;--tf -': v.':,-, ;h,.bo's>iaj *r,...

^-mms^mmm mm ?&•&: i9?m?w ! -m* ass tiiOOAX. IKATTHRS. ISOBTH. '..-"...• '«QiNffS4>fem " WMnnwtgaiu.7:jTa-m.:ras3eDgei-traiit 9;0ga, nj :'••-• 'V •• •«•«.-I«<M».;-. .:*"• '\ 3:i9S.ni ::•';• ??.•--.-.,-"!. ''j-S.-OS-pim;-.: "-.. ' "* V:fiS{S.nt > SMfciwgwr-aaS'ieaurated te'garifiase tickets before 'BHtertag the 4stis, Ait excess•- ehgxgemi Secants i^WcsEected where fares arapaa :Q»tt«tifain3.•-.".-_• y" : - _••••--••'•••• .*-•• • •" - Osxtbag-e and Adirondack H . I S . - ieavS <7arthaKB/at K3& a. m.. ahd 2i00.pvm- A*rtT*»at ^Bonaparte- dCafce at 9:3* a, m,, and .'. taiw'B(mapaife.-£aS» at SjSJa. m.-.a-ttd 3:23f ;p,m. Arrive at Carthni&HtSsSm. nvand 5:0$ Ifcm. . .'•=;- •.-"'.-.'...• . ' • • . ' - - • . •"-^Si.e^bc^l-SttaSteEpnsecQija.page. . T-ilfestejcifjf- wasflie. -fjist day of lent. .f^e^^.&s'feCffiaasiifcs- at Lewis^. ^ ^ " b S E S e rhetoricals: af 'ihe State "street Itoouse. tfe-Bifl;rr6w.alt0r?iq6ii.;' S l p i ^ ^ . p x ^ e i S e b wasjywbll pStepaKed (. *»«UBg. yyy'-Z-oy yy ';/., /^ Mik>Q<E TeMpi&x$ Vili3>e-afieldVia ,|&|a=j t'riext mpnfifcu, .;•,..-; ://;.,;:,* "'""-_• : " ''•? )• •_-. golgyaud "sllver/tafcea;' .ik it?-. jr.g»oSsat'J, &&&^B r *tMe&- jfS^ta^m^ . y ":• '<:•A :e.';:Fv jfek-? has leased the* tttage on' Baya^stV;, and- ^te ; #?nje.7 *'''.}.•'- ;.:^-' i : aad cutters jf^asedvijuite exte&v ^ ; 1#fc^4»"i^4icHBty:--.Jy, : ".. -i/.*^*aBtea.pp&traister; ;'.A.•/••:-.:.-'-..-:V-.. llaSsifc''""^?*^* . f ^ x t ^ e n p & s . fed' •.ajsec$sl'a$. '• 'iesoftOf-JHEts;' He^sypn-St^te'sL.- ; evening which wras largelyattended,; *-The trRat«es/af-the Thbnsim<:IIslaad; wpl -held a.BJeetipg 5 at the'.if pop: ^?3^NA lamse ii» ^stertasR&,- ; ;fie3?t. Wedi^s-. , " W^_ %:'. ;.-- : y"-."; ; : v ;/ ,fy A;y:.y. ; y.-. ; \ ;; / Egc^speJtt^seesiofe o f t h e -~;rfer£&esR/|jtew York.; «hieli /meets- 3a- - ©swfeg^, ••' 4^ta»ir.Boj}^6t M^Eosiepe opera house tc-mitMPuattyl : ^e«ii?g;' :y - iritis', jjn.dergtp'pi tiist the Watertowtt - ; &Jipn&I iliifc. wfefiokeslargft'their; pf- :.flce;:^:^ bH^i|^e5:s&eI ^g 1 ^ tt|i.iett&4iie;*iew of reia$|ng bases tegsr-. ties whp haTe valuaHe papeis^Mtsfcthey• y{ wisfetQ .fce?|> i s a' aeGurfejpfcveei "•'• ;;.. \ - '^liletlsiteS. States, iffsh' coinmisBfener; Tue'stey, isent between" four sad five; ffiHIJoa .whitefish-fry for- plaot&igjin L.afce bnt^rio,. atSsckpta Harbor,. Qhaamoftt end. Biaek xiyer.Jbays. The plants made iaithe laeaiity. a few years ago indicate an iawease in the cateh' of white fish. —Sirs,, Mary Scully who was tried, at JEorrisvSlIe, .Madfesa eo:anty f l a s t weefc^ for the mnfder of her father, William B, RhinehartjWas acquitted by the jury. Her husband wh& wis indiated for thesatne erime was released' on ;bait and it is be- •SewShts case'will.neverbscalledi '—$•9.0.0 w i l l b s y - a J S f ' m fiiiTer-stem winder^at J,.S. Tardy^s,- Times block, IiffWTTJ'He, £i* T.. ' ; •'"'•• -•' . —'ths e.QBg.tegatioaai church atBhila- deiphia, whji<5n:has been temodled and re- paired recently,, at a. cost - of $3j.OOO was : ie-dedicpjedy. jesterdaji • KW.' 3. : S. "ifcsl'ee, of-Ogdensburg,- j3r.eachjng .the dedicatysy sermon* -R^v. 1 C- T.- Stokes, 4 a t e of- W a t ^ t o ^ n , is to be the pastor. yJH^A.-Pipj ; .dispatch saysthat th'e-0hate- Aygayrraxlrokii, ebrapahjrj.has- bb'nght. the ^ight:6f'way -thiough -the Adirondacks, ftbm Stoahae/Iake to Lake' Placid'. I t » especial-tta& tbe extension of; t h e road ^jS& becdjnpyle.ted' by Jalyl. T h e ex-^ :.tensiaa%fflfee ;i$b'out'e}ght jnile? loog. —The hop market seems to haya taken •a sirbstantial bppm. As high as. 25 cts. a pound is offered for a strictly .fine arti- :eie.. Those wha haw hops for sale ishpnid 'fee careful and avoid the mistake ' !6f .holding them until the price deelinee, :o*hiafi:as Iisfble to be tne : 'caae at any'tiae. Jra:iy%^B^^J/e-3|ainfactvm%A^oeiatiott ^^Si^lf*^-gt^^;'hoId>'SirraW hm ;pa :%t :Th"oTieaM|s1apd : S:ar^:" •^^^^ttT^&i'priesriionaent-^ir^ J iBtllihrand*i^"p?fe|)ar3rjg tp. § cheese factory: ph.tne'.'^estioaS iwcri.'; ':--.o- -'-'.."0/'•"••-..•' \ : '-'~:-" raA Mw r ' % Ji;;;Sich>idson,eE- Bereral »f: their ' f^eh#'Ve|y; l j -.at-' t h % ; V ^ ^ 4 n t .hpxrie ^ph; hoteVeniagi. •£'_. f : .-A?-'_-'-- : •/•'•-? ;y IF, : ^ : ^Tninery ;^S* jfc 'geott>v ?&keg$sM_ *n4^ I)^nis,Dp^rrTi^ri at^-. #e attte ,«n^itt^BeuV "GL : .^&'-s£ next: Tttesiiay 1 andj#e4aes4ay; JLl ;iooii}s:irere: ijflM'' aateraoonby. menibeis : pf the ia& others:tp Bear tiieaddresa €. ^/To^MeridJ^n-the CMstian-; ;J*««^air :#' '0ie'-i?wifty qotrhty:': t%«»peiafien ^lbehMdatthe: iin ^this Tiliageiysfr iseTen nt*emag±' : :- . \':_ 'X-,;-.V-/ ! '"' •'••" V"*tt'';;!D^ : "'.«rtJSfi^/-<^cks,'-' f*i^#tT«-Tre^.i%;tl^'neife ^0 iBJ 'Times fetac^ $<rtf-" t l#p«C«it cheaper than the •$£~2m:~&3LXk -'^•.JS36. ' iottfiS^ttj^e ««• delegate from this con- irk* to thenational^epn^en.- leagues which fiieete 1f«Hi,fttxtntoi%- '[ •• '-. . * will h« hel4 by thk -^Bii^l^.<^>3ia^u8bargfc.m the hail in ~-llu& VtiHagV" Saturday f3?eh. 22nd at7' : .fo'6tpeky ; ' Admis- "paX-' j ^ j ^ E 6 * t e incited. 1. pi the' "Woraan^s; .fiorne. S^Mjoi^pJSi.•'••$;^urch, be held in t h e V;6e^ion;: ; TOp4ri,3iext;. ij'-kt\ S^.Vcjaekv' " S u b | 6 c r , ' y i ^ •i»Qt %6rk.aBipn^fhe ftdJahs.*' • / ^:Xy^£fen|cCj;; ,ol; ; B^fep?i; *ctrt%^fron> IiWs aiid; apg^-. pi i-j^^'lriiaifci^d^-V"Su«'''Wv : ^r:, : '.. a i r v ' t f e e iiiches-'.iij^^^jeflgtbt ••ihf ^Ifipebodn are ^a^s.#iea;d.y-;to: : Jeaj?e:"0ut«;.; ^f^Pjr^L ^;p. House ^ioia.3-*h^|ge jsi jgiblfe'; class- iri the JBiptist ^.»e1i6pj : ; 'pf- this^fiagejf -?e$M-prpr. '••eatsd on Siffidaj last; week with 'an.elei ^.-.ij^aifk W P J : . p i : the ^achei^Bftlej..byra : era^' ";%^-of;idfe ; ciiss r ': :;-V/--':..•• "v7;;-;.;.,'..-• . •• ->?^Pifl^«M : 'iM Haraiapn^ Ja'-Stv.Iiaw-* HBM Mtintyj.bftheitoV'ap • w t t » « i | r f e ^ f p r Ijcignsfe. at tfieigitfmeefc iaig*'lisssfc'^^'week, y.TSfs.-iri-prpgressjjn the- *rt$ag"&rtptibn^*Mc;ri we, are:sorjy to; ' '-^r-The Epworth ieag.ue' will hold a -Washingtonmti'soeiaWa.in old-time cas- 't^e-a6".th.eHethodist,.5p3irsoaa^e Sator- day eiwiaag, PehuBS.. All young peo- .ple^re incited ^ether merab/ers Of t h e leagneor'not,.and:(tU;_ areqsiaecially re- quested'tp-aripe^r'|n full or"partial old- J|Bie;costii4^V'- : ". .'•', .-.' •.."'. ^We eofi-'itfe attention: >f our leaflets tbD.:</^iewis? new,ad jia another cbi- ijrrah/;.: *"'•.':•"•.: • - r- -•..,''-•-,..'.':. • •• : .v^TSere-was; a good-attendance at. the. farhiers'!.iDsfcitute *?hich: ogshed m Boon- J^fflfel?ri4*p.' SeasiPnS- Were held.' morn- ir^/-^ternP.o'n.-and. ey<ming t and.seyeral :ip^&Jfi^g!ijie&^$&T-d&fl r ' -The ques- ;iiPn.bp5 prpiFfidtb b& #tf interesting fea» •iiire;--. Theihstitute adjourned: Saturday. rsftferriPpni .';'.---•-. .•.-'••• " : --.-'.;» ".*'"- •"'•'•.-.•^4S0ut e i ^ t o'clock.4his mprhihgihe' :;fej^eice:V^i-Mrft--jEp|swj()rJIr, situated ;ne"w ;'ft'e'Jfair . ground' jiist rxfjrth of iitm y$$Sf*ej:tbjak i|ie : ind : . b.feriedfo'the- ^gjotmd.; The bufldjiig -burri^d very rap- Mis' and only a : porMori. of- the. furniture could.he.saved 1 . Tt/is' thought the. ffre tppkftpm'ite -chimneyi - ^jtev;. Ji "Daane PKelpis, of Belaware A^etnJ5e>L : .'|J."'chiirch ) Buffalo has bePn 'engaged; to - conduct, tabefhacl'e services aKtie Tfcousahd. island' Par&during July and; Auguafy and will: arrange a coinplete ]progr^iH'.&f jreh'gionS. and, literary ex'er^ •ciaes-tb be helct: a^ t&si popular jesprt during the coming season. ^Music\^-They had been to the opera and^ard'' the finest music by the lead-, ing talent. They went home to hear the baby's 'vp31d spib until it* was quieted with ^rdpiS6 of-TJr;^'#« Baby. Syrup which at once remwed the fiitulenee,. ,y-|t J. ^taodwin, iprmerly of Car- thage, died iiiTuscon^Arizona, last week aged S4.jea;rs. Mr* .Goodwin was a iseinber of. the Presbyterian church and an aetive Sunday sphpoi wprker. After rempvihg from (Sarthage he lived for sev- .eral year's in Ooltoii, St. Lawrence county -wiiere.he was engaged: in the lumber bus- iness, ' ^'Thia rhorning was the nearest ap- ^rPach -to an old fashioned Black river .thi*-we havif had this winter. The wind blefr^9ng--frpTh;the~B0uthwe8i- and the : 'air-:was fffied, With-driving; snow.. The' 'leeather was riot cold',- but .owing to. the siorte fis -was; exceedingly., uiipieasant. /Sihce^ten^o'clock, the sun^hasshone'tatin- tefvaMattdihe %tpiiahas ipt Bee^'sp-se^-. vers. : - .: -, -.- - •^•'-•:- ,.-" .:•"..•;•-..• -'--.;- •__-• m^-y m^;-^- ' •• —Jefferson cptihty'hasSlgranges,witB- -ii:iiej|Bb^8Mp' : pf-ii36&^^^^^^ granges aid pvervr%-Q00. nxembers- Mve new gaagmpireie org^dKed in 'Jefierspa ;«Bl«Qf-'''jBLiafStg'iMi. aiia'. oie ;ln •Lewis Ifar >y^WehaTe;,ie3e.iV(ad;' Iftemliirl .'P."ffy flSB^-W;Fierni%i .Sfich.y &eppy;p£:fhe. : :si "** -3H^^;aM ^gvPted.%' the' iiterests.of; |i|BPie».fiid;*tfe#^ order.tecently-Prgan.-. iaed in that state fkkows. as the- Fatrpns ofIafdustry. V .r^' : _-~.\^ "y;}\K. .'.-^r^eiwrSaayabnj:'; of the;Phoeni?:; f + lai-.b^ierjtitreatedl'' |pi.altacking. : i&tiB%:te:fnj0j^$iig, thp; S i f -';oSe'fe^y .wal?wit-. bbie schoplv.anS %as:nio8t t** ,% *i<*pi.PeterIBoseoei-living at ^ %. : Iiawiettee- :4buhty, corniniV t«d ni<ade hut feday by taking fc'dose •rf.ja^arjpsrefi.'.^^ ..SheiiyedabOTtSihoTirS: alteg-taH%.'tt»,fpiada,.;; Shsi^aupfosed;. Ttt*ys : been tem^orarMy.-insanav: ;.'''. -'•' .V r t ^ ^ s L a m o n t y i ^ - b u ^ : ; t a k i n g ; s u p ' : plies - to:. his rmtjel at SmftKs%ake- pre^ jpfralpi^ to neis.surnrae^ i».i»aijh|t irfl^pyeiaefl&ih^nd abost the h&te^ra^^il-.^s&te to aGeo;3rim0date' a; te^enuhibe.r'ofgaesta ne'it^ seasprtv'.,". -". -' .•^ ! IV».shri&l&s1ften4'ft<W^ ;•*•-X "W."'&nirh*s fpr'the -aezt 3t) d ^ s , es. ; Wis ^IKB^^-pnc^s.cheipei-, ths&ever ofere^befefte^":'- ; ^;\* y :.'' : -"y - : r' : '-' : v ' /-^Several of joarybung- people wept io- |.j SSHtosrViHe : fef::';#ri^%^;atteraooir;,€or : s. % xidey ahS pa. •aqcpiin t iri fjf£e[ rain ; was in-; j['^ac^4 t o s t a j a H n i ^ t r . .They;' wp're the. '; ; gjiest8--bf:a{ajbr J. p, UmfeTzM&Umilj;,'' '•. if s ;w&Mtt'they were' rpyaljy -entertainadv' ••'-'-"'•' ^1&Giii8:It,^eriSteOTii'oMnany jeats^S: prominentfflerflhahtirj .Copenhagen^ digd. : Jot poeamoniain -that^ -vSIage: pn^ridaj. ,iBfc: Mr.3^erjpiman ^sd". slwsjs. xei%&k'•• . i»CpperAagenah.d*a4^w^kftn.d-^to Wykno^n. nsieave-3 a wife and nsa ehildren. —Boaei Barnes, who has for many TjaaW conducted a lumber business in the ttewaef tyonsdale, has mad a general to B. C. Thwraltof BoonviUe. 4M^jr j n r f « « o c e * are Joseph B. about $8,000 and Palmer 3s iraents -have heepma(Je s to cxjittinne/tije Pofsdant Beaming. Ropmior: a'hother'term. Of three yearly-The board; of: niahagers made their•lepprt".- Jan'. 2S. '-The "s&dw&g'fethe past%V'Jeai:s •iff'one' highly creditable to th# citizehs: 'oi iifiati plaes. Theiep:ort of-&e treasurer shows. Wihefef^r^e^tefjiir:tn.e; iast'tteee jeais .msiits \&&i&$%'~ : -- ' ' *';•• '•''?•'' ''," .^Mexico jErtdepen^eint.-r-^e under- startd; that.&sy'SyS.V^ainkrdias leased; # e ifie; cie : arh'• pivilioff at. : Tho'usand. fe-j land Park-forihe coining season,.. -The'au- •thorities-bf'that.'. beauti'M..suhira6r resort- axH;fortunate inQe.ed id'having Mrs. Bar.. Sara M,ihe head of "that|paviiiori, as sh§ is-.cbra'peieht in-^very'.iespebt"for; such;a-' pasifipn.. J ShB is sn're-'to giv'e-.^atisfaetipn tp ; aK who pa'ttonaze ierJ. ' : :\ .WWordxiasbeen^Jeceived at Caatphiof iacfiinecomhiittedihClarej a' to^n alout:.. .'20 riiiiea. from Caktph.' ^JFredBoian, a :yoting,man2t^ar'S-_6fageybough^^ last §atuM€4l fijjit frbtii" jph^Bione, He; '.becameinto^icatbi'andB.t.arfedforApmej.; aecbinff nieii';by"&tprle « n i ,^'eoige Lan^ .^Ber.' ISe'hadg'oriebu.tahalfmlfewhen; :^r^ie<K yStpne-hfrsjfl^ .^Other^|».ticU-.< .iar^ have .nptbeenreceived,? The Npori is' ftat. Stonte-saiii that he'-:wpaid:getEiyen- : with-B"pl : aD,;.aad tie- sup.p.osition ;fe. ih®.- theljqijxnf wai. jdrugged. y . . V; ^ 4 t . the annual. jaeetihg, of the- aipck- . hblders-Pf £&4 TurirtCatihing.ihipickel- feg-eoxhp : any,'.|ield,Mst weekj. the-fbllow* -ing &ftc€i».wer-s ; eIecteA for, ;the"eBSuui^ jear.:";. ; -''Presid^n%: ]?.. -'W-,: .Oweri*.'-Tice : 'pWsM'e"n't^H.;4, Etnm.j '§ir'ehtfirs > ''Eiugh .' AigheSirF,: *?*- 0#en,T. BC !Svana,Kew, $m.£&-&}id, x ,G M-BarheSj Charles Crpv .fffDt;seffr0iary,yE.;K;. . B v a a s ; /treasriijer,". '.ChaxlesCrpfbpf-." ;• '.':.-;; .V'*-,"'. : "... • *" r4-Miss A ] i ce Marschestetj daughter of "George i £ Saacaester, esJTpQSt'al pl>rk .oa the:!'. ^;B, B . B , BfyaTtda''.|Ormer^r$si^ .'dent of Port jLey'd^h, died-jat- thehome. >p.f- her: ; p"arest.3 i$, Oinahay^ebrask^ Siin r -djay,' : %'b>nai^ ; - Sth, : - ana^th'fr. rernaina : ;h*otight t'o-'.Bobnviiiey "-for; "iatefineat, where; : fuae'raI;.se£v|Pes-were'ieHroa PiK .day. Mi. ^•aiiehefiter-.ia-a.t presentclnint agent ipx the- 0Qlprarfp'.division of,the 17;. P;-mk.oM'cbi&p^y_.at©en;yeE .,' ... ^' : ^-r^to;ateelrbri4^^ver-''the.^ : ^a^fi; rjenceat. ^pteain.'••Laudingy -;wis; op : ehed llbhdaj for trafBo-.' Tea' napathg and ^ten-Saya iveie.^ofeeupied,'*:S'its construe* ^gn^;^rathetrr erharkablp''^eiioranaoqe fionsidejragits;^ an^. three, quarters There are 17 hxed spans. One is 139 ftet, two aie 173 feet each. While the swing budge covers S33 feet and the main cJiattnel. The islands that intersect the bridge are Gitoux island 905, and Bound island 1,320 feet Por the removal of dandruff, and for curing humors of the scalp, there is noth- ing better than Ayer's Hsir Vigor. —See the elegant line of Hamburgs at. Lewis*. —Officers of Biver Bank G-range, No. 53<1, CroghaDj were recently elected as follows: J. M Tooker, M,; J . A . Zech- .eri B.; Mrs. J. M. Tooker, L.; Phillip Linstruth, S. ;Theo. Meister, A. S.; Mrs. ' ^oha Melntyre, C.; ilotris Meister, T,; $.<W, Bohr, Sec'y; Wm. Zecher^ K.; Mrs, ,T. W. Bohr, L. A. S,; Mrs. Morris keisjer, P.; Mis. Elisha Blinn, P . : Mrs. Prank Oocayne, C. The grange is in a flourishing condition and has a large and increasing piemberaaip. ,-4-Mr. 'G..-.H. Beid, for the past six monts butter for Eirte^ & Boshart has sevbred his connection with that firm and accepted a-josition with the Dayan street merchant tailor and olbthier. A visit to popular house,. No. 1 Bayaa street, will convinee ybu that for workmanship and style of gartbentsit ean not be excelled. Call and be ctmvineed that you ban-^ save money. No ; troubleto^how goods.and every garment guaranteed to be as rep reseated,;. Ck'H. BEABE. -^Phillip Mbweri aged 73, and his wife aged 67 years', pfBasf Schayler, Herki- mer. Co,, Veere instantly kil&d b y a train on. the Oentral-Hudsoa-road near .Frank- fort-last Thursday afternoon.'. They were riding, in a covered, buggy With the sides down and waitiug for a freight, train, which was -passing did not discover the pasaenger.-.express. which -was coming .in another -direction and; sowers "instantly killed'.. . The skulls of both were, broken in and their bodies 'otherwise mangled. They were on their way. to. attend the fu- neral of a neighbor, At a-meptihg of the bpardipf direc- tors of the Boonville petroleuftj, gas and mining eompanv, held Tuesday,..the.date for holding the annual meeting Was fixed' for- Saturday, March- 16V % . Treasurer P. A. "Willaid submitted a report of the financial condition of the eonvpany, aad oa his iaotion it was resolved to siibmit to the stockholders a resolution increasing the capital stock of the company from $5,000 to #15,000. This resolution will be voted upon at the meeting, to be held' March 1S. It 5s expected drilling wiir be continued in the early spring. —A narrow, escape fri/in. accident oc- curred, near the depot in this tillage last Thursday evening. The hearse'of Ha berer Bros.,undertakers, had'juat reached the depot with the remains of Mrs-, WiicOs enrdute toBipon,'Wis., when the. Wind- sor house bus witii two. horses attached esme rushing along on a runaway. The. driver of the hearse turned his horses in time to prevent a collision, but the bus came very near strikirig the hearse. There was ao? driver on the -bus and no pne in it at the time, the horses.having started before the driver took his seat oa tite bus. The h&rses.were :aught and no daajage wa,s,done but the : eseapefiom ac- cident was- a narrow one. . . . ' — gave-mbney and' time by having Ltts- ador always on hand, and asmg it fpr the aumerous diseases whjch more or lees trouble' fu-nilies at times, .Sold every- where. Price..only 35 a cents a j)&oksg«. Great Sire at-JElapk Biver. - A little before twelve P'eloGk. last night fire broke out in the hotel at Black Biver, and the building was soon de- stroyed. The flames quickly spread to adjoining buildings on that side of the street^ which were also burned. One business block containing offices and stores -WAS. burned, and at one time it was feared the greater portion of the village would be destroyed. The loss will prob- ably exceed: $25,000. We have few par- ticulars up to the time of going to press. The fire took in the Poor block, occu- pied b y 0 . J , Sweet & Co. as a general store and.spread to the Arthur house ho* tpl blflck which also, contained the post- office, barber shop, etc. From here; the flames soon communicated to the Dillen- back block occupied on the ground floor by ahardware store with dwelliag and Odd Fellows' hall above. The names then, spread to the building of Parkinson & Son,- who kept a general merchandise •store; and this together with the store of •Hadsall •<& ' Whipple, 'general merehaate, was also hurned, The s t r o n g w i n d -whicH: was- blowing: made it difficult to fight the fire, andbiit little could: be qpneto pre- vent lis progress; - Only a portion of the hierchaudise in the burned buildings fwas saved. 