--. ldrk - wake forest university...this month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year,...

; Friday_ will· Wake. For- when Duke· ntps . invade·. n for· a 2 p; ;t· . and only. !r Barbour's. td the first oil yearlings L City. Wake· far. · n · tabS the' ',.,, ·heavy and hailing· anacla, have his· fall than. he past two ! UniversitY; . nebiddies a ·two-year;· ' :e _ ;ial victo·rt, thumped !y•publicized 'the annual The Chapel riously been · · ;he best in ' lets tagged 1ly loss two. oint with a clets swing battle with :r. Cubs at Take Out URANT .) Dinners 'Town lager . St .. i o. ecially rbers lf;RS lOP- . o Campus rry Sts. IP M. ... < 'I ogist lY to non d. and rap- •om, l the aond. 3eds, the .... ... --. .. . ; ... ldrk .... '-· Survey Collegians Oppose· 18-Year-Old Vote 2i of 2-7 · - ·· AtteiJ.d·,, : By· CHARLES_ RICHARDS Win.ston-Salem -will be ·the site of the ·1956 ·Baptist· State ;this wl!ek. ·Three Baptists -to· cpnverge on . tlie' . city tomorrow throl.!gh Thursday.'.. · · · : W !lit Chapel and first· .Baptist ·· --'be . th.e _ pifr!cjpal ti11i- 1-.v1mtion- meeting -is ·scheduled:'::ror . tomorro\_V .morning,.· several , meetings Will . be . '•' . __ ;: __ To· :Plar, ··4s · ·added .. ·-for.· delegates tOo the State Baptist visiting the· campus; . the- Band tomorr.ow will present a one-hour concert be- ginniii'g at- 4:15 p. m. on the ' plaza in froiit of Reynolda Hall. N i n-e : selections, including ilact:ed _music marches,. will be .. . , _ l'e'source-s. with• 'whieli' to ineet thill evangelism,· ·chlistian and.: · th.e Leg)iiiiatUre·here will College · at an : a!}nual- · State ·Stu-:: (ient __ _to : held' this··week in the stale t'Vlarition . · ' · ·- ·-- ··.- building at: Raleigh. .. . .. · · ....... ·•' ·-" ,., ---' . :;- : ... - .... · · sessi9n!!Lw1Ji¢hhY.ill · ·.. ·-M-- :-'' . ·- ;l_S· : :·_ .,·-$·},, !f!'f;/l:.: 'l'll'qrsdaY; ;anif . ·. ·. . _; _·. · · :. :: · will)e·:attended .l;Jy , . . ::-.Te?ro'' and 'lWhite: stl,tdents '-:At 6' p. m. Con- i . . ·Ey HANNAH ·MILLER. en down· avera·g;;s of .cents fTClm colleges and universities ference will begin in·· Reynolds ·-The average . WalCe. Forest stu- for breakfast, 64 .cenj;s -for :he throughout:· the . state .. -;· - Gyin with· a supper. Also about dent spends from $1.6·-t· to $1'.74 ·noon 'meal, Wake··:Forest sttidents·attending l,Ooo·:'Preachers·_ar_e expected to 'iii· ·:.thJt: ··accord-ing r.ver.ing meal. ·.: ·' · . : :D!)ttie - aitend. a Pastor's COtiference. that by Sunciay are .higher;. wJtJj Gella:, .,'N::tncy·. ,·Fogleman,- Davtd begins: at 2:-SO this.-.B.fterrioon in 1\lrs: -·Ruby .'·Sheridan, "·d_itector _ of the . noon. meal'- .a v-.e:r a g i.n _ _g :7.8 'Hughes, ·Joe an1'f Roland the .. First 'Church ... -- fopd' service'!!'-.-ior the ;College. c.;ni!l .. · 0 .. ' :. : Thomas. · ·is_- Several matters· are expected to :·This average is ,a.IJOut-·· .. 11 cents In ·::OmJ!iling ·these :werages one mo1;e that be brought before the ·convention ·mwt!r than. the .. average· ,at·-: the Mrs .. Sheridan -used. averages-for position· was :t1ot. f_illed late: 'lther ·than tlie regular. ·_b'usines.s -Duke .. ·Unx'ver_sl'ty cafete•;a· ""'o'r t"oe Octo- week... . -;: . . · .·: · · · : d' A ·c .. ·t·t · f · 1 · ' procee mgs. ' - ommt, ee or -. men accor4ing. to Mrs. Sheridan, her. .She. a · few · Th'e.- WF , :Wil.' ·Orlgi- Baptist Church. Autonomy has. in- and. service .rna- differencein'theaver-ages ilafe in the the dicated .that it will-·ask' that the _7"'·-..\ie' for-eight· years before .fo> the. two' we'eks. - . . s:. s: . L.-:: which . .. _. s c ..J th "'np.. . . . h d . The number of customers serv- eYeryone. who' re'gisters' an: . upreme OUrt- .... eciSion on e : · ; here. ·t ere spen _;.rl· at· a. partt'cular me&! .--a.s divid- li,f>bile ·to have ·. $1_0_ ,000 worth_ .. of N ° r t li. Rocky_. · ·Moun_t. ·Baptist . $1.75, per .d,ly ,. church case be 'considered. :fo£'thefr cttfeteiia' fO:od,. she savs. e•l into_ ·the. amount of money . iiability insural}ce at ·the time·• ?f :. Dr .. James Buiinan of East \The Wake' .is brok- taken in' at that meal. ' . registration. ·:, . - publlcatio_n8. of the· committee, has· ·said -that· tlie convention will· also·· be 'aske(( to coil.sider the court testimonies"of ·'-'cerQ!in prominent Baptist·: lead- ers."' · · · · · · ·. ·, ,., . ' '!..··. . . * . ·.s.-; .. : '\'• . ·The Comm,ittee is· iilso expected -to possible u.se of convention fuiu)s in the No-rth Rocky <;ase .. ;Dr. Bulman ·said, "We have concrete informa- tion that .certain co-operative pro- funds have at least been ex- nended in some way in connection with this. church case... •, :carnival SiatedFor Thursday Contests, games and side shows will be featured · Thursday- night in a Senior Class Carnival to be held in W. N. Reynolds Gym- nasium. Another matter which m a y nossibly be presented to the con- vention concerns a reS'olution about ·admission of Negroes to BaptJst in this state. A group of "friends· of Wake ·Forest, Mere- dith and other schooJB a1td colleges of the convention" are scheduled to ineet today and disetiss such· a resolution. It is likely that th·e convention wi1I receiv-e a resolution opposing admission of Negroes to any of the sect's schools and colleges in the state. Among the from the Rocky Mount case that may be considered is that of Dr. Harold W. Tribble, president of Wake Forest. An explanation of his testimony regarding the virgin birth of Jesus Christ may be asked . . . The Piedmont Baptist associa- tion, which represents 70 churches in - the Greensboro-High Point area, has voted to call on Dr. Tribble. _ The carnival, which will last from 7 to 10 p. m.,. will be held in Student Mag StudentS will receive the sec- ond issue of The Student, earn- pus magazine, during ehapel period Thursday. The November issue will be ·distributed _to stu- dents as they leave the Chapel. This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es by .Tack Robinson,_ returning to Pub Row after a hitch in the army, and .Jerrj- Pierce, known for . his work with the College Theatre. There will also be an essay Mi '·d-Te-rm·: ._ ·Grades D_ue .. · ·on the gz:aduate pro- gram ' fOr Wake Forest· aecom- grades be panied by a forum of opinions issued either Wednesday or Friday, on that subject. An essay ou thet.Registrar's office· ahnolliiced . seience-littri.n literatUre is in- 'week: Time of· the ISsuing ·i)f ;; eluded and-& feature- on Bowman ,W.ui be annouliceil' · 'in ::Craitseh04)I of Medicine; . _ Chapek. . :..· -•:·. .. . ·. c au s etf and sophomores will ehBilge '- . .in·:- get ''their grades from .advisorS', have 'lieen ironed out,.. and p£0. and U!lperclassmen will pick theirs duction is now moving along up in the Registrar's. Office. 6ne, according to the ·e4fitors. the women's gym, located to the right of· the main entrance of the building. . Admi_ssion will be 15 cents and a stuffed .monkey will be given as a door prize. Numerous other prizes -and awards also_, will be given. A prize worth five dollars will be awa'rded to the person guess- ing the number of beans contained in a jar. Attractions will vary from for- tune telTing by mystic .. Patsy Wil- helm 'to basketball shooting direct- ed by varsity star Jackie Murdock. A fishing pool, bingo, dart throw- ing, and apple dunking will be attractive to fun seekers. Senior Class president Walt Ward, who has directed prepara- tions for the carnival, emphasizes the event is open to all students and not seniors only. Wards says he ·feels - "everyone will have a good time." Non-athletic students who can't seem to win with the basketball may try their luck at a cake walk planned as a highlight -of the carni- val. In addition a fun xoom· and "spook house" will be set up for the occasion. ·':.All proceeds from the carnlval a·re to be used.by the senior-c13.ss in· a gift for the'College. · -. qass -officials say the gift may be a bell or a permanent marker at the entrance to the campus on Reyn,olda Road. Page Five NUMBER 9 ·Twenty seniors and four juniors will represent 'Wake Forest in the 1957 'edition of Who's Who Among 3tudents in American Colleges 'lnd Universities. Students recognized in the. book each year- are nominated from · approxima,tely· 650 and •. A committee of nine . adn;til:listratjve- faculty mem-. · ·· ·?ers::· arid . fo!Jr selected . tlie 24 Wake F"orest students. : Campus nominating committees are: instructed to consider . shiJ?, -. and · a,ca,d.emic and extra-curricular ·a-c'tivities, citizenship and. service hl tlie 8chool and promise of fu- t-ure usefulness tG . soCiety. . \ Students Listed Included 'in ·a:re ''t1ie· fol-: lo:\ving students: : , · -· · · Don A veritte, Fayetteville, is. manager- of intramural atliletic3. Walt· Barge, Durhain, is · regional · ·of the ea!iet. . c·orps: Denise· :B1tXte'r, · HOpeWell, Va., is presiilen:t of·Woman's Gov.o · ernment: AISS'6ciatfon. ·c.· ·J. :Ben- ner, Raeford,:' is· -aetive-- in· ·Bsu. Kitty 1 Booth, Morganton, is· . a cheerleader and co-editor of The Dottie · Bradd_ock, junior· from· Morganton, is co-editor of 'The Sturlent and a Student Legislature representative. Mrs. Miriam All-' red Canipe, Winston-Salem, is ac- tive in BSU. and WGA. Martha Bond_;- 'Coo'Jc,_"-M-onlti:'i.e,: . works wtth· the College Theater and in WGA. . .• D!lve Hirano, Honolulu, .T. .1{., _ is of the student body. ' O!lviQ..Hughesr New- nan, Ga., js. a varsity -debater. and chairma-n .. _ 'oi the. ·Dee Hughes, · Ahosk_ie, is a majorette and secretary o·,. the stud•nt body. . . : Carol_ Jennette, Westminster, l'rld., is a. cheerleader and is active. in WGA. Jack Ladner, Pittsburg, ?a.,. plays_ varsity· 'foo:tball• and. ·is !Jresident o·f Pi Epsilon Kappa · physical education fraternity. Jack McGinley, N. J.,· plays varsity baseball. - . Mur!focK, Powell _M1,1rdoe,k, Raleigh, piays vu1·siiy basketball and is trer.s:urer of the student b,Qdy. · J i ll!,m y Powell, junior from Greensboro, is chairman. of the 'chapel -com- mittee. and a member of the Honor Council. Lloyd P r e s I a r, Point,, _edfts Old Gold, 11nd Black. Charles 'Richards,. Youngsville, is co-editor of The Student.· Simpson, Charlotte, is president of the College· Thiiater •. Bill ling, Smithfi!lld, is vice pre1;ident of the student-body and president of Kappa Sigma social fraternity. Marjorie Thomas, is active in College Theater. , ·Walt .Ward, Asheville, is presi- dent of the senior class. Mrs. Mangum Weaver, Durham, is activEt in WGA. Larry Junior from Bur_lington, is presi- dent of both the BSU and Euze- - tian Literary Society. , Grade Requirement Wake- Forest was allowed 28 representatives in Who's Who, hut the selecting committee nated only 24. Students not hav- ing academic averages of at least 1.0 are not eligible for listing in the book. Dr._ Henry Stroupe of the His- tory Department was chairman of the selecting committee. Other members· were Dean of Women Lois Johnson, Associate Dean W. C. Archie, mathematics professor Dr. I. C. · Gentry, English profes· sors A: L Aycock and Dr. E. G. Wilson, religion _ professor Dr. George Griffin, News Bureau Di- rector Russell Brantley and Dr. James Long, head of the Physical Department. Legislature Fails To Have Quorum The Student Legislature Thurs- day night failed to hold its regular bi-weekly meeting because a quor- um of the members were not pre- sent. Nine members, including the speaker pro-tem, w.ere · absent. They were Speaker Bill Starling, Speaker ·Pro-Tem Walt· Ward, John Cella, Marlene M(!Lamb, Dickie Newsom, Roland Thomas, Bill Tucker, Joe Grubbs and Tom Ward.

