely host if he doesn’t invite me back by the end of the show.. Haha people power! Viva la revolution! the apocalypse- uncovering something covered this is the running definition. Or are u tripping on beliefs again? . the dead will rise said the scriptures.. the dead walkers.. the organic portals.. genesis singularis.. all rise. unfolding the philosophers stone within.. all truth passes through 3 stages – first it is ridiculed then violently opposed then accepted as self evident. “nothing to worry about.. said the mushroom.. this is what happens when a culture departs for the stars..” im not going to reference everything because I will put the meme in with the other memes and let it compete. down the rabbit hole..stepping into reverberfractality kalliediescopic nonlocality infinity..piezeolectrically nomenclaturing and propounding love chromacticly connecting, gold ring halo instilling and.. telepathic zombie killing.. neophobes V imaginative realists..2012 the battle is idealogica cornucopia novel V stagnant box paradigmatica and I quote myself here… “ feel the rythem of the timewave and hear the tone of the gold ring” don’t……………. be flamboozled into fearing the dark will win… because the light is all there is.. everything is made of the light.. the river flow of heaven, this alone flows..the dark ones have attempted

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Post on 27-Feb-2019




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zen an tha art of motorcycle

robert percy

1974Be illegal! Bee illegal! Do not p[ass go and collect $200 stop walking around in circles on the monopoly board.

We are gona go into it today im going to take possibly a bit of a different tone on.. im a bit annoyed with the distortion.. I want focus and clarity... lets go deeper this time.. and I would like to come back on and talk again too.. I can go more.. so lets all spam email dr.marriah stars inbox our lovely host if he doesn’t invite me back by the end of the show.. Haha people power! Viva la revolution!

the apocalypse- uncovering something covered this is the running definition. Or are u tripping on beliefs again?. the dead will rise said the scriptures..the dead walkers.. the organic portals.. genesis singularis.. all rise.unfolding the philosophers stone within..all truth passes through 3 stages – first it is ridiculed then violently opposed then accepted as self evident.“nothing to worry about.. said the mushroom.. this is what happens when a culture departs for the stars..”im not going to reference everything because I will put the meme in with the other memes and let it compete.

down the rabbit hole..stepping into reverberfractality kalliediescopic nonlocality infinity..piezeolectrically nomenclaturing and propounding love chromacticly connecting, gold ring halo instilling and.. telepathic zombie killing.. neophobes V imaginative realists..2012 the battle is idealogica cornucopia novel V stagnant box paradigmatica and I quote myself here… “ feel the rythem of the timewave and hear the tone of the gold ring”

don’t……………. be flamboozled into fearing the dark will win… because the light is all there is.. everything is made of the light.. the river flow of heaven, this alone flows..the dark ones have attempted to stem the flow .. and stand in the way of the universal river flow the DOW.. but they will be swept away as a stone on the earth program bottom up approach.

hey I wanted to say straight away people know of kali yuga etc cycle.. then we r in it aparantly according to some yet that’s a huge 400,000 yr cycle.. an theres this golden age of 1000 or 10,000 years then things will allegedly decline again.. but I have to say something.. this is genesis singularis.. all the frames fall away now..we wont decline at the end of this golden age because by then we wont even be on earth alone well be in other star systems ;) with other dynamics. Hint. The stars there align differently there..this is complete oneness genesis singularis not only have we traced to the primal seed within ourselves but oneness is reverberally fractal as in oneness of global humanity the dissolution of

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culture boundaries. The essence concrescence..lets fill this world with meaning.. souled ones.. the dark ones always persue smaller denser slower realities.. but my friend said’ bro u shine light that isn’t even in the rainbow~ jay marie.. an I said yeh..the golden white centered light.. the sage carry the golden age within them..

Remember its proverbially known that out of the bottom of market crashes come innovation, well the last one has coupled with modern and ancient prophecies to this 2012 end of old paradigm energy date and well it never has occurred to so many people on such a global scale, admittedly some didn’t even know what GFC stood for global financial crises.. and didn’t even know we were in the great recession as they nicknamed it.. well they were still effected by it no doubt im sure this gfc touched everyone even if just indirectly through someone else mentality. Again.. synchronistic..seemingly unrelated events …well..just remember this is no future event this is now. This is the change this is evolution.. join in? emergence… golden crystal it uncanny that humanity matures in the 21st century .. reverberfractilating the maturing of age 21 in some western human cultures ;) haha…the perfect spiritual storm..

Moon Lee Pistols we will leave their vibration ;)

Ben Couwenberg no no, apathy is not the way.

we will turn them (corporations) all into NGO's and working for communities rather than raping them

Moon Lee Pistols is not apathy is parallel realities ;)

Ben Couwenberg well your plain wrong there. ap·a·thy/

Noun: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

apathy is not the way.apathy is not the way into a golden age of any sort. You r to give a fuck.we will turn them (corporations) all into NGO's and working for communities rather than raping them.. this was a typical conversation with a spurious new ager. They don’t actually research anything they’re just like the new religious types, religious about the new age. And before you’re quick there.. I know well all about this alleged split of 5d and 3d earth. I think though it’s a case of Namaste in lakesh with this interconnectivity just global now, and so hence all rise. Earths a system.. think 100th monkey syndrome it wont happen overnight hint. but the more you contribute the faster. Contribute with lovely thoughts yes.. but contribute with responsibility and discernment too.

