, news of the sporting world ia:. … · the oregon daily--jourmau portland, saturday evbnino.july...

., .: THE OREGON DAILY -- JOURMAU PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVBNINO. JULY g.'., 1807. a - - j' : r .. I NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD L- -J ; : - H - r 5 rr - V Portland SEATTLE LAUDS To B United at Once by Close and Permanent Commercial Ritl . . m roxrLAjrs coos bat stsamskxp ooxrAjrr . MMyrmi ia:. y::mM l THIRD' STRAIGHT "c, - feii: f-- 1 Announces tha Initial Trip of th Newly Equipped and Commodious Steamer ' PORTLAND'S CREW r in Post Intelligencer Says the Portland Team Takes An 4 "V 4 " Ha. J Much Interest in Tri-Cit- y Pitcher Who Works This Afternoon. V Local Men Won Without Making an Effort. BREAKWATER .. v-,- : ,--, - . yv- - mOX OBT&aJn TO OOOI SAT rOXTfl. ' MONDAY, JULY 8, 1907 LMTlnf Oak' Street Dock at 8:00 p. m. and Regularly Each Monday Bvanlng Thereafter. Th BREAKWATER Is" Just off th drydook after a thorough otn hauling and her fittings and equipment are new and first class through out, with capaolty for 80 flrst-ola- ss and 10 second-clas- s passengers. TAJtB Ssvween Portland and Ooo Bar lolnts (Umpire, Horth Band and Mars ha aid), 110.00 nrat elassi 17.00 soond alass, tnolndlnr berth and meals. Purchas tlckti i and make reservations at City Ticket Office, Third and Wsshlngton St.; C. W. Stlniger. City Ticket Agent, or Oak 8tret Dook, , - 1; IfMUer & Co., Dock Agents. a 3? tCCULXM, Yl04wmsidat " Osnarsi 2aaaa4rr. other Crawl Up the Per- centage Cojumn. UMPIRE PUTS TWO Seattle newspapers, as a rule, are not LEAGUE PLAYS EIGHT ft given to praising Portland, things In k.:a - GAMES TOMORROW : OUT OP THE GAME Portland or people who win honors for Portland, but the extraordinary ability shown by the local crew In the senior Kelso Tigers Wfll Battle With Brain Lours race in the sound city during tne resratta the Fourth, forced the following Dillon Mid Atherton Ot Wrathy PHOTO ard (Tuba in the Afternoon Mau from the "Deserving Dan Murphy, coach of the Portland rowing crew which won the Orer Decisions And Perrlne Says Scat" MeCredle and Carson Hit rice Whltemore Resigns as Man' ager of the Frakea Team. senior fours in the International regatta of the North Paoiflo association of Safely Each Time at Bat. Amateur Oarsmen, held on Lake Wash- ington yesterday afternoon for several hours, was a tickled man when his boys stretched away for eight long, clear E. E. Merge's Track Horse, Irvington Track, July 4. TRI-CIT- Y LEAGUE SCHEDULE. At Recreation Park Kelso Tigers vs. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Portland , Lew Angeles 4. San Francisco 4, Oakland 0. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. known as the "C. F. Cuba . .. Kr.filorrow'sAnti-Lea- D King Swimming valued A Championship Trophy, which is I H at several hundred dollars. In addition At wood burn Fraaas va inaiana. At St. Johns Brewers va Trunks. At Astoria Apostles va Bohemians, f to which a purse will be given. There win also t moneyed prise ror tne win uaxzu uab noru fat Pitcher Gardner, whose long arm and The ners of second and third placea Pet. .641 .Bit .812 .400 Won. Lost. Los Angelea 46 35 Oakland 41 41 Pan Francisco 44 42 Portland 3 41 by C. F. King, the trophy Is donated ' Taroogn th nsrvoo sys-ysUa- a. It U a imxaly H speedy delivery has won more than on game of ball, will deliver the goods this well-kno- financial agent or Boston. Tifmtii eompouad. who Is also publisher of tha Boston Dally Tribune. Contain no oils or fat or any drug that I Injurious Assurances nave aireaay Deen re afternoon at Reoreatlon Park at I o'clock for the Trunks in their gam against th St John Apostles. Th game promises to b an interesting on. ceived of at least 60 entries, represent or iiaDi to proaue a naoit IT IS THE GREATEST 11 Charlie Moore will mount tha mound ing several states or me union, uanaaa. England and Ireland. The event will tako on an International character, and In Boston the Interest in the conteat is growing to such an extent that the raoe promises to rival In Donulartty the Mar TONIC IN THE WORXD LSj . jaywaJBHMii iaj ii.:'W.'Mwani w.i tmPill jinina.i.iijijssai ms,o ii L f If vjsr ; ; , . U f k i7i fl?4J ' 4 acn bottle contain aI 1 for St Johns and will toss to his brother behind the bat Slno th laet V montn a treatment and cost 11.80 at any flrst-ola- ss dfug tore. Prepared by th athon run i (Joarsal Special Barrio..) Angeles, July .Portland took a peek at th 400 pr cent mark yester- day by again defeating Loa Angeles In Ja fatureles but cloa ram. With vth Bearer now In tha 400 class, only 'ill points difference remains between ths top and cellar of tha percentage column, and MeCredle has really rot his club Into tha raoa. .V wuh tha axeaptlon of. the orders 1s- -' sued by Umpire Perrlne, which took both Dillon and Atherton out of the game and off tha field for bushwhack; lag at the king's royal edicts, the ex It will be easily possible for the en tire population of the city of Boston gam played by th Trunks the team has been strengthened considerably and Manager Partlow threatens to possess the pennant when th Trl-Clt- y leaf a 7 ANTI-LEA- N HEDICI1E CO. Oraroalaa Bldg, Bortland, O. and surroundings to witness a great portion of the race, as the swimmers win pass in run view or tne hundreds season closea The line-u- p of th teams ' "W sajiiiii this afternoon: of wharves In the upper harbor, and along the route taken by the pleasure steamers on their way to the resorts Position. Trunks. ameaon .. . . . of the lower harbor. The course will Gardner be policed so that there may be nothing me. Mart- - to interfere witn the work or the con treme heat deadened the gai man started In to do the slat Metser Robldeaux ... work and St Johna .... O. Moore . . . . C. Moore Clarke Moore McKay Brown .. Trowbridge ....... Gains Hlnklo Rippley testants, and as a guarantee of safety to everybody Interested the onlookers continued for five Innings, when he was Hay o. ... ,v.v.v.v 2b.... . . Sb. . , .".'.V.ff.'.V. . . . .cf . . . . rf 1 I I ana ice contestanta Shockley Van Nortwtck Locke MAJOR LEAGUE NOTES BANK AND OFFICE RitlLING WISE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc displaced by Klnseiia, wno neia me l Loos down until the close of the ninth. Both Carson and MeCredle had a bat- - ttng average of 1.000, slugging the ball for a safe blngl each time at bat The cor LOS ANGELES. Barhart J Freddy Parent is claylna a great aame Trl-Clt-y Xieatru Votes. There have been acaln dances, sun- - ror tne Boston Americans. Indianapolis fans have a blescher or-- AB. R. IB. PQ. A. E. Hank, Owned by J. S. Crane, Winning by Close Margin Free-for-A- ll Trot Irvington Track, July 4. I dances and big pow-wo- galore going on at Woodburn ever since the Fourth. Bernard, cf fanlzation railed the Kind Word club, of the club Is to nut s. eton to ause, Indians are leading the league knocking and to toss kind words to the PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000. SECOND AND EVERETT STS. home players when they win. In the pennant race by a good margin. Strung out behind them are the other leaders In the order named. Frakes, St. "Buirs" Raymond, who has been signed OFFICIAL SCORE OF - Ellis. II..... Brashear, 2b