1 '".- The loss will leach. $40 v 000.' PATAli-AGGrDEKT IH BKNSlAKE, •'.A sad'and'fatal accident' securred in JDenmark last Thursday afternopa, re- sulting in the death of Mrs. Delana.Leon- ar3,.wife of Edward Leonard, a we;H-fenown faiTaer/Qf thftt-.town, Mr.ah^ Mrs. Leonard ^vere returning on. a pair of boba fromtheir .daughter's, -and; stopping by the way to •take pa some articles, Mrs.-Leonard' took the liaesand drove the i-est of the way home % Making a short turn at thedriye* ^way,-.Mrs. Leonard was thrown from tne sleigh, her dress catching on' one thb stakes. The horses raa about 20 rods,, dragging the unfbrtunatelady by the dress •skirfs, -Ber'head- came rip. contact with the trunk of a tree, crushing her forehead and disfigutiagher face. She'was con- adous .until carried into the-, house, but died soon after. She was 73years of age; .Tbeifunetal sbrvices ?wexe. h,eld at the honseat 10 A. SI... Sunday. *%LT OFMlOKBAHB BEISEyTso^BJBTS." . The y6urig people of Bearer Falls will give aaventertitintaeat at Buscoe opera ; •house tpnibrrbw-(Friday) evening/entitied J'My 'Opinions and BetseyBpbbett's,".by Jpsiah Allen's wife, for the benefit of the new' ehsjrch at Beayer Falls. The. enter- tainTnent -liSs been -given two or three times'to the great .delight and satisfac- tion pi- fhose ivho heard it. The young people vvho take part in the play are •'among the most respeotad and esteemed .at Beayer Falls. The entertainment is stiaictiy.avprai though very amusing, and. tfill - aotv 'fail to: please affi .who attend., :Tlckets:25 cents; reserved seats 3a cents. Beserved aeatimay be secured at the post-office. .The eateriiainment willcom- .mence at.eight. bJelock. ^ It'is the-current report about to wa that EempV Balsam', for the throat and, liings is making some remarkable cures with people who are troubled with Cough?,'"Sore.;Throat, Aathina, Bronohi- •tis. >nd Consumption. Any., dinggist *il'i give ybu a: trial bottle .free oi cost;- "It is ; guaranteed *o relieve sad ' cure. "The large- bijttles are 50c. and $1. ... HOT OSS lH TEN .' .. .Of^the peogle you' meet from day to day has perfectly pure, healthy hiood. The hereditary scrof ulou-s taint afflieta the large majority .of people, while. many others acquire diseases fromimpure ahr.improper food and wrong indulgences. Hence the imperative necessity for a reliable blood pnnfiei like Hood's S^rsnparilla, which eiadicate3 every impurity, and gives the bluod vitality ind hwlth It cuies scrof- ula, salt rheum, humors, bo?^ pimples, and all othei afiLCtions caused by impuri- ties or poisonous gerrns m the blood. All that u asked for Hood's Sarsapanlla is that it be givon a fair trial. ?JES80HAt»"" ".;••' —Bostmsster Phillips has gone to Chi- cago'on business^ '.':•"' -—Mrs. J. M. Gardner^ o| this vUlage,- has been quite ill durimf the "past.week,. y-Miss Louise Sehrpeder, of- Port Leyy. den is attending the cphservatbiy of- mu- sic in Utiqa:' ' —Captain Sweet, of Carthage, was the guest of Mr. aad Mrs. : W. H. 'Gowdy/ Saturday and Sunday. —Dr. H. 8. Hendee, is suffering frpin an attack of grippe, and has been confin- ed to the house for the past week* —i>. A. Fitch, commercialtraveller for Pelton Bros., of .St. Louis, is spending the-week with his family in this .village,'. —Martin King, who was/stricken *ith paralysis several weeks since has so far. improved as to beable to walkabont the house. -—Miss Edith A. Adams^ who is at- tending thetJtica conservatory of music,- Spent Sunday with her parents in this village. , . ' |. . —J. T. Hortoa and William Garnsey were elected delegates by theT. M. C. A. at their meeting last week to attend the; state' meeting at Bingharhton. —Duane BaVenport aad Miss Anna Smith of this village went to Boston Friday, to attend the funeral of Mr. Dav- enport's sister" which -W-as held on Sun- day. : '-'.." >y •' •" ; —C. B. Blodgett, travelling .salesman for the•Asbestos.Burial Casket company of this village, left Monday morning for a trip through the southern part of the state. •. —Gearge-Sberwood of this village was elected a member of the executive com- mittee at the meeting of the state associa- tion of agricultural societies in Albany recently. t —Mrs. William Wiadecker left for Bipoa, Wis., Thursday evening accom- panied by the remain&of her mother, Mrs. Wilcox, which were taken to that city for interment.. —Mr. and Mis. Hugh Jones, who have been spending the past year ia Colorado have returned to this village and will occupy their residence about March 1st. Mr. Jones' health ha3 improved very much since he went west. —Mr. O. H, Beid, for the past six months cutter for "Klriey & Boshart, has severed;his connection with that firm and accepted a'pbsitioawith theDayaa street clothing house, where he will be pleased to gee his. many friends and customers. SOSAIIOHf. A donation will be given -Rev. C. W. .Brooks at the Hdgby hall* Glendsle, N, Y„ Wednesday evening, Feb. 26, 1S90. All are isvited ; . By order of Com. The February term of county coutt anS cpurt' of sessions opened at the court house in this village on Monday, Henry E. Turner presiding, OrriaF. Edwards, of Pinclsney,;' and James K. G.alvin, of Montague^ were present as associate Justi- ce*. James Doyle, of West. Turin was made, foreman of the grand, jury and George J.' Drydey, pf Denmark,, was elected clerk. The following cases were, disposed of. No. J. Henry Harner, respondent) against Charles Wisner, apellant; settled. No. 3. David. D. Douglass against William F. Hamblin e't al,; oyer. No. 3. jilniira M, Grems, as- adminis- tratrix of the estate of John G-rems, de- ceased, against Harry G. Hastings" aad Lena Belle Hastings,, impleaded by Albert M. Lanpher, ttieir guar^i&c, ad. litem, tried by the cbart and judgment rendered for plaintiff. , A dscisioa Was filed in the case of John Car^ respondent, against Harry "Wet- more, appellant, reversing the judgment with costs. An order was entered directing the overseer of the poor of the town of Ley- den to collect the debts due Mrs. Florin- da Hubbard, and also to lease certain real estate in which she has a life lease. The trial of the . iadictmeat agaiast Sherrili Higby of Watsoa for violating the game laws was put over to the' Sep- tember session. 0a Tuesday T. Clark as agaigaee of Osear T; Ingerson, of Denmark,, h a d a final accounting, and a decree was.enter- ed directing a distribution of the pro- ceeds.of, the'estate. - The trial of James Daltoa and Wil- liam Butb for the murder of Jaeob-Elos- ner, owing tp the counsel.of thefornieri Joseph I. Siyles, being engaged at the Borne circuit,was set downiorMarbhSi. An extra panel of 50 jurors, in ; addition to thosfe, id attendance at court,' will be- "drawa. The trial of Oharies B, Warner, owing to. the sickness of.I>istric Attor- ney By el, was "set down for March 37. "William Stevens-was..tried yesterday upon indictment for Violating the game laws, Hewasfoimd guilty by the jury and sentenced to pay a fine of $40 or re- main ia jail 40 days. He will pay the. flap..' The grand jury presented an iadictmeat against Herman Smith, of Martinsbnrgh, charging him .with obstructing'. an officer in.the diseharge of Ms' duty in; .tearing do wh notices'of sale, • Hb entered a.plea of not guilty, and gave bonds in the sum of $200 for appearance at., the 'Septernber .sessions. Court, adjournad yesterday after-pbon until March 34, whenjthe othef indictments will he :tried. - y" • . .Eftp&aASIKE. ; .. Of t h e "exercises, to take- place at the- State street school Friday afternoon, Feb. 21. Httsio ...,;... .Babcook and Bpshart orchestra Deelamatioii •...,. -—— Arthur Bigness. Eeoitation ,.; "Strawberries." May Boshart. Declamation... "Misplaced GonfiiiendS." Fay Cotell. '. " . Hesitation "Footsteps of Angels," Kittle McSlnley. Music •. .,-... ..i... .,..,. Orchestra Original Story, ,., , . • • -. jpeai-l Dewey. Declamation. "Composition on Animals." Ciarenee rwrUa^;. HsoitatJoH— "Eesolntions," . Sarah Crousei- Dec!arqatloii , -^-'— Willie LaMont. ' Recitation "i? vontaf; at the Farm." ilertie Davis. ' ' InstrutoentaiSolo ..."April&howerMazourka." May Austin. . Essay.. ,'..*.,,...,,, ..-'Precious Gams.". Alice M. Canuan-. • - Declamation. .'"Ourseof Kegulus." ' ' Howai'd Scouteti. Original Story ,..,,•.,... .... - v . ... Gertie'Smith. Q.uartette..,.,>...' .,..-,,-.-..„.... :...'-'ffloat" Meissis. Bftbcoofc, Boshart, "WTllsoli .and Warner. Mecitation..,., ..; ..... ; .... -,."Gmridma's OloaK" JUorenoe Qalloway.- -Declamation,.',. ,.., .... .-,". .;.:-. -^—i— OarlToR'nsendi Bealatnation^.. ; .: .... .."Disaster." VlBceeatGorrigan. Declamation. ; ,,. ..."Somebody'sMother." . Marion:. Eluler- : ' " Eietnro Story.. „._.., ,;. ."The Eide." ' Mamie Warner. • ;. •-•• SWsi'e........ . :—:. ..... .,-..,_„ ...Orchestra The Debatjnff Society—By-pupils of Junior and Senior Dept. . Deolamation.,.;.-. , *Uow Jae Began the Fourth," .Eugene Duiinigap. Flag Drill—By pupils of the advanced and . -second, intermediate department. .- March. ..: —.._.. ...,-•.:.,..-.,...„...Orchestra TO TIES BEADERS OF THIS PAPJEaa. —This ityle of advertising ha<j been miming in om paper foi a long time. Youi eye* have wandeied ovei it for jears It is simply heie as a reminder to you that if JQU should ever bd so unfor- tunnte as to have a coicl oi any lung trouble, Kemp's Balsam is the best cure. Sample bottle fiee at all drug stores. Large bottle: 50 \ and $1, iii » 2 wsssm^- .y.SV*A;ii,' ; ;. -'-y''' : : Work*o)4 % t p ^ : aegree v it-^wvttle l o d ^ No.; 134j P V ^ . ^ "i^d^;evstt- iisg^-B'ebi 2:lstt.- Alt members Of fl&".ancl sisterlodges are cordiaily ahd fyjtiBih'aty;. invited to^- preseat;- .Open', sharp.'at seven. -=.."'•.-••• iM?osTA*rHpxicag.'-•-'•-'.;. ;•""". •Ton will be wise-fo-Kuy; a'suitol elbftesor ovkpoat for youtSelf a t % v of the .Bosnian stock^as thpse j^odtls 1 a t e .beV jngj sold one-third^^^less^ lihan' their; aetaa| --*hblesale;cpst. Doa'tbe.:slo-w,.'aa"these goods are bbin^'spld'faat' -';' v '. ••' ;--tf -': v.':,-, ;H,.BO'S>IAJE *r, '.-'/• ;'• ^."'W>iES(^;Feb;/§ > ;i|ao..\ I desirp .pubiiciy to extend-Jhirik's; to the friends aad neighbors!whb 'sffkihdly. assisted during thft illhess atad; flespi of: my mother,-MrS. K-'3yi;.Pepkhimi..^i|b tp the friendsin Lowville fo'c-their Madness Words cannot express my-giatitude •$&. them; Lniraaf BijT*8/ ' lErtTESBEByiCJEs.;- ;;.-• During- .lent- 'services...,will /be,'held; it Trinity church,' this v.illagejas '-fp>; lows; Hbly-cpmfcuaion : ..b*ery••: S u n d a y moraihg ,at'.8';:30;,. Wednesday 'an3;Frid»y mornings prayer at t 10 .p?clpcfe;-. ev&iing: song, at i p. M-.' Wednesday's- gind: 7 *,'-. H , Fridays, with serrppa or. reading i y . t h e reetori.,B?y--KariSwa'ste, A'^clalprpf gram wiil be awapge.dforiiply'wiek;aad Bttster.Sunda#."-' -. .'.,''.:'-'-. "..', ..-.;'„ SlSSdEUXlOS-ltpfipE;.: ; '• The partnership heftpfp^ vejtisfang an-, der the firm name of ^%e'tri''.^. Arthur.ia dealers in, variety r gpp3s : ia ;"the/Smith block is this day-^is'solved^l^^^tual coaaent, and $he buBiaegS;- . ^ i ^ i ^ a i t e r be conducted by O. M, Wyf th'.^-0o.,.who, assume Ml liabilities; b i f h e t e c firi», -. . Lowville, N. Y., Feb. ^y^J. : '';' C. SjoiiitofeW'^ETSDc, - General Terni.Declsitins..'••..... Among the decisions handed: 4bWri-;by the general term last week, the. following are of local interesti ' • , . .':-.--.:-• . John E. Strickland. et.>. al., i-esppnd- ents, vs. Birth Hv Laraway.et, al,;appel- antSi . Judgraettt reversed .on. ih.e excepW tioas aad'a n.ew.ftrial o.rderedj; .wiHi edsts to abide the eveat, .Cpinioaby Jlerwia j, Patrick Phillips, rpspt,,"vs,'..theBome, W"atertowa and O.gd'erisbui'g railroadj ap- pelaats. •' Judgment afiirjh'ed'Mth.costs. Opinion byHaidih, P . J . '.'--..'• '..' C^ESEMAKBBS' Hj|ETpr&;. - The Lewis county .chee^makers' '.asSo-' ciation tvill hold a,:raeetiigjtt .^ft, court house in this village, Friday ^'Jl^y^gta. There will,be sessions bothfpieapPnafid. ;afternoph,- ;| , 'armer4.an^.s^'oihieia in- terested ia the .inaaufgebirp bi-;bhe'gse^ •should attead . ... The progr^.^y^ayfpl- r lows::'; 10'A, u, : , t *'Gar-e.pf'fii|%^g.dS:c^fe^se making,'' M. % E o r g p y d a i ^ corajnia 1 - sioaer,yiE!rea;ting mlik, its effect-on but-- ter and cheese,?' Charles 0. itettpgg,dairy. cornmisBion, S p; M.^QucstiPn yhbx- "Loss to the-farmerfrqrajppor xhilkj^ Wv W. Hall, dairy cbmmisibriy-'^Pe^ect cheese; how fo secure' it,"-George -A. Smith, cheese 'instructor, dairy/eommis- sion. "- ' ;..- : ;i". '.- '•--". Academy Items," Public exercises cp;rhtnempratingr; Wash- ington's birthday, will .be' held L ifc the academy chapel on. M^riday eviBning, t^e 24th inst., at.7i30. -jtpif'iheintcatiPitoi: the students to•• inakpf-tjieae.-e^erciseJi-.'.pf more than - ordinary, interest;.,.; .T^'e. .ora- tions, •readings, es«ay'i>;:.r#e|t«fippi .;'iiid- mhsicwill be apprppjriaip ;tpy|fca-:-peba- sipn. _ A.fiprdiaUaT|taiiop t%^)presen't, is extended. ' } . ""."''/•:•'•''.• , Theregeais examanatiea.itJ^ieaeadr emy 'willbomihenee on.^ibftdfty|dorniog| March the; 3d, a t 0 p'clpc^ "fth^-cOatiaue during the.entife sdhabl •we^./:Thb;ex- arniaatioa";iii. : the-- 'pprainbii; ;/j»iiglish branches will;be held -on T?i es ^ a ^" to^ Wednesday, the 4th aad SthC; 'Altpef-. sons, not students.at the abadifmy,.in- tending to enter any pf the gsatiu^lions, are requested to* be pWseat^t'-'&e.itcad-T emy oa Friday afteraooa'; Feb»= %8tfa, at 1:15. - "' ::•'.,;••- ',-'-;'..- .- PATAtlTY-AI C A K I ^ ^ :; y: . A fatal .accideat occurred'oi-JheBome, Watertown and .0g^asbiiigyrsiltP33ya| Carthage between three.an'd.'ifptiir o'clbbk' Monday Sfternpbn, the /victim 'beiag-; jileiander MeDpaald,a br^keajaa ba- tlie road- who reMdea in -Waterlog,/ -W13e trying to make a coupling., ,31b; .^tlmibled- over a cross-bar,'falBngip 1 , il gu;ph:'.'a'' way that the wJipels .passed p.V'erJhe^ghjIjl-egj severing it just below the„kn5by ./He'was- removed, to the residence o^'Ma, brother, Patrick McPppaldj ia vCart^ag^;:.; where Bfs. Fergusoh..apd StevensrattecS^him.. The boaes ia the leg were (jrttShid .arid it Waa necessary to amputatp-it :abpvfi the knee, whiGh was don'et Thepatientbuf- fered hia injury with. reinarJcablecorirage,. but'he was weakened by the losiof'blood, and Ms trouble and agony, ended-at/ one o'clock Tuesday-'morhingv "Whehhe died ia the presence of his wileandbther rela- tives, Who had hastened'^ hi^hedsideas soon as the dreadful news bf the 'accident was conveyed to them-; MeBbaald- was '28 years of age aadleaves a\vif6 an'd|wo children besides '.other relatives. and- Mends. ' •' - - • .' : - ; /Brani}B§harii-;-' - ' • - / .-,'' C P»; Bartridge ' has. in. .his. erapipy - : abpufeBO.^eams., -' . • ... ••'•" ""' Mrs. O," -F. Parhidge feturned from, New-Yprk pa Saturday, Missit Lamoihe'Hills hasbeeavery sick/with the paehmonia, but is consid- ered a lit.tle- hetter at this writing. Dr. Smith Of Greig attended her, '.-Theyheavy thaw of last• weekcast a shadow pvert^ecouateaances'bfspme of the-jobbers in this;-vicinity, as .they were compelled' to suspend business for a short tirae...' ;'•-..- ' ifilrs.' A. A. .Hillsyof tfajs place is at •Partridgeviile taking care of her daugh- ter,'Miss-Lamoine.Bills.' . The valentine sociable proved a suc- cess. Every one. seemed to enjoy there- selves. The receipts were. fair. / C. F. Partridge, scattered §1,000 smon^ his working, men last Saturday, They, .all wear a smiling countenaaoe since that : event. •"•Mr. and Mrs. V . "Vfilliams, of Port Leyden, were the guests of Mr. and MrS." A. Hills of this .place Suturday and. Sunday. '. . QOIDKEKC. . Jeffsrspn County .-Supervisors,..,- ;: " The following' named'gentlemen'were elected supervisors;., ia Jefferson bounty •last TtiLesday,-; -The; .bp.ard.'.sta^dS; 14 re- publicansand M" democrats.';/;:' feast- ybar the bbard -atppd. 15 repablica^ohd 11 -'.dembcrats.'/ ' -' •'',;.,- '/'•./••/.'."• ..-, Adams^-W. D^ Arms;, x. ;•-• Alexaadna-—Fred T^lfplftie?, &,: Antwerp—Dr. G. H. Wopd,- r, Browaville—WalterZimmernan, r, Cape Vincent—D. L. Fitzgerald, d, ; Champion—WesleyBriggs i: T, •'.