rhode island historyt here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fc'atlln's in...

RHODE ISLAND HISTORY VO l.. 2 1. of OCTOBF .R . l'lfi2

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Page 1: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl


VO l.. 2 1. ~O . of OCTOBF.R . l'lfi2

Page 2: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

c:u••~c. E, ~H'."'~ . P,.,i. , ., ~'TN""''''.L M. V_ . I • .• T......'.'r ....., I.. 1l , ~c " lL" . I • . • S.".'.'? Cu...... P. M.... . NO.. . l) i,..'~

c: 'IO.. A 0" 'l.o., U" .T' . R' ''''. 1.1 II ,,' 5 ;.-', ,....,;wi',

, .., " .. " /$ ., , ~ , ••i"·' ..1 , ,"". ,,,,,.

P lfBLlSIIED) 2 P O W F, R




\ ·OL. 21

I SSUED QU_~RTF.RLr AT PRO I' ID EXCE , RHODE ISU ....·D(S u o" tI-d IJJl postlJl!' paid "r p" ,.·jdnr u , Rh od. I su...tI )

'U RI. f.· OF CO.\ 'TEX TS

t' I< .\ ." ClS \ ....,\ y L.. ~ u : POUTI'~ "L F. CO fl;O\l1 ST ,.s l::r>t ' C ,\ TOK 10.')

h" Th""dor~ R. Cram'j"ond"d" d fro '" J uh , I(Hi2 . v , 2 1, no. 2, p . ~IOI

J OIIS S MI T II. T il E MILLF.K , of I ' '' O V U>F. NC E . R l<O Il!-: l S r. ' '' 1l

SU M •. O F H Is DE S C E M 1,' NT .' , 124by CharI.-. \ .... ilIiam Farn ham

[ro lL linu"d fro m j uly. 1' ln2, v. 2 1. nO. 3. in.i d,' h" ,k .-a' ·rr]

C. t'TM" S C,'"0l"S '~G I." PIiOVII >t·.s n · U tib) Cb r h o n .\. Coll in. , 3rd

C I I\' E R

T Ht; O U l COI.O"Y Ho c s e, :"E W PO IIT

Pholuc raph I... j ohn T. 1I0pf

'1'1, . Old Col" ,,)' II " "" i" .\' . a po ,l. ahi.1t sUI, .d os "".. "I Ult" d.. I sl" " d 's,,,pilol b"ildi"cs f,,,m 1742 f" l W)O, um f" ,mo/1)- dtsic M I. d 0 X" /j" ,,,,1 U ill " ' ;,

1." " d" w,A br II,. lI i, t " , ie Si,ts Di" i..i"" "I lA, S " /i" ,,ol P", ks SOL'"'' "" .~ "C"SI

,11 "II Ais l'''/I.

TA , b" iMi,,);. in 111, 1,,, oIili" n of CA' islo pAo 11" ' 0 1. ; ' " " ""I,I"" di,,1o: " "'UllpI,

" f /11 , eo/"ni,,1 ;"/,,pul,,'i"'l of H" .c/i, A b" ' ''qlu " "hi/N /" " , f / "'''J ,/' ,i.c",db)' Hiehllrd .\I""d".1' , u'h" " I", d" ,.. "I' t lr, 1'1",,, fur T ,i" il)" ChI/ HI, ('\" 11 pori ) .

1' ''' b" IJ /.\" A, " /v,,, is usp"n "ibl, f'" Ih, mil".\" b" i/din.cs vI ""hiIHI ,,' '' / ", rril i ".\' ", 'porl '"~ 11,;5 p";,,d . C""str "rtio" b'ell" in 17.19 . a" d i/ is /lto""hl , Am tAtst, ,,e/ ,, ,, is II" " eo"d old'l/ cop;tol b" ild i"l1 s/i/l s,,, ,,di,,/! i" Ih;.• ," ""f')·.


rR,\~CI S \\"A\'1 _\:\1> : POLITICAL E<:O~O)'IIST


h~' T H EO DOR E R. ( :" " '1

l) "I" " ln WIl' of l1i\ tor)", C n i \' ''n i l ~ of Ik nnr

j... ,nfl"d"d Ircm J uly, l"ti2, p , ' Itt]


III the fa ll of 1 !l4 tl l'rt' ~idel1t \\'a~la n d departed 011 a ...ix-mont h..tour abroad to O iNT\"<: educat ion al institutions an d pract ices. Du ringhis tr avel .. 1](' vi..ited Oxford and Camhridge. Universitv College.Lo ndon. the school.. and uni vers ities of Ed inburgh and GIa~gow. andT homa.. Arnold's school a t R ugby. His health was poor during- muchof hi." jo urney : he was homesick and out of ..vm pat hv bot h with hig-h­church An gl i('an i..m and "ith the intole ra nt a holit ioni..m of ma ny ofthe Dissen ters whom he met." H is moodinr-o affected his opinion ofBrui-h societv. thou gh he came to En gland with a gen uin e at tac hmentto hi;; parem..' homeland. " All I see renders IlW more doggedl y ;1

Democra t and a Purit an." he declared while abroad." " Ou r country.had as it may he. i.. -impk. virt uous. moral. and religious. in com pari­"On with ot her count ries... ~~ T his alti tude " as rent'( ted in his react ionto ed uca tional in..rinnions. He respect ed Thomas A rnold a.. a grea tChristian and master teacher, a nd admired some feat ures of Scotch

\O<: E"e tTp" frOIn Wa) la nd'l jo urnal d uring his u,,, ds al" in t"rano;- is Wayla ndan d f l. L. Wayland , _~ .u, moj, of Ih.. Lif , o"d 1,,,b,,05 of F",ne;, 1l'0;l'1"" d.D D., LLD.. I.al , P" ,id,,, , "I fj",u·" U";",, ,;I}', l "rf " di" l: Srl'lI ;""s Ir"m II "I'"",,,al R" "i" ;",,,erJ a" d C" ff rs />" "dt"" . B}' Il is S O" .• (2 \'ols. : :" ..... Yor k :~h ,'ldon ,HId (;OInV'II ' " , 1867) , II . R. 42 t her .."f l ~r cited <I S '\''''I<> i r ) , W" y!andwa' in Paris a nd vidnit \, fru 'n app",,,imawlr D..("("mh('r 10 , 1840, to j ~ nuarr 14.IR·~ I . bu t hi, imp r.... io", of Frane<' wn C .'ntil'd y lll·lIIa li",· .

t07 Way land '. jO\llll" l (j an\l" ry 2n, 1841 l , ill M rllla;" 11, ~7.

u-Prancis Wayland to 11"111" " Lin"oln. F..hru ary 2, 1841 (.."enp! in .\tn,,,, i. ,II , 21-22 ). (U nl.... othn",' i .~ indic a t..d all unpubli,h"d ma t..rial . rit ..d arc inRro",n l~ nin- n il l Lib rarv.]

Page 3: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

IllI i [O ctobe r I!}62j Francis W ar/and 107

(·duration .!>\O The EIIJ;:l i..h uuiv e rvit ic... hm\t'\cT , hi' \'ir \\t'd r tiric allv.( )f O xford he wrotr :

,, ~ Imildinc:" an- Illag:nifill·nt. til<' surround ill!:" beautifulbe-vond d('~n ip l ion . It.. Iound arions an' princclv... . But . .. thi swas dccigur-d to promote the pnN','ut ioli of v-icnrr- and theadvanrenn-nt of ka mi nR. and not for thr- rultiva tio n of luxu riouse-ase : . .. it was for thl' r-duration of rhe- pe-oplr- of En.c:land , andIIl1 t a part of thr-m. and . . . it is [ l O W usr-d for tlu- J!:(x,d of 3 part ,an d is the avenue to a ll social am i pro fessional standi ng'. . . . Itse-r-ms to IIIl' a monstrou s pe rvcr-iou.":"

Unqu.'st inn a hl~ W,l~ land 's (rip influ enced his later proposals fored ucational refor m. h UI its direct oun ribut jon sho uld not be over­ran-d ." HI' did not propo....· the \\hok'sa h- importation of Britishpract in 's ; in..t r-a d Ill' returned co ne ilUt,t!- th at the W ..u-m of ,\"('\\ Enal a nd n,llq~t·s is not onlybe-tt e-rada pted

to nn-et till' w ants of ou r cou nt rv hut a lso more- IX'rllTt in it"..lftha n c·itll('r tha t of England or Scotla nd . It ~l'C Uf(~ a /o::1('atnamount of divi..ion of labor. It combines the benefits of n-cirationwilh th ose of tC 'al'h ing- by lcctu n-. It unites all tilt' onil'I'I"1' moreIw,flTtly in tlu- labor of diwiplinc an d governme-nt a" well as ofscir-ntific instrurt ion, I II the-a- n '''lwf( s it ha.. ti ll' alh-alllag-c ove-rt1H1'i( ' of ti ll' olde-r lnstitutions of ElllOlw. " 'ha t we lllTd tht'l"ef"r('is not "0 nnu-h a ('hangc of sysu-m ;I S a more- pe-rfect dr-ve-loprne-ntof the systc'lJ1 which In' Ila\"c' adoI111·d. I<>2

Il is oh"t'n .-a tions ahfl lad had supplin l him with m'w illustra t ions ofgt'uuindy thorough ill"l run ion. ju..t as ht' ha d ht.Tn cqu ippt'd to heginhis dutie" a t Rrmsn in 1827 hy hi" ;(rqua intam'e with (it'urge Tick­nor's Han -an i and hi" expnien, e a t Union Colle~('. ~Iorl' import ant .

W[Francis Wa\ la nd ), R.·'";,·... of .\nhur !'rorh\n Slanl..y, TII~ L'~ tJlId Co.,,·J/HJlId~"u of T homo. A ,"olJ. D _D .. .\"0I 11t .t",oic"" Un 'i,u', L1X l Octob.. r,18H ) , 41 t : Franci . \ \ <l ! I.lnd , Tllo ll ~ A I I 011 II. , 1''''' '' 1 ColI'J:i .." -")IUm ;n ,A,1I11iud S'a'" (8m lon; Go uld, K r ndall an d Lio.-oln, 1 8 ~2 ) , 126_

1'" 'F."cn pl fnom Wa ! Lond' , journal in ,'1''''0;', I. -.I I ; ..... al"O 1"lto" II. " IJ 0" ,1.,Pa u nt Co/l~g itl l ~ Sr.l,n,. 129-130.

101 Wait t'[ C . f1 ronSl' n. Tit , H ;" o. }' of Ii " ", ,, Un;"", ;I}·. I i tio/.191#- ( Pro \ i­d"nc," P" bli , h..d h~ It" t.:n i\""rs il ~, I~ I I ~ ) , 27,1, Sla tes Ii", [ W" yl" " d 's int"r".tin ("o lk gia te rd unn w;os nOI ("\·id pnl .m lil ;,fln hi, [rip abroad. T h is was J am,",Bur rill .\ ngel!' , opi nion (,,'.. Fl ro",on, :-.IoU" of ~l ) T alk ...ith I'r ,"-, id r nl .\ngdl,l\'o\ 'rmlxr 12, 19 10). Donald FI"ming, SdOIU f/" d Tahn olo!:. )' i" I" o ~ idt "u .

1760·19J.1 . ..t n EJM)' ;" lh , l1i" o , )" 01 8 ' 0:4 " t'";u,,il )' in II.. , ,'IO'I1O poJitallCom",un ity ( B' '' n 'n l'"i",,,;'y Pnpn •. XX\'I : Pro \'id"n r r , ICIS2 ) , 37 and 3f1,r ndorv' [hi . inlr rpro·';.lti"n in unqualifi"d l.-rlll\ .

1"~Franris Wa~ la nd . R' -pon [0 Ih,· Corpal.lliurt, S"jllrmbt-r I, 111 -.1 1

however, wa <; his un favorable react ion to Enul i..h .... )('it'ty. with itsrigid res pect for prec eden t. privib-ucd ar i-tocracv. r--ta bliched church.and va..t gulf Ill'1\\I 't'n r la ......~.I"] Rerurnin z horne. mo rt' t han t" 'CTcommiucd to middle-r ia.... dl'monan and evanjn-lirnl Pron-..t anti sm ,he ren tlimu-d \\ ith nr-o , urgl.'JI(·y hi" early cnnvir-tjou that Am ericaneducat ion I11U"t ",'ne the lweds of the mas-a-s. Oh" 'l", 'ing thr- d o",·artie-ula t iun IwtI\'C 'I'n the En.glish ed ucation al s~ st (, 111 a nd th r- ditl',gro ups of Brit ish cu lt ural. socia l. and pol it ical life. 11t' Was awa re thaithr- United Sta ll's ha d "noth ing tha t bears r-ven till" ..hadow of an-....-m blan cc.. to this.''' 1 ' f a" it not time, then . for ;\ Illt' ricans 10

mod ify educat ional in..tit ution c ori .l:(" i na ll~ dt."i ignnj for t ilt' ari -tocraric"'ll'iety of the O ld \\"orld ? Popula rizat ion of lilt' rolleg,· IOUN', \s hichhe had hoped 10 undertake at Brow It in IR27. shou ld 1)(- po - rponcdno longer.

After 184 1 Fr anr i.. \\' a ~land Ill·.·.llm· ;1 "Dorr ill ti ll' lit..ra ry , ampof :'\C\\ EnJ;:land : " ":' ope nly critical of man y Ir -at un- , tlf Americanhie hcr edu cat ion. Though other Ea..tern nllkgc Pt"..idt.-n t" disagreedwit h him , hi ..opinioll" t-arried weig ht throughout t ill.' .ount rv. for histextbook s Wt'I"(' wide lv u-s-d and h i.. k ad ing posirinu in th e Bapt i..tch-nominat inn enham-ed his nuthnrit v. In add itio n hi.. rritiqur- strucka popu lar ami pot entiall y dcst nlt t i\'l" nun- in the ,lgC' of j ackson.T here w r-n- "'·"era! pa radox ica l fC'atll n 's in \\'a yl<l nd 's position.T hough ht' .l:("a \·e IIt'W l'mphasis to pOjlula ril in.g coll,'g iah' l'd uca t iou .he full y intemk d to n-ta iu and im pfIl\'l.' t he tradi tional lilwral a rtscourse in an rx palld..-d currir ulum. He no morc desired in the fortiesto destroy wh at he had accumpli..hrd at Bro\\ 11 dllri n~ th e p rniousde 'adt.· t han hI' t'xpc'C!ed in IR27 to ..nd medical in..trtlct ion peml;a­Ile lltl y or al ienate' Ihe colle.ge fm m thr R hooe I..tllld commullit~.

:\or did hc reli..h th l' mit- of cont rmt·rsia li_..t. H is r h;argo W('re ~\\ et' p­

illg, hu t hi" IOIU' Wit" ditfident .\\·a ~ la nd ·.. " <I m pa ig"n for o llkgia h' rd orm wa" a ITc·It,·d hy BrO\Hl

UninTsit y' s fina ncial d itllc ult ies. St udellt numlx-rs I ('a"I'd to incr('asl'in 1B17. ,\ s bi t' as llU 9 th e pn·..ic knt ('xpl.-ned that enrollme ntwou ld still inen 'a",', hUI 011 (hI' ("' C' of his trip abroad Ill' hctraY" d"' lIlIt" a larm. Ht.' goa \'(' on l~ pas..i ll .~ a tte lltion to the lIat iollal lkpn's"ioll

It',ts.... ...po.·ci;.111 \\"a l la nd 's jnurn ..\ in ,\1 0 11 0 ;' , 11, 10.1" ~ 7"IIO ,, ~ II I J Oil II.. , 1',,, ,"/ Colk ,'!;" " 5)'110'1, -10.

' '':' .· ranri, Wa~ I ;l nd '0R uru. .\nd....o n, .\U'lU, 1 3 1, 18-.12 , ' ", n it-an Hoa rd 01Comllli..ion.... of For..i'!n ~l is, iom Papt' r' , t b ..-..rd Cull"II[" l. ih r;H\ ' n "..." l in'\1" '10;•• 11. 1>'1·711\ .

Page 4: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

lOR Fra nci s f1 ' llyltmd [O ctobe r F r ll ll ! i l 11 '/1 .1'11/1/1/ I II'!

as a ha-ir ,au"l:' of the decline: hi.. main concern was th at the collegehad loct reputation Ilt', ;III"C of some internal dc ficicncv.'?" As long asthe situation d id not n-ach cri tical pro po rtions, a certain slrin~encymig ht han: a tonic effect. " Wl" here haw a tole rable college,'he wrote in 18:18. " no! act uallv starved hu t in saluta ry tear ofsta rvation."?" . .

Brown Cn iH l"< it ~ \ troub le" d urinz the ensuing decade were due10 the Pan ic of 1837 a nd its aftermath. \\ hic h It'd 10 a period (Ifcontraction for ('oll(·.~('" as well a" for theological seminaries. fo n'il:llmis-ion-, and ministe rial aid Iundc!" T o wayland the de pressionwa-, a moral crisi", mo re crucial as a test for individual- than forinsti tu tions , In 18J i he had urged his r-ountrv rnen to abandon...p -culative pranin-s which violated the laws of morale and economir-,and turn to pietv, humility and 1)("11(·, ·ol'"I1('e. _\ man's on ly t r-ue- rit-ht·....he dec lared. .... ere "s kill, and indu...try. and characte r. and talem .""?"For a college as for an individual. he felt, the-e q ual ities were num­important than material wealth .

Under the president 's prodding: in 1841 the Brown Corporat ionconsidered s.... eepine curricular and disciplinary reform s. Ideally," .avland insisted. a college sho uld "furnish means for the most perfectdevelopmen t of th e in tellectual treasures of the co un try." by providingad vanced educat ion of high qu alit y for all .... ho cou ld profit by ir.'!"This would ncrcsdta tc elim inati on of the prescribed four- venr ( 'OUN'

......, Ihat stmh'nt.s might chOOS(" subjec ts suita ble to their nt"t"ds.II'" ·hl·n·\ 1T Iht'ft' I·xish an\" CI>l\sid" rable demand for inslrudion

in :l ily hranch of Ii'.d ul sludy, tltis consti lu l'·s a rl'a"On why surh

1U'; Franci~ Wa}la nd, R"IlOTt 10 IlL.. Corpora tion. S"p"'Illh.·r ol, 181'1 : Fram·i.Wa}la nd to F.t...nnrr T ILr.., " ..r , ~I a l 7, 18 ol0 ; Fr" n(" i. Wa}land 10 B~ . i l ~ la nh ,

~fa l' 1:1, 18 40.