Cravath, lb. Bmt,th, lb... Dillon, lb. . Delmas, ss.. Hogan, c... Narle. p.... oy tha St. Louis Nationals, tried to a i b o 8 2 0 1 John and Kelso. The Cubs, who have TWO ASTORIA GAMES top an electric fan with his ungloved hand the other day and came very near been occupying the cellar while the leaders have been perohed on the top rounds are now leading the second di OAxrroBifXA xoteib. naving nis pitcning arm put out of bust new permanently. Five hits one day and twenty hits th vision by a good margin and a few Eager, rf Totals . more wins will put them among the next i the way the New York High 7 IT 10 2 11 4 leaders in the first division. lanaprs nave Deen Datting. boat lengths of water and pieked up victory in broad daylight in such an easy-goin- g, conventional manner that It could not help reflecting on the showings made by the other four crewa. Murphy was pleased In more way than one for he Is not afraid to place his legal tender on what he con- siders a good thing. Sometime he considers wrong but not this tlma, and he will carry some of the Nelson money back to Portland with him If he breaks away from his many Saattl friends in good time. "In the biggest event of th day, the senior foura, the orew tugged at the oars fiercely, all but the Fortlanders, trying hard nearly all of the time to keep from finishing last. That honor Maurice Whltemore. the hustling man Joe Kelley and his "Canucks" have PORTLAND. AB. R. IB. PO. X E. S 1 1 8 0 0 set the Toronto baseball world crazy ureat ining Tor oir josepn to neaa winner his first year In the Eastern ager of the Frakes, and one of th pro- moters of the league, has found that business will not admit of his remain- ing with the team, and he has handed In hi resignation. H. H. Pomeroy, an east side fan. has taken ud the reins league. Following Is the official score of the Bralnard Cubs and the Astoria Bo- hemians in the two games played at Astoria on July 4: Morning game BRAINARD CUBS. AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Barrell, cf. Ft 0 1 2 0 0 Krugef, 8b. , 4 0 0 1 1 0 Kennedy, lb. I 1 0 10 0 1 Tark, ss 8 2 2 2 2 2 Lodeil. 2b ...S 1 0 2 6 1 Magness, If 4 2 1 2 0 1 Lerch. rf. 4 1 1 1 0 1 Nellson. c 1 0 0 7 8 0 "What do rou think of those Rrrfnk lynsr has been asked more thin once and will take over the Frakes franchise ouring tne past month. 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 and maybe the team. There are rumor Mans kit Lajole ha his Cleveland ' Basaey. If . . . . Mott, lb Donahue, cf . . . MeCredle, rf . . Atherton. 2b.. Wallace, cf. .. Moore, a Carson, lb.... ftehtmpff, ss.. Hartman, p... Klusella, p . . . . Totals ...... that several new faces will be seen in team keeping great step and looks settled upon the James Bay club of the irrakes lineup. line a naro struggle ror the White Sox Uie remainder or the season. Makes the skin like you want It. Does It In a moment. Hagaris cMagnolia. Halm. A liquid preparation for Face, Neck, Arms and Hands. It Is neither sticky nor greasy.' It's harmless, clean and rdfreshlng. Cannot be detected. Two colors Pink and White. Use It morning, noon and night. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. SAMPLE FREE. X.TOW Mr. Co, 44 & Tift St, Brooklya, N.Y. victoria. Vancouver crossed the im- aginary line second. Nelson third and ' Manager Smith of th Cubs ha sev- eral new men on th string for the ' The Cincinnati team has been playing j 'tit- - oan or mie ana a gooa many ran Htrelt, p 4 1 0 0 2 0 balance of the season, among them be I n cr two Tii r"h mrm nil ..trh.. seatue lourtn. "From the very first instant tha Port believe the Reda will get into the firs .14 10 2 I 2 From' all Indications there will be no iio crew caugni tne water it was division berore the close of the son. Total 82 8 6 27 16 ASTORIA BOHEMIANS. baseball at the Oaks this Season, as the water la too high over th flat to Manager McGuire of the Boston Amer HOTEL JEFFERSON TURK AND GOUGH STREETS "SAN rBANCISCO. FECIAL SUMMER RATES Wroten. cf. allow of work. The street oar people are waiting patiently to see the water cans snouia get jimmy Barrett a cap to fit him. Jim ripped hi cap up the hack in order to make It stay on his 1 - Brashear out bunting third strike. SCORE BT INNINGS. Los Angeles 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 Hits 10 10 10 1127 ' -- ' Portland 00011201 0 5 Jflts 0 1 0 2 2 2 0 2 110 Graham, lb. Blossom, ss. Gates, rf. . . aneaa. putting clear water between them and the next fastest boat before It got full swing on more than seven strokes, recovering and catching rap-Idl- y. Murphy nearly blew up when this happened. Portland was forging ahead, little by little, their fast, long stroke Increasing the lead constantly. The other trailed in a bunch all by them- selves. Seattle had a hard Hm n run. recede so tney can throw a fore of men on the work. The Kelso Tigers will be seen upon a Portland diamond for the first time In Griffith. 2b. . Pitchers Lindaman and Ltnriermann are New hotel, face Jefferson Square. Two blocks fran Vas Ness Ave., the present shop- ping district Car lines transferring all over Kelt, c both members of the Boston Nationals. . SUMMARY. Carlson, 8b. . ;jne Brooklyn team as well as the local baseball history Sunday, when they meet the Cubs. These two teams have Brakke. If. .. nts put an awful crlmn In the Phlla.. city, paaaaosr. Every modern convenience. 350 rooms single or ea suite. 160 private hatha American and European plana Prices moder- ate. Omnibus meets all trains. s ' ' Three-bas- e hit Nagle. Two-ba- se hits ' ' Nagle, Moore, MeCredle. Sacrifice - btta Eills. Schlmpff, MeCredle. Left ulng away from th last crew. aemma team s pennant asolratlona. Backus, p. . . Wolfe, p. ... Portland Decked awav with a inn. nl Chase has slumped In hla work a tie to settle, as each have won one, and there will be fur flying on the Vaughn street diamond, sura Hull, the " on haaea Los Angeles 10, Portland win ine otner tlignianders. .84 8 4 27 10 I Wii-a- t haee on called balls Off Hartman Totals STEWART-BARKE- R CO. The Hotel Stewart Opens September 1st either St. Lou I a team has played as ' 2, off Nagle 1, off Klneella 1. Struck gonn oan tins season as last. "j nu a uirer xne entire course, rowing in splendid form, and when they finished they were able to cheer loudly, an evidence that they had not extended themselves to the limit. Eight lengths was their lead." Kelt out, hit by batted ball second in nw York fans fear that tha rreat th went disease Out By Magie (, oy twriram c, vy iv 'Mil a. wild nltch N&aie. First base ILOOOi on .arm. ret tne ning. SCORE BY INNINGS. on errors Los Angelee 2. Time of eaaleat to cor WHEN Mathewsftn is becoming an "In and outer." In one game Matty shows him- self the old-ti- wonder and in the next premier twlrler for the Tigers, will try to make a shut-o- ut game. The Cubs are leading the league in hitting anor are playing fast, snappy ball. The con- test will be well worth witnessing. Manager Partlow ha a mighty good-looki- bunch of ball tossers now, and after they strike their stride there will be some surprises administered to the TXB BXAUTIXUXi SlXtf .. ... . hours 20 minutes. Umptn Cubs Run 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 3 08 . Perrina. Stolen bases Nagle 2, Bra- - ne-i- s on t tea out or the box. Hits 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 05 IN LOCAL BASEBALL CIRCLES The Tigers are making quite a bid Bohemians Runs 00010020 0 3 YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many bar pimples, spots ea tb kin, sore la tb month, ulcers, falling balr. bone palna, ca POISON Hotel "Key Route inn" ror tne pennant, but very few fans out ' 0 shear 2, Ellis, Bassey. ; FASTEST SWIMMERS The Laue-Dav- is branch 3 nln will play the Laue-Dav- is branch 2 nine at Hits 00020020 04 SUMMARY. Struck-o- ut By Strelt. 