--'• Clayton—TW. H, Consatdyd; "...'.//•: Ellisburg—J. M. TlionipsDn;, r, Henderson—A. A. Scott, .T,.- Houasfield—J,A. MoWayue, r,. Leray—Fl B. Grbissaat^d,. . Lorraine—C. t>'.. Qrfmshaw, d, a . Lyme—Eli B, Johnson, r, Orleans—B. J. Strbugh,d, Pamelia--E.'B'. Mchpls, r, '. Philadelphia—B, Oatman^.d.'. Bodmah—W. J, 'Wymaa, r,'' . Btttlaad—p&tl H.'Firinfc, d,- Theresa-^Georgb J).; Yosti'r, ' Watertown.—B, "W; .©ifford, r, City Is"t'"Watd^B,^fi6MeD ? jf,j r,' ' '•' '2d Ward—J". AWeli, jr.,r,. ." 'gd.War-d--B.:E.',Srni|,^,. : d, . " . .4.4 Ward^Solp^.'waler,- S',- . Wilna--W. H. D*lmore,,%^ . ' . Wor'th—Philip Brenaan,^ ... Is one. which is, .guar0teed to bring you satisfactory results, orio easeoffaii- ure a returaof p'uiehase price, On -this safe plan ybu cani>uy fr n inou r advertised Druggist a bottle of B r King's New Dis- coveiy foi consump f ioa. I t i i guauinteed to bring relief m every ease, when used for any afiection -of Ttuoat, Lungs 01 Chest,such a«i Consumption,Iufiamnutiun of Lungs, Bionohitn, Asthma, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, etc , etc. It is plea» ant and agiee^ble to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Tual bottles free at Morrison & Bush's drug store. ..',';• Copenhagen. ; /.. ' ; '. are several sick -in- this village. ;a;tfd.'^einit^'- '.' The Gleaners will have a meeting this "1*epk-jjndayv - • • " • ' ; Miss'.BrbleaTisdale, of IJexieo, 19 the. ;gueS't bf fribnds in town. , Son', jaad Mrs, '6. A. Ohickeriag spent Sunday/at their home, in this village. Mr.- JV S* Mitchell Came home, from jLlbanyoa Friday, oa account of the ill- ness -of Ma. wife Mr. ' Mert Corcoran aad family have 'fiiovea.,into^the.new Mock where.they ihave .y^ry eomfprtoble rooms; ..TheraiaFriday afternoon and;eveaing turhedf p snow just in time. to nave the ^sleighing,- B very one was glad to seethe change;-. - . • •-.-'...-• /Mis, M. B; -0'B-o.nnel!,'-of Lowville, jwill.lecture in this village this (Wednes- day) evening, at the Baptist church and organize a juvenile- temple in this place. The lecture will be frqe, attdthe public 'are invited, : '-.. - • '"• The! Literary cirble .will meet on Tubs- dayeveiiingnext, Febr'aary'26, withMrs. H,-.'F,-Bich r .'".. "Subject, -Sculpture,: Egypt- ian Sculpture,' Mts,"A. fc Ctorkyltfllian.- ,jliss.-'Nora ; l¥iight; -Medalion; J . -t>. Paris. Cbrnrflifc&e of entertainmeiif^ StfsiyM,. L. Huagerfordj Miss-.Lizzie 'J)ayehppjt, Mr.. Atthur Boynton. •••• [.--"Great- sorrow- is felt in .this village 6a jabepuiit of the death of Mr, Morris L. "Merritnan, who departed- this life last. . Friday morning, in Mssjls^yeav. It was riot kno wn that he was sick, nor was it supposed his condition was dangerous, untti a few days before his death; He was! conscious iintal the last. Mr, Mer- riam was bom hear Lowville, July 26 s 1839;' fa 18^7 his parents moved to Butland where they lived for tea years,' moving to Copenhagen in 1857, where the. parents died. Ha attended the academy at'Lbwville, the seminary at Gouverneur aad graduated from the normal school at ..Albany'- July 11-,- 1861,. after whieh he taught one term ai.Pinckney GorBers. He graduated from Eastman^' Business Col- lege -at Poughkeepsie in the spring of 1864, ' H e was- married October 18> 1S66 to Miss Alvira Graves, who died Decem- ber 1U, 1878. .He agaiamatried Jan nary , 26, 1-878, 'l/SOm Alice ..Goodenough being his second wife, .who died October !£,. J«83. : In 1884,-January 16, he.married Miss Mary E', Babepcfc, who survives^ His .funeral was largely tttteaded a t 2 p?clock- Monday afternoon, Bev, A. G. .Danfprth offibiatihg. The members of Orient lodge F, '& A. M,, to which'the deceased belpnged, attended.the funeral in a'body. -,•' •. • . . Shaw Hal- •..-. - School clpsbd this ^eek. . . Grangersare .getting, numefbns, and there is some talk of ^a grange stpre. • - Mfes.Shaw has the messles.j.Bheis-at' the home pf kes sister, Mrs.. .Henry E'di. war-ds, at Crystal Lake; she'lbuad.'therA),,; .(or.rather they fbaud her).. in/Bbohester,:' A few days ago sotae^hams and'shpiild-' ers disappeared from the sinpkertouge pf .W. S."Glenn; also all his chickens except two, and some oats from his barn, 13iere; are strong suspicions of who' the thief is, and. this is n o t t h e first off ease'. -..--. The funeral of; 3Vlrs.. EEaT^. ; Slmai:oag,.' daughter of. Wm. Pek-ie, .was held 'atthe- chui'ch-la^t Thursday, yA large, cirelp cf relative^ gathered t p . j a y their last re- spects' to'the departed,' The church.wa? filled by an sttentiv'e and; Bympathizihg audience. The services were conducted' by Bev. T; B. Beed, and the text' aad sermon were very applicable,. The de- ceased leaves a little spa and daughter 'to ..b.0: eared for. Mr, ^ithffipas= wil'l. .•fioabfr- le'ss find a place for theia"arao'ng the large circle of relatives who live ja this vieia- ity.. He 'will'abb keep house.- The "home circle, is b-cpieuj-and no one can take the ;place ,bf mother./ "/. ;,'• * , - '. ".•The nause pf'teap.erance;has.taken.'a wonderful boom-in thi^.vicinity,; In. June last a lodge of I. Q/ &.• T, was organize Tvhleh-.aow has .a''m'embefflhip :of ;pye£' eighty, and s*all they- PPmei'-; 'Nearly every family in. the . cpmiriuaity; fe.xepre seated in the lodge-,-. . Siace- this "step, has been taken; by the citizens* - the hotel -bufo iaess below does not .pay so.welf'as-it : used to;. We heat that customers.-arp served b y a process of delivery:, of jugs^ .bottles, etc. The bu.siness-is.nPt carried <m openly,, bp t is a sort of' 'secret service reform".;., the reform crops, put.in-aper caliar mapner, , . : •'. . The officers installed in thel. Q, G. Ti byE. J. Petrie, L.B.,.areH..W. Browa, : C. T,; Arez Green, V, %• Aaaa May Brown, S. J. T. 5 Mrs. George Wegg^ See'y; Annie Philips, F..' S;; Ena'Bate'g,' Treaa.; Henry' Salmons, jOhaplain.; Bev.- T. B. Beed, P. C. T-; Sirs, H, Salmpas, G..; Arthur Phillips, Sent.; Jessie Wit der, M.; Blanch Griffith, D. Bf^'John Smith, A. S/- B.'H. W. ~:?$'m "Barnes Corners. .' Miri, Nettie. Millard is- very, poorly. Mrs. Sylvester Waterman remains about the same, -'"//,. , ' • ; Bev. F. G. Severaace spent a few days .last' week in Watson. ;' The lodge of Good Templars seem to to be prospering finely, and the member- ship'is increasing, '".' The sleighing *as well improved while. it lasted v At present it caanot be called very good, .- ..Miss Lacy A, Tendes,. of Bochester^ is to give Apublie reading in GoodTem. •plaiB hall Thursday eveamg, Feb. 19th. . Samuel Douglass, who has baen ill for H k>8g time is. able to.be out again and is better, than he has been for several months; . Sew_ Bremen. Miss Anna tV'eyeneth has gone to Bos- ton, Mass,, to reside.. ,- A, T. JoneSj of Turin, has. been spend- ing several days ia towa yisiting friends. Silas Bi -Johnson, has been, granted a pension of eightdollars permbnthtodate from last jupb. • " . ' " • ' - r All are invited to; .attend. the exhibi- tion to be given by thesphboliathehall,.' Friday"pvening. Admission 10 cents. Daniel Johnson' returned iast week to this place from Potter cbanty; Paij. Wheice. he has'been employed in the. lumber W o o d s . - - . . •• •• '• . . ..- ; .' •. John-Matlis has .sold hfa hatcher busi- he33-to Tj)a.vM A. Getmanand'Charie? 3, BatemaDj the new firm 10 be styled 'Get- man and Baieman," They will try.to fe- taia-and. merit the large custom given the former proprietor. .."..• ..:•"'.'.' "Betsey Bobbett" was presented Tuesr. dayeveaiagto;agbod..sized audieaeeia Tisse Brother's hail by the young people of Beaver FallB. The play was a good one and was.very nicely renderedj alt fhe: parts being "well•sustained,. Thereceipts: amounted tp .|20,50,. and.will be used toward €be. new M. B, church buildmg.at Beav.er'.Fa11s, '.'•-•'-'.- •/:•'- '•). !' . '•- GSAED,- —There is danger in. impure bkuod. There is safety -in taking Hood's Sarsa- pariil.a,, the gieat blood purifier. 100 doses one dollar. ' IIABBIBD. HAET-JTEWTOS^Near Gopenhaaen, Feb. 13.1890,byHeT. A.-tMfsnfoi-tti, jfr. Ht-rbert C. Hart, of iTarrisbiffgh, .and Miss Carrie A. JSew- ton,pfFuieknej'- , ,. \ . " HAUTIN-BOHALL-At the residence of Hon- roe'Bphall' on the State road. %0-wviiIe. - Febru- ary 1-3, 1890, by Jtev. D.B.'Dfiivn, Mr. Chas. Jlar- titii «f Castei'land, and Miss Ilattie JSohall, 01 idwvtlls, . PISD, " JONES—to Borne," Feb. T3, l©0,.6r diph'therio' afonp, FaM-- wVorJy- ch-ildof Mr. -hd -MTS.V. A. Jones, aged 2 years, a months and T days, -.MERfiEM'AS—In" Copenhaaen, -Feb. 14, 1K0. Mr, Morris 1. Merrimari,4sed so years., . iiJOWAHD—In Denmark Feb. 35, K8P, Mrs, Delana Iieonard, aged 73 years. W15COX—& towvffle, Bil X„ Feb. IS,- 3880, Mrs. Huldah "Wilcox, aged 83 yeai's, 11 month's ahdi3daj"'5. •.-.''• , : ' •'• • - •• "COOK—In Greigi, : February 11,1800, Anuanias Cook, aged 66 years." Abso!ute!y Pure* This OQwder never varies., Amarrel of parity strength and wholesoHieness, More «eohomiea than the ordinary kind 1 !, "ud oaunot bs sold tn competition with the multitude of lov test, short - e ' " " ' "'"" " Monlvm 103 Wall \ve4waTum orpho"'<p1iato ppvijprs C ->'d onlv in ROY U. BAKfisr& POVT-Dliif f, oaiia M N H. P. BUHHIG^ W, Carpenter and Joiaer. Twenty yeais' experience. Bepaiiing 4iil/.:;;;itfQti:*/Mii|:; J •'. -Westart'in'oiltheifewf e&MiU'&MvgBM^ SgriBg;. itai.& c^BM;\:W& : &rB no sliod% jgdads/to gbb¥b.^Bf/<^'. oia^csmsteiaQsi '•• -• .Drjt ^op'ds M&-; .fesfcqmafi% aiilt'|#eBt: ftyleei;' Wd Ba^'arl^-slbGE^A.''.^-'/ /. - : :•,.'.y:-Cy:-.;;.::// : -y/ v ;./• / yA- m& al- |iMis;..G!f Jira^bermei3/s/;<3;QM&-^ everpiii|Hg fpi-- wiaier weari- .Gail aaid: seieiis b.6f©?fe/^utejisfemg, ye.u Wifl save :fiiQE^33yydoarig.sO. ' '-'•-. .•'.".',.v,,/ ;; -,//;^U. >//' :-:-/'v:;'-'/;A -.Q. /; •;-'.'V:'f^*: , ; ''V•.'.^ivv,joi^/#M33l205E.^-" ; "«1 ^y w> jifjisi^ ap#A4^ifW(p IPaSSi^.; ; ^lcrB^ V : Sfes,-. William^, Bectorj who -formerly leidde^hervafe last |'- A B8B&1&$$&&j'Mf&J^Xi&i. weelfe-Wcedaesday -of heart disease; : Her |- '^it;^.ttft jaitiJiniprdigaiy,.^ jfamamswere.-tesagirf. to:.this'plsceantf3^-P^4*atiK--%^:fe.^i;,^fe tpldiby'phyfibjaa* taa* r ish;p*wa(r&cai , abi*.: aaii/CQuid ir?e; oalyi : a ^b^yiMU^j sh'e; w e i g h ^ X e s ^ t h a n B e y e h t y p b u n p ^ -'-'Oir^a;- piece pf wrappiiig paper she. jead of Br,- King's Nbw Dispo'very,; and gat a sample bottle-; "ifehbiped her,; ..slip hbvjght a large bststle, it helped; her more, -.bought sa-. other; and'grew; better ifast; .CPhtiiiued in •• use and is now strong^ "healthy^ -tosy f plump, weighing 140 pounds.- : :For*ir- •fcer partichlars'. send-, stamp :.to..W, "fi. Cole^ydruggist,. Fort Smith. Trial Bot- tles of this Wonderful discovery free at Morrisbn^Busii'adrugStorel.'"'' • . BUSINESS LOCALS. - — T h e UM(?a- (St, T») •Obnservato'ry of music, §100-comp.etition,Maiph.'lst. Louis Lombard, .director,- . ' . •'• / tf - —-Mr, Gl J.- North, is' -canvassing Ben-? ma-rk and Harrisburgh for a book entitled i 'Spaito From the. C.amp-Flre," wMeh is. highly commended by all who have seen it Mrs. S;>:ith C. Miller, desh'es .to an- aotiaca to the ladies, of Lowville arid; vi- eiaity that she. has reopened-her ..-dress- makiag rooms in the north, side of the Star block, \. here she hopes,, by.fair pri- CSS'for good' vrprkmansbip", \o -receive -a slia-ra of their >-:stroiiage, tf -—Without enturing into a. : labpre.d .dis- CUssipn of the dSitarent method^ of butt- ter ttiakiaif, we. will simplya.amesome of. the Victories Won by the Cooley creamer' ia actual tests, and for further, informa- tion, eorataeod to-the perusal Pf all thiak-- ing of buying a creamer, .the. catalogues and cir-eateas of the •yerrobat Farm, Ma-: chine Goi, nistljeiB Pf creamery supplies syrup and sugar making apparai?iis, and fruit driers, .for all of whicn'the aader- signed respsctfully solicit,your orders. The sweepstakes gold medal at Paris esposition,- 1889, wa^s awarded to- the Green Mountain Stock-Parra,- West Ban^ dolpbj Yt., who made the butter by the .-Cooley creamsr proftesg. . This, -is. the; third gold inedal at Paris .Exposition on. .the Oooley Crt'amer arid produot,' Tak-. ing the gold medal at every exposition since it Was .invented. The g o l d -rnfldal at'Bay State' Fair, Boston, October, 1880, wtis awarded to Conway (Mass:) Co-^p;. erative'creamery,' who made .thebutter" by the- CooJcy cream gathering process, from the cream of mixed herds, in com- 'petition with' "many' ol the .finest-regis- tered private herds,, using otter systems of'separating fho cream. ' The. gold medal and- .three silver med- als, were awarded on dairy apparatus at the Piedmont exbibitiun, Atlanta, Qa,, 1889, to the Yevraoct farm machine com- pany. .' Fourteen gold' medals, besides. silver medals and .first'pfemium-s'.tp"phJLi-.. ; merous' to niesti'ft have been awarded tbe- Oooley Crenmi-r . and protluet-s since the beginaing of the fairs a y«ar ngn. Ee- inember th?,t, the Co'.,>hy Ci;eanier h s s ' a patented pri*c- c s'iiiiitu'tit from ail other cream raUers'tir >e paralora. th»t gives it i !-s wonderful supcriow-ty. in' qnsuitity and quality of pro.dupt. No others can le-- «ally use it. Sold, by FOOT &. WYETH; Dealers .in Farm.. Iiapiemenfs,. ete.^ 160 and 1US5 State st, LowviBe,' N. Y-/ tf. promptly attended tp. . Gm.p@& Ml 251s©aB:#s.; : . The claim to ctu'e all diseases,.'niaivat first RIIUICC seem vwy absurd: but after readine our pamphletv sivuig a hi^tnry of the. Microbe Killer, esplain&s ftieflt'i'-ni.theoryof disease, and r$ad- inff our testimonials, which prove conclusively there 1sno.disease it Will nu.t cure, the.truth of oar assertion brnouies clear. Kop.etson' suffer- ing train any Wood, chronic or contagious disease" shunld- let u day pass wituout sretting and read- ins tbis.nrteresiing- bookj"which'will be giv-en away or mailed free. The gentlemen connected of t! ib utj i w u i virtedevciv^heii. Addie-s The WM.KADAM MicrolDe Killer Co., 54 SiUh Avenue, MDW TORE CITY 10 29,000 S^B^yO^^SMMCE]^ atl. Sdg.. Apwn . Fi-eac-h ValeaeSuheS: Qrieaial and 'yaniE>yie £oint laces;. HSo.,, G9c.,,S!)a. and $1.0».. A-'fsia Jine'of iadie'S' MnS^ifi Wdorwear. . ...... "• --',. •oni-stdflic of Dress Goods is matchless, from Priestly Sirs "warp jTaorlcs. - we/have 46-in,- Camel's Hafr'at sac, w re .si.; 40-ln. serges,--6ae. wa-e si: 46rto- H?nrieg;a-. ess. f f l « ; t l ; 4MB. , Hem-ietta. 6*. were T3C; 42-in.. aenrtetta, 4X. were tee.: 01-ln..Dress Flannel, 5Be.-were5^e.'j 4(Mn, Di'essFlaimel 35c were aae.; Corduroys- 3,;-dtivviMoi5c- andi2i§3. doahie-ioja-ares^-sooflis, ana single, a i d <tress"g-oods,. in a y shades, plain and .stripe, 52., tc, and lee,, FJegant dress- r^mrrrlngs t o ; matclxAlt shades, •' - --, - •-'- •:',;,.•:.•••'-'..-•' ,. ..-;••-'•• •;-; -—-" ; ../ ;; '-: ." ;.i '-•ptashcloftSSj S19. KewMaiietSj §58;, Street' -3aosete', .?1.SQ- eifildre'n's-.elpafcs less-tarn cost; IfyouiYfehtDsayemoaeylopkoVOTrau'^ ... .•./,,. ••".••;•/-•. -;.' / : ", . -'/ •We are sho-irtogthe niest ass6i*me'nt oi Beaver Sha.W4ste Sh?wls, BlaaiEet Shawls and-iadia saawis.-• . .. •.. ..---•; ;/.' " : -. .."/•"•'- : .;...-•/'••//"' White and colored, SI per pair, to ae mtestCaiaornia, .'Horse. Wanbets Jgc,, t o Qie'celeprateiL'-. 5-A Wiinlvet. - . • "' "'' This aepartmentis complete.coHtalnlng all the latest hoVeltle'ste Boas, Mnas,'0apes; and lur br the yard, all colors, Thibet, Lamb, Vynx. Opossufii. Monkey, ^eave'rvfelfaiSlferFdx^^traclian,. OUderDotvS. Boa and inuff. $a.H<S'-. 5mffs,B0C. GhUdren-sBoaS- and^iBarsr.Also:a:lai^e;aneor cutter i'0bes,blact f white and gray, |3.5 ,.5i and-S&, . •-,''.' -"-".-' . / ' , , . .-.= •• '.. GSNTS', LADIEM:MIS:SES.AND,CHJ^DBE^ --,-:-;•- All sizes,- natural Wool, scaMet,'.cftrnfeBs h'alivnDiin'ai wnoij noa^hrlnklng *ool vests; cafliineje; - wool,merino. ladies*vests.ahd pants;3rHe.-:eacB^ Seats'£eairy:wra;ppersiaid aflaswers,so<!,eactt,-. ' ' "• C A B P E T S , BUGS/'JML CLOTHS AN1>. CBBTilNS,.; ' i-"-•,.-"/""'-"' ' Harag-inftdelaigepurehasesof these.gG"pds:we are.#epared-.to'sb;oWyon--aJat^r.a^JflRnent. than everSetore, aao:atplaces1±4tBailnt)t-be.dlipn;e.ated. , BestTaiwPOl ESBraitt G"aijMt,5SiCi,a«o.... Kerosene-all, Se 1 s. O. molasses, 50.0.; 3 lbs. Iea,ifor »5c; BatthigiisCiigiiigiarhSiW;.; Oaljcpesv 46.: Brown Sheetings, 5c.;'Bie.aehed:Stoetto^5e:;:a;pWfiimg^'..all--Ifflen,.4c.iCia*am ladles' Aprons, ire.-, lineri'Thie JiaHias'k,--j8e.; .ted-Manne\.allweal, i50>-Sapiaas.^ie.va aacen.-; ; - ejgiitcatesoi ,soap,35e. Ftinoy Soapuic. ana-ioe..-"-latiles'.-Corsets,igc^-,Kld Gloves,5ue.; Hanflter- ebiersiSc.; Ladies' wooi'-Ewe r MavChflaten'sXvnpi-Hose;.-SQV.-, "'-:.".:. . - :, -;-••. ; , : V :'=^v_ : Hetreaeimient. istno order of theday;. Every one wishes to -make OiemDneyxAaslar asjoSBK- h i e ; ' "' ' """""" " - 1 ---- -"•-*-' - - - - — -— •-.---—^ at 1 ust cheapert' ,iH/iistiii^®l M: days We" will gw^i&i^Bi and. StioeB. Alsb-'-all goods in our line, for we must reduce our stock for spring BRAHMER BRO'S, Nest Doig* Bros. Block, State Street, Lowville.