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adaptive radiation;

In evolutionary biology, adaptive radiation is the evolution of ecological and phenotypic diversity within a rapidly multiplying lineage.[1] Starting with a recent single ancestor, this process results in the speciation and phenotypic adaptation of an array of species exhibiting different morphological and physiological traits with which they can exploit a range of divergent environments. [1]


The evolution of a novel feature may permit a clade to diversify by making new areas of morphospace accessible.

A phenotype (from Greek phainein, 'to show' + typos, 'type') is the composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits, such as its morphology, development, biochemical or physiological properties, phenology, behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird's nest). Phenotypes result from the expression of an organism's genes as well as the influence of environmental factors and the interactions between the two.

~Indigo revolution~

Social Scientists have isolated four breakthroughs or waves in societal change: Hunter/gatherers became farmers. Farmers were transformed by the industrial revolution into factory workers. The industrial revolution gave way to the informational age: and the informational culture has progressed to a fast-paced global communication-intensive society.

We are now in a 5th wave, where our futures are no longer predicated on what happens out there, they are predicated on what happens inside ourselves." ( well wherever I got this text which I forgot it leaves out the epigenetic changes but it has its own merit)

There are no Et’s living next door to you, but your third eye is being switched on, that’s me us the indigo’s inside we go to the stars yo.. the angels channel all the knowledge bro.. they r not alien humanoids from ziconboblekanoozi.. in thousand tonne beryllium ships.. I think we r the crown of creation and complexity, even if it wasn’t true this would make for a realization to act like it.

there are species of star and systems and so forth… your view of reality is about to go oneness.. and your focus will be back here on earth.

Someone asked;u think we only have one life? Well remember resonance, its not your ego re ego is of the body.

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i think theres something to it, the scattered ones with scattered aura they do not re incarnate they r organic portals soulless anthropoids. soulled auric i think thats who re-incarnates seems to have to do with resonance archetypy starbeings and souled connectivity nature.. those connected to the river of heaven - the universal river flow of light- true GAIA

an i think this means a pact with starbeings. ‘Spiritual reciprocal contract’

it is a case of namaste .. in lak esh (in the same etching made from the same light.. ) dan winter talks of phase coherence and aura being responsible for um existing after body death or.. re incarnating.

so anyway remember its a system here on earth the system is humanity so your not going to see everyone suddenly risen. But it is upto you how fast the ricochet through the system occurs.

I see dead people..

“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.”

.. zombies…soo.."about the coming golden age" and soulless anthropoids (bipedal monkey humans) v hue-mans and how this all fits together :) because they look the same on the outside the organic portal.. its inside the difference is found evident.fuckyeh! I am gona go there..since im a no one in the eys of the mainstream and have no reputation to give a fuck about. Only truth.oooo blaspheme !? did i sin against some kind of taboo to talk about soullessness epistimologically empirically an experientially

am i crazy?

hope so

mmm paradise or oblivion it seems.. (yes that’s a youtube documentary you can watch, which goes with the zeitgeist movies 1 2 and 3)

an excerpt from ken wilbers integral life theories..

“Gaia’s main problem is not toxic waste dumps, ozone depletion, or biospheric pollution. These global problems can only be recognized and responded to from a global, worldcentric awareness, and thus Gaia’s main problem is that not enough human beings have developed and evolved from egocentric to sociocentric to worldcentric, there to realize—and act on—the ecological crisis.

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We can see that the current manifestation of globalization does not represent a globalization along all possible dimensions or lines of human experience. Today, only some aspects of human development are globalized, while others are left out. Specifically, the economic and some elements of the cultural dimensions tend towards the global, while the moral and political [including civic] dimensions remain largely stuck at the national level.

technological innovation [in the LR] happens very fast, simply because you can change the materials of production fairly quickly .... But ... the worldview, the cultural accoutrements of religion, meaning, beliefs, shared values, and so on [in the LL] moves much more slowly, because this involves... an interior subjective transformation of consciousness—a notoriously slow and difficult process.” ~ so help it along ;) write in haha .. remember u can have a page in consciousazine if it fits with the meta theme.

and another excerpt from; Educating for Conscious Evolution

Anne Adams, Ph.D.A Call for a More Evolved Consciousness

“This article is in response to the numerous authors in Volume 2 of The Journal of Conscious Evolution addressing the necessity to evolve our consciousness to a more ‘integral, aperspectival’ viewpoint – “one that has clarity of awareness that stands above and yet contains all others” (Combs, p. 11). Ervin Laszlo, in Planetary Consciousness: Our Next Evolutionary Step, invites us to create a more equitable and generous world which “call[s] for a different kind of thinking and a different kind of commitment. It is becoming increasingly evident that such thinking and commitment cannot be achieved without the evolution of people’s individual and collective consciousness… we need a more evolved consciousness” (p.2). Copthorne Macdonald writing about Deep Understanding in an Integral Age stresses the need for us to become “more holistic knowers” in order “to be able to deal effectively with the major biospheric, social, and economic problems of our day” (p. 4). He points to the development of the intuitive mental domain, i.e. the ability to explore and appreciate one’s own psyche (our inner, subjective lives) - the higher levels of psychological/ spiritual understanding, as a much desired outcome for our education of the 21st century.”

