1 ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΗΜΔΙΩΜΑ (CV) ΓΗΜΗΣΡΗ ΜΠΟΤΡΑΝΣΩΝΗ Οικονομικό Πανεπιζηήμιο Αθηνών, Σμήμα Γιεθνών και Δυρωπαϊκών Οικονομικών πουδών, Παηηζίων 76, e-mail: [email protected] ΠΟΤΓΔ o 1987-1991. Γηδαθηνξηθή Γηαηξηβή ζην Παλεπηζηήκην Reading ηνπ Ηλσκέλνπ Βαζηιείνπ, Τκήκα Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο, Τίηινο Γηαηξηβήο The United NationsRole in Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations. o 1976-1981. Πηπρίν Ννκηθήο Σρνιήο Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ-Τκήκα Γεκνζίνπ Γηθαίνπ θαη Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο, Βαζκόο Άξηζηα. o 1982-1987. Πηπρίν Ννκηθήο Σρνιήο Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ-Τκήκα Ννκηθό, Βαζκόο Λίαλ Καιώο. ΔΠΑΓΓΔΛΜΑΣΙΚΗ ΔΜΠΔΙΡΙΑ o 2013--------.Καζεγεηήο Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο κε εηδίθεπζε ζηηο Γηεζλείο θαη Δπξσπατθέο Σπνπδέο, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ o 2007- 2013. Αλαπιεξσηήο Καζεγεηήο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ. o 1996-2006. Δπίθνπξνο Καζεγεηήο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ. o 1993-1996. Λέθηνξαο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ. o 1992-1993. Δπηζθέπηεο Λέθηνξαο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ. ΤΠΟΣΡΟΦΙΔ- ΒΡΑΒΔΙΑ-ΓΙΑΚΡΙΔΙ o 2015-2018 Κάηνρνο ηεο Δπξσπαηθήο Έδξαο Jean Monnet (EU Jean Monnet Chair on The EU as a Diplomatic and Security Actor.

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Οικονομικό Πανεπιζηήμιο Αθηνών,

Σμήμα Γιεθνών και Δυρωπαϊκών Οικονομικών πουδών,

Παηηζίων 76, e-mail: [email protected]


o 1987-1991. Γηδαθηνξηθή Γηαηξηβή ζην Παλεπηζηήκην Reading ηνπ Ηλσκέλνπ

Βαζηιείνπ, Τκήκα Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο, Τίηινο Γηαηξηβήο “The United

Nations‟ Role in Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations”.

o 1976-1981. Πηπρίν Ννκηθήο Σρνιήο Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ-Τκήκα Γεκνζίνπ

Γηθαίνπ θαη Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο, Βαζκόο Άξηζηα.

o 1982-1987. Πηπρίν Ννκηθήο Σρνιήο Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ-Τκήκα Ννκηθό,

Βαζκόο Λίαλ Καιώο.


o 2013--------.Καζεγεηήο Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο κε εηδίθεπζε ζηηο Γηεζλείο θαη

Δπξσπατθέο Σπνπδέο, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ

Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ

o 2007- 2013. Αλαπιεξσηήο Καζεγεηήο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη

Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ.

o 1996-2006. Δπίθνπξνο Καζεγεηήο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη

Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ.

o 1993-1996. Λέθηνξαο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη Δπξσπατθώλ

Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ.

o 1992-1993. Δπηζθέπηεο Λέθηνξαο Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Τκήκα Γηεζλώλ θαη

Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ.


o 2015-2018 Κάηνρνο ηεο Δπξσπαηθήο Έδξαο Jean Monnet (EU Jean Monnet

Chair on The EU as a Diplomatic and Security Actor.

Page 2: ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΗΜΔΙΩΜΑ (CV) in Greek_02.1… · ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΗΜΔΙΩΜΑ (CV) ΓΗΜΗΣΡΗ ΜΠΟΤΡΑΝΣΩΝΗ ... 2015-2016 : Δα & 1 2 ... International


o 1987-1990. Υπνηξνθία ηνπ Κνηλσθεινύο Ιδξύκαηνο Αιέμαλδξνο Ψλάζεο γηα

εθπόλεζε δηδαθηνξηθήο δηαηξηβήο ζηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο.

o 1981. Βξαβείν Αξηζηνύρσλ ηνπ Ιδξύκαηνο Γηνηθεηηθνύ Γηθαίνπ Μ.


o 1978. Υπνηξνθία ηνπ ΙΚΥ γηα ην πξώην έηνο ζπνπδώλ ζηε Ννκηθή Σρνιή ηνπ

Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ.


Προπηυχιακά μαθήμαηα

1992-1993: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Δμσηεξηθέο Πνιηηηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο ΔΔ.

1993-1994: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Γηεζλείο Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο

Δμσηεξηθέο Πνιηηηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ.

1994-1995: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Γηεζλείο Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο

1995-1996: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Γηεζλείο Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο

Οξγάλσζε Γηεζλνύο Κνηλσλίαο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

1996-1997: Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Οξγάλσζε Γηεζλνύο Κνηλσλίαο

Γηεζλείο θαη Δπξσπατθνί Οξγαληζκνί

Δμσηεξηθέο Πνιηηηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο ΔΔ.(ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

1997-1998: Γηεζλείο θαη Δπξσπατθνί Οξγαληζκνί

Οξγάλσζε Γηεζλνύο Κνηλσλίαο

Δμσηεξηθέο Πνιηηηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ.

1998-1999: Οξγάλσζε Γηεζλνύο Κνηλσλίαο

Γηεζλείο θαη Δπξσπατθνί Οξγαληζκνί

Δμσηεξηθέο Πνιηηηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ.

