
ES&l -- . s-- i jl-- j n N B- - . If- - It Rv Jf tK MitSSKSSSSSS ' 'Ti iu St&nwnrji jCrJUfJ&ZT' zmmi ft- " 5i " pMr3'wiemcsK.Nti.wpa "V J X"?K- - srr. - LOCAL THE GREAT prittjtflelfr iatti gjptMfc. READS EVERYBODY NEWSPAl'KH. THE REPUBLIC. 1 VOL. XXXIII NO. 257 SPRESTGFIELL, 0., THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOIJER 0. 1887. PRICE TWO CENTS. WEATHER FACTS. AtHlSGTUX.O't OhiO liktit rams lollowed plSK fair weather Springfield, O., October 6, 1S87. THE HARVEST I B Is the full moon nearest to September 23, hence the moon that fulled on October 1, and is now full, is the harvest moon. It is so called because forseveral successive evenings it rises about the same time, instead of a half to three-quarte- rs of an hour later each night, as it ordinarily does. It was called so because, as it came at harvest time, the early ages of the world thought it was a dispensation of Providence for the benefit of the harvest. This is also the time to Harvest Overcoats. These should resemble the harvest moon in being "full." They should be full ol men, so they will again resemble the moon by having a man it. Com and "full" some of The When's Fall Overcoats Largest and finest stock in this market. One profit cheaper than anybody. Fit guaranteed Quality as rep resented. Every grade. All sizes. Boys not forgotten. THE WHEN, 25 and 27 West Main Street. COFFEE I A most important item in our domestic economy, isfiititiod to tore attention than it generally receives. At the majoritj ol breakfast tablrs, "if the ColIVe is good, eierj thing is good;" a fact so significant in ifvl' that noariMiiieut to roe the all importance of buing the best, if they do cost a ffw tviiii more. Try siiiy ol the f oliowiug : Plantation Mocha. Maleberry Java. Royal Rlocha and Java. .. Royal Java. Mandeling Java. Old Government lava. Maracaibo. Peibsrry Santos and Rio. Thee ('o!r-e-s are Fr-s- h anil Crisp, and of ihf It st quilitv. J. H. 1FFEI, ARCADE GROCER. RTM EMBER mm, ' BWW I i ARE HAXIH.Xi; THE BEST I COAL I IX THE 3AKKLT. OUR LACKAWANA ,VTD SCRANTON Is First-clss- -. Call and See Ye. SOUTH LIMESTONE STREET 'PHONE i35. FOREST HOUSE, l . 31 . .11.1-- i limits T;;r I.T, SPRINGFIELD, - - OHIO. WANTI- - U- - ccutlemen boarders, K'ad. first-cUi- s board. Eto4 roamv and iu (act, r very acomiuo-dfttio- n torn tke hoinf p'Miaut rlnf tucouDfCtiou ttood pi.Cm. &Qsl ill conieu leacs of a Urst dtn bouie Tbe houe ti Uu-itr- in ctnUrf a pirfc and cnrn lent to ail depots, also plofflceand tele crapU offlces. JD.WISSINGER, PHOPR. CLEVELAND'S SUABBISESS. Ths President Visits the National Military Encampment and Then Leaves for Milwaukee. JoMi 1.. SulUt-ti- i 4Jolu?1tt I uropo Clew IaiiiI xt- - ! to iiuer it Ciuirtewu. I eller frwin 4.04. Ot,lrlj unit the l.oiermir ! uit II Int. Bvthe Associated Press Ciik f.t. Oct. ( Sv.arms f people agun tilled all the approach! s to the I 'ai mer liou-- e this morning eaih. watthiugfnr isllinim'iif l'resident t'lcn.-l.u.- d when liej. intcm diif should emerge for a dme to the military encampim nt. uoikiiieii and shop girls, on their wav to work, forgetting tor the time being the toil before them, pressed forward There was a x rfect ja.11 of cuuntrj penple and wcll- - tlre"tHl cit) sightseers. Half a dozen iiiuuiiIihI police hail no little trouble in dealing the passage for the president s car riage. Ho was accompanied h) Major Korlie, itntr.ll Terr) and a dozen lesst r il mtarie A rapid drive pit two or thre. tlioiand triHip" drawn up m line, thuinlerinc falutes from artillerj and 1km h and smiles to the couple of thousand pctat4ir, on tand, commuted the leremomes at tl e encaiLr- - n.t nt. Without dela the pre"Mnt Sminled the train for the depot. dowi town, fio u which the "tut for .Milwaukee was mvle at ne minute" of ten. "chedule time. Mr" Cleveland lud prectded hhn b hilfl an liuar, "Iippim; ijuietlj into a carriage at tli lio'el and bemi; driven to tiiodejmt cj'uparativelj unob"ered .nv. Ilclp"li3 hihI Chicago, Oet. fi t Sprincheld li tive" an r,iIaiation of Covtrnor ()It"li'" abnee from Cl'Icao durini; the I're"' vi5it There vat an inipiirj abiut t!. btato capital toIa as to the governor OcIe"b remained avvaj from Cliioaco on till" oceiiion, a" he had a prO"In invitation to come. It "eeim, however, that wlien the bpriinjrield i- '.t " w ere prep mm; tlie invi'atiin to the 1 eni it to co there the Mav jr intl ttlu. nil i i t led nernur and asked himloj in In te invitation The'Iovir nor rt il't"l 1'iat la liL" i wition he did not think he, could, with propriety, join in the citizens' invitation to bpnnciield .mj more than in one to anv othircitv in the State, but lie could write the 1'reulent and rtould cherfull do so. 5 he had learned that the inunic pil authorities at the capital were sending him mi Invitation ! co there, and if lie decided to co. as wn hoped he would, the coventor and all the state oihcei" would unite in a Keneml endmvir to make hi" "ta acreeab e and plea"ant 1 hi" was written 011 liehalf of t'je "late piv eminent and "ent entin li ep-- 1 rate from the mvttattii of the major, oou'icil and citizen" Tlio ire"idtnt re- plied to the inajoi's invitation an 1 referred to the artinn of the council and cit!zii", but in itln r mentioned the Ko.enior's If tti r nor replied to it "eparatelj. This explains w!i the goven.or ha" not iiersonallv joined In t Iim welcoHioof the piBsident upon the soil f of Illinois. .Jo'111 I ullitmi (.oin: to I tiroir, Nivv iiik. Oct. 0 A lSo"tm special "iv": John L Sullivan will sail fur Kurope October J'i Ilirr I'ln'lips, a n "txirting man from Montreal, has lietu In town for two or thieedav", nuking with f'e champion, to become his managir. The busii tss wa" "eltled viMerdav aftenu n. The d ite for "tartine U" diiidni iivii. and plan of action mapped out. bullivan said to a reporter la"t (Mimic "e, 1 am going to huiope with mj friend. Harr rhillips 1 shall start the latttr part of till" month, goto I .Her; h1 lir-- t. makt a tour of Scotland and Wales thi" winter, and in the "pruie go to the (oiitmeut I "hall go alone that K I "hall not 'ravel with a combination hen I git to Mngland 1 "lull in ike arrangements to pir wiili tie hw men the have got over tin re. 1 shall be avvaj at leastajtar jwrbaps more. I am going ovtr there rftei nioiic not for furtlur honors." HUMTEO BY REPORTERS. Mr. Illnliii is I In illt Interview" hill tirfsjt I 1'vi is. OoL fi Mr Ulaine was here two dajsli-for- e the reporters and corre"pon-di-it- " I knew of Ins presence. His apart-m- i it" at the Hobl Vtndoine did not "lilt liiin Tli"v were on the third Ho ir, and he nl on having tho bi.-- t "iilte on the tnt. The hotel people not realizing thej wtre enter'aln ig an mencan cclebnt ret i"t-i- l to give him letter quarters, v hich would have to be iLine at the eoene of "i"ne other guests, so Tuesd iv ntilit Mr. lli.une moved to tlie Hotel IJimli ester-d- ft uoTIiiitg he w is besieged b scnlie", :ut "Uece-slul- .v avoided the perltent lit- re armv until Ml"" Evans, of the Xe ork lltntl'l. wound her wav into his I re- - nee under the pretense of being a 1 milliner l"ioii the discover of in r true vm-iti- on he jieremptonl ordered her out of the room Mr ItUine now talks of abindoning the t Iierlin trip and going to ltalun Hievtssra, the great wmtir health re-o- it of the The famil) were sight siviug all the afternoo and itc inpinied bj benator llaie. attended tlie "iiinmer clrcu". DiSOBEIED FATHER. I.lrl sl,lis W (lit llrr Lmir nml C nisi n VV or 111 or.lii. ri.vv.iiN. G u.Oct fl Farmer Buck-- 1 It vv had pu -- il out a husband for his Id3ghter Minnie but the voung lau sl a juiu man najit-- Adaiii". and met him 1 lande-tin- ei 'I his went well until 'a."t wtvk, wi.-- n Bucklew, tarrln,i hi" rit't. ca'i.e "iilduilv iimiii thejoun couple lie blazed awav at Ad I'lis v. ho tciH-- Before ilaIUM last Fndu a pin; d's fiiends stntiueiltlic Butk 11 ti"iiin and urtuniit Ihe girl, came to thi" plai for i miirhiLt license 'I lie girl but H the licuie w.i" n fii"(- -l Ihen tin v dmve to Caniilton the bride and nsiiii in .1 wagon while the other" rode hor back v.ith rub" reuij for at lion I he piM r" vvtre "fcureil a'ld the marriage tiKik jilace there. .n e then tin beventh ill-- tr ha" bis iitlivi !! into t ictioii" and "evera! b!(Ml ti.hts h ive taken pldce. MNA WAS JEALOUS Anil Wi-p- l llitlir Ti-a- Itunnw Ausml 11 mil- - In AiKittiiT I.lrl Ciik vi.o. Oit. o Nina Van andt and Auu-- t bpie". her allegtsl pro. husband, c had a lifer ipiarrel 111 the count Nina vimis tlie eoiidenmeil an- archist dail When "he caue cst"ida "he litgan to upbraid bun for wri'ingto another woman bhe had heard that he had written alls tiointel to the oung woman to i,lioiii lie was engaged befotn Vina fa"t- - iied beralfi-cuoii- " upon him, and wlioni it is said he still loves better than his erratic proxy wife. vics " said 10 hive told Nina with inudi "pint that he wouldwritei to whon "oevir lie pleased, at which thtre was a grand down pour of tears. The heart "ofttiied then, and he prom- ised to leave his fnimerlove alone. K'lrenhart"" winter millinery opening Saturday. Momla and Tuesday. Octolier ", 10 and II. AH nevv goods. New French and English patterns on display. All in- vited. WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! (Kill One- - Acaiii-l- lir Olil l'luc Hit llrl-i;- li InllrdOiit for ltiiiiielltftberi ii e. There will be a nieetinK of the republi cais at the Wigwam on Knday evening net at T .0 o'clock, for the purixise of re- organizing tlie various companies of the M l'luc Hat brigade Let everj republi can turn out and arrange for a rousing es eort to Hon. John Micruiau and (lovernor II K Nojes, at the met tine next Tuesdaj eveninit. Hj orderof the Km'Iuuoi HiriTii Covi. c ELK MEETING. Vr Hull Murli tilnilre.1 rrniiB- - lUMlfa lorn Formal 0iuliic ! Wk. I'm 'iiaiit- - innniiiwwnnrt. the lodge- - room and hall of Iodic Xo M, It. T. O. hlks, tlu citj. was thrown open for the lirst time last tVlneMla) evening. The meetiuc was tint lartrost and most satin- - factorj since tli institution of the lodge . l'vervlxKly enthiislasticallv admired the haudsoinelj appointed new ipiarten, and it vi as apparent to the most unobservant that thu lodge had received a boom and .anulne impetus bj the new departure. An enthusiastic vote of thanks vva.s ten- dered Messrs Jiam Waldnian, I) T. West and T. K. Mctirevv, juu , tlie members of the furnishing committee, for the excellent and tasteful work the had done in titling up the hall so satisfactorilj. A special vote of thanks and congratulations was to Mr. 1) T. West, the chairman of the committee, who has isiven his timo. taste and labor to th woik to a degree that the elegant appearance of the hall fullv corroborates. Titer- - n i nc reaped ww- iiicmn-la-- 4 JiwUt lint-M- r. -- Wet K .taisv imtleeorathri. - All tlKbtrrrvf ere ordered paid and a neat balance rrmains in the treasiirv. Mr. Kotiert Qje""er was elected eriiia nent se retarj, v ice Mr Judj Aron.resigneil Mr U J. el"Oti liu been acting as teni' liorarv sccretarv. Two applications for .membership were receiv ed and referred to the proper It was decideil to give a "uncial session and formal openin; of the hall on Kridaj evmlng, Oct. 14. to which tiftj or "Ixtj representative business and professional men will receive invitations, with a view laigelj of interotiiK them in the order After injecting the rooms, tlm entire partv no ie but stags will be presen- t- will adjourn to some leading caterer for a sot la! spread Mes-r- s I) T. West. I- - M Harris and J. C. Hollow ay were appointed a toininitttf to work tlie social up. HO, FOR THE GOLDEN COAST! Tlie 1- 1- I Inn TitkM Illc Kicursloii I'arly tu Citllfrnia. This morning at f20 o'clock a large partj of "trTinglield and Clark county people left via the Hte Line for the Pacilic coast. Mr. Gtsirge II. Kn'ght, Iheixipularajent of the Ilea Line, took ever care for the comfort of his passengers, providing them with two parlor cars which will run dear through to Kansas Citv. At that point the passengers will he transferred tn tourist sleepers It was eectcd that eight would be added to tlie jiartv at Dajton. andseven from Oreen-lll- e a also joined It. Mr. Knight accompa- nies tho part as far as Kansas Cit, to see to their wants and comfort Following are the names W.d destinations of the part. A. i: Marnion. Mrs Oeorge II. Ournea, lid Ciurnea. W. I 1'attCR.on. Charles W. Miew alter. W. K lUnej, Joseph Brg, Miss bailie Ward, Jerr Montgonierv. Mr" F. M. Ilrelsford, Miss Florence Brelsford, Los Angeles; I,eslie K Farr, T. 15. F. K. Ludlow, wife and child, A. II. McKamey. Mrs Mid'e Kershner, Miss M. 1). Thompson. Mrs. Mar A. Mrs I. Kolin, Miss .Manic Kalfensperger. C II. rutnam, Mrs. .1. 