7: by Backus. side of Detroit think Jennings' men will arrive at the top in time to hoist the leaders in tne pennant race. There will be a meeting of the board at 122 Grand avenue Wednesday even- ing of thl week. Matter of Importance compel the call. " Kelso has protested the St. Johns nag. A St. Louis uniform is very becoming 2. Wolfe. 1. Bases on balls Off Back- - me latter ground Sunday momlng at 10 o'clock. The East Portland Stars would like V, WILL ENTER CONTEST tarrh, and don't rnmt It Is BLOOD POISON. Bend te DB. BROWN, 35 Arch 8t., Philadelphia, Pasa., tot BROWN'S BLOOD CURB. 200 per bottle! lasts one month. Bold In Portland ealy by Woodward. Clarke A Co. S. Two-bas- e hits Gates, eacririce i Dm Kinren nnn an tnat is nee hits Kruger. Stolen bases Barrell. 10 arrange games with city teams not essary now Iw for Bill to win a few over 1 years of age. Dates can be rame to mane nis stay in the Mound City a happy affair. son. Hit by pitched ball Kennedy. Lo game wun tne ngers or two weeks ago, basing their claim for protest on viola Championship In Water to Be Deter inaoo wun Manager Alfred Daniels. 608 deil, Turk. Passed balls, battery error jam. Ann street, or phone East 3044 tion or the rule governing; players in Kelt, wild pitcn. battery error 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-distan- telephones, compressed air clean- ing, large lobby, cafe a la carta with cuisine and service unsurpassed. For rates, et&, address N. S. MULLAN. Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palaca Kotal. Ban Francisco. NATIONAL LEAGUE mined at Boston During the National Meet. Wolfe. First bsse on errors Cubs.' 8; inss Campbell, who pitched for Multnomah during the Multrvomah-Seattl- e game the Fourth, had the athletes swinging their heads off Bohemians, 6. Earned runs cubs, 3 U1U1UI 111. Oakland Blanked. (Journal Special lerrlea.) Bohemians, 3. Left on bases Cubs, 4; Bohemians. . 4. Innings Ditched Strelt. Won. .. B2 9; Backus, 4: Wolfe, 6. Hits made Off IUFLE IN TREE TRUNK From tha Seattle Times. About 11 miles from Centralia, on the road to Llttl Rock. Is a curiosity, to see which would amply repay any one for the drive. About 60 yards from the road, near a deserted homestead, is "ii puiziing siow Dan which he lobbed oyer the plate. It was minced in with his speediest ones and proved very ef-- During the old bom week celebration Strelt, 4: off Backus. 1. Wolfe, 4. Time San Francisco, July 6. Oakland failed to get a look-i- n during the game yes- terday. Jones' long arm being master of ame, 1:10. umpires uiney ana In Rnatnn. Jul? 28 to August S, in Lost. Pet. 17 .754 24 .19 25 .616 .10 .645 3 .444 31! .424 46 .866 63 .264 Chicago New York .. Pittsburg .. Philadelphia Boston Cincinnati .. Brooklyn ... St. Louis McKee. scorer smitn. tne situation, in score: .. 40 . 86 .. 2R . 2R . 2? . 18 clutilve, there will be a swimming race in determine the long-distan- swim Afternoon game BRAINARD CUBS. ming championship of the United States. HOTEL HOLLAND. an nne imoeoma in R. H. E. San Francisco 4 4 2 Oakland 0 8 1 Batteries Jones and Street; Wright Fenton s one-hand- running catches near second base In the Multnomah games elicited numerous bouquets from the fans Both catches were line drives that shot over towards right field with the speed of a cannon-bal- l, but Fenton's left mitt was a backatnn th nn,.Mn AB. R. H. PO. A. Jt will tie over approximnmiy mile course, the start being made from Uls street, Bet. Powell and .41011 trunk of a tree. - . a Th trunk of the orub Oak If not more than six Inches through sit the ana tuin. umpire uerricx. 4 Charles town bridee and the course end In mt nr niflr Rnatnn Ijiffht. Barrell, cf. , Kruger, 3 b. . Kennedy, lb. an rranolaoo. NOW OPEN point where th rifle is imbedded, so P I Bath. I ' Swimmers from all over the world Answering Telegrams In Russia, get through, under or over. It was Rin- ger' sizzling drive to the Ditcher in urk, ss. . 1 . Yesterday's Gaines. At New York New York 2, 1. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 1, St. Louis 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE tnat me siock anu Drr view. The rifle Is In- - a perfect tat. nt nrAervn.tioti. Strictly Blrst-Clas- s, re Invited to compete. The contest will be a professional one in that any- body Is free to enter, regardless of 2 6 0 9 1 1 6 1 0 X 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 prooi. ui jtooma; 90 with ..4 ..4 ..8 ..2 ..4 ..4 ,.1 .8 tne sixth that put Wandesford high in the air and gave the game to the locals. There is a rumor currant th.. It Is evident that th rifle was placed Russian procrastination Is proverbial Tet, even in this Aslatlo corner of Eu- rope, writes the Warsaw correspondent J. ouonrarsx-S- . Mgr. Shea, c Magness, If. , Lerch. rf Lodeli, 2b. . , Olney, p Strelt, p amateur regulations. The first prize will be a magnificent trophy to be of the Pall Mall Oaaette, II months is Wnn In a crotch of tne tree many year ago, probably at the height at which a man would rest a gun when taking careful In the course of years the tree has Portland Newspapermen's team will P a2 a similar collection of ball tossers in Seattle as soon as arrangement can be completed. Gardner, who Ditches thi thought to be rather a long time to t Totals 33 S 7 24 11 11 ASTORIA EOHEMIANS. wn completely arouna tne ruie, tne t being imbedded. Th crotch is take to answer a telegram. The min- istry of the Interior evidently does not think so. gro loch Lost. 23 2 2 27 34 41) 41 41 Pet. .652 .623 .687 .565 .469 .403 .379 .328 Chicago 41 Cleveland 43 Philadelphia, 38 Detroit 35 New York 10 St. Louis 27 Boston , 25 Washington 20 now about six Inches above the barrel for the trunks, while still 'under his majority. Is recognized as one of the headiest pitchers in the Tri-Cit- y league and it is exnertpd thnf h. m . 8 8 Graham, 3b. Pool, If. ... Blossom, ss. and the gun 1 about 10 feet from the In October. 1006. some 60 inhabitants ground. Romances innumerable might be ate", lb. . of Warsaw signed a telegram to Count Wltte. then minister of the interior. 