1999-2000: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Θεσξία θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ

2000-2001: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Θεσξία θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ

2001-2002: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Θεσξία θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ

2002-2003: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Θεσξία θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

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Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ

2003-2004: Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Θεσξία θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ

2004-2005: Γηεζλήο Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο


2005-2006: Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο


2006-2007: Γηεζλήο Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο


Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2007-2008: Γηεζλήο Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο


Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2008-2009: Γηεζλήο Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2009-2010: Γηεζλήο Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2010-2011: Γηεζλήο Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δμσηεξηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ. (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2011-2012: Γηεζλήο Πνιηηηθή Οηθνλνκία (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δμσηεξηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ. (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2012-2013 : Δμσηεξηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ. (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2013-2014 : Δμσηεξηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ. (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2014-2015 : Δμσηεξηθέο Σρέζεηο ηεο Δ.Δ. (ζπλδηδαζθαιία)

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

2015-2016 : Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Πνιηηηθή Δπηζηήκε θαη ηηο Γηεζλείο Σρέζεηο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Γηπισκαηηθό Σύζηεκα ηεο Δ.Δ.

2016-2017 : Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί

Γηπισκαηηθό Σύζηεκα ηεο Δ.Δ.

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Γιδαζκαλία ΔΑΠ

2009-2017: ΣΔΠ, ΔΠΟ/ΔΠΟ33

Μεηαπηυχιακά μαθήμαηα

2003-2004: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία).

2004-2005 :Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Δπξσπατθή

Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο.

2005-2006: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Δπξσπατθή

Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο.

2006-2007: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Δπξσπατθή

Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο.

2007-2008: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Δπξσπατθή

Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο.

2008-2009: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Δπξσπατθή

Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο.

2009-2010: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Δπξσπατθή

Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο, Ηγεζία θαη Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο ζηελ ΔΔ.

2010-2011: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Δπξσπατθή

Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο, Ηγεζία θαη Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο ζηελ ΔΔ.

2012-2013: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Ηγεζία θαη

Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο ζηελ ΔΔ.

2013-2014: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Ηγεζία θαη

Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο ζηελ ΔΔ, Δπξσπατθή Γεκόζηα Πνιηηηθή.

2014-2015: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Ηγεζία θαη

Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο ζηελ ΔΔ, Δπξσπατθή Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή θαη Πνιηηηθή Αζθάιεηαο,

Δπξσπατθή Γεκόζηα Πνιηηηθή.

2015-2016: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Η ΔΔ ζηνπο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνύο, Η ΔπξσπατθήΈλσζε θαη ε Γηεζλήο Αζθάιεηα, Δπξσπατθή

Γεκόζηα Πνιηηηθή.

2016-2017: Πνιηηηθή ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Οινθιήξσζεο (ζπλδηδαζθαιία), Η ΔΔ ζηνπο

Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνύο, Η ΔπξσπατθήΈλσζε θαη ε Γηεζλήο Αζθάιεηα, Δπξσπατθή

Γεκόζηα Πνιηηηθή.

2011- 2012: Δπξσπατθή Οινθιήξσζε θαη Γεκόζηεο Πνιηηηθέο.

2012-2013: Δπξσπατθή Οινθιήξσζε θαη Γεκόζηεο Πνιηηηθέο.

2013-2014: Δπξσπατθή Οινθιήξσζε θαη Γεκόζηεο Πνιηηηθέο.

2014-2015: Δπξσπατθή Οινθιήξσζε θαη Γεκόζηεο Πνιηηηθέο.

2015-2016: Δπξσπατθή Οινθιήξσζε θαη Γεκόζηεο Πνιηηηθέο.

2016-2017: Δπξσπατθή Οινθιήξσζε θαη Γεκόζηεο Πνιηηηθέο.


o Αλαπιεξσηήο Πξύηαλε Αθαδεκατθώλ Υπνζέζεσλ & Πξνζσπηθνύ (2015-)

o Αλαπιεξσηήο Πξόεδξνο ηνπ Τκήκαηνο ΓΔΟΣ (2011-2012)

o Μέινο ηεο ζπγθιήηνπ (1994-1995, 2005-2006).

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o Μέινο επηηξνπώλ ηνπ ΓΔΟΣ (επηηξνπή πξνγξάκκαηνο ζπνπδώλ, Σύκβνπινο

έηνπο, θιπ).

o Μέινο ηεο Δπηηξνπήο Βηβιηνζήθεο ηνπ ΟΠΑ (1998-1999).

o Υπεύζπλνο γηα ηε δηνξγάλσζε ππό ηελ αηγίδα ηνπ ΓΔΟΣ θαη ηε ζπλεξγαζία ηνπ

Γξαθείνπ ηνπ ΟΗΔ ησλ 2002 θαη 2003 UN MODELS ζην ΟΠΑ κε ζθνπό ηε

πξνβνιή ηνπ ηκήκαηνο ΓΔΟΣ.


o Γηεπζπληήο Μεηαπηπρηαθνύ Πξνγξάκκαηνο „Δπξσπαηθέο Σπνπδέο‟, Οηθνλνκηθό

Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελώλ (2014-2015)

o Κξηηήο (reviewer) γηα ηα αθόινπζα πεξηνδηθά: International Studies Quarterly,

Journal of Development and International Relations, International

Peacekeeping, , Contemporary Security Policy, Armed Forces and Society,

Security Dialogue, Δuropean Journal of International Relations, International

History Review, Hellenic Review of Political Science, The Hague Journal of

Diplomacy,, Perspectives on European Politics and Society.