1). Alltn. Mi"S Mary bhields. E. II Ackirson, San Diego, California; Mr". Ili-c- Bean and two children, San Jiw, Miss Annie Bolger, ban Jose, I). W. btroud. wife and two children. Oakland; I) F. Itanium, San Francisco: Mrs. F. M Farmer, daughter and maid, Kansas Citj: Mis Harry B Hengst, Waco. Tex ; Ko-c- Bean, SL Louis; Samuel Johnson, Chi- cago, Miss C. E. I.arrnuer. Marion, lud ; LADIES OF THE THIRD LUTHERAN. Mlfilrnl I'riisr-liutii- e of Their supirr itml KitturlBiiiUiPlit This The following I" the ransical programme to be remlereJ bmight at the supper and en- tertainment to be given b the ladies of tlie Third Lutheran church, in the new church, building, on the earner of Center and Lib- ert street" Overture The "liver Bell U Schlepegrell laumerei chumaun City i vlfts March 1 II Iluls.atrby E C Holtton I.alleneiweVialK E Waldtenfet e hevillcr llrtton HermAnn "vered li it 0" Merciful- - . Kmersnu mrlca - II Carrey The admission will bet.vent) cents, which Includes 1 good "ipiare supper, which will lie srrv isl from ' o'clock. Ortlii-Mr- a Musle far the lluwlltlii; iceiiifiit tit lli drnml. The Grand ojiera house orchestra. Kobert Brain director, will render the following p'ogramine during the Downing engagt-11-1 -- nt at the Grand Ovtrture Lustspiel - Keler IJela I. rjl 'hat the DUkey nIrilsiy' l.rrainie Jnkabowskt I. Laocers Air3 from (illtiert and bjlll-vaa- 's nevv opera of Kuidyore bullivan Bouljpge- - Patrol Imitating the ap- pro uti lu the distance and p using of the 1 rench patrol s mirlllls Faronte rirof Louii Mil . C.liyj Xone of the music of Ilinldgorc has et been hi ard in bpnngheld and there is some curiosit on the part of theater goers to hear it. Freslil lit 3troiul Itrsigtis Mr. 1) W. Stroud, president of the Clt'-ztn- s' btreit Kailwa Compaii, has re signed his i"ition as president and left this morning with Ids wife ami family for California It is statid that Mr. Wm II. llaiiti n'.the "re-e- nt superintendent and aa epei it need railroad man, will suc- ceed Mr. btn 1 d Tlie l.iml "lulling Mntrli. Intere"t 111 jcal "jMirting circles all cer- - ters in the great Xolan Clow sluggm, match at Cincinnati this afternoon. A lead ing MaiM street sahwin has arranged to re- itivtd the result of each round by tele graph as the light progress". The L'litrr.llliil. II in. M. A. Vol an. of Cleveland, and Hon. Eustrte Gibson, inuiuber of congress froui West Virginia, will address the dem- - m rac of bpiiugheld and Clark count on the evening of October 20th. Time and puce will be dulv announced Tli HriiMii surial. The social" at theTrinit Baptist 'lurch this evening, should not be forgot- ten, as it is sure to be an affair of a ver tlelig! tf ill nature. The ladles in charge Iiavo worked hard and there ought to be a ver lare attendance. A (Jllirl Ttrililtiig. Last 1 veiling, October 1th, Mr. Harrison Knoblaugii and Miss Lida bnell were mar ried nt tho residence of the bride's parents on I iaco street. J'astor CoIIett. of bt. I'uil church performed he cremoii. Both are of this c it. Ladies, don't fail to attend the millinery ojieuiug of the K. K Souder store at their new rooms. 31 south Limestone street, Sat- urday Monda and Tuesda , October 8, 10 and 11. AH are cordially invited. Mr. J. F. McGrew goea to Lima this eieniug ou business. ELEGANTLY WEDDED. The Mirnage of Miss Alice Goade and Mr. Edward Benedict Oobb, of New York City, Last Evening. An I vent ClinritrterlKPit f Oillet aiHClilfl. rem n iitnl llii f t Kvi U lit Tiiate TliTiillet, supiirr. Hei nr ntloim, I 10. A w etldiiig of marked butipiiet elegance occurred last (Wetlnesda) evening, at 7 30 o'clock, at tlie of Judge and Mrs James S Goode. No lMeast High street. the occasion being tlie marriage of their daughter. Miss Alice, andKljvard Benedict Cot-- . es , a prominent member of the legal fratermt of Xew York,' cit. 'lhere was an absence of displa, biiteacli feature of tho affair was charctenzedTiy the exquis ite taste which wealth and 'culturo make possible. V The house was almost a bover. so pro- fuse vv ere the II iral decorations. The vv ere bonked upon the mantels in sweet abund- ance and scatttrod lu lovel confusion upon the. tables throughout the house. Great py rain uls of pot plants occupies! the corners lhe folding doors connecting dh eist par lors were thrown wide open, and graceful and majestic curtains of sinilax swept to U10 floor, making an effect at once novel and striking Between these two portieres, hung two in- tertwined hearts. sinbolIc of the cereiuo-ii- , and made of Marechal Veil buds. About lift guests were in attendance, all in full part dress, and combining into most brilliant ass(..nblage. which represent ed tne culture and pride of Spnnghel 1 and several other cities lhe cereuiii was anno inced on the steel-plat- e mwt-itiou- s to occur at 7. SO, and prouiptlv at that hour an admirable orches tra from 1)1 ton, stationed in tlieaUove iu the hall, commenced pla mg There was a triumphant burst of tiarmoa as the bridal part slow deie.uled the broad at ilrs from the upper apartments, 'lhe nrst to appear were Mr. Lee Goode, cousin of tlie bride, and Mr. George i'orter, of Indianapolis, who acted as ushers. riiev wire follawed by Mr. Augustus Cobb, of Nevv 'York, brother of tne groom and Miss Anna I'orter, of In- dianapolis, the best man and maid of houur respective!). Xct ill the brilliant little protes-io- n canu little Edith Geode, daugh- ter of Frank b Goode, , who looked .u though she just stepped down from a rare old ptuiti ig The child was ex quisite in her tuiitliful beauty and bore upon her arm a basket of flowers. l.ast of all came the lovel) bride her-elf- , a vision to be remembered iu her bridal gownot purest white, and leaning a the arm of her prosiifetive husband. lhe ushers un loosed the white ribbons across the folding doors, and took their places j 1st without the door. I he bridesmaid ami groeuisinan took their respective stands near try and the bride and groom, the ciiosurc uf all e)es, "tood for the cereuioii) just Ins! Ie the south parlor under tlie iloral hearts and framed lu the trailing smllax. Dr. George II. Fullerton, pastor or the St cend Presby- terian church, performed the cremn) in grave and impressive manner, while the orclisira without plaed jibmlsxliuo music The union was accomplished by the ring ceremoii). The bride was arra)ed iu gown of white satin tn tmiiic. lieavil) trimmed in seed pearls A white tu lu veil swept from her head to thetborand enveloped her in a lilun mist, 'lhe gown was cut high in the neck and with long sleeves, and she wore diamcnds, tint gift of the groom. Miss I'orttr, thw maid of honor was regal and statue-un- e in a robe of white iiioirn silk, trimmed in white silk em- broider). It was ileiitllrtt and sleeveless. After the ceremoii) and attendant con gratulations, the bride and groiin led the wa) to tlie dining room, where a wedding dinner of seven courses was served in irre proachable style by a I) i) ton c Uerer. The attendants, the silver, the chin t and the ta- ble decorations were all products of the Gem City. The nevvl)-mad- e Mr. and Mr. Cobk, the bridesmaid and groomsman, anil J. the Ushers occupied iositious of honor at one table. 1 he repast was ful!) 111 charac- ter with the other features of the ceremoii). Natural!), at such a wedding, the pres ents were of the tiniest and best, and of the most correct form After an evening of much pleasure, the bride and groom left at 9 li for New York cit). where, afterashort visit at th? home of the bride, the) leave for 1 year abroad t Among the guests from out ofthecitv were Mr. and Mrs Edward Cobb, parentis of tlie groom, and Mr. Augustus Cobb, his brother, of Xew York cit); Mr. George I'orter and Miss Anna I'orter, of Indianap oils, son and daughter of ex G ivernor I'or- ter. of Indiana; Miss Mary bliellnbarger. of Washington. D. C . daughter of Ron. bamuel bhellabarger; Miss Dajghert), of Cincinnati The guests from the cit) were relatives of tlie bride and representatives from tlie o!d and honored families of the cit). Of the ocial standing of the contracting parties, there remains nothing to lie said, and both are representatives of culture, re- finement and position that render the union of the two houses a peculiarl) lit one. ELOCUTIONARY ENTERTAINMENT t Hi Mori li street V H I:. luirrN l.a li;lil er) suo eksful. The entertainment with a few exceptions was excellent The continued variance from the programme, as pjbils'icd, did not add tnatsriall) to the success of the enter- tainment The Springfield Concert corn-pa- ren I"red so ne 15 ie vnjal mane. Mrs and Mis lr stun ver) crellttMv sintvined their past celebnt). Tlio former oil "Co'irting Under ," "Aux Italian." "lTncle Dau'el's rraer," ' CreeJs or the If mis - and otners, winch were ex- - cellentlv retd'red. Tne "1'antomine." b Miss L.llie, wis also ver) entertaining: a'nothe sing "buppiin" .Messrs. Hi!e an I Bjw Ire distiiiguishel themselves as am Ueur coined ans In "William Tell ' bv the former, an I "Mire Anton)'s a I dres-e-s over Cesr's bod)" In th latter. Mr Bowdre his malt n marked improve- ment upon tlie rendition of this selection, showing that he I" giving his attention in that directioi.. He was assisted b) Mrs I'reston 'lhealdress bv K. Jackson, of K) The solo Consider the Lilies of the Fie'd " b) Miss Dnnali Hackle); the solo, "I'll Come, M) Thee. ' b) Mrs A. II Itolim-ou- - tluet, b) Messrs Hale and Coats, were all rendered masitisfactory and cielitahlest)le. The entertainment would have been a grand success had it not been for some "smarties" w ho, it seems, eame there for tlie purpose of "showing off. Ihfse persons sho,vel their ignorance b) keeping up a continual disturbance, lhe) could not appreciate the talent that was being exhibited b) th participants, and "ought to exhibit their narrowness and shallowness before these strangers. It is to be hoped that it will never occur again in Springfield, orsome names might be uien'inned b) the mana- gers riiee tilings renVct upon the race in a manner that is not ver) desirihle. A Lonesome llnse Hall fi.nnr. Thegiine of base ball at Association I'ark )esterda) between the Little Pets and tlie Wittenbergs, was a ver) tad and one-side-d affair. It was won by the Little Pets b) the d "core of .10 to 4. The game was without interest or excel- lence. Ladies remember )ou can have jour choice of all our imported patterns for S10. Iwenty-fij- e nevv ones just received. Don't pay SI'S. SIS and SJO until 011 have seen them at threnharts baturda), Monday and Tuesda). When you want good coal go to Wheldon I cfc Merrill, Grand opera house. I AT THE OPERA HOUSES. erimni .Isrliem rmilctil nt lhe tlrniul 'tolirl Downing is "prtii us" linn, sully. The Grind opera house will be given over this evening to the lomualities of IittH Veruoua.larbeau and lierioiiipin) of s. MissJarbtau has long enjo)ed a ver) large clientage in tastein cities, but tonight vvdl make lit r initial bow to a bpringheld audien.e Hur apiiearaute In the tan e, "btarl ght," has ( allwl forth the most extravagant lirais.) from the press la the cities in vv lilt h she has appeared 1 he comedy is full of new sings, music, etc., and is bright and sparkling as isJaibeau lierself. HOW MM, s ""I'VItTVCIS " On Frlda) tvtumg the brilliant )onng irageiiiin. Mr. Kobirt 1'oniilng. will iu an engagement at the!. rand in 'bpartacus. the Gladiator." On batutilav evening be win appear as "Marc Vntoi.)" in .lulliis C.t sar, .mil at the batu-d- i) in itlnee lie will be seen in "lngounr" Ilia following Maturing notice is from tlie Columbus Jfntrii : " There have been ovations ovations, but not within the meiiior) of fie writer lias an actor been receivtd in Columbus witli more mUncous outbursts of en- thusiasm than tliat accord-- d Mr. Robert Downing at the Metropo'ltnn last night. The reception might verv proiicrlv be termed an ovation, for the bnrsts of applause after each act and in man) of the scenes were couinletelv ecliiisfd b) the cheers that went tip as the cuitaiu fell upon the fifth act. and tlie tra- gedian's appear line before the curtain onl) caused the signs of approval to bo re- newed bparticus, the gla Ilator. Is a brll-lia.