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© Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Making Smart Decisions

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© Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Making Smart Decisions

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© Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter Objectives

• Explain how needs, wants, values, goals, and standards serve as guides to consumer decisions.

• Identify personal goals to guide your decisions.

• Prioritize your goals.• Identify the resources available to



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© Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter Objectives

• Plan the use of resources available to you.

• Use the decision-making process.• Apply management principles to help

you achieve important goals.

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Personal Side of Consumer Choices

• Developing management skills can help you achieve goals

• Management involves – identifying resources– setting goals– making decisions– solving problems– evaluating results

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Importance of Needs and Wants

• Knowing your needs and wants can help determine how you use resources

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Importance of Values

• Values– govern and direct your life– influence decisions, actions, and

behavior– differ among people – can change over time

• The things you value become part of your value system

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Importance of Ethics

• Ethics conform to accepted standards of right and wrong

• Individuals, businesses, and governments are expected to behave ethically

• Unethical behavior is wrong, even illegal

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Importance of Goals

• Goals are related to values– “To be” goals relate to character

and personality– “To do” goals relate to

accomplishments– “To have” goals relate to

possessions and purchases

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Timing of Goals

• Short-term goal—can be reached within a year

• Medium-term goal—may take one to three years to reach

• Long-term goal—takes longer than three years to reach

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Evaluating Goals

• List each goal and rank it according to its importance

• Is it realistic and possible?


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Evaluating Goals

• Can you break it up into smaller goals?

• Can progress be measured?• What will it cost in time, money,

and effort?• Will you still want the goal when

you reach it?

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Interdependent and Conflicting Goals

• Interdependent goals—one must be achieved to reach the other

• Conflicting goals—one must be given up to achieve the other

• Your priorities and values can help you choose between conflicting goals

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Establishing Priorities

• Goals listed in priority order help you direct your time, energy, and money

• You make a priority judgment when you decide one thing is more important than another

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Standards of Quality and Excellence

• Standards grow out of goals and values

• People set standards for – how they want to live– what they want to do– the goods and services they want to


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Identifying Resources

• Resources are the tools needed to reach goals


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Identifying Resources

• Human resources include– skills– energy– knowledge – motivation

• Nonhuman resources include– money– time – capital – natural resources – public resources


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Identifying Resources

• Practicing good resource management means remembering that– resources are scarce– resources are manageable– resources are related to one another

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Making Financial Decisions

• Making good decisions requires careful thought and planning


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Making Financial Decisions

• People often make bad decisions by– acting out of habit– acting on impulse– failing to act


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Making Financial Decisions

• Tools of financial decision making include – cost-benefit principle– marginal analysis– commonsense rule– systematic decision making

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Cost-Benefit Principle

• Examine the benefits and costs of a decision and act only if the benefits are at least as great as the costs

• The cost-benefit principle applies to economic decisions of individuals, businesses, and governments

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Marginal Analysis

• Examine the added benefit, versus the added cost, of one more unit of an item or an experience


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Marginal Analysis

• Marginal benefit: change in total benefit of using one additional unit

• Marginal cost: change in total cost of using one additional unit

• The marginal benefit of using each additional unit of something tends to decrease as the quantity used increases

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A Commonsense Rule

• Do not spend more than you can afford

• Live within your means

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In Your Opinion

• Why do you think it is difficult for some people to live within their means?

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Systematic Decision Making

• Systematic decision-making process involves five steps1. Define the problem 2. Explore all alternatives3. Choose the best alternative4. Act on your decision5. Evaluate your decision

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Managing Resources to Reach Goals

• Management involves more than making decisions and solving problems

• Management is a three-part process– Planning phase– Action phase– Evaluation phase

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Planning Phase

• Involves identifying goals, obstacles, and resources– What do you want to achieve?– What stands between you and your

goals?– What can you use to reach your


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Action Phase

• Depends on two personal qualities:– Determination– Flexibility

• Involves putting your resources to work to overcome obstacles to your goals, such as the next slide shows


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Action Phase

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Evaluation Phase

• Assess your progress• Determine better ways of using

resources to reach goals• Decide what worked and what did

not work• Remember that evaluation is



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Evaluation Phase

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Central Ideas of the Chapter

• Careful decisions and wise use of resources can help you achieve your financial goals.

• Reviewing the success or failure of past decisions helps you make better decisions.

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Glossary of Key Terms

• cost-benefit principle. The idea that an action should be taken or a purchase made only if the benefits are at least as great as the costs.

• decision-making process. A method of choosing a course of action after evaluating information and weighing the costs and benefits of alternative actions and their consequences.


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Glossary of Key Terms

• ethic. A moral principle or belief that directs a person’s actions.

• goal. An objective a person wants to attain.

• management. The process of organizing and utilizing resources to accomplish predetermined objectives.

• marginal benefit. The change in total benefit of using one additional unit.


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Glossary of Key Terms

• marginal cost. The change in total cost of using one more unit.

• priority. A goal or value that is given more importance than other goals or values.

• standard. An established measure of quantity, value, quality, or excellence.


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Glossary of Key Terms

• values. Beliefs and principles about what is important or desirable.

• value system. A system that guides a person’s behavior and provides a sense of direction in his or her life.