o Κξηηήο (reviewer) γηα ηνλ εθδνηηθό νίθν Routledge (manuscripts for the book

series Advances in International Relations and Global Politics θαη International


o Δπηκειεηήο ηεο ζεηξάο Βιβλιοθήκη Γιεθνών και Δςπυπαφκών Σποςδών, εθδόζεηο


o Μέινο ηνπ International Advisory Board, Center for the Study of Diplomacy,

University of Leicester, 1998-2000.

o Mέινο ηνπ Δπηζηεκνληθνύ Σπκβνπιίνπ ηνπ ΔΚΔΜ (2005-2008).


o „Τhe EU Presence in International Organizations‟, Delphi, 12-13 June 2009.

o Άssessing Multilateralism in the Security Domain‟, Delphi 3-5 June 2007.

o „A United Nations for the 21st Century: Peace, Security and Development‟,

Delphi, May, 2005.

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o The EU as a Diplomatic Actor in the UN General Assembly (The Hague, Brill,


o Chairing Multilateral Negotiations: the Case of the United Nations (London:

Routledge, 2011).

o The History and Politics of UN Security Council Reform (London: Routledge,


o The United Nations and the Quest for Nuclear Disarmament (Aldershot:

Darmouth, 1993).


o The EU in UN Politics (London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2017) (with S.


o The EU and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (London: Palgrave,

2015) (with S. Blavoukos and C. Portella).

o The EU Presence in International Organizations (London: Routledge, 2011).

(with S. Blavoukos)

o Multilateralism and Security Institutions in the Era of Globalization (London:

Routledge, 2007). (with K. Ifantis and P. Tsakonas)

o Ο ΟΗΔ ζην Καηώθιη ηεο Μεηαςπρξνπνιεκηθήο Δποσήρ (Αζήλα: Σηδέξεο,

1998). (κε Θ. Φξηζηνδνπιίδε)

o A United Nations for the Twenty-First Century (The Hague: Kluwer, 1996).

(with M. Evriviades)

o The United Nations in the New World Order (Basingstoke: Macmillan and New

York: St Martin Press, 1995). (with J. Wienner)


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o „In Quest for a Single EU Voice in the UN General Assembly: The Politics of

Resolution 65/276‟, Cooperation and Conflict, (DOI:10.1177/0010836716684879

(with S. Blavoukos and J. Galariotis)

o „The EU‟s Visibility and Coherence at the UN General Assembly‟, Global

Affairs, 2(1), 2016, pp. 35-45 (with S. Blavoukos and others).

o „Issue Salience and Controversy: Any Effect on Chair‟s Autonomy in Multilateral

Negotiations?‟, International Negotiation, 20(2), 2015, pp. 199-217 (With S.


o The EU in the UN General Assembly: Introduction and Literature Review‟,

International and European Politics , Vol 33, Jan-Feb 2015, pp. 63-70 (in Greek).

o „Identifying Parameters for Foreign Policy Change: A Synthetic Approach‟

Cooperation and Conflict, 49(4), 2014, pp. 483-500 (with S. Blavoukos).

o „Do EU Sanctions Strengthen the International Presence of the EU?‟, European

Foreign Affairs Review, 19(3), 2014, pp. 393-409 (with S. Blavoukos).

o „Calling the Bluff, Exposing the West: the Soviet Engagement in the United

Nations Disarmament Negotiations, 1954-5‟, Cold War History, forthcoming (with S.


o „Pursuing National Interests: The 1992 British Presidency of the UN Security

Council and the Soviet Permanent Seat‟, British Journal of Politics and International

Relations, 16(2), 2014, pp. 349-365.

o „Policy Entrepreneurs and Foreign Policy Change: The Greek-Turkish

Rapproachment in the 1990s‟, Government & Opposition, 47(4), 2012, pp. 597-

617(with S. Blavoukos)

o „The EU in the United Nations Security Council: the Case of the UNSC

Reform‟, Journal of European Integration, 33 (6), 2011, pp. 731-742 (with S.


o „Chairs as Policy Entrepreneurs in Multilateral Negotiations‟, Review of

International Studies, 37(2), 2011, pp. 169-179 (with S. Blavoukos)

o „,Θέηνληαο ην όξηα ηεο Απηνλνκίαο: H Πξνεδξία ζε Πνιπκεξείο

Γηαπξαγκαηεύζεηο‟, Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, 34, 2009, ζει. 43-71 ( κε Σ.


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o „A President for the European Union: A New Actor in Town?‟, Journal of

Common Market Studies, 45 (2), 2007, pp.231-252 ((with S. Blavoukos and G.


o „Parameters of the Chairmanship‟s Effectiveness: The Case of the Security

Council‟, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 1 (2), 2006, pp. 143-170 (with S.