- it traged) well alapteil for the powers of actors of the robust and heroic school, and the mantles of Forrest and McCiillougli have certain!) fallf 11 on worth) shoulders 111 the person of the gifted D iwnlng. The latter t ikes a sumew hat different conception of the part of the gladiator from that usiiall) eredittsl. He makes him a grand man, tilled with everv attribute of manliness and honor, but whenome his soul Is aroused It requires the exercise of all the powers of his better naturo to inasttr the spirit of valor winch onl) natural!) is wont to itself. Certaliil) the si ccess that he has made in this productiii'i inu-- t be hlghl) gratif)ing to a men "o )oipi,. and he will undoubted!) grow "tro-ie- r s the peo;!e come to kno mm tieiter. Mture has oeen generous with Mr. Donning In fitting him for so roust a character, and tlie same ma) be said ot other members of his companv They looked like gladiattirs and the scenes alone were grain! " beats on now on sale at Harris's cigar store. 11 "tin. "Dadd) Volan" v 111 be given at Black's on Siturdav eviiiin; next b) Daniel bull) aid his excellent touipan). The Ve York lfiiK tinil Eriri sa)s "lhe Filth avi nue theater was hlled last evening h) a deiuoiistrative, ver) friendl). and highl) entertai led audience. Mr. D m- - iel s ill), the eouiedi m, wlio ha" taken this theater for tlie summer, and who has for- mer!) made a success here, produced a new pity called 'Daddy olan ' Mr. bull) 's icting, tomiHiiyand idav are full of humor and v anetv. The perform nice last evening was a medley of ludicrous situations, comic dialogue laughter, appl nise ami timers The songs were encored four or live times, the act tlrop alwa)srose again in response to the plaudits, and the atniosphete. both on the stage and In the auditorium, was per- meated with mi rr.nient. ' Mr. bull) is one of the genuine comedians of the stage, and the style of pla) which he makes use of Is of the most ipul ir character." BULLY BUCKEYES. rmliusl-isti- r Me..ii(p uf th Ri liiihllrin CluU Ueilu,l-t- I veiling New Hem. tiers .I.J. n)lrr i.let-- t e retnry A Hat Atlopteil. An enthusiastic and important meeting of the Bucke)eclub wis held last night lu tlie club room in the Buckingham block. The attendance was large, indicating that, a as the camptign approaches, interest in pilitics is o-- i the increase. President Asa Hatt li calle 1 the uie ting to order, and M: J. bnvder acted as secretar) pro. temp The secretar) intition for nieiiiiierslilp from W. C. Brown, W. b. Heister, W. F. Willi tin Ratio. J. It bchuman and P b Dver The peti tions were referred to a committee, consisting of Messrs George Dial, Chase .Me war; and J. L Kiddar. and iu fifteen minutes that committee reported in favor of the applicants The) were thereupon lected members of the club. Mr. J.J. bn) tier, as chairman of the committee on applications for membership, reported fa- - vorabl) on the loi:olng, and thev were dul) elected members- - M. b Wade, E b. Keli), Charles K Johnston, J. II. Sher- wood and W. b llatchelor. Judge Yoing, of the special committee on hats, appoui.ed at the last meeting of the club, reported that Mr. I. E Bancroft had off ereil to furnish the club with an) number of a lute plug hits (asamn'eof which was shown) for el V) each and have them hero b) in xt Tuesda). lhe matter was full) disous ed tu 1 the club fin til) idopted the hit offeretbyMr. llaucrott, and instructed the committee to order one hundred of the hats at once Mr. Cln-- e btewart of tLe committee on ba lges. reported that the coinm ttee had done some work and had secured a number of samples whiih were passed around for inspection None of the samples were s.itisf a"tor) . however, and the c miinittee was continued with Instructions to report at the nt xt meeting a ltsign for a badge that would cot abmt fif ) or sixt) cents CapL. J. K Ambrose resigned his nos Hon as grand marshal of the c'ub nd the res ignation was I nder the rules the election ot his or liad to go over for one w eek. Mr A. O Huffman w is appointed grand mirslml for the pinde of the club at the bherniin lu'cting next 'Iuesdiv eve ung. 1 ii of .1 secretar) vice Ihouias (5 Brown, resign si. was then in order. fliere were two nominees fur the olice. A C Morrill and J. J bn)der. The vote was then taken an I Mr wvs successful, receiving 1 g d in ijo'lt) ot the votes cast Mr. MotIII Ii I nit want the office and re- - ipie-te- d his frlen Is to vote for Mr. bnvder Mr b i)d r is a stium h republic 111 and will make an excellent The meeting soon af terw an! a J journed. Hurl, of Springtielil CmltriiLtors tiipetl Ht Url.itii.i. "estwda) vve madt "a)s the L'roiua Citizen, "of tlie umce being served oiibolicitor Chance lo "top the work of the bridges b) U isscll Bros , of bpring- - neld. We gav e then what could lie learned of the matter. The plaintiffs in the case cannot be IearaeI and for that reason the prime in iver in stopping the bridges Is not koown. It is claimed that the bpringheld stone and the Covington and Pnpi-- stone all costs the same at the quarries, but It costs a little more ti li ive bpringheld stone delivered here than the others The mo- tion of "Mr. Bemis was to allow Mr. Kus-"e- ll to use bpilugheld stone in place ot Covington or Pepia, provided the) would fn'hll the ltion " The sb ive mi) b verv clear to the resi- dents of I'rlnm but to the average reader there is a ver) deeidc-- tinge of ambiguity about it Milllm r tlpeoln The K. A. botidt r store having just to .S.S south Limestone street will have their fall and winter opening of French and domestic pattern hats and bon- nets at their new room baturday. Monda) ami Tue"da), Ot tober S. 10. 11. It will be one of tlie grandest affairs ot the kind ever witnessed b) the ladies of bpringheld and vicinit). All are cordiall) invited. Miss Annie Potter and Mr. Charles Por- ter, daughter and son of Por ter, of Indianapolis, who were in the citv attending the Cobb-Goo- wedding last night, returned home today. FRANCIS E. WILLARD. The Energetic and Eloquent President of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union. lllo;raplilrnl Skelrh ,ir TliU Kemnrki.1.1 Wmnnii-X- X lint "li Hhm Arcnm. plialKil-P.- rl nine VV.irM- - Ulile Itrier lll.lnrr This (Tliurstli)) t veiling Miss Francis E. Willard, national presidi nt of the W. C. T. IT , will leotureat tliewigwain Iiefore the Ohio W C. T. lT , now in se" in this cit). Miss Willard is one of tlie real!) remarkable womt n of this countr). and the following "ketch of her and her count ction with temperante work, will be read with interest and pleasure Francis Elizabeth Willard was born V Y but spent the grettt r part of her chlldhoixl on a Wisconsin frm blie gave earl) promNeof her future liter-ar- ) attainments, and at the age of sixteen took a prize from the Illinois Agricultural boeiet) for ail ess) on Co int') Homes " Some three ars later she entered tho Women's college at Evanaton, III . where she not on!) graduated with high honors. but was called after graduation to the chair of natural science. From this she was called to various educational iiositiooi of iniiiortanc, and her career as a wacher whs brilliant She has b en an aspiration to about J 000 pupils At the high tide of her intel'ectual lifo tho W. C. T. IT. invited her to give up all her flattering prospects and I lentif) herself with their fettble and unpopul ir cause, and Into the work of saving men from drunkards' grave she threw hersilt with ail the intensit) of her nature. Her time, her hue culture, her strength, her heart, her ouI -- all were con- secratednothing was kept back. ine work sno has personally accom plished during tlie last ten )ears is miracu- lous. She lias sometimes kept Th". " - VTHOU. Some years she lias traveled 30,000 miles, writing on the cars nearly all her speeches and articles for the press Sh has visited ever) town in the I'nited States of 10,000 population, and most of those with onl) .1,000. organizing branches of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. For ten )ears she delivered on an average a speech a da). Miss Willard, in 1S76. came out for woman's ballot as a wtapjn of home pro tection, and endured mucn contradiction for the sake of that cause As presideut of the Woman's Christian Temjieranc Union of Illinois, she led a movement for worn an's right to vote on the question of licens- ing the saloon under local option law. Miss lllard vv as corresponding secretary of the national W. C. T. L' from its found ing, in 1S74, until her iu lS7f. In 1573 she was made president of the so ciety, a position which she now holds. The other general officers are Mrs. Callie B. Uuell, corresponding secretar); Mrs. Mar) A. Woodbridge. recording stvretar); Mrs. L M. N. btevens, assistant recording sec retar), and Miss Esther Pugh, treasurer. Ihusociet) is the direct outgrowth of the woman's temperance cruside Iu Ohm, be gun in Hillsboro. December 23, 187.5, bv Mrs Eliza '1 rimble riieiupson and her Dr. D10 Lewis, of Boston, bad J. proposed the plan in a lecture the evening befre. As a result of this rapidl) Increas- ing movement, tlie I ICifOI. THAU 1CW V.S M.IV1.N OL T of J50 towns iii lift) da)s, but It soon sprang up again, and tlie women determ ined upon organized and systematic effort. tar this purpose a prelimiiiir) com mittee met at tlie Chautauqua bun-d- school asvinbl) in the summer of 1S74. Mrs. Jennie F. Willing was chairman, and Mrs. Emily Huntington Mil ler secretary of that committee. Mrs Annie ittenmyer. of Philadelphia, was the hrst pre"ident of tlie soeiet), which was formtsl 111 Cleveland, O, in November, lb74. This soeiet) is now regular!) orgauized in ever) state and terntor) of the United btates,ami numbers about 10,000 local auxiliaries. with A following of from J0O.0OO to 100 000 wo men, whose bailee is the white ribbon, and whose motto i" "For God and Home and Xative Land" Its work is divided into fort) departments, with a superintendent national, state and local at the head of each, and is grouped under the head of pre ventive, etiuc itional. evangelistic, social It and legal work, besides the department ot organization It is and mm sectarian, and is a union of women, north and soutu, fcr the pjrposeof training the children, educating classes, and outlaw- ing the liquor traffic. It is tlie largest soeiet) ever founded and conducted ex- clusive!) b) women. The head- quarters are 111 Chicago, where the soeiet) has established a Women's Temperance Publication association, which sent out in Iss'over J0,000,0j0 piges of temperance literature, aud publishes live periodicals, beside leaflets, books, etc. It has a lecture bureau, a Xatloual Temperance