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Page 1: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_

; Friday_ will· Wake. For­when Duke·

ntps . invade·. n for· a 2 p;

;t· . and only. !r Barbour's. td the first oil yearlings L City. Wake· far. · n · tabS the' ',.,, ·heavy and

~rs, hailing· anacla, have his· fall than. he past two

! UniversitY; . nebiddies in~';_ a ·two-year;· ' :e freae~~~- _

;ial victo·rt, ~s thumped !y•publicized 'the annual The Chapel riously been · · ;he best in '

lets tagged 1ly loss two. oint with a

clets swing battle with :r. Cubs at

Take Out URANT .)

~c. Dinners

'Town lager . Fift~ St ..

i o. ~~--~-~ ecially rbers

lf;RS lOP- . o Campus rry Sts.




~ < 'I

ogist lY to non d. and

rap-•om, l the aond. 3eds, ~rigi.,.;_

the ....


--. ~\ ..

. ; -·~· ··.\·~ ...

ldrk .... '-·

Survey lndi~ate• Collegians Oppose· 18-Year-Old Vote

F~vor~. 2i of 2-7 · - ·· ·.:.;·.:.·:~-Vf~Iators-

solo:O~:--ro AtteiJ.d·,, Stat~-:'L:~g~s,at_u:re: :

By· CHARLES_ RICHARDS Win.ston-Salem -will be ·the site

of the ·1956 ·Baptist· State Conven~ P~.ace ;this wl!ek. ·Three

Baptists ·a:re~·eiqiec.tea -to· cpnverge on . tlie' . city tomorrow throl.!gh Thursday.'.. · · ·

: W !lit Chapel ·~n- f?8~pus and first· .Baptist ·· Ghurclf·:do1Wll1~"'m'l

--'be . th.e _ pifr!cjpal H•Jtac.~s.·Althougli-. ti11i- flr.st.full>con~ 1-.v1mtion- meeting -is ·scheduled:'::ror

. tomorro\_V .morning,.· several [--p:J."e-~OitiVElntion· , meetings Will . be . '•'

. __ ;: B~ii(I' __ To· :Plar, ;~ ··4s · a~· ·added .. attraction~ ·-for.·

delegates tOo the State Baptist Conv~n~i_on visiting the· campus;

. the- CoU~ge Band tomorr.ow will present a one-hour concert be­ginniii'g at- 4:15 p. m. on the ' plaza in froiit of Reynolda Hall.

N i n-e : selections, including ilact:ed _music a~d marches,. will be played.~- .. . , _

l'e'source-s. with• 'whieli' to ineet thill evangelism,· ·chlistian

edlll~Ltictn, ·-Dfioevoleri~e and.: mis~ · s-~ven' ~e~bers. ~f. th.e stti'd~nt Leg)iiiiatUre·here will ~present:the College · at an : a!}nual- · State ·Stu-:: (ient -~e~slatl,lre __ meet~g _to : held' this··week in the stale cap~tQ~ t'Vlarition

. · ' · ·-·-- ··.- building at: Raleigh. . . . .. · · ....... ·•' ·-" ,., ---' . :;- : ... -.... · · ,,_:.The~ sessi9n!!Lw1Ji¢hhY.ill

· ·.. ·-M--:-'' . ·- ;l_S· : ~.--0: :·_ ·s~t .,·-$·},, !f!'f;/l:.: ~~-o::.}y- 'l'll'qrsdaY; ;anif l":st:_',thr,i.?tt~:-sat.ux:-·t.eat,i(!nat . ·. ·. 'e~~,. _::·:-~Q . _; _·. · :•)•:·~~' · ~~.1:- :. :: · _(lay_":morm~g>·. will)e·:attended .l;Jy

, . . ~ot!t ::-.Te?ro'' and 'lWhite: stl,tdents '-:At 6' p. m. a· Brotlierh~od Con-i . . ·Ey HANNAH ·MILLER. en down· int~ avera·g;;s of -3~ .cents fTClm colleges and universities ference will begin in·· Reynolds ·-The average . WalCe. Forest stu- for breakfast, 64 .cenj;s -for :he throughout:· the . state .. -;· - ~- Gyin with· a supper. Also about

dent spends from $1.6·-t· to $1'.74 ·noon 'meal, and·-~~~cent~:-~o~_ihe Wake··:Forest sttidents·attending l,Ooo·:'Preachers·_ar_e expected to d~ly 'iii· ·:.thJt: ~afeteria; ··accord-ing r.ver.ing meal. ·.: ·' · . ~:. : ~lCbe :· :D!)ttie - -:~r~.d~,cJI:;:;.--~ o~n- aitend. a Pastor's COtiference. that to-~averages:co~piled--Thursday by Sunciay 'figur~s are .higher;. wJtJj Gella:, .,'N::tncy·. ,·Fogleman,- Davtd begins: at 2:-SO this.-.B.fterrioon in 1\lrs: -·Ruby .'·Sheridan, "·d_itector _ of the . noon. meal'- .a v-.e:r a g i.n _ _g :7.8 'Hughes, ·Joe Mill~PJ>- an1'f Roland the .. First 'Church ... --fopd' service'!!'-.-ior the ;College. c.;ni!l .. ·0

• .. ' :. • : • • • Thomas. --T~e · Col~ege ·is_- allowe~ Several matters· are expected to :·This average is ,a.IJOut-·· .. 11 cents In ·::OmJ!iling ·these :werages one mo1;e r~pr~sentat~ve, b~t that be brought before the ·convention

·mwt!r than. the .. average· ,at·-: the Mrs .. Sheridan -used. averages-for position· was :t1ot. f_illed late: las~ 'lther ·than tlie regular. ·_b'usines.s -Duke .. ·Unx'ver_sl'ty cafete•;a· ""'o'r t"oe first~an((last-.weeks;-)n Octo- week... . -;: . . · .·: · · · : -~-~ d' A ·c .. ·t·t · f

~ • · ~ 1 · ' procee mgs. ' - ommt, ee or -. men accor4ing. to Mrs. Sheridan, her. .She. discovered~_:only ~ a · few · Th'e.- WF de~egation , :Wil.' ·Orlgi- Baptist Church. Autonomy has. in-~ho',was·:sales and. service .rna- -pennies~ differencein'theaver-ages ilafe a~'bill in the Sena~ o~ the dicated .that it will-·ask' that the

_7"'·-..\ie' ~'-there' for-eight· years before .fo> the. two' we'eks. - . . s:. s: . L.-:: which . ~ould' .. _. r~qllire s c ..J • • th "'np.. . . . h d . The number of customers serv- eYeryone. who' re'gisters' an: ~auto- . upreme OUrt- .... eciSion on e

: · ; c~ing here. ~~de1_1ts ·t ere spen _;.rl· at· a. partt'cular me&! .--a. s divid- li,f>bile ·to have ·. $1_0_ ,000 worth_ .. of N ° r t li. Rocky_. · ·Moun_t. ·Baptist . --~een $1.75, a~d,•$1.85 per .d,ly ·~ ,. church case be 'considered.

:fo£'thefr cttfeteiia' fO:od,. she savs. e•l into_ ·the. amount of money . iiability insural}ce at ·the time·• ?f :. Dr .. James Buiinan of East \The Wake' Forest~to_tal .is brok- taken in' at that meal. ' . registration. ·:, . - ~-pencer, publlcatio_n8. ~cretaey' of

the· committee, has· ·said -that· tlie convention will· also·· be 'aske(( to coil.sider the court testimonies"of ·'-'cerQ!in prominent Baptist·: lead-ers."' · · · · · · ·.

~ ·, ~ ,., . ' '!..··. . '· .

* . ·.s.-; .. : '\'• . ~

·The Comm,ittee is· iilso expected -to que~tion ~e possible u.se of convention fuiu)s in the No-rth Rocky ~ount <;ase .. ;Dr. Bulman ·said, "We have concrete informa­tion that .certain co-operative pro­~m funds have at least been ex­nended in some way in connection with this. church case... •,

Senior:,~ciass :carnival SiatedFor Thursday

Contests, games and side shows will be featured · Thursday- night in a Senior Class Carnival to be held in W. N. Reynolds Gym­nasium.

Another matter which m a y nossibly be presented to the con­vention concerns a reS'olution about ·admission of Negroes to BaptJst c;chool~ in this state. A group of "friends· of Wake ·Forest, Mere­dith and other schooJB a1td colleges of the convention" are scheduled to ineet today and disetiss such· a resolution.

It is likely that th·e convention wi1I receiv-e a resolution opposing admission of Negroes to any of the sect's schools and colleges in the state.

Among the testi~onies from the Rocky Mount case that may be considered is that of Dr. Harold W. Tribble, president of Wake Forest. An explanation of his testimony regarding the virgin birth of Jesus Christ may be asked :for~ . . . The Piedmont Baptist associa­

tion, which represents 70 churches in - the Greensboro-High Point area, has voted to call on Dr. Tribble.

_ The carnival, which will last from 7 to 10 p. m.,. will be held in

Student Mag DueTh~sd~y

StudentS will receive the sec­ond issue of The Student, earn­pus magazine, during ehapel period Thursday. The November issue will be ·distributed _to stu­dents as they leave the Chapel.

This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year,

·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_ returning to Pub Row after a hitch in the army, and .Jerrj- Pierce, known for . his work with the College Theatre.

There will also be an essay Mi'·d-Te-rm·: . _ ·Grades D_ue .. · ·on the pro~~ gz:aduate pro­

gram ' fOr Wake Forest· aecom­Mid-sem~ster grades ~If be panied by a forum of opinions

issued either Wednesday or Friday, on that subject. An essay ou thet.Registrar's office· ahnolliiced . seience-littri.n literatUre is in­las~ 'week: Time of· the ISsuing ·i)f ;; eluded and-& feature- on Bowman gr&4~ ,W.ui be annouliceil' · 'in ::Craitseh04)I of Medicine; . _ Chapek. . :..· -•:·. .. ;· . ·. ~-- Djtfi~~~it!s c au s etf ,-~y -t~~. F~slimen and sophomores will movtl.;.;~d ehBilge '-. .in·:- ),U'i~t~

get ''their grades from .advisorS', have 'lieen ironed out,.. and p£0. and U!lperclassmen will pick theirs duction is now moving along up in the Registrar's. Office. 6ne, according to the ·e4fitors.

the women's gym, located to the right of· the main entrance of the building. .

Admi_ssion will be 15 cents and a stuffed .monkey will be given as a door prize. Numerous other prizes -and awards also_, will be given.

A prize worth five dollars will be awa'rded to the person guess­ing the number of beans contained in a jar.

Attractions will vary from for­tune telTing by mystic .. Patsy Wil­helm 'to basketball shooting direct­ed by varsity star Jackie Murdock. A fishing pool, bingo, dart throw­ing, and apple dunking will be attractive to fun seekers.