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Post on 09-Jun-2018




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^-mms^mmm mm ?&•&:

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ass tiiOOAX. I K A T T H R S .

ISOBTH. '..-"...• '«QiNffS4>fem " W M n n w t g a i u . 7 : j T a - m . : r a s 3 e D g e i - t r a i i t 9;0ga, n j :'••-• 'V • •• •«•«.-I«<M».;-. .:*"• ' \ 3 : i 9 S . n i ::•';• ??.•--.-.,-"!. ''j-S.-OS-pim;-.: "-.. ' "* V:fiS{S.nt > SMfciwgwr-aaS'ieaurated te'garifiase tickets before 'BHtertag the 4stis, • Ait excess•- ehgxgemi S e c a n t s i ^ W c s E e c t e d where fares a r a p a a

:Q»tt«tifain3.•-.".-_• y" :- _••••--••'•••• .*-•• •

•" - Osxtbag-e a n d A d i r o n d a c k H . IS . - ieavS <7arthaKB/at K3& a. m.. ahd 2i00.pvm-A*rtT*»at ^Bonaparte- dCafce a t 9:3* a, m,, and

.'. taiw'B(mapaife.-£aS» a t SjSJa. m.-.a-ttd 3:23f ;p,m. Arrive at Carthni&HtSsSm. nvand 5:0$ Ifcm. . .'•=;- •.-"'.-.'...• . ' • • . ' - - • .

•"-^Si.e^bc^l-SttaSteEpnsecQija.page. .

T-ilfestejcifjf- wasflie. -fjist day o f lent .

. f ^ e ^ ^ . & s ' f e C f f i a a s i i f c s - a t Lewis^.

^ ^ " b S E S e rhetoricals: a f ' ihe S ta te "street

Itoouse. tfe-Bifl;rr6w.alt0r?iq6ii.;'

S l p i ^ ^ . p x ^ e i S e b wasjywbll pStepaKed

(. *»«UBg. y y y ' - Z - o y y y ' ; / . , / ^

Mik>Q<E TeMpi&x$ Vili3>e-afieldVia ,|&|a=j

t'riext mpnfifcu, .;•,..-; ://;.,;:,* "'""-_•:" ''•? )• •_-.

g o l g y a u d • "sllver/tafcea;' .ik it?-.

j r . g»oSsa t ' J , &&&^Br*tMe&-

j f S ^ t a ^ m ^ . y ":•'<:• '£ A : e . ' ; :Fv j fek-? h a s leased the*

t t tage o n ' Baya^stV;, and-

^te ;#?nje.7 *'' '.}.•'- ;.:^-'

i: a a d cutters j f^asedvi ju i te exte&v

^ ; 1#fc^4»" i^4 icHBty: - - . Jy , : " . .

- i / .*^*aBtea .pp&tra is ter ; ;'.A.•/••:-.:.-'-..-:V-..

llaSsifc''""^?*^* . f ^ x t ^ e n p & s . fed' •.ajsec$sl'a$. '• 'iesoftOf-JHEts;' He^sypn-St^ te ' sL. -

; evening which wras la rge lya t tended, ;

*-The trRat«es/af-the Thbnsim<:IIslaad; w p l -he ld a.BJeetipg5 a t the ' . i f p o p :

^?3^NA lamse ii» stertasR&,-;;fie3?t. Wedi^s-. ,

" W^_ %:'. ;.--:y"-."; ;:v;/,fy A;y:.y.;y.-.;\;;/

Egc^speJtt^seesiofe o f t h e -~;rfer£&esR/|jtew York.;

• « h i e l i /meets- 3a- - ©swfeg^,

••' 4^ ta» i r .Bo j}^6 t M^Eosiepe opera house

t c - m i t M P u a t t y l :^e«ii?g; '

:y - i r i t i s ' , jjn.dergtp'pi t i i s t the Watertowtt

-;&Jipn&I iliifc. wfefiokeslargft ' their ; pf-

: . f l c e ; : ^ : ^ b H ^ i | ^ e 5 : s & e I ^ g 1 ^

tt|i.iett&4iie;*iew of reia$|ng bases tegsr-.

ties whp haTe valuaHe papeis^Mtsfcthey•

y{ wisfetQ .fce?|> i s a' aeGurfejpfcveei "•'• ; ; . . \ •••

- ' ^ l i l e t l s i t e S . States, iffsh' coinmisBfener;

Tue'stey, isent between" four s a d five;

ffiHIJoa .whitefish-fry for- plaot&igjin L.afce

bn t^ r io , . a t S s c k p t a Harbor , . Qhaamoftt

end. Biaek xiyer.Jbays. T h e plants made

i a i the laeaiity. a few years ago indicate a n

iawease in the cateh' of white fish.