1<>1frarH'i, Wayt l1ld 10 B" . il Manl}'. J anua ry 16, 1838 ,

H"Sr,' data "n 1'01],-101"" .. nro llm ..nt, in T ht .1moi'a n .1/""""", ,,,,,I !l t pu. il"' "ul U"I"t f.:nuu'ttdKr ( B" ' lu ,, : "a riou, puhli'hns. 18:18- 185 1 ) : T ,,'o " y-";n '( II rh. .. .1nnu,,1 Rtp"'t of Iht Di, u lurJ of tht So ,'ho>l Baplist f:du((ui II S",'j(l)( H",to ,, : l' rilL l" t1 by J oh " Pulllalll, 18ol2 ) . 1i-8.

IUllFra,,("i. \ \la )h ntl. 'l'ht M oral La,,· 0/ A c,,, m ulalioJl : rh( S"b,I,,,,,·, 0/"''''''lJiu ou'u < Ddivrr rtl i" Iht f" jt J I B " p l iJ I M u li ,,!; It o" u , f' ruvidn ,<'t' . .\f ll l' /-J./8.'17. (2d n L: B",lon : C ould , K<'Ild <l1l & Linm ln, 1837 ), 2'J.

IWl'hu,,/.:ht, <m Iht " . r u tlt Cul/t llialt 5)',1011, -1 7-4 8, 71i.77.

IrIFrall{·i, Wa ~ l a ll d , }{" llOrt of {;o lllmllt .... 'lvpolnl"d b~ 11ll" Boa ....1 uf F,·llu ,n10 lak.· inlo t'oll.idn" lion Itw cOlllmunication of lh" Pr" , id" " 1 on tlll' 'ubj....t ufIll<" ("Onr," of ,tudi,·, & di.ci"lin.. in Ih .. Uniw·nil'. n ..("..rllbt·r :?\), 18-11 ; Th " ,, ~ h t ,

u ti Iht P It " tll ColJt llialt S )'lto". I .'i:! . 1.1 .1-1.17 .

,IUd, -hould flt' t~ IUJ.::llI in _\Ilh all in-titutiou. It muv hflwI 'n'r h..alwan und"I'UMw:!,h;1I IlO da"" of thr- rmumunirv r-an n-a-onablc,·1;tin; a ri gh t In r-xrludr- anv I~lrti. ·ubr branch nf in...'nlf,i,m .ll ~

There w a-, no more P".."ihi li l~ " f dra"'lie ( h'lIl~l· OI l Brown in HH Ithan in Ur17. howcvr-r . \\"a~ l.lI ltl did 1101ah'II11I.'n ...hip hut wa'" will­ing III nrcept varinn-, pt'dagogicaJ improvements11:1 while con tinuinc10 uTg'c that the curriculum be broa dened . In 184:2 he puhli...hod hi...T houc.h1J on th(' Present Colll' .c.;atl' SY.lll'm in th l' l"n iled States,"Cui ng- forth thr- rl'''tl lt~ of hi" rd lcet ion" "inn' IH2i and the <ub-aanrcor the report" he had prepared for Cl'rpor,lIion rou-ick-ration <inr e­hi" return from Enala nd.

This lin k- t reari-e i" a mint' of information about the dcfirieru-ic ...of the pre-Civil wa r ..\ mer i(·,Ul o.llcge ,1I1d ,111 e...-enria l sourr r- forunder-tand ing \\"a~ la nd-, edu, .uional n-Iorm-. It reveal ... hi" rom­mitment to thoroueh tcarhing ami t1t·m'M·ratil· opportunitv in r-du, a­tion, hi~ wide acquaintance with American H1II,·giale practicc-. andthe r~ult" of hi" otN"-ryalioll" in C rea l Britain . EHT\ -ertinn reflect ...hi" dedication 10 dnt~ and ha tred of idlene..." and complacencv intrusters. Iacultv. and ...tudcnt-. JI 011'011 ...ug.gt....I" \'·il \ land .... fit ....1seriou...deficicncic" as an educator. Il l" viewed the Iurn uon-, of a ('ollt"ge toona rrowly in terms or hi" U \ \ n IM·lid in the prime import ance or indi­vidua l responsihilitv and mo ral improvcnwnt. ,1IId ...tid not hing aboutthe inhr-n-nr value of libcral leurniuu. In sum marizinu the pt) ......ibili ta-...for basir- institutiona l reform. ahn li... lin .g St.'n'ral radical dl,lI\~(,", bemad c no commit mrlllio ally of Ihern . T he l'xi"till .g COlll"l', he bdi('\"('d.mi.g-hl ht· narrowl'd . so Ihal c,\('h suhjn t cou ld be 1'llIght more Ihor­oughly, or k ngt hClwd, to a llow ,"ulliri en l lillie for sWlkllb to maslnhoth the d a..."ical lang:ua,gl'" and Ihe TH"w,' r ~ie nce" . •\ nulher altcma­lin · woul d ht· 10 cn'ate tn 't' IIninf>< itic", emhracing: prok "" ional"r hool". olk ring- a dlOin' of ('OIlN'S for Iht, had wlor.... lkgn·,'. and<"onferr ing: lilt" :\la"\<T of AI'''' a" " n ,·arlwd de,gn·...IJ ' If p"pular

Il~ Fr~ n("is ..... ~datld, Rq ><" 1 "f C<IIlll1lil1"" "I'l'0im p r\ Ih\' llw] Hoard "fF,·lIow. to .,·"i", rh... ]lr""'1ll "''',1'". "f (:011"101"" 'I"di.., .. Sq'l'"'"!>.... IRI2, ' I·h i,i,,, r... U I'·Jm· IlI 01 Ih .. "l-'ri".'il'l<- of '·4uil}·" ,,'1 forth in W ;' l·la lld ·, 1828 Pro.-i·d" nce SdlOOI r..porl.

1r;l.\ ftn , h.. d,,\.;,n,u,' of }(Ollll'lJ Elton ill IIB:l. J arru'. R" him Ol' lI" i,, ' Ida" of18-10 ) w<l ' "vpoint,·t110 l [" a. 1. (;rnl a lld Juhn Luli" Limoln i d a" of 1836 ) toI,·~ ..h I,al in ...\d ll1 i ~ . i o ll ' n'quin'lIwnb ,..,.", ,lilf"I,,"d in 1842, and hq:inninJ;: Ill<".""". y..." r fa"ully m..mh.·n w,·,,· ll''luil''d '" .nbruit aTlnu,,1 wrilt ..n r..port. onIh..ir d ut ir s to til,· Corpora tion,

11 ITho"lIhr, on ,ht PltUtll Cullrei"'r S ".rrm . 108-111

Page 5: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

1I(l [O crob -r 196:!J 111

c' n li~ h tt' I1 IlJ I'!1 1 \\I'W a prinripal objcct ivr-, colleges might tum them­"C'h c's inm Lll\\ d l l n"lit ll((·"' " :' .\ny of theS(" ch angr-s, " 'a , land indi­r-ated. wo uld lx- "pn-Ierabh- 10 our present "~"tem-." hu t he made nof llOin' h im-elf.'!" :\0 1' ha d he cla rified hi" priorities hy JR50, whe n hi"reform prop'l".;I I~ "CI II.I,:hl tll ac- hic'n" all th e-e oh jr -ctive, at once.

From IR.f:! tn 1WIn Brown Univr-r-it v-, sun..ival wax in jeopard y.To 1Il0~1 of IWf _s uppllrtel' t he fa te of an h istoric inst itution was in.volved. hut " 'ayh nd wa" 11101'(' conrr-rned wit h the cha lleng-e to his0\\ n mo ra l and economic principle"..\ " a result there arose the mo- timportant flllltrn\Tf'iir" IIf hi" pre..idcncv. Brun onian-, ronrem cd forin-ututiuna l ..urviva l in-i-red tha i the oh\'iou<; COU N' was to rni-efund, fl II' ..tudeut aid rrr endow ment to guarantee facu lty <alanes. Theforme r altt'fIl<lti\T had en-au-t appeal to clerical tru-teee HmO'f1II,dW ith mini..n-rial rducaticn. T o " 'a \l a nd suc h fund.. wr-n- murallvperilouv, and in addit i"n Ill' ,\ a-, nm, out of ~y mpath~ with hi, dt'n"I11~ination', effon-, tll -u-tain ill'tilulion" for ministerial education.'!"

T he iv-ue W il " fir-t joined II\t' r -tudent aid. Sinn.' scholar-hi p fu nd,had been rai-ed a decade earlier. it -ecmcd obvious to many Co rpora­lion nu-mber- that a new effort should he underta ken to replenishsources w hich \\t 'n"now cx hau-red. \"a, lan d could not dcnv the need .hu t "Clughl to promole a mllre al'r('ptahic mt'thod wh ir h \H)'uld ~lIppl~an dl'me nt (If inn"nt i\"c. Xeedy studc"nt", hc bclie\'et!. :o; houl d hi·n' waflk d ra thn than "uh"idilt'd hy ~(' IU"rnu" prize" a nd prt'm iulll '""olTered Iln l~ fllr t ilt' dflin~ of part irular thing-;, t he wriliu~ of (-:o;."a \ s.... llw _"" llItion of h i.l.":h and di lTicuh prnhkin <;. and the a uthof'; l;ipof t1i~"C· rtal in t1 " of pfl·-t·mi l1('nt meril on somc bram'h of S('i('lIfl' orlilc·ra tllre." II~ f t W a~ 011(' t hing "to a id the ,,,t ruggle:o; of g:eniu" npprrs-""llh~ adw rsity," ilnd q uit!, a llOlhcr, as he thought hisa_'·,ocia le:o; intt'mit'd."tn pro\'idt' '\Je h ind uCt'nwnls to l"dUCalion . that ~oll n.g me n ~h " ll l )('

nll iccd into 11\l' I('aflwd prok""joll <; , who wou ld hi' m o rt' IN 'fu l and'llc('f'"..f lll in ol hn Ilt'pa rt rtlr llts of life." lIJ' \\' a ~ la nd \ old friend , tilt'Rn . t l c nr ~ j a r k,ol1, dllnated $ I,:!."j(l ill 111:1 9 tn ~ ll pp<l rt a"';lf(l, lo

11~' lhi,f" 1'12,15h.lIll/b,d,.III·112.II,S,_, ' n;I ;,'j'llI of 1Il;"i'h·r;"],·d "",,I;oll 'O<';I'I;~';n Fr,m.:;, W:lyland to R"IL"

.\ "'l....,"n . .\ul("'1 :\ 1, 111,12, ,\lllCr;c"" Bu,,,-d or C" " Hn i' sio" ..TS uf FUlf·j!l: ll "I ;, .,ion' l'''lJ!"n, I L" ' '' n.l Cullo-I(p I.ih",. ""

I ""'h o,, ~hr, ,, ~ Ih~ /' f ~u ~ 1 C"i1~ l'i"I,' S",I(m . 'li_911.11"1 1"""",;. \,',,} LlIl d l, If(/",,/ 10 t!u CorP""'/;Oll of H'I",..n I ' nil'( " it " . ""

{_ h ,m~'n ; " th( S pin" "f CI,Il~ ~'",/~ 1n 1/'uctiOl' . Urad ,H'''r h 28. 18 ';0 ( I' rtw i"d. 'nn : (;"0'11:,, 11. W h;rrn-y, '" ,lUI, :I ~ ,

a ut hors of (""-.";;1~" on appropria te- "U hjtTts in Ihe' p rcsidr-m 's 0" n classesin moral pbilo-ophv. p olitica l tT0l10my, and inte llectual philo-ophv .j ack-on had ori~inally intended to r--tabli-h a scholar-hip fund butwa-, persuaded 10 'fXlIl"Clr lilt' pn-mium-, h~ the pl("Sidc,nt . l~~ ' In 18.f3\\" ;1\ la nd himself d, mau-d $).(14 H) ill vnx k 10 t 11(' l 'nivr-r-it \ 10 c-tabli-hIhl' 'I' rC""idelll ' <; l'n-mium-, for In--hn u-n who performed impn'~, i \l' I ~on thei r ent rance examinatiol1".I~1

These arra ngemem-, ..u~~(·..t 111l' "ort of fund rai,ing " 'a ' land W;l'

willin ,g to undertake. Even more -ianificam was hi, position in ;1

dispute 0\(' 1' the u-e of Xichnla-, Bro' , n's 1<I,t !cgan to his Univervitv.The ~reat benefactor, who du-d Scpn-mlx-r n, 18~1. -pecified in h·i..will that income from certain PffI\" idl'nr r real e..rate -hould IX" u-cdto a-,..i"'t the education at Bn I" n l ' ui, er-it \ or "de-ervim; 'oung men,.v-lrcted on the advice of lilt' Education ."l·ld l' l ~ of the "' ;~r f("n ' Bapt i-t.-\ ...-ociation. He had ub\'i()\I,I~ intended 10 cont ribute to the rau-e- ofBapl i~t mini-terial education, hut, OWl' ~tilT opposition. Wayt illdinduced the Corporation ttl appropriate the fund" for it ....rie, oflJni\l"f"ily Premium-, to hi' awarded in variou-, ~t1bjnl,.I~~

\ r ayla nd ', faith in tilt' pn-mium -v-n-m wa-, mer oprimi..uc, De..pin­his ,lttempl' to publici..e il. il nt·\C"f prmitkd the illtt'l1ti'-e to studentMhiewrnelll he ha d c'X IX'flt'd. Henry j Mk "" JIl r tllUludt..d in Ht'lO thatthe prize..- he had t'ndO\\I'd a dn 'a t!e t"a rlin lMd done lill k good . ft,,,competilof'i ..ub mittt'd P''''l~'', and thnt' W,I' lill ie opportunit, for arC"a l t'ompa ri",m of pa lx'f" on Ilini t. ~Lt ny ollt"titnding 1Illdergrad~

lMle~ <!n)ided the' pr i",' fOJlt t·~t", f('aring to 10,,--" rank in thei r da i l ~

recitat ion". l~:' FC' W of \ra ~ land .... ;\"'<:I("iall', :o;han'd his r lll hu,iasm forthe prl"mium s~:o;h'm, and tt ll' Y1)('(";l lI1 t· illfn'a,,,ingly di~nllltenlt"d withits rrs ult.; dllrin~ lhe fortic's. .\ s _"t lltln lt ll111ul wf'; ('olllill ued to dnli llt·t ht' ~ imi sled lha t a ll <i\'ai la hlc fUlul" "Iwulll l>t.' lI",,'d to su h..idill'

1~"Fran(;s Wa)h ml. R<" po, t to rIll" Cnrpur"rion. Sl')llrllllwr ,I. IA:I'I : P">l';,h llN D ail)' lou",,,t. Il ,·o ·lUlI. 'r h, lH:I" : M inul"', 1k .-.'I" h.... 20. IfHI. fl, n""' l lU n;.... ,,;t,- Corporalion R,·cu ,J , . [I ( I HIU· UH :II . L'n;",,,;,, 11.. 11 , Bm ..... "U n;\'l' rsih-,

'~I Fr;"H';, W,lyl;UHi lu ,\1'1"" fI,o ..... " 1""'. J uh 12,1 114 :1 .

'~~ Fr:"H';' Wayla nd, R"I'M I lOf (:011"";\1"" .'!'!JO;lll,'J hy II,.. ll" .ord of Fo 'lIo,," ,lu la k.. ;nw cum id "ral ;on lh,' c'olllIl1 Uniral;on of tIn ' I'",., id '·" l ... , D ,·n ·m l". r 20,18fl: :\-f ;noln . SqJlnnl"' r II. IlH2, I\rIl .....n l ' II ;' <'I' ;I) COl].>'"" lion R'·COlJ , . II118 1O- 18f :'IJ , L' n ;n " it} It,ll . Bn .wn l ' n;w r' ;" : Fr:w ( ;, Wa) l;H,d, R(,lJOll luIll!' Corpo rat io n , [All"flm 2. I H-H J.

'~:I H,'npy Jack""1 w Fra ,,,: ;s W,,)l a llJ . J uh :n a"J "\ " 1( " "' 2ti. IlI'ill, alit!huro1\n 10, 18'1' .

Page 6: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

l~~Remini ,c~()c,",. 129 ( ~o Ill Jl()"'d 1IlhlJ-18h.l ) .13"lbid ,, 129.

I:IIEliphalt'l NOll 10 Fra nci. W" l'!;' ud, ~Ll Y 22, liB ,'! : Fran ci. Wayland to

Is;,;<c Dav is, J lllr 8, 18ol.') (copy): "' r;' m'i, W,l\ l;tn d ' 0 Dan i..1 S _ Wayla nd .n "' em bn 21, ISola. .

1.1~Horatio X. Sla tn ,0 Fr and s W" yL",d . F"hru;or y ~l , l!l olB ,

!;13..\!exi!iCa, wr ll, G,'or !!,' Idt' Ch",', ·, ;w d Will;;" " (;a ll" " O' II 10 II,.. Co rpora lion<.>1 Brown l."ni\ O'rsit y, Seplt'l"bn 7, 1 8 ~ 8 .

furnished in :\l'W Enl:: la nd and Iumi-lu-d a~ rhcaplv as w(' couldhope to furnish it . T o ack nu-n & women who labored for their' lIh~i, t" n(( " 10 mninmiu a _dlOol to whit'll not one in a hundredwould evr-r t'Xpt"C! to v-nd a ...-111 """nwd not dr-cirable.IZll

.\ s Brown L' n i \'t' f'oit ~ -, djfficuhie-, deepened and \\"a~land ' !< aui ­t ud es hardened. he lx·.~an to thin k I)f re"ignin~ hi" n-cponsibilitics. Fora ~ear or two th r- w lkgt"'"defici t excr-edcd 81,200. and the spectre ufbanl I d 13" .....· ( . .an",ruptcy oorm- . " ,"0 "I~n () mcrca ...m~ enrollme nt appeared.O ther colll".~I·s wit h ampb-r !<1I1ll' fur scholar-hip aid were a lso suffer­in~ from the deprc-sion . and the rime- were inauspicious for funddrives. even had wavland been willing In undertake them. Hedreamed of retiring to a ...mall village, a' hi" father and uncle haddone, to w ritc and en~a.c;c in rcli/.:i<Jl1" and phi lanthropic activities.'!'