Hospital, and ills building a temperance, temple for the accommodation of its various depart ments The seieutihc temperai ce educa tion laws, novv ofierative in twent) two btatesand Territories, were secured bv the W. C. I'. V.. under the leadership of Mrs. Mar) II Hunt, of Boston. In Isii Miss Willard founded the World's Woman's Christitn Temperance Union on the same plan as thut of the United btates. IT HCS Vl.lll. Ml spi.l VII to the baudwich Islands. Japan. India, China, ami Iargel) through the effort of Mrs. viar) Clement I.eavttt, of Boston Mr". Margaret Bright Lucas, of En- gland, is president. Miss Willard nrst and Mrs. Hannah Whltall Smith, of Philadelphia, corre- - "ponding secretar). Grat Britain and Canadi are well org inized. In ISsJ Miss illard liecame a member of tlie central committee of the national prohibition part) , ana is luiiuential In its coun"e!s. She was for a brief period editor of the Chicago ill ciitiitf .is. and for three ui inths assist in ed iu Mr. Mood)'s meetings in Boston, in IS""!, 111 conpan) with her private secre- - tir). Mi"S Anna A. Gordon, she visited ever) state and terntor) of the United btaies to organize and strengthen the women's temperance work, bhe is super intendent of the depirtinent of work for thu prouiotien of social puritv, with the White Cross soeiet), aud 111 its in- terests has spoken in all the large cities of the Union, circulating throughout the United btates, a petition for the protec- tion of women. She is also the author of the wtnld's petition, now in circu!atin. calling upon all governments to put awav the tratlio iu alcoholic liquors and opium lulS"! under commission of the National W. C. T. V.. she carried a memorial to each of the four Nliticl conventions for the nomination of President of the United States Mi-- s lllard is tlie author of "Xineteen Beautiful Years," published In lSsiklbv Harper Brothels, and recentl) iu England with an Introdm Hon b) John G Whittler. She has also written "Women and Temimrauce," which gives a complete account of the movement; "Hints and Helps." a handbook of methods, and "How to Win," a series of sisterly talks to .girls. Heath of an Xaett citizen. Died on Wetlnesda) afternoon at the residence of his son. Mr. b. T. Irvine, OS West Jefferson sircet, Mr. Samuel Irvine, in Ins bi'.tli )ear. 'lhe funeral services will be held at his residence on Fridav af- ternoon at .! o'cloc k. Interment at Ftrn-clif-f. Iriends are invited. Another Death rrom Diphtheria. The funeral of Ktliel Young, daughter of Mr. Luke L. Young, the engineer, who tiled of diphtheria, took place from the famll) residence this afternoon at J o'clock. Ladies don't fail to attend the inlllinery opening of the IL JjJ Souder store at their new room, :tt south Limestone street, Sat- urda), Monda) and Tuesda), October 8U1, 10th and 11th. Try Wheldon A Merrill for coal. 1 TB se ,7 - r ,9,s9S5s05Sia ;5& ts&i mw ''iiHiitiih.tiiiwiwi MMMM-i- issassjBi36!im A NEW SCHEME. The I. II t W. iiikI . I X O. to t - rhmige Freight nt IlitrlOn On Wrdnesda) Mr I II Wilson nt of the I. B .V W roan, and Mr W II Van Tassel, superintendent of the Ohio boutht rn. went out to Durbin. just west of this cit). in a special trihi, to meet the officials of the P '(I llirbin Is the station at the juiu lion of the I B A W. and X. Y. I. O. and it is proposed to make it the transfer point of the freight which is to be transferred from one mad to the other. The conference between the officials of the two. roads Is held for tlie purpo-- e of appointing an agent who shall act joint!) for both roads, hxlng his salar) and crranging lor ills clerks lhe freight bust nessdone at Durbin will be considerable, as tin Inter-- t hange of trtfl'i between the 1. B A W. and V. Y I O will ami. . ,t to betAeen lr0 and Joo c irs a dav r minor details of the new scheme will bi tr raged at the Joint meeting of theoftinV". lhe above was prepared for s- ua) s paper, hutwascrowibslout. Me"srs Wilson and Van Tassel, of the I B .. W. concluded their business t Durbin on WVInesdav afternoon. Mr. Clark, of tlie V. Y. P. A O was made j int agent Two car inspectors, one for night and the other for day dot), will lie apiniinted todav or tomorrow, so that the) can go to work on Saturda) when the nev arrange- ment goes into effect, Vight and da) telegraph oiierators will also be on duty. The houses for the car Inspectors and their tools and material v ere locate I on Wednesday and will be Iminedmteh erected. The eld target hou will b moved from Its present location to a point west of the Intersection of the N Y P. A O. and I. B. A W. main tracks. The I I! .t vv . already has a suflHent amount of side track, but It will be necessary for the V. Y. P. O. to la) about i.000 additional feet of track This will be done at out e The transfer of freight between the two roads now takes place at Urban t, but on and after next Satinlay all transfers of east and west bound cars will be made at Durbin, except such cars from the east and north as are intended for Sprlnghld and Columbus These will, transferred at Urbana. The new arrangement will be a great con- venience to both roads, and will very relieve tlie pressure on the I. B. A W. )ards in this cit) and shorten the trams both arm ing and departing. OFF FOR CALIFORNIA. . lJrge Tarty Leave, vin the II. A VV. rir the Facltle Coast. One of those elegant Mitchell parlor chair cars, witli teiit)-tw- o large chairs and two state rooms, left on the I. li. A W. railvva) at irjs. rilled with tourists from our cit) en route for tlie Pacitic coast, among whom were the following: Mrs. S. A. Cummings and family, Mr. W. II. Black and family, Mr. Wright Couklln and wire. Mrs. W. A. Hance, Miss Minnie Matteson, Miss De Motte, Miss Mary Kearns, Miss Mary Gen-ne- r. Mrs. It. Davis. H. Kunklersq , Prof. A. S Aston. Mr. W. II. Wood. Mr. J. II. McDoel, Mr. O. P. Johnson. Mr. J. T. Per- kins. Mr. A. A. Koblnson. Mr. P. 1 lager man and others. This parti was accompanied by D. II. Itoche general agent of the company at this ( who goes to Kansas Cit). where he ees the parties eafely located In tourbt cars.for their different destinations. At the solicitation of the poj ular Iceal ticket agent, Mr. llefferman. tl e Big six band pla) ed a few select piec es appropn ite for the occasion, which wa fullv appre ciated by the tourists and their friends. The satlsfactor) treatment received from the bauds of the I. B. A. W. people will uo doubt add largely to the uuubers that will leave on er about the Jlth Instant over th same route. ALL ABOUT A CIRL. Rustle I'irer Assaults Ills "urces.riil RDtt tli I aily. The) had quite a row at Terre Haute, Sunday night, sa)s the Urbana Citt-c- n. A part) of )oung people on the road from church were assaulted b) Win. and Amos Lee and the girls jostled about right liveh seems that Jasper lilose and Wm Let-we- both aspiring to be the "chosen one." for a certain oung lad) 111 that viunlt) and Blose beat the time of L-- e. Tins angern! the defeated rival, and asabiliufor his disappointment he decided to get even with Biose. Some time ago they ha 1 an t lcoiih- - tcr, but neither came out wctnrious. Sun-d- a) evening as Blose anu the girls at re go- ing home from church, L-- e jump-s- l in to ihrash his rival. The girls attemnttd to stop the matter aud settle the raiitaukeioiis Lee. l'reseutl) Lees brother came to the assistance of his brother and pushed the girls around rather ruuglil). The fraca- - was nnall) stopped and Amos was arrested and taken before the justice of Terre Haute. Miss Annie Davis whtr-- e dres-w- as torn in addition to bein 1 struck in tlie affair, had Wm. L-- e arrested for as-- a lit The hearing was hadbeforeMa)or Gtnson. ana alter atrial. Lee changed his id, a to guilt), aud his line andcosLs amounted to PR0CRESSINC. The Flower Mission Entertainment .intl Ila Nature. Another meeting of the la lies of the Flower Mission was held this morning to make further arrangements fur the proposed entertainment to be given soon f,r the pur pose of raising money to carry on tlie woik during the winter. Nothing definite wa decided upon at the meeting this mornirg. but more definite announcement of the character of the entertainment can be made a few da)S. It is likely, however, that the performance will consist of a short, crisp operetta, such as "11 Jacob." or "A Xew Year's Meeting." and a light and brief comedv. The "Milk-maid- s' Drill" has been given up. as it would have con- flicted with a previous!) arranged enter-taiumt- by the Congregational church. Miss Mar) bhellabarger. of Washington, D. C, will send on the music iu a few days. It is expected that the entertainment will be given within the next three week", ami there Is a strong sentiment iu favor of lav- ing it in a private parlor instead of a public hall. Most of the vocal talent will tie de- rived from outside the Flower Mission. EARNINCS AND EXPENSES. The Pan Handle. Little Ml.nnl llliUlun, liue. llig Rilsiness Fatalities. The report of the 1'ittsburg, Cincinnati ' and bt. Loubi Kulua) compan), operating the Little Miami, Columbus and Xeiiia, Da) ton, Xenia and llelpre and Da ton ami Western roads, 17 miles of track, w is hied witli Itailroad Commissioner Capeller. It shows grov earnings for the ear of So,33.3:t4. an increase of i' .is p r cent. oer mose 01 last ear. Tlie earn ings from the passenger spr ice were S9s',- - 835, and from freight The op erating expenses for the ear were 5 !.51J.- - 120, making the net earnings Si mo 214 There were seventeen fatal ace dents on the road during the )ear and twent) eight persons Injured. Prospective Marriage. Mr. Theo. J. Rebert, a promising oung school teacher, and Miss Maude Uupert. an estimable and very worthy )ouug lad), both residing southwest of the cit). will be united in the happy ties of wedlock on Wednesday evening, October U. At Ehrenhart's winter opening Saturday. Monday and Tuesday. You can hav choice of twent) five nCw il SIS and 330 French patterns for 8 10. Don't pay more. Miss Maggie Coen ha arrived home after a few weaks visit with Mends la Chicago. DeESSJOuDS! MURPHY &BR0. " sS; SO LlmcHtonc, I'ave received the following New Good": Xi ew 1 1.AIli" In choice combinations , new Sup plies of our fast selling Hfiy 1 ent Alt wool uej eiiiiuiKs, meuesiercau wool suitings; the best lie all wool suitings. SPECIAL BARGAINS In all Surah erge. Vic. worth 65c. Ne Plushes and civets frumtSoc. m urn 1 Ana Om.mTitt.. much all shadet Silks aud lnrs tou4. NEW CLOAKS HTST OPENED. THE DISTRICT MESSENGERS Will carry your packages, market baskets, get your um- brella, gossamer or wraps. carry your dinner, notes or letters, distribute invitations, advertising matter, etc., etc. MESSENGER SERVICE 20 cents per hour ; 10 cents per half hour. 'FHOISTB ISO. G UGEEM strni FINEST OXiEARTH. ONLY ATE I. il GUGENHEIM'S THIS SPACE WILL BE OCCUPIED Bt J. T. TIME DEALER IX STAPLE AXD FASCT GROCERIES 64 SOUTH LIMESTONE. GEO. I. Oil 73 AND 75 EAST JIAIS ST. HARDWARE! 3 MANTELS, S GRATES, ES DOORS, gjjj crD SASH, c Ztd BLINDS, c gg GLASS, L GIL CLOTHS, 7 En BIRD CAGES, S3 MRS. BERRY. PfllTE BOARDING HOUSE. Th O.lj Fint-rl- u HoisesT Ufo k! la tke rlt). ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLE Xo.llb'-f- Maln.V K. Corner Factory. BK-ET- r rLAT. TtA.TK!S: 1 to Sl-S- O per day; ud lo. anil MH per week. W. A. GROSS & 0., UNDERTAKERS AND EMIIALMER8. West Main Street. Old Drlscoll Building. Springfield. . Office open day and night. leiepaoae .10.JW. W I'.RO- - X. .OR0S3. Kesldeoce over Offlee. 1US. Factory Dr. Frank C. Ruiyaa, DENTIST. VBcomsln BacklnxlJMn'iBalldlnjtrOTtc-- J m unv. law tnri tati. Dr. Levitt E. Custer, DENTIST. Preservation of natural teeth b lateat ap- proved method. Strictly Ont-ela- work nuranteed. K. Hlh HU. ne ntealev DR. H. R. DOScCH, ARCADE DENTIST Operatlac Dentlatn Speclalttv Partora: Ub4U. 1 a S & 1