Senior Class president Walt Ward, who has directed prepara­tions for the carnival, emphasizes the event is open to all students and not seniors only. Wards says he ·feels - "everyone will have a good time."

Non-athletic students who can't seem to win with the basketball may try their luck at a cake walk planned as a highlight -of the carni­val. In addition a fun xoom· and "spook house" will be set up for the occasion. ·':.All proceeds from the carnlval

a·re to be used.by the senior-c13.ss in· securi~g a perma~ent gift for the'College. ·

-. qass -officials say the gift may be a bell or a permanent marker at the entrance to the campus on Reyn,olda Road.

Page Five


·Twenty seniors and four juniors will represent 'Wake Forest in the 1957 'edition of Who's Who Among 3tudents in American Colleges 'lnd Universities.

Students recognized in the. book each year- are nominated from · approxima,tely· 650 ·coll~ges and _universi~ie.~ •. A committee of nine . adn;til:listratjve- a~d faculty mem-.

· · · ·?ers::· arid . fo!Jr s~udents selected . tlie 24 Wake F"orest students. : Campus nominating committees are: instructed to consider scholar~ . shiJ?, -. CO:CJl_erat~on and leader~hip ~ii · a,ca,d.emic and extra-curricular ·a-c'tivities, citizenship and. service hl tlie 8chool and promise of fu-t-ure usefulness tG . soCiety. . \

Students Listed Included 'in the'li~t ·a:re ''t1ie· fol-:

lo:\ving students: : , · -· · · Don A veritte, Fayetteville, is.

manager- of intramural atliletic3. Walt· Barge, Durhain, is · regional

· c_omm~nder. ·of the ···.RO~ ea!iet. . c·orps: Denise· :B1tXte'r, · HOpeWell,

Va., is presiilen:t of·Woman's Gov.o · ernment: AISS'6ciatfon. ·c.· ·J. :Ben­

ner, Raeford,:' is· -aetive-- in· ·Bsu. Kitty 1 Booth, Morganton, is· . a cheerleader and co-editor of The Howler.-·~

Dottie · Bradd_ock, junior· from· Morganton, is co-editor of 'The Sturlent and a Student Legislature • representative. Mrs. Miriam All-' red Canipe, Winston-Salem, is ac­tive in BSU. and WGA. Martha Bond_;- 'Coo'Jc,_"-M-onlti:'i.e,: Ga~, . works wtth· the College Theater and in WGA. . .•

D!lve Hirano, Honolulu, .T. .1{., _ is ~residenf of the student body. ' O!lviQ..Hughesr junio~_fi:oin New­nan, Ga., js. a varsity -debater. and chairma-n .. _ 'oi -· the. Men~s H~nor Cou~cil.' ·Dee Hughes, · Ahosk_ie, is a majorette and secretary o·,. the stud•nt body. . . : Carol_ Jennette, Westminster, l'rld., is a. cheerleader and is active. in WGA. Jack Ladner, Pittsburg, ?a.,. plays_ varsity· 'foo:tball• and. ·is !Jresident o·f Pi Epsilon Kappa · physical education fraternity. Jack McGinley, Bla~;kwood, N. J.,· plays varsity baseball. -

. Mur!focK, Powell Jacki~ _M1,1rdoe,k, Raleigh, piays

vu1·siiy basketball and is trer.s:urer of the student b,Qdy. · J i ll!,m y Powell, junior from Greensboro, is chairman. of the 'chapel -com­mittee. and a member of the Honor Council. Lloyd P r e s I a r, ~High Point,, _edfts Old Gold, 11nd Black.

Charles 'Richards,. Youngsville, is co-editor of The Student.· Ft:e~~ Simpson, Charlotte, is president of the College· Thiiater •. Bill Star~ ling, Smithfi!lld, is vice pre1;ident of the student-body and president of Kappa Sigma social fraternity. Marjorie Thomas, Lincolnton~ is active in College Theater. , ·Walt .Ward, Asheville, is presi­

dent of the senior class. Mrs. Sylvi~ Mangum Weaver, Durham, is activEt in WGA. Larry William::~, Junior from Bur_lington, is presi­dent of both the BSU and Euze- -tian Literary Society. ,

Grade Requirement Wake- Forest was allowed 28

representatives in Who's Who, hut the selecting committee nomi~ nated only 24. Students not hav­ing academic averages of at least 1.0 are not eligible for listing in the book.

Dr._ Henry Stroupe of the His­tory Department was chairman of the selecting committee. Other members· were Dean of Women Lois Johnson, Associate Dean W. C. Archie, mathematics professor Dr. I. C. · Gentry, English profes· sors A: L Aycock and Dr. E. G. Wilson, religion _ professor Dr. George Griffin, News Bureau Di­rector Russell Brantley and Dr. James Long, head of the Physical Educ~tion Department.

Legislature Fails To Have Quorum

The Student Legislature Thurs­day night failed to hold its regular bi-weekly meeting because a quor­um of the members were not pre­sent.

Nine members, including the speaker pro-tem, w.ere · absent. They were Speaker Bill Starling, Speaker ·Pro-Tem Walt· Ward, John Cella, Marlene M(!Lamb, Dickie Newsom, Roland Thomas, Bill Tucker, Joe Grubbs and Tom Ward.

Page 2: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_

TWO - Monday, Novembet' 12, 1956


Directories Next Monday·

A student-faculty directory ·now being completed by Alpha Phi Omega ·service fraternity will gci on sale next Monday. ·

The book, which will be printed and will contain home and cam­pus addresses ~f all students and :faculty members, Will· sale fo17 15 cents _·per copy •. · .. · - ·

APO -will use- proeeeds from the project to buy furniture for its clubroom and to assist iD . the for­mation <>f a local Boy-Scout troop."

Frank Roberts is in Charge of an APO project to collect English books to be sent to Seiki Kinjo,l

-former student here now teaching in Japan. Kinjo's books were de­stroyed in a recent fire and he has asked for help in obtaining new ones.

APO at its meeting last week was asked by member Jimmy Hinson for help in publishing a bulletin to be used at a eonventi<>n af pre-ministerial students to be lielci soon in South Carolina.

Seminary Me_n I Miss be mob fiea~i .. Set Interviews ·: . ·,. ~>.; ~ '" _, __

The president of Croter Thet)­lc.gical . Seminary ~ a faculty member of the Southern Baptist TheQlogicaJ ~min~ry~ this week will confer .wiih any students in­terested ii;J. entering thejr semi-llarles. _

Dr. San.\ey L. Blanton of !Jrozer Seminary in Chester, Penn., will be :t'iere Wednesday at- 4:3() p .. m.

Southern Baptist _Sell).inary .~jn. Louisville, Ky., will.be represented tomorrow .by Dr.· John M. Le'¢8. .

Both .. repr~sentatives . will ~on­fer with:.students in ·Room lOS of Wingate HalL . - : ·.

Busiue~s S.Q~ori~y_ Takes 6 Members

Belta Kappa Nu business .. so­nrity .last wook. initiated. six .. new members and elected Pro-f. Joyce Bateman of .the School of ~usiness Administration as its sponoo.r.

Ja'mes Hen-ington,- an empleyee of Wachovia. Bank ·anfl Trust Co., ~;pGke at the Tuesday meeting on the opportunities for women in the . field of business. .

Says~ She's ~IJ:onored' . ny ANN JULIAN ·siSter' are g,nlduates, _and .her

How doea it feel to be :Miss b"ro'ther is a fl"eShman here this Demon Deacon? .vea.r.

Anne Bridges, pretty eoed A junior bioi~gy major, she plans to study physiea:l therapy

from Lattimore who is the 1956 at Duke UniversitY ·.alter grad-title-holder, says, "It's hard t'o ' ltating here. - . . express my feelings, but I'm . quite honored to be a repr~r sentative of the student body of Wake Forest CoJ:lege." -. _ S~~nsored by Si~ Phi EiJ:: ...

silon: soc i ii: 1 ·fraternity, Mii!S._ Bridges is not a p~weomer . .to . beauty contests. The talll:irown­eyed brimette -. was the '. 1955 queeti ·;,i' Sig2 "Ep·s- from bvth Ncrth and South Carolina. She was a winner in the "Maid of Cotton" preliminaries last yea1·.

And .. in December Anne :will . repr~nt ·wake .Forest·· a:t tlle Carrousel Basketball ·Tourna­ment in Charlotte.

Arme's interests are wide, but she says knitting ani! read­ing take up most ot her. spare time: "I like to read· anything.'' Mhos. Demon Deacon' likes pizza, cream cheese and olive sand­wiches and Stevenson. "TV is fine," she says, "but I don't like quiz programs. Elvis P1·esley makes me sick, but I really like Perry· Como." ' ·

Dozen Candidates ~ets 43,f)OO_.Vot~s · Votiilg. iii. · the· Mi:is '-".Demon

· Deac'on ~ ~ 'n t e 5' t which' -'clo.sed iromecoining, day~·, With··. Anne

.. ~ri,dges', eleition . Was tl!e-- high­est in recent years, Jackie Mur­do'*, .P.res!dent of the .swns.oring Monegram -Club, announce<J last we~k .... ,. .. · Murd~1gt·~id t}]at'- the' $430 l'a1sed h1 the __ Qontest wi'll be used to: buy funiiture fo1: the g..roup's clubroom. - . - .. ·- ,

Miss Bri_dges· had li,5oo pen­Dies ca8t .for: ·her. The· No. 2 candidate, ~Nancy Waddell, had ~0,354 vott)s,_ and .Ginger Gr~ was third wi~ 7, 734;·- . Twe!Te coeds were entered.

. Our Chinese Famitjo. Dinners · · are the talk of the T•wn ·

w. n. Tal'D, :Manager ·. Phone ~1356 316 W. FifUi St.


.. : oi .~\I~ . .'Most everyone aaes.:;. · .. 0

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. .lis' :sparkling with natiu'al gOodness, · · . . . - pure and whole$oriie ~ atill . . .. - .

utWally. friendly to your figure.; , · · ;-,, · -· - · . Feel like havi.Dg a Coke? : .. . . -- ·. . . .- ••• ;"', •• \ .:: ___ ;_,·_· ._.' :,· ..... ' -"," -:' - J • •• -~. -'! ~-·: ...

eonLEp _uJ:I_DER AurH6a•~.·o, Titr coq..coLA 'cGMPAN-r-~ ·· ·: ·· ~ ·

.THE CAPJTCi)L ceCA- coLA' BoTTLIN~ -COMPANY .. _'' -"Col:e"' is a reglsr.recl rrode-•ark. .. · ___ · ·_ ~1_!~~-~~·~.Cdi.\:~AlW.

,. ( ·~ ! ••

J ' '

New members of the organliza­tiien are Kav Adams Taylorsvil~e sophomore; Minnie. Branch,_ Rocky Mount.· sophomore; Ann Brown, Troutman sophomore; Edna Haw­kins, Lenoir senior; Barbara Hol­feli, Gastonia sophomore, and Joyce Strickland, Smithfield so­phomore.

Anne feels right at ho:me at Wake Forest. Her father, who is a doctor, her ·uncle and her COMPARE PRIC£,5!·

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You'll save too-and often get there sooner­IN GREYHOUND LOW-COST LUXURY

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WEEK'S · ... LAUNDRY '1,, .