—Sirs,, Mary Scully who was tried, at JEorrisvSlIe, .Madfesa eo:antyf last weefc^ for the mnfder of her father, William B , RhinehartjWas acquitted by the jury. H e r husband wh& wis india ted for t h e s a t n e erime was released' on • ;bait and i t is be-•SewShts case 'wi l l .neverbscal ledi

'—$•9.0.0 wi l l b s y - a J S f ' m fiiiTer-stem winder^at J , . S . Tardy^s,- Times block,

IiffWTTJ'He, £i* T . . '; •'"'•• -•' .

—'ths e.QBg.tegatioaai church a tBh i l a -deiphia, whji<5n:has been temodled a n d re­paired recently,, a t a. cost - of $3j.OOO was

: ie-dedicpjedy. jes te rda j i • KW.' 3. : S. "ifcsl'ee, of-Ogdensburg,- j3r.eachjng . the dedicatysy sermon* -R^v. 1 C- T.- Stokes,

4 a t e of- W a t ^ t o ^ n , i s to be the pastor.

yJH^A.-Pipj ; .dispatch s a y s t h a t th'e-0hate-Aygayrraxlrokii, ebrapahjrj.has- bb'nght. t he ^ igh t :6 f 'way -thiough -the Adirondacks, ftbm Stoahae/Iake t o Lake' Placid'. I t » especia l - t ta& tbe extension of; t he road ^jS& becdjnpyle.ted' by J a l y l . The ex- :.tensiaa%fflfee ;i$b'out'e}ght jnile? loog.

• — T h e h o p market seems to haya taken •a sirbstantial bppm. As h i g h as. 25 cts. a pound i s offered for a strictly .fine arti-:eie.. Those w h a h a w hops for sale ishpnid 'fee careful and avoid the mistake ' !6f .holding them until t h e price deelinee, :o*hiafi:as Iisfble to be tne:'caae a t any ' t i a e .

J r a : i y % ^ B ^ ^ J / e - 3 | a i n f a c t v m % A ^ o e i a t i o t t

^ ^ S i ^ l f * ^ - g t ^ ^ ; ' h o I d > ' S i r r a W


;pa :%t :Th"oTieaM|s1apd:S:ar^:"

• ^ ^ ^ ^ t t T ^ & i ' p r i e s r i i o n a e n t - ^ i r ^ J iBtllihrand*i^"p?fe|)ar3rjg t p .

§ cheese factory: p h . t n e ' . ' ^ e s t i o a S

iwcr i . ' ; ':--.o- -'-'.."0/'•"••-..•' \:'-'~:-"

raA Mw r ' % Ji;;;Sich>idson,eE-Bereral »f: their ' f ^ e h # ' V e | y ;

l j -.at-' t h % ; V ^ ^ 4 n t .hpxrie ^ph;

hoteVeniagi. •£'_. f:.-A?-'_-'--:•/•'•-? ; y

IF, : ^ : ^ T n i n e r y ;^S* jfc 'geott>v

?&keg$sM_ *n4^ I)^nis ,Dp^rrTi^r i at^-.

# e a t t t e ,«n^ i t t^BeuV "GL: . ^ & ' - s £

next : Tttesiiay1 a n d j # e 4 a e s 4 a y ; •

JLl ;iooii}s:irere: ijflM''

aateraoonby. menibeis :pf t h e

ia& o thers : tp Bear tiieaddresa

€ . ^ / T o ^ M e r i d J ^ n - t h e CMstian-;

;J*««^air : # ' '0ie ' - i?wifty qotrhty:':

t%«»peiafien ^ l b e h M d a t t h e :

i in ^this Tiliageiysfr iseTen

nt*emag±'::- . \':_ 'X-,;-.V-/!'"' •'••"

V"*tt'';;!D^:"'.«rtJSfi^/-<^cks,'-' f*i^#tT«-Tre^.i%;tl^'neife ^0

iBJ 'Times fetac^ $<rtf-" t l # p « C « i t cheaper than t he

•$£~2m:~&3LXk -'^•.JS36. '

i o t t f i S ^ t t j ^ e h » « « • delegate from this con-irk* t o thenational^epn^en.-

leagues which fiieete

1 f«Hi , f t t x tn to i%- ' [ •• '-. . *

w i l l h« h e l 4 by thk

- ^ B i i ^ l ^ . < ^ > 3 i a ^ u 8 b a r g f c . m t h e hai l i n ~-llu& VtiHagV" Saturday

f3?eh. 22nd at7':.fo'6tpeky;' Admis -

"paX-' j ^ j ^ E 6 * t e inc i ted . 1.

pi the ' "Woraan^s; .fiorne.

S^Mjoi^pJSi.•'••$;^urch, b e he ld in t h e V;6e^ion;:;TOp4ri,3iext;. ij'-kt\ S^.Vcjaekv' " S u b | 6 c r , ' y i ^

•i»Qt %6rk.aBipn^fhe ftdJahs.*' • /

^ : X y ^ £ f e n | c C j ; ; ,ol; ; B ^ f e p ? i ; * c t r t % ^ f r o n > IiWs aiid; apg^-. p i

i- j^^' lr i iaifci^d^-V"Su«' ' 'Wv :^r: , : ' . .

a i r v ' t f e e iiiches-'.iij^^^jeflgtbt • • i h f

^ I f i p e b o d n a re ^a^s.#iea;d.y-;to:: Jeaj?e:"0ut«;.;

^f^Pjr^L ^ ; p . House ^ i o i a . 3 - * h ^ | g e j s i

jgiblfe'; class- iri t h e JBiptist ^.»e1i6pj:

;'pf- this^fiagejf-?e$M-prpr.

' • •ea t sd on Siffidaj last; week wi th 'an.e le i •

.-.ij aifk WPJ:.pi : the ^achei^Bftlej . .byra :era^ '

";%^-of;idfe;ciissr': :;-V/--':..•• "v7;;-;.;.,'..-• . •• ->?^Pifl^«M : 'iM Hara iapn^ Ja'-Stv.Iiaw-* HBM Mtintyj.bftheitoV'ap •wt t»« i | r f e^ fp r Ijcignsfe. a t t f i e ig i t fmeefc iaig*' lisssfc' 'week, y.TSfs.-iri-prpgressjjn the-*rt$ag"&rtptibn^*Mc;ri we, a re : so r jy to ;

' '-^r-The Epwor th ieag.ue' wi l l ho ld a

-Washingtonmti'soeiaWa.in old-time cas-

't^e-a6".th.eHethodist,.5p3irsoaa^e Sator-

day eiwiaag, PehuBS.. All young peo-

.ple^re incited ^ e t h e r merab/ers Of the

leagneor'not,.and:(tU;_ areqsiaecially re­

quested'tp-aripe^r' |n full o r "pa r t i a l old-

J|Bie;costi i4^V'- : " . .'•', .-.'

•.."'. We eofi-'itfe attention: > f our leaflets

tbD. :</^ iewis? n e w , a d jia another cbi-

ijrrah/;.: *"'•.':•"•.: • -r- - • . . , ' ' - • - , . . ' . ' : . • ••

: .v^TSere-was; a good-attendance at. the.

farhiers'!.iDsfcitute *?hich: ogshed m Boon-

J^fflfel?ri4*p.' SeasiPnS- Were held.' morn-

ir^/-^ternP.o'n.-and. ey<mingt and.seyeral

:ip^&Jfi^g!ijie&^$&T-d&flr' -The ques-

;i iPn.bp5 prpiFfidtb b& #tf interesting fea»

•iiire;--. The ih s t i t u t e adjourned: Saturday.

rsftferriPpni .';'.---•-. .•.-'••• ":--.-'.;» " .* '"-

•"'•'•.-.•^4S0ut e i ^ t o'clock.4his mprh ihg ihe '

:;fej^eice:V^i-Mrft--jEp|swj()rJIr, s i tua ted

;ne"w ; 'ft 'e 'Jfair . ground' jiist rxfjrth of

iitm y$$Sf*ej:tbjak i | ie : ind : . b.feried fo' the-

^gjotmd.; T h e bufldjiig -burri^d very rap-

Mis' a n d only a :porMori. of- t h e . furniture

could.he.saved1. T t / i s ' t hough t the. ffre

t p p k f t p m ' i t e -chimneyi -

• ^ j t e v ; . J i "Daane PKelpis, of Belaware

A^etnJ5e>L:.'|J."'chiirch) Buffalo has bePn

'engaged; t o - conduct , tabefhacl'e services

a K t i e Tfcousahd. is land' Pa r&dur ing J u l y

and; Auguafy and will: a r range a coinplete

]progr^iH'.&f jreh'gionS. and, literary ex'er^

•ciaes-tb b e helct: a^ t&si popular jesprt

du r ing the coming season.

^ M u s i c \ ^ - T h e y had been to the opera

a n d ^ a r d ' ' t he finest music by the lead-,

i ng talent. They went home to hea r t h e

baby 's 'vp31d spib unt i l it* was quieted wi th

^rdpiS6 o f - T J r ; ^ ' # « Baby. Syrup which a t

once r e m w e d the fiitulenee,.

, y - | t J . ^taodwin, iprmerly of Car­

thage, died iiiTuscon^Arizona, last week

aged S4. jea;rs . Mr* .Goodwin was a

iseinber of. the Presbyterian church and

an aetive Sunday sphpoi wprker. After

rempvihg from (Sarthage he lived for sev-

.eral year's i n Ooltoii, St . Lawrence county

-wiiere.he was engaged: in the lumber bus­


' ^ ' T h i a rhorning was the nearest ap -^rPach -to an old fashioned Black river . th i*-we havif h a d th i s winter. The wind blefr^9ng--frpTh;the~B0uthwe8i- and t he

:'air-:was fffied, Wi th-dr iv ing ; snow.. T h e ' ' leeather was riot cold',- bu t .owing to. the s ior te fis -was; exceedingly., uiipieasant. /Sihce^ten^o'clock, t h e sun^hasshone' tat in-t e fvaMat td ihe %tpiiahas i p t Bee^'sp-se^-. vers. :- .: -, -.- - •^•'-•:- ,.-" .:•"..•;•-..• -'--.;- •__-•


m^;-^-' •• —Jefferson cpt ih ty 'hasSlgranges ,wi tB--ii:iiej|Bb^8Mp':pf-ii36&^^^^^^

granges a i d pvervr%-Q00. nxembers- • M v e

n e w g a a g m p i r e i e org^dKed i n 'Jefierspa ;«Bl«Qf-'''jBLiafStg'iMi. aiia'. o i e ;ln •Lewis


>y^WehaTe;,ie3e.iV(ad;' Iftemliirl .'P."ffy

flSB^-W;Fierni%i .Sfich.y &eppy;p£:fhe. :

:si"** -3H^^;aM gvPted.%' the' iiterests.of; | i |BPie».fiid;*tfe#^ order.tecently-Prgan.-.

i a ed i n tha t s tate fkkows. a s the- Fa t rpns

ofIafdustry. V .r^':_-~.\^ " y ; } \ K .

. ' . - ^ r ^ e i w r S a a y a b n j : ' ; of the;Phoeni? : ; f+ lai-.b^ierjtitreatedl'' |pi .al tacking.

:i&tiB%:te:fnj0j^$iig, t hp ;

S i f -';oSe'fe^y .wal?wit-.

bbie schoplv.anS %as:nio8t



*i<*pi .Pe te r IBoseoe i - l iv ing a t

^ %. :Iiawiettee- :4buhty, corniniV t«d n i<ade h u t feday b y t ak ing fc'dose

•rf.ja^arjpsrefi.'.^^ . .SheiiyedabOTtSihoTirS:

alteg-taH%.'tt»,fpiada,.;; Shs i^aupfosed; .

f© Ttt*ys: been tem^orarMy.-insanav: ;.'''. -'•'

.V r t ^ ^ s L a m o n t y i ^ - b u ^ : ; taking; s u p ' :

plies - t o : . h i s rmtjel a t SmftKs%ake- pre^

jpfralpi^ t o n e i s . s u r n r a e ^

i». i»aijh | t i r f l^pyeiaef l&ih^nd a b o s t the

h & t e ^ r a ^ ^ i l - . ^ s & t e t o aGeo;3rim0date'

a; te^enuhibe.r'ofgaesta ne'it^ seasprtv'.,". -".

-' .•^!IV».shri&l&s1ften4'ft<W^ ;•*•-X "W."'&nirh*s fpr ' the -aezt 3t) d ^ s , es.;

W i s ^ I K B ^ ^ - p n c ^ s . c h e i p e i - , t h s & e v e r

o fe re^befe f t e^" : ' - ; ^ ; \ * y :.'':-"y - :r ' : ' - ' :v ' / - ^ S e v e r a l of joarybung- people w e p t io-

|.j SSHtosrViHe :fef:: ';#ri^%^;atteraooir;,€or : s .

% xidey ahS pa. •aqcpiin t iri fjf£e[ r a i n ; was in-;

j[ '^ac^4 t o s t a j a H n i ^ t r . .They;' wp're t h e .

';;gjiest8--bf:a{ajbr J . p, UmfeTzM&Umilj;,''

'•. ifs;w&Mtt'they were' rpyaljy -entertainadv'

••'-'-"'•' 1&Giii8:It,^eriSteOTii'oMnany jeats^S:

prominentfflerflhahtirj .Copenhagen^ digd. : Jot p o e a m o n i a i n -that^ -vSIage: p n ^ r i d a j .

,iBfc: Mr.3^erjpiman ^sd". s lwsjs. xei%&k'••

. i »CpperAagenah .d*a4^w^kf tn .d -^ to W y k n o ^ n . nsieave-3 a wife and nsa


—Boaei Barnes, w h o has for many TjaaW conducted a lumber business in the

t t e w a e f t y o n s d a l e , has mad a general

to B . C. T h w r a l t o f BoonviUe.

4M jr j n r f««oce* are Joseph B .

about $8,000 and Pa lmer 3s

iraents -have heepma(Je s to

cxjittinne/tije Pofsdant Beaming. R o p m i o r :

a'hother'term. Of three yearly-The board; of:

niahagers m a d e their•lepprt".- Jan'. 2S. '-The

"s&dw&g' fe the p a s t % V ' J e a i : s • i f f 'one '

h i g h l y creditable t o th# citizehs: 'oi iifiati

plaes. • Theiep:ort of-&e treasurer shows.

Wihefef^r^e^ te f j i i r : tn .e ; ias t ' t teee j e a i s

.msiits \&&i&$%'~:-- ' ' * ' ; • • '•' '?•' ' '',"

.^Mexico jErtdepen^eint.-r-^e under-

startd; t h a t . & s y ' S y S . V ^ a i n k r d i a s leased;

# e ifie; cie:arh'• pivilioff at. :Tho'usand. fe-j

l and Park- for ihe coining season,.. -The'au-

•thorities-bf'that.'. beauti'M..suhira6r resort-

axH;fortunate inQe.ed id ' hav ing Mrs. Bar . .

S a r a M,ihe h e a d of "that |paviiiori, as sh§

is-.cbra'peieht in-^very'.iespebt"for; such;a-'

pasifipn.. J ShB is sn're-'to giv'e-.^atisfaetipn

tp ;aK w h o pa'ttonaze i e r J . '::\

.WWordxiasbeen^Jeceived a t Caatphiof iacf i inecomhii t tedihClarej a' t o ^ n alout:..

.'20 riiiiea. from Caktph.' ^JFredBoian, a :yoting,man2t^ar'S-_6fageybough^^ last §atuM€4l fijjit frbtii" j p h ^ B i o n e , He;

' .becameinto^icatbi 'andB.t.arfedforApmej.; aecbinff nieii';by"&tprle « n i ,^'eoige Lan^ .^Ber.' I S e ' h a d g ' o r i e b u . t a h a l f m l f e w h e n ; :^r^ie<K yStpne-hf rs j f l^ .^Other^|».ticU-.< .iar^ have .nptbeenreceived,? T h e N p o r i is' ftat. Stonte-saiii tha t • he'-:wpaid:getEiyen-

: with-B"pl:aD,;.aad t i e - sup.p.osition ;fe. ih®.-theljqijxnf wai. jdrugged. y . .

V; ^ 4 t . t h e annual . jaeetihg, of the- aipck-

. hblders-Pf £&4 Tur i r tCa t ih ing . i h ip i cke l -

feg-eoxhp:any,'.|ield,Mst weekj. the-fbllow*

-ing &ftc€i».wer-s;eIecteA for, ;the"eBSuui^

jear.:";.;-''Presid^n%: ]?.. -'W-,: .Oweri*.'-Tice :'pWsM'e"n't^H.;4, Etnm.j '§ir'ehtfirs>''Eiugh

.' AigheSi rF , : *?*- 0 # e n , T . BC !Svana,Kew,

$m.£&-&}id,x,G M-BarheSj Charles Crpv

.fffDt;seffr0iary,yE.;K;. .Bvaas ; /treasriijer,".