4 0 1 11 1 7 0 1 2 woven about the old rifle, but it stands law Will SJL4U J his record as a strike-ou- t twlrler. SEMI-FINAL- S PLAYED Yesterday'g Games. Griffith, 2b. Kelt, c. Carlson, rf. Wroten, cf. Brakke, p. protesting against the brutal way In which the Cossacks and Lancers charged a peaceful crowd on the "Con- stitution Day." Last week brought an as a memento to tne aeveiopment ana progress that have taken place. What was a wild and unexplored country at At Detroit Detroit 9, Philadelphia 5 At Cleveland Cleveland 2 the time when the rifle was first placed in the crotch of the tree, with the red York 1. man monarch of all he surveyed, with scattered settlements of hardy pioneers Totals 38 8 8 27 12 SCORE BY INNINGS. Cubs Runs 00001018 0- - already preparing to contest his su- - WORSE EVERY YEAR Plenty of Portland Readers Have the Same Ex- perience Don't neglect an aching back. h It will get worse every year. ' Backache Is really kidney ache. To cure the back you must cure the kidneys. j If you don't, other kidney ills follow ' ' Urinary troubles, diabetes, Brlghfs disease. ' A Portland Citizen tella you how the cur Is easy. e Portland remacy, is now aottea wun rarms and answer. The 60 were summoned to the town hall and told, with great pomp and ceremony, that their telegram could not be attended to, firstly, because they had forgotten to fix a revenue stamp to it, and secondly, because such com- plaints should be addressed to the sen- ate and not to the minister of the in- terior. Of course, those who were wounded on that memorable occasion are either YESTERDAYS RACE EVENTS At Sheepshead Bay. 'Journal Special Service.) New York. Julv 5. Cahoche omes of prosperous families. OFF AT IRVINGTON Benham and Northrop defeated Moore and Nunn yesterday afternoon at the Irvington court in the last match of the semi-final- s. The two former and Gloss and McAlpin are now matched for the club championship In the double. Two matches were also played off yesterday in the ladles' singles with the following results: Mrs. Moore defeated Mrs. Lockwood, 4, 1; Mrs. Cook defeated Miss Fox, 3, 6, 3. Hlts 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 17 Bohemians Runs 01 1! M 0 0 0 8 Hits 0 1 1 23 0 1 0 08 PORTLAND, OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY SUMMARY. YOXTB Xii vuK 1 shot, won the Soendthrlft handian Is out of order. Tou go to bed In a Btmck-ou- t By Olney, 4; Strelt, 1, HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS bad humor and get up with a bad taste one mile and a furlong, at Sheepshead Bay today, defeating McCarter, the fa- vorite, by one and one half lor-t- BraKKe, t. Bases on Dans orf Brakke, 2. Two-bas- e hits Blossom. Three-bas- e killed or cured long ago, and those who signed the telegram had forgotten all about the incident AXM1J COMMERCIAL. TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink. anO Jilts Kruger. Graham, Carlson. Home. III OUllB . Six and a runs Kennedy. Double play Barrell to Lodeil. Sacrifice hits Magness. Stolen half furlongSjftoMLady It costs no mor In tb Won, Littleton Maid second, Aetuda Portland Hot! Rattekaflor third; time. 1:19. nases warren, Madness. Hit by pitched ball Wroten. Passed balls, battery er- ror Kelt. First base on errors Cubs. in your moutn. you want something to stimulate your liver. Just try Hor-bln-e, the liver regulator. A positive cure for constipation, dyspepsia and all liver complaints. Mrs. F , Fort Worths Texas, writes: "Have used Herblne In my family for years. Words can't express what I think about it. Everybody in my house- hold are happy and well, and we owe it to Herblne." Bold by all druggists. One mile Dlnna Ken won. Tar West than elsewhere In th city. Every weekdsy night from :I0 to It second, San Alvtso third; time. 1:39 6. 2: Bohemians, 6; Earned runs Cuba, 4; HIGH TIME. ANTICIPATED AT MULTNOMAH CLUB'S LOW JINKS ine epenamnn handicap, mile and a Dtinomiaiis, , lu on oases uubs, R. O. BOWBBS. Manage. lunonK uaDoenan wnn Miriirir . ond. Mlneeta third: time. l:B2a-K- . 2; Bohemians, 7. Inning pitched Ol- ney 4H, Strelt. 4V4; Brakke. 9. Hits made Off Olney, 7, Strlet. l; Brakke, Mile and a half Tjini.trl.n wnn rnmtmp second, Terola third: time. - .0., o - . Six furlnnra-Th0.,- ii t All the attractions of th three-rin- g 1. time 01 grume. i:u. umpires Nell-so- n and Amsteadt. Scorer Smith. . The Kansas City Labor Temple asso- ciation has decided to commenoe work on Its new building. ball second, Nesslan third; time, 1:14 5. HOTEL LENOX as that utilised last summer. It is ex- pected that between 300 and es will be on the decks of tr.o steamer when it moves down the Willamette. While no formal- program has been arranged for the amusement of the circus, Including the v menagerie and clowns will be combined in th annual outing .of the Multnomah club which takes place tomorrow under the name At Seattle. tfonrml SpMi.i Service.) Seattle, July 6. Meadows results: Four furlnnro Ron t t...i. COB. TS3BB ABB MAZB SZl party, there-wilt-- be - events- - both with Hortiana's Latotit an and without ' names. Football Will be of "Low Jlhks.Y " AIT tha fun and pleas- ure which can-b- e crowded into a day's time will be served in pleasing' style. J." ' George Rutter, clerk in the O. R. & N. freight bouse, and living at 291 Sec- -' ond street. Portland, Or., says: 'The benefit I found through using Doan'8 Kidney Pills about three years ago. has been ae satisfactory and lasting that I " hare never hesitated to recommend the remedy to others. I began using Doan's t. Kidney Pills when suffering sharp lr- - rltatlng pain a The trouble was be- - coming worse ievery ' day, but Doan's - Kidney iHi fifOWptly: checked It and from the results In my case I can cer- tainly recommend thla medicine to anv-- . one annoyed wKh their back or kid- - neya." . ,. . - - .... . ' For sal by all - dealers, price 60 ;' cents. Foster-Mllbur- n Co., Buffalo. ; New York, sole agenU for tha United I ' SUtes, - , ':' ' Remember tha k nam Doan'a and taka no other. J , ' T$. aiKamla 'third; time, RdmnUr22I"r8r Grammont won. Melar third; tlmoi REBUILDERS REPAIRERS DESIGNERS OP AVYOXOBX.ES. PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO. worth BLxth Sfc, Oor. Everett, A, D. PERKINS. PRES. TeL Main 41. "Largest Automobile Repair Fac- tory in the West." , Moat Modrn Hotel , nulldlna-- . fionvnfi1w Bow to Our Ohlllblalns. "To onjoy freedom from ehlllblalns," writes John Kemp, East Otlsfleld, Me., "I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Have also used It for salt rheum with excel- lent results." Guaranteed for fever Sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burn, wounds, frost bites and skin diseases. 26o at Red Cross Pharmacy. Pessimists will not be permitted to Join the crowd that attends and those ed, fitted With th latest designedly m I ... ... Ks. . r. . nAl Jt . , I. who dont expect to nave a good time will bo left on the landing. Tha start will be mad at the foot played In the shade ns much as pos- sible to keep down temperatures, there will be a baseball game, racing, a pie-eati- contest, a bull fight and numer- ous other applause-producin- g stunts. F. B. Harmer andW. W. Warrlner have the day in charge and are working with who are looking after th refreshment and entertainment sides of the Jinks. Th return trin will be made Ists in the afternoon.' It is expected' that th lurtuvujv, vuiu n.ici 1.1 very room, private baths,' modern rlll Mi-ma-- distance Mmhnna frm of Couch street, Instead-o- f from the foot of Washington as announced pre- viously, and the trio of 30 miles down automobile bus. sample room, free! s.aM SLai faalw wlata..a n.a. a) One mile Ten ond Dave Weber thl7d;Timef 1:43. ZJ vli ha' Aunt Polly ilU III livisi uiwusjj AfaOHaW XVttWCB 9 A mnd up. : the Columbia and up Lewis river will be made la th steamer Beaver. Camp will struck at about the gam point steamer will reach her about o'clock; E ' f ,. ' ' " ,' ' I . ' 1 If. '