But the colle.ge\ fate re-n-d (JIl hi, shoulders. and he wa" still de te r­mined 10 "'1.\"e it, if po-sible . h~ mean-, whirh would vindicate hi...princi ple... of democracv and -elf -help. Projcrt-, for tec hnical "Chou,",were widely di-cu ....-ed ill t he [ate furtit·... and the Law re n ce Scie nti ficSchool had been established at H arvard in IfH i . \\"ayland appealedto Hora t io :'\ . Slater, son of Samuel Slater. t he irnrniqram text ilepioneer, and received a tentative plnjge of fu nd.. to t"'tahli"h in-t rue­tion in the applied sciences at Brown. Hilt in the winte r of 18-1-8 Slaterconcluded rd uctant h- that hi" own fin.lIIcia l ptl"it ion would no tpt' mlit him tn mak (" t ht' g ift ,n~

The following a ut umn thrre of \\·'I\ bmr... rollt·ac:m·... fOf('("(J hi,hand . Earl ier appt:al, from ind i\'idual i;N rudor-.. had brought slightrcadjmtment!< in their fOIllpt.' llsa tio ll. .\"0\\ Proft'''-''o p' Casw;' Il.Gammell. and Chan' di n·rt ly di"pll tet! th e pre..idt' n t's ha"jc precep'"of ed ucation al finann' in a kltt'r to the C orporat ion. Thro ughout theworld, Ihey df cla red, hight 'r n luf a tiflll wa" to a gn:a t extt'nt dl, t··ll1os~nar~ : by the llMg.. of agl'''' il wa, "dt'J lt'l1dellt on l·ha r ity."' Xocullege in the l'o llilt ry ('(l1l ld ad li('\T di"t inrtioll \\ ithuut Iarg-t' furuhtkn.ted either to the pa~ n1l"11I of proft'......;,;.p; o r to , t ude tlt ilid. l ~ ~

II:! Franci s W ayland [October

enrollm ent . In 1846 a /.:roup of Baptist Corporat ion members calledfor a re-exam inat ion of the premium sv-tern. in"i"ti n.l.t th at thl':\"idlOla" Brown It'/.:;l(·~ could rit:-htfullv be u-cd c nb for tuit ion grants..\ Corpora tion culllluiltt'l' noted the pre-idem '< part icul ar inn-rest int Ill" aw ard" a nd concluded tha t tht~~ -hould he retained . hut ;11'il '-uppk-uu-nu-d h~ ;ulditiOlM I fun d -, de-ig natcd "I)('cificall~ for scholar­"hip aid.':" Th i" wa' an important victorv for "·a ~land . Brow-nl ' n i \C ' f'oi t ~ did IIOt a/.:ilin offer -cholar-hip-, un til afte-r hi" rct irr rm-nt .

In tl)(' la te fori it'" \\'a~ I'lIId fared the crucial q ue-aion of Facultvromp-n-ation. Hn )\\ n' " .....daril'" w ere more generous th an th o"l.· (,flllan~ American folln:t''', hut d id nu t romparr with the rem une-ra t jonuf minicn-r-, and uthcr profe--ional men in Providence , no r had thnkept pan' with tilt' ri,ill~ O), t of l i \- im: . I ~ ~ \\"a~land "~mp;uhiJ:ed wit ilthe plight lIf hi" rulka.~ut", which he -ha red.'?" bu t could not con­template in, n-a-e-, \\ hie h \-iuJ;ltnl hi, mo ral and economic prim-iplc.... ..\ ftn ob'C'ninl: tilt" munificent fou ndation, of the Engli-h un ver-im-,\\ ith mu, h till' ";11111' di-aa-te Adam Smith had felt . he re tu rned honu­motr- t han r-ve-r convinced that th e Scotch ~y"tem of corn p -nsariou-bould h(' adopted in ,\ nwrk a. In IfH I and 184:! he urued 1I1l, mTI·" ·fully that -ala ric-, a t Urm\ll ht· made dependent in "l.mlt' ",a~ on ti ll'amount IIf insrruc tion eac h ullicer 1::;l\-e.I~; Thix would m-er-......lrihreq uire d t'n iH' "t lldie", l~' but in th~ lung run both tht' t'ollq,:I' ;11lt'jindi\ 'idlla l Llfult ~ nWlllhl' rs would profit by it. Fail ing to t·...tahli"h"'"th a n arrangTnw nt, ht' P'·l""i...led in hi" 0ppo"-it ion to inf n·a" inl.:I'mlow nll"ll1 .

For look UpOIi tl lO' ' uhjo'{'! a, ynll will, who'n YOU COIlll' 10 tilt"n;lk"d (;In it S""lIlt'd 10 hI' mIT,:h a quntion of our ind ividualmppol t. Etlu(";.t i" n of Ih.. kind \\ hifh w(' g"avt' was ;thund;lIltlv

, 1~' Minllt' · •. Sq)"'I1II"'r :1 an d [},,,,.',,,b..r 2. 16'H>. Rro", ,, L"n;\·....;ty ( :orpor;, ­lu-"1 Ra urd. , III { 18·H · Hlhll). Uni \..-"i ty Hall , Rrown LT" i\·t'" i,,'

1 ~ ··' Fr,,,){'i, Wa) I",.d , Rq >u r! 10 tl,.. Corporation. St'p tt'",l,,'r I, l!l--!t; ; .\ Ini_C" .", .-II, { ; , ·or ~,· Id,' (:han', ,md Willia ll. ( ;" " ",,..11 '0 th .. Corpm al io l1 uf IIro ", ,,l '"i\-""il), S' ·I' I..rtll",r 7, I!lHI ; \\',,)h nu , Urporl to Ihr (,'otp,H,/lio " . ~, .\I'/',.}I:lH. /8,;0 . -I7·UI ; ""11'1""" s<,lari..~ ;,1 ";"iuu, instit ut ion , ,'i,, 'd ill Fn 'dni ,lR udol ph, " Wh" I'" id II", H ; I 1< ~ " JI" , o" .d f.-d lu " , i" ,,,,1 /( , o;r l< . XXXI (SI' l ilO ll.1'1';1 I , 1SI,

l~liF"llH-i, W" \ I;II,,,I ,o h ,,;1<' !) " " i" S"l"..",b", 1·1. 18-1 -1 (I·opy ).1~; Fr"lu -i, Wa ~ I., ,,,I . R'"!"-', I v ( ,I". P",', id,'n, and Prof,·" " , of ~ lo r",1 "I.d

110 1,·lk fl ual Philo",,, I,, ' 10 Ih<: co llIlJlin.'\· uf Ih.. Ik",rd of F.-11o"" ",,,,,idninw:lIlt" .-our,,· of "ud~- ,,,, d dl"';pli ll", lI.d, [S" p" 'Ill"'''' I· Dn't'lIllK"r :W, 18·lll ,Rq >olI of , ll,' (;Ollllll;"" " ;1i' 1".,inl,·d by ,h, ' Ho ard of F..llo", ' 'U Lokt' iutu ,·on ., id" I" l i" l) II" , ,-o llm" mk;lt i<.>1l vf lilt' " r... ;den ' . " O<"(·O' mh.-r 20, 18oll ; Rq >U1l,0 lilt" (:orpl"."tion, .'i'-pl, '."IH·' I, 18olt).

l~' rh" w~ hh "" I h r " ' n r ,,' ('""lIr ~"' lr Splrm . hol-ti,l, 7ol . 7,l, 12S.

I %~ J F Hm r i lll ' llylaud 113

Page 7: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

114 [O ctober 1962] Fran ci s II' dr land liS

This r-hallcngr- could not be ienored . and the Co rpo rill ioll voted tose-r-k $:)o.no(l to "'"ppnrt filt ully ....alarie.... m In September. J 84~ ,

Waylan d reported thr- d rive ha t! ber-n a failure . W ilh thi s dolefulI\('W" he- tende red hi.. [('signali,' n a~ pre-idem of Brown Unive rsitv.':"As lte insisted to a Ir ir-nd, the elllll'~I' co uld not han' ~"lJ" nn for lon gno matter who was president . t:W TIlt' rc-ignar ion, however, was also apoliti c mow. Pressed hy rbc Corponuion to withdraw it, he an"c(kdwith the understandin g he would haw full authorit y to draw lip acomprehensive schemr- of reform- such as he had desired for adt-cadc.u 1 Inspir ed with new ellt'r~"y and determination \ r a yland se t

10 wor k not mc relv to ...1.W Brown Unicer-it v from extinction hilt tot1..rnon -rra tc that Am erica n coll(·gl.... need not decline if rnndurtedacco rding to correct principles.


The pn'Sidt'I1t'~ plan.. ' \f' re prc-ented to th e publi c ill his Report 10

the Corporation of ~larch 28, 18:,0, which began with a brief reviewof the development of Ame rican hiuhcr ed ucati on . The Enulishcolleges 011 which American instit ut ions were patterned wert- or igi­nall y "ccch-sia..t ical and monastic institut ions . .. designed for therducat ion of pries ts, wh o formed , in fan , the ollly educated das.~ intilt" middle a~r-s: ami who probabl v intended. by I1ll' ;1I1" of all exclu­sivr- edu cati on , to fender perpet ua l the influen ce OH r the mas-"C',which they had .'i() .~ u Cl·es.,fu lly 1l ~ll r p,_·J ." .-\ mn ican college", to ht·...urc, d ifTerl'd in \'a riou~ way", "g:l'l1e rally for thl' \\O fS{' . " They hadIX'l 'n mU't inlhll'ntial in the colonial period , " hen th('~ shaped thl'idra ls of the ,l::I'11I'fatillll " hic h had cn'atl'd th e .-\mnicall nation. h utin th .. nineteent h (TIlIUf\- the' had lkdined.l ~~

Wayland's ptl rpo"C' in Ihi" survcy wa~ not to e~tahli~h Ihat collel::<'pn 'sidf"nt<, fotH'd it difficult la'I.: in alll'mpting to pn'S('fn~ the ancienI

l ~ t~linul' -S . S"p'''III IM'r 7, 18-48, B,own l ' niH'n it} Corp",,,t ;on R..co,d•. III118H -18661 , Un;' ..r.it\, H ~ Il , BlOw n l Tn1nr;i ,y : P' f> I' ido u r D iI;lJ; 1<> IH nlll,I lt-r ..mh.. r 27,18-48.

,.1:'Th"·,, "lbscription_ h"d h,' ..n r....'·;....d ill Providf'lIn ", h"t lit"") " f th" ",;ll'llfoa" h,'d """u,,'d , h '-llI" -h-,,, a_ 100 hard IHt''''' d to "ont"i ll" l' ·. TI ", ,, · i, "",",'ld"n(t' thaC Wayla nd h" d p",h..d th.. dri ... wit h an)' vi!,:"" Fr;l1ld s Wa) la nd,Rl-po rl 10 th ,' Corpora lion, ~ ..pt,'mlM" -4, 18~'1.

13':r rands Wa}l:lnu to I. aac O,w is. S,·pt ..mh..-r 12, 18 -4 'i (( Upy),

iJr~ l i nu l<:-s, S"ptl"1uhr-r ti, 18-4'i, Bro wn l:ni,·r"it)· Corpural iott R...-o rd s, III18H·18fifi \, en;"t'ni,.· Hall , Bro.. n l ' ni' r rs;' \ ,

U "R, pa"'o lIu CM fW.Drio'l ... .H il n h J8 .18;0. h, ", I I , l :!· l h_

tr ad ition- of liberal education in a ma terialistic denux-racv , Rather .hr- inci-ted. fOlll"~r:- would "IHTiw onl~ if they re-examined their rolea nd sought to ....-rve rhe need.. of III(" workingman and Iamu-r a" \\(,11as the learned professions. " It is mani fest .. . t hai t lu- movemen t ofcivilization is pn-ci-elv in the lint" of the useful art,,:'1 al' Summari/.il1~hi" r :l-..l.' for <lnuonat i!" and ut ilitar ian hiuher cd uc.u ion . lit' arguedlar.~dy ill the diakt"l of politir-al t'( ' llllo111 y ;

Our rolll'll:('s art" no! filled Iwr a u,, ' \ \T d o not furnish til<" «dura,rion de, in-d' by tht' peopk-. \\" , han - con-arucn-d rlu-ru upon th,­idea tha t th..y an' ttl 1M." sdlOols of preparation for the J/lU!.'Ii;OIIJ.O ur r uvtome-r.... therefore, ( (lIlIt' f rum the suralh...t d;l_~ of -ocn-rv:and till' importance of the l'd u{'a tioll ,\ hirh we- fu rn ish i~ 1101 :.c .univervallv a,"kn<lwl..dgr-d as Ionucrlv. e-ven bv thi-, d a". \r" haveproduced ';I ll art ide fo~ w hich tlu- d"; nalld is diminishina. \\'" v-llit at !t·_s than cost, and the ddl,"it'rKy i~ made up hy r haritv. \r t ­

g"i'l' it awav. and still ti lt' demand diminishes . I. it not tim.. 10

inquin' "h;'lhlT we cannot furni sh an artich- for whirh thed..mand "ill lx', at h-ast. -onu-what ilion ' n 'lIIU1wr.lIi\·.·?'·"

Brown Uniwr-irv was now commillet! to dra- tic changes in itscu rricul um, dq{ft't' req uirements, a nd fi-ca! policic-. TI lt' public wasprom ised a mort- "useful' curr iculum: spl'l'ifica lly lIew courses iupt'{Jag()g~. agriculture, chem ist ry appl ied to the art s. a pplied science,and law .1I 1 ln nugur.uion of the "new system" was made de pendenton thl' sucres." of an ap pea l for $ 1:n,ooo, Illun~ tha n duu ble thl"L'ni\"(,:Thjt ~ 's reso ur res in 1850.lf~ Thus it wa.s im p..rat i\T fur Fran cis\\'ayland tu IXWllle a fund rai"t.,'r, though th is atti..ity hOl t! alwa~s

ht't'n di..ta.stefu l tn him. :'\ow , h0\ \t' \"t' r, hl" felt morally ju...tified illa.;,.;,uming the mle I:",cau,< h is new curriculum wou ld prm-ide trainingBrow n had nen ' r pre\·iou...l~ offe red, and the additional students hl'hopt,tJ to altrart , ra th t'[ th an bcin~ lUTl'd away fmm si"tt'r ilh tit ution....\, '()uld be youll .~ men who woult! Ill'H r ha \-e l'nrollnl in a req uiredlilx'fal arts COUN.' ;H any coll..~t'.lu lI i...tori(· a ll~- Bmwn L" ni\{'r"it~ \pn', -arioll '" "iluOl tio ll dll rin~ till' fortin' a lld th l' fo nt m\T""i,'s IWI\\l'I' n

CHI/bid,,21.""lbid " H, f"lI"wil'~;o d,-caikd n·" i.... · uf ,-"id"m'" ( 1'1', 21· :1-1 1 illtp hin!!" thai

;lw'mpts I" inn""", " ndowrn"nt ;lIltl 'l"dn,t "id fun d. h,,, t 1,,,1 d,,'(k..tl II".u," l in.. of ,'molln,,'nl ill :\ ,-w Enll:-land "olk'l"'_

"J lb;d. ,I~U.

t '~lbid , 75. 7 1>;.~ U 'I " I Sub,n ipli"'1\ ,1t 1l,J~ 10 Btu,", ," / '" ilJo ' il.l . D u , ill ~ II"Ta ~ ll l }'·f·i, ·~ I" , a" . "I"".u;" ."i'l it l u'" :!'I , /lJ i l PrO\'id <:- lln : I(.ulllltond, _-\nll["]l&. Co., Print.n , 1871 ) . , ii i_

IUR<:-rn ini "" 'IKM,I :H

Page 8: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

11() FTiurri ~ Wayland I Wj~ J 117

th e pre-idem and hi" a'''l"ia te'i mcr fun d rai~i n,g had bee n nec es...ar~'preliminaries 10 a final cri-i- which Freed Fra ncis Wa yland to

~t ren"rt hen the coUegT·... resources ill a way he could ~uare with hi...own t·ollM'it'Il('('. \ \"11('11 the irnpracticabilitv uf rno ...1 feature" of hi..." new ,,~"te l1l" had bt't'lI dcrnou-trared. the endowment secure-d ill18-,">0 rem ained .