'.ChaxlesCrpfbpf-." ;• ' . ' : . - ; ; .V'*-,"'.: ". . . •

*" • r4-Miss A ] i c e Marschestetj daughter of

"George i £ Saacaes t e r , esJTpQSt'al pl>rk .oa

t h e : ! ' . ^ ; B , B . B , BfyaTtda''.|Ormer^r$si^

.'dent of P o r t jLey'd^h, died-jat- t h e h o m e .

>p.f- her:;p"arest.3 i $ , O inahay^ebrask^ Siin r

-djay,' :%'b>nai^ ;- Sth, :- ana^th'fr . rernaina:

;h*otight t'o-'.Bobnviiiey "-for; "iatefineat,

where; :fuae'raI;.se£v|Pes-were'ieHroa P i K

.day. Mi. ^•aiiehefiter-.ia-a.t presentclnint

agent ipx the- 0Qlprarfp'.division of , the 17;.

P;-mk.oM'cbi&p^y_.at©en;yeE .,' ...

^ ' : ^ - r ^ t o ; a t e e l r b r i 4 ^ ^ v e r - ' ' t h e . ^ : ^ a ^ f i ;

rjenceat. ^pteain.'••Laudingy -;wis; op :ehed

l l b h d a j for trafBo-.' Tea' napathg and

^ten-Saya iveie.^ofeeupied,'*:S'its construe*

^ g n ^ ; ^ r a t h e t r r erharkablp' '^eiioranaoqe

fionsidejragits;^ an^. three ,

quarters There are 17 hxed spans.

One is 139 ftet , two aie 173 feet each.

While the swing b u d g e covers S33 feet

and the main cJiattnel. The islands tha t

intersect t h e bridge are Gitoux island

905, and Bound island 1,320 feet

P o r the removal of dandruff, and for

curing humors of the scalp, there is noth­

i n g be t te r than Ayer's H s i r Vigor.

—See the elegant l ine of Hamburgs at. Lewis*.

—Officers of Biver Bank G-range, No . 53<1, CroghaDj were recently elected as follows: J . M Tooker, M, ; J . A . Zech-.eri B . ; Mrs. J . M. Tooker, L . ; Phil l ip Linstruth, S. ;Theo. Meister, A. S . ; Mrs.

' ^ o h a Melntyre, C. ; i lo t r i s Meister, T , ; $.<W, Bohr, Sec'y; W m . Zecher^ K . ; Mrs, ,T. W . Bohr, L. A. S , ; Mrs. Morris ke i s je r , P . ; Mis. Elisha Blinn, P . : Mrs. P r a n k Oocayne, C. The grange is in a flourishing condition and has a large and increasing piemberaaip.

,-4-Mr. 'G..-.H. Beid, for the pas t six monts butter for E i r t e^ & Boshart has sevbred his connection wi th that firm and accepted a-josition w i t h t he Dayan street merchant tailor and olbthier. A visit to popular house, . N o . 1 Bayaa street, will convinee ybu that for workmanship and style of gar tbents i t ean no t be excelled. Call and be ctmvineed tha t you ban- save money. N o ; t r o u b l e t o ^ h o w g o o d s . a n d every garment guaranteed t o be as r e p r e sea t ed , ; . Ck'H. B E A B E .

-^Phi l l ip Mbweri aged 73 , a n d his wife aged 67 years', p f B a s f Schayler, Herki­mer. Co,, Veere instantly kil&d b y a train on. the Oentral-Hudsoa-road near .Frank­fort-last Thursday afternoon. ' . They were riding, in a covered, buggy With the sides down and waitiug for a freight, train, wh ich was -passing d id no t discover t h e pasaenger.-.express. which -was coming .in another -direction and; s o w e r s " in s t an t ly killed'.. . The skulls of bo th were, broken in and their bodies 'otherwise mangled. They were on their way. to. a t tend the fu­neral of a neighbor,

— A t a-meptihg of t h e bpardipf direc­tors of the Boonville petroleuftj, gas and mining eompanv, held Tuesday,..the.date for holding the annual meeting Was fixed' for- Saturday, March- 16V %. Treasurer P . A. "Willaid submitted a report of the financial condition of the eonvpany, a a d oa his iaotion it was resolved to siibmit to the stockholders a resolution increasing the capital stock of the company from $5,000 to #15,000. This resolution will b e voted upon at the meeting, to be held' March 1S. I t 5s expected drilling wiir be continued in the early spring.

—A narrow, escape fri/in. accident oc­curred, near t h e depot in this t i l l age las t Thursday evening. The h e a r s e ' o f H a berer Bros. ,undertakers, had ' jua t reached the depot with t h e remains of Mrs-, WiicOs e n r d u t e t o B i p o n , ' W i s . , when the. Wind­sor house bus wit i i t w o . horses at tached esme rushing along on a runaway. The. dr iver of t he hearse turned his horses in t ime t o prevent a collision, bu t the bus came very n e a r strikirig t he hearse. There was ao? driver on the - b u s and no pne in i t a t t h e t ime, the horses.having s tar ted before t he driver took his seat o a tite bus. The h&rses.were : aught and n o daajage wa,s,done bu t the :eseapefiom ac­cident was- a narrow one. . . .

' — gave-mbney and' t ime by having Ltts-

ador always on hand , and a s m g i t fpr t h e

aumerous • diseases whjch more or lees

trouble' fu-nilies at t imes, .Sold every­

where. Price..only 35 a cents a j)&oksg«.

Great Sire at-JElapk Biver. -

A little before twelve P'eloGk. last

n i g h t fire b roke ou t i n t h e ho te l a t B l a c k

Biver, and the bui lding was soon de­

stroyed. The flames quickly spread t o

adjoining buildings on tha t side of t he

street^ which were also burned. One

business „ b lock containing offices and

stores -WAS. burned, and at one t ime i t was

feared t h e greater portion of t h e village

would be destroyed. T h e loss wi l l prob­

ably exceed: $25,000. W e have few par ­

t iculars u p to the t ime of go ing to press .

The fire took in the P o o r block, occu­

pied by 0 . J , Sweet & Co. as a general

store and.spread t o t h e Ar thu r house ho*

tpl blflck wh ich a l so , contained the post-

office, barber shop, etc. F r o m here; the

flames soon communicated to the Dillen-

back block occupied on the ground floor

by a h a r d w a r e store wi th dwel l iag and

Odd Fel lows ' hall above. The names

then, spread to the building of Parkinson

& Son,- who k e p t a general merchandise

•store; and th is together wi th the store of

•Hadsall •<&' Whipple , 'general merehaate,

was also hurned , T h e s t rong wind -whicH:

was- blowing: m a d e i t difficult t o fight the

fire, a n d b i i t l i t t le could: be q p n e t o pre­

vent l i s progress; - Only a por t ion of the

hierchaudise i n t he burned buildings fwas

saved.1'".- The loss will leach. $40v000. '


• ' .A s a d ' a n d ' f a t a l acc iden t ' securred in

JDenmark last Thursday afternopa, r e ­

sul t ing in the death of Mrs. Delana.Leon-

ar3,.wife of E d w a r d Leonard, a we;H-fenown

faiTaer/Qf thftt-.town, Mr .ah^ Mrs. Leonard

^vere re turn ing on. a pair of boba fromtheir

.daughter's, -and; s topping by t he way to

• take p a some articles, Mrs.-Leonard' took

the l i a e s a n d drove the i-est of t h e way

home% Making a shor t t u rn a t thedr iye*

^way,-.Mrs. Leonard was thrown from tne

s le igh, her dress ca tching on ' one thb

stakes. The horses r a a about 20 rods,,

d ragging the unfbr tunate lady by the dress

•skirfs, -Ber'head- came rip. contac t w i th

the t r u n k of a tree, crushing her forehead

and d is f igut iagher face. S h e ' w a s con-

adous .until carried in to the-, house, bu t

died soon after. She was 73yea r s of age;

.Tbeifunetal sbrvices ?wexe. h,eld a t the

honsea t 10 A. SI... Sunday.


. T h e y6urig people of Bearer Falls will

g ive aaventertitintaeat a t Buscoe opera ;

•house tpnibrrbw-(Friday) evening/enti t ied

J 'My 'Opinions and BetseyBpbbet t ' s , " .by

Jpsiah Allen's wife, for t h e benefit of t h e

new' ehsjrch a t Beayer Fal ls . T h e . enter-

tainTnent -liSs been -given two or three

t imes ' to the great .delight and satisfac­

t ion pi- fhose ivho heard it . T h e young

people vvho take pa r t in t h e play are

•'among the most respeotad and esteemed

.at Beayer Falls. T h e entertainment is

stiaictiy.avprai though very amusing, and .

tfill • - aotv 'fail to: please affi .who attend.,

:Tlckets:25 cents ; reserved seats 3a cents.

Beserved a e a t i m a y b e secured a t the

post-office. .The eateriiainment wi l lcom-

.mence at.eight. bJelock.

^ I t ' i s the-cur ren t report about to wa

t h a t E e m p V Balsam', for the throat and,

liings is making some remarkable cures

wi th people w h o are troubled wi th

Cough?,'"Sore.;Throat, Aathina, Bronohi-

•tis. > n d Consumption. Any. , d inggis t

*il'i g ive ybu a: trial bott le .free o i cost;-

"It is ; guaranteed *o relieve s ad ' cure.

"The large- bijttles are 50c. and $ 1 .

... HOT OSS lH TEN . ' ..

.Of^the peogle you ' meet from day to day

has perfectly pure, healthy h iood . T h e

hereditary scrof ulou-s ta int afflieta the large

majority .of people, whi le . many others

acquire diseases fromimpure ahr.improper

food and wrong indulgences. Hence t he

imperative necessity for a reliable blood

pnnfiei l ike Hood's S^rsnparilla, which

eiadicate3 every impurity, and gives t he

bluod vitality ind h w l t h I t cuies scrof­

ula, salt rheum, humors, b o ? ^ pimples,

and all o the i afiLCtions caused by impuri­

ties or poisonous gerrns m the blood.

A l l t ha t u asked for Hood 's Sarsapanlla

is t h a t i t be givon a fair tr ial .

?JES80HAt»"" ".;••'

—Bostmsster Phil l ips h a s gone t o Chi­

cago 'on business^ ' . ' : • " '

-—Mrs. J . M. Gardner^ o | this vUlage,-

has been qui te i l l durimf the "past.week,.

y-Miss Louise Sehrpeder, of- Por t Leyy. den i s a t tending the cphservatbiy of- mu­sic in Utiqa: ' '

—Captain Sweet , of Carthage, was the gues t of Mr. aad Mrs. :W. H. 'Gowdy/ Saturday and Sunday.

—Dr. H. 8. Hendee, is suffering frpin

an at tack of grippe, and has been confin­

ed t o the house for the past week*

—i>. A. F i t ch , commercialtraveller for Pel ton Bros., of .St. Louis, is spending the-week wi th his family in this .village,'.

—Martin King, who was/stricken * i t h paralysis several weeks since has so far. improved as to b e a b l e to w a l k a b o n t t he house.

-—Miss E d i t h A. Adams^ who is a t ­tend ing t h e t J t i c a conservatory of music,-Spent Sunday wi th h e r parents i n th is village. , . ' | . .

—J. T . H o r t o a and Wil l iam Garnsey were elected delegates by t h e T . M. C. A. at their meeting las t week t o a t t end the; state' meeting at Bingharhton.

—Duane BaVenport a a d Miss A n n a Smith of this village went to Boston Friday, to attend the funeral of Mr. Dav­enport 's sister" which -W-as h e l d on Sun­day. : • ' - ' . . " >y •'

•"; —C. B . Blodget t , travelling .salesman for the•Asbestos.Burial Casket company of this village, left Monday morning for a t r ip t h rough the southern par t of the s ta te . •.

—Gearge-Sberwood of this village was elected a member of t he executive com­mittee a t the meeting of t he state associa­

t i o n of agricultural societies in Albany recently.

t —Mrs . William Wiadecker left for Bipoa, Wis. , Thursday evening accom­panied b y the remain&of her mother, Mrs. Wilcox, which were taken to tha t c i ty for interment..

—Mr. and Mis. Hugh Jones, who have been spending the past year i a Colorado have returned t o this village and wil l occupy their residence about March 1st. Mr. Jones ' heal th ha3 improved very much since he went west.

—Mr. O. H, Beid, for t h e pas t six

months cutter for "Klriey & Boshart, has

severed;his connection with tha t firm and

accepted a 'pbs i t ioawi th t h e D a y a a street

clothing house, where h e wi l l be pleased t o

gee his. many friends and customers.


A donation will be given -Rev. C. W .

.Brooks a t the Hdgby hall* Glendsle, N ,

Y „ Wednesday evening, F e b . 26, 1S90.

All are isvited ;.

B y order of Com.

The February term of coun ty coutt anS

cpur t ' of sessions opened a t the court

house in this village on Monday, Henry

E . Turner presiding, O r r i a F . Edwards ,

of Pinclsney,;' and James K. G.alvin, of

Montague^ were present as associate Justi­

ce*. James Doyle, of West. Tur in was

made, foreman of the g r a n d , ju ry and

George J . ' Drydey, pf Denmark,, was

elected clerk. The following cases were,

disposed of.

No . J . Henry Harner, respondent)

against Charles Wisner, apellant; settled.

No. 3. Dav id . D . Douglass against

William F . Hamblin e't a l , ; oyer.

No . 3 . j i lni i ra M , Grems, as- adminis­

t ra t r ix of the estate of John G-rems, de­

ceased, against Har ry G . Hastings" a a d

Lena Belle Hastings,, impleaded by

Albert M. Lanpher , ttieir guar^i&c, ad.

litem, t r i e d by the c b a r t and judgment

rendered for plaintiff. ,

A dscisioa Was filed in t h e case of J o h n

Car^ respondent, against Har ry "Wet-

more, appellant, reversing the j udgmen t

wi th costs. •

An order was entered directing t h e

overseer of the poor of the town of Ley-

den to collect t he debts due Mrs. Florin-

da Hubbard, and also to lease certain real

estate in which she has a life lease.

The trial of the . iadic tmeat agaiast

Sherril i Higby of Watsoa for violating

t he game laws was p u t over to the ' Sep­

tember session.

0 a Tuesday T . Clark as agaigaee of

Osear T; Ingerson, of Denmark,, h a d a

final accounting, a n d a decree was.enter­

ed direct ing a distr ibution of the p ro­

ceeds.of, the 'estate. • -

The trial • of James Daltoa and Wil­

liam B u t b for the murder of Jaeob-Elos-

ner, owing tp the counsel.of thefornieri

Joseph I . Siyles, being engaged a t t he

Borne circuit ,was set d o w n i o r M a r b h S i .

A n ex t ra panel of 50 jurors, i n ; addit ion

t o thosfe, i d at tendance a t court,' will be-

"drawa. The t r ia l of Oharies B , Warner,

owing to. the sickness of .I>istr ic At tor­

ney By el, was "set down for March 37.

"William Stevens-was . . t r ied yesterday

upon indictment for Violating the game

laws, H e w a s f o i m d guil ty by the j u r y

and sentenced to pay a fine of $40 or r e ­

main ia jail 40 days. H e wil l pay the.


The grand jury presented an iadic tmeat

against Herman Smith, of Martinsbnrgh,

charging him .with obstructing' . a n officer

in . the diseharge o f Ms' d u t y in; .tearing

do wh notices'of sale, • Hb entered a.plea

of not gui l ty , and gave bonds in the sum

of $200 for appearance at., the 'Septernber

.sessions. Court , adjournad yesterday

after-pbon unti l March 34, whenjthe othef

indictments will he :tried.

- y" • . .Eftp&aASIKE. ; . .

Of t h e "exercises, to take- place a t the-

State street school F r iday afternoon, F e b . 21 .

Httsio ...,;... .Babcook and Bpshart orchestra Deelamatioii •...,. -——

Arthur Bigness. Eeoitation — ,.; "Strawberries."

May Boshart. Declamation... "Misplaced GonfiiiendS."

Fay Cotell. '. " . Hesitation "Footsteps of Angels,"

• Kittle McSlnley. • Music •. .,-... . . i . . . . , . . , . Orchestra Original Story, , . , , . • •

-. jpeai-l Dewey. Declamation. "Composition on Animals."

Ciarenee rwrUa^;. HsoitatJoH— "Eesolntions,"

. Sarah Crousei-Dec!arqatloii , -^-'—

Willie LaMont. ' Recitation • "i? vontaf; at the Farm."

ilertie Davis. ' ' InstrutoentaiSolo ..."April&howerMazourka."

May Austin. . Essay.. , '..*.,,...,,, ..-'Precious Gams.".

Alice M. Canuan-. • -Declamation. .'"Ourseof Kegulus."

' ' Howai'd Scouteti. Original Story ,..,,•.,... ....- v . ...

Gertie'Smith. .« Q.uartette..,.,>...' .,..-,,-.-..„....:...'-'ffloat" Meissis. Bftbcoofc, Boshart, "WTllsoli .and Warner. Mecitation..,., ..;.....;....-,."Gmridma's OloaK"

JUorenoe Qalloway.--Declamation,.',. , . . , . . . . .-,". . ; . : - . - —i—

OarlToR'nsendi Bealatnation^.. ; .:.... .."Disaster."

• VlBceeatGorrigan. Declamation. ; , , . ..."Somebody'sMother."

. Marion:. Eluler- : ' " Eietnro Story.. „._.., ,;. ."The Eide."