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PortlandSEATTLE LAUDS To B United at Once by Close and Permanent Commercial Ritl. . m roxrLAjrs coos bat stsamskxp ooxrAjrr .MMyrmi ia:. y::mM

l THIRD' STRAIGHT "c, - feii: f--1

Announces tha Initial Trip of th Newly Equipped and CommodiousSteamer '


r in

Post Intelligencer Says thePortland Team Takes An4 "V 4 " Ha. J

Much Interest in Tri-Cit- y

Pitcher Who WorksThis Afternoon.

VLocal Men Won Without

Making an Effort.

BREAKWATER.. v-,- : ,--,


yv- - mOX OBT&aJn TO OOOI SAT rOXTfl. '

MONDAY, JULY 8, 1907LMTlnf Oak' Street Dock at 8:00 p. m. and Regularly Each Monday

Bvanlng Thereafter.Th BREAKWATER Is" Just off th drydook after a thorough otnhauling and her fittings and equipment are new and first class through

out, with capaolty for 80 flrst-ola- ss and 10 second-clas- s passengers.TAJtB Ssvween Portland and Ooo Bar lolnts (Umpire, Horth Band andMars haaid), 110.00 nrat elassi 17.00 soond alass, tnolndlnr berth and meals.

Purchas tlckti i and make reservations at City Ticket Office, Third andWsshlngton St.; C. W. Stlniger. City Ticket Agent, or Oak 8tret Dook,, - 1; IfMUer & Co., Dock Agents.

a 3? tCCULXM, Yl04wmsidat " Osnarsi 2aaaa4rr.

other Crawl Up the Per-

centage Cojumn.

UMPIRE PUTS TWO Seattle newspapers, as a rule, are not LEAGUE PLAYS EIGHTftgiven to praising Portland, things Ink.:a

- GAMES TOMORROW: OUT OP THE GAME Portland or people who win honors forPortland, but the extraordinary abilityshown by the local crew In the senior

Kelso Tigers Wfll Battle With BrainLours race in the sound city during tneresratta the Fourth, forced the followingDillon Mid Atherton Ot Wrathy

PHOTO ard (Tuba in the Afternoon Maufrom the"Deserving Dan Murphy, coach of the

Portland rowing crew which won theOrer Decisions And Perrlne Says

Scat" MeCredle and Carson Hit rice Whltemore Resigns as Man'

ager of the Frakea Team.senior fours in the International regattaof the North Paoiflo association ofSafely Each Time at Bat. Amateur Oarsmen, held on Lake Wash-ington yesterday afternoon for severalhours, was a tickled man when his boysstretched away for eight long, clearE. E. Merge's Track Horse, Irvington Track, July 4. TRI-CIT- Y LEAGUE SCHEDULE.

At Recreation Park Kelso Tigers vs.YESTERDAY'S RESULTS.

Portland , Lew Angeles 4.

San Francisco 4, Oakland 0.


known as the "C. F. Cuba . .. Kr.filorrow'sAnti-Lea- DKing Swimming

valued AChampionship Trophy, which is IH

at several hundred dollars. In additionAt wood burn Fraaas va inaiana.At St. Johns Brewers va Trunks.At Astoria Apostles va Bohemians,f to which a purse will be given. There

win also t moneyed prise ror tne win uaxzu uab noru fatPitcher Gardner, whose long arm andTheners of second and third placeaPet..641.Bit.812.400

Won. Lost.Los Angelea 46 35Oakland 41 41Pan Francisco 44 42Portland 3 41

by C. F. King, thetrophy Is donated' Taroogn th nsrvoo sys-ysUa- a.

It U a imxaly Hspeedy delivery has won more than ongame of ball, will deliver the goods thiswell-kno- financial agent or Boston. Tifmtii eompouad.who Is also publisher of tha Boston

Dally Tribune. Contain no oils or fat orany drug that I InjuriousAssurances nave aireaay Deen re

afternoon at Reoreatlon Park at Io'clock for the Trunks in their gamagainst th St John Apostles. Thgame promises to b an interesting on.

ceived of at least 60 entries, represent or iiaDi to proaue a naoitIT IS THE GREATEST 11

Charlie Moore will mount tha mound

ing several states or me union, uanaaa.England and Ireland. The event willtako on an International character, andIn Boston the Interest in the conteat isgrowing to such an extent that the raoepromises to rival In Donulartty the Mar


. jaywaJBHMii iaj ii.:'W.'Mwani w.i tmPill jinina.i.iijijssai ms,o ii

L f If vjsr ; ; , . U f k

i7i fl?4J ' 4

acn bottle contain a I 1for St Johns and will toss to hisbrother behind the bat Slno th laet Vmontn a treatment and cost

11.80 at any flrst-ola- ss dfugtore. Prepared by th

athon runi

(Joarsal Special Barrio..)Angeles, July .Portland took

a peek at th 400 pr cent mark yester-day by again defeating Loa Angeles In

Ja fatureles but cloa ram. Withvth Bearer now In tha 400 class, only'ill points difference remains betweenths top and cellar of tha percentagecolumn, and MeCredle has really rothis club Into tha raoa.

.V wuh tha axeaptlon of. the orders 1s- -'

sued by Umpire Perrlne, which tookboth Dillon and Atherton out of thegame and off tha field for bushwhack;lag at the king's royal edicts, the ex

It will be easily possible for the entire population of the city of Boston

gam played by th Trunks the teamhas been strengthened considerably andManager Partlow threatens to possessthe pennant when th Trl-Clt- y leaf a 7 ANTI-LEA- N HEDICI1E CO.

Oraroalaa Bldg, Bortland, O.and surroundings to witness a greatportion of the race, as the swimmerswin pass in run view or tne hundreds season closea The line-u- p of th teams ' "W sajiiiii

this afternoon:of wharves In the upper harbor, andalong the route taken by the pleasuresteamers on their way to the resorts Position.Trunks.

ameaon . . . . .of the lower harbor. The course willGardnerbe policed so that there may be nothingme. Mart- -

to interfere witn the work or the contreme heat deadened the gaiman started In to do the slat Metser

Robldeaux ...work and

St Johna. . . . O. Moore. . . . C. MooreClarke Moore


.. Trowbridge....... GainsHlnklo


testants, and as a guarantee of safetyto everybody Interested the onlookerscontinued for five Innings, when he was Hay

o. . . .


. . Sb. . ,

.".'.V.ff.'.V.. . . .cf . . . .


1 I Iana ice contestanta ShockleyVan NortwtckLockeMAJOR LEAGUE NOTES


Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing,Poultry Netting, Etc

displaced by Klnseiia, wno neia me lLoos down until the close of the ninth.Both Carson and MeCredle had a bat- -ttng average of 1.000, slugging the ballfor a safe blngl each time at bat Thecor


BarhartJFreddy Parent is claylna a great aame Trl-Clt-y Xieatru Votes.

There have been acaln dances, sun- -ror tne Boston Americans.Indianapolis fans have a blescher or--AB. R. IB. PQ. A. E. Hank, Owned by J. S. Crane, Winning by Close Margin Free-for-A- ll Trot

Irvington Track, July 4.I dances and big pow-wo- galore goingon at Woodburn ever since the Fourth.Bernard, cf fanlzation railed the Kind Word club,

of the club Is to nut s. eton to ause, Indians are leading the leagueknocking and to toss kind words to the PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKSPhone Main 2000. SECOND AND EVERETT STS.

home players when they win. In the pennant race by a good margin.Strung out behind them are the otherleaders In the order named. Frakes, St."Buirs" Raymond, who has been signed OFFICIAL SCORE OF -

Ellis. II.....Brashear, 2bCravath, lb.Bmt,th, lb...Dillon, lb. .Delmas, ss..Hogan, c...Narle. p....

oy tha St. Louis Nationals, tried to



John and Kelso. The Cubs, who haveTWO ASTORIA GAMEStop an electric fan with his unglovedhand the other day and came very near been occupying the cellar while the

leaders have been perohed on the toprounds are now leading the second di

OAxrroBifXA xoteib.naving nis pitcning arm put out of bustnew permanently.