Thought really is responsible for so much in our daily lives youknow..iv been seeing this in my own shitty thoughts lately realy clearly.. and guess what u can think with your heart.. checkout heartmath instituites findings on the new human program hearting page in consciousazine if u need some sort of pragmatic proof rather than intuitive. living from the heart..more.. bring heaven and earth together and boom the torriodal wave comes out into the world your light. So earth out- ground so shoes of on ground level earth not on 3 rd story of a building.. so that’s earth and then heaven the let thine eye become single and thine body shall fill with light. Then boom shine the beam out of your heart. An so now u can see also two different perspective live and let live from an overly earth heart perspective or the more mind an third eye

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perspective of the stars say such as apathy is not the way. So balance.. or more of what u need personally eye or heart..but so look up through the crown my friends and bring heaven to earth.

an hey I notice atheism is the beginning of spiritualism lolan think about this the elite 1% yes they have reach an power over others still etc.. but we r the masses so turn to your friends! Persuade them to wake the fuck up and stop being a brainwashed twit and show them u r more than your ego then they will see that there is more than the ego . keep walking we r doing well.. 100th monkey has clearly figured out how to crack open the heart light ;) winky face (100th monkey was a thing picked up from when the 100th baboon opened the coconut a certain way the rest of the population ended up learning it so it realy stands for critical mass point) except in our case it’s a case of aha funnily enough monkeys learning how to crack open the heart haha let mind flow through that brain and those cultural brain barriers named beliefs or re-occurring replaying skipping record brain.... now heart to heart ecstatic connections pick up as tolerance does and synchronicities so now we r cohereing and focusing.. iv heard others talk on radio recently about hearting .. an remember theres a page called new human program hearting.. which is a bit of a synanomaly with new earth program bottom page up so hence inside out from eaches heart..

go inside learnt he new language.. the language of godamit stop tryna just grab everyone to your work we need to work together! See even if there are aliens we r still going to get rid of the money system and look after each other ! it doesn’t even matter if theres aliens.. what they want to keep the money system.. jesus u r so lost in your own mystic brainwash and psychotropicle forest to act as if aliens even matter! U say itl wake ppl up fuckoff it will .. so if they come then.. so then be it! An awake they shal miraculously be then according to you, so no need to focus there .. but according to me .. we should just focus on this mess on earth this war scarcity and fear consciousness and all that now instead of waiting about aliens! It’s the star messages u r receiving they r the ones warping your reality.. your eye is opening.. u even think your seeing things.. u r it’s the transcendental future, but u mix that up in your head with material aliens, an they say iv seen em! Ohyeh we really don’t need to go into this hey.. because its obvious.. no matter if even aliens we still need to focus on sorting out the mess on earth. Also watch ancient aliens debunked I vouch for that 3 hr youtube video for sure. an religious ppl when u pray ur mantra ing so why don’t u take note from like Buddhists or something haha they r great with mantras.. . fire out.. I feel sometimes I live in the 1800’s not the 21st century.yes angels have wings because your brain turns it into something or the message is coded that way .. u feel levitative.. remember u have to download their code and learn the code and so forth these are other languages.. angels don’t speak in English u do! The legendary spirit guides.. and there seems like GAIA is like holding u up to the angels and sort of saying yeh listen haha like a mum figure, and then will add also.. I mean I feel like I am a child of the universe.. sorry am I wrong? Haha we don’t live in a universe? Or wat

hence star seed the term.oh btw recently I heard numerous people mention being surrounded by myriads of angels! I saw different pictures on fb by different people be posted too, heard some ppl discuss it on a

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blogtalk radio.. but all just recently with this acturian alignment “24 libra” 14-20 october.. an I said on the link with the picture on fb yeh that’s how iv felt lately.. like moreso.. like surrounded.. by angels.. the star seeds are present in the present lol and are the present – bless ED are the wayshowers..and will act as shaman visionaries for humanity.. so really these are individual people or gaian brain cells or glial cells more analogously accurate need to be used as glial cells in humanity in the human brain glial cells sort of help and support the neurons .. so the same is going to happen with humanity we r shamans and we have sight and need to be better integrated into positions where we can use vision imagination creativity bring the new feelings langauges knowledge realizations etc.. now psychedelics are about to start being integrated more so that’s a good move.. and about psychedelics they can indeed help visionary ism and third eye and shamanistic elocutions etc.. well go into psychedelics I hope neerer to the end if we have time-several consciousazine pages cover it like psychedelic bio dome earth notice ppl say allow in your angel .. well that’s ur ego stopping it. So if u identify with the body ego then thine eye is not single and bright and just recognize.. your being more the ego body which is often very culturally connected societally connected, and well there are social engineers, I mean even the plastic is changing us biphesnol acts as oestrogen and changes your brain and not to mention the myriads of other poisons or toxins in our daily environment experience- also several pages are dedicated just to that angle of the health and poisonous environment etc..shine your light, from inside out.. the trees reach for the stars defying gravity and anchor light to earth.. be as the tree.. they too just want to go home.. seems we’re like that too I hear star seeds people say I want to go back home but I don’t know where it is.. well .. its said.. that gods are trying to be born on earth… angels are being born on earth..ahem.. star seeds… seeds… of like the tree…self sustainable environment around you, you make as u r… overflowing..