--~--------------- $1.10 2 Cotton P~nts at 30c ·-----~_:_ __ _:___~---- .60

6 T-Shirts&-fold dry, 3lbs. at 8c lb.·--- .24

7 Pairs S-ocks---lY2 lbs. at 8c lb. ---~-- _.i2 7 Drawers __________ ..:..~----~-=------- .20

2 Sheets :.._ __ ..; ___________ ~---------- .22

1 Pillow Case ------------------...,.-- .06 Wake Forest Laundry Price ____ :_ __ $2-.54 ·


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: ·. . .. .. •) -· •j .', ...... ~


'. '

- ,. ~ ··~

. ·, .. :

Page 3: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_


.. ... f' ' ~, ... • ·- '!:"


... •

1· ••

IF YOU'RI.A. SMOKER who's never tried a . ~ ' . ' sniOke ring,· get in there and start puffing. · . wlill~ yo~'re ~t it, rem:ember; Lucky sinoke nngs'come :frOm: :fine tobacco. ThiS.makes no differenCe to the smoke ring,. but it does to yoil: You~ •. 1ine tob~cco means good taSte,

. and Lrickies~ · fine, naturally ·good-tasting tobacCo· is TOASTED to taste even better. So ~~e yotlr next cigarette ·a.· Lucky; and (!~ your ~t smoke ring a Proud: Cloud.



We'll pay $25 for every Stickl('l' we print-and for hundreds .more tliat miver get used! So start Stickling-they're so easy you can think of dozens in seconds! Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhy:iningo answers. Both 'Wordii must have the . same munber of syllables. ·.(I)on't_ do ~wiDgB.) -Send .'em all

. with ·-joiJr name; "address; cOllege and clasa to -Happy.Joe-.Lucky_. Box 67,A, Mount Vernon. N. Y. ·


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q!',P'(,ID~p j,\ND BLACK .. ' :: .. ~: ._::....... -.. Monday, Nove~r.12, 1956· THitEE

- . • t!' •

~-Q, ·::.!)fl'-~--2 i._.,.~_-_ .. ·-::ts.~,\: ·•· ·-

·::•. ·.·~,J~::·~f~.~~~:O~!-.-A~~~~~ERS

-· BYERLY.and STEELE . •. r •

,. 418 WEST: .tit ST.' - .: · •. .PHO~E·. :f-i9_;~:· ... ~ } .:. -.. · .,,;_ . • ,. r'~Wh~re. Quality, Is . P!!-r3mo,wa.t~·- ~ ~

.:,.,~ ''Quality f~r Quali~.Y:: w~: ·w.m· .Not ·Be·'Und~rsold":>; 1 ~ :-; .. ;.·::·~.::. :.r.;J;•;,i ·,-~ '·:.-,~·~-~ '". :-.. ' ; ., , . • •- I' ' !._ '

'_i.;.·{ :•.:~ .. ·.~PERJ.:·,,R~J:!~\I~.J?~PA~:f?!i.~N1' .... · •. .-:,.-~ .. ' . . -.. ~-)': ~+i. :. :~ . . ... . --~ ...... ~~---: .:, ... · . :. ~~ . . ... ·:: .. --. .

. ,.,_., /.}" ·:;.;::; ·-~::----·,_. :· ::;· ·:: ~ .. : ·. ~: ' .. '.·: - :":';~·. : ;·~::-: 9 • + .... • Y. ·'¥ ,_::Y.Y:·Y.·.-:·:'f../~ • "'!"'· ¥

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Shop ·Penney's for those "button-downs,'' too . • . and other furnishin<gs and

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Page 4: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_

M;iybe editorials for college ~ews­papers should be written about potato soup[ qua 1 it y points or dormitory rooms;. but we believe American· stu­dents have some interest in more im-portant :m..attet-s. : - . .

that there was no . pre-eiection ·. }l~ii ... taken on this ·campus io ·. determ.i.p.'e . · pouucal interest m Jast w.e·ek..,~ ~iec~· ·. tion. The BSU did draw a· fe:W .. )itu-:-. dents to its torum on "Adlai.or Ike/'· but less than a hundred were .1eft'.

, when. the straw vote· was· take·:n:·: Then there·s the· matter of .last

week's Student Legislature. meeitng." No quc;m~m. Maybe Wake Forest t~tu.;· dents aren't even interested in cani..,.

I ..

.... -.....

. .... If~ ··J&.ie'::A.~., ~ ·. · . . : : B~o:~ · :··th~- B:o~ee~~~g:;i,~~~-< ·'

:-'started ·l&st· ·week· eilil~.;thi.S .. un-"·· ·: usuar annciunciemimt'W'a~ mad~ .to~ ~-

. the crowd. .. ,_. . -. . :. ' ·~.: . . .. - ' o'

· ''A'key ·~o:·ine·~~~;'Cicinn )t~s >_: · .been'found; :Will:;~~e. o:wn~r~ pl~as·e ~·: ; ·. eome· and retrieve· it."···,.:·· · · · ·

· . · AI:!ou_t ha~ -the · · populace - · ; . hopped up: -and· ·

m8:de a' bee.:.uile : :f(ir tlie,:p reJ'

box., . · .. D u r,i n g the .. eourse~ ;of J 'the

The Oct. 29 issue of Old Gold and Black contained an editorial on the struggle in Poland and the· sympathy of Americans with the freedom-seek- . ing Poles. And the Associated Col- · legiate Press, an organization which ·criticizes college papers as a service and ·a guide, remarked about the editorial: "Airn ·editorials at student readers as much as possible."

pus affairs. Perhaps we have .become_·. · ~etaehed, resignin-g· 0\.!-~seives· to ivory : . towers. We can only:.hope tins isn~t. : lhe ~ge uf Apathy.·:' · .··· ·.. . .

game; :Wake For.:: est 'started'- ..

. ing ... State· · in. a · magnificen.t .fS.:!:!h~. -ion.· The" an~ ·nouncer began

That is ex~~tly what we did, but with the optimistic belief -that ct:u­dents... were· int-erested· in Poland and such· international ma:tteis. If they are· not, they should. be. The situation is sad if Americans--studentts · and otherwise~an offer- only apathy when in other. :partS .··of the world· people struggle. The 'Very least we .. can do is sympathize. That is what we were doing in the Oct. 29 issue of Old ·Gold. And just as we object to apathy we object to any inference that Wake Forest students ·aren~t

But at least · ~uropean students·.· . have shown som~ i~ter~st. ~'bey :_not.

. only .have.' shown a willingness to :live; . they :have d,embnstrat~d a willingne~· to die. This is real i~terest." We aren't suggesting that 'A:tnericaii .-or . W a.ke" FQrest students sh-ould· .l~ac:l ~any. r~-· . hellions ·as th'e Hung-arian . and RQ_.:. ·.· manian students· did. · ·

B,ut \ye do. bola that stuqents ·here · are,., interested an' d · that . editorials about Poland· and free:doirl'· are '-di-· rected· to students; .we believe Wake· For.est studentS read· and think and feel' ·about such tliirigs as these. We hope they do. And ~e repeat: if they dori1t, they should.· . ·· · .

interested. ,. · · · · · '· · But we ad~i.t ~hi's . is ' only as it

should be. It may not be. It i'.s true . ··.: .. -·· C. H. :R.

How Honorary IS Who's Who? , '1''

If the contents of an often-heard­of but seldom-seen annual volume en­titled Who's Who .Aniong Students in American Colleges and Universities are to be taken seriously, then the following information is true.

W~k-e· Forest College has 24 .out-

Michigan, Cascade; Dunbarton, Eute- · ka and others. But conspicuously-ab­sent from the pages of Who's Who are the outstandill'g students of such colleges as Harvard, Yale-and Colum•. bia and universities like Texas Christ- · ian; North CaroHna and Chicago.

. Still· the ·"re-c·ognitioii"- argument persists, and every fall 'W_ake Forest: announces its Who's:· Who nominees:. · But we contend that recognition ·is neither the aim nor· the reward for· ari. outstanding Wake F'orest student. Arid as lon~ as lists must be. padded· · just for the sake - of fill~ill!' them, · · honoraries--be they·· Who's Who or w:ha:tever-are .. :no gz:_eat honor.

stan'din&-.: students: .. Sa'lem College has seven outstand­

ing -students .... A~ppa:laehia:ri: ·State-::T.eachers Col,..

lege. has 30 ·outstanding students. , Central Michigan College (don't

ask :·us) has 30 outstanding students. So there. 'I)e als'9.~J\i!i! ~f!>,.r;. V{hat;;it'.J?i:;v,orth ..

We ~,-no not mean to argue that Ap-pa1~;chian is not blessed. w.ith ·more 'L·e· st We Fo· .. rg., ·et· cam:pus leaders than is ·wake Forest. Am{, we admit, it is quite possible The histories of Wake Forest Col-. that there are onlv seven Salem stu- lege and the Baptist iState 'Convention dents worthy ·of ··Whots ·Who.- . are-- clos·ely· united.;. Today, ~s Uap,-.

I:!f fact, there · are ·many· ·people · tists from· all over North Carolina are aroJ?nd here who ·would ·argue ·that. · making their way to this city and to 24 ?S too large a number for 'VaH;_e the new campus of: their College., it F.o~st .. o.~~, ~~ud.~!1t .. sull11Wed. this .~ight be well to r~call some of the ;.1et~omt up well, enough .la~t week. relationships and v:alues interchang-

Do.n t feel bad 1f you d1dn t make. ed between the denomination and the it,"· he said. "Almost half the other school stude:t;tts didn't either." Just fol!l.r years after the conven-

~erwusly, however. there are plenty tion itself had been formed, in the of ~ood reasons why the College winter of 1834 Wake Forest Institut~ ~hoilld write ~V_ho's Who'R publishers opened its do~rs as . "an educational a l~tter exp~ammg that w:ake Forest institution that wotil'd give training no lo~ger. ~1shes to have 1ts students · under Christian ip.fluences and pro-mentioned .1n . the book. _ vide educated ministers."

Who's Who was conceiyed some 24 The College has expanded vastly r,ears ~go to fill ~he dub1C!us need of since that time both· in purpose and ~r:eatmg one natiOnal has1s .of recog- physical appearance. But the ideals

mbon for college . st1;1dents." · '\Vhijt v;hich 'prompted '\Vake Forest's crea­!he book actually IS, 1t seems to us, tion remain. Candidates for almost Is . 3; clever money-ll;laki~g .s~heme eV.~ry profession, not just ministers, or1gmated by a g~pup of ·mdiVIduals are being educated here today. Mem-. whose only task Is to collect a few. . bers·· of many denominations have thbusand names and achievements, been welcomed in their search for compile them in a volume and sell education. But the Christian influence them. And the vast majority of their and the love for .Iearnin'g-though buyers are those . students listed in these are not forced or shout-ed aloud the boo.k. Just where the recognition -are still present. comes. m we. don't know. Not even In a century and a quarter the Col-the Lrbrary buys a copy. Ie·ge has weathered many storms of

\Ve see no re.ason why Wake For- bigotry and backwardness. Again, it est should contmue. to be the victim J1as been the democratic spirit of the of such a commercial farce. Baptist and his love for truth that

What about the number of sturlents haue won the battles. ·whatever from each college? Th:'lt depenrls on \Vake Forest is, it is the product of the .enrollment .. That 1s why Appa- the work and the charity of the Ea.p­lachJan has more than ·wake Forest, tists of this state. They should be Wake Forel'!t -has rn11re than Salem, welcomed to a campus which they and so on: The nublishers simulv in- can rightly call their own. st~11Ct the1r cont~ct at P.llch colle~e And in the words of Dr. C. C. War..:. With a few hill"h-s.ounding- reqnire- ·ren: in his Dedication address, "May ment~an!i state the quota for that the God of Heaven forbid -~hat we school. . . shan ·ever fail t 9 keep faith with A~d what coHl>g-P~ an'd"univ"'rsitie<~ those who have placed their trust in·

are mcluded? Well, there:s Central us, }he Baptists of North Carolina." .


JOHN WAGSTER Business Manager

Founded Jannary 16, 1916, as the student newspaper of Wake Forest College, Old Gold Rnd Black is published each M$day during the s-.:hool year ·except during examination and holi-day periods as direded by 'the Wake Forest Publications Boars. · · .