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LOCALTHE GREAT prittjtflelfr iatti gjptMfc. READS





AtHlSGTUX.O't OhiOliktit rams lollowedplSK fair weather

Springfield, O.,October 6, 1S87.


Is the full moon nearest toSeptember 23, hence the moonthat fulled on October 1, andis now full, is the harvestmoon. It is so called becauseforseveral successive eveningsit rises about the same time,instead of a half to three-quarte- rs

of an hour later eachnight, as it ordinarily does. Itwas called so because, as itcame at harvest time, theearly ages of the worldthought it was a dispensationof Providence for the benefitof the harvest. This is alsothe time to

Harvest Overcoats.

These should resemble theharvest moon in being "full."They should be full ol men, sothey will again resemble themoon by having a man it.

Com and "full" some ofThe When's Fall OvercoatsLargest and finest stock inthis market. One profitcheaper than anybody. Fitguaranteed Quality as represented. Every grade. Allsizes. Boys not forgotten.


25 and 27 West Main Street.


A most important item in ourdomestic economy, isfiititiod totore attention than it generally

receives. At the majoritj olbreakfast tablrs, "if the ColIVe

is good, eierj thing is good;" afact so significant in ifvl' thatnoariMiiieut to roethe all importance of buing thebest, if they do cost a ffw tviiiimore. Try siiiy ol the foliowiug :

Plantation Mocha.

Maleberry Java.

Royal Rlocha and Java. ..

Royal Java.

Mandeling Java.

Old Government lava.Maracaibo.

Peibsrry Santos and Rio.

Thee ('o!r-e-s are Fr-s- h anilCrisp, and of ihf It st quilitv.











SCRANTONIs First-clss- -. Call and See Ye.


'PHONE i35.


. 31 . .11.1-- i limits T;;r I.T,

SPRINGFIELD, - - OHIO.WANTI- - U- - ccutlemen

boarders, K'ad. first-cUi- s board.Eto4 roamv and iu (act, r very acomiuo-dfttio- n

torn tke hoinf p'Miaut rlnftucouDfCtiou ttood pi.Cm. &Qsl ill conieuleacs of a Urst dtn bouie Tbe houe ti

Uu-itr- in ctnUrf a pirfc and cnrnlent to ail depots, also plofflceand telecrapU offlces.



Ths President Visits the National Military

Encampment and Then Leaves

for Milwaukee.

JoMi 1.. SulUt-ti- i 4Jolu?1tt I uropo ClewIaiiiI xt- - ! to iiuer it Ciuirtewu.

I eller frwin 4.04. Ot,lrlj unit thel.oiermir ! uit II Int.

Bvthe Associated PressCiik f.t. Oct. ( Sv.arms f people

agun tilled all the approach! s to the I 'aimer liou-- e this morning eaih. watthiugfnrisllinim'iif l'resident t'lcn.-l.u.-d when liej.


should emerge for a dme to military encampim nt.uoikiiieii and shop girls, on their wav towork, forgetting tor the time being the toilbefore them, pressed forward There wasa x rfect ja.11 of cuuntrj penple and wcll- -

tlre"tHl cit) sightseers. Half a dozeniiiuuiiIihI police hail no little trouble in

dealing the passage for the president s carriage. Ho was accompanied h) MajorKorlie, itntr.ll Terr) and a dozen lesst ril mtarie

A rapid drive pit two or thre. tlioiandtriHip" drawn up m line, thuinlerinc falutesfrom artillerj and 1km h and smiles to thecouple of thousand pctat4ir, on tand,commuted the leremomes at tl e encaiLr- -

n.t nt.Without dela the pre"Mnt Sminled the

train for the depot. dowi town, fio u whichthe "tut for .Milwaukee was mvle atne minute" of ten. "chedule time.Mr" Cleveland lud prectded hhn b hilflan liuar, "Iippim; ijuietlj into a carriage attli lio'el and bemi; driven to tiiodejmtcj'uparativelj unob"ered

.nv. Ilclp"li3 hihIChicago, Oet. fi t Sprincheld li

tive" an r,iIaiation of Covtrnor()It"li'" abnee from Cl'Icao durini; theI're"' vi5it There vat an inipiirjabiut t!. btato capital toIa as to the

governor OcIe"b remained avvajfrom Cliioaco on till" oceiiion, a" he had aprO"In invitation to come. It "eeim,however, that wlien the bpriinjrield i-

'.t " w ere prep mm; tlie invi'atiin tothe 1 eni it to co there the Mav jr intlttlu. nil i i t led nernur and askedhimloj in In te invitation The'Iovirnor rt il't"l 1'iat la liL" i wition he did notthink he, could, with propriety, join in thecitizens' invitation to bpnnciield .mj morethan in one to anv othircitv in the State,but lie could write the 1'reulent andrtould cherfull do so. 5 he hadlearned that the inunic pil authorities atthe capital were sending him mi Invitation! co there, and if lie decided to co. aswn hoped he would, the coventor and allthe state oihcei" would unite in a Kenemlendmvir to make hi" "ta acreeab e andplea"ant 1 hi" was written 011 liehalf oft'je "late piv eminent and "ent entin li ep-- 1

rate from the mvttattii of the major,oou'icil and citizen" Tlio ire"idtnt re-plied to the inajoi's invitation an 1 referredto the artinn of the council and cit!zii", butin itln r mentioned the Ko.enior's If tti r norreplied to it "eparatelj. This explainsw!i the goven.or ha" not iiersonallv joinedIn t Iim welcoHioof the piBsident upon the soil fof Illinois.

.Jo'111 I ullitmi (.oin: to I tiroir,Nivv iiik. Oct. 0 A lSo"tm special

"iv": John L Sullivan will sail fur KuropeOctober J'i Ilirr I'ln'lips, a n

"txirting man from Montreal, has lietu Intown for two or thieedav", nuking

with f'e champion, to becomehis managir. The busii tss wa" "eltledviMerdav aftenu n. The d ite for "tartine

U" diiidni iivii. and plan of actionmapped out. bullivan said to a reporterla"t (Mimic"e, 1 am going to huiope with mj

friend. Harr rhillips 1 shall start thelatttr part of till" month, goto I .Her; h1lir-- t. makt a tour of Scotland and Walesthi" winter, and in the "pruie go to the(oiitmeut I "hall go alone that K I "hallnot 'ravel with a combination hen I gitto Mngland 1 "lull in ike arrangements topir wiili tie hw men the have got over

tin re. 1 shall be avvaj at leastajtarjwrbaps more. I am going ovtr there rfteinioiic not for furtlur honors."


Mr. Illnliii is I In illt Interview" hilltirfsjt I

1'vi is. OoL fi Mr Ulaine was here twodajsli-for- e the reporters and corre"pon-di-it- " I

knew of Ins presence. His apart-m- iit" at the Hobl Vtndoine did not "lilt

liiin Tli"v were on the third Ho ir, and henl on having tho bi.--t "iilte on the

tnt. The hotel people not realizing thejwtre enter'aln ig an mencan cclebntret i"t-i- l to give him letter quarters, v hichwould have to be iLine at the eoene of"i"ne other guests, so Tuesd iv ntilit Mr.lli.une moved to tlie Hotel IJimli ester-d- ft

uoTIiiitg he w is besieged b scnlie",:ut "Uece-slul- .v avoided the perltent lit-

re armv until Ml"" Evans, of the Xeork lltntl'l. wound her wav into his

I re-- nee under the pretense of being a 1

milliner l"ioii the discover of in r truevm-iti- on he jieremptonl ordered her out ofthe room

Mr ItUine now talks of abindoning the tIierlin trip and going to ltalun Hievtssra,the great wmtir health re-o- it of the

The famil) were sight siviugall the afternoo and itc inpinied bjbenator llaie. attended tlie "iiinmer clrcu".


I.lrl sl,lis W (lit llrr Lmir nml C nisin VV or 111 or.lii.

ri.vv.iiN. G u.Oct fl Farmer Buck-- 1

It vv had pu -- il out a husband for hisId3ghter Minnie but the voung lau sl

a juiu man najit-- Adaiii". andmet him 1 lande-tin- ei 'I his went welluntil 'a."t wtvk, wi.-- n Bucklew, tarrln,ihi" rit't. ca'i.e "iilduilv iimiii thejouncouple lie blazed awav at Ad I'lis v. hotciH-- Before ilaIUM last Fndu apin; d's fiiends stntiueiltlic Butk

11 ti"iiin and urtuniit Ihe girl, cameto thi" plai for i miirhiLt license 'I liegirl but H the licuie w.i" n fii"(- -l

Ihen tin v dmve to Caniilton the bride andnsiiii in .1 wagon while the other"

rode hor back v.ith rub" reuij for at lionI he piM r" vvtre "fcureil a'ld the marriage

tiKik jilace there. .n e then tin beventhill-- tr ha" bis iitlivi !! into t ictioii" and"evera! b!(Ml ti.hts h ive taken pldce.


Anil Wi-p- l llitlir Ti-a- Itunnw Ausml11 mil-- In AiKittiiT I.lrl

Ciik vi.o. Oit. o Nina Van andt andAuu-- t bpie". her allegtsl pro. husband, chad a lifer ipiarrel 111 the count

Nina vimis tlie eoiidenmeil an-

archist dail When "he caue cst"ida"he litgan to upbraid bun for wri'ingtoanother woman bhe had heard that he hadwritten alls tiointel to the oung womanto i,lioiii lie was engaged befotn Vina fa"t- -

iied beralfi-cuoii- " upon him, and wlioni itis said he still loves better than his erraticproxy wife. vics " said 10 hive toldNina with inudi "pint that he wouldwriteito whon "oevir lie pleased, at which thtrewas a grand down pour of tears. The

heart "ofttiied then, and he prom-ised to leave his fnimerlove alone.

K'lrenhart"" winter millinery openingSaturday. Momla and Tuesday. Octolier", 10 and II. AH nevv goods. New Frenchand English patterns on display. All in-



(Kill One- - Acaiii-l- lir Olil l'luc Hit llrl-i;- li

InllrdOiit for ltiiiiielltftberi ii e.

There will be a nieetinK of the republi

cais at the Wigwam on Knday evening

net at T .0 o'clock, for the purixise of re-

organizing tlie various companies of theM l'luc Hat brigade Let everj republi

can turn out and arrange for a rousing es

eort to Hon. John Micruiau and (lovernor

II K Nojes, at the met tine next Tuesdajeveninit. Hj orderof the

Km'Iuuoi HiriTii Covi.cELK MEETING.

Vr Hull Murli tilnilre.1 rrniiB- -

lUMlfa lorn Formal 0iuliic ! Wk.I'm 'iiaiit- - innniiiwwnnrt. the lodge- -

room and hall of Iodic Xo M, It. T. O.hlks, tlu citj. was thrown open for thelirst time last tVlneMla) evening. Themeetiuc was tint lartrost and most satin- -

factorj since tli institution of the lodge .

l'vervlxKly enthiislasticallv admired thehaudsoinelj appointed new ipiarten, andit vi as apparent to the most unobservantthat thu lodge had received a boom and.anulne impetus bj the new departure.

An enthusiastic vote of thanks vva.s ten-dered Messrs Jiam Waldnian, I) T. Westand T. K. Mctirevv, juu , tlie members ofthe furnishing committee, for the excellentand tasteful work the had done in titlingup the hall so satisfactorilj. A specialvote of thanks and congratulations was

to Mr. 1) T. West, the chairman ofthe committee, who has isiven his timo.taste and labor to th woik to a degree thatthe elegant appearance of the hall fullvcorroborates. Titer- - n i nc reaped ww-iiicmn-la-- 4 JiwUt lint-M- r. -- Wet K .taisvimtleeorathri. -

All tlKbtrrrvf ere ordered paid and a neatbalance rrmains in the treasiirv.

Mr. Kotiert Qje""er was elected eriiianent se retarj, v ice Mr Judj Aron.resigneilMr U J. el"Oti liu been acting as teni'liorarv sccretarv.