[1:01:15 PM] Peace Bunny: It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

- Dresden James

I no longer honour those that do not honour the ALL (collective humanity)

smart people seem like crazy people to dumb people..

another word from Peace Bunny: So where do these “life goals” that serve us so badly come from? Is it possible that they are in fact someone else’s ideas and goals for us…is it in someone else’s interest that most of us expend our energies and efforts in a fruitless pursuit of chimerical happiness?chimerical? Ah yes hybrid artificial happiness.. she meant

Warning though, the competition of Ego's everyone is playing out, the pursuit of power, the materialistic, and the judgmental people, will severely piss you off at first. Just realize they are stuck in a paradigm, where superficiality and materialism controls every thought, action, and motive. Everyone is so consumed in roles, they almost always forget to express empathy, and anything beyond their field of understanding, will just go through one ear and out the other.

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.. well... we have so much light we're here to infect those soul less portals…

this change is building so strong for this pop


awaken from the illusion of separateness, together we get abundance.

Are We Ready For the Coming 'Age of Abundance?' - Dr. Michio Kaku (Full) (jobs on the internet the transition)

business level, uno I think we should have corporations working for not taking from the communities.. this triple bottom line approach addresses this.. instead of having one bottom line just economic AKA shareholders money, the triple bottom line implies social and environmental bottom line too. but this is still within a capitalistic and money systematic ideal so its being faked somewhat by a fair few companies… personally I think as one article reads ‘the system is the problem’; u can find that in my money note and its scholarly written. Money systematics are no good. It seems only the inured sheeple sheep people are the last to get the message.

neutral internet- yeh I wanted to mention that.. obviously like sooo important.. knowledge is power etc..

A status on facebook; Elite ppl never care about the humans we should stop supporting them and let the system fall give the ppl back its power.

My comment; yes, now onto the point not so obviant, the sheep masses the middle class working scumbags... the apathy ones (yeh its you im talking about).. they r the ones who need to see not the few elites.. this is the hundred monky syndrom effect per 2012 ala human populas critical mass mobilization point, MUST KEEP THE INTERNET UNCENSOREDan remember your only as strong as your weakest link in the context of the larger system that is humanity so u should show concern rather than apathy.. if u have any kind of sense..

apathy- an is the apathy steming from fear !?last time I mentioned synchronicities and tolerance this time coherence or again the unity factorenter the golden age and focus; where is your focus where attention goes energy flowsand what r u focusing on. Are u supporting sto’s service to others people or sts’s service to selves people? Think about it…………………anyway so u if your not dumb u realize that u cant have total abundance unless everyone else has total abundance. And I mean then u can graph it and put your abundance per everyone elses abundance and decrease or increase, so then u realize with imagination the ability to see the future that u have fuck all abundance and all u have is psychopathical control power over others say if your

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rich or so..that is not equitable to abundance .. I just wonder when these business men realize this.. I mean hell I studied a basic business degree and am entrepenueral as hell uno I know its not something smart u don’t have to be smart to do business …lol .. makes me laugh.. so when will u alleged smart men economists business men etc realize your ultimate greed goal can be achieved via us all working together rather than separately.. if u claim u do see it! Oh then well make efforts at demolishing the money system! Because that’s whats a large blockade to abundance ! I mean what r u focusing on.. a few tiny annual profits worth billions of dollars which buys you things or maybe just a couple nice cars and houses an stuff.. but its not true abundance.. an I mean you know we’re at precipice when the dumbest totally run the show..

mm also robots wont create the same kind of intellectual creations as us and as they take the "monotonous jobs" i was always guessing this would leave us to being more creative, and yes the entertainment 'industry' will be bulged by many who have their jobs taken by the robots.. soo.. how do u prepare for this? its not about ego in so much as it is more about identifying with the ego that’s the problem, integrate the porous ego to higher self nature..btw this ego separative paradigm with the attached neurotic nuclear family model which is outdated, also measuring wealth in dollars and land property OWNED not even necessarily used lol… is a poor mans measure of wealth, cant u see what we all could have if we all work together!?hmm funny.. at the end of history and cultish culture psychedelics become all the rage unleashing imaginative creativity.

proper new age an the old spurious new agers with religious like brain damage… tops brain plasticity so hence I refer to it as brain damage.“Commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence, and scientific methods of inquiry, rather than faith and mysticism, in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions. “demystifications and being experientially realist at the same time.. if you experience it we can tease something out of it, it was an experience.. but be discerning!

Ken Wilber this guy talks of colours for peoples types and aspects of societies like ”orange laws” etc and all this stuff in ‘integral theory’.. but I heard him say in an interview because we don’t know how to change people, he said the reds will always be the reds .. an I thought well.. I know.. …psychedelics and meditation and education are three big themes that show up recurrently here.. in the midst of the second birth or an awake multidimensional sovereign integral. this brings us to the next section so i think soul is not spirit but the mental body inbetween biological an spiritualbody mind spirit says the church doctrine…. Well its actually spirit mind body.. when mind means soul not when mind means spirit or the one mind “god” sometimes people say that too..the one the creator the still single light imagination.

so today on earth many have this mental block literally shown with brain barriers or dogmatic tabooic cultural cultish style beliefs or reoccurring thoughts.

