ð Ú ¡ õq ý a }~ ¨ } ° c ø k o s ìð Ú c ¡ õ q ý a } ~ ¨ } ø k o s ì ð Ú c p ¢ 7...

Ȇ ҡӵϽفݽΰܚՓޟϬРட፣ Е ઊҢຄҦзፐҢಣᙒဏȶӶ ᎍ໕ᇅঐᡞȂڏԥߵлୋஷઊ ޠཌྷҢ ޑ(live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host) ȷϟᒞηȂҼ֊ઊ ҢຄϛцयȂٯᄈԥઊޠಡຄȄઊ ҢຄٯϛΚঐޠӫມȂԟӶΚঐӼзखϟ Ȃ1907ԒҦᒜᅮစᔽᏱዪூл߽ཌྷҢ ޑᏱঢ়ᇅռᏱঢ়Élie Metchnikoff ॷӒӶߴђ ւ۩ٴҖϜȂ౫Ӷ۩ڐҖܛޠڦሖг ٱϜԥȶٱሗຄȷȂٯޤٱሗຄѠп ښϾၿϲԥড়ಡຄȂйᇅ၏۩Җႈԇԥ ߞჱ౫ຬԥᜱȂՅҦԫٱሗຄڏԥᇩઊ ୋஷІߵޠߞ۾ڽѓਞȄٲᄃαȂઊҢ ຄӶႇџංξԒޠСளҢୋஷॶϜԟϑԇ ӶȂ֊ٻӶѡוᇅᛴਣхٱޠႏІ ڐᜱሖηϑೞΩ௱ᙩңॶңΠȄ ԫಡຄژޣ1965ԒϘೞ DM Lilly RH StillweΡ՞ᏱпȶઊҢຄȷ(probiotics) ޠӫᆏȂՅઊҢຄޠ౫хᇮІڐஆҐဏҦ Parker 1974ԒܛोяޠٿȂٯጃяઊ ҢຄҐΚᆎڏԥҢԥઊޑޠཌྷҢޑȂ ڐѠп።ߵٯဘၿϜϛӤᆎཌྷҢޑޠ ᄙ҂ᒌȂՅҦԫٿኈлөᆎҢ౪ȄҦ Élie MetchnikoffٱሗຄᄈᡞޠઊȂ Յೞউ൶ᆏȶٱሗຄϟЯȷ 1 Ȅ ߗΫԒп ٿȂઊҢຄӶҔጃӫᆏя౫ ȂڐӶຳҀൠϑഃᅛ౿ٯҦԫሊ ߞࢻΠȄԟӶ1930ԒȂСҐхҥ(Shirota) ϑᖆ ෦ႏٱఝຄхҥ(Lactobacillus casei strain ᆣӫᚂ مᖚथဗऋ ҕ ઉҡӵϽ فಛຨ ݽΰ ܚᅋՓ ޟϬРᢎ ʂ१ઉҡհҢᐠ ޟڙShirota) ȂᓎٯࡤӶ1935ԒпᎵӼ(Yakult) ޠӫᆏЖΤҀൠȂԄϭᎵӼӶӓ౩33ঐঢ়І Љԥ30ޠᎵӼ୶ӶҀൠαȄ ဗၾတ(Gut Microflora) 2 ஆҐαȂҔளᡞϲ ޠཌྷҢ ޑထᇅл ҐޠಣᙒȃಡबІڐхᗃޑȂӶߞϾ โϜםԚΚঐᑀҴޠᕘძȂٯҴΚঐҢ ޑق( biosystem) п܅ԫϤһඳޑ፵ȃ ໕ІஆӱޠҭޠȄᡞཌྷҢᄙقಜлԇӶ πȃڴၿȃदဘၿȃݫၿІҫጴ5 τҢᄙقಜȂՅदဘၿقಜέڐϜᡞཌྷҢ ᄙᕘძ(ecosystem)Ϝഷ२ޠಣԚȂՅဘၿຄ ထҐҼםԚΚঐഷτഷፓᚖޠཌྷҢᄙقಜȄ दဘၿཌྷҢᄙᕘძϸոॶၿȃदȃϊဘȃ τဘϜᏣȂदဘၿϲԇԥङቈ (trillions) ཌྷҢޑȂ֊ङ10 14 ঐಡຄІѡಡຄ (archaea) Ȃڐᖃ२໕ङӶ1-2 ϵПϟ( ҂ 1.3 ϵП) Ȃᖃ໕Ҽႇᡞಡबޠ10 ॼȂѠ րϸङ10 4 ޑᆎȄ ҦဘၿជၷᄛпІ ڏԥմ ޠϾ ᗚႬ՞ȂٻூτဘԚཌྷҢޑޠ ӵழȂτဘηӱՅᆑᙡτҭޠಡຄᆎ ȂڐಡຄѠႁ50 400-500 ᆎȂڐϜ99.9% ܓზຄ(obligate anaerobes) Ȃկ τഌϸဘၿຄထґೞஊᎵяٿȂԥ೩Ӽ ຄထґೞጃᇰяٿȂڐτഌӌҦᔤఝຄ (Bacteroidetes) Ꮺຄߟ(Firmicutes) ڎτຄ ܛಣԚޠȄԫѵȂϛӤഌ՞ޠဘၿڐಡຄ ໕ІಣӬҼϛΚኻȄຄҦदԇӶȂٯӶဘȃଠဘІτဘϜቩђȄဘၿຄထҐ ޠಣӬҼᓎԒឮޠߞȂпІॶ๗ᄻޠϛ 2016ԑ60ڢ6 Ѯѕѿᚂৱϴѐ 31