Five hits one day and twenty hits th vision by a good margin and a fewEager, rfTotals .

more wins will put them among thenext i the way the New York High7 IT 10 211 4 leaders in the first division.lanaprs nave Deen Datting.

boat lengths of water and pieked upvictory in broad daylight in such aneasy-goin- g, conventional manner thatIt could not help reflecting on theshowings made by the other fourcrewa. Murphy was pleased In moreway than one for he Is not afraid toplace his legal tender on what he con-siders a good thing. Sometime heconsiders wrong but not this tlma, andhe will carry some of the Nelson moneyback to Portland with him If he breaksaway from his many Saattl friends ingood time.

"In the biggest event of th day, thesenior foura, the orew tugged at theoars fiercely, all but the Fortlanders,trying hard nearly all of the time tokeep from finishing last. That honor

Maurice Whltemore. the hustling manJoe Kelley and his "Canucks" havePORTLAND.AB. R. IB. PO. X E.

S 1 1 8 0 0set the Toronto baseball world crazyureat ining Tor oir josepn to neaawinner his first year In the Eastern

ager of the Frakes, and one of th pro-moters of the league, has found thatbusiness will not admit of his remain-ing with the team, and he has handedIn hi resignation. H. H. Pomeroy, aneast side fan. has taken ud the reins


Following Is the official score of theBralnard Cubs and the Astoria Bo-

hemians in the two games played atAstoria on July 4:

Morning gameBRAINARD CUBS.

AB. R. II. PO. A. E.Barrell, cf. Ft 0 1 2 0 0Krugef, 8b. , 4 0 0 1 1 0Kennedy, lb. I 1 0 10 0 1Tark, ss 8 2 2 2 2 2Lodeil. 2b ...S 1 0 2 6 1

Magness, If 4 2 1 2 0 1

Lerch. rf. 4 1 1 1 0 1

Nellson. c 1 0 0 7 8 0

"What do rou think of those Rrrfnklynsr has been asked more thin once

and will take over the Frakes franchiseouring tne past month.


and maybe the team. There are rumorMans kit Lajole ha his Cleveland

' Basaey. If . . . .Mott, lbDonahue, cf . . .

MeCredle, rf . .Atherton. 2b..Wallace, cf. ..Moore, aCarson, lb....ftehtmpff, ss..Hartman, p...Klusella, p . . . .

Totals ......

that several new faces will be seen inteam keeping great step and looks settled upon the James Bay club of the irrakes lineup.line a naro struggle ror the White SoxUie remainder or the season.

Makes the skin like you want It.Does It In a moment.

HagariscMagnolia. Halm.

A liquid preparation for Face,Neck, Arms and Hands.

It Is neither sticky nor greasy.'

It's harmless, cleanand rdfreshlng.

Cannot be detected.Two colors Pink and White.

Use It morning, noon and night.Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.

SAMPLE FREE.X.TOW Mr. Co, 44 & Tift St, Brooklya, N.Y.

victoria. Vancouver crossed the im-aginary line second. Nelson third and

' Manager Smith of th Cubs ha sev-eral new men on th string for the' The Cincinnati team has been playing

j 'tit- - oan or mie ana a gooa many ran Htrelt, p 4 1 0 0 2 0 balance of the season, among them beI n cr two Tii r"h mrm nil ..trh..

seatue lourtn."From the very first instant tha Portbelieve the Reda will get into the firs.14 10 2 I 2 From' all Indications there will be noiio crew caugni tne water it wasdivision berore the close of the

son.Total 82 8 6 27 16

ASTORIA BOHEMIANS. baseball at the Oaks this Season, asthe water la too high over th flat toManager McGuire of the Boston Amer



Wroten. cf. allow of work. The street oar peopleare waiting patiently to see the water

cans snouia get jimmy Barrett a capto fit him. Jim ripped hi cap up thehack in order to make It stay on his

1 - Brashear out bunting third strike.SCORE BT INNINGS.

Los Angeles 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 4

Hits 10 10 10 1127' -- ' Portland 00011201 0 5

Jflts 0 1 0 2 2 2 0 2 110

Graham, lb.Blossom, ss.Gates, rf. . .

aneaa. putting clear water betweenthem and the next fastest boat beforeIt got full swing on more than sevenstrokes, recovering and catching rap-Idl- y.

Murphy nearly blew up when thishappened. Portland was forging ahead,little by little, their fast, long strokeIncreasing the lead constantly. Theother trailed in a bunch all by them-selves. Seattle had a hard Hm n run.

recede so tney can throw a fore ofmen on the work.

The Kelso Tigers will be seen upon aPortland diamond for the first time In

Griffith. 2b. .Pitchers Lindaman and Ltnriermann areNew hotel, face Jefferson Square. Twoblocks fran Vas Ness Ave., the present shop-ping district Car lines transferring all overKelt, cboth members of the Boston Nationals.. SUMMARY. Carlson, 8b. .;jne Brooklyn team as well as the local baseball history Sunday, when they

meet the Cubs. These two teams haveBrakke. If. ..nts put an awful crlmn In the Phlla..city, paaaaosr. Every modern convenience.350 rooms single or ea suite. 160 private hathaAmerican and European plana Prices moder-ate. Omnibus meets all trains.

s ' 'Three-bas- e hit Nagle. Two-ba- se hits

' ' Nagle, Moore, MeCredle. Sacrifice- btta Eills. Schlmpff, MeCredle. Left

ulng away from th last crew.aemma team s pennant asolratlona. Backus, p. . .Wolfe, p. ... Portland Decked awav with a inn.nl Chase has slumped In hla work

a tie to settle, as each have won one,and there will be fur flying on theVaughn street diamond, sura Hull, the" on haaea Los Angeles 10, Portland win ine otner tlignianders.

.84 8 4 27 10 IWii-a- t haee on called balls Off Hartman Totals STEWART-BARKE- R CO.The Hotel Stewart Opens September 1steither St. Lou I a team has played as' 2, off Nagle 1, off Klneella 1. Struck gonn oan tins season as last.

"j nu a uirer xne entire course,rowing in splendid form, and when theyfinished they were able to cheer loudly,an evidence that they had not extendedthemselves to the limit. Eight lengthswas their lead."

Kelt out, hit by batted ball second innw York fans fear that tha rreat th went diseaseOut By Magie (, oy twriram c, vy iv'Mil a. wild nltch N&aie. First base ILOOOi on .arm. ret tnening.

SCORE BY INNINGS.on errors Los Angelee 2. Time of eaaleat to cor WHENMathewsftn is becoming an "In andouter." In one game Matty shows him-self the old-ti- wonder and in the next

premier twlrler for the Tigers, will tryto make a shut-o- ut game. The Cubsare leading the league in hitting anorare playing fast, snappy ball. The con-test will be well worth witnessing.

Manager Partlow ha a mighty good-looki-

bunch of ball tossers now, andafter they strike their stride there willbe some surprises administered to the

TXB BXAUTIXUXi SlXtf.. ... . hours 20 minutes. Umptn Cubs Run 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 3 08. Perrina. Stolen bases Nagle 2, Bra- - ne-i- s on t tea out or the box. Hits 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 05 IN LOCAL BASEBALL CIRCLESThe Tigers are making quite a bid Bohemians Runs 00010020 0 3

YOU KNOW WHATTO DO. Many barpimples, spots ea tbkin, sore la tb

month, ulcers, fallingbalr. bone palna, ca

POISON Hotel "Key Route inn"ror tne pennant, but very few fans out' 0 shear 2, Ellis, Bassey.