Blavoukos and P. Tsakonas).

o „Russia‟s Attitude towards the Reform of the UN Security Council, 1900-2000‟,

Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 20 (4), 2004, pp. 1-24

(with R. Panagiotou)

o „Anglo-American Diplomacy and the Introduction of the Atomic Energy Issue in

the UN: Discord and Cooperation in 1945‟, Contemporary British History, 18 (4),

2004, pp. 1-21 (with Ted Johnson)

o „Rescinding the Signature of an International Treaty: The United States and the

Rome Statute Establishing the International Criminal Court‟, Diplomacy and

Statecraft, 14 (4), 2003, pp. 21-49 (with K. Magliveras)

o „The Southeastern Europe Multinational Peace Force: Problems of and Prospects

for a Regional Security Agency‟, Politics, 23 (2), 2003, pp. 75-82 (with P.


o „Anglo-American Differences over the UN during the Cold War: The Uniting for

Peace Resolution‟, Contemporary British History, 16(2), 2002, pp. 59-76 (with K.


o „The Enlargement of the UN Security Council: Reflections from the Current

Debate‟, Politics, 22 (1), 2002, pp. 24-31 (with K. Magliveras)

o „Diplomacy at the United Nations: The Dual Agenda of the 1992 Security

Council Summit‟, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 11(3), 2000, pp. 212-226 (with G.


o „Testing CFSP at the UN. EU Voting at the General Assembly, 1990-1997‟, Peace

and Security, XXXI, 1999, pp. 19-26 (with G. Kostakos)

o „The European Union and Greece: Political Acceptability and Financial Transfers‟,

Politics, 18(2), 1998, pp. 89-99 (with K. Tsoutsoplides and S. Kalivitis)

o „Innovations in Peacekeeping: The Case of Albania‟, Security Dialogue, 29(1),

1998, pp. 49-58 (with G. Kostakos).

o „The Reform of the UN Security Council and the Non-Aligned States‟,

International Peacekeeping, 5(1), 1998, pp. 89-109.

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o „Τhe Negotiation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1965-1968: A Note‟,

International History Review, XIX (2), 1997, pp. 347-357.

o „The European Union‟s Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Reform of

the Security Council‟, European Foreign Affairs Review, 2(2), 1997, pp.197-209

(with P. Tsakaloyannis).

o „Disarmament and Arms Limitation: The Case for Regionalism‟, Contemporary

Security Policy, 17(2), 1996, pp. 284-297 (with M. Evriviades)

o „The Relationship Between Development and Disarmament in the United Nations:

An Assessment‟, International Politics, 33, 1996, pp. 117-133 (with G. Petrakos)

o „Novices in Peace Support Operations: The Case of Greece‟, Peace and Security,

XXVIII, 1996, pp. 25-32 (with G. Kostakos)

o „The Disarmament Policy of East and West in the United Nations, 1950-1955‟,

Ιnternational Politics, 31(3), 1994, pp. 185-205.

o „Τhe Role of the United Nations in Disarmament and Arms Control: An

Assessment‟, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, VIII (1), 1994, pp. 63-


o „New Directions in Disarmament‟, Global Society, 8 (2), 1994, pp. 35-48.

o „Controlling the Instruments of War: The Role of the UN in Disarmament‟,

Politics, 14 (1), 1994, pp. 27-33 (C. Poulon)

o „Peacekeeping and Peacemaking: Some Lessons From Cyprus‟, International

Peacekeeping, 4, 1994, pp. 394-409 (with M. Evriviades)

o „Democratization, Decentralization and Disarmament at the United Nations‟,

International History Review, XV (4), 1993, pp. 688-713.

o UN: Elaborating Principles and Norms for Disarmament Negotiations‟, Peace and

Security, vol. XXIV, 1993, pp. 20-28.

o „Western Europe and the Gulf Crisis: Toward a European Foreign Policy?‟,

Politics, 12 (2), 1992, pp. 28-34 (C. Poulon).

o „Τhe United Νations as an early casualty of the East-West Conflict over the

Nuclear Disarmament Issue. A View from Within‟, Global Society, 3 (3), 1991, pp.

97-119 (with P. Jones)

o „The United Nations and the Nuclear Disarmament: A Case Study in Failure?‟,

Current Research on Peace and Violence, XII (1), 1990, pp. 7-16 (with P. Jones)

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Guest Editor in Journal

Guest Editor in the special issue of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy on „Chairing

International Processes‟ (πεξηιακβάλεη κεηαμύ άιισλ εξγαζίεο ησλ Jonas Tallberg

(Stockholm University), Ole Elgtrom (Lund University).


o „Nested Institutions‟, in Joachim Koops and Raphael Biermann (ed) The

Palgrave Handbook on Interorganizationalism (London:Palgrave, 2017), pp. 303-

317.(with S. Blavoukos)

o „The United Nations‟, in James Sperling (ed) A Handbook on Governance and

Security (London, Edward Elgar, 2014): pp. 689-706 (with S. Blavoukos)

o „The EU in the UN Security Council‟, in Knud Erik Jørgensen and Katie

Laatikainen (eds.) Handbook on Europe and Multilateral Institutions (London and New

York: Routledge, 2013) (with S. Blavoukos)

o „The Role and the Power of the Chair in International Organizations‟, in Bob

Reinalda (ed) The Routledge Handbook of International Organization (London and

New York, Routledge, 2013) (with S. Blavoukos)


o „Foreign Policy Change‟, contribution to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy

Analysis (2017) (co-author)

o „Inter-Organizational Relations in a Nested Environment: Regional Organizations in the UN‟, in

Aglaya Snetkov and Stephen Ares (eds), Multilateral Institutions in International Security (London:

Routledge, forthcoming, 2017) (co-author)

o „The EU in UN Politics: Analytical and Empirical Challenges‟, in S. Blavoukos and D. Bourantonis

(eds) The European Union in UN Politics: Actors, Processes and Performance (London, Palgrave,

2017) (co-author)

o „The Politics of UNGA Resolution 65/276: A Tale of the European Union‟s Performance in the

UNGA‟, in S. Blavoukos and D. Bourantonis (eds) The European Union in UN Politics: Actors,

Processes and Performance (London, Palgrave, 2017) (co-author)