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yes blocked heart and blocked heart because of blocked brain societal taboos dogmas etc societal beliefs..sending down or blocking heart signals from programming the the brain is fed primarily with the external stimuli not the internal, so the in the sheeple.. sensed stored electrical wave anthropoid, v the internal stimuli of indigos. what is the internal stimuli I point at u ask? Well this third eye thing the inner light thing this let thine eye become single and thine body shall fill with light..well the heart works with the eye and the crown chakra.. but the external stimuli is eyes from bouncing of off objects.. the internal is this imagination this transcendental scintillating object at the end of time.. as Terrence mckenna said it..visions.. etc… turn them inward to solve all the worlds problems.souling huemans…. Our mission is… now the indigos theme.. so inside we have access to everything.. the higher repositories of higher code.. now these are bigger than u can completely navigate ! so each one of us has to pull something back from there! This mind ocean…An u don’t want something so small its like “hey did u ever notice your little pinky fits exactly in your nostril” ? haha ….an u don’t want something so large u cant drag it onto the boat and wrassle it down..this sounds dualistic… well it sounds more pluralistic to be exact but ok if u r so afraid there is more than what your eyes see and that ur single eye sees something different..then ok.. continue to be afraid and see how it serves.. so anyway seems pluralistic and anyway the problem of quali as the scholars call it or neunomicle duality is only a problem for spurious materialists as iv been calling these type… which seem to be what this reading calls organic portals... Ahh.. seem this organic portal reading came along and bolstered and addad to my thinking terminology and insight on this..souling theme. An the dark ones theme...whats souling is it the gaian earth mind coming through u.. possibly..but is that just not one repository such as isn’t the say solar system another and the galaxy anather and the local galactic neighbourhood another and the galactic super clusteres and what about all this that is swept into this or pulled into this great attractor as astrophysicists named it.. they think that’s just a super large galaxy or possibly tighter larger galaxies acting as one gravity well.. well.. then theres the plank length repository of information at the furtherst smallest physical scale and yet possibly most pervasive and,, well.. allegedly possibly multiverses, althought I think that’s the meta dimensions that these scientists are confusing some of the effects off as other universes effects like this dbrane theory and all this type of meta theoretical multiversal theorierization..well anyway .. u r your own little universe u have a microcosmic energy flow search mantak chia microcosmic orbit meditation youtube.. however... I think the google tech talks meditation is effective for summoning the kundalini and the microcosmic orbit is great for this subtle energy work inside oneself.. just like u eat certain things for certain desired biological effects u should also do energetic wise the same..feed the light energy body.. and same with feed the mental body.. I study a lot for that but also training the mind’ as its proverbially said..invoke the spirit light into the body crystal and shine your multi-coloured light of the naked truth boneheads..

see organic portals see the world a different way aswell, they will even bomb other organic portals I mean the human anthropoid monkey body is so complex an its growing all the time especially through the 7 year cell cycles so beautiful so complex and amazing.. an uno theyl just bomb the complex universal humanoid artwork.. theyl even bomb souled humans who would never bomb

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souled or anthropoids.. to them even souled ones are organic portals remember, they don’t think or realize or invoke that there is a divine spark they don’t pay attention to any divine spark what is this.. or anything spiritual youknow.. they’re disconnected..the higher centers r not open..heart and up.. not active…they don’t resonate there… I mean im an asshole sometimes.. ah anyone on my facebook can verify that but u see I always pay for it because I do have a open heart which lectures me (the brain I guess) afterwards hahah…they think everyone else is the same as them as we all look the same on the outside physicaly when viewed with the eyes.. but you know come to think of it I have never seen aura or aura sparks on these anthropoidic organic portals through my eye.. when I see them.. sometimes get an eerie feeling.. like im staring into darkness with my mind sight not my eyes my eye..they don’t see colours they don’t see spiritual imagery etc etc they r light less dead walkers.. these R the zombies! !! …….(TAKE A DRINK HERE??)

They literally feed on anthropoid and humans for the benefit of the bottom line always or to steal energy..thats been a big aspect with me.. im always psychically attacked.... that seems to be what life is for these people ..completely devoid of mystery wonder enchanmnet multidimensionality colourfull mind sight play third eye elocutions piezeo electric chromatism of the third eye and they always try to create a denser smaller slower reality! an they always call u crazy when they’re crazy! Theyl like tell u your crazy for seeing stuff… but hey humans only see 1% of the light spectrum and sound spectrum too I hear so they r slow or less evolved for not seeing or experiencing more !