. BILL CONNELLY, Managing Editor JO BUTLER, Circulation Manager

·EDITORIAL STAFF:.Sally Beard, Dottie Braddock, Vicki Brinegar, Nancy Carroll, Charles Duncan, John Earle, Tommy Elmore, Robe:rt;. Fitzgerald, Bob Goerlich, Ann Griifin, Mary

. Kathryn Hale, .Carter Hedrick, Edie Hutchin3, Ann Julian, Randy Listerman, Jerry Mather­

.]y~:Ran~"h Mil~er, Reta Peop~!ls, lJpogene Poole, Charles Richards, Charles Rooks, Earl Shaw, . John Shle~s, Jtm Turner, Fred Wardlaw. ·. · . . i

·BUSINESS STAFF: Darlene Herman, Billy CIRCULATION STAFF: Libby Finch, Jea­. Powell, David Rawley, Joe Richard~on;Ginny nette Haywood, Barbara Hill, Jane Leyris, . Stephens, Gerald Taylor, Roland Thomas, Penny May, Joyce Odotn, Judy Rice, Gaynelle ·Anne Torrey, Sue ~Weathers. . . i Walker,- Barbara Williams.

i .Memtier ·of 'the As~ciated ,Collegiate Press and the .. ..Intercollegiate Press. Represented for ·national. advertising by National Advertising Service,-1n~. Subscription:rate: ,2.50 per year. ; Entered as: second-class matter at the post office ,at Winston-Salem, N. C.

. ( .•. Offices In Reyno Ida Hltll.225-227 · . ·

· Tde:Phone 5-9711 ' . · · 'i - - .' P. ~· · Bo~ -7567 ., · E:deusion 215 Reynolda Branch

_ [: .. ,..,*{.::;.:,~.;::.:- ... -.·~:·-·.2- -\,:'.f',;;;.:-.:·.·:·. Winston-Balem,. ·N~· C.

.... , - ',·.

·:: -~

.·. · u~ing descriptive --~ .: · ··"''·" the pl&ys. ,In an. v.Oici! .he ..

.. · eried: "Smathers smothers !\·~state. man" and . ''Barnes bruises ::Pepe·. iri · that taCkle. .. ·: ·. · . . :~ '. · . ... . . . . .· . . :.r ~ . .: · .. , ·. . . . . ,

.. --- ~-~ ·~·, ~ . ~- ~~ '\ :.- , .. ;. . . ;·_''A lot' of ~ur DeinOeratil students.'· ~:were~---disappointed-' abOu(. Ei5en:.:' . · · -howe:l.;s_ VictOr-Y' over ·stevenson. · o;ie<li~pitblical) '~~dent .. ~:as' really .

·bragging over the ·::outcome· of· tlfe·race •to-one ·of 'his 'friends··who wils on the losing>sid~ ,. . . .'

. ·: o·"Old: Soldie~s- ,Never rife;" the

:. ').: . .">~~q~1;j~,!~tr:.r~:';he·~~:~2ii~·: ·.'' ::-:.:. ·.Democrat •. '!T,li.iii' :.one· wilt--He's s~

'·: .~:).. ··.P!le they're :~i~g:-·to"··have tO. siart·~· .. r:, '-~making. tn~ 'ne\isreels''' in .. technf- .. :

"""'-~----.: -~·:: ··~lor!'~.~.,:·/,:.-·> .. -:-~ '· ·: .. __ · ;:·:.~_. - =-~:.;.~-z.·~~, ..

;.~ group of. cfreslifuen 'girls wer~ : sjtting 'around iii- the c8:feteria the

. ~t~r;:· .'day; "· s1rsie. ·· happe:~;teii· . 1:()- ·· · ,_ ~otrce- that . Barbara . was w~ring ·

-~~l~~~f1 ~t~f;~~t~~~~~~J:I~\f.~z;·::· -.... -,, · . y,-., '-· .. ·~·· UJOW: you "W"eJie : <a 'tJ!~lipiic~.·t ~$'~ rema~k~dP, '!:;~~!· :

. "I:~:· not," replied Barbara," but ·. I· hear- theTre ··r~establlshing _the . . "Inquisition.' and·:-,;I . , don't' . want· to·.

get my h~ad~c\W.of:f.!'

.. · ·· · :·:: : . : ~~i~/~j~/~~~ii~;~ij ·p·o;teci ·.at ------------~-------=---.-:-. "", -. -'-~---:-""""'-'--:;----:--__;~-'-~...:_---:-:--=--:-~ the Iriformatio:if'~deski ·

.... ·. ~':.Play~,- ·~e~·· · ~. .: .. w~1i- ·:~;~~~~~~J~ease ·che~k . .

L -~t·· · . (AU 'letters to the editor· ·must e. ers be sigR~; names. Will be with• . held on .request.) ·

- .. o.. . . .

Edit.or· At Villanova regulations, high prices on meals; · poor· student seats ·at football

Praises- Old Gold games, ·and poor . managemen~. .. - . •. 'Which·; would not arid C1lUld not To.:tlfe Editor:< c • ··have·.occurred if sh~ hacf bee"n ,. , 1',1?:1 n9t e~gera:tin~_. wlu;n ~-'.: pxesen..t. She .. •.mentioned · s1ie::_had · say that The VIllanovan s ep1to~ ._ be~:n . left among the 'traditions -loo.k forward ·to each wee:Jt's ~P-. --of the Old ·Campus;.< pearance of Old Gold and .Blac~. :· I· told her that siri~e she· was Guess it's beca.!!se we consider .It merely passing through ·and -was the closest thing we've seen lD unable to stay, . that it would.'tlot' college :newspaper ranks to, a be necessary for her to appeal her metropolitan PI!.Per. case. At this- riews, -Justice left

The news writing is certaiply arid. passed-silently"'into tliitnigbt:· superior, and the' follow-ups are ~s- .I watched lier ·go I could riot" well-done. Example: background help feeling regret. This· feeling on the freshman class pre.sident was soon interi!ip.ted: \by· a fresh-after his runoff election vtetorr. man who happened to. be stand-Perhaps the story on the cafeteria ing near. setup should be mention~d, too, He asked me who she· was,. imd as an example of .o~tstandmg .and . after some .consideration I gave complete news wntmg. ihim this answer, "Justice was her

We have added you to our .e~- n~me; she instigated the move-change .list and hope you" will . ment of the College, got !ost in take a look at the Nov .. 7 Issue, the pilgrimage, and when she especially. Your paper IS ·men- finally arrived she found tha.t no tioned. place had been prepared for her."

Tom Smith ' R. :p. Chester Editor-in-Chief Senior Class The Villanovan

· ·· · their· 5. ·dollar. bjlls ... I have' lost

Dur. m• . g· ··w· eeki·<. one. -It' has .. a·. pieture. of.·U-onest . : . : . . . . . . . -:-.... . . . Abe !)n :'it. Will; .YOU-be,...like niJ.im

· · · · - ·and .~return ·it to me1 ·The..:.a~ Wake Forest students and Wjns- .number is E-85125119A.

, ton-Sale~ ~itizens have; ~ ,_!:qoi4e_ Thank y_ou, .· : __ 1

,. •

o:Ctwo plays at one time this·. week. .. ._.:~illy_. J6e Neig~bOrs · Beginning tomorro'w the. Wins: ·i .. : .. .' · - .'.R:oQ.m· .3l+;A;.;·s:. E. .Dorm .. ··

... ton-Salem Li~le. ritea~e:~Jlpr~,. . . .. : .. ;:·~.:·:_ •· :,:"·:. ~- . ~,.: ~· _:;~· ~- ~ ·_-,~ .. ··sent "The C~ucible','. :P~:-: ~t;bur. · .· · ·Coeds·: had -B.. ·chance . to.' · get . Miller. for five evenings. On Tues- drunk last W.~dnesday .. night.' The day_ and Thu~sday .. evenin_gs.~.!'The. · -·or-ange,:drink. in the C1lC8' -cola Grass Harp" will be presented ·,by machine, had fermented. · Salem . Co1lege. · · · , __

"The· Crucible" is a play .. about the salem witCh . bu:niing. of 1692

... and- is ~ based'. on historical' fact •. .·-"'fhe.Grass Harp" is on the lighter. ·. side ·and is taken from. a· novel

·by Truman Capote. . . Lead roles in the· .saiem . pro- .

duction will be played by Lynne· Hamrick, ·salem junior, and Biil Smith, a Wake Forest junior from _

· Charleston, S. C: The rest of the. cast. c<>nsists of seven girls from Salem, three Winston-E'alem men and five other Wake Fo1·est mea.

"The Crucible" has a cast of 11 men and 10 women with Cla1:k Billings, veteran Little Theatre . actor, in the lead role. ·

· It seems that the Lanibd~' Chi's ·have revived ~-.mild form· of "haz­ing".:..on · our mQdern day. campus. T!ley drove by the· ·girls' -:dorms· the other night and amid gales of biugl.!ter· and much yeliing. they dep.osited a poor pledge (clay only

·in .his ·unmentionables) at the giils'.' doorsteps. .

' ,The ·coeds screamed delightedly, . and the . embarrassed freshmaa . fled into rthe . darloi.ess.

·. : ·~-· ... ~ .. On their .. way,. back !rom the

BSU Convention· last week end, sev_eral members .. :of the group f<topp'ed off at the home of Jo ·Ann Owen's aunt for supper. .

· St"r.1dent Paying Fine TalltS \Vith 'Justice'

Cognito Says He May When it was time ·to ·eat, one

enterp:ds1ng coed locked b.er .male companfon out .'of the house until

·he !tad properly · answered -her question, "Who's the best-looking coed at Wake Forest?"

' ' . .

To the. Editor: As I waited outside the Court

of Traffic Appeals Tuesday -night, I met several old acquaintances whom I had not seen in a long time. Among them was a young · woman named Justice 'whom I ad­mire very much and yet had not seen on the new compus. She, like myself and many others, had a traffic violation and not know­ing rules of the .new campus, she was not aware that visitors did not have to pay their fines ..

Go To Trouble Spots

I asked if she was staying on the campus this year and found that she was not. Concerning my question, she told of several inci­dents such as unjust parking ·

Found:· Outfit .For. One·Male

By CHARLES RICHA~DS It is possible that I. N. Cognito

will leave the Wake Fores.t campus in the very near future.

"I -realize that this will affect my friends with terribl:! shock," the freshman said; "but I feel my abilities are needed elsewhere in the world·." ·

With this an;1ouncement, Cogni-· to revealed part of his plan to visit the Near East ·and the troubled section of Europe. He expressed a desire to take a regiment of Wake Forest students to help free the people under suppression.

"The only hindrance," he said, "is that I don't know just now .. what side we are <Jn." ·

I. N. Didn't Vote While discussing the world sit­

uation, Cognito an~wered a ques-By VICKI BRINEGAR tion which someone asked about

With the exception of a few the election <>f last week. articles (such as trousers), a com- ·."I did not. vote," he answered, plete outfit for a· male student ''for· I am only'"' interested in the -may be claimed at the informa- · world as a whole. I am an advocate tion desk iJi. · Reynolda · Hall. · · of· world' g?vernment. I wa~t all

Although ·.correct sizes e~J?:not to know that at least. one Am·~'rican be guaranteQd, one can ' 'find. a : . student ls "a 'liberal. 'I arii thinking raincoat, a hat, a- jacket' .. and... ·about tr~ferring ·to some Euro-rainshoes. pean. university so :I can revolt

Rain wear. seems to be hard to against something." keep up with,. for two umbrellas, Cognito was then asked what he the raincoat and rainshoes, an4 had done to develop his political a scarf .have been found. Two thought. "i have taken several his-towels are, also waiting t<5. :~·~ tory· ~ourse~ f!ev~-;-al. times," he claimed .. · . · ;answered. .. ~ · ~- ·. · · ·-

Anyone wishing to claim any~-- _. ~:',4-ncL~pe!~g .<~l courses,~' he these articles should identify them-·· r· ~on.tin~ed,~.,. I. hav.e._, ~orne xdeas

. to M_rs: ,A;Y~_ocl_{ at t,~e,. ~~~~~ti~!l Wabokut.,cF_~ursest ~ ~ a1~dedi~thinth,~. desk. · a e ores curncu um. ...

the Physics Department should be. con;rerted into a school of atomic· warfare· and .. tlie Chemistry De­partment into a school of chemical warfare.