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o „Conclusions‟, in S. Blavoukos and D. Bourantonis (eds) The European Union in UN Politics: Actors,

Processes and Performance (London, Palgrave, 2017) (co-author)

o „Μειεηώληαο ηε Γηεζλή Δπίδνζε ηεο Δπξσπατθήο Έλσζεο: Έλα Αλαιπηηθό Πιαίζην‟,

ζπκβνιή ζε ζπιινγηθό ηόκν πξνο ηηκή Π. Ισαθεηκίδε, Αζήλα: Παπαδήζεο, 2017

o „The International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy Framework under the NPT and

Related Instruments‟, in S. Blavoukos, D. Bourantonis and C. Portela (eds.) The

European Union and the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (London: Palgrave, 2015)

(with C. Portela and S. Blavoukos), pp. 33-48.

o „Introduction‟ in S. Blavoukos, D. Bourantonis and C. Portela (eds.) The European

Union and the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (London: Palgrave, 2015) (with C.

Portela and S. Blavoukos), pp. 3-11.

o „Assessing the EU‟s Performance in the Field of Nuclear Non-Proliferation‟, in S.

Blavoukos, D. Bourantonis and C. Portela (eds.) The European Union and the

Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (London: Palgrave, 2015) (with C. Portela and S.

Blavoukos), pp. 227-241.

o „Η Σπκκεηνρή ηεο Διιαδαο ζηνπο Θεζκνύο ηεο ΔΔ: Η πεξίπησζε ηεο Πξνεδξίαο‟

ζην Ν. Μαξαβέγηαο (επηκ) 50 Χπόνια Δςπυπαφκήρ Ποπείαρ ηηρ Δλλάδαρ:

Απολογιζμόρ και Πποοπηικέρ (ππό έθδνζε) (ζε ζπλεξγαζία κε Σ. Μπιαβνύθν)*

o „O OHE ζηηο Απαξρέο ηνπ Χπρξνύ Πνιέκνπ¨1945-1950‟, ζην Θ. Καξβνπλαξάθεο

(επηκ) Ο Ψςσπόρ Πόλεμορ: Μία Γιεπιζηημονική Πποζέγγιζη (Αζήλα, Σηδέξεο, 2012),

ζει. 389-407

o „Conclusions‟, in S. Blavoukos and D. Bourantonis, The EU Presence in

International Organizations (London: Routledge, 2011) (with S. Blavoukos ). *

o „Πξνζδηνξίδνληαο Παξακέηξνπο Αιιαγήο ζηε Δμσηεξηθή Πνιηηηθή‟, ζην Κ. Λάβδαο,

Γ. Ξελάθεο θαη Γ. Φξπζνρόνπ (επηκ) Καηεςθύνζειρ ζηη Μελέηη ηυν Γιεθνών

Σσέζευν (Αζήλα, Σηδέξεο, 2010), ζει. 193-213 (ζε ζπλεξγαζία κε Σ.


o „Veto Players, International Institutions and the Security Council Reform‟, in D.

Bourantonis, K. Ifantis and P. Tsakonas (eds.) Multilateralism and Security

Institutions in the Era of Globalization (London: Routledge, 2007) ζει 303-

323(with A. Alexopoulos).

o „Assessing Multilateralism in the Security Domain: Theoretical and Conceptual

Issues‟, in D. Bourantonis, K. Ifantis and P. Tsakonas (eds.) Multilateralism and

Security Institutions in the Era of Globalization (London: Routledge, 2007), ζει.

1-17 ( with K. Ifantis and P. Tsakonas).

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o „Thucydides‟ Writings on Diplomacy and Their Relevance to Current Practice‟, in P.

Kousoulis and K. Magliveras (eds) Moving Across Borders - Foreign Relations,

Religion and Cultural Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean, Orientalia

Lovaniensia Analecta Vol. 159 (Leuven, Peeters, 2007), pp. 51-70 (with K.

Magliveras and P. Frantzis)).

o „Cooperation Between United Nations and Regional Organizations‟, in P.

Kopacek (ed.) Supplementary Ways for Improving International Stability

(Bucharest: IFAC, 1998), pp. 33-38 (with P. Tsakonas).

o „Ο ΟΗΔ ζε Αλαδήηεζε ηεο Παγθόζκηαο Αζθάιεηαο, Αληαγσληζηηθά

Παξαδείγκαηα Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ θαη Γηεζλείο Οξγαληζκνί‟, ζην Θ.

Φξηζηνδνπιίδεο θαη Γ. Μπνπξαληώλεο (επ.) Ο ΟΗΔ ζηο Καηώθλι ηηρ

Μεηατςσποπολεμικήρ Δποσήρ (Αζήλα: Σηδέξεο, 1998), ζει. 21-64 (ζε

ζπλεξγαζία κε Π. Τζάθσλα).

o „Η Διιεληθή Σπκκεηνρή ζε Γηεζλείο Δηξελεπηηθέο Απνζηνιέο θαη ε

Υπνςεθηόηεηα γηα ην Σπκβνύιην Αζθαιείαο‟, ζην Δπεηηπίδα Αμςνηικήρ και

Δξυηεπικήρ Πολιηικήρ 1998 (Αζήλα: ΔΛΙΑΜΔΠ, 1998), ζει. 261-268 (ζε

ζπλεξγαζία κε Γ. Κσζηάθν).

o „Μέηξα Οηθνδόκεζεο Δκπηζηνζύλεο θαη Βαιθαληθή Σηαζεξόηεηα. Η Θέζε ηεο

Διιάδαο‟, ζην Δπεηηπίδα 1997, Ιλζηηηνύην Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ, Πάληεην