Two applications for .membership werereceiv ed and referred to the proper

It was decideil to give a "uncial sessionand formal openin; of the hall on Kridajevmlng, Oct. 14. to which tiftj or "Ixtjrepresentative business and professionalmen will receive invitations, with a viewlaigelj of interotiiK them in the orderAfter injecting the rooms, tlm entirepartv no ie but stags will be presen- t-will adjourn to some leading caterer for asot la! spread Mes-r- s I) T. West. I- - MHarris and J. C. Hollow ay were appointeda toininitttf to work tlie social up.


Tlie 1- 1- I Inn TitkM Illc KicursloiiI'arly tu Citllfrnia.

This morning at f20 o'clock a large partjof "trTinglield and Clark county people leftvia the Hte Line for the Pacilic coast. Mr.Gtsirge II. Kn'ght, Iheixipularajent of theIlea Line, took ever care for the comfortof his passengers, providing them with twoparlor cars which will run dear through toKansas Citv. At that point the passengerswill he transferred tn tourist sleepers Itwas eectcd that eight would be added totlie jiartv at Dajton. andseven from Oreen-lll- e a

also joined It. Mr. Knight accompa-nies tho part as far as Kansas Cit, to seeto their wants and comfort Followingare the names W.d destinations of the part.

A. i: Marnion. Mrs Oeorge II. Ournea,lid Ciurnea. W. I 1'attCR.on. Charles W.Miew alter. W. K lUnej, Joseph Brg,Miss bailie Ward, Jerr Montgonierv.Mr" F. M. Ilrelsford, MissFlorence Brelsford, Los Angeles;I,eslie K Farr, T. 15. F. K. Ludlow,wife and child, A. II. McKamey. MrsMid'e Kershner, Miss M. 1). Thompson.Mrs. Mar A. Mrs I. Kolin, Miss.Manic Kalfensperger. C II. rutnam, Mrs..1. 1). Alltn. Mi"S Mary bhields. E.II Ackirson, San Diego, California;Mr". Ili-c- Bean and two children, SanJiw, Miss Annie Bolger, ban Jose, I). W.btroud. wife and two children. Oakland;I) F. Itanium, San Francisco: Mrs. F. MFarmer, daughter and maid, Kansas Citj:Mis Harry B Hengst, Waco. Tex ; Ko-c-

Bean, SL Louis; Samuel Johnson, Chi-cago, Miss C. E. I.arrnuer. Marion, lud ;


Mlfilrnl I'riisr-liutii- e of Their supirr itmlKitturlBiiiUiPlit This

The following I" the ransical programmeto be remlereJ bmight at the supper and en-

tertainment to be given b the ladies of tlieThird Lutheran church, in the new church,building, on the earner of Center and Lib-

ert street"Overture The "liver Bell U Schlepegrell

laumerei chumaunCity i vlfts March

1 II Iluls.atrby E C HolttonI.alleneiweVialK E Waldtenfet

e hevillcr llrtton HermAnn"vered li it 0" Merciful- - . Kmersnu

mrlca - II CarreyThe admission will bet.vent) cents, which

Includes 1 good "ipiare supper, which willlie srrv isl from ' o'clock.

Ortlii-Mr- a Musle far the lluwlltlii;iceiiifiit tit lli drnml.

The Grand ojiera house orchestra. KobertBrain director, will render the following

p'ogramine during the Downing engagt-11-1

-- nt at the GrandOvtrture Lustspiel - Keler IJela

I. rjl 'hat the DUkey nIrilsiy'l.rrainie Jnkabowskt

I. Laocers Air3 from (illtiert and bjlll-vaa- 's

nevv opera of Kuidyorebullivan

Bouljpge- - Patrol Imitating the ap-pro uti lu the distance and p usingof the 1 rench patrol

s mirlllls Faronte rirof Louii Mil. C.liyj

Xone of the music of Ilinldgorc has etbeen hi ard in bpnngheld and there is somecuriosit on the part of theater goers tohear it.

Freslil lit 3troiul ItrsigtisMr. 1) W. Stroud, president of the Clt'-ztn- s'

btreit Kailwa Compaii, has resigned his i"ition as president and leftthis morning with Ids wife ami family forCalifornia It is statid that Mr. Wm II.llaiiti n'.the "re-e- nt superintendent and aaepei it need railroad man, will suc-ceed Mr. btn 1 d

Tlie l.iml "lulling Mntrli.Intere"t 111 jcal "jMirting circles all cer- -

ters in the great Xolan Clow sluggm,match at Cincinnati this afternoon. A leading MaiM street sahwin has arranged to re-

itivtd the result of each round by telegraph as the light progress".

The L'litrr.llliil.II in. M. A. Vol an. of Cleveland, and

Hon. Eustrte Gibson, inuiuber of congressfroui West Virginia, will address the dem- -

m rac of bpiiugheld and Clark count onthe evening of October 20th. Time andpuce will be dulv announced

Tli HriiMii surial.The social" at theTrinit Baptist

'lurch this evening, should not be forgot-

ten, as it is sure to be an affair of a vertlelig! tf ill nature. The ladles in chargeIiavo worked hard and there ought to be aver lare attendance.

A (Jllirl Ttrililtiig.Last 1 veiling, October 1th, Mr. Harrison

Knoblaugii and Miss Lida bnell were married nt tho residence of the bride's parentson I iaco street. J'astor CoIIett. of bt.I'uil church performed he cremoii. Bothare of this c it.

Ladies, don't fail to attend the millineryojieuiug of the K. K Souder store at theirnew rooms. 31 south Limestone street, Sat-urday Monda and Tuesda , October 8, 10and 11. AH are cordially invited.

Mr. J. F. McGrew goea to Lima thiseieniug ou business.


The Mirnage of Miss Alice Goade andMr. Edward Benedict Oobb, of New

York City, Last Evening.

An I vent ClinritrterlKPit f Oillet aiHClilfl.rem n iitnl llii f t Kvi U lit Tiiate

TliTiillet, supiirr. Hei nrntloim, I 10.

A w etldiiig of marked butipiiet eleganceoccurred last (Wetlnesda) evening, at 7 30

o'clock, at tlie of Judge and MrsJames S Goode. No lMeast High street.the occasion being tlie marriage of theirdaughter. Miss Alice, andKljvard BenedictCot-- . es , a prominent member of thelegal fratermt of Xew York,' cit. 'lherewas an absence of displa, biiteacli featureof tho affair was charctenzedTiy the exquisite taste which wealth and 'culturo makepossible. V

The house was almost a bover. so pro-

fuse vv ere the II iral decorations. The vv erebonked upon the mantels in sweet abund-

ance and scatttrod lu lovel confusion uponthe. tables throughout the house. Greatpy rain uls of pot plants occupies! the cornerslhe folding doors connecting dh eist parlors were thrown wide open, andgraceful and majestic curtains ofsinilax swept to U10 floor,making an effect at once novel and strikingBetween these two portieres, hung two in-

tertwined hearts. sinbolIc of the cereiuo-ii- ,and made of Marechal Veil buds.

About lift guests were in attendance, allin full part dress, and combining intomost brilliant ass(..nblage. which represented tne culture and pride of Spnnghel 1 andseveral other cities

lhe cereuiii was anno inced on thesteel-plat- e mwt-itiou- s to occur at 7. SO, andprouiptlv at that hour an admirable orchestra from 1)1 ton, stationed in tlieaUove iuthe hall, commenced pla mg There wasa triumphant burst of tiarmoa as the bridalpart slow deie.uled the broad at ilrsfrom the upper apartments, 'lhenrst to appear were Mr. Lee Goode,cousin of tlie bride, and Mr. Georgei'orter, of Indianapolis, who acted asushers. riiev wire follawed by Mr.Augustus Cobb, of Nevv 'York, brother oftne groom and Miss Anna I'orter, of In-

dianapolis, the best man and maid of houurrespective!). Xct ill the brilliant littleprotes-io- n canu little Edith Geode, daugh-ter of Frank b Goode, , who looked.u though she just stepped down froma rare old ptuiti ig The child was exquisite in her tuiitliful beauty and boreupon her arm a basket of flowers. l.ast ofall came the lovel) bride her-elf- , a visionto be remembered iu her bridal gownotpurest white, and leaning a the arm ofher prosiifetive husband. lhe ushers unloosed the white ribbons across the foldingdoors, and took their places j 1st withoutthe door. I he bridesmaid ami groeuisinantook their respective stands near try andthe bride and groom, the ciiosurc uf alle)es, "tood for the cereuioii) just Ins! Ie thesouth parlor under tlie iloral hearts andframed lu the trailing smllax. Dr. GeorgeII. Fullerton, pastor or the St cend Presby-terian church, performed the cremn) in

grave and impressive manner, while theorclisira without plaed jibmlsxliuomusic The union was accomplished bythe ring ceremoii).

The bride was arra)ed iu gown ofwhite satin tn tmiiic. lieavil) trimmed inseed pearls A white tu lu veil sweptfrom her head to thetborand envelopedher in a lilun mist, 'lhe gown was cuthigh in the neck and with long sleeves,and she wore diamcnds, tint gift of thegroom. Miss I'orttr, thw maid of honorwas regal and statue-un- e in a robe of whiteiiioirn silk, trimmed in white silk em-

broider). It was ileiitllrtt and sleeveless.After the ceremoii) and attendant con

gratulations, the bride and groiin led thewa) to tlie dining room, where a weddingdinner of seven courses was served in irreproachable style by a I) i) ton c Uerer. Theattendants, the silver, the chin t and the ta-

ble decorations were all products of theGem City. The nevvl)-mad- e Mr. and Mr.Cobk, the bridesmaid and groomsman, anil J.the Ushers occupied iositious of honor atone table. 1 he repast was ful!) 111 charac-ter with the other features of the ceremoii).

Natural!), at such a wedding, the presents were of the tiniest and best, and ofthe most correct form

After an evening of much pleasure, thebride and groom left at 9 li for New Yorkcit). where, afterashort visit at th? homeof the bride, the) leave for 1 year abroad t

Among the guests from out ofthecitvwere Mr. and Mrs Edward Cobb, parentisof tlie groom, and Mr. Augustus Cobb, hisbrother, of Xew York cit); Mr. GeorgeI'orter and Miss Anna I'orter, of Indianapoils, son and daughter of ex G ivernor I'or-ter. of Indiana; Miss Mary bliellnbarger.of Washington. D. C . daughter of Ron.bamuel bhellabarger; Miss Dajghert), ofCincinnati The guests from the cit) wererelatives of tlie bride and representativesfrom tlie o!d and honored families of thecit).

Of the ocial standing of the contractingparties, there remains nothing to lie said,and both are representatives of culture, re-

finement and position that render the unionof the two houses a peculiarl) lit one.


t Hi Mori li street V H I:. luirrN l.ali;lil er) suo eksful.

The entertainment with a few exceptionswas excellent The continued variancefrom the programme, as pjbils'icd, did notadd tnatsriall) to the success of the enter-tainment The Springfield Concert corn-pa-

ren I"red so ne 15 ie vnjal mane. Mrsand Mis lr stun ver) crellttMv sintvinedtheir past celebnt). Tlio former oil"Co'irting Under ," "AuxItalian." "lTncle Dau'el's rraer," ' CreeJsor the If mis - and otners, winch were ex- -cellentlv retd'red. Tne "1'antomine." bMiss L.llie, wis also ver) entertaining:a'nothe sing "buppiin" .Messrs. Hi!ean I Bjw Ire distiiiguishel themselves asam Ueur coined ans In "William Tell ' bvthe former, an I "Mire Anton)'s a I

dres-e-s over Cesr's bod)" In th latter.Mr Bowdre his malt n marked improve-ment upon tlie rendition of this selection,showing that he I" giving his attention inthat directioi.. He was assisted b) MrsI'reston 'lhealdress bv K. Jackson,of K) The solo Considerthe Lilies of the Fie'd " b) Miss DnnaliHackle); the solo, "I'll Come, M) Love.toThee. ' b) Mrs A. II Itolim-ou- - tluet, b)Messrs Hale and Coats, were all renderedmasitisfactory and cielitahlest)le. Theentertainment would have been a grandsuccess had it not been for some "smarties"w ho, it seems, eame there for tlie purposeof "showing off. Ihfse persons sho,veltheir ignorance b) keeping up a continualdisturbance, lhe) could not appreciatethe talent that was being exhibited b) thparticipants, and "ought to exhibit theirnarrowness and shallowness before thesestrangers. It is to be hoped that it willnever occur again in Springfield, orsomenames might be uien'inned b) the mana-gers riiee tilings renVct upon the race ina manner that is not ver) desirihle.