Actua llv Ilearly half of t he req uired total had been a......urcd bcfun­Wa~land "" RrpQTt \\iI'" publi...hed . Alexander Duncan. Enuli...h-bornrailroad promoter. had promi-cd $~n.ooo. a" had J uhn Carter Bro ....n.-..:.n of :'\ichola... Bn m ll. and tht· widow and children of T homa" 1'.l ve.... Horatio :'\. Slater. unable to contribute 10 an applied ~'ielln'

(,OUT'< in 18-18.110\\ pn.mi-cd 8.'1.ooo. u , It .... a-, nut ea,,~ 10 rai-e the

remaining $60.000. p;lrtil'ubrh th e fina l S1.'>.000. hut exten... iwefforts ar-hievr-d a unal <ub-« riptiou of S1~8.0n() h~ September,18.'10. u :. ~ltlth of thi- <urn r-ame from R hod e l -Jand,"?' prm'idin~

imprc....~i,t" cvidcm c of the "upport \\' a~land had achieve-d in tilt"('fJrnrnullil~ when- hi" educational pll rptN-'" had been rni...unde.....toutltw o decade-, earlier. ~LUl Y (If hi-, favorite ...t udcnt -, made token cont ri­bution". hut tilt' n-...' )( ln-..:· from alumni abroad wa" di...appoin tinut"xn"pt for an t';lrly pktl~e of 82,fXX) from Icaac Davis of \\"orn ·...u-r.\\·a ~ land · ... trawling nmlpa nion in Englan d in UBI. T he pn..,idt·n!....a" too rt'''t'f\t'd to follow ));I\·i...... for thrig ht coun"o(·1 to "rnakt' tht·m t"n ~()u haw [)(KtuT;t tt'd fork on'r:' u , but throu gh fril'll(h hi' d idtap ,\ealthy pro"'!)I·tb in Uo"toll, and a rt"w t"ont r ibutio ll~ ('anlt' frombu ... illt·..... finu" in :\cw York .tnd Philadelphia .tt~ ~ I ()',t d i"''lppoi ntilll!:wa" Iht' Ic"'pon"t' or l ilt' :\t·w En~land Bapt i"b who ~eenlt'd almll"'t ttl"ahandon Ihe ill" itu tilln." It" Thu~ did they reaU to \ \"ayLtnd's l'a rlin

IUR,po,1 of Ih, Co",,,,il/U of ,h, C",po.alion of B.o" ',, Unh'",i/", App"i""d10 {(ai"" "'~'1d of 0", fI~."f"d T10"/)'-Fh', ThouJand DolI"'J ( Pro" id" n"":K"o.. It·,•. \nthollY &. ( :0. Pri" ln ' , 1851 l , 6-7. !l: Wayland , R...nini."·.·n...·, , I:lh

11:'.\1'11",, 1 (<lr LI<1 ~ 17.IJOC);. in Prol'idOl< ' [J ,jil) /ou,,,,,/ . .'\ugml 6. 18iO: Uti<'ollll'kt;on "f ,uhwriplio" " 'r P.o"id,'1o Doil)' /o ~ r " " I, S"p"'mlwr 0. III,iO. ;,,,d~( i n u I "' . S"I>t"tIll.n 5. IfISO. Brown LT niw n ih Corporalion Reco rd" U I ( 1I1H.IlIh ti ). Cni",'"it)' l b ll . Brow" Cn;""";I)',

l"l/',o.',,},,,,,, [J"ih' /"~.n(/I. J uly 2:1. IBSO. indi'·a t,·, that of $\IJ2.hBi ~"I,·

,nil,..<1 hI' Ih"l ,hI,', $'15.175 W;" from I'ro"i d"",'r fr . id..n".ll' l<aa(' f) ;o\·i , 10 F t .l ll .. ;' Wayland . :-':oH l1I hn 12, IB~'l.

ll~(];fl< w,·t!· ""('<'i\"'d froll) 11l.. 'nh..r~ of II,.. ,\ppk tun, Lawn-nn · . and Sh""Lllnil;,', in 1I<>" <> n, U'P'HI of Ih, (;o",,,,iIIU . .. II) R " iu " Fu ,," of 0 " , H unJ " d"I""',,,ly. Fi,,, "'ho~",,,d D" II"' j . (j·I -I.

I t \lF ra ,, (" i ~ Wa~ 1., ,, d 10 11" 111 " " Lincol n. J un.- 20, 1850: in hi, R'·lnin;, c"1HT ' .1:17 , Wa"b nd d,·r!:u..d Ihal tl,,· It.-,,no,,, r'"'pon", from lII..mlwrs of otl,...<l,'"um;n,uion, \'illdi""t, 'd hi, in,ist .." ...· that to admini,!!', Brown ""';th""1 ,,'"" 'n",i;<lI hi,....... to "£I 'tr;"th on 1t" I" ;" Ill'i,...il,I,·,." '

n-I u...1.1 to a..."j..\ their v-hnla .....hip projn t... nnd hi" appa rcllI 1M" ofinn-rest in mini"lerial cdurauon.

T he OOn('\\ sv-u- m" wa- laumhr-d in the LIII of 1R.')Il.....tudent ... \\t'n'offe red a wide choice of a lu-m.uives. Ihom:h tlw r-un-i. ilium \\iI" nol~reath' inrrea-ed in sub-ranee. "lhe traditional rla""i.,,1 COUN:' ron­Iinued, and -tudrnts who pu r-,ucd it W err- promi....d an earned rna .... ter",decree. \\ hich \\'a ~ la nd intended should rcq uire "UINilllliall~ creatcreffort in cia ..." and the completion of an indcpcndcm rcadinc program.Th e Bachelo r flf Art" dcgrt't' wa" otlerr-d in a CUUN' inrludine anumber of elective oprion-. and requirinc onlv one ancien! lanzunue.If -tandard-, we re maintained. the president believed. thi ... wouldprovide as thorough an education a-, the baccalaureate then gin'n illmo-t :\e\\ England col1e1.':l:"'. •\ Tlt'W Bachelor of PhillNlph~ degn'('wa" awarded ...tudcms in a {'OUI'(" includinc numeruu... eh-ctin" option...whic h did not require an~ ...tud~ uf the cla ..."j'·.... ~ ltlr;11 philo-ophv. thepn·...idem's 0\\11 field. wa '" the onl~ "ubjeft required of all degrt"(·r-a ndidate-: since it treated of ( rod '... law" for human conduct. it \\'1 ..

mo rt' important than purely in tellertual ...tudie-. In addition theL nivc rsit v welcomed students wi"hing to "tud~ (JIlC or more subject"without bccomin~candidalc'" fur an~ tk~rt't'. I .~" T hi" wa" Ihe "partialCOUN:'" dc,'irt'. an ex pnlit>nt long u"Cl! hy .\ mcric<l n colleg:e". includ­ing Bro\\ n. ttl altract atlditiolla l ..tutknh a nd incrcil ...... tuition relTipl ....In a m.'ljor effort 10 pro,'ide "prartit'al" t'dW-'ltiolllwo Ilt·\\ pro rt"s.-..:,p.with outstandin.g qu,difiralion" had I)('("n ap poill!nl: \\ 'illiam ..\ .:'\orton in ;\"alural Ph i lo"'()ph ~ a nd Ci"il En.l.!: int·ering and J ohn .\ .I'ortcr in Chemi"try .-\pplied 10 Ihl' .\ rts.I


.-\ port ion of the Ilt"wl~

ra ised fu nds wa~ u"Cd to cq uip laboratorit-s and ob tai n material" (ortheir fO UfS('S. En~inecri l1 .g . a ppli('d ,,("il'nl'e. allli applied Lhemi"lr~

Wt'rc not included in ally of lh t' dt'g ret' program". T im" \\-a~ la Jld ' -"

1:'''1'h, l ,aUJ of R,,,,.'n I.'nil·oJi,)· ( P ,O\' i d " 'K~; Prillll·d b\ .\Ibnt C. ( ;",'n,·.IB.i l ). t:l _l ol, 18-20.

I.-'I ~onon ....a' a W... ! I'oim l{nld,,;,t,· who h"d la"lIht at Ill<' l ' " iw'" it>, of Ih,C; ty o [ ~,. .... York and Il d " w;lr!' Colkl{r. !'o rl" r, " Yair I(radualr. had al',o hI"'"at Dd " wan ' Coll "!(", and had ,tudi"<l "",rkultnr"l ..t"'IIl ;'lry' w;lh 1,, ' 1,,' ... ,,,U..oil{ a t G in , .." and a"i"rd I'rof"' '''r EI"·,, 1':. lI o" fo,,1 of Harva rd ', Lawf{"w,'S,'irnti fic Srhool. :\ft.-r their d"p11) t UTl' lHUli II,own ill 18,12 bolh laugh I [Of ilia",y..a... al YaIr ', Shdfidd St'i"nlific S<'I",o1. (0 11 :'\orton MT R""dl ll, Chitt,.nd"n.lI is/Of)' of Ih, Shtffidd Sd,,,li{ic Srhooj of ral, Pnivn,i/y. IB~/;-/'J'!2 [2 ve,k ;!"'w lI "v,''' , Yair Un;vr " ity PI" " . l '128J, I , fil.fi2 ; on Port .., ... r Dir/i"n'''.I' (o f.,<",«jean BIO,c,aph)' !;<;(' .... Yor~, ChMI... Snil",..'-, SO",. 1<l :Li]. X \ ' , 'lh_"; '.

Page 9: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

I III F rm u j , If ayland [O ctob -r 1962 ] Frnncis Il 'arllind 119

reforms involved not ..imply the introduction of elective studies, hUI.more sig-nificalllly. the provision of ;1 pattl'm of alternative de.~rrl·s

and cducationnl npportunitics lor stude nts who wnC' not S('(' kin~ anydt '~nT OI l all. Here. in a repud iation of the t rad it ional curriculumwhuh a pp('aPi almost rhalll ic. w av the ultima te expression or th epwsidt'nl's urilitariani-m and educat iona l democracv.

For a year or two \\'aylan d was heartened by the app.1. relll a pp-alor his "m-» S\..n-m." The inr rr a-c in Brown 's en rollment wa.. sodramatic Ill' could wel l believe hi.. reform .. werr- th e key 10 the colkg-e\pm"pl'ril~ and that it wa" no w ofTning a co rnmoditv whic h thepublic wi..hed 10 hU~ .I:.~ Clo"l" analvsi-, ho weve r . does not xu..rain t he\-;t1idi l~ of the rorwic t ion on which his campaien for collegiate n-Iormwas ba-ed that the re was a dC'dining: demand for the liberal art ..in :\"{'\, England . The major inr-re-av- a fter IR.'lO eon ..i..led or C'II1t!i·date, for the I1('W rna..ln's de.g rIT. gi\'en for the full rl n..-ica l rour-,e. ':.3

\l oft'lIn T Brown's pH)"pnit~ "as not an isola ted phenome non: anew period of gmwth he.gan for man ~ :'\ew England t·olle.c;t"" in 18"~1.

IWIll. I .H In 18:)0. as in the early rhirtie-. Wayland cou ld find in ri..in~r-nmllment "indication of his educationa l philo-ophv. hut in neitherperiod did he rrally unt!e"tand the rrlat ion of education.ll de ma nd toIht' lidl''' or nationa l pW"jX' rity. for his \'iews werc fOotcd in dt'\'(l lion 10lT10ra l law ralhn Ihan in an understand ing of historica l dt·\ d opml'nl.

Hrm, n's sudden .growth tc"led other aSJX'ns of \\'ayland \ I'd ur a·lional po lir it·s. Fa ilin.c; in his dC'sire 10 eliminate dormi tory rt'sidr llt t·in 11GI). III' ha t! decided that hi.. patcrna lislic disci plinary rule..~h(lU lt!

II<.' sl rt'n.C;lht'lIn l. D"rmitnry sllpt' f\'i"ion was d ista.stf'flll to S1'H'fa lin..trlln ors, ami aft('rd isnn!t- Pi in the fa ll of 185 1. .stemming fn 'm tht'prt'sitll'I1 I'S insislt'nce Ihal Iinder.graduaies should not at tt'nd ptthlit[lTlun's in I' rm-idt'lIcT. Profl'so;o rs I'ortl'r . ,"\o rton. a nd Cn·t·11I' \\I' n'asked tu rt's i ~n in J an ua ry. I H:I ~ . 0 11("1' a c;a in, as when ht' enforn'd Iht'n '"idt' nn ' !"ult' in 1Il ~ 7 , it appt'arnl thaI ..tudl:llt t!i.sfiplim· wh idl had

"'~/'TO"id,na D"i1r lou " ",I. Spplp",hn II. l8'iO. Fr"nris W,,, 1;,nu d, 11 ,''' ''' nl.i' Kol" •. \ p, il 21, I ll', I : l" OlJ ,d , ,, , r f) " i l )' jou.n"l. S"pl""",,"' If,. 18"1 : W" ".I.",d. R"m i" i""", ,,,,,, . 1 : \ 7 - 1 ·~1 .

l'-';I B.-o",,,,, . Hi' I,".\' "f /1,,,,,,,, lI"i"n,ir)'. 21\·1. :\2:1. T h,' ,,,.,,t Jar!,:"'l 1\"''''''''of " ,uk"u wn,· "ot <"I'roll",1 ", dn:"..- ,·" ndid" ,, ·, h UT "tIO'lld,'u indi,·id",,1l'oun,·•. ~L"l ) of ,h",u r,",ll;ti,,..d 0,,11 l,tidly in Pruviden,..·, and , hI' annll;,1,·" ",Iul(' ,·ul\''"'1',,'nlh "unt"i n i" ll;il,·d ,lali,lin of ~nrolhllt'nl (" .,. F ' '' m'i, W ." ,.l.",d, R" I>O t! 10 E ,, ~n 'l i \'t" ll-o" rd. ~I;" :\ . 165 1 and :\"o,.,.mhn 10. 1851 ) .

IC,~S, ·" data 0" ....11<-11:,· ,·nt"I1 " ..." 1 ill T h, A mn ;, ,, ,, .-!lm"nl'" ,md U'I' I>;;I,,'1'of [ '",!,d Is·""" 1,,1),;, ( f1,,, ,on; ,."iuu, I-'"blish'n. 18~8-18.'i5 ' .

moral implicat ions wa.. more vital to \ \' ayland tha n the retent ion ofuseful instructors. T he ous lt·d prnft-......ors were replaced by trustedalumni. and the "IlI'W S~ ..II'IJl" ",I\ I't! from collap-c.':" Xo mo reno lahie appointments w t'n' made. however. and l ilt' promi-cd COUN'"

in azr jcuh ure and law we-rt- nut underta ken. Though still firmlv run­vinred of the rurrecun-,... of his pr illt ipb-... \' - ;I ~ l a ud w;a.s olwiou..hliring of hi.. n- ..pt,llsibilili'·...I :·';

Facultv morale had "ulft-rt'd ....-rjou ..h from the t'\ em..of 18S:!. ant!\" a ~ land '~ colll'al:ul''' were OUI of "~mp;tlhy wilh va riou.. (catlin>.. ofhis reforms. Their mo-a ....-rjou.. ~rin;Uln' MtN' from hi.. in-i-rencc Oil

t...tnbli-hinz the fee ..~ ..1t· 1II Hf I UIIlI)(,,,,,t lion . In 18:)I instructors won­offered t hei r choice bl'tw ITll;a fi\.(·d ..tip....rd of SI.:!(1f1 p"r ~ear and abasic salarv nf $:IIMJ to be ..upplemented hy Iecs Irom their students.Few of them pre ferred the latte- r option. bUI thc~ accepted it underpres.sllre. Ineq uit ies were "OUli evident, and the new arrangement­were aboli..hed immediateiv after \\';1\land's retirement. :'kall\\ hikthl'y rewarded reach ers with Iar~I' number-, of he~illning student­more ~en('rousl~ tha n Ih"....· \,ho ,,!fered adva nced ..tudies, w he-rr­enrollments were llI'!'t's"lri h limited. u .

Francis \" a ~ land rr ..icncd as pn...iden t of Brown Cnin'"il\ in....l'ptt' mher. 18:6. Exha u"II'd h~ yra" of oH'f\\ork, ht· was dl'le mlillt'd10 dC\'(l le his rt' maini n~ da~ .. 10 rd i.~iou .. ('onlnns.'··.. H is SUt"('I........ 'r.Barn as Sears. till!' of It\l' kadill.~ Hapt ist supportt'Pi of min istn ial,'t!ucal ion . wa.s hi...1. llIithl'sis in m.'lll\ \\a~". Thoug-h ht· had t·ndors...dthe hroad purpo..(' of Ihe n· fon ns t,f 1f60 - tll makt' Bro\\ n UniH'r·sity uSI'fu l 1O a Iar,l:"t'f fnl1stilUt'ncy - St'a rs did no l inlt' nd to do .so atthl' t~xpenSl~ of its f1'plllati nn or at';Hk m it' sla nda rds. Hc was oppo:-.ed

"·;" Ih~odur .. R, C,ane, " Fran,·i. W;lyl,,,,d "nd tb,' R... id'·" li,,1 (:011.-1':"," Jih od,/<Iaad Hi, /o. )·. XIX (O d olH·r. I 'Ifill ), 1 2 ~ ·1 2 ti .

''"''; I L Linwln Wa~ 1.I ",1 to Fr;,nr i, W;" la" u , J unio r, D,·r .-mo.' t 15-[17]. 18'l1Fr;ln r is Wayland to hi, Si'l<"r, F" hrn" r) Ih, 16'i'1. in .\f,,,,,,i•. II . 1:0 · 1:12.

IC'7 Fra nds Wayland . R"JHl I'1 ,,( C nr" m in ,·.. o( E ll'·'·ul i.... 1I" " ,d 10 whi"h ",a,",' f' -I'rr'd Ihp <"hj,·,·t of "'Ii...·r .. <;,IMi,", n.d, U,u,,' :IH, 18.11 ) : ~l i nu ll" , J Il['· :1,185!, R,..-o ,d of Ih,' I'ro("" ' d i ,, ~ , "f tlto' Ell' ·,·u li.',· B" ard of Brown Uni"l"J,il\.11I.'iO- 1865, U" i ", .,. i l ~ Hall. 1I , ,,w,, l l" i" ,·" il ' : Willi,un .\ , :'\u tl ull lO 7."r h" ";1, h.\ Ik n. S~pl ' · lIl l...r U, 11ISJ : ,\I.."i, C;" ",,·II to Joh" Killl(, l>" ry, Sq>l<·,,,J"'r fl. 18,'11 :(;" url':" Jd,' C ha...· 10 S""r"l"') "f ,h,' E~ '·' · " l i \'.. H-nard of IIl'lJw n l ·llis-n . il ' .S"p"·ml".r 1-1, 18'1.'1: Will ia lll ( ;:o,,,tt,,,11 10 J " hn KinK, I" ,,,,', ~"' . 1:\. lAY\.

1..·~ Fran'·i. W" d ,(](d tlJ ,.". CtJll'0I;'li,," "f Il",,,, ,, Un ;.......il,. . .'\u'(u" 211, !8 5.'I( in .\tuno;,. I I, ! ~5 -14,, ) : h a lll,i. \\, ." 1.,, ,,1 10 Cyl'" ..\ , It" tul. n ,d. ('·n ....p' ill'\I OII" i , .II , H h l.