Παλεπηζηήκην (Αζήλα: Σηδέξεο, 1997), ζει 177-198 .

o „Purchasing Loyalty: Greece and the European Union‟, in C. Paraskevopoulos,

R. Grinspun and Th. Georgakopoulos (eds.) Economic Integration and Public

Policy: NAFTA, the European Union and Beyond (London: Edward Elgar,

1996) ( with K Tsoutsoplides)

o „Greece and the Falklands Conflict‟, in S. Stavridis and C. Hill (eds.) Domestic

Sources of Foreign Policy. Western European Reactions to the Falklands

Conflict (Oxford: Berg, 1996), pp. 90-97 (with P. Tsakaloyannis)

o „Peace, Security and Development: Roles for the UN in the Twenty-First

Century‟, in D. Bourantonis and M. Evriviades (eds.) A United Nations for the

Twenty-First Century (The Hague: Kluwer, 1996), pp. 1-16 (with M.


o „Time for Change: The Reorganization of the Security Council‟, in C. Hufner

(ed.) An Agenda for Change: Νew Tasks for the United Nations (Opladen: Leske

+ Budrich, 1995), pp. 105-118

o „The idea of Democracy: Component part of Europe‟s Cultural Entirety‟, in H.

de Beaulieu (ed.) From Democratic Deficit to an Europe for the Citizens

(Namur: Presses Universitaires De Νamur, 1994), pp. 19-26(with K. Dimitriou) .

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o „Creating Conditions of Stability in the Balkans‟, in P. Kopacek (ed.)

Supplementary Ways for Increasing International Stability (Oxford: Pergamon

Press) (with P. Tsakonas)


o „The External Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations‟, The Jean

Monnet Papers on Political Economy, 09/2014, The University of the


o „The Chair in the UN Context: Assessing Functions and Performance‟,

Clingendael Discussion Paper in Diplomacy, no 101 (The Hague: Clingendael

Institute), November 2005 (with S. Blavoukos))

o „Continuity and Change in the post-Constitution EU Presidency: A new Actor in

Town?‟, Hellenic Center for European Studies (EKEM), Working Paper 1/2005,

June 2005 (with S. Blavoukos and G. Pagoulatos)

o „EU Representation in the UN Security Council: Bridging the „Capabilities-

Expectations Gap‟, Essex Papers in Politics and Government, no 157, May 2002

(with S. Blavoukos)

o „The UN and Collective Security in the Gulf Crisis: A Missed Opportunity?‟,

New Zealand International Review, vol. XVIII, no 4, July-August 1993, pp. 20-

24(with P. Tsakonas) .

o „The UN, Disarmament and Arms Control in the 1990s‟, Bulletin of Arms

Control, no 3, August 1992, pp 12-15.

o „Η Αεξνπνξηθή Μεηαθνξά‟, Νομικό Βήμα, Τεύρνο 35, αξ. 10, 1987, ζει. 1494-

1496 (ζε ζπλεξγαζία κε Φ. Μαραίξα).


o Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, „Greece and the Cold War. Frontline State, 1952-1957‟

(London and New York: Routledge), in Cold War History, 8 (1), 2009, pp. 124-


o Roberto Aliboni, George Joffe and Tim Niblock (eds.) „Security Challenges in

the Mediterranean Region‟ (London: Frank Cass, 1996), in Contemporary

History Review, 20 (2), 1999.

o James Hawdon, „Emerging Organizational Forms: The Proliferation of Regional

Intergovernmental Organizations in the Modern World System‟ (Westport:

Greenwood Press, 1996) in International History Review, XX (2), 1998.

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o Geoff Simons, „The United Nations: A Chronology of Conflict‟ (New York: St

Martin Press, 1994) in International History Review, XVII (3), 1995.

o Adam Roberts and Benedict Kingsbury (eds.) „The United Nations –Divided

World‟ (Οxford: Oxford University Press, 1994) in Millennium: Journal of

International Relations, 24 (1), 1995.



o „Addressing Root Causes of Conflict and Conflict Prevention Worldwide‟,

participation in a round table, Jean Monnet/ECSA Conference 2016 on „EU

Governance in Times of Global Challenges‟, 17-18 October 2016.


o „Speaking with One Voice but Differently? The EU in the UN General Assembly‟,

paper presented at the International Conference on „The European Union in

International Affairs V, Brussels, 11-13 May 2016.

o o „New Kids on the Block‟? The Role of the Eurogroup President in the post-Lisbon

Era‟, paper presented at the Workshop „European Union Decision-Making and

Challenges to Economic and Financial Governance,, Netherlands Institute for

Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences and European Research

Center for Economic and Financial Government, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 8-9

December 2015.

o „Inter-Organizational Relations in a Nested Environment: Regional Organizations in

the UN‟, paper prepared for the international conference on „Networked World?