A Lonesome llnse Hall fi.nnr.Thegiine of base ball at Association

I'ark )esterda) between the Little Petsand tlie Wittenbergs, was a ver) tad andone-side-d affair. It was won by the LittlePets b) the d "core of .10 to 4.The game was without interest or excel-lence.

Ladies remember )ou can have jourchoice of all our imported patterns for S10.Iwenty-fij- e nevv ones just received. Don'tpay SI'S. SIS and SJO until 011 have seenthem at threnharts baturda), Mondayand Tuesda).

When you want good coal go to Wheldon I

cfc Merrill, Grand opera house. I


erimni .Isrliem rmilctil nt lhe tlrniul'tolirl Downing is "prtii us"

linn, sully.The Grind opera house will be given over

this evening to the lomualities of IittHVeruoua.larbeau and lierioiiipin) of s.

MissJarbtau has long enjo)ed aver) large clientage in tastein cities, buttonight vvdl make lit r initial bow to abpringheld audien.e Hur apiiearaute In

the tan e, "btarl ght," has ( allwl forth themost extravagant lirais.) from the press lathe cities in vv lilt h she has appeared 1 hecomedy is full of new sings, music, etc.,and is bright and sparkling as isJaibeaulierself.

HOW MM, s ""I'VItTVCIS "On Frlda) tvtumg the brilliant )onng

irageiiiin. Mr. Kobirt 1'oniilng. will iu

an engagement at the!. rand in 'bpartacus.the Gladiator." On batutilav evening bewin appear as "Marc Vntoi.)" in .lulliisC.t sar, .mil at the batu-d- i) in itlnee lie willbe seen in "lngounr" Ilia followingMaturing notice is from tlie ColumbusJfntrii :

" There have been ovations ovations,but not within the meiiior) of fie writerlias an actor been receivtd in Columbuswitli more mUncous outbursts of en-thusiasm than tliat accord-- d Mr. RobertDowning at the Metropo'ltnn last night.The reception might verv proiicrlvbe termed an ovation, for the bnrstsof applause after each act andin man) of the scenes were couinletelvecliiisfd b) the cheers that went tip as thecuitaiu fell upon the fifth act. and tlie tra-gedian's appear line before the curtain onl)caused the signs of approval to bo re-newed bparticus, the gla Ilator. Is a brll-lia.- it

traged) well alapteil for the powersof actors of the robust and heroic school,and the mantles of Forrest and McCiillouglihave certain!) fallf 11 on worth) shoulders111 the person of the gifted D iwnlng. Thelatter t ikes a sumew hat different conceptionof the part of the gladiator from thatusiiall) eredittsl. He makes him a grandman, tilled with everv attributeof manliness and honor, butwhenome his soul Is aroused It requiresthe exercise of all the powers of his betternaturo to inasttr the spirit of valor winchonl) natural!) is wont to itself.Certaliil) the si ccess that he has made inthis productiii'i inu-- t be hlghl) gratif)ingto a men "o )oipi,. and he will undoubted!)grow "tro-ie- r s the peo;!e come to knomm tieiter. Mture has oeen generouswith Mr. Donning In fitting him for soroust a character, and tlie same ma) besaid ot other members of his companvThey looked like gladiattirs and the scenesalone were grain! "

beats on now on sale at Harris's cigarstore.

11 "tin."Dadd) Volan" v 111 be given at Black'son Siturdav eviiiin; next b) Daniel bull)aid his excellent touipan). The Ve YorklfiiK tinil Eriri sa)s

"lhe Filth avi nue theater was hlled lastevening h) a deiuoiistrative, ver) friendl).and highl) entertai led audience. Mr. D m--iel s ill), the eouiedi m, wlio ha" taken thistheater for tlie summer, and who has for-mer!) made a success here, produced a newpity called 'Daddy olan ' Mr. bull) 'sicting, tomiHiiyand idav are full of humorand v anetv. The perform nice last eveningwas a medley of ludicrous situations, comicdialogue laughter, appl nise ami timersThe songs were encored four or live times,the act tlrop alwa)srose again in response tothe plaudits, and the atniosphete. both onthe stage and In the auditorium, was per-meated with mi rr.nient. ' Mr. bull) is oneof the genuine comedians of the stage, andthe style of pla) which he makes use of Isof the most ipul ir character."


rmliusl-isti- r Me..ii(p uf th Ri liiihllrinCluU Ueilu,l-t- I veiling New Hem.tiers .I.J. n)lrr i.let-- t e retnry AHat Atlopteil.An enthusiastic and important meeting

of the Bucke)eclub wis held last night lutlie club room in the Buckingham block.The attendance was large, indicating that, a

as the camptign approaches, interest inpilitics is o-- i the increase. President AsaHatt li calle 1 the uie ting to order, and M:

J. bnvder acted as secretar) pro. tempThe secretar) intition for

nieiiiiierslilp from W. C. Brown, W. b.Heister, W. F. Willi tin Ratio. J.It bchuman and P b Dver The petitions were referred to a committee,consisting of Messrs George Dial, Chase.Me war; and J. L Kiddar. and iu fifteenminutes that committee reported in favor ofthe applicants The) were thereupon

lected members of the club. Mr. tier, as chairman of the committee onapplications for membership, reported fa- -

vorabl) on the loi:olng, and thev weredul) elected members- - M. b Wade, E b.Keli), Charles K Johnston, J. II. Sher-wood and W. b llatchelor.

Judge Yoing, of the special committeeon hats, appoui.ed at the last meeting ofthe club, reported that Mr. I. E Bancrofthad off ereil to furnish the club with an)number of a lute plug hits (asamn'eofwhich was shown) for el V) each and havethem hero b) in xt Tuesda).

lhe matter was full) disous ed tu 1 theclub fin til) idopted the hit offeretbyMr.llaucrott, and instructed the committeeto order one hundred of the hats at onceMr. Cln-- e btewart of tLe committee onba lges. reported that the coinm ttee haddone some work and had secured a numberof samples whiih were passed around forinspection None of the samples weres.itisf a"tor) . however, and the c miinitteewas continued with Instructions to reportat the nt xt meeting a ltsign for a badgethat would cot abmt fif ) or sixt) centsCapL. J. K Ambrose resigned his nos Honas grand marshal of the c'ub nd the resignation was I nder the rulesthe election ot his or liad to go overfor one w eek.

Mr A. O Huffman w is appointed grandmirslml for the pinde of the club at thebherniin lu'cting next 'Iuesdiv eve ung.

1 ii of .1 secretar) vice Ihouias(5 Brown, resign si. was then in order.fliere were two nominees fur the olice. A

C Morrill and J. J bn)der. The vote wasthen taken an I Mr wvs successful,receiving 1 g d in ijo'lt) ot the votes castMr. MotIII Ii I nit want the office and re- -ipie-te- d his frlen Is to vote for Mr. bnvderMr b i)d r is a stium h republic 111 and willmake an excellent The meetingsoon af terw an! aJ journed.Hurl, of Springtielil CmltriiLtors tiipetl

Ht Url.itii.i."estwda) vve madt "a)s the

L'roiua Citizen, "of tlie umce beingserved oiibolicitor Chance lo "top the workof the bridges b) U isscll Bros , of bpring- -

neld. We gav e then what could lie learnedof the matter. The plaintiffs in the casecannot be IearaeI and for that reason theprime in iver in stopping the bridges Is notkoown. It is claimed that the bpringheldstone and the Covington and Pnpi-- stoneall costs the same at the quarries, but Itcosts a little more ti li ive bpringheld stonedelivered here than the others The mo-

tion of "Mr. Bemis was to allow Mr. Kus-"e- ll

to use bpilugheld stone in place otCovington or Pepia, provided the) wouldfn'hll the ltion "

The sb ive mi) b verv clear to the resi-dents of I'rlnm but to the average readerthere is a ver) deeidc-- tinge of ambiguityabout it

Milllm r tlpeolnThe K. A. botidt r store having just

to .S.S south Limestone street willhave their fall and winter opening ofFrench and domestic pattern hats and bon-nets at their new room baturday. Monda)ami Tue"da), Ot tober S. 10. 11. It will beone of tlie grandest affairs ot the kind everwitnessed b) the ladies of bpringheld andvicinit). All are cordiall) invited.

Miss Annie Potter and Mr. Charles Por-ter, daughter and son of Porter, of Indianapolis, who were in the citvattending the Cobb-Goo- wedding lastnight, returned home today.


The Energetic and Eloquent President ofthe National Women's Christian

Temperance Union.

lllo;raplilrnl Skelrh ,ir TliU Kemnrki.1.1Wmnnii-X- X lint "li Hhm Arcnm.

plialKil-P.- rl nine VV.irM- -

Ulile Itrier lll.lnrrThis (Tliurstli)) t veiling Miss Francis

E. Willard, national presidi nt of the W.C. T. IT , will leotureat tliewigwain Iieforethe Ohio W C. T. lT , now in se" inthis cit). Miss Willard is one of tlie real!)remarkable womt n of this countr). and thefollowing "ketch of her and her count ctionwith temperante work, will be read withinterest and pleasure

Francis Elizabeth Willard was bornV Y but spent the grettt r

part of her chlldhoixl on a Wisconsin frmblie gave earl) promNeof her future liter-ar- )

attainments, and at the age of sixteentook a prize from the Illinois Agriculturalboeiet) for ail ess) on Co int') Homes "Some three ars later she entered thoWomen's college at Evanaton, III . whereshe not on!) graduated with high honors.but was called after graduation to the chairof natural science. From this she wascalled to various educational iiositiooi ofiniiiortanc, and her career as a wacherwhs brilliant She has b en an aspirationto about J 000 pupils At the high tideof her intel'ectual lifo tho W. C. T. IT.invited her to give up all her flatteringprospects and I lentif) herself with theirfettble and unpopul ir cause, and Into thework of saving men from drunkards' graveshe threw hersilt with ail the intensit) ofher nature. Her time, her hue culture, herstrength, her heart, her ouI --all were con-secratednothing was kept back.

ine work sno has personally accomplished during tlie last ten )ears is miracu-lous. She lias sometimes kept

Th". " - VTHOU.Some years she lias traveled 30,000 miles,writing on the cars nearly all her speechesand articles for the press Sh has visitedever) town in the I'nited States of 10,000population, and most of those with onl).1,000. organizing branches of the Woman'sChristian Temperance Union. For ten)ears she delivered on an average a speecha da). Miss Willard, in 1S76. came out forwoman's ballot as a wtapjn of home protection, and endured mucn contradiction forthe sake of that cause As presideut ofthe Woman's Christian Temjieranc Unionof Illinois, she led a movement for wornan's right to vote on the question of licens-ing the saloon under local option law.

Miss lllard vv as corresponding secretaryof the national W. C. T. L' from its founding, in 1S74, until her iu lS7f.In 1573 she was made president of the society, a position which she now holds. Theother general officers are Mrs. Callie B.Uuell, corresponding secretar); Mrs. Mar)A. Woodbridge. recording stvretar); Mrs.L M. N. btevens, assistant recording secretar), and Miss Esther Pugh, treasurer.Ihusociet) is the direct outgrowth of thewoman's temperance cruside Iu Ohm, begun in Hillsboro. December 23, 187.5, bvMrs Eliza '1 rimble riieiupson and her

Dr. D10 Lewis, of Boston, bad J.proposed the plan in a lecture the eveningbefre. As a result of this rapidl) Increas-ing movement, tlie

I ICifOI. THAU 1CW V.S M.IV1.N OL Tof J50 towns iii lift) da)s, but It soonsprang up again, and tlie women determined upon organized and systematic effort.tar this purpose a prelimiiiir) committee met at tlie Chautauqua bun-d-

school asvinbl) in the summerof 1S74. Mrs. Jennie F. Willing waschairman, and Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller secretary of that committee. Mrs Annie

ittenmyer. of Philadelphia, was the hrstpre"ident of tlie soeiet), which was formtsl111 Cleveland, O , in November, lb74. Thissoeiet) is now regular!) orgauized in ever)state and terntor) of the United btates,aminumbers about 10,000 local auxiliaries. with A

following of from J0O.0OO to 100 000 women, whose bailee is the white ribbon, andwhose motto i" "For God and Home andXative Land" Its work is divided intofort) departments, with a superintendent

national, state and local at the head ofeach, and is grouped under the head of preventive, etiuc itional. evangelistic, social Itand legal work, besides the department otorganization It is andmm sectarian, and is a union of women,north and soutu, fcr the pjrposeof trainingthe children, educating classes, and outlaw-ing the liquor traffic. It is tlie largestsoeiet) ever founded and conducted ex-clusive!) b) women. The head-quarters are 111 Chicago, where the soeiet)has established a Women's TemperancePublication association, which sent out inIss'over J0,000,0j0 piges of temperanceliterature, aud publishes live periodicals,beside leaflets, books, etc. It has a lecturebureau, a Xatloual Temperance Hospital,and ills building a temperance, temple forthe accommodation of its various departments The seieutihc temperai ce education laws, novv ofierative in twent) twobtatesand Territories, were secured bv theW. C. I'. V.. under the leadership of Mrs.Mar) II Hunt, of Boston.