• ' Mamie Warner. • ;. •-•• SWsi'e........ . : — : . . . . . . .,-..,_„ ...Orchestra The Debatjnff Society—By-pupils of Junior

and Senior Dept. . Deolamation.,.;.-.,*Uow Jae Began the Fourth,"

.Eugene Duiinigap. Flag Drill—By pupils of the advanced and .

-second, intermediate department. .-March. . . : —.._. . ...,-•.:.,..-.,...„...Orchestra


—This i tyle of advertising ha<j been

miming in om paper foi a long time.

Youi eye* have wandeied ovei i t for

jears I t is simply heie as a reminder to

you that if J Q U should ever bd so unfor-

tunnte as to have a coicl oi any lung

trouble, Kemp's Balsam is the best cure.

Sample bottle fiee at all d rug stores.

Large bo t t le : 50 \ and $1, iii » 2

wsssm^-. y . S V * A ; i i , ' ; ;. - ' -y ' ' ' :

:Work*o)4 % t p ^ : a e g r e e v i t - ^ w v t t l e l o d ^ No.; 134j P V ^ . ^ " i ^ d ^ ; e v s t t -iisg^-B'ebi 2:lstt.- A l t members Of fl&".ancl s i s te r lodges a r e cordiaily a h d fyjtiBih'aty;. invited to^- preseat;- .Open', sharp.'at


-=.."'•.-••• iM?osTA*rHpxicag.'-•-'•-'.;. ;•""". •Ton will be wise-fo-Kuy; a ' s u i t o l

e l b f t e so r o v k p o a t for youtSelf a t % v of

t h e .Bosnian s tock^as thpse j^odtls1 a t e .beV

jng j sold one-third^^^less^ lihan' their; a e t a a |

--*hblesale;cpst. Doa'tbe.:slo-w,.'aa"these

goods are bbin^'spld'faat' - ' ; ' v '. ••'

;--tf - ' : v. ' : , - , ;H,.BO'S>IAJE *r,

' . - ' / • ;'• ^ . " 'W>iES(^ ;Feb ; /§ > ; i | ao . . \ I desirp .pubiiciy t o extend-Jhirik's; to

the • friends a a d neighbors!whb 'sffkihdly. assisted dur ing thft illhess atad; flespi of: my mother,-MrS. K-'3yi;.Pepkhimi..^i |b tp t he fr iendsin Lowville fo'c-their Madness Words cannot express my-gia t i tude •$&. them; • L n i r a a f BijT*8/

' lErtTESBEByiCJEs.;- ;;.-•

During- .lent- 'services...,will /be , ' he ld ; i t Trinity church,' this v.illagejas '-fp>; l ows ; Hbly-cpmfcuaion : ..b*ery••: S u n d a y moraihg ,at'.8';:30;,. Wednesday 'an3;Frid»y mornings p r aye r a t t10 .p?clpcfe;-. ev&iing: song, a t i p . M-.' Wednesday's- gind: 7 *,'-. H , Fridays, wi th serrppa or. reading i y . t h e reetori.,B?y--KariSwa'ste, A ' ^ c l a l p r p f gram wii l be awapge.dfori iply 'wiek;aad Bttster.Sunda#."-' -. . ' . , ' ' . : ' - ' - . "..', ..-.;'„

SlSSdEUXlOS-ltpfipE;.: ;

'• T h e partnership he f tp fp^ vejtisfang an-,

der the firm name of ^%e'tri''.^. A r t h u r . i a

dealers in, variety rgpp3s : ia ;"the/Smith

block i s th is d a y - ^ i s ' s o l v e d ^ l ^ ^ ^ t u a l

coaaent, and $he buBiaegS;- . ^ i ^ i ^ a i t e r

b e conducted by O. M, Wyf th'.^-0o.,.who,

assume Ml liabilities; b i f h e t e c firi», -. .

Lowville, N . Y. , F e b . ^ y ^ J . : ' ' ; '

C. SjoiiitofeW'^ETSDc,

- General Terni.Declsitins..'••.....

Among the decisions handed: 4bWri-;by

the general term last week, the. following

are of local in teres t i ' • , . . ' : - . - - . : - • .

John E . St r ick land. et.>. al . , i-esppnd-

ents, vs. Birth Hv Laraway.et , a l , ; appe l -

antSi . Judgraett t reversed .on. ih.e excepW

tioas a a d ' a n.ew.ftrial o.rderedj; .wiHi edsts

t o abide t h e eveat, .Cpinioaby J lerwia j ,

Pa t r ick Phi l l ips , rpspt,,"vs, ' . . theBome,

W"atertowa and O.gd'erisbui'g railroadj ap-

pelaa ts . •' Judgmen t afiirjh'ed'Mth.costs.

Opinion b y H a i d i h , P . J . '.'--..'• '..'


The Lewis county .chee^makers ' '.asSo-'

ciation tvill hold a,:raeetiigjtt .^ft, court

house in this village, Fr iday ^ ' J l ^ y ^ g t a .

There will ,be sessions bothfp ieapPnaf id .

;afternoph,- ; | , ' a rmer4 .an^ . s^ 'o ih ie ia in­

terested i a the .inaaufgebirp bi-;bhe'gse^

•should at tead. ...The p r o g r ^ . ^ y ^ a y f p l - r

lows::'; 10'A, u,:,t *'Gar-e.pf'fii|%^g.dS:c^fe^se

making, ' ' M. % E o r g p y d a i ^ corajnia1-

sioaer,yiE!rea;ting mlik, i t s effect-on but--

ter and cheese,?' Charles 0 . i te t tpgg,dairy.

cornmisBion, S p ; M.^Qucs t iPn yhbx-

"Loss to the-farmerfrqrajppor xhilkj^ Wv

W. Hall , dairy c b m m i s i b r i y - ' ^ P e ^ e c t

cheese; h o w fo secure ' i t , " - G e o r g e -A.

Smith, cheese ' instructor, da i ry /eommis-sion. • "- ' ;..- • : ; i " . '.- '•--".

Academy Items,"

Publ ic exercises cp;rhtnempratingr; W a s h ­

ington 's bir thday, will .be ' held Lifc the

academy chapel on. M^riday eviBning, t ^ e

24th inst., at .7i30. - j tp i f ' iheintcat iPi toi :

t he s tudents to•• inakpf-tjieae.-e^erciseJi-.'.pf

more than - ordinary, • interest;.,.; .T^ 'e . .ora­

t ions , •readings, es«ay'i>;:.r#e|t«fippi .;'iiid-

m h s i c w i l l be apprppjriaip ;tpy|fca-:-peba-

sipn. _ A.f iprdiaUaT|tai iop t%^)presen ' t ,

is extended. ' } . ""."''/•:•'•''.•

, T h e r e g e a i s examana t i ea . i t J^ i eaeadr

emy 'willbomihenee on.^ibftdfty|dorniog|

March the; 3d, a t 0 p ' c l p c ^ "fth^-cOatiaue

dur ing the.ent i fe sdhabl • w e ^ . / : T h b ; e x -

arniaa t ioa" ; i i i . : the-- 'pprainbii; ;/j»iiglish

branches w i l l ; b e held -on T? i e s ^ a ^" to^

Wednesday, t h e 4 t h a a d SthC; 'Al tpef - .

sons, no t s t u d e n t s . a t t he abadifmy,.in­

tending to enter any pf the g s a t i u ^ l i o n s ,

are requested to* be pWseat^t'-'&e.itcad-T

emy oa Fr iday afteraooa'; Feb»= %8tfa, a t

1:15. - "' ::•'.,;••- ' , - ' - ; ' . . - .-

PATAtlTY-AI C A K I ^ ^ :; y: .

A fatal .accideat occurred 'oi-JheBome,

Water town and .0g^asb i i i gy r s i l tP33ya |

Carthage between three.an'd.'ifptiir o'clbbk'

Monday Sfternpbn, t h e /vict im 'beiag-;

j i l e i ande r MeDpaald,a br^keajaa ba- tlie

road- who reMdea i n - W a t e r l o g , / -W13e

trying to make a coupling., ,31b; .^tlmibled-

over a cross-bar,'falBngip1, i lgu;ph:'.'a'' way

tha t the wJipels .passed p.V'erJhe^ghjIjl-egj

severing i t jus t below the„kn5by ./He'was-

removed, t o the residence o^'Ma, brother ,

Pat r ick McPppaldj ia vCart^ag^;:.; where

Bfs. Fergusoh..apd S tevensra t t ecS^him. .

T h e boaes i a t he leg were (jrttShid .arid i t

Waa necessary • to amputatp-it :abpvfi t he

knee, whiGh was don'et Thepa t i en tbuf ­

fered hia injury with. reinarJcablecorirage,.

but 'he was weakened by the losiof'blood,

and Ms trouble a n d agony, ended -a t / one

o'clock Tuesday-'morhingv "Whehhe died

i a t h e presence of his w i l e a n d b t h e r rela­

tives, Who had h a s t e n e d ' ^ hi^hedsideas

soon as the dreadful news bf the 'accident

was conveyed to them-; MeBbaald- was

'28 years of age aadleaves a\vif6 an 'd |wo

children besides '.other relatives. and-

M e n d s . ' • •' - - • .'

: - ;/Brani}B§harii-;-' - ' • - /

.-,'' C P»; Bartr idge ' h a s . in. .his. erapipy -

:abpufeBO.^eams., -' . • ... ••'•"

""' Mrs. O," -F . P a r h i d g e feturned from,

New-Yprk pa Saturday,

M i s s i t Lamoihe 'Hi l l s h a s b e e a v e r y s ick/with t h e paehmonia, bu t is consid­ered a lit.tle- he t t e r at this writ ing. Dr . Smith Of Greig a t tended her ,

' . -Theyheavy t h a w of last• w e e k c a s t a shadow pve r t ^ecoua t eaances ' b f spme of the-jobbers i n this;-vicinity, as .they were compelled' t o suspend business for a short tirae...' ; ' • - . . -

' ifilrs.' A. A. .Hi l lsyof tfajs place is a t

•Partridgeviile t ak ing care of her daugh­

ter, 'Miss-Lamoine.Bills. ' .

The valentine sociable proved a suc­

cess. Every one. seemed to enjoy there-

selves. The receipts were. fair. /

C. F . Partridge, scattered §1,000 smon^ his working, men last Saturday, They,

.all wear a smiling countenaaoe since that : event.

•"•Mr. and Mrs. V . "Vfilliams, of Por t

Leyden, were the guests of Mr. and

MrS." A. Hills of this .place Suturday and.

Sunday. ' . . Q O I D K E K C . .

Jeffsrspn County .-Supervisors,..,-;: "

The following' named 'gent lemen 'were

elected supervisors;., i a Jefferson bounty

•last TtiLesday,-; -The; .bp.ard.'.sta^dS; 14 re­

p u b l i c a n s a n d • M" democrats.';/;:' feast- ybar

t h e bbard -atppd. 15 r e p a b l i c a ^ o h d 11

-'.dembcrats.'/ ' -' •'',;.,- '/'•./••/.'."• ..-,

• A d a m s ^ - W . D^ Arms;, x. • ;•-•

Alexaadna-—Fred T^lfplftie?, &,:

Antwerp—Dr. G. H . Wopd,- r, •

Browavi l le—WalterZimmernan, r,

Cape Vincent—D. L . Fitzgerald, d, ;

Champion—WesleyBriggs i :T, •'.--'• •

Clayton—TW. H, Consatdyd; "...'.//•:

Ell isburg—J. M. TlionipsDn;, r,

Henderson—A. A. Scott, .T,.- •

Houasf ie ld—J,A. MoWayue, r,.

Leray—Fl B . Grbissaat^d,. .

Lorraine—C. t>'.. Qrfmshaw, d , a .

Lyme—Eli B, Johnson, r,

Orleans—B. J . S t r b u g h , d ,

Pamel ia - -E. 'B ' . Mchpls , r, ' .

Phi ladelphia—B, Oatman^.d.'.

Bodmah—W. J , 'Wymaa, r , ' '

. Btttlaad—p&tl H.'Firinfc, d,-

Theresa-^Georgb J).; Yost i ' r ,

' Watertown.—B, "W; .©ifford, r,

City Is"t'"Watd^B,^fi6MeD? jf , j r,' '

'•' ' 2d Ward—J". AWeli , j r . , r , .

. " 'gd.War-d--B.:E.',Srni|,^,. :d, .

" . . 4 . 4 Ward^Solp^ . 'wa le r , - S',-

. Wi lna - -W. H . D*lmore,,%^ . ' .

Wor'th—Philip B r e n a a n , ^ . . .

I s one. which is, . g u a r 0 t e e d to b r ing you satisfactory results, o r i o easeoffa i i -ure a r e t u r a o f p'uiehase price, On -this safe plan ybu cani>uy f r n i nou r advertised Druggist a bottle of B r King's New Dis-coveiy foi consump f ioa. I t i i guauinteed to bring relief m every ease, when used for any afiection -of Ttuoat , Lungs 01 Chest,such a«i Consumption,Iufiamnutiun of Lungs, Bionohitn, Asthma, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, etc , etc. I t i s plea» an t and agiee^ble to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. T u a l bottles free at Morrison & Bush's d rug store.

..',';• Copenhagen. ; /.. ' ; ' .

are several sick -in- this vil lage. ;a;tfd.'^einit^'- '.'

T h e Gleaners will have a meeting this

"1*epk-jjndayv - • • " • '

; Miss'.BrbleaTisdale, of IJexieo, 19 the.

;gueS't bf fribnds i n town. ,

Son', jaad Mrs, ' 6 . A. Ohickeriag spent

Sunday/at the i r home, i n th is village.

Mr.- JV S* Mitchell Came home, from

j L l b a n y o a Fr iday, oa account of t h e ill­

ness -of Ma. w i f e

• Mr. ' Mert Corcoran a a d family have

'fiiovea.,into^the.new Mock w h e r e . t h e y ihave .y^ry eomfprtoble rooms;

. . T h e r a i a F r i d a y afternoon and;eveaing

t u r h e d f p snow jus t in • t ime. to nave the

^sleighing,- B very one was glad to see the

change;-. - . • • - . - ' . . . - •

/ M i s , M. B; -0'B-o.nnel!,'-of Lowville,

jwill.lecture in this village this (Wednes­

day) evening, a t t h e Bapt i s t church and

organize a juvenile- temple in this place.

T h e lecture will b e frqe, a t t d t h e public ' a r e invi ted, :'-.. •• - •

'"• The! Literary cirble .will mee t on Tubs-dayeve i i i ngnex t , Febr'aary'26, w i thMrs . H,-.'F,-Bichr.'".. "Subject, -Sculpture,: E g y p t ­i a n Sculpture,' Mts,"A. fc Ctorkyltfllian.-, j l i s s . - 'No ra ; l ¥ i i gh t ; -Medalion; J . -t>. Pa r i s . • Cbrnrflifc&e of e n t e r t a i n m e i i f ^ St fs iyM, . L . Huagerfordj Miss-.Lizzie 'J)ayehppjt, Mr.. A t t h u r Boynton. ••••

[.--"Great- sorrow- is felt in .this vi l lage 6a jabepuiit of t h e death of Mr, Morris L .

"Merritnan, w h o departed- this life last. . F r i d a y morning, in Mssjls^yeav. I t was riot kno wn t h a t h e was sick, nor was it

• supposed his condition was dangerous, unt t i a few days before his death; He was! conscious iintal the last . Mr, Mer-riam was b o m hear Lowville, Ju ly 26s

1839;' fa 18^7 his parents moved to But land where they l ived for t e a years,' moving to Copenhagen in 1857, where the. parents died. Ha at tended t h e academy at 'Lbwville, t h e seminary a t Gouverneur aad graduated from the normal school at

..Albany'- J u l y 11-,- 1861, . after whieh he taught one term ai.Pinckney GorBers. H e graduated from Eas tman^ ' Business Col­lege -at Poughkeepsie in the spring of 1864, ' H e was- marr ied October 18> 1S66 to Miss Alvira Graves, who died Decem­ber 1U, 1878. . H e aga iama t r i ed Jan nary

, 26, 1-878, 'l/SOm Alice ..Goodenough being h i s second wife, .who died October !£ , . J«83. : I n 1884,-January 16, he.married Miss Mary E', Babepcfc, who survives^ His .funeral was largely t t t teaded a t 2 p?clock- Monday afternoon, Bev, A . G. .Danfprth offibiatihg. The members of Orient lodge F , '& A. M,, t o which ' the deceased belpnged, a t t ended . the funeral i n a 'body. -,•' •. •

. . Shaw Hal- •..-. -

School clpsbd this ^ e e k . . .

Grangersa re .getting, numefbns, a n d there is some t a lk of a g range stpre. • -

Mfes.Shaw has t h e messles.j.Bheis-at' the home pf kes sister, Mrs.. .Henry E'di. war-ds, a t Crystal L a k e ; she'lbuad.'therA),,; • .(or.rather they fbaud her).. in/Bbohester,:'

A few days ago sotae^hams and'shpiild-' ers disappeared from t h e sinpkertouge pf .W. S."Glenn; also all his chickens except two, and some oa ts from h is barn , 13iere; are s trong suspicions of who' t h e thief i s , and. this i s not t h e first off ease'. - . . - - .