Multilateral Institutions in International Security Governance, ETH Zurich, 6-7

November 2015.

o “Much Ado About Nothing? The Resolution 65/276 and the European Union as a

New Diplomatic Actor in the UN General Assembly”, paper presented at the

workshop on “Global Governance Transformed: Explaining the Nexus between the

EU and International Organizations”,Queen Mary, University of London, Friday 25

September 2015.

o „Assessing the EU‟s Role at the UN General Assembly‟, paper presented for the

International Workshop on „Evaluating the EU Presence in the UN‟, Athens

University of Economics and Business, 13-14 February 2015

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o „Iran and Libya: Assessing EU Performance in International Crises‟, paper prepared

for the „European Union in International Affairs IV‟ Conference, Brussels, 22-24

May 2014.

o „Evaluating EU Performance: The Case of the 2010 NPT Review Conference‟,

paper presented at the 2nd European Workshops in International Studies, EISA,

Izmir, Turkey, 21-24 May 2014.

o Co-Chair of a conference section (consisting of 10 panels) on „Revisiting the

European Security Strategy. Ten Years After‟, ECPR/SGIR 8th


Conference on International Relations, 18-21 September 2013 (forthcoming)

o „Η Κίλα ζηνλ Οξγαληζκό Ηλσκέλσλ Δζλώλ΄, Ηκεξίδα „Η Κίλα θαη νη «Αιινη»:

Σελέρεηεο θαη Αζπλέρεηεο ζηηο Σρέζεηο ηεο Κίλαο κε ηελ Δπξώπε θαη ηνλ Κόζκν‟,

νξγαλσζείζα από ην Τκήκα Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο θαη Γεκόζηαο Γηνίθεζεο,

Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελώλ θαη Τκήκα Πνιηηηθήο Δπηζηήκεο θαη Γηεζλώλ Σρέζεσλ,

Παλεπηζηήκην Πεινπνλλήζνπ, 7 Γεθεκβξίνπ 2012.

o „Assessing the EU Strategy on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons‟, 1st

SGIR/EISA Exploratory Workshop, Rhodes, 25-27 October 2012.

o „Reciprocity as Bargaining Strategy of EU in its Negotiations with Iran: A Case

Study in Failure?‟, paper presented at the Annual CISS Conference on „Between

the Global and the Regional: Actors, Processes and Institutions‟, Prague, 24-26

June 2012 (paper tabled not presented).

o „H Σπκκεηνρή ηεο Διιάδαο ζηνπο Θεζκνύο ηεο EE: H Πεξίπησζε ηεο Πξνεδξίαο‟,

ζην ζπλέδξην ηεο „Διιεληθήο Παλεπηζηεκηαθήο Έλσζεο Δπξσπατθώλ Σπνπδώλ,

Αζήλα, 31 Μαίνπ 2012.

o „Neutrality and European Integration. What Liew Ahead?‟ Paper presented at the

conference on „Comparing and Contrasting Europeanization: Concepts and

Experiences‟, organised by the Institute of International Economic Relations and the

Hellenic Observatory of LSE, Athens, 14-16 May 2012.

o „Synergistic Linkages between Nested IO‟s: The United Nations and the European

Union Sanction Policy‟, Inter-Organisationalism in International Relations: Theories

and cases, International Expert Workshop, Vesalius College & Institute for

European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), 27-28 January 2012.

o „EU and International Organisations‟, PHD, Summer School on „Europe in the

World, Department of Political Science, Rethymnon 16-28 August 2011, University

of Crete,

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o „How the Soviets Called the Western Powers‟ Bluff in the UN Disarmament

Negotations: 1954-1955‟, paper presented at the Annual conference of the British

International History Group, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 8-10 September


o „Do the UN Sanctions Strengthen the International Presence of the EU?‟, paper

presented at the Third International Global Studies Conference, Porto, Portugal, 17-

20 August 2011 .

o „Do the UN Sanctions Strengthen the International Presence of the EU?‟, paper

presented at the 18th

International Conference of Europeanists, , Barcelona, Spain,

20-22 June 2011 .

o „In Quest for a Stronger EU Presence in the UN Security Council‟, paper presented

at the international conference on „Effective Multilateralism: The EU and other

International Institutions‟, Loughborough University, Center for the Study of

International Governance, 13-14 January 2011.

o „The EU and the UN Security Council Reform: A Missed Opportunity or a Blessing

in Disguise?‟, paper presented at the International Conference on „Europe in Global

Governance: Performance, Reform, Power‟, Rapalo, Italy, 29 October-1 November


o „Accounting for Foreign Policy Change: The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs‟, paper

presented at the bi-annual conference of the Standing Group for International

Relations of the ECPR, Stockholm, September 2010.

o 'The EU Neutrals and Security Integration: What Lies Ahead?', 10th International

CISS Millennium Conference, Venice, Italy, 4-6 July 2010.

o „Assessing the EU Performance in the United Nations: The Case of the UN Security

Council reform‟, paper presented at the GARNET Conference on „The European

Union in International Affairs, Brussels, 22-24 April 2010 (with S. Blavoukos).

o „The EU-27 and the UNSC Reform Debate: Testing the „Effective Multilateralism‟

Rhetoric‟, paper presented at the Delphi International Workshop on „The EU

Presence in International Organisations‟, Delphi, 12-13 June 2009 (with S.


o „Neutrals and the Development of CFSP-ESDP: Any Contribution at All?", paper

presented at the Conference on 'Neutrality and European Security Governance

during and after the Cold War‟, Cyprus Center for European and International

Affairs, Nicosia, 6-7 April 2009 (with S. Blavoukos)

o „Identifying Parameters for Foreign Policy Change: A Synthetic Approach‟, paper

presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association, New

York, 14-18 February 2009 (with S. Blavoukos)

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o „Autonomous Chairs in UN Multilateral Negotiations‟ paper presented at the World

International Studies Committee (WISC) Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23-26

July 2008 (jointly with S. Blavoukos).

o “Greek Conditionality Policy in the EU: The case of Turkey‟s Accession‟, paper

presented at the 18th

International Millennium Conference, Paris, 14-16 June 2008.