Page 10: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

I :.!(l Franc is I l '{/yl/llld [O ctober 1962 ] 121

to the alteration of trad itionally accepted college degrees, and felt110n(' of \ r ayland 's doubts that liberal learning was compat ible withthe progress of relig ion. Sears was himself an ao-ompli-hcd classicalscholar who had studied in Germany and admired European culture.His family had been IJoorcr than \\' ayla nd's, and [u- had depended uncharitab le aid for his education. HI' saw nothing- immoral in scholar­ships, and the establishment of substantial funds for student aid washis major permanent r om ribu rion 10 Brnwn Universitv.':"

On h is resignation Wa yland had be-en elected a Fdlow of theUnive rsity in hon or of his year" of <rrvicr-. This position bee-arneinrrl'a sing ly unromfortabh- as his successor proceeded to alter fcntun­of the "new system" to which he was (keply r nmrnit ted. O nly twoyears after Sears's inaugu ration wayland resigned all connection wit hHmwu Univer-itv. following a Corporation meeting at which it hadlx'cn drridvd to return tn the tradit iona l degrce svstr-m and al"o toaid indigen t -tudcuts with funds which had pn-viouslv lx-..-n appro­priatcd for premiums. I,:" The latin tkci"inn undoubted ly distressedhim more than the Iumu-r, for it n-pn-senu-d a n"'t'f';al of t ilt' positionhr had maintained with SIKh dr-u-rmination during th e forties,

The - repudiati on of various features of \\'a yla nd's reforms wasbased 011 their pron'n impracticability. but President Seaf'; was alsoanx ious \(I will the respec t of his (·olleagues around the count ry whohad viewed Brown's "new system " primarily as an attac k on thean cient languages.':" Crit ics of Wayla nd's lB.')O R" /IIITt had pa id

1""Hrollson, lI i, lor )' of IlTolt'n U nivn,il}', ~ t 7<\2.'> : .\ lvah Hov f"Y, 8 m nil' Sell" .A Chr;,t,rlfl f."r1 ~ ( Il I "' . H is '!'f "U" ,~ ,m d W o,I; ( j\" ,·w Yor k: S ih-l'f , l!lu dd t :mdCump"n)', t(102 ) ; Barna, Sca" " .-\n Edllt·akd M iniSlfy·' L\ clclr l" s, 10 Il l!' ;.; ..·wYork Bapt i, l C nio ll fo r ~I in j,lt"l i :l l Edut'al iun , ROl" h l' , t ~ r , J uly 12, 18:':11.Chri,l;ml H~ v ;~ ,, ' , X\' I[ I IO ct ohef. 18 Y'\I. 568 ·582 : Reoh,'n :\Idr;d~e (; u ild ,H islo rr of IJ' '''' ' >I Unive" iry , !l'lth 1 /I ~ 'I , a l ;v ~ Docume nts I Pru" idence , l'uh­ti, lwd h) 'uh'niptioll, 18l;7 ) , 309.

101" l'ra'1<"i, Wayla nd to Ih,' I'r<' ~id" lll ,H,d E" ,-eut ivc Bo" ,.d of IllOwn Uni\'l'r~i l\',

S'·p l" lllhn l O, 18.'>7 . M inut".,. S"I,t,'",bn :1, 18:' 7. Sl'ple llllw , 2, t 8'>8, Sq W·lllhnII , Ill:"!, BlOwn U ni"t'! , il y Co rp o rali on R' "l"<,rds, II I ( HI--\-l · t 8hh l , L' ll;v,'"inI{;l tt, tlm w)) U II;n- n il}',

1o; ' Hama, S,'ars, RqlO t't lu Ih,' ~:",...-()(i" ,· H<l ~ l'd , J uly 5, Ill:'!; ( ,·xcn pl inBrom on. llislo')' of lJ"" "" UIl I V~ ....'ty, :12 t-:122i, For ni lirislll of W~ ~ I ,llld · ,

Rep.. !'l lu tIl<' ( :o"po rat ion a' hust ile tu llll' d 'l"i,., ".,. .\ . ( :. Kend rick 10 Fr'lnr i,W 'l ~ [;, nd , :\b ~' ll. tll.'il). a rt id,' 0" l' n i '· l"f sil ~ G r,ulIma r Sl" hoo t, ]' ro " id,·!w.... by"J. I.. 1.. Brow" Uninr'; t} ,. [ull do uh l... dly Prof...,,,,!, Joh n Lu kin l. in,·ol n],PlO v ;d~ n l'r V ili/y J " u rnai , ~lay 8, 18,'i0; d ... hat ,· a t '-\ Illn ir an ;\"ocial ion fur th,'.\ d"~IltTII,,· nt of F.d "" 'l l ion , Ck"dand, . \u ~"'t , 18.'>1 ill P' orr rdi" p "f Ih. Fi" lS."i"" of Ihe A mn iearl .-j,,,,ci,ulon fm Ih, A rlv ,,'u ' ''''''' 1 of f ."d lu a/i" " , H eld illChNI""d. ()hio..~ " J! " j l 19th .JOln,21sl & 22,,,i. A ,D .• /85 1 ( l-'hilad" tphia: L C .,", J . Hidd le, tll521, '>7 .R1.

much k",s attention to it- u"e of the idiom of polit ical econ om y,though those who did comment on thi s featurr real ized its impor­ta rn-c. and were aware, often from person al acqu aint an ce. of the fullra nge of \\'ayland 's pu rposes. " \ \"e ..-annot th ink th at the pri ncipleswhich adjust sllpply to demand in ord inary trad e should be full ~

trusted in matters of educatiou." declared the Providence Frankl inS(J("iety in February, 18:,(). in a statement faHIring r-xpanded ofT e ri ll,~s

in applied scienn ' at Brown . "Education is not a commodit y, th evalue of which i<; to be de termined hy the demand , and by its cashpric-e in th .., market ," concluded the authors of a proposed cu rriculumfor the Universirv of Rochester. who aco-ptcd Wayland 's challengeto provide an alternative "popular" ruur-e-. Professor \\·illiamGammel! of the Brown faculty re..-a lled Wayland's own early dedica­tion to educational benevolence ami suggested that his utilitarianismhad led him astray . The principles of suppl y and demand , Gammellnoted , might h.., applied to purely vocational training, hut not to "thehigher forms of inte llectual and spiritual ...uhu re." Collegiat e ed uca­tion could onl y 111' sustained "b~ the benevolence of own, and allexpenditures in its behalf are made. not with any hope of a rrrnunrr­atin.g ret urn ill kind, but in a confiding trust that Cod in his providencewill make them yield to society a t la rge a richer than a goldenharvest. .. ." Ed ucat ion in its broadest sen"e involved train ing" theintellectual powers for logical thinking. cultivatinu sensibilit y for thesub lime, disciplining human impulses, and "above all, im buing- thehea rt with that Christian spirit which gin '" the soul hope s and fore­tastes of the bliss of heaven ." .i\(ost of the Brown faculty shared hissentiments, which reca ll the , ·iews of :'\idwlas Brown, W illiam G ilesGodda rd. and T ristnm Burges. 1 '\~

Charac ter isticallv Way land made 110 direct repl y to his cr it i..:s i ll

th... fiflie.s, nor did he stres.s his cdur-ar ional economics. He r rmtjmn'r],howeve-r, to preach the gospel of popular ed ucat ion in terms which

H'~R"purl uf COllllll;It I'" o f Provid-ucc Fra llkli" Sut ;,·ly on propo« 'd rdo, ms" I BmwlI Un ivn sil y, t 't·hrua ry 20, 18.10; [Roll<.'"rl K d ly], U, po, / 10 /h ~ Boar d ofT ,"s/as of Ihe U ..;versil)· of R oeh rs/u , O il t h~ Plan of I nSI' " rlion 10 b ~ P" rs ~ ,d

ill Iht' ColI~g;alt' V~pa ' t mt'l' /' ( Roch l"Sw r : P:lbl i,h,'d hy Sa ll;" l" '" Brolh('I , t8'i 1J ),.'i-I I; [Will iam (;an lllll'll j. Rt'S'kw of Fr a llc is \Va\' land, Ht'p o , / 10 the Co,po",·lio " ... •\fareh 28. 1850, Ch risli,,,, Rn' ;~ ,,- ' , XV U lily 18 'iOI, H 'I-451. S,... alsuElisha R. Potln , Rl' po, t of Ihl' Com m;.<s;o" " of Publ;e Se haol. of I h~ SII1I, ofRh o"l' l., ia"d : M adl' a/ Ihl' j allua, )' SrsJion af Ih t' (,"l' " n ,, / AH t'l lI bl)', 18:1 :1I I'I'O" id,·,,," ... , Say lo'" M itt,' r I< Siml nons . 18 .1 :1), 14-17.

Page 11: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

[O ctober 19fi2J FTlJn , ;! lI'ay/nnd

combined rhc rd igio \ls imagay of his ea rly sermons w ith a bluntvoca tionalism a nd revealed hiv increasing d ist rust of the "aristocratir"purpu..;("~ o f hi- former u-sociatcs. III h i.. eloquent o rat ion a t u nionCollege 011 Ih,' fiftie th ann ivcrsarv uf Eliphalet Xou 's pn'"idt 'IH'y illI8."J-\ he demanded:

Did God lIlanif," 1 him..... lf in Ill<' tlt"Sh. in the f" rm of ;1

ca rpcnn-r'.. SoCIIJ . to '· rr-a n- an intellectual arjvtrx-rar-v, and r-on..igllthe rl' lIla in in~ milliouv of our- raft' to daily toil. exclude-d fromt'\ t·~ npportuuitv for ,pirilUal improvement ~

His ;HlS\\l'r wa.. much ~elltl('r:

Whc'll our S\stnns of education shall look wirh as kindle an nc'on the- IIlt'cha·nit· a, th,' lawve-r, on the manufacturer and nu-r­chant as the minisu-r ; "ht'n :'n'~' artisan. pt'rfonnine: his prtK·t·"with a knowk-do- of the laws bv which it is governed. shall bo,trunsfomu-d Irotu an unthinkine labo rer int~ a practical phi l­o-opher: and wlwn thl' benign p rinciples of Christianity -hallimhm' till' whoh- mass of our p-opk- with Iht· spirit of unin'f';.;tlIon'. thi-n, and nOI until the-n, shall \\1' illu-trau- to thr- natiullstilt' hlc'ssings of Republica n and Chri..tian Institulio m .11l3

.\ ~ ('ar ea rlier a t Rochester W a yla nd had direc tly' assailed Hapt i..1ministerial ed ucat ion efforts in a speech which sti rred wide ron­

l ron "",y th rou ghout the denomi nation. Ita A Ie .... m onths before th i..he had start led .1 Ittpl i"t education al meet ing in Bos to n h y dolarincth;lt h is rdonn" ;\t Hmwn co nt ributed more 10 rel igion t han Ihl'm a int enance of '«.'mina rit....

\ \" , ;\ff' li u- middling intt'r{"st~ in th t' I·OImnuni ty. T he ;l\"{'ragc'of our pt'oplt- ,tft' far!lwl1i. Illt'fhan i..... lIIan ufactu n.'fS. Ilwrchanh.\\'1' have hut ft·\\, larj:!;1' ea pitalist~. :-';(l \\' it i ~ in su,h a ,01lllJlu ni tyth at rdig"ion mo..l gl'nera lly c·i rf ula l'·s. ThoM' who ha n ' a la r1::"pOltion of till' \\orld's .~o"ds ;l fl' nOI apt to ha \'!' large possl'"iml'in Iwan'l1. 1\'o\\, wh at should we aim at in layin !!: out 0 111' phllls ofedu ca tion ? \ \ 'holll ~bould we educat r ? \ \'1' ought ttl rai ..e till'ton" of ed uration in ollr midd ling i nt t' rl'~ ts. T he fal mlT wht'n Ill'

!t"IFt,m,'i, W :o yl,md . T he f;,fu((u i'H1 Drm atzdr d b}' Ihr Peaplr ,.., the I ' .S/,//" . ..I [) iu ou , jf /Jrl ivrrr d tit rI tz io n Callr,~ r, Sr hr nrclady, }u ly 2.1. /8:;4. uti

thr O"",i"" o/Ihr Fi/ tirill An.. iunltl." a/the Prn idrtzcy o/ 1:'liph"lr l .\'''11.D D.. LL. D. (II" 'I "n : I'hill il-" , Sampson and COlllpany, 18551.6,2'1. " Th,., .. i,lilkIlI ill " n'\Iou mi ll '" ",.-I I ,IS in an "pi,'," \.... ay la nd d"d " rr d al th,' ,kdinlti""of tI ... f l<"t" .\c;ld '·lIIy, Nor",k h. Connn 'licul, On otlt'r, IS5 6 (Mrmoi •• II , IUS) .

'''' fr,,,,d, W;I ~l" nd , Th, .1poJto/ic J/ i" i, t .y .' .1 Di" auru lh liun r.l i tz f{,,,h.nln . .\' r .. IJr/ orr Ih r S rI" }"ork B'lpr iJt Uni"tz /a, .\!ini' IH ltI/ f:<1uc"t;atz. }ul,12. Ill';:1 ( R" , h... I.-r : Sil~" "" Hmll,,·r. IS'Hl.

g:Ol'S home from his wor k flu/::: ht to 1)(' rOn\T....ant with ju-t a, goodbookv as h is minister. or his lawyt'f or his physician. We in theBa pri..t denomi na tio n art' a ll on th r- k"d. and we ou~hl Ine-ndeavor 10 educate Ih,' maw-s. .-\11 ou r acade-mies ought 1(1)(' <;(1

arra ngl,d a- 10 TIlI"'1 tilt' wants of Ihe pt'Opl,' at la rgr- .whr-n this iv dom- rducation will ht· wanted. and will support

itsdf.... Let liS str ike at the great masv.... Thi.. is the Baplist view.

T h("S(" ideas seemed "politico-economical" ra ther than truly reliciou..to Barn as Scars. C hristian education. he insisted, should he adapted tothe need" o f men. not 10 the needs of any da«. Wa~ land re plied t ha t"hitherto o ur wstcms of education haw been aimed to meet the wa n tsof one cla-«, an'd t hat t he h igher cla-« of society,"lll,-. Th us by the fiftie ..he ha d repudiated his tit" hot h to the leading Xew Engla nd Ba pt i..ts

a nd to the P rovidence merc hants who had sustained hi" carlv effort..at Bro ....n .

.,\ .. he loo ked a he ad during t he Civil W a r yl'ars. W a yla nd wa-,unqualifiedly optimistic about t he financia l prospect..; for America nr-dur-ation. The ~I ornll Ar t donations and ot her la nd grant', if notwasted, seemed sufficient to render a ll education gratuitous. In halfa rern urv. he p red icted . t he U nit ed States would lead t he wo rld inp"r ca p ita inves tment in educa tion . and a lllevels of inst ruction wo uldbe Iree. By then pu blic opi nion ", m ild invi..t that ~hooli ng conform tothe nerd" of the rom munity.•\ IITa d y " 'e"tern State uniw ",itie,, ­pa rt imla rly the U ni\'e",il y of ~ li(hi~,Ul - o fTrf('d a patl(' m for tht'future .1r... ,radand '~ ('oll\·ictio n tha t Anwrican ed lKa tion must re­"p'JIld to po pu la r dem and ....a" ~ J stmng: tha t it (]\'e rcame hi" dCl'j'lomoted d istrust o f pnl itici;I1l ' a n ti part isansh ip . and he \·it.'wed puhlicinsti tutio ns mor(' hnpdully than private (,(l llq~t's. D i'<l" ll",ing h ig-hl'red ucat ion in i\'ew Ynrk Sta te in I fFlJ , hI' l' nd oN"d a projlTtl'd uni­\ ersit~ whost:' fa cult y would hi' "puffl'd hy the fee systt'm of "a la rie"co m bined wi th a n n ua l k g"islati\T .s:: ra nts. TI·I1t'wahk on ly if its in"trw·tin n lllet the ne('(!s of p rospl'ni\T "t lld l'lltS.H:r And in the final year o fhis liff" hc l"f"a ""f'I'tn! his hdid t hat :\nwriran mllege " m uld he -,d f·"ll-,ta in ing.

]ll:'Remarks a t :-<..w E n~ l;, nd B.lpl i" Ed ut';l l i" n,,1 Conv"" lion, Bm w n. ~b rc' h

8-Y, 185:1, C h, iJti" " Wtllr h,utla &/ I/ r fl..<'!o •. ~l " ...h Ii. 18 .''>3 . cOlllp"rr ThrA po, tolic M i tz i" . )" . tiH,62.

''''' R","ini,n·m'..' 1'13-1'141"'FrMlCi; " '" , I ,; ~d '10 ti,S.R ;llld ;lll , S'·n"l.u\ nf ~la l" nf :S:,." Ynrk, F,.hr"an

7. 18S:I, :-;,." . YOlk SUt.. i.ih." " . ,\ Ih",,...

Page 12: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

1 ~4 [O cto ber 196~ ] [oh n Smit h, the M i/ln . of Pnn-idence 12.')

\\'h y does no t an apot lu-r-arv or a ('al"JH' ll t,' r 0 1' a hun- he r wanta ll r-ndownn-m P Ed ur-ar ion is as much WUI//ed as a llyth in!Z. Teach\\'1'11 and n-ar-h what ITll'IT want and vou endow it \,ouTsl'!n's. T oheg for a n e-ndowment is to he alwavs poor and a l w~ys hq~g-alS. ' '' ~

In~h,,,,cis Wa}la nd to H Linm ln Wa}land . Jllly Ii, IRh,').