. ROTC Expansion . "The ROTC department . could

b~ extended to cover :the· entire school, maki~g Wake Forest a center of Christian-military edu­cation: This would 'be particularly helpful in ·making the olive-drab colored trash cans on campus more

_ appropriate." "Speaking of trash cans," some­

one in tbe group around Cognito began, "what do you think of the cafeteria' situation now"!"· ·

"There are only two answers," said Cognito: "Either the situation is better and students have nothing to complain about, or the situation is th,e same and students never had .any C1lmplaint. So· I would like to end this matter.

Wants Serious Problems "Let us, instead," he continued,

"be concerned about more serious problems. For instance, I ha\•e been wondering if there have been 'enough· parking fines collected to pay the police force that gives the tickets.

"Perhaps we cooperative stu­dents should start parking · ih ·the empty spaces around Reynolda Hal~ to help furn_jsb the marshals a salary. - · · · .

"But even this.isn't· as important as many other things. There is much to worry about today. Mid;: term gra~t;!~ are about to come



· . Realizing his position, the young­Jl?.an hastilv r~plied, "You are Judy Freeman!" ' So the triumphant coed opened

'the· door. Ah, for such an easy · victory over Salem; . §!he mused. -The new'spap~r. gets quite an

as5mrltm•>nt .. of un.usual ·requests from persons· wanting . p\lblicity

. for their projects, but one of the oddest . came last week from a German professor.

He wanted to know if · OG&B would print hjs announcements in German.

Running a close s e c o n d to Homecoming as ;f'ar as social events are concerned . was the Theta Clii "goldfish fu.DeraJ" stag­ed _between the two· gir~s' dorms.·

This solemn occasion was at- . tended by around 50 coeds. The ~pall bearers brought the deceased bodies to their final :resting place in match boxes placed on pillows. H:vmns were sung and a sermon delivered in loving memoiy of the two departed goldfish ..

Whenever laughter ·arose, on­lookers were severely rebuked and requested .to remember where they -were. . ·

had a hard. 'time re­the eolor theory. in .

One coed ·m.embering

.. psychologY' "I just can't remember which

col~r is "seen brightest ·at night, green or yellow," moaned the eo~d.. . , · · · •. "Oh, that's easj.;' replied a friend • .'~Just remember that you see yellow· ih tlie daytime·; that m·eans caution. And you see green ---at night; that means gOl'' . . . ~

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Page 5: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_


•• _l . _ ._: · __ -: ·_: .. ;;·c:~-~-"~:>'_. .-'I{A-PP¥: ,'.TALK~-;: .;:: :, ;·-;:"l': ·:.:· (:· ... ~ ~--. _,; .• ri,_L J 0 .-·: :·..:.~: ~:'.. :~ • .:;:~ ~:- :-~ :7 •' ... ,I,

As· we a-ll .kn~w,. ~o~~ersa~iori i~ ·terribly. important on·.a.date.-.WJu~nJtl.lls-in the"conversation·run longer than .. an hou_r.or two,.~one's 'pa~nerjs inclined to grow logy·-

-' evenc sullen; .,-What. then, does one do'?. -~ . . · · .' ,, ___ ,, . · ... · · Ifti:me' i~ise/ .. one: followa th~ •briiliiuit ·ex:~ritplts;~:f ~

-·Harlow"':Thurlow. . . · . , ; •· .. - · . , . . ..-_ ,-·

•''' .. Harlow Thurlqw prepar.es. That i{his ~lmple· secret:

.Before the· Q.a~, he gQes to the library and 'reads all 2-t ·volumes ·of· the encyclopedia ·and transcribes· their··con.- '· .. :· .tents on his-cuffs. Thus he makes sure that ·no--mattet-"· ' ..

-.what his-date's -interests are, -he will fuive<ilmple. material '· · ·-tokeep-the.>eonversation:alive. -:·~· <; .~·::,,·-.-.,. · "r:·

· · Take, for example, Harl.ow's first date''with· P'riscj-Ila- ::· de 9-asser, a fine, strapping, blue-eyed- broth :ont girl, · . ' · -lavishly cons.tructed .and. rosy as the dawn. · · . ··:. · ·-

_.:.Harlow was, as· always, ·prepared wh~n- :tie called'for · · Priscilla, and,·as always, be did not start to converse ini· · -·· ·

· mediately~- First be took her to dinner -lieeause;·-:as··every-. one knows, it·is useless to try to make 'conversation with' •, an unfed coed; · . · · · ' : ·. _ · .' So he took her to a fine steak house where he stoked · · · her with gobbets of Black· Angtis and mound's of French fries and. thickets of escarole and .battalions ·of- petits ·" fours. Then, at last, d_inner was Q\Ter and the waiter· brought two finger bowls. -· . · ··

· "I ·hope you· enjoyed your din,ner, my_ d~r," said Harlow, dipping into his'finger bowl.' · - . . "Oh, it was grandy-dandy!" said Priscilla. ·"Now let's . go someplace for'--ribs/'' . '.: .· . ' . ' ~··,

"Later; perpaps/'. said ~arlow. "But right no~. I , ,. -· thought we might nave a conversation." , · ·

''Oh, goody, .goody, tWo-.!lboes !" cried Priscilla.'. "I · -~een ~ooking everyw~ere for. a: boy who can·car:fy:'on an .

_ .mtelhgent conversatiOn.". . ·· ·' . · ·"Your -~earch .. is :ended;~rnadam," said Haflow .. aria' : ~ulled ~ask his sleeves and loo~ed at l!is· cuffs to· pick a hkely toprc to start the conversation. ·{.:'.

Ob, woe! Ob, lackaday! Those cuffs on which Harlow had painstakingly transcribed such diverse and . fasci­nating information- tliose cuffs were nothing now but a big~ bl~e blur! For Harlow -poo.r Hailow! :._splashing·

. around m the finger bowl bad gotten his ·cuffs wet and the ink had run and not one word was legible! And Harl_ow broke· out in a night-sweat and fell dumb.

. ·~I must say," said Priscilla after several silent hours, "that Yo~ areoa_ very dull fellow. I'm leaving."

Witll that she flounced away and poor Harlow was too . crushed to protest. Sadly be sat and sadly lit a cigarette.

All-of a sudden Priscilla came rushing back. "Was that," she asked, "a Philip Morris you just lit?" ·

"Yes," said Harlow. "Then you are not a· dull fellow!" she cried and sprang

·into his la\>. "You are bright! Anybody is bx:igbt to smoke such a ·p-erfect doll of a cigarette as today's .rich, tasty Philip Morris, which is brimming-full of natural tobacco

·goodness· and fresh unfiltered flavor ...• Harlow, tiger, wash your cuffs and. be my Io:ve!". . · .

''Okay," said· Harlow, and did, and 'yas.. .. . @Max Shulman. 1'~6 ·

The maker• of Philip Morris Cig4U'ette•, wliu bring yuu thi•· column each week, are "err lr,appy for Harloac - and for all the r-,;1 oliou who htne discor:ered the irue tobacco gootlne••

~.of f9~ay•• ._PhUip lrlorr_i.I _ . _ .- · · ·· .


1'03 S; Hawthorn~ · . · . ]lci~4. : · , .

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: ~SALES'ar··PRODUCTION · <k'eiliulid.ate fod~y degree .. which includes one year of

organic chemistry alsO- will _·be coQsidered.) . '): _'· · · · Ari-ang~me~tS for ~tervie...-s should be made througli your· plaeement-nft!ce .. _

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~' · 'Th~r~ :is' no tiio~e per~nal gr~eting than .·the· g-ift: of· ·a p~otograpb, Do_ more grueful way of--acknowledging fri~~dship,_ of keeping meraorjes fresh and alive. _ .

-For a genuine''likeness and a. flattering portrait, v;~~t ·:, the Grigg Studio today.




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Pr:vale 'Dining Room For Banquets And Parties PHONE 2-9932


ltatQsktlltr -.

Page 6: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_

R •<c'

I._._,. o-­L D


Life returned to' normal last the ·homecoming week end. ·week as fraternity men reminisced losing pins were Freddy Turnage over the annual homecoming dance, to Norma Bullock, \Voman·s Col­odecorations and dates. lege freshman from Rocky Mount;

Whjle settling down. ~o the booic,s Johnny Brantley to .Jean .Harris again the Deacs who are Greeks of Raleigh, ·and ·Brqce Liles to began preparations' for the final Betty Jearic))o\ms'/:'woinans Col-home football game with Dukle lege freshman. / ,:. · ·· University this Saturday. ! Plans ar~\)u:!~ 'b.eing: mapped

Alpha Sigma Phi for a d~hce~·~fci~lo"l\·mg the Duke-Robert Vincent•' Nostrandt, so- Wake ·Fo~·e·s~. :too~ball. ·

phomore from Dam·ille, Va., be- ·.$~·Chi . eilme a. brother of the fraternitv Coed Carol Jennette has bf:!en in ceremonies held last week. - chosen to represeJ;Jt ~igma' Cht in

Bil! Ketner has been chosen. to the ~'Miss 1\faxitil'l'l.er;,- c_ontest.' lead the Alpha Sig basketball sqi:uid , The pledge .~l~s~ _is, J?lanning a t,his year. Two teams :will be enter- stag party' for-'fhe brothers ·wed--ed by the ehaptet•. . . nesday night. , . .- · · · "\

Abe Elmore, Dewey Hobbit and : Plims a~ b~ing made fo~ a ~am my Flynn were. among alumni <J;inner meeting ·of .f:h'e · orot}ie.rs VlSiting the chapter last week end. a11d Sigma Chi alumni.' · .. ,. ·

Plans are being ma:de IOr·a ·parcy' : "Jim Elam became- arC ~3ive to celebrate results of the D"uke- ~ember of the chapter again last Wake Forest football· game this ":eek. , week end. ' Sigma Phi Epailon

Kappa Sigma · Wives and mothers flooded the ; Among the "old" ·grads visiting house Wednesday night for their

the campus last week end were first Mothers and Wives Club ~lumni" Bob Gibson, Biil Ferris, meeting of the semester. In Freddy Weeks, Buck Jones, Bob c~arge of arrangements were Callen, Fred Hill and Dick Gordan. M_arcus Scruggs and Anne Clay,

La1Ty J;lrooks, Danville, Va. so- w1fe of Dick Clay. phornore, was initiated last week. ~mong, --visitors d u ring the

rMusic~:· Pragr.~~, ...

of it, built Jltyund Martin :WJ:th,er!:si' ,n\': , .. Mighty FQz;.t}':es~ _is

" . L . -. I.

program,". said '.,,.,nu•r a:r.o:II!iCi·;l,'l'.>js -a·' wrt .,Of: 1in:

s)'llli.p'h.Q.Iji.E~l·pr,~setnt Fhi -"-"'-"-· 2

varied A,,prog:~;a-g~ on . art is planned .. fi:Jr- the; futiire.' ' '

Robert Fitzgerald, .:·pr.esi$lent of the so::iety, has announCed that

'at no·:f~)~ _being ~h#ged foi:. l!Se of :23{) of P"iii Hall this'",'y'~ifr:·_I(,ls ~ und~r-

R~>·~rm~lHio. .Han: . '· ; _ · however,-.,Jlult·" any~ "group Cliarles 1Uc:lni~rds· has explaiHed· tllat the usmg th~. h~ll will .. b.e ·responsible V:ic Moore, mp>nOJ:!l~~ a~·-bOth popular for its care.' . ' -. . ' Robin .. ' sig\l.ificant •• ~th · · •s'"Jifih Coitt~sts .Slated ·' · iu""nior; sy1n'Pilil:ny is faulilia'r ·-~USUally Both'· lite~axy. sQCief:ies- are. now Cfin.toti jmiior; ·Johii ·described. as· -f'fate lmoeking at maKing plans :tor 't~ii'fiill ·&emes-s. ·c., junior,' "and' 'G'erald ''Thlv1or::·lthe

0_ ~oor.'! · . . . :: , . ., "-~ ter ~~~h-·will ta~e place

BeaUfort ,it1nior. • -' <" ·- -~·""· -.:.'-..'·Has Familiar ·.'l'heme •, .T~hksgi~mg· holidays. ··Reiresiim'ents and a brief busi- Symphony No. 5 in D MiTior by Monday· tpe Phi's held their

ness session followed the cere- Mendelssohn is called the "Reror- first p~lim.ina:ry contests. and Jim m~ny. m~tion Symphony," with a por- Watson and ··Larry' Ingle were --~··'· --:----'-----:-..:;_---:-'~--=·--:..-..:;__.;..;.~-...J·:.:.-::..· __.:.:__ selected to rep¥.esent them in im•

· · promptu ·· a-nd 1 'eXtemporaneous Te$_1 Dec ... J.