this apathy in the world is amazing all distracted by shiny things a lika mindless they can take so much pain because just turn of their feelings!turn of the light.. ‘keep your love light down” fuck that! Quarter or half living .. or as it wer dead walking….why r u even alive then when your not alive inside ! as soon as u feel this third eye light the heart light the higher centers.. and u really realize it.. you are in ecstacy! but they are playing in the entropical game of reaction.. we are now moving from reaction to creation..this is the new game…

again it all seems to comeback to this thing about becoming master rather then victim of the matrix or of biology etc.. only you can do that for yourself from the outside in. “From Creature to Creator"open the higher heart centre. my friend said.. so when u think it happens then.. cuz we r perfect when we arrive.. (she means into body)an she asked about noah do we all come from noah then etc.. the noahs ark story..well in this talk im not going into the mystery so much as I think I can at least to some extent de mystify souling for now and here in today but lets not go in any further..

human souling: the second birth: multidimensional realizationits a long the article this one about organic portals by veil of reailty.. an starts on the same garden of

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edan split off theme that’s iv notices Terrence mcekkans stoned apes theory mirrors and this soul travellers youtube documentary covers too..this theme i keep seeing which i think the garden of edan is a story about the sapiens v neanderthals or something like that, maybe all the early hominids lived in and with each other or interacted..i have articles saying that too…its thought sapiens killed of Neanderthals but we have like 3% of Neanderthal dna..

now I and the mckenna brothers postulate the magic mushrooms were the apple in the bible story of adam and eve..they were thrown out after becoming... the first indigos. And kicked out as not understood as it is to this present day! This def epitomises my life in that way! Anyway.. an the snake is the biggest religious cover up in history search that youtube video.. so the snake is kundalini snake of energy spiralling up your spine…this can be initiated with magic mushrooms psilocybin containing mushrooms.. ah also I am guessing the mascaria mushroom too..but I havnt had that compound in me..

did u ever think the story was more complicated than some guy eating an apple..? well clearly we all know it stands for something deeper going on, question is how construed is the original story of bible versions of it as compared to what actually the story is about or happened..anyway…remember these organic portals are very good at mimicking so theyl be polite when they have to be they’ll seemingly care and so on.. because hey we all have bodies which are like running on stored sensed electrical waves, even the organic portals so they can learn etc from the outside they are no different.. its mentally this soul level.. the heart or higher centers r level this inner light theme..

refinement and some kind of higher light body acceptance need take place let thine eye become single and thine body shall fill with light, but first open the heart or open the brain to allow heart I should say…im telling u this meditation meaning is the way to do this but also psychedelics and self education in general..thinking for yourself and intuiting..the soul is not in the body.. the body is in the soul.. the soul is auric isn’t it its seemingly the part of you that’s allowing telepathy .. hey maybe that’s why the organic portals don’t understand telepathy? Ha… ill be writing about that..

Well de program yourself anyway.. from birth since u r stored sensed electrical waves brain etc an the brain is your nervous system some people still don’t see the brain as anything but the cranial mush.. I consider the brain the nervous system also.. save what is most hueman..dump the shit.. the cultural programming stopping us from achieving more coherence.. an focus on this!

peace bunny: another advice..“Don't ever think any negative thoughts about yourself, what ever it is that programed you to feel or think like this about yourself it has nothing to do with the true you !! you are amazing, you are divine energy, you are love !! bring that MULTICOLOUR and love into the world! Its all about changing the path that traps your soul so that you can shine your light again. “

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I just want to emphasis the light context here, always the same context of shining your multi-coloured light and do to with soul. Emphasis should also be placed again on this master of the matrix thing escape entropical normality become the one who stands outside of trends time and entropy move from reaction hence to creation as it were.. so going out of this cyclical heredity consciousness. step up and out of the body anthropoids..into multidimensionality.

my friend started talking about youknow ‘they givus soft metals to make us go mad’ and that type of interference.. well the interference is a factor yes..

but this reading and in general this theme seems to talk of something deeper some sort of higher dimensional connectivity the anthropoids (aka soulless humans) don’t have. This I notice, this is why I see a connection to Terrence mckennas stoned apes theory and this youtube video 5 hr documentary called soul travellers and have connected this theme on the evolutionary page to that stoned apes theory of the mckenna brothers and this garden of edan splitting theme.. this also.. seems to connect into this earthing and grounding theme.. which indecently is an off spin of something occurring when meditating! I recently watched a reasonable talk on earthing grounding by david wolfe on youtube.

anyway.. “in the mirror is where we find a reflection of our appearances, but in a heart is where we find a reflection of a soul. “

Also; “to argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead..”~ thomas pain.. see I wasn’t the only crazy intellectual to see the soulless deadwalkers.. denominationalism: sectarianism: a narrow-minded adherence to a particular sect or party or denomination

lets step out of this cult of death this celebration of death.. culture is your cult.Gaza war; an the perpetual war that we r in! def not abundance!“if you can find money to kill people, you can find money to help people” ~tony bennAmy; if i lived there in gaza i would move and don't tell me i'd stay on my home fatherland cuz no i would not - Earth is big and there are MUCH sweeter places ... that's just nuts.

Ben Couwenberg thats right amy, they in ways kill themselves too in many countries-culture is a cult. Dogmatic heredity view is without view. beliefs that are acting brain damage. (but remember most impoverished war striken etc people cannot go anywhere! because country borders and no resources ..and they must face worst of all.. societies of soulless anthropoids...

but thats aside i think from the more pertinence ! because its in many places people are dying un-necessarily more than unilaterally.