The funeral of; 3Vlrs.. EEaT^.;Slmai:oag,.' d augh t e r of. Wm. Pek-ie, .was held ' a t the -chui'ch-la^t Thursday, y A large, cirelp cf relative^ gathered t p . j a y the i r l as t re­spects' t o ' t he departed,' The church.wa? filled by an sttentiv'e and; Bympathizihg audience. T h e services were conducted' by Bev. T; B . Beed, and the text ' aad sermon were very applicable, . The de­ceased leaves a little spa and daughter 'to ..b.0: eared for. Mr, ^ithffipas= wil'l. .•fioabfr-le'ss find a place for theia"arao'ng the large circle of relatives w h o live ja th is vieia-i t y . . He 'will'abb k e e p house.- The "home circle, is b-cpieuj-and n o one can t a k e t he

;place ,bf mother . / "/. ;,'• * , - '. " . •The nause pf ' teap .erance;has . taken. ' a wonderful boom-in thi^.vicinity,; In. J u n e las t a lodge of I . Q/ &.• T , was organize Tvhleh-.aow has .a''m'embefflhip :of ;pye£' eighty, and s*all they- PPmei'-; 'Nearly every family in. the . cpmiriuaity; fe.xepre seated in the lodge-,-. . Siace- this "step, has been taken; b y the citizens* - t he hotel -bufo iaess below does no t .pay so.welf'as-it :

used to;. W e hea t t h a t customers.-arp served by a process of delivery:, of jugs^ .bottles, e t c . The bu.siness-is.nPt carried <m openly,, bp t i s a sort of' 'secret service reform".;., the reform crops, p u t . i n - a p e r caliar mapner , , . : •'. .

The officers installed in t h e l . Q, G. Ti b y E . J . Petrie, L . B . , . a r e H . . W . Browa, :

C. T , ; Arez Green, V, %• A a a a May Brown, S. J . T. 5 Mrs. George Wegg^ See'y; Annie P h i l i p s , F..' S ; ; Ena'Bate'g, ' Treaa.; Henry' Salmons, jOhaplain.; Bev.-T. B . Beed, P . C. T- ; Sirs, H , Salmpas, G..; Ar thur Phillips, Sent . ; Jessie W i t der, M . ; Blanch Griffith, D. B f ^ ' J o h n Smith, A. S/- B . ' H . W .


"Barnes Corners.

. ' Miri, Nettie. Millard is- very, poorly.

Mrs. Sylvester Waterman remains about

t h e same, - ' " / / , . , ' •

; Bev. F . G. Severaace spent a few days

.last' week in Watson.

;' The l o d g e of Good Templars seem to

to b e prospering finely, a n d the member-

ship ' is increasing,

'".' The sleighing * a s well improved while.

i t l a s t e d v A t present i t c aano t be called

very good, .-

..Miss Lacy A , Tendes , . of Bochester^

is to g ive Apub l i e reading in G o o d T e m .

•plaiB ha l l Thursday eveamg, Feb. 19th.

. Samuel Douglass, who has baen i l l for

H k>8g t i m e is. able to.be out again and i s

better, t han h e has been for several

months; .

Sew_ Bremen. • Miss A n n a tV'eyeneth has gone to Bos­

ton, Mass,, to res ide . . ,-

A, T . JoneSj of Turin, has. been spend­

ing several days i a towa yisiting friends.

Silas Bi -Johnson, has been, granted a

pension of e ightdol lars p e r m b n t h t o d a t e

from last j u p b . • " . ' " • ' -r

All are invited to ; .a t tend. the exhibi­

tion t o be given by thesphbol ia theha l l , . '

Friday"pvening. Admission 10 cents.

Daniel Johnson ' returned iast week to

th is place from Pot te r cbanty; Paij . Wheice.

he h a s ' b e e n employed in the . lumber

W o o d s . - - . . •• •• '• . . ..- ; .' •.

John-Matlis has .sold hfa ha tcher busi-

he33-to Tj)a.vM A . Getmanand 'Char ie? 3,

BatemaDj t h e new firm 10 b e styled 'Get-

m a n and Baieman," They will t r y .to fe-

taia-and. merit the large custom given t h e

former proprietor. .."..• • . . : • " ' . ' . '

"Betsey Bobbet t " was presented Tuesr.

d a y e v e a i a g t o ; a g b o d . . s i z e d aud ieaee ia

Tisse Brother 's hai l by t h e young people

of Beaver FallB. The p lay was a good

one a n d was.very nicely renderedj alt fhe:

par ts be ing "well•sustained,. Thereceipts:

amounted t p .|20,50,. and .wi l l be used

toward €be. n e w M. B , church buildmg.at

Beav.er'.Fa11s, ' . ' • - • ' - ' . -• / : • ' - '•). ! ' . '•- GSAED,-

—There is danger in. impure bkuod.

There is safety -in tak ing Hood's Sarsa-

pariil.a,, the gieat blood purifier. 100

doses one dollar. ' •

I I A B B I B D .

HAET-JTEWTOS^Near Gopenhaaen, Feb. 13.1890,byHeT. A.-tMfsnfoi-tti, jfr. Ht-rbert C. Hart, of iTarrisbiffgh, .and Miss Carrie A. JSew-ton,pfFuieknej'- , ,. \ .

" HAUTIN-BOHALL-At the residence of Hon-roe'Bphall' on the State road. %0-wviiIe. - Febru­ary 1-3, 1890, by Jtev. D.B.'Dfiivn, Mr. Chas. Jlar-titii «f Castei'land, and Miss Ilattie JSohall, 01 idwvtlls, .


JONES—to Borne," Feb. T3, l©0,.6r diph'therio' afonp, FaM-- wVorJy- ch-ildof Mr. -hd -MTS.V. A. Jones, aged 2 years, a months and T days, -.MERfiEM'AS—In" Copenhaaen, -Feb. 14, 1K0.

Mr, Morris 1 . Merrimari,4sed so years.,

. iiJOWAHD—In Denmark Feb. 35, K8P, Mrs, Delana Iieonard, aged 73 years.

W15COX—& towvffle, Bil X„ Feb. IS,- 3880, Mrs. Huldah "Wilcox, aged 83 yeai's, 11 month's ahdi3daj"'5 . • . - . ' ' • ,: ' •'• • - ••

"COOK—In Greigi,: February 11,1800, Anuanias Cook, aged 66 years."

Abso!ute!y Pure* This OQwder never varies., Amarrel of parity

strength and wholesoHieness, More «eohomiea than the ordinary kind1!, "ud oaunot bs sold tn competition with the multitude of lov test, short

- e ' " • " ' "'"" " Monlvm 103 Wall

\ve4waTum orpho"'<p1iato ppvijprs C ->'d onlv in ROY U. BAKfisr& POVT-Dliif f, oaiia


H. P. BUHHIG^ W, Carpenter a n d Joiaer .

Twenty yeais ' experience. Bepai i ing

4iil/.:;;;itfQti:*/Mii|:; J •'. -Westart'in'oiltheifewfe&MiU'&MvgBM^

SgriBg;. itai.& c^BM;\:W&:&rB no sliod% jgdads/to gbb¥b.^Bf/<^'. oia^csmsteiaQsi'•• -• .Drjt op'ds M&-; .fesfcqmafi% aiilt'|#eBt: ftyleei;' Wd Ba^'arl^-slbGE^A.''.^-'/ / . -: :•,.'.y:-Cy:-.;;.:://:-y/v;./• / yA-

m& a l - |iMis;..G!f Jira^bermei3/s/;<3;QM&- everpiii|Hg fpi--wiaier weari- .Gail aaid: seieiis b.6f©?fe/ utejisfemg, ye.u Wifl save : f i i Q E ^ 3 3 y y d o a r i g . s O . ' '-'•-. . • ' . " . ' , . v , , / ; ; - , / / ; ^ U . > / / ' :-:-/ 'v:; '- ' / ;A - . Q . / ;

•;-'.'V:'f *: , ; ' ' V • . ' . ^ i v v , j o i ^ / # M 3 3 l 2 0 5 E . ^ - "


^ y


j i f j isi^

ap#A4^ifW(p IPaSSi^.;;^lcrB^

V: Sfes,-. William^, Bectorj who -formerly l e i d d e ^ h e r v a f e las t | ' - A B8B&1&$$&&j'Mf&J^Xi&i.

weelfe-Wcedaesday -of hea r t disease; : Her |- '^it;^.ttft j a i t i J i n i p r d i g a i y , . ^ jfamamswere.-tesagirf. t o : . t h i s ' p l s c e a n t f 3 ^ - P ^ 4 * a t i K - - % ^ : f e . ^ i ; , ^ f e

tpldiby'phyfibjaa* taa*rish;p*wa(r&cai,abi*.: aaii/CQuid i r?e; oalyi : a ^ b ^ y i M U ^ j sh'e; w e i g h ^ X e s ^ t h a n B e y e h t y p b u n p ^ -'-'Oir^a;-piece pf wrappiiig paper she. j e ad of Br,-King 's Nbw Dispo'very,; and g a t a s ample bottle-; "ifehbiped her , ; ..slip hbvjght a large bststle, i t helped; her more, -.bought sa- . other; and'grew; bet ter ifast; .CPhtiiiued in •• use and i s n o w strong^ "healthy^ -tosyf

p lump, weighing 140 pounds.-: : F o r * i r -•fcer partichlars'. send-, s tamp :.to..W, "fi . Cole^ydruggist,. F o r t Smith. Trial Bot­tles of this Wonderful discovery free a t M o r r i s b n ^ B u s i i ' a d r u g S t o r e l . ' " ' ' • .

B U S I N E S S L O C A L S . -

— T h e UM(?a- (St, T») •Obnservato'ry of

music, §100-comp.etition,Maiph.'lst. Louis

Lombard, .director,- . ' . • ' • / t f -

—-Mr, Gl J.- North, i s ' -canvassing Ben-?

ma-rk and Harrisburgh for a book entitled i ' Spa i to F r o m t h e . C.amp-Flre," wMeh is.

highly commended by all who have seen i t

Mrs. S;>:ith C. Miller, desh'es .to an-

aotiaca to the ladies, of Lowville arid; vi-

eiai ty tha t she. has reopened-her ..-dress-

mak iag rooms in the north, s ide of the

Star block, \ . here she hopes,, by.fair pr i -

CSS'for good' vrprkmansbip", \o -receive -a

slia-ra of their >-:stroiiage, tf

-—Without enturing into a.:labpre.d .dis-CUssipn of the dSitarent method^ of butt-ter ttiakiaif, we. will s implya.amesome of. the Victories Won by the Cooley creamer ' ia actual tests , and for further, informa­tion, eorataeod to-the perusal Pf al l thiak--ing of buying a creamer, .the. catalogues and cir-eateas of the •yerrobat Farm, Ma-: chine Goi, nistljeiB Pf creamery supplies syrup and sugar making apparai?iis, and fruit driers, .for all of whicn ' the aade r -signed respsctfully solicit ,your orders.

T h e sweepstakes gold medal a t Paris esposition,- 1889, wa^s awarded to- t he Green Mountain Stock-Parra,- West Ban^ dolpbj Yt., who made the butter by the

.-Cooley creamsr proftesg. . This, -is. the ; third gold inedal at Paris .Exposition on.

.the Oooley Crt'amer arid produot,' Tak-. ing the gold medal at every exposition since i t Was .invented. The gold -rnfldal a t 'Bay State ' Fair , Boston, October, 1880, wtis awarded to Conway (Mass:) Co-^p;. erative'creamery,' who made .thebutter" by the- CooJcy cream gathering process, from the cream of mixed herds, in com-'petition with' "many' o l t he .finest-regis­tered private herds,, using o t t e r systems of'separating fho cream. ' The. gold medal and- .three silver med­

als, were awarded on dairy apparatus at the Piedmont exbibitiun, Atlanta, Qa,, 1889, to the Yevraoct farm machine com­pany. . ' Fourteen gold ' medals, besides. silver medals and .first'pfemium-s'.tp"phJLi-..; merous' to niesti 'ft have been awarded tbe-Oooley Crenmi-r . and protluet-s since the beginaing of the fairs a y«ar ngn. Ee-inember th?,t, the Co'.,>hy Ci;eanier h s s ' a patented pri*c-cs'iiiiitu'tit from ail other cream raUers'tir >e paralora. th»t gives i t i !-s • wonderful supcriow-ty. i n ' qnsuitity and quality of pro.dupt. No others can le--«ally use i t . Sold, by F O O T &. W Y E T H ; Dealers .in Farm.. Iiapiemenfs,. ete.^ 160 • and 1US5 State st, LowviBe,' N . Y-/ t f .

promptly at tended tp .

. Gm.p@& Ml 251s©aB:#s.;:. The claim to ctu'e all diseases,.'niaivat first

RIIUICC seem vwy absurd: but after readine our pamphletv sivuig a hi^tnry of the. Microbe Killer, esplain&s ftie flt'i'-ni.theory of disease, and r$ad-inff our testimonials, which prove conclusively there 1sno.disease it Will nu.t cure, the.truth of oar assertion brnouies clear. Kop.etson' suffer­ing train any Wood, chronic or contagious disease" shunld- let u day pass wituout sretting and read-ins tbis.nrteresiing- bookj"which'will be giv-en away or mailed free. The gentlemen connected

of t! ib utj i w u i virtedevciv^heii. Addie-s


MicrolDe Killer Co.,

54 SiUh Avenue, MDW TORE CITY 10

29,000 S ^ B ^ y O ^ ^ S M M C E ] ^ a t l . Sdg.. Apwn . Fi-eac-h ValeaeSuheS: Qrieaial and 'yaniE>yie £oint laces;.

HSo.,, G9c.,,S!)a. and $1.0».. A-'fsia Jine'of iadie'S' MnS ifi Wdorwear. . •...... "• --',.

•oni-stdflic of Dress Goods i s matchless, from Priestly Sirs "warp jTaorlcs. - we/have 46-in,-Camel's Hafr'at s ac , w re .si.; 40-ln. serges,--6ae. wa-e s i : 46rto- H?nrieg;a-. ess. f f l « ; t l ; 4 M B . , Hem-ietta. 6*. were T3C; 42-in.. aenrtetta, 4X. were tee.: 01-ln..Dress Flannel, 5Be.-were5^e.'j 4(Mn, Di'essFlaimel 35c were aae.; Corduroys- 3,;-dtivviMoi5c- andi2i§3. doahie-ioja-ares^-sooflis, ana single, a id <tress"g-oods,. in ay shades, plain and .stripe, 52., t c , and lee, , FJegant dress- r^mrrrlngs t o ; matclxAlt shades, •' - --, - •-'- •: ' ,;, .•:.•••'- ' . .-• ' , . ..-;••-'•• •;-; -—-" ; . . / ; ; ' - :

." ;.i '-•ptashcloftSSj S19. KewMaiietSj §58;, Street' -3aosete', .?1.SQ- • eifildre'n's-.elpafcs less-tarn cost;

IfyouiYfehtDsayemoaeylopkoVOTrau'^ ... . • . / , , . ••".••;•/-•. -;.' / :", . -'/

•We are sho-irtogthe niest ass6i*me'nt oi Beaver Sha.W4ste Sh?wls, BlaaiEet Shawls and-iadia saawis.-• . .. •.. ..---•; ; / . ' " :-. . . " / • " • ' - : . ; . . . - • / ' • • / / " '

• White and colored, SI per pair, to a e mtestCaiaornia, .'Horse. Wanbets Jgc,, to Qie'celeprateiL'-. 5 - A Wiinlvet. - . • "' "' '

This aepartmentis complete.coHtalnlng all the latest hoVeltle'ste Boas, Mnas,'0apes; and lur br the yard, all colors, Thibet, Lamb, Vynx. Opossufii. Monkey, ^eave'rvfelfaiSlferFdx^^traclian,. OUderDotvS. Boa and inuff. $a.H<S'-. 5mffs,B0C. • GhUdren-sBoaS- and^iBarsr.Also:a:lai^e;aneor cutter i'0bes,blactf white and gray, |3.5 ,.5i and-S&, • . • - , ' ' . ' -"-".-' . / ' , , . .-.=

•• '.. GSNTS', LADIEM:MIS:SES.AND,CHJ^DBE^ --,-:-;•-• All sizes,- natural Wool, scaMet,'.cftrnfeBs h'alivnDiin'ai wnoij noa^hrlnklng *ool vests; cafliineje; -

wool,merino. ladies*vests.ahd pants;3rHe.-:eacB^ Seats'£eairy:wra;ppersiaid aflaswers,so<!,eactt,-. ' '"• CABPETS, B U G S / ' J M L CLOTHS AN1>. C B B T i l N S , . ; ' i-"-•,.-"/""'-"'

' Harag-inftdelaigepurehasesof these.gG"pds:we are.#epared-.to'sb;oWyon--aJat^r.a^JflRnent. than everSetore, aao:atplaces1±4tBailnt)t-be.dlipn;e.ated., BestTaiwPOl ESBraitt G"aijMt,5SiCi,a«o....

Kerosene-all, Se 1 s . O. molasses, 50.0.; 3 lbs. Iea,ifor »5c; BatthigiisCiigiiigiarhSiW;.; Oaljcpesv 46.: Brown Sheetings, 5c.;'Bie.aehed:Stoetto^5e:;:a;pWfiimg^'..all--Ifflen,.4c.iCia*am ladles' Aprons, ire.-, lineri'Thie JiaHias'k,--j8e.; .ted-Manne\.allweal, i50>-Sapiaas.^ie.va aacen.-;;-ejgiitcatesoi ,soap,35e. Ftinoy Soapuic. ana-ioe..-"-latiles'.-Corsets,igc^-,Kld Gloves,5ue.; Hanflter-ebiersiSc.; Ladies' wooi'-EwerMavChflaten'sXvnpi-Hose;.-SQV.-, "'-:.".:. . - :, -;-••. ; , : V :'=^v_ :

Hetreaeimient. istno order of theday;. Every one wishes to -make OiemDneyxAaslar asjoSBK-h i e ; ' " ' ' """""" " - 1 - - - - -"•-*-' - — — • - - - — -— • - . - - - — ^ at 1

ust cheapert'

,iH/iistiii^®l M:

days We" will gw^i&i^Bi

and. StioeB. • Alsb-'-all goods in our line, for we must reduce our stock for spring

BRAHMER BRO'S, Nest Doig* Bros. Block, State Street, Lowville.