I,,· (: H~ RU'S \ ...·lLLn " F .\R S H ,'"

[courinued from J uly, 19(,2, inside back rover]

26 NOAH ~ S:\1 ITH ( E1iJh ll.:l joh7l, ~ l oh7l' ) . b. 7 ~la y 170,'l ; d.211 Sept. 174-6. " fa rriagt' intentions o f Noah Smith of Providen ce andM arv Bar t lett of A ttle-boro 11 ~la y I n a a p pea r in A ttlebo ro vitalrecords. The Ba rtlett genealogy states: "~ Iary Bartlett . h. S J a il.1708 / 9 of Samuel and .\l a ry, daughter o f J o h n a nd ~ Iary ( W hit­m an ) I nm a n. m . -- Smith and ha d ( pro ba hly) Xla rv a nd NoahSmith."?" She died lxIon- 174 2. Noah m. (2) - - ; m. (3 ) 30 ~la~

1736 Abiga il M owrv of J oh n 2 nd and ~ [arjorie ( W hip ple ) ~I (lwry , ~ " ~

Abigail died in Sep tem ber 1790 a t her home in Sm ith field.O n 29 J une 173 :1 Elisha Sm ith de ede d to h is so n Noah 117 ant' ~

in Smithfield , the northerly part of land Elisha had pu rchased fromCol. j oseph W hip ple . It was the pla ce where Noah was the n l i \ ' i ng , ~" :(

Noah Sm ith of Smi th field . son of Noah. on 2 :\Iay 1761 fur pa y­mc nt fro m his mother-in-law ( stepmothe r) Abigail Smith, widow .assigned to her all the Ia rm given to him ill his fa th er's \\'iIF"~ Theland abutted h is uncle Da n iel Sm ith's,

Abigail. widow of Noa h Sm ith , on 20 J a n , 17S3 re ceived a con­\T yan ("(' f rom he r b ro ther, An anias ~I(J\\'ry. t he n of Sm ith field , whichwas rt-k-ascd to her and her son J ohn Smith . consis tin,L:" o f a tract o f198 acres in Smithfield. The wh ole descended to her 011 the death ofher son J o hn , a nd she later conveyed th is la nd to Abiga il ami Noah

~"l Bartkll, op. cil., p. 31.2"2:\rnold. op. r;l .. Sm;thfi..ld rnarri,lf('S, :,,67.~";(Slllilhfi("ld O' TUS, [:95, ~"'lb;d.,.1: ~tll) ,

Sm ith , the tw o you nges t li\ 'in g chi ld re n o f Sara h Sayles, "presen t wifeo f Svlva n us Say les and widow of Abigail 's son, J oh n Smith," Shenamed Ph ilip and An a n ias ~l owry , nephews, to carry out the orders.The cOIl\TyalltT was da ted 2 1 A ug. I 7~ln, a short time before Abi­ga il\ d eath.~ " :'

Noah Smi th 's will , m ade in S mithfield :!O Sept. 1746, named hiswife Abigail. sons Noa h an d J ohn and "a da ughter." J oh n Aldrich,Simon Bro wn , and T hom as Steen- were w itnesses. ~' '' ;

C IlIU1IU . N OF ;\"0.... 11 S \IJT lI ~'" .\:>;IJ FIRST W IFE

:\l.-\RY ( B.-\RTLF:TT) S\IIT ll:I :\L\RY~' S\IITH. h. 12 :\larr h 1729. Smit hfield de,-ds oflt-r ,'\"i­

dr-m-e- tha t sIlt" was rh.. widow of J oh n whippl.. who diedill Smith field in 1H07, and tlu-n- appears to han ' he-i-n noi~Slll". O n O t t. 1-1-, 1801F"~ :\lary Wh ip ple of Smithfield andAbraham Smith of \\·..rlu-r-tii-ld, windsor County, V,'I­mont. as attorney Ior ~ lary \rhip pk , widow, qui tclaimedto Ch ri, w plll' l" Ik " ln of Smithfield IWT righ ts to lf acr..,In Smithfield. which ( ;h ri ~tl ) fl I I IT 1)(lllg-ht of .1 01m\" h ipplt-.~"!! O n 2:1 O ct . of the vauu- year articles of agl"l"'·nu-nt were n-rordt-d h('\weell .\ fa ry whipp!c. widow, andAhr aham Smi th of \\'eth n sfield . Vermont. her a1101'Jwy. onuru- part and Simon Aldric h of xmithficld on the other.T he uureemeut provided that ~ f ary Whip pl,' , with Ahra­ham Smith as attorney. quite laim titlt' to the hOlI!t'st"adfar-m on whic h she dwdt to Simon Aldr-ic-h, with Sill1OI1pro\'iding Ill'n'ssarit" of life a nd 'lIp!,ort to :\1aJ ) ' \\ 'hippleor to Abra ham Smi th. Iwr attorney. The will of :\fa ryWh ipp"'. writt en :) X ov. IBllB and probated in Smith field10 M arch HIIO. Ill'llu('athed to her brother Xc ah Smith ofSmi thfiel d, $:): to Georg t- Smith, son of hIT hrothcr :'\0,111,S:); to Squirt' Smith, brother of ( ;"org(', $20; remainde-r ofr-statr- to Abraham Smith. X ouh Smi th's SO)1. Ahab :\Io\\ ryW,I\ (''' (Tutor,"I''

6 0 II :'\OAl l :' S \I IT I I . h . I 0 .l u ly 17:\1.

~"C' lbi,f., B: 1.">0.

~''';Smithfi.'ld wm., 1::;10.~";.\rnold. op. (;/., Smithfidd birth., :1: I 1-1 llh,

~"~STllilh1i('ldDe..ds , 12:2i. """/I>id.~l"S",ithfidd Wills, :i : :\55

Page 13: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

126 loh,/ Smith, th. ' .\/ illn, of Procidcncc l uhn Smith, th e ,\fill.." of Proridrn cc 1'27

(;IIIUlIU:'" O t" ;\0\11 .-\ ", D m s TIIIRD Wlt"F.,

.\ R1r.,-\lL ( ~ I o \\' lt. y) S~IlTH :

II I .\ '1 t y 5 S\IITII . b. 8 Jun" 17:\9. ~inn' ;\nah\ willlllt'llliOlll'dhut nI H' daughn-r and hi.. daul:'htlT ~l <lr) ourlivr-d him. it11111_1 I... ;1,",UlIll'd that . \ 111" \' died VOIlI1I:"

6\ IV J(lIIS ~' S\I1I11 . h. 11 J uly 17-1-1 .

27 J ONATHAN ' SMITH ( Eli.dlll .:l l ohll / J ohll l) , b. in 17 10; Ill.

III J a il. l i :H 1:l .\ 11I1t' "' r i.gh t , ~ hlllght('r of Ben jamin and LydiaWright of Smirhfu-ld."!' The willof Ik njam in W right in 17.'"14 uanu- ,

hi..daughter . \ 1lI1t' Smith an d hi.. ,l.: r'Ulddaughtt'r Lyd ia Smit h.J ona than rnt'in'd from his Iathrr, 1,:1i..ha Smith••1 t ract of 100

.11 n-, in Smithfield . the -outherlv p;lrt uf th(· la nd E1 i..ha bouuht from( :111, jo-cph \\·hippk and adjoining the land he ga\e ttl hi"Sollll Xoah.TIlt' date \"tS I.') o«. 17J:J.~1~

J onathan -old to l -racl Ph illip" ( hi.. hrother-in-law I till 10 0 1"1.1; ;-t:\ the we..tnly part of his hom e- t- ad in Smithfield. 'Ihutting hi..IJrothn Daniel Smith.::! ' 3

:'\0 deat h date-s for J ona than or hi.. wif, ' haw" been Iou lid , nor an'children recorded in Smi thfield vital n-cnrds.

CIl II.1l OF .I 0 S AT ll .-\" .\"ll Lvm.v ( W Rlll IJ T ) S~l1T1l :

I Lvrn.c" S~unl , n.uncd ill [ur grandfa tlll'r's will.2H AURAHAM' S.\ t1T1:1 ( U ishrl,:l l o h ll , ~ l ohn t ) , b . I ~I Jul y 1711 :d . in Smit hfield :l .-\1I~. 1 786 : ~ H m. in Smithfield 9 j une 17:H Rebekah.....mirh."" In 17:U 1lC' scnled in the area tha t i.. now xprueucvil le inSm ithfield, whe-re he had a gri..t mi ll. H e i" buried in hi.. fa mi lyI e-mcte rv clo-e hy hi.. home. T here i.. no gravestone in t he burial pian'o ff Riwnil"w .--\wnlle for Rebeka h Smit h, but a 1>pa('r !x'..i(k the:- StOlU"for .-\ braham indicatc'" that :-he wa" al"tl buried there.

.\ hraham n'tTi\ 'f'd from hi .. fatht'r EIi..ha Smith hi_ fann in Smit h­fidtl of about IH aa(..... about h;ll£ a mi lc ' nort h of t ht, bnd nf j eN'p hWilN lr, whi~ h indudnl a d\\ ell in ,L: hOlN', ..aw mi ll, !:ri..t mill, andon ha rd . It ;t!llllH'd 0 11 thl' north 0 11 land of 'l"hoI11;1" S t iTT(' on ti lt"llort lwa~t on l,tIId 1:Ii..h a ga\'e III hi....on Ph ilip Smit h, ;lIld oll l lw ,'a_tnil Ialld flf Capt. J< "'l'ph \Im\r~ , a lld on lh l' ..oll ih oll l,wl! of Jo..hll <l\\' iIL..or,~ I"

~I l, \r notd . " p. cil .. Sm ith li..ld ",,,, riilIW_, .\, II! .~I ~ ~llli ,h fi..l,j P..c,,j, , I :"" ~1~lb;J .. :1: -tU8,~ I:· ..\rno ld , " p. ( ;/.. S'u i,hfi..Jd Illarr i a",..~, 'l; hb;:11· ..."'ithtid ,j [),·. 'd_. 1 : (17

On ~H April 1i~IR Abraham Smilh and his son J ahlc'(·1 Smith co n­vcved to Thoma.. Steere of Smithfield :10 ar-re-s o n tilt' northr-acr sid..{If the h ighwa ~ w hich led from :">lill\"lttT bridge toward Abraham'..land . It ahutu-d Ahner Bi..hop'< dwdlin g place and tlu- land thatSimon Smith "")lI,l.:ht of Abrah am Smit h..Ab ra ha m and wife Rebekahand j ah al or jahh-el Smit h and wife Kczia sig-ned tlw d....lV ';

Two Smi t hfield dlTd" discll'''' ' ti lt' he-irs of Abrah am Smit h. j ahk-clxm ith or C lo("('..u-r.J oh Steer;' and nl·..irr- (Sm ith ) hi.. w He, ne llj.uuiuHurlinua rtu- and Rebecca Smit h, hi.. wife, an d Ahner Bi..hop and wifeAlice of Smithfield for 60 pound.. paid hy j a rne.. Smith of Smit hfieldq uitcla imed on 2R Ap ril 17R6 to j ame.. a ll tit I" thrv had a" heir'< ofAbraham Smith." Abraham Smith (Jr. ) of :\"t'whnry (:'\t·\\ burgh I ,

U l..ter County, :\cw York, and Chark..Smith of Foster, Rh ode l -land .for 30 pound.. paid b~ j ame-s Smith of Smithfield al-o quiu-Iairned tilJ;lIlH"S on;10 l >re. 17Rtl their right" a" heirs of .-\ braham Smith."!"

Smithfie ld deed .. and probate provide proof that Rebekah Smithwh o married Abraham wac t he dauuhter of J O"" ph Smith of Smith­field, a Qllakrr preac-her, and hi.. wift" Patience ( \ I ow r~) Smith ,} N 'ph Smith wa" the "'111 of Edward of Chri..tophcr Smith . j o-cphSmi th died in Smi thfield 17 Feb. 17:13 '-1- , !t';l\'illg- a wi ll made I~l J Ulie17:U . In it IH' lx-que.uhcd a tr act (If lan d 10 hi.. four daug-htt,,,,,S lI..an na h A ld rich, .-\ h i.l.:a il H ani.., Rebekah Smith, and Hat h..hchaxmiih .'''"

S usan na Smith marr ied John Aldric h (If Sa r mn-l : . \ h i ~'l i l lll a rr i<'l1

Thoma ' H ar ris, J r., in Glore..te r ; Hath-heba married I n-'':'ph Eddy inSmit hfield. J ohn Aldrich and Abraham Smith of Smithfidd sold toJ oh Angel l ami Ezekiel .-\ ngf'1I on 14 Sept. 17H a trait a huttin~

Thoma.. H aITi.. " in pt'rfect right a" ~f)()('1. ab--olute ..t;llt' of in!writan, t'in fee "impk. "~~l On I!"I .\lIg. l ili6 .-\ bra ham Smith and wift'Rebek ah Smith flf Smithfield fnr ..ix pnllnd~ quitclaillwd 10 J oh a ndElt·kiel :\ngell of Smithfield righh to a tract in Smilhfield t hai ('am('to Rebekah Smith through t hl' Ia..t w ill of her fa ther. Ed\\a rd Smi th .t ill' prop<'Jty 11iI\'ing 1)('1" 11 pun lM-,,:'d ,'arl in hy Joh allli Ezt"kid:\ll.l.:ell . ~ ~~

I\'eith er ;\ hm halll tlor his wife Rd wbh ldl will", hilt b~ the timeof Abrah am '" d(';ath hi" ho lding.. had lx'ell \\1" 11 di..t rihult·d allloug' hi..children and gramkhild ren.

~ t 'J bid. , :1: 1t>7 . ~htbjd. , 5 : I'l ll ~ 1!'t bi d., 8 : I:!" .

~~"SUl i l h ti.-l d W ill" 1: 10. ~~l S l1l i ' h tl< l d D.·..d" I : ifl< " 2~~tb"I ., t>: ht

Page 14: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

1:!8 j oh" Smith.lhe ,Ifill",. of l' roridenrc [O ctobe r I ~ jh2] l onn Smith.lhe ,\lilla, of Proi-idence 12!l

~"~lsu, Ii: ·l 'l h.

C IIIUJREN O F AHRAII .-\ '1 AND R E Rt~ K A ll ( -"" liT H) S ' 111' 11 ;n:l

['II EHE;' S 'IIT11, h. 16 Fd J. 17:H ."1.:'-:0 rr-r-ord of a marriagehas lu-rn found. II would '('('111 posvihh-, hO\\Tv,T. thatRd H'cca . wifr- of Br-nja rui n Bu rlimr a un-. ami Annr-. wif,' ofAbner Bisho p. named as hcir-, of Abraham Sm ith in a pn'­viouslv mentioned dee d, mig ht have ber-n daugh ters ofPhebe.

62 [I A flR ,\ I I AM '~ S 'II1'Il, J R.. b. 1-1 Marrh . 17+1/2.6-' I [ I .I<\ l.u :t.r, S mTIl. sometime, r-olled jahal or j ah b-cl.

b. 7 Dec. 17-1-3.(d IV :'s"" ,\TIIAStU .r, S '1ITII. h. 21 S('pt. 17-1:). C harles Smith of Foster .

Rhode Isla nd . named in the pn-viou« d-cd as a n heir ofAbraham Smith . might han ' been a con of N athaniel.vinrr- t lu- latter had died lx-frm- the deed was executed andhad h" ('n ma rried For 1\10re tha n a vt-ar. Since Cha rles wa,"f kga[ ag(' in 17R6 it is ('fjo,l[h' possihlt' that he was a SOil

of Ah rah am whoS!' bi rth was unn-corded.

(l; \ ' l UI ES;' S mTII, h. 7 or no.; 17'IR.

V I IJICSIREr, S'!IT!I. h. 17.11: d. 17 (kt. 1fl.11 ill 91"t vr-ur: III.

17 Dec. 1772 J oll Sll'('](".~~ l son of J onah Su-crr- and grund­son of Samuel Sn-err-, who was h. 21 .\tanh 17-17 am!d. f:i 0 ("\ . 1837 in hi, 8~th year. The)' had onr- d augh u-r .A ~ E N AT II SttTT!" b. in Smithfield :) Ap ri l 17B . who Ill.

j a me, Aldrich .ll". of Scituate. Rhode Island . SOil of J amcsand " litT (Smith) Aldrich. T he [aU(T was da ugh te r ofBenja min Smi th (john,1 Ik njamin.:I j ()h ll , ~ j ohn'} .

.loh Su-en- bo ugh t a farm in Glon ·,tn and lived thl'll'un til 17~H- «hen til ' purr-ha-a-d a farm of 18 ac res fromSqu ire and Anu-v Smith of Scituate. Il is will. made 16 J a n.IS01, kft the homestead to the widow and named he rexec utrix. I Ie also marh- prm'i,ion for his da ught er . AscnathAld rich . and lu-r two childn-n, .Ioh Steere Ald rich a llli.James Aldr ich . Wh ell his will wa, proban-d 12 ~lay uns.ttu- widow requested appointnn-m of J a l1 11's Aktrich asadminisn-a ror a nd reli nquished her dowe-r l" ig ht. ~ ~r,

29 R ICHARD' SMIT H ( Elisha ,3 Joh 7l ,2 J ohn! ) . h. ~ April 17 14. He

n~,\rnold. np, (;1 ,Slllithti"Id marriage>, 3: 116.

~~'Jbid_, (;Io<..,t,.,. marriag.." :1: ~H.~~:' R,.purt of till' Gnll'alog;('al Records Committ.... of R hod.· h htn d , Xa tioll,,1

SOI'irty, Daughte rs of th .. :\m rrican R,.volution, lQ60, p. ifi-8--1-. T~ p"wl' i 1t l"l ' ,n, ..,1 ') h.. R hode Island Hi. tod c'l l Society.

wa s livi n g" in 1774 in Smithfield, Th is is evidenced bv th e fact t hatI:zck irl Smith. SOIl of Col. R icha rd , conveyed on 3 J an . 1774 toNe hemia h Smit h the fa rm in Smithfield "w here Nehemiah S m it h a ndCol. R ich a rd Sm it h now dwel l."~~'1 Nehemia h. named as a grandsonin a deed from Elisha :1 Smit h. probably was a son of CuI. R ich a rd ,Richa rd ha d previously lived in Gl ocester where deeds designate himas Col. R ich a rd Smith, H e i-, probably the R icha rd Smith married b~

Va lent ine Whitm a n. justice, to Sa ra h Ha wk ins, daughter of Will iamH awkins of P rov idence, in Smit hfield 21 J1I1le 1738,eat

Richa rd received from his father El ish a Ull 5 OCI. 1733 107 acresin Smithfield adjo ining the hou-e of Isa a c Ballard a nd on the cast onla nd Elisha gaVt" to his SOli j onathan S mit h .~~~

Elisha Smi th deeded 10 h is grandson Ez ekiel Smit h o n ~5 Nov.171j{) 1:!5 atres bo un ded 0 11 the wnt by land of Abiga il Smith. widow.( pfll ba b1 ~ the widow of Noah ] and on the nort h b~ Thomas Stee reand "includes ha lf of th e tract where m y son Richard now l i ves ." ~ ~l'

On 14 Vl a rch 1746 Elisha Sm ith of Smithfield sold to his :<011R icha rd of Clofnter 166 at-rex " a ll that I have where R ich a rd 1l0\\

dwellcth." ' ?" Ri chard Sm ith . then of Smit hfield. conveyed to Mik elCoo k of Gl oc!'ster on 15 Nov. 1762 seven ac'rc-, " a ll that I ow n inGl oce:<ter.2 :l1 R ichard 's wilt' Sarah signed off her d ow er rig-hts ill t hesa le of a farm of I :W a c-res in GIOl"('ster to \\' il1iam Dea n of Pla in field ,Con n ectic u t. on!l Feb. 17.5~lY:I~

Hirths o f c hildren of R icha rd a nd Sara h Sm ith were not recordedin Smit hfie ld o r Gl oce ster, and death da tes for R ichard and his wifehave not been fo un d.