This problem is consciousness systemic-hence we can change this at the stream of evolutions mouth-consciousness level.. it would appear education of reality is in order. Which its to all's beneficence to work together for.

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hint become a jedi sky walker ! use the force lol .. mantak chia is great for the chi energy building and summoning your multi-coloured knowledgeable lovelight!

We have measured the life force in krilian photography the power of mind is mirrored in dr emotos water modulations with will thought and energy and attention..don’t forget where attention goes energy flows.. and start to do some reading because there is plenty on consciousazine backing my words.

remember soulless it wasn’t said un souled.. swear they’re the ones who like u don’t see the twinkle in the eye when u in inverted commas and the avatar movie sense “see them”, an they act all weird when u show soul or u like are into something quote un quote weird and or new or novel in a spiritual ideaological sense.. just as much can be found in esoteric science as the pragmatic science..

do u get the words organic ..portal.. a portal.. but kind of un awarst of its whole reality cut of (since the crown chakra is closed) and so due to the social engineered world kept in the ego.. the dogma the brainwash an all that..

on the system...wheres ur energy going? saw a video 6 million viewed the 'creepiest pedophile ever"fuck ….. u beget your own struggle..

del i lama even said restoration of the feminine the witches of the west need to be integrated into society and the shamans to expand on the tolerance but from this u can see needs to be the legalizing of psychedelics and then also offspins of that is abundance with hemp, hempcrete, venus project production line houses iv seen cement pop up tent things that turn hard with added water or something.. i mean every person needs a laptop whatever happened to that $1000 laptop project or $100 laptop project..

ok enough on that aspect of the golden age..last mention on the third eye.. u can see things in your mind form a picture youknow in the third eye mind sight and well u can see I dunno a tiger or a something..but u cant imagine your friends u only have clues..symbols and ideas brain schemata in the neocortex.. this is because its not new u seem to bring in the new thru the eye thru THE LIGHT the inner light. develop emotional intellect

memes -(language visual also) animal languages- an langauge trying to go visual.hi tech page octopi analogy and anything with animal cruelty need only be followed with sensed stored electrical waves hence brain pain just like you human.epitome of the compliment- u cant say in words, how words are used. ~ alan watts - learning the

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human game

all about education and also this shinign your own light so being yourself.. so hence neutral internet since everyones different we cant ban parts of reality… laugh my ass off!

more on this ontogeny of phylogeny I mean u should talk about man machine binding when u mention that but im not going to in this talk I wouldn’t mind doing that next interview..

ontos with nature healing an psychedelics

are u in danger when on psychedelics? well people don’t die from psychedelics bar rare medical conditions.. the problem is the ego feels threatened by the boundary dissolution, and its ace is yourself identification with it, and it can actually say to you- you are dying heres the evidence.. and you have to say no its unlikely ..and sing your way through it.. and these buddhas an yogis talk about slaying the ego, this is slaying the ego for real! U must slay it otherwise it will spread panic into your whole psychological system and give way to panic and hysteria.. so unless there’s a real reason why u should be dying.. an u should have done your homework, for instance if u take lsd and begin intense bouts of vomiting this is not a proper reaction to lsd, so something may really be wrong.. so perhaps for the first time on anything; psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, lsd, ketamine, Dmt, ecstacy whatever you may want a buddy system..and often on dmt trips people will moan an say no …no …no! then they come back and you constitute it, your like so how was it ? (dmt is a short minutes trip under a few minutes..) so u say how was it and they say fantastic! You know so how they present is not always reliable.. that last part on psychedelics here was all Terrence mckenna speaking..

further on psychedelics..governmental (nanny state) crackdowns, social prejudice, distortions in the media, and the notoriety attached to what could have been/can be a new era of healing, therapy, and unleashing of human potential.

THC (marijuana) helps cure cancer says Harvard study | NowPublic News Coverage

For most people in the world it is illegal so the choice could come down to breaking the law or dying. the end all cancer treatments that are not promoted by mainstream oncology are illegal. No licensed doctor is going to claim that they are curing cancer with sodium bicarbonate though they will treat people with cancer explaining they are balancing pH or some other metabolic profile with this common emergency room medicine found also most kitchens of the world. More than several states have passed laws making medical marijuana legal but the federal government will not relax and let people be free to choose their treatments even if their lives depend on it.

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In the end all cancer treatments that are not promoted by mainstream oncology are illegal.this is why we call it a corporatocracy or facism not democracy..and you a sheeple sheep person. Because most of you don’t even go into CORRECT uproar! U will have a whinge about loosing someone to cancer yet not push for everyones use of the anti cancer organic substances due to your brainwash taboo that somehow a organic herb is more dangerous than chemotherapy! R u people nuts! Shut up about your dying cancerous mum if your not going to join the obvious cause !

did I offend anyone???

Now that points a message in itself and relates back to all we have discussed and much more we will discuss in the future; around this indigo ontos. Don’t let your ego be offended by anothers ego just so u miss the message. That’s the 5th dimensional perspect I was talking of. This also relates to cosmic Christ sight.

“And he that manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost”

the body doesn’t move spirit alone flows.. ! Benjamin couwneberg 2012.