NSA seeks EwpiO}rees · The Professional Qualification Test of the National Security Agency, administered by E!,luca­tional Testing Service, ··will be given Dec. 1 on this campus.

The test is one· of ability to

. .

speakil)g. '· ·. · · :'· -· · , ... · . ·o~e~ · :teatures·'rii-1he-~-cOiitestS,

which occur each . semester are poetry ·reading, debate, ora'tions, dramatic 're8dings and o t b e r forensic activities. ·' The soc~ty- that acquires the most .P~ints receiyes a. cup which it keeps until· tl{e other ·society wins a contest. The Euzelians rio~ hold'- the cup. ·

:-. ~\ '

Jazz· - Cl~ssi~I : Popular ~· Stritlg

·Musical lnstnnlentJ:·Ancl~ Supplies Last Monday night the brothers Homecoming events were· former

and pledges journeyed to Reidsville faculty advisor Taylor Sanford to serenade Mrs. G. R. Clark, rno- and Mrs. Sanford; Bedford Black, ther of Glenn Clark. Following the Sig Ep District Governor; and zerenade Mrs. Clark was· presented Jim DeVos, who served as the

.... t a sweetheart pin by the chapter ill aclurn8ni "Iieaeon" during the N.

~ppreciation for her serYicesdn. ·-·· tate-\Vake Forest football designing and decorating the cna'p- game. ,· !

Lois Weeks, Fayetteville coed, will be sponsored by the Sigma P.i for Miss Maritimer contest. . A m;~squera4e partY.. . is . being planped for November. 17.

read, to understand and to reason logically With a variety of Yerbal and quantitative materials .. Can­didates who. qualify on the test will be consi!fered for professional positions with the' NSA, which operates as a· part of the intelli: gence system of the federal gov­ernment.

All students who 'expect to re­ceive degrees this year and who are interested in emJ?lO)"lllent may t~ke the. e~amination. There is no fee for the test nor does it obli­·gate .. the stqden_t in any, way.


. j {

ter house. . Sigma Pi The traveling' vocalists also sere- Alpha '•u put 0 t · 1 . 1 "d d H I W tk' f 0 f d "' u a specm . we-

n:' e _ e. en a .ms · o · x or >come mat: during the Homecoming

Dr. and Mrs. C., 'f. Willl;i_nson, parents of 'F. Wiikinson, present­ed chess and checker sets- to the chapt~r l'ecently._

1'1 ho ''as 1ecently _pmned PY Brun- festivities for- alumni attending son Salley. the activities of the _week. !'OJd Fran~ Benne~t w~s separated grads" who visited the ch~pte'r

from h1s fratermty pm by Barbara were Jim Hall Henry H t B d 1\fcCal! of . Charlotte during the Hames Tomm' M D es ledr, Lu

Theta Chi Pledges are now . undergoing

"Hell Week" which began with a i·'at court 'last M6nday night for the upperclassmen pledges.

J-1" • k d 1 d , y c ona , a-omeccmmg wee· end an p e ge fayette Parra-11ore and D · d

Ray Tucker ~resented Barb2:ra Mrs. c. T. ;,Vilkln~on. r. an Bennett of \Vmston-Salem w1th The chapter won a plaque ·from a!l engagement dng. the Rho chapter .. of State Colleg-e

Plans are being nia'de for a party following the' ·Duke-Wake F_'orest game this s.aturday.

·Alumnus Martin ·Kessler visit­ed the chapter last ,\·eek.-

Lamhda Chi Alpha · in recognition of w:ake Fot:est's SeYeral Fraternity pins slipped victory over ::-:f. C. State College

away f1·om the brothers during vast weekend. ·


, ..



f~RTWO •


Rearrange the litters

in .aci1 · pazzle ~ ta.rm

CLUE: Opened in 1791, this is the 'oldest Catholic university in the U. S. Among its schools is one for foreign service.


lhe name Na~----~-------------------

of an American COllege or Qnniisil;

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Colleu~--'---------­Hold Ulltil you have completed !'II :U puzdee


Old Golds taste terrific! The reason·: Old Golds give you the bes't tobaccos. Nature­ripened tobaccos •••





.. -·

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CLUE: This New England coli~~ is noted for ita foreign language schools. A 13,000-acre forest tract serves as· 11 mountain campus for Win~r sports and outill~ts.. ANSWER . ,>,•, '

Na~'------------------~----Addreu ____________ _

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Hold until you bave compte~ ~1 U puzzl•


CLUE: Opened in 1876 with a bequest from a Quaker merchant of Baltimore, this universitY now has one of the largest medical schools in the world.

ANSWER--~----------------Name ____________________ ___

Addrus _____________ _

,(;_iiJI..;.T--+-------Sklle ___ , -I College ___________ ---'

, t · Hold UDtil you have eompleted all 24. puzzles ; ... . . I

ENTER NOW! GET BACK PUZZL~S! Send five cents .for ~h, back puzzle;. . :tive:cents for a set of rules. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Mail to Tangle Schools, P. 0. Box 9, Grand Central Annex, New York 17, N.Y.

Dla12-1M3. ~ .•.

- "CHARGE ·:ACCOUNTS INVITED The NSA offers ·unusual careers

to graduates·. at ali' levels from the bachelor:s . dei!,"ree to. the doc­torate. Because NS~ has many

:.• ..

•, .

, ·"E:sso · .RESEA~Cii works wonders with .oii ·. . ~ '... -

. . , I ... ... ..."""!- .. ~· ~~ - ...,. ~- J •

Fabul~~s oi.l~made ri/8bJ~·;fo,F the wotld of ~port_~.-

. · ....