o „Can expansion lead to a more efficient UN Security Council? A Veto-Players

Analysis‟ in the ECPR/SGIR 6th Pan-European Conference on International

Relations , Turin, Italy, 15-17 September 2007 (with A. Alexopoulos).

o Η Μνλνκεξήο Πνιηηηθή ησλ ΗΠΑ: Δθηίκεζε ηνπ Κόζηνπο κε βάζε ηε

Νενξεαιηζηηθή θαη Θεζκηθή Θεσξία, ζην ζπλέδξην ηεο SAFIA, «Γηεζλήο Αζθάιεηα

ζηνλ 21ν Αηώλα: H πξόθιεζε θαη ην Κόζηνο», 16 Μαξηίνπ 2007, ΔΒΔΑ.

o „A New Presidency for the EU‟, paper to be presented in International Conference

on Debating Europe: The New Research Agenda, Hellenic Center for European

Studies (EKEM), June 2006, Delphi (with S. Blavoukos and G. Pagoulatos).

o ΄Τα Πεληρξά απνηειέζκαηα ηεο Σπλόδνπ Κνξπθήο ζην πεδίν ηνπ αθνπιηζκνύ θαη

ηνπ ειέγρνπ ησλ εμνπιηζκώλ΄, εηζήγεζε ζηε δηεκεξίδα „60 Χπόνια από ηην Ίδπςζη

ηος ΟΗΔ. Αποηίμηζη ηυν Δπγαζιών ηηρ Σςνόδος Κοπςθήρ‟, Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελώλ,

24-25 Οθησβξίνπ 2005.

o „The Role of the Chair in Multilateral Negotiations in the UN Context‟, First Global

International Studies Conference, Istanbul, Bilgi University, 24 – 27 August 2005.

o „From Perverse to Effective Institutionalism? NATO, EU and the Greek-Turkish

Conflict‟, International Conference on „Assessing Multilateralism in the Security

Domaim‟, 3-5 June, Delphi (with P. Tsakonas).

o „Continuity and Change in the Post-Constitution EU Presidency: A New Actor in

Town?‟, EUSA- Ninth Biennial International Conference, Austin, Texas, 31 March-

2 April 2005

o „Thucydidies as a source of Diplomacy: Ambassadors, Consuls, Messengers and

Diplomatic Practice in the Greek city-states system‟, International Conference on

„Foreign Relations and Diplomacy in the Ancient World‟, University of Aegean, 3-5

December 2004 .

o Discussant, panel „The United Nations in the context of the New World Order‟,

Fifth Pan-European International Relations Conference on „Constructing New

World Orders‟, 9-11 September 2004, The Hague, Netherlands.

o „EU Representation in the UN: Debate and Outcomes‟, Annual conference of the

British International Studies Association (BISA), 19-21 December 2001 (with S.

Blavoukos), paper tabled.

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o Guest speaker, „The role of the UN in international security‟, 2000 World Model

United Nations, Athens, 26 March 2000.

o „Enhanced Cooperation Between the UN and Regional Organizations in Security

Issues‟, 1998 IFAC Conference on Supplementary Ways for Improving

International Stability, Bucharest, 14-16 May 1998.

o „The Relationship between Disarmament and Development in the UN‟, International

Conference on „The Role of the United Nations in the Post-Cold War Era‟, Panteion

University, May 1996.

o „Creating Conditions for Stability in the Balkans‟, 1995 IFAC Conference on

Supplementary Ways for Improving International Stability, Vienna, 29 September –

1 October 1995

o „Peacekeeping and Peacemaking: Some Lessons from the Field‟, International

Workshop on „New Tasks for the United Nations‟, International Institute for Peace,

Vienna, 15-17 April 1994.

o „Purchasing Loyalty: Greece and the European Union‟, International Conference on

„Economic Integration and Public Policy: NAFTA, the European Union and

Beyond”, York University, Toronto, 27-29 May 1994.

o „The idea of Democracy: Component part of Europe‟s Cultural Entirety‟,

International Conference „From Democratic Deficit to an Europe for the Citizens‟,

Notre-Dame University, Namur, Belgium, 7-9 July 1994

o Chairman, panel „Japan, the UN Security Council and International Peacekeeping‟,

International Workshop on „The Politics of European-Japanese Relations in the

mid-1990s‟, University of Reading, 14-15 December 1994.

o „Nuclear Disarmament Policy in the UN: Anglo-American Cooperation 1945-1946‟,


Annual Conference of the British International History Group, University of

West of England, Bristol, 16-18 September 1993.

o „The United Nations and Disarmament Implications of Democratization‟, Political

Studies Association (PSA) Conference, University of Lancaster, 15-17 March 1991.

o „The Role of the United Nations in the Disarmament Affairs: Change or

Continuity?‟, British International Studies Association (BISA), University of

Newcastle Upon Tyne, 17-19 December 1990.


Τν έξγν ηνπ θνπ Μπνπξαληώλε έρεη ηύρεη πνιπάξηζκσλ δηεζλώλ εηεξναλαθνξώλ

αλάκεζα ζηηο νπνίεο ζπγθαηαιέγνληαη εηεξναλαθνξέο ζε επηζηεκνληθά πεξηνδηθά

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πςειήο αλαγλσξηζηκόηεηαο, όπσο International Organization, International Security,

International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of

European Public Policy, Journal of European Integration, European Union Politics,

European Journal of International Law, Harvard International Law Review, ζε

Handbooks θ.α.