; FASTEST SWIMMERSThe Laue-Dav- is branch 3 nln willplay the Laue-Dav- is branch 2 nine at

Hits 00020020 04SUMMARY.

Struck-o- ut By Strelt. 7: by Backus.

side of Detroit think Jennings' men willarrive at the top in time to hoist the

leaders in tne pennant race.There will be a meeting of the boardat 122 Grand avenue Wednesday even-

ing of thl week. Matter of Importancecompel the call. "

Kelso has protested the St. Johns

nag.A St. Louis uniform is very becoming 2. Wolfe. 1. Bases on balls Off Back- -

me latter ground Sunday momlng at10 o'clock.

The East Portland Stars would likeV, WILL ENTER CONTESTtarrh, and don't rnmt

It Is BLOOD POISON. Bend te DB. BROWN,35 Arch 8t., Philadelphia, Pasa., tot

BROWN'S BLOOD CURB. 200 per bottle!lasts one month. Bold In Portland ealy byWoodward. Clarke A Co.

S. Two-bas- e hits Gates, eacriricei Dm Kinren nnn an tnat is nee hits Kruger. Stolen bases Barrell. 10 arrange games with city teams notessary now Iw for Bill to win a few over 1 years of age. Dates can berame to mane nis stay in the MoundCity a happy affair. son. Hit by pitched ball Kennedy. Logame wun tne ngers or two weeks ago,basing their claim for protest on violaChampionship In Water to Be Deter inaoo wun Manager Alfred Daniels. 608

deil, Turk. Passed balls, battery error jam. Ann street, or phone East 3044 tion or the rule governing; players inKelt, wild pitcn. battery error

22nd Street and Broadway

OAKLANDSunny rooms, private baths, long-distan-

telephones, compressed air clean-ing, large lobby, cafe a la carta withcuisine and service unsurpassed. Forrates, et&, address

N. S. MULLAN. Manager.Formerly Assistant Manager Palaca

Kotal. Ban Francisco.

NATIONAL LEAGUEmined at Boston During theNational Meet.

Wolfe. First bsse on errors Cubs.' 8;inss Campbell, who pitched forMultnomah during the Multrvomah-Seattl- e

game the Fourth, had theathletes swinging their heads offBohemians, 6. Earned runs cubs, 3

U1U1UI 111.

Oakland Blanked.(Journal Special lerrlea.)

Bohemians, 3. Left on bases Cubs, 4;Bohemians. . 4. Innings Ditched Strelt.

Won... B2

9; Backus, 4: Wolfe, 6. Hits made Off


From tha Seattle Times.About 11 miles from Centralia, on

the road to Llttl Rock. Is a curiosity,to see which would amply repay anyone for the drive. About 60 yards fromthe road, near a deserted homestead, is

"ii puiziing siow Dan which he lobbedoyer the plate. It was minced in withhis speediest ones and proved very ef--During the old bom week celebration Strelt, 4: off Backus. 1. Wolfe, 4. Time San Francisco, July 6. Oakland failedto get a look-i- n during the game yes-terday. Jones' long arm being master ofame, 1:10. umpires uiney anaIn Rnatnn. Jul? 28 to August S, in

Lost. Pet.17 .75424 .1925 .616.10 .6453 .44431! .42446 .86663 .264

ChicagoNew York ..Pittsburg ..PhiladelphiaBostonCincinnati ..Brooklyn ...St. Louis

McKee. scorer smitn. tne situation, in score:

.. 40. 86

.. 2R. 2R. 2?. 18

clutilve, there will be a swimming racein determine the long-distan- swim Afternoon game

BRAINARD CUBS.ming championship of the United States. HOTEL HOLLAND.an nne imoeoma inR. H. E.

San Francisco 4 4 2Oakland 0 8 1

Batteries Jones and Street; Wright

Fenton s one-hand- running catchesnear second base In the Multnomahgames elicited numerous bouquets fromthe fans Both catches were line drivesthat shot over towards right field withthe speed of a cannon-bal- l, but Fenton'sleft mitt was a backatnn th nn,.Mn

AB. R. H. PO. A.Jt will tie over approximnmiymile course, the start being made from Uls street, Bet. Powell and.41011 trunk of a tree. - . a

Th trunk of the orub Oak If notmore than six Inches through sit theana tuin. umpire uerricx.4Charles town bridee and the course end

In mt nr niflr Rnatnn Ijiffht.Barrell, cf. ,Kruger, 3 b. .Kennedy, lb.

an rranolaoo.

NOW OPENpoint where th rifle is imbedded, so PI

Bath. I

' Swimmers from all over the world Answering Telegrams In Russia,get through, under or over. It was Rin-ger' sizzling drive to the Ditcher inurk, ss. . 1 .

Yesterday's Gaines.At New York New York 2,

1.At Pittsburg Pittsburg 1, St. Louis 1.


tnat me siock anu Drrview. The rifle Is In- - a perfect

tat. nt nrAervn.tioti.Strictly Blrst-Clas- s,re Invited to compete. The contest

will be a professional one in that any-body Is free to enter, regardless of




prooi. ui jtooma; 90 with







tne sixth that put Wandesford high inthe air and gave the game to the locals.There is a rumor currant th.. It Is evident that th rifle was placedRussian procrastination Is proverbial

Tet, even in this Aslatlo corner of Eu-rope, writes the Warsaw correspondent

J. ouonrarsx-S- . Mgr.

Shea, cMagness, If. ,

Lerch. rfLodeli, 2b. . ,

Olney, pStrelt, p

amateur regulations. The first prizewill be a magnificent trophy to be

of the Pall Mall Oaaette, II months isWnn

In a crotch of tne tree many year ago,probably at the height at which a manwould rest a gun when taking careful

In the course of years the tree has

Portland Newspapermen's team willP a2 a similar collection of ball tossersin Seattle as soon as arrangement canbe completed.

Gardner, who Ditches thithought to be rather a long time tot Totals 33 S 7 24 11 11

ASTORIA EOHEMIANS. wn completely arouna tne ruie, tnet being imbedded. Th crotch is

take to answer a telegram. The min-istry of the Interior evidently does notthink so.





Chicago 41Cleveland 43Philadelphia, 38Detroit 35New York 10St. Louis 27Boston , 25Washington 20

now about six Inches above the barrelfor the trunks, while still 'under hismajority. Is recognized as one of theheadiest pitchers in the Tri-Cit- y leagueand it is exnertpd thnf h. m .


Graham, 3b.Pool, If. ...Blossom, ss. and the gun 1 about 10 feet from theIn October. 1006. some 60 inhabitants ground.

Romances innumerable might beate", lb. . of Warsaw signed a telegram to CountWltte. then minister of the interior.




woven about the old rifle, but it stands

law Will SJL4U Jhis record as a strike-ou- t twlrler.

SEMI-FINAL- S PLAYEDYesterday'g Games.Griffith, 2b.Kelt, c.Carlson, rf.Wroten, cf.Brakke, p.

protesting against the brutal way Inwhich the Cossacks and Lancers chargeda peaceful crowd on the "Con-stitution Day." Last week brought an

as a memento to tne aeveiopment anaprogress that have taken place. Whatwas a wild and unexplored country atAt Detroit Detroit 9, Philadelphia 5

At Cleveland Cleveland 2 the time when the rifle was first placedin the crotch of the tree, with the redYork 1.

man monarch of all he surveyed, withscattered settlements of hardy pioneers

Totals 38 8 8 27 12SCORE BY INNINGS.