Meditation in general makes u go inside the indigo in the ID go (ID being higher self theme) the indigo factor so this summons forth your multi-coloured light soulU can redeem your soul at the end of history ! head to the meditations page its all free and its not even mine I just gathered it for u for free because im a doctor with no medical establishment certifications, however I am a healer and reprogrammer so here to heal and reprogram the mass mind.

adam an eve.. very interesting..

i think it is a story to describe what occured in early hominid evolutionno way did humans evolve just like that from monkeys

Magda Len another friend of mine;

i mean i think this planets manufactured by God and higher intelligence beings angels, spirit

starseed...from star..

Ben Couwenberg

yeh. The music of the spheres an all that.. i also think the magic mushroom or stoned apes theory

has merit.. an u r the star seed..

magda ; they’re evolutionary spurs

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Ben Couwenberg

:) well that was the major sort of evolutionary spur as it were, the higher order neocortex evolvement and the most densly connected complex mammalian organ evolution in just 2 million years or so, I do think magic mushrooms played a role in it for sure.. as a type of catalyst for early hominid evolution to modern man.. ( IFFFF have time mention the anti stoned apes theory proclamations and why u disagree)

magda len; all pre designed…

ben me ; well.. this is where terrence mckennas time wave theory comes in i believe

asymptotic ascent into maximum novelty and oneness concrescence, and the idea of a transcendental object scintillating itself back through time which was history.. well and possibly all the way back to the big bang since its a complexity wave so the least complex start of the wave presumably would be the alleged big bang..

Also apparently phthalates and biphesnol cause endocrine problems, and well plastics everywhere isnt it..

~Plastic Planet

biphesnol in plastics mimics a hormone, hormones send signals and so tell cells to do things.

So those signals sent in the wrong way can cause the fetus to develop differently.

SO the female is allowing this chemical to touch 3 generations - the mother- the fetus-and if a female fetus all of her eggs (effectively the grand children).

It acts like estrogen, estrogen effects how our brains develop.

Yet in 1999 the plastics industry alleged in an official deceleration that biphesnol-A is harmless. After hundreds of independant studies the dangers of biphesnol-A have been proven, not to mention, Biphenyl, phthalates, flame retardants, tin, mercury etc etc.

wow everyone keeps talking about the flouride in the water!

to do with the pineal endocrine gland

toxins in plastic also effect the endocrine system!

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Life in life out consumption. Is the sustainable way to consume..

and some people still don’t “believe” in evolution! Wtf yes theses people are even in high power decision making positions! This is crazy people wake up And give a fuck! solutions start talking, we can only evolve as fast as the bandwidth of our languages and how much we communicate which includes listening you know not ignoring and dismissing and it means transcending cultural boundaries much much more.. you are human not Australian Asian African or European. Hue man not monkey

stop belieeeving everything that these people tell you who don’t even have your best interests at heart! Or they are abhorrently onesided indoctrinated nitwits! Who r not gnostic knowleadgable theyre just information stores organic portals ..These societal dogmas and taboos are disgusting stop making me sick.only awakening is knowledge shiva. (no im not indian religious)It means "I bow to Shiva." Shiva is the supreme reality, the inner Self. It is the name given to consciousness that dwells in all. Shiva is the name of your true identity- your self. Namaste.. I honour the light in you that is in me is what Namaste means.. in la kesh etched from the same higher self ultimate AKA god the still single light as walter russel put it.. the cosmic giggle.. the one… oneness..

where is your energy going. to sto's? service to others or sts's? service to selves..

so I thought about whats the most novel thing that can happen, uno last week we discussed novelty theory brought forth by Terrence mckenna.. novelty complexity theory .. the time wave.. ah whats the most novel thing then?I thought.. an get this.. funnily enough right afer I thought about the effects of psilocybin mushrooms and the ego diminishment as per the corralatory cereberal cortex activity decreasment.

the wave dampens into maximum.. novelty.. now he said u can make the end of the wave any date.. doesn’t have to be December 21st 2012.. however.. he said this is the date u set it too for everything to work, all the predictions the wave makes on the novelty drops.. like the downfall or rising of societies or modernity over history ..anyway the end of the time wave is going into maximum novelty.. on the graph the wave dampens to I thought whats a novel event that hasn’t happened before.. and would be really novel..well.. what about the ego diminishment of the whole of one species.. humans in this case.. I mean that’s never happened before the whole species..fits with the themes we R seeing, this increasing synchronisities tolerance coherence and unity..

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"You are born with a tremendous possibility of intelligence.

You are born with

a light within you. Listen to the still, small voice within,

and that will guide you. Nobody else can guide you, nobody else can

become a model for your life, because you are unique.

Nobody has there ever been who was exactly like you,

and nobody is ever going to be there again who will be exactly like you.

This is your glory, your grandeur--that you are utterly irreplaceable,

that you are just yourself and nobody else.remember other implies self

..eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol used for protection. This symbol is also known as The Wadjet (or Ujat, which means Whole One). The Eye of Horus is believed to have healing and protective powers and to ward of evil spirits.

I Call this lecture.. under the star teaching tree of life. (as apposed to under the teaching tree of knowledge-rather the tree of life)