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Page 1: ð Ú ¡ õQ ý A }~ ¨ } ° c ø K O S ìð Ú c ¡ õ Q ý A } ~ ¨ } ø K O S ì ð Ú c P ¢ 7 é P ¢ £ R â Ð 6 ö Õ ^ Å ^ d × % õ Í ; K · Ï M ¢ (live microorganisms

(live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host)

1907Élie Metchnikoff

1965 DM Lilly RH Stillwe (probiotics)

Parker 1974

Élie Metchnikoff1

1930 (Shirota) (Lactobacillus casei strain

Shirota) 1935 (Yakult)33


(Gut Microflora)2

( biosystem)



(trillions) 1014

(archaea) 1-2 (1.3 ) 10


50 400-500 99.9%(obligate anaerobes)

(Bacteroidetes) (Firmicutes)

2016 60 6 31

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(anaerobic bioreactor)



(conjugation reaction)




(inflammatory cytokine)(proinflammatory cascades)


(Paneth cells)


2016 60 6 32

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(peptides) -opioid

(cannabinoid receptors)


(Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, LGG)(Lactobacillus casei)



(bacteriocins) La-14(Lactobacillus acidophilus

La-14) (Listeria monocytogenes)


50%(small intestinal bacteria

overgrow, SIBO)(hypochlorhydria) IgA

( b a c t e r i a l translocation)

(Escherichia coli) (Klebsiella spp) (Enterococci) (Streptococci species)




2016 60 6 33

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(nitric oxide)









(bactericidal antimicrobial peptides, AMPs) IgA(secretory IgA, SIgA) AMPs SIgA

2016 60 6 34

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(ulcerative colitis) (Crohn's disease)


() (

)( )


diarrhea)(inflammatory bowel disease)

(irritable bowel syndrome)(relapsing Clostridium

Difficile colitis)(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)

(intracolonic instillation of probiotics)

( 1,2)

(acid tolerant lactobacilli)



- (gut-liver axis)

2016 60 6 35

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- 15



(vaginal candidiasis)(Helicobacter pylori)

(inflammatory bowel disease)



(genomic analyses)

https://youtu.be/X3jDOs6hAcg ( Intracolonic instillation of probiotics )

( 1) ( 2)

2016 60 6 36

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( >60 )


(colony-forming unit, , CFUs)

p H0.8-2

( pH 4-7 ) (along with

2016 60 6 37

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pH 1.5-3.0pH 1.0

1.5% 19



([interleukin], IL-10) TGF-

TNF T(helper T cell)

(threshold gain)

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