In Isii Miss Willard founded theWorld's Woman's Christitn TemperanceUnion on the same plan as thut of theUnited btates.

IT HCS Vl.lll. Ml spi.l VIIto the baudwich Islands. Japan. India,China, ami Iargel) through the effort ofMrs. viar) Clement I.eavttt, of BostonMr". Margaret Bright Lucas, of En-gland, is president. Miss Willardnrst and Mrs. HannahWhltall Smith, of Philadelphia, corre- -

"ponding secretar). Grat Britain andCanadi are well org inized. In ISsJ Miss

illard liecame a member of tlie centralcommittee of the national prohibition part) ,ana is luiiuential In its coun"e!s. She wasfor a brief period editor of the Chicagoill ciitiitf .is. and for three ui inths assist ined iu Mr. Mood)'s meetings in Boston, inIS""!, 111 conpan) with her private secre- -tir). Mi"S Anna A. Gordon, she visitedever) state and terntor) of the Unitedbtaies to organize and strengthen thewomen's temperance work, bhe is superintendent of the depirtinent of work forthu prouiotien of social puritv,with the White Cross soeiet), aud 111 its in-

terests has spoken in all the large cities ofthe Union, circulating throughout theUnited btates, a petition for the protec-tion of women. She is also the author ofthe wtnld's petition, now in circu!atin.calling upon all governments to put awavthe tratlio iu alcoholic liquors and opiumlulS"! under commission of the NationalW. C. T. V.. she carried a memorial toeach of the four Nliticl conventions forthe nomination of President of the UnitedStates Mi-- s lllard is tlie author of"Xineteen Beautiful Years," published InlSsiklbv Harper Brothels, and recentl)

iu England with an Introdm Honb) John G Whittler. She has also written"Women and Temimrauce," which gives acomplete account of the movement; "Hintsand Helps." a handbook of methods, and"How to Win," a series of sisterly talks to.girls.

Heath of an Xaett citizen.Died on Wetlnesda) afternoon at the

residence of his son. Mr. b. T. Irvine, OS

West Jefferson sircet, Mr. Samuel Irvine,in Ins bi'.tli )ear. 'lhe funeral serviceswill be held at his residence on Fridav af-

ternoon at .! o'cloc k. Interment at Ftrn-clif-f.

Iriends are invited.

Another Death rrom Diphtheria.The funeral of Ktliel Young, daughter of

Mr. Luke L. Young, the engineer, whotiled of diphtheria, took place from thefamll) residence this afternoon at J o'clock.

Ladies don't fail to attend the inlllineryopening of the IL JjJ Souder store at theirnew room, :tt south Limestone street, Sat-urda), Monda) and Tuesda), October 8U1,10th and 11th.

Try Wheldon A Merrill for coal.

1 TB

se,7 - r,9,s9S5s05Sia ;5& ts&i mw ''iiHiitiih.tiiiwiwi MMMM-i- issassjBi36!im


The I. II t W. iiikI . I X O. to t -rhmige Freight nt IlitrlOn

On Wrdnesda) Mr I II Wilson nt

of the I. B .V W roan, and MrW II Van Tassel, superintendent of theOhio boutht rn. went out to Durbin. justwest of this cit). in a special trihi, to meetthe officials of the P '(I llirbinIs the station at the juiu lion of the I B AW. and X. Y. I. O . and it is proposedto make it the transfer point of the freightwhich is to be transferred from one mad tothe other. The conference betweenthe officials of the two. roadsIs held for tlie purpo-- e ofappointing an agent who shall actjoint!) for both roads, hxlng his salar) andcrranging lor ills clerks lhe freight bustnessdone at Durbin will be considerable,as tin Inter-- t hange of trtfl'i between the1. B A W. and V. Y I O will ami. . ,tto betAeen lr0 and Joo c irs a dav rminor details of the new scheme will bi trraged at the Joint meeting of theoftinV".

lhe above was prepared for s-

ua) s paper, hutwascrowibslout. Me"srsWilson and Van Tassel, of the I B .. W .concluded their business t Durbin onWVInesdav afternoon. Mr. Clark, of tlieV. Y. P. A O was made j int agentTwo car inspectors, one for night and theother for day dot), will lie apiniinted todavor tomorrow, so that the) can go to workon Saturda) when the nev arrange-ment goes into effect, Vight andda) telegraph oiierators will also be onduty. The houses for the car Inspectorsand their tools and material v ere locate I

on Wednesday and will be Iminedmteherected. The eld target hou will bmoved from Its present location to a pointwest of the Intersection of the N Y P. AO. and I. B. A W. main tracks. The I I!.t vv . already has a suflHent amount ofside track, but It will be necessary for theV. Y. P. O. to la) about i.000 additionalfeet of track This will be done at out e

The transfer of freight between the tworoads now takes place at Urban t, but onand after next Satinlay all transfers ofeast and west bound cars will be made atDurbin, except such cars from the east andnorth as are intended for Sprlnghld andColumbus These will, asheretofore.betransferred at Urbana.

The new arrangement will be a great con-venience to both roads, and will very

relieve tlie pressure on the I. B. AW. )ards in this cit) and shorten the tramsboth arm ing and departing.


. lJrge Tarty Leave, vin the II. A VV.

rir the Facltle Coast.One of those elegant Mitchell parlor chair

cars, witli teiit)-tw- o large chairs and twostate rooms, left on the I. li. A W. railvva)at irjs. rilled with tourists from our cit)en route for tlie Pacitic coast, among whomwere the following: Mrs. S. A. Cummingsand family, Mr. W. II. Black and family,Mr. Wright Couklln and wire. Mrs. W. A.Hance, Miss Minnie Matteson, Miss DeMotte, Miss Mary Kearns, Miss Mary Gen-ne- r.

Mrs. It. Davis. H. Kunklersq , Prof.A. S Aston. Mr. W. II. Wood. Mr. J. II.McDoel, Mr. O. P. Johnson. Mr. J. T. Per-kins. Mr. A. A. Koblnson. Mr. P.

1 lager man and others. This partiwas accompanied by D. II. Itochegeneral agent of the company at this (sii.itwho goes to Kansas Cit). where he eesthe parties eafely located In tourbt cars.fortheir different destinations.

At the solicitation of the poj ular Icealticket agent, Mr. llefferman. tl e Big sixband pla) ed a few select piec es appropn itefor the occasion, which wa fullv appreciated by the tourists and their friends.The satlsfactor) treatment received fromthe bauds of the I. B. A. W. people will uodoubt add largely to the uuubers that willleave on er about the Jlth Instant over thsame route.


Rustle I'irer Assaults Ills " RDtt tli I aily.

The) had quite a row at Terre Haute,Sunday night, sa)s the Urbana Citt-c- n. Apart) of )oung people on the road fromchurch were assaulted b) Win. and AmosLee and the girls jostled about right liveh

seems that Jasper lilose and Wm Let-we-

both aspiring to be the "chosen one."for a certain oung lad) 111 that viunlt) andBlose beat the time of L-- e. Tins angern!the defeated rival, and asabiliufor hisdisappointment he decided to get even withBiose. Some time ago they ha 1 an t lcoiih--tcr, but neither came out wctnrious. Sun-d- a)

evening as Blose anu the girls at re go-ing home from church, L-- e jump-s- l in toihrash his rival. The girls attemnttd tostop the matter aud settle the raiitaukeioiisLee. l'reseutl) Lees brother came to theassistance of his brother and pushed thegirls around rather ruuglil). The fraca- -was nnall) stopped and Amos was arrestedand taken before the justice of TerreHaute. Miss Annie Davis whtr-- e dres-w- as

torn in addition to bein 1 struck in tlieaffair, had Wm. L-- e arrested for as-- a litThe hearing was hadbeforeMa)or Gtnson.ana alter atrial. Lee changed his id, a toguilt), aud his line andcosLs amounted to


The Flower Mission Entertainment .intlIla Nature.

Another meeting of the la lies of theFlower Mission was held this morning tomake further arrangements fur the proposedentertainment to be given soon f,r the purpose of raising money to carry on tlie woikduring the winter. Nothing definite wadecided upon at the meeting this mornirg.but more definite announcement of thecharacter of the entertainment can be made

a few da)S. It is likely, however, thatthe performance will consist of a short,crisp operetta, such as "11 Jacob." or "AXew Year's Meeting." and a light andbrief comedv. The "Milk-maid- s' Drill"has been given up. as it would have con-flicted with a previous!) arranged enter-taiumt-

by the Congregational church.Miss Mar) bhellabarger. of Washington,D. C, will send on the music iu a fewdays.

It is expected that the entertainment willbe given within the next three week", amithere Is a strong sentiment iu favor of lav-ing it in a private parlor instead of a publichall. Most of the vocal talent will tie de-

rived from outside the Flower Mission.


The Pan Handle. Little Ml.nnl llliUlun,liue. llig Rilsiness Fatalities.

The report of the 1'ittsburg, Cincinnati 'and bt. Loubi Kulua) compan), operatingthe Little Miami, Columbus and Xeiiia,Da) ton, Xenia and llelpre and Da ton amiWestern roads, 17 miles of track, w is hied

witli Itailroad CommissionerCapeller. It shows grov earnings for the

ear of So,33.3:t4. an increase of i' .is p rcent. oer mose 01 last ear. Tlie earnings from the passenger spr ice were S9s',- -835, and from freight The operating expenses for the ear were 5 !.51J.- -120, making the net earnings Si mo 214There were seventeen fatal ace dents onthe road during the )ear and twent) eightpersons Injured.

Prospective Marriage.Mr. Theo. J. Rebert, a promising oung

school teacher, and Miss Maude Uupert. anestimable and very worthy )ouug lad),both residing southwest of the cit). will beunited in the happy ties of wedlock onWednesday evening, October U.

At Ehrenhart's winter opening Saturday.Monday and Tuesday. You can havchoice of twent) five nCw il SIS and 330French patterns for 8 10. Don't pay more.

Miss Maggie Coen ha arrived home aftera few weaks visit with Mends la Chicago.


MURPHY &BR0." sS; SO LlmcHtonc,

I'ave received the following New Good": Xiew1 1.AIli" In choice combinations , new Supplies of our fast selling Hfiy 1 ent Alt wool

uej eiiiiuiKs, meuesiercau wool suitings;the best lie all wool suitings.

SPECIAL BARGAINSIn all Surah erge. Vic. worth 65c.

Ne Plushes and civets frumtSoc.

m urn 1Ana Om.mTitt.. much all shadet Silks

aud lnrs tou4.



MESSENGERSWill carry your packages,market baskets, get your um-brella, gossamer or wraps.carry your dinner, notes orletters, distribute invitations,advertising matter, etc., etc.


20 cents per hour ; 10 centsper half hour.











DOORS, gjjjcrD SASH, cZtd BLINDS, cgg GLASS,



Th O.lj Fint-rl- u HoisesT Ufo k!la tke rlt).

ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLEXo.llb'-f- Maln.V K. Corner Factory.

BK-ET- r rLAT.TtA.TK!S: 1 to Sl-S- O per day; udlo. anil MH per week.

W. A. GROSS & 0.,


West Main Street. Old Drlscoll Building.Springfield. . Office open day and night.

leiepaoae .10.JW.W I'.RO- - X. .OR0S3.

Kesldeoce over Offlee. 1US. Factory

Dr. Frank C. Ruiyaa,

DENTIST.VBcomsln BacklnxlJMn'iBalldlnjtrOTtc-- J

m unv. lawtnri tati.

Dr. Levitt E. Custer,DENTIST.

Preservation of natural teeth b lateat ap-proved method. Strictly Ont-ela- worknuranteed.

K. Hlh HU. ne ntealev


ARCADE DENTISTOperatlac Dentlatn Speclalttv

Partora: Ub4U.1