Glocester probate records the-death of Lt. Ric-ha rd Smit h Oil (i :\ug;.17.58 , int est ate. H e had d ied at Alba ny. New York. probab ly ill theF rench a nd Indian W a r. Col. Richard Smi th was granted ad minis­tration II Dec. 17.iH. Glocester T ow n Counci l records on 7 April176 0 note th a t R icha rd Smith, infant SOil (If Kez iah Heren deen . wa shou nd o u t to Col. R icha rd Smi th of S mit hfidd,~:1:1

An o ther son was \ \ ' illia m Sm it h a.; sho wn in a Court of CommonPle as cas e in Providen ce inrhc l Icc emhcr 1if-i2 term . in whic-h ElijahPh illips uf Smit hfield, under :!1, hv his fat her .\Iir h;H'1 Ph illips sued

~~I;SJJlilhli...Id On ·u , . (;: -1 2 L~~; .\rroold, op. til.. Smithfield ll1al"r;a~.." :1' fili.~~~Slni1hfi ..ld Ik..d,. 1: 101. ~~"Jbid" 5: ..211.~:I"G["en1tT D",.d, . ~: Ib I. ~a I / bid . , 7::1:1:1.~:1:1(;lurn1t'r Tu..... n COllllril, [ : Tl .\ .

Page 15: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

130 John .\"mith . lhl' J l i/lo , (II Pr01 'id"nu [O ctobe r John Smilh./ht' stitler , oj l 'mridence 1.11

for Ialw statements John Sm ith. "On of Xoah Smith. deceased, andwilliam Smith. ":"011 (If Col. Richard Smit h:' bot h of Smit hfield. lxuhunder '21. T he son E/.I"kid is ide nti fu-d a" the SO il (If Col. Richa rdSmith in lhl" Jo hn .\ I "w r~ .c:ellt'a ]o,C:y wh ich n'r-ords t he ma rria c:('2.), J une In'.!. of Ell,kid Smi th a nd Ann .\11l\" V, dau ght er o f J ml,!.:t·Daniel .\I o wr y. who \\.1" h. '21 J Ulie 17.'d.~:I' T hen ' Illa ~ h;I\ C' !lc'('l1

other children.

ellll,UM•. :" or RICIl\IU> .-\:";D S.-\R\l1 ( 11\ \\, 1.;, 1:"''') S\IITII :

66 I En"IH.:· ~\IITII .

II WII _ I . I "' \I ~' S\11T11.

II I R IC.II ,\ IW:· SMrrll .IV :-.:. ,II UIL\ II:' S\! lTlI, proba bly.

.i O STH UI-:N' SMITll ( f:IiJh(/,a j (J h ll . ~ l oh7l ! ), h. '28 O ct. l i lll .Wh ile Eli"ha Smi th deeded farms to ~Oll ~ Philip, j on at h.nr, Abr ah am ,and R ir ha rd , a nd IWII g ran dson~, Elekid and :'\1' IU' miah . the w riu-rhas Iound no t ransfers to Elicha...· ~IlUIlt,:t'f "011:", Stephen a nd Danu-l.in Smithfield. Ste phen wa-, li\'in~ in Glot , t"~kr in I i -J.;}. however . forSara h \ \' illiam" of Scituan- slled Stephen Smith "(Jf Eli...ha" ofGlott"~It'r in the Decembe r I i -l-:i term {If the Court I,f Common Pit-as,Providence, for failure to payoff a note.

Stephen and hi-, hrot her Abraham \\t' re winu-...-.c.·" to a trau -Ir-rmade 18 .\ I'ril I 761l in Smithfield two y,'an- a fter their father's de.uh .T he cOIl\Tyallct" explnine'd tha t Elisha d it:d sei/.nl of unc tract of.J-4 y! ant'Sa nd anot her (If -IIi a cres, which fell to Ph ilip a.. the d dt'slheir at law, hilt that Elis ha had declared in hi" lifetime thai it wa" hi"de ... ire t ha t thi.. propl'rty sho uld hi" d ivid ed between four sons:J onalhan, Rich a rd . Stephen. and Da niel . In the mrnmi mr ...iuceDa niel had pu rcha-ed the tract- from j onathan, Su-phe n. andRichard . Philip q uitclaimed his ri~ht ... to his brot her Dan id. ~·''''

Bcrau-c Stt"pht"n i... identified \\ith ( ;JocC"tt"T, th,' ,'hildrt' lI of..... It·phl·n allt l Sa rah Smith rn'onkd ill C:!on ...wr hirth~ art' pre~ulllilbl y

of Stl'p hell of El i ~ha . Tht' Rool ms. ilkntifit,s Stt'pllt'n's ...tfe as ;(( :k nw IlIT , and .\ I i ~s Bl'rtha Cla rk of B()~ toll rde n- to her as Sa rahC I<:II\( ·l1t t·. I' rohah ly a "'OJl, Eli..ha, wa" nam t'd for Stt'pht'n 's fa tl1l'1

and a 'iOIl, .\Joa h. fur his hrot her.

~:H \\'i ll i.' 1n .\. Mown , D~J"ndn"tJ 0/ John .\ I"lt TI ,,/ IIho,l~ 1, /,,,, .1 ( Pru vi·d", ,{<' , I'I()'J , p_ 3 ~ ·3 8.

~"'-·Sm il hfi ,·ld D""d" .1: ,1'17.

CIIIU1Rt;S Of STt:I'lIt.S ,\ S ll S,-\ R,\II S~lnll : ~3G

(,7 I Sn l ' ll ~;" ~ S~tlTll, h. 2:\ J uly 17:\R.

M\ II !I " 1.F1 . or H,v " F1/ ' S ~tlT " , h. l.'l lke 1710.69 III T II (} M \ S ~' Ssutu. h. I Feb. 17,\."),

70 IV El.h ll ,\ ~· S~IITII , h. I Ft-ll. 17--n.V EI , I1 \ )ln ll ~' S ~IIT " , h . \.'l I k e IH2,

71 \ ') S'·l .\'\:-'TS~' S:o.lITII , h . 2 ~';ll'pl. IT,2,72 \ '11 :\ t l\ Il ~' S:o.llTH , h . h St·p!. 1746.

.~ I DA:'\IEL I S.\ II TH ( Eli lhll,3 John,: John l) . b. I .\ lan-h I7'lJ ,I;

d , in Smithfield :!5 Feb. I7~li: Ill. ( I) ~H Jan. 17H ' lary Smith ,tl.tughll'r of J ohn and gra nddaughtl'r of lk-njumin ," who d. 2-J. I)"t .Ii:IH a t :H YI'ar<; ( '2 ) I J),' c. 176.\ EI",' 'lowry of .I1 ""·ph and~largtTY ( i\l llwry) :\Inwl'y. \\ h(l was h..'l :\'0\ ' . 173H anti d. I II :\0\.[7 ~ 1:) . Some of t ilt' data 0 11 this family was ta ken Irom !lI11I's in theRoot m-. -upplicd [rom family pap" 1"" of :\Ir<. ~ t onw,' BarilI'll . adescendant IIf Daniel, who lived in Stillwnn- r. Smit hfield. Rhrxh­I ...la nd .

Dan iel 1iH't1 mo....1 of his lifr- in Smithfield although he held prop­('rty in Glocc-ter. Accordin e to the Root m... . Daniel. hi... second wift"and hi... "On Dan iel. j r ., art' buried " IICM Stillwater."

Elisha Smith of Smithfield on 12 ~ t ay 1762 deeded tIl Stili Da nielof Smithfield, innholder , in .u-n-, in Glor l' ~ t l'r ncar t he "'wa mp called:\l llllhungony. adjoini ng lilt' count ry road from Providen ce tilK i ll illdy . ~ :' ·

It has lx-eu pn-viou-lv stuu-d th at Daniel purc ha...ed two tracre inSmithfield from hi.... b rothe rs. On 28 J a n. 176·1 Da niel quitc-lai med Inhis brother Jonathan land on rhe we-tern p;.ln of hi" d wellinc farmin Smit hfield wher e J onathan then li\TtL~3'

An indentu re made 10 J llly 1797 in Smhhfield follo\\ illg Ihn id'~

dl',tl h CO\Tf" a l .grea tlent,:th di~lrihution lJf -.c.'wral t rarb held in com­mon by ht·il"" of Ih n ieFa~1

T he indelliun' wa<; bel\\I'I'n :\t a rt in Smith of C:1 {ltT~ tn, nn 0 111'

part, and Oil tilt' other by Jes",' Smit h of (;I o('(·.ter : Stephell Wh ippleof C: lon~.te J' and wife ;\1ary in IItT righ t : J ITl'lll iah SmitIi of (; [o('t'ste r ;Dan iel Smilh of Smithfield: Em o r Sm ilh of Smithfield, infan l undn:!I , by J uhn Smith J r. of Smi thfield , his gua rd ian: E-.c.' k Smith ofSmi lhfield: Jonat han Ballou of Adam.... :\Ia ...."ac hu"<'u". and wift,

~.1" \rnold. ,, ~. tir .. ( ;Ioc~.tn 1>irll". 3: 61 . ~·" ( ; IOl..." n n ....d. , 7:51;.~:< 'Smi lhhdd I>",'d •. .') : 412 . ~3"lb id, 8 :1>07.

Page 16: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

/oh" SmitJl . t nc st iller. 01 Pftl1' idt'lIU' I(ktohn l ! f62J Joh n S mith. (hi' .llil/n , of Pnn-ide nce I :U

I'llih Ballou. 'a id E,t"k and Pollv h('inc: childn-n of Sa rah Smith , dcr.a nd late \, ifI' of Emor Smith. la te of Smithfield. claimants th roughSarah xmh h: Benjamin Watt'mlan of Smithfield and wifr- Annawaterman. in ri~ht flf Anna : ' Ill\\f~ Smith of GIOlt...u-r : Dllt ~ Smi thof Gk xc-rer : Lin don Smith of Glocc-tcr. tailo r ; Alfred Smith ofSmit hfield; .\mc~ Smith of O loce -rer . spin-aer : and Benjamin ' Io\\ r~

and wife U'oC·. in her rig ht.O n 18 XO\'. ifill 'l(l\\r~ Smit h. Duty Smit h, j eremiah Smith.

Lindon Smith. ,\ Urn l Smi th. Emor Smi th, Silas Com-rec k an d wifr.\mc~ , and Benjam in 'Iowr~ and wifc .·\ lr r , ,.11 children of HanielSm ith . lat e of Smit hf ield. dec .. exccpt Sila.. ConNoc k and Benjamin' Iow f)'. who"C' wi\ r '"wr-rr- heif", fo r $JSOto eac h, convcvcd to Dani..1Smit h. j r.. llf Smith field rig ht, in t hr- so-called j oh n Ald rich [arm inSm ithfield . \\ hich Iarm j o-cpb \l ow ry died v-ized of. the <arne !-Jrim:alk nu-d to thr- hr-i r-, flf I),Illid Smit h.:-'"

CIlIUIIH.S IH' I l\SIH.\SD ' h R\ ( S ) t IT H) S)1 ITII :

73 ':-' I \lnl :-'; ~' SmTH. h . I~l Oct. 17--t7.II .'H R,\ Il :; S)I(ll1 , b. 20 J a n. 17-l9; Ill. l--tFcb. 1773 Ernor Smith .

'00 o f Capt . Daniel Smilh~" ( W illia m.l j ohn." John l ) andhi" \\ ife-, Su-an nah ( \ \' ino;,or) Smith. T llI'Yhad a <,(>11. Es .:"....mit h of Smithfield. and a daugh ter ' I.\ RY ( I'olly ) . whoma rried j on at han Ballou . Ian-r o f Ad ame. 'la" .td lU...-t tv.Sarah d . 12 Au,::- . li90.~I~

H III J.:sS.;~ S)l lT ll .h.17 'fayli,')1.

IV . \:-.;:-.;\ ~' S\IlTiI . h. 1·1 A pril 17.'):\ : d. III Smithf n-ld in I8:U :111. ( I ) a l "'llIilhfield 9 .\ lay I ii3 John Steere of (;101'1'"l e r ; ~n ( 2 ) ill j oh n-ton, R hode Island 3 ' l arch 1782Br-njnmin \\'a t l 'nnan~H of j ob an d Esth er (Ald r ich)Wall·nllall. who d . at Smithfi eld 24 July 18~\ 2. :-':0 issue,

Amla' , will in Smithfield ga\"!' to nephew Ziha Whipplo' .,on of Stt'pl lt" ll " 'h ipph' . dl ·!' .. " the bud tha t fell tn Illl"Iroin my hrot lu-r, E mor Smith . d('e" ; 10 rH'Jllww Ilan i.·1Smi th. .II'.. ,o n of :\lanin SlIli th . a , ilv,' 1' ' pnnn. 10 nin ..Sarah SIlT n ·. wif(" of Wh ipp le Swe re, a ,i l\T1' ('u p : tn ;\LII}

~ ~ " (iJi".. 12 : 2:18.~ ll.'\rnold, (Jp . (il .• Sllli lhh,·ld llIi1rria l("'. :\ : h8 ,~l~ (;T;'\T .IOI" · in fa.uih huri;,] IolHJl1nJ of ~bjo, Willi a ru:l Smi th "I E'llrond,

!thod,' Is];rnd, oPVt"il" f.' mond ~{ i ll .

~"l ..\ rn o]d , up. Til .. SUlithlirid marri;H("', 3 :72.~ " 'bid.. J ohm l<lI' m"tTi~Il:"~, 2 : ]~l.

Hnl\\ n. daughtn of r;" " r'::- l' Brown : and to Anna Eva ns.wifl' of Str-phr-u Evan-. SI". named Ziha Wh ip ple a, '011'CXlTutor .~'"

V ESf. " ~ S\llTi I. b.:1 Jan. ITi cI: d . 2i .-\pril 17hfl.V I :\I\ II. Y ~ SmTlI . h. T l Il('''' 17.n ; Ill. at Smithfield bv Eldn

EZI'kil'IAngd I 13 Aug. I i 81l Sll'pl...n Whipple of Glfl(T'''·r.'<'11 of Jonathan Whip plt' of Da niel. ' Ian' d . 2,1 'lay 1812and Sn-phe-n d . --t J uly 18 18. The-ir child ren includedX ... :-.;CY Wh ippk . h..i Feb. 1782 : SmTIl Wh ip I'll'. h. 19June- 179.1: and Zun Wh iPI' ll', h. I ~, .\ug-. I i90 : ~ ~') d .26 Ma r. 186i ; Ill . 'LH~ 'lowry .Sa \ I,·, of Dallid and PhebeSayle,. h . Sc.·PI. 17~H : d . 10 ;\ u~ . 18.-.7 . Thev lived in the\I a plc\' ill.· all'a of Bur ri tlvilh-. Rhod e " land on land laterowned hv a crand-on. (;ilhl 'rt F. Whipp l.·. Children ofZiha and :7\1aT) Whipp lt, WITe Ihs lEL S. whipple. h.:IOJ a n. 181:"1 : Pru, In: S. Wh ippll·. h . 7 Fr-h, 181i, Ill. CollinsKl·ith ; SURflY WhipI' ll', h . I Feb 1819. Ill . :7\lari a \ \ 'a rn r r ;E:-,;ocll Whip I'll' . h . i 'lay 1821. Ill. Cvmhia Swilzer :CII\RU:.s Wh ipp ll·. h. 22 Feb. 182:\ : J OIIS Wh ipple. h .2 ,C, J UIU' 182j, unmarre-d : and (;~,Oll.,;t: S, whipple. h.I J uly 18:\2. Ill. SU"1Il ;\ rn"ld.2 . ~

C IIIU1RE.:-'; O F 1l,'o SIt:L Scuru liY ill S "tco:-.;n w in:.

ELSI:: ( ' l OWRY) S m TH :7S \ '11 ~ loWRY:; SmT H. h. :\O :\l<lTd, l iM.

76 V III D r-r v" S)IlTIl , h . 9 ~t.~ I76 c,.

77 IX J ERf.)II .\II ~ S)IITII , h . 19 'b ~' 1767.

7S X Lrx oo x ' S\lIT1 l . sonn-rin«- a p pI·;II'" a, Liudol .h. 2 1 Nov. 1768.

79 XI .·\I. t RHi' S )IITIl , h . 27 Feh . l7in.

xo XI I J).-\ SIEl. ~' SMITIl.J r.. h . 21:1 Au g. IiiI.X I II ..hH. \" ~ S\II1'Il. h. 8 Au~ . l7 i ,"I : d . :10 J a n. 18:,)i : Ill . in li~IB

Silas Comsto('k. b. 28 Xu\, . Inl in Hurrillvilh-. 'Oil ofSalllw·1 a mI Lu, y (Arno ld) C" llI'! l ot'k of Srni th fid d andHun illvillr'. who d l'i S(' I' I. !Hil pHlbably ill BUITillvi llr·.Ch ildrell of Sib , a lld i\IIWY COlllS tol k: D ,\ S II',!. COl mln, k.h. 21 .Iuh 1 7! 1~ 1: Al.le t. \ 1. Corll' lo('k . h. 28 S' ·pl. 181l0 .III . \ \' ill.lrd Il " lb rt ~ ,k : I . I C Y ,.\ ( :oll" to, k. h. I S' ·pl . IBl U.

~ l" Jal"Ubu, . up. cit. . ' .. :1. 1'. 2,15~ 4li.\rnold. up. cil .. !lurr ilh 'iII,' hir til •. 'I : 2:1 .~" flepreu"r"ri<.'e ,\fo, ",,,i Old ''-""" lie, ,,' Uh u,Je / ,{" " " IC h i,' ,u(o . 1'1I)7 \ .