Cubs Runs 00001018 0-- already preparing to contest his su- -


Plenty of Portland Readers

Have the Same Ex-

perienceDon't neglect an aching back.

h It will get worse every year.' Backache Is really kidney ache.

To cure the back you must cure thekidneys.

j If you don't, other kidney ills follow' ' Urinary troubles, diabetes, Brlghfsdisease.' A Portland Citizen tella you how the

cur Is easy.

e Portlandremacy, is now aottea wun rarms and

answer. The 60 were summoned to thetown hall and told, with great pompand ceremony, that their telegram couldnot be attended to, firstly, because theyhad forgotten to fix a revenue stampto it, and secondly, because such com-plaints should be addressed to the sen-ate and not to the minister of the in-terior.

Of course, those who were woundedon that memorable occasion are either


At Sheepshead Bay.'Journal Special Service.)

New York. Julv 5. Cahoche

omes of prosperous families.

OFF AT IRVINGTONBenham and Northrop defeated Mooreand Nunn yesterday afternoon at theIrvington court in the last match of thesemi-final- s. The two former and Glossand McAlpin are now matched for theclub championship In the double. Two

matches were also played off yesterdayin the ladles' singles with the followingresults: Mrs. Moore defeated Mrs.Lockwood, 4, 1; Mrs. Cook defeatedMiss Fox, 3, 6, 3.

Hlts 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 17Bohemians Runs 01 1! M 0 0 0 8Hits 0 1 1 23 0 1 0 08 PORTLAND, OREGON.

EUROPEAN PLAN ONLYSUMMARY. YOXTB Xii vuK1 shot, won the Soendthrlft handian Is out of order. Tou go to bed In aBtmck-ou- t By Olney, 4; Strelt, 1, HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS

bad humor and get up with a bad tasteone mile and a furlong, at SheepsheadBay today, defeating McCarter, the fa-vorite, by one and one half lor-t-

BraKKe, t. Bases on Dans orf Brakke,2. Two-bas- e hits Blossom. Three-bas- e

killed or cured long ago, and thosewho signed the telegram had forgottenall about the incident


Everything to eat and drink. anOJilts Kruger. Graham, Carlson. Home.III OUllB .

Six and a runs Kennedy. Double play Barrell toLodeil. Sacrifice hits Magness. Stolenhalf furlongSjftoMLady It costs no mor In tbWon, Littleton Maid second, Aetuda Portland Hot! Rattekaflorthird; time. 1:19. nases warren, Madness. Hit by pitchedball Wroten. Passed balls, battery er-ror Kelt. First base on errors Cubs.

in your moutn. you want somethingto stimulate your liver. Just try Hor-bln-e,

the liver regulator. A positivecure for constipation, dyspepsia and allliver complaints. Mrs. F , FortWorths Texas, writes:

"Have used Herblne In my family foryears. Words can't express what Ithink about it. Everybody in my house-hold are happy and well, and we owe itto Herblne." Bold by all druggists.

One mile Dlnna Ken won. Tar West than elsewhere In th city. Everyweekdsy night from :I0 to Itsecond, San Alvtso third; time. 1:39 6. 2: Bohemians, 6; Earned runs Cuba, 4;


MULTNOMAH CLUB'S LOW JINKSine epenamnn handicap, mile and a Dtinomiaiis, , lu on oases uubs, R. O. BOWBBS. Manage.lunonK uaDoenan wnn Miriirir .

ond. Mlneeta third: time. l:B2a-K- . 2; Bohemians, 7. Inning pitched Ol-ney 4H, Strelt. 4V4; Brakke. 9. Hitsmade Off Olney, 7, Strlet. l; Brakke,Mile and a half Tjini.trl.n wnn

rnmtmp second, Terola third: time.- .0., o - .

Six furlnnra-Th0.,- ii tAll the attractions of th three-rin- g

1. time 01 grume. i:u. umpires Nell-so- n

and Amsteadt. Scorer Smith..

The Kansas City Labor Temple asso-ciation has decided to commenoe workon Its new building.

ball second, Nesslan third; time, 1:14 5.

HOTEL LENOXas that utilised last summer. It is ex-pected that between 300 and es willbe on the decks of tr.o steamer whenit moves down the Willamette.

While no formal- program has beenarranged for the amusement of the

circus, Including the v menagerie andclowns will be combined in th annualouting .of the Multnomah club whichtakes place tomorrow under the name

At Seattle.tfonrml SpMi.i Service.)

Seattle, July 6. Meadows results:Four furlnnro Ron t t...i.COB. TS3BB ABB MAZB SZl

party, there-wilt-- be - events-- both with Hortiana's Latotit anand without ' names. Football Will beof "Low Jlhks.Y " AIT tha fun and pleas-ure which can-b- e crowded into a day'stime will be served in pleasing' style.

J." ' George Rutter, clerk in the O. R. &N. freight bouse, and living at 291 Sec- -'

ond street. Portland, Or., says: 'Thebenefit I found through using Doan'8Kidney Pills about three years ago. hasbeen ae satisfactory and lasting that I

" hare never hesitated to recommend theremedy to others. I began using Doan's

t. Kidney Pills when suffering sharp lr- -rltatlng pain a The trouble was be- -coming worse ievery ' day, but Doan's

- Kidney iHi fifOWptly: checked It andfrom the results In my case I can cer-tainly recommend thla medicine to anv-- .one annoyed wKh their back or kid- -neya." . ,. . - -

.... .

' For sal by all - dealers, price 60;' cents. Foster-Mllbur- n Co., Buffalo.; New York, sole agenU for tha UnitedI 'SUtes, - ,

':' ' Remember thak

nam Doan'a andtaka no other. J , '

T$. aiKamla 'third; time,

RdmnUr22I"r8r Grammont won.Melar third; tlmoi



PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO.worth BLxth Sfc, Oor.Everett,

A, D. PERKINS. PRES.TeL Main 41.

"Largest Automobile Repair Fac-tory in the West." ,

Moat Modrn Hotel ,

nulldlna-- . fionvnfi1w

Bow to Our Ohlllblalns."To onjoy freedom from ehlllblalns,"

writes John Kemp, East Otlsfleld, Me.,"I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Havealso used It for salt rheum with excel-lent results." Guaranteed for feverSores, indolent ulcers, piles, burn,wounds, frost bites and skin diseases.26o at Red Cross Pharmacy.

Pessimists will not be permitted toJoin the crowd that attends and those

ed, fitted With th latest designedlym I ... ... Ks. . r. . nAl Jt . , I .who dont expect to nave a good time

will bo left on the landing.Tha start will be mad at the foot

played In the shade ns much as pos-sible to keep down temperatures, therewill be a baseball game, racing, a pie-eati-

contest, a bull fight and numer-ous other applause-producin- g stunts. F.B. Harmer andW. W. Warrlner havethe day in charge and are working with

who are looking afterth refreshment and entertainmentsides of the Jinks.

Th return trin will be made Ists inthe afternoon.' It is expected' that th

lurtuvujv, vuiu n.ici 1.1

very room, private baths,' modernrlll Mi-ma-- distance Mmhnna frmof Couch street, Instead-o- f from the

foot of Washington as announced pre-viously, and the trio of 30 miles down automobile bus. sample room, free!

s.aM SLai faalw wlata..a n.a. a)

One mile Tenond Dave Weber thl7d;Timef 1:43.

ZJ vli ha' Aunt Polly ilU III livisi uiwusjj AfaOHaW XVttWCB 9 A

mnd up. :the Columbia and up Lewis river willbe made la th steamer Beaver. Campwill struck at about the gam point steamer will reach her about o'clock;

E ' f ,.

' ' " ,' ' I . '


If. '