.. ,:; "".· .. . :! ..

~~~~~s~~n _kiglfi_~~ft~~hing tackles ~uta b~1.,1:ta~ _sq~eeze o_n_ the ~ub~er i~ a footbaU. . J}f.l!~i{!f?!?:tY~:;~t~ b1ff¥f.1's of Butylmbb.f!r take punishment in stride: .. hold air indefinitely

'- - .. ~~ ... ..,r:t ~~·~. ~·~-~c-.. ~ 'ctf.· fo • ..

-.-~ • ...:_., •• J ... -~ ... _, r.~~~J:et;qth.-er_~X!!~~~~· Developed from oil by Esso Research, Butyl rubber · is out-pe,forming natuml a~a: oth~; typ~; of 1"~bber in h~ndreds of ways.

Proof, once again, that E$SQ ~-I;:~~AitCH works wonders with oil!

•• forc.e..gi Jines,::_.;U ; DUke rivalry

in~·ti of ·the~t

;w-Ttli~ interest of the·-·


·;.The l l~st win CJ;'OWn a ·, . ~ \:

Tour ) ·~ Stage

qarrou& Dixie C:

"af the ! btg holi· :Eight

lotte.· s. ~ C!lf:en'tii,

i!hi.'t a ! Butt:

i~ buildi feel sue Carro us•

' \

-~~ .. --·


A Sh

Page 7: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_

I g


· ..

' . :.:.:."COLLEGE SHOP-"

·NATURAL - . -: .. Sfioalder.~· CJoHti..,;

. .. ~ . ~ -.. ,• . . ":

s«owiNd sul'I:s· AND

SPORT COAT LINES · 1,: • • -: _- • • ·i ' .

THAT ~RE OUR.<:~ !&X-


FLANNELS .,. .. ~; . . . . . :.: ·:..-. (' .. : . ~ \


TWEEDS ,, -'~ .. : < <} ,·' ~;·

~TRIP~~ : _..,, ~ { , £.· ·. ; .

A'· REALLY ·'FiNE ' -:·· ;.·.-·· -~F :.: ... =·-~·-. ;._:.!:.r~::. SELECTION

-: ... ~ ·=· . : ' .

- :.:. ... ~

' ' i.. ..

Froin·.;$5li58- ~ .. ; ·.:-: :, v' . ,. ,. ,

i;-;· -= .. :MUFfLERS "6 FOOTERS''

Great For These Cool Days Ahead. They Au Very Smart For Girls Too!

cilfew :fl.lek ·sYIElf£RS


Fronl.$1·1.95 · · -A ~ai s~J~Je';;; ·JAzrlbs w~i, Shet'\~d Blin\G··'":A:if Im~i;h~.



New c~urs~ '·n~oord : : Chuckinas set a ne~ record for

the local 4.3 mile course- .w.ith a blistering· time ·of,-23:29. His.,mark e:elipsed the . old. time of, 24.01 set cl-ily ~st week. by .·~edlin.

;: 'Medlin . · actually bettered his o,wn record Monday with a tiin'e

: of .?3;45 ·hl:lt .finished in second p;lace .. , ·-·- ' ~ Wak:e's Frazie~. came in third.

·. R,iclt~~,nd took·· fou:t:t~ and Witli 'George Cochran a~d

GrovE!r · ,Johils0n pl_acing in ·th~t

. . ... .-: . ·-c~r~ ·0 riuist'- · be

at .. tlte-o Physical Educi­:]ld~re.-~Yfug &:t. Old t~e &rst· tim,e.

Handball eourte i~·: :Re~ids . are .... ~~ ~~jlat,ye for . play

. and et}lltpm~n.t .ima,. · be . checked out at the sUpply c:age. : .. ":.·

Th!l A:t;camp,us ·Handball Tour-. -·is Se-b.ecfutsd to begi• soon.

sWiminini wi,Ji ·~e ~dded to the intramural' eal~n.d:ar thi,.s ... !ri~t~r.

- ·~._

'R£YI8LDA GRILL ·. · • · .853 Re:Ynaida Rd •

.. - Phone 5-9351 ·

· . PIZZA· PIES WITR . A.U. -Eim T-mM&iiNss

.Aillfoua s:PEciA:!:f.Y ... ·...--lj- ~ ~ •

.:. fTAUAN J!P AGHETTI .e ·m~·. STEAKS • REGULAR ............. , . .....,,.,. e ~~.~~'},~ .. " ND1WlCHE£:1

We B'aye· Delin·ry At .The

. ~ . ;~~i,~~ .. ~~~· _·; 4

PIZZA.·JIP :ii:Yery 'Night At Nine



4~0 North '~p.l'Dee St.


McPHAIL'S. ~ .. -~ l . - ~

Thruway . , . 3hop,iRg Center

·-·: , :r _ .- ..

-~~'.::T-JtcOWJs :;··1··-.: ·_ •...

Dg1Thlitiley .:set . . . in.vited t; en- in. ;bot-h,·eoed ·dormitories. · ·· ,· . ·a Wtllnan's Bowling Tourna- Winnei: · in . the.; ev.ent ~il( be

ment schedul&:l to get under way awarded a trophy by . the Physfeal late this 'm:o n-th and continue Education Department . . t.n:ror.v·h · All interested ~t~d~nts hM

. b~cember. been asked to contact Beverly ~ Rounds In the tournament will Seawell, chairman of individual

be. playea at designated bowling sports for women for further in-centers. in Winston-Salem and all formation. '

are eligible to enter. Plans for shuffleboard and table H'··~+-lh·~ details .have been post- tennis tournaments are to be an-·

W .. N. Reyno1ds Gym and' nounced soon.



' . -- . . ~ . Between Oarolina and Wi.itstoil Theaters

-:- ...... S\H£T.tii1'H7 _... • ,:' ~ ;o ;_ • -• ._., ' }

Be ·su~e To Try' Our :tat. <·111· ·PIES! ·. :;t;:~-:1'~ ol ~

~ 1:' " • •

.,, w:H£r·i Yt>u sELEcT .: . :

,i :

., ' ... ;_ t; .. :-;.

A ... -:, :"!..1 ;: •• -~ ..... : •

··niamond ..• Learn For-Yourself Th.e Whole .. ."·

Diamo~d Story

~- . . :·

Tile , graduate ge111el6gist "ait M:6ar.s· ~ill be happy. to ·explai11.. ·:, ,

I .

f&-e whole . diamond Story, _iR the

privaey and comfort of· thei.x, ·­ly a.ppointed Diamond Room, Wkieh is eompletely equippec witll the latest scientifie instruments for

·-··_ .. ciam."cini:J grading. Whatever ~y,_.­diamonds ne~ds, .whetller a pllr­

chase, a I'epair, "or an eriginal tie- ·

sign of your O\'l'n, first visit ths gemGl(}~li>t at Mears.

Diamori~ .-gp_~hi~list: Si~ce 1916 . . . . . - .

('fll{~ eat~ .

• 450 N. Liberty St.

·-.:~i_..:.~. ..


. ,• :

.. w.Jn.s·'. ··hOnors '

/ on - - ·"'-·--... ~



ii Here's a cigarette you and your date will both go for! You'll "like the rich, full taste

the flavor comes through, too, because the exclusive Winston· filter does its job so well. For :finer :filter smoking-get Winston! · you get from a WinSton. You'll like the way

:. Switch to -..sTON Ameri<f~-~seling, best-tgsQng filter agaaette! R. J. ~EVJIS.LOIS

TOSo\CCe Ce.,


Page 8: --. ldrk - Wake Forest University...This month's magazine, one of seven planned for the . year, ·will contain several poems and two short stories. The stor!es a~e by .Tack Robinson,_

EIGHT 1\londay, November 12, 1956 OLD GOLD AND BLACK

Deacons ... Look, To . . . . . . '. . . . .. . ; . . . . .. ... -.· . . ~~ ... -·. . . ' ...

Duke S~eking I 3rd ACC·'Win ~ Duke University's Blue Devils

will be seeking their third Atlantic Coa:;t Conference victory Saturday when they enter Bov•inun Gray E'tadium to meet Wake Forest.

The game will be the Dea·cons' last home contest of the season. Coach Paul Amen's crew will hit South Carolina at Charlotte next ·week in the season finals.

Road s~rviee · and deliver Dial 3-5531

_:.GULF .· C. E. MotsinKer, M&'J'. Buena Vis-ta . Gulf Service,;~·

:_ ;~+ ..

Cor. Buena Vlsita & Rei:DOlda 20 Years Experience in' ,

Automobile Work Tires, BatteriPs, Accessories

: .. · ... :

Bow·ep-M~tthews . ~otors, Inc. YOUR DESOTO PLYMOUTH .,DE.~LER

Good Se_lec~ion :or Used Cars 638 ·west Fourth St. Phone 2-0371

lly appointment purveyors of soap to the late Kir.£ George -:II, Yardley & Co., Ltd., bndoa

.-New! Yardley Shower Shampoo

''.' . ~-

.:-· . f '!." . .'!':t; !': ci designed especially for the texture of men's hair

• ·!ethers luxurio~sly, rinses quickly

. ::.·· -e; ieaves,:h~ii- dean, _lustrous,. easy to manage .J .. _· . -. ~ ~ .~--. ··, :·~ . . '_ ~

;, _<;'hangs up in _shower •.• SP.orts hing~d loss-proof ca~ ,_~L . -· , - , - ·Handiest-n~w·-wa~ to wash your hai;i _At you~ cc;rm-pus store,_ $_1 -.

- ~:-~ .· ;,!o-'i: :... :: .... (•;/;; ~.. :.::· >:; .;. • ·. : . ~.: . '· . - - ' -,:: !...:Y ·•'d1- f,iDiuciS for America are created in Enrland and finished in _the U.S.A. from lhe original English

('Moon Moods'· Show Slated

Fraternity League Sigma Plii Epsilon 6, Sigma Pi 0. Kappa Alpha 1, _Kappa Sigma 0.

(KA won- by yardage) Pi Kappa Alpha 6,' Lambda Chi

Alpha 2. ~igma -Chi 30, Theta Chi 0. Theta Chi 6, Kappa Alpha 0. Silr~'J.:hi .Ep$iloii. ·12, Sigifui

2. .. - -

Pi Kappa Alpha 14; Sigm~ Pi. 13. Sigma "Phi Epsilon 1, Lambda Chi

Alpha 0. (forfeit) Kappa Si~ma 9, Pi Kappa Alpha

0. "Moods from the Moon" will be Independent League.

the theme of \i<ake Forest's first Phi Delta Phi 1, Demons 0 (for-water festival to be· held ·in the feit). Reynolds Gym pool Dec. 7-8. 'Hunter 1-Iosses 1, Monogram Club

Aquatics .Coach ·Ralph steele will 0 (forfeit).

I direct the show~· sp01iso1;ed ·and ·Suez pilots 13, PiKA "B" 8. staged ·by members of the Mari- Phi Delta Phi 27, Heath Un-timers;·ii!!wly organized swimming knowns 0. gr!JUP 0~ campus. H e a't h Unknowns - '1\.f:onogram

Two performances are scheduled Club (double frirfeit): each night, .the· first at:-7 ·o'clock Standings

I o.nd another at -8:30. -Ailniission will be-. ~0\ 'c~nts f~r

students and faculty of Wake FoJ:-e,;t and 75 cents for spectators not connected with the College.

The program will include diving exhibitions, s~·nchronized swim­ming, comedy act.s, {}emonstration of underwater breathing apparatus and other- .special features.

The. festival will be sponsored by the Department of Physical Education and Recreation~

Fraternity ·League Sigma Chi ........... :.................. 7 1 Sigma ~hi Epsilon' ....... ~........ 7 1 Theta Chi ................................ (i 1 Kappa Sigma .. , ............... : ..... :.' 4 2 Pi Kappa Alpha ..................... 5 3 Kappa Alpha .......................... 3 3 Delta Sigma Phi ........ :.-.......... 1 5 Sigma Pi ............ .' ......... ~ ......... -. 1 6 Alpha Sigma Phi ................ 0 5 Lambda Chi Alpha ......... :.. 0 7

- Independent.Leagae Phi Delta Phi ..... ~ .................... 5 0

_ V A R S I J Y I Hunter Hosses ........................ 4 2 Heath Unknowns -.................. 4, 3

S H E L L S -E R- V I C E Suez Pilots ................. ".......... 2 ._ Cherry St. at- PctJo·~Rd.· ·. · Demons .................... ; .... :: •• ,._ .. ,_,, --~ 4

Winston-Salem, N. c; - ~:~.[~?~ .. ---~~~~-~~-·.-:::::·:~~~~:~:~~~~:~~~::: ~· . ·i Phone 5-923~ : Monogram Club ...................... 1 3

THE SMAR·T C A S -u A L L 0 0 I

F ullfashioned Sweater Set:

• Fur Blend Lambs Wool

• 100% ·orion Mazet WITH


... , . JUNIOR, REGULAR .And TALL . -


422 W. !OURTH ST.

.OPEN, . -.


, .... '

- ' 7· ;·-:-· • ·:~ '·'

.. ·-.:.· ..... ,-~:,; ,.;;.,, ~: .... -- ·~~; .... ~~~-·- ..

. ~cbt:~";i~t;~;~~E~,~''*-}~;; • I - ' ·--'·

:l·FT~~~~- ./ ~~~~-~~-.~~--:~i~a·:--•••~••::~:.;::: __ --~~i::~ -:.1:~:,•·\l.t:r,";::-?)Z~· qor.:4th and ·clterry'sts._ '', -~ ·-. wiiJ~to~-saiem ,, .. . .

·.~----· '":. -~· -'. i . . .. ,' . .··l~.t~ t~t·~:·~i~~:·.!.-:)- :~L-~ ~-·:

Flat-1'-oias . and- G. I. HaircUts our Spicially

5 Experitmeed Barbers ~pen 9 Till 9


Nearest Bar~r ·shop to Campus. POlo. ami _Sts. ··

· ·Wake Forest -Barbershop . -

Wishes to express:, . t):leir deep appreciation to all the faculty, students _ -and . _- em­ployees of ._Wake Fore,s_t Col­lege ·.fcir '! their ·. pa'ti'onirg·e · and fine. co-operatic~ for.-. ~he,· past two month~. imd we want· you to make this your Barber­Shop.

~- We -wilf do our best to pl~se each 'and 'evecy one' of you; lind we e::>..-tend 't9 yoq im invitation to' . come 'by: at your. ~con yen~

We ·also. belie•e our shoe ·shint! boy to_-_be tops in. clean-­ing shoes.

F. M. Willis Owlier arid OJierator

. .. . .. '-.

.. '.:_. ~ ~.~ -:"".·;:. ::. .. . . ~

: =;~--.:-~~ ·c4rirtLiNA·.·HOTEL :.aAilalll~-'sliiiP/ ... ~~-~-- ~-. - INTaoriucEs ~ ·• - ::-_ ·_.).,_;, ··• ·- · ·:-, ·

.. - . . ', -~ s ·: ~

. ·· . JlM. KENNEDY -.

_,. ~ - ,f._' .. -~.~ ri·,-


SJieSa.t n~-~ ine·:O'Ji ~;~·that4ay~;·._-:.:-. . · And a wave of ~e:wafted' my way. . ~A dangerou8·scent tliat.is caned. .. I'm Biid!~''

Deliberately made·to driv:e men mad... · !tried to~ ~ .. ~~glits'that were pilie arid goad ·I did the vecy.,~ .. that l:CQuld!· _ . - -· .... -:;

But alas, tluit-:Perf\iDle was stronger than I I g~ve Iier a lQsS. ••• and. got a black eye!

., . -. . . .

If kisl3htg· str~ge~ has iui daiige~, in · .: smoking at least enjoy the real thing; ·the big, big pleas!fr.e' ot a J~~eld King!' Big size, big Bavor, sinQOther" - · · · : - .. · all the way ~1J.Se.it~s.,packeq..' more smoothly l)y Accu·Riiy. _ - .<' - ·

. : ~ ~.-: . . .... ·. . ~·· '( .· - .. ' Like your pi~ ·bi61 "- ,/

A Cheilterfleld Kfna,.i. ... · ~-~'hlrtg I ·: . . .


·' .-··. -~-

- • ·- '-- .. - .. - .,._ •. ···:=:;-_;_

Just Rec~i~~_d' S'dme -:.:'· .. ,_:: N~w Car:·Co~~~-~n-,Th~-

• • .~>...:' •• , • - .._ -~• '- ._. ...... ..::-.•,. •·;;.• ••• ,., • t'" • • I

., . ·V ~ry _ Popula::r;, .. Cotton. . -::- ~os)Iin,'~ila.~·-,A. F~~l Q~ilt-

-~i(Lining .A~d _Ia Com- .· ' pletely _Washable •. The

~ - - -

Very Thing For ~ootball . _ ·A-nd All Outdoor. Sports. .

. ·;_Als~ Avaib.ble ~in .. -W~~I, .·. -Stripes -And Solid (:olors.-


We Have Caps

To Match In

The Popular Ivy Styling

$2.95. •

= ~ l;I;Jo'

= ~

~ = ~ 51

· · ar elay ~mbining imported and domestic inaredients. Yardley of Londpn, Inc., 620 Filth Ave., N.Y.C. tormu . e. w . _ _ _ • ------:----------_;. ___ _.... _ _... __ ___: IIi---ToWn And Campus Shop;-iiiiiii~ii:i



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