:\ : I ti'",.

Page 17: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

IH John Smith , th e .\fill. r, vI Pro/,idpnce [O ctober John S mith, th ...\l ilJa , 01 Prarid..n,,·

Ill. (;."U, ~.· Comstock : AI .tRt.D L. CUIll~t ()('k . h . 15 M a n-h180.-1, unmarried : EMOR 8. Comstock b. I I Oct. 1806,Ill, J.\II·Y J lollowa \ : ~,"T1I"S C. Comstock, h. 10 :-;m·. 1808,d . in 189 1 in Cal iforn ia : SILAS A. Com,tu.k, h. 1812, Ill.K. ,IH""I B. ~1a'OIl : o\\,y S\lITlI COlll"hWk, h. -l Mnn-h1HI I, d . C . 'lIIlT \'illag, -. COIlIll'"ti.-ut, livi-d in WOtJlbOl'k.,t :

and S\\ll l-:J Cormtn"k, b. l f july 1817, umn.uried.v"X I\' ,'\ I.lC I-:~' S\IrII1, h. 19 Sept. 1777: d. 2·; Fr-h, Hl.'il: m. Ben­

j.nuin \ Iowry, son o( David ~ fowry, h. in Xorth Smit hfield2,1 \by 1771 : d. 3 xov. urn. Liwd in llarr i, \ illr' , Burrill­vjlh-, Rhode b land . Childr..n WtT~': . \ LeY S\IlTIi \lown '17!lR-1829. ulIIllarrit'{{ : Ih.... u.r. SMITI' \ I"wn 1801·1876 :!'I IH.t ~Iowry : 1)\\1Ll :>'I O\\TY IRo.' .18Cj 7. unmarried :["OR \lm\ I"\ : B~:"" J .\\II"" ~I owry . Jr,: S"1'l1i \ lown;, un­m.urir-d: .-\r.nll ~I"" n , b. Burrilfvilh- 27 reb. 1817 :({ I .. "t.!. \t "\\J"\ . d . 28J 'III. 1880, unmarrn-d: and Ih.x x'"\l nwn . b. 2", o .r. 182 1 , ~'"

X \ ' E\I"R~' S"'T1I , b. 23 Am;~ . 17811 : d . 23 Sept. 18117,

X \ ' I H , -s s~u.~ S\1l11l , h. 7 :\0 \ ' . 178:'1: d. 2;, c\ pril I 78:-, .

.\2 J)ANIEL~ SMITH ( ll' illium ,3 Joh",~ John 1) . h,:.!B S.' pt, 17 1:.! :

Smithfie ld pn,hale n-rords the death of Capt. Dnuicl Smit h G J UIWI7/,;9,~.',,, T Ill' RO~'T \\' illiam-,genealogy Iisrs his m arr iagr' to Susanna hW in"or, daughter of Rev. j oshca and ~I a ry ( Bar ker ) W in"o r. who\\;\, h . 19 J UIU' 171 ."") and d. in Smithfield in 1769, ~~"

W illiam Smith of Smithfield deede-d to his ..on D.m id Smith ofSmithfield a traer on hoth ..idt' :O; of th, ' I' rO\'idence and Smithfil'ld lin.......!Ii On. 1i:U.~·'2

CIIIl.{)R~:S Of (;.\ 1''1 . n.\ .... ' EL \ ...." s, .. ,\ \> .....\11 ( " ·' ....... 'R) "\urn :HI I [\IOR", S\liT II, b . 17~ij .

II EI.IIAlu: rll ~' .'i\llTlI , b . 17,"lfl,

III S \R\lI~' .'i\1Il11, b . 17 ~brdl 17tlO: d . 8 :\ov, 1822 : 111. Capt.John Jt 'llb~ :, : 1 of lIe'my. h. 1i:{I: d. 9 :\OV, 1 7~19. Childn'lI ,

~l-Joh" ..\dellll' Cm n'luck • .4 H il l O' r ",,,I ( ;~,,~alof!) ' <>{ l it, C" " " lo'/, Fa", i /]'"I··l",oi~" (Lo_ .-\llIcd , ' ~ . 1(14" 1,1', I:m .

~ l " ~ l owt ) , op. ri l.. p. til.~" "Sm i l h lidd I'm!", t'·. :1 : Ii.~:d ~ lrS. CllMl", \.... . .\nlhon)· ,<fId ~I ," . CI""ks II \\'n'd ,'n, H" v ' lI" i l/i ,,,, ,, of

/' " " 'id ,,, u , HIto,h 1, 1" " ,/ f 1'-149 \ , [>. 1lJ8 .~··'~SJlli , h h.·ld f)",·d. , 1: ~ 12.~··~· \\'illi aJll II, 11m ...."'·. (;of' alo f!)" 01 lit, j, ,,h "-m" if ,. 01 .4", ,,iltJ, , ( ;" rn'ord,

1"~2 1. 1>.1 ,14.

IK,rn in Smithfield. "" 1" II FSRY j enk- : EU/-\ IWfli Jn lk, .17S-,-187-l: .-\ .... s ,.. .!f'nk,,: and .'i-\R...II j enk s.

.H RI CIIARU ' S.\tln~ (I t' illium,s John ,2 John ! ). ln the will of hisfather• •\I aj.. r W illiam. Richard wav left land in xmirhfield . and withhis mother :\I a r ~ wn.. rxcrutor of t he r-tatc. He Illa ~ han' removedfrom Smithfield ill 171i!) for in t hat ~l'a r he disp(J"'l'd of propcrt ie-,

thr-rt-. His wifr - ,\I t-ribah or :\ kri he, ~i t' ldt'd her down ri,e, hh in tht-sr

transactions.On 25 0 (-1. 173H \\' illiam Smith of Smithfield trnn..h-m-d to hi"

con Richa rd of Smithfield 1:'10 ac re-, on both "id~', of tilt' \\"oo na.-.q ua­un-ket R iver, taken oIT from thr- nonhcrf ... ide of William '" Iarm.""

David ComsturK of Smithfield <ned Richard Sm ith , "son of Major\\ 'illiam Smith. Lite of the samr- tow n' in the December 171i:.! term (,fCourt of Common Plea", Providence. for :.!1l0 pound- diu- h~ bondand the writ in the case wa' ,<"r\"('(1 0 11 Richard Sm ith in xmnhficld .

Richard Smith of Smithfield sold to Thoma- 0\\('11 of Providence,blacksmith. on!1 :\OL 17-l1 for ioo pound- a tract of l In arrr-- onbot h ...ides of rhc \\·oona-.q ua tm·K('t River. "the nonhca-u-rlv end ofthe farm where rln- fa ther of Ric-ha rd Smit h 011('(' li\l'd."~:' ~'

Rich ard Smith. J r.. fur I()on pound- paid b~ Joh n Fnmum. fm gl'master. on:l ApriI 17/i."", convr-vcd land and dwelling hOIl"'!.' "that r-auu­

to me h~ division of the estate under the will of 111 ~ hon ored father.\\ 'illiam Smit h:' H i~ \\ire "kribah ...i~nl'(l.~: '· : I'rc'''unlilbl ~ he wa ...dcsiauated Richard. jr.. becau-e Richard Smith . s on of Lli-ha, \\a~

older and W ;I ." the-n li" in,g in Smithfield.' I'he final dl't'd was recorded in Smithfil'ld i I)n . l i 6 .""1 \\h('1l

Rk hard Smith. Jr.. of Smilhfield ...o ld to :\i('ho!a" 8rag~ of Smithfieldfor 3000 pounds ",,11 the fann when' l d\\cU: ' conta ining H~~ an.-"and abutting C,pt , Enoch Ba flJ(''' . John Au"t in. and In....·ph ChiIl "'On .lI i ~ wife '"" Jerih,.." "i,gned.~:' ;

T h('f('" is nu nidl'nn' that Ridlard died in Smit hfit·ld , Tl1I'n ' ma~

han' I)('('n rhi ldrl' ll, hilt IlfJlU' a rl' rt'conl ed ,

[10 hr "o,,,irllu'dj

~'-' ~ .s m i , h fidd {k n !>, 1; ·1 J2.2·'~' lb id., 2 : .i ~ ~:"; l bid . , Jj : h.'i.

Page 18: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl


f)o n ; l..... s E. 1.1-: .... 1·11. ,'\ -.'iol' ia ll' p rnft-",o r lOf

lI i ,t ll l' ~ , V ,tIIdnh ilt LJlli\{' r,il~

out thi , List Viz. K. \ tu mfOld E. Talhot W. Bucklin mvv-H. jno .Gi fford, L. M umford J. roll in, llIl\\ - l .a wreuo-. I.. O lnev.-- Burkitt - - (h" 'n, -- Cozen , - - wr-nt 10 fidli nI:: &

l) ;Inr illg- BUI R. :\1. L. O . ~ll l 'il' th at thev wert- r-arrv'd to bed& W. B. wa, no 1)('W'r Ill" ',II a , Ii-,V & lllldd in~ hy ti ll' fin ' for :~ or-l hou rs & rhr-n ~Ol 'II a, til su-nl ntf & ~o hOllll' till' others kep i it up& int en ded to han' a Supper hUI ti lt' Landlord affronti ng us we ealldfor the Bill dispun-d it & "i('vl"I'al of u- ranu- otT hi, Bill was tbi,Viz. T o ~ Dou ble Howls of " rug 72 Dolla r"

8 :\ l llI~g , of Cvder 16 doA Rasher -l do2 SlinI:: ' . 7c\ Chai r broke & fin ' & Candles 21 do

3 : 30 p.m.

!. O :\'f)() :\"



.:'\m ·t·m bl'r IH. I% :.!. SUllda y

\\1' kept (lU I' own acc't & had hut 1 :\ l ugg, of CydlT & :) Be1\\]., of gn~lIO d ing, but our round of a Chair broke &: hi, ra ..her but a small bitof M utton no bi~{'f than on.... fingt 'r - -

I we-nt on board th.. n ·..·,d wi th J. Pnllin.c:..how rou'd not I::1·t IllyBoo t.; oIT slept a \{'fy linlc it hf.·ing , ~ 0 Clock - -

Janual")' 2i. I i80 - \T~ t-old h UI fa ir dayabout j 0 C IOI-k this morning: E T a lh. L ~Ium£. & L. Orne, came- on

board pn-ttv hiI::h IIwy hf(l u.c:hl fin ' from Ihl' house with them &made ..cve ra l fir.... in tln- ..U('(·I as I he~' came alone after tht ·y got ad rin k again thcv sallv'd ou t fo r more fun ca rrying a eorkf' Pot ofstr ong: ~iing: w itll t1ll' ;U ,I Iili lt· ah.., 7 they (:a m.· on hoa rd <II::aillhaying look a St' llIl'y', "un away from h im & p,-.'rfo ,m'd 't'\Tral Illon'

cxp loils-I dre....·d a m allS foo t Ihat \ \ ;lS !'I'alded [a ' t night ahoa rd til(' .\rg-n -

IJin'd at Ca pt. C;t,ti k \\I'nt down to Pa wl. 10l-!:'d wi lh Z. R. -

C .-\ PTA I ~S e A RO US Ii\(; 11'\ I' RonJ)E ~CE

J ;Hl U ,ll'~ 26 - l i 811. j-';tir hUI ~'.'I") t .. ld Hl'l ·akfa..t aboard II,,· An,-:o\\O IS inform'd thai Col. T a lbol l'l'n~id a u tt er from C O:'>; GRI:: SS I..

d i...·hMl.:.· tlu- .\ rgn in con....·q ut'llce of the O wner of the Argo is "ppl\" inl.:10 C(>n~n'''' for hr-r O ffin ·rs couclud-d 10 han' a Ba ndg e to ='i~ht

:\1('[ LI. Sprill~t'f we-nt with him 10 Hrad ford's Tavern found nil.: ha DOl en oflm-rs then- Drank -ec era l Bo wl.. of G rog & POlS o f C ydl'l'tlwl'l' .-11 :'\ ight \\I'1lI on hoa rd the .-\T'l.:n Becan ou r f rolic withS.'n ·ral ..toilI Bm '!.. (If grog & T od d y - raw D rams SlillI::' &c , im~i lll.!

roa rin!! &.c. T ill W('t· l!0t ton hig fo r thl' Cahhin to hold m ,Ilid tlwn,,, Ili('d out in thl' stn'('1 hut d id not fo r~:-'-' I 10 ca rl") a Bott le of R UTll

wilh II .. il h..·ing: ('x'-T('din~ eo ld &. abo u t 8 0 Clock - all in good~l'i ri" & g:'-I( >d Spi rit.. in II ' nOI a :\bn nf u.. wo u' d lIa~~ Ihu ' ;u' ('oll l­Ir..d W I' W{·nt ;llo lI~ ~ t ll· (· t ,houting & ..ingi ng- & no w & t lll' 1I to ch('{' r 0111'

h('a rts ,top &: takl' a drink - Ihl' wm d wa s ARGO! by Ihi~ word WI'ra i..'d , .·nT,,1of n ul' Compa nions & so l"I'n ui tl'd our Co m pany wl'n l 0\'1' '­tl l1" Brid !.:,' go t a :'\I'gro fidln & pnx'I'l'd ing up town we nt in to ahou'/.' to hasT a d:IIlIT hut a wOllla n wa.. sick t!\( 'n ' - so - WI' W( '[l l

a lnllg- fu r tlll'r O\TT tlw :\ t ill Ih idg:l' &: \1I'1ll ill a hOIN' 10 m ake our frn l;l't!W['l ' hllt t lll'Y had I!"t til<' "l'Jrt of U'i & had ,I frolic nf th l·ir OW11 onl 'nf tilt' WOI1ll'n W;I' lum hl ing to pit'n's - th i.. hu,illl'" IJI'i lll-!: 1t1lll\ e nul'ca pacity in flHr !' IT'' 'nl {"ond ition WI' thoug-ht fit [(l pack o n so Wt'll t011' lik, ' '" llI,m y kt·!o:, of Ru m tll lllh lin,g dnwn ('\"tTY now & tltt 'n hut thaIdid not d i 'il lllH' I ' lt U'i ,, ' b Ull h ;l l WI ' l"!l'il ' a~aill - ,top'd a t a h Olh t ' whell 'S - y S r wa s kept by "'- - Ill R- - ll but made no l<t r l")' 1111'11 '& ;I\\'ay ott Io- IIl.!;t h w, ' a ll 11 \<'1 a t .It·nks' T ,l\"l' l'Il-- & mad,'

.\ \ 10 :'>;" TilE. \\ ·...T EK\I ... :'>; f ... \lH.v P...Pf: R S in the Soc iet y's cnlh-c­rion .m- <I numb er fl f journa l, kr-pr h y D r. Zllrid waterma n while-crvinz ,I' -urgeon on pri, 'att·t·p.; d uring thr- Revolut ionary \\" a r. T hr­fo llowing ex ce rpt {mili um' of them rhrow -, li.ghl o n a -cldom .~ l im P"t·d

<ide o f t ht· social !ire o f t'i~h leent h ccn rurv Providence. Dr. Wain­ma n . twr-ntv-Iour ~ (·ap.; old at t he l im e. h ad ju-t ret urned fro m a...·\t· IJI~ - fiH' d " y Hili...· in the' privateer .1' .::0. and he a nd his "hi p­ITM!t·.. 110 doubt fdl f llll~ ent itk-d to a link- heart y relaxation .

D r. W;Itt'm l,lIl "" ;to; hom in Pa \\IUXCI, 20 J a n ua ry 1756, son o fCaptain Chri- topher a nd Phd)(, ( .-\ho m) W alerma n . He died atI'a \~ t ll :\.e t. 18 Septembe r l i Rfi a, a result of inhalin g- the poi-onou ­fumes in an em pty ,l.: in vat from which he wa' Iry'in~ to ext ricatea fr ien d . CI \ II"'''''JS; .\ . C..HI.Is:'. Srd.

Page 19: RHODE ISLAND HISTORYT here wr-n-"'·"era! paradoxical fC'atlln's in \\'ayl

T ilE R II 0 DE I' LA 1\ Il II 1S T 0 R 1<: ,\ L s o C lET Y

Xlr. Carl U. PetersonR u", fo rd, R. l.

.\ lr. ..\ d in C. RiderClr-v"Llnd , Ohio

.\fr. Ell,c:el1C Franklin Sal isburyC ran dvi,'w, \ Ii , sour ;

Xlr. Donald Shepard

.\ Iiss Rut h Tripp

.\1iss Alice :\1. Waddin gton

.\ If. F. Chaunc-ev W hitt r! >;<'\ 'B" rr inllton, R. I.

:\Ir . and .\11". Rob-n D. WoodR um fo rd , R . I.

Ri\T"id,., R. I..\I r. Samuel Carn-r, III

Bedford , j\" " w York.\Ir. and .\lrs.

\ralt n A. ConnollyHa rr ill!'( lo n , R. L

.\ Iiss .\Iahrlk L. Cullen

.\ lrs. william Orosvenor;] «.N ort h K i",:>tow n, R . I.

:\[r. Fred C. Harr iso nS"alll<'. W,,,h i,,!,:ton

.\lrs. Cmrgr E. Kirk:\1 1". Raymon d E. Lawton

Wa rwick , R. r..\ Irs. Walter R. ;"Iartin

.I1I1.1':n. /962 10 SI'/lff' m lIlT 10 , /962

.\ I rs. J<lITH'S ~ I. c\rmst ron,g .\ I issJ oanna XlcadcrR LlmfOl'd, R, I. .\1",. John ):t'uncr

.\liss Row eua A. BowellCh..pa,· h" t, R. I .

;" Iiss ~a[J( Y Ann Palmisriann


TOY DISHES from the

,\tr~. Howard john-on (; 1"1 '(' 11 (' Collection

{t hrough (Jc-tolx-r ]

TH E C;\ l{ R I1\(;TO~ CO L L ECT IO:,\

{pennancnt )

I1\DI :\:\ ' \ L\ T ERI.\ LS of the CO~TACT PERIODLoa ned by the H affcn n-tfer ;\! IN ' UIll

Arranged bv the Depa rtment of Soriolog~

and ;\nthropolng~ -- Brow n University

{Xovcmbcr - DtTem bcr )