fragrance alchemy for clearing

Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F T Fragrance Alchemy for Clearing the Twelve Meridians FA for Emotional Transcendence (part of Emotional Ascension Technology EAT) DRAFT 1.1 Manual written by Anita Lucia Briggs DCEd, MSc, DAc. Copyright 2013 Anita L Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 1

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

Fragrance Alchemy for Clearing the Twelve


FA for Emotional Transcendence (part of Emotional Ascension Technology EAT)


Manual written by Anita Lucia BriggsDCEd, MSc, DAc.

Copyright 2013 Anita L Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 1

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

.........................................................................................................................................................1The Power of Fragrance ...................................................................................................................3The Oils, Corresponding Meridians, and How to Use Them...........................................................7The Main Points in the FA Protocol.................................................................................................8Emotional Themes of Meridians....................................................................................................10

Memory ~ Linear Time ~ Density ~ Illusion ~ Tyranny of Emotions..................................10Transcending Negativity – New Maps Out of Old Emotions...............................................12

The Ascension Attitudes.................................................................................................................13Emotions and Internal Organs........................................................................................................14Main Emotional Themes for Meridians and Higher Perspectives of Transcendence.....................16

Methods of Using Fragrance Alchemy....................................................................................................22General Clearing of the Main Emotional Themes with Clearing Statements................................22General Clearing at Night...............................................................................................................23Using the FA/Clearing on Specific Issues......................................................................................25

Method 1 ~ General...............................................................................................................25Method 2 ~ Simple Ear Points for Profound Shifts .............................................................25Using FA According to the Horary Clock.............................................................................28

Light Elixir to Heal Negative Emotions.........................................................................................33Acupressure/FA Protocol.......................................................................................................34

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................35A) The Needy Heart that Sustains Drama and Chaos.....................................................................35

Unspoken Contracts that Bind Us.........................................................................................35B- Horary Clock with Physical Symptoms.....................................................................................37Appendix C ` Points to Use to Conceal Scent (several options)....................................................39D- Sigil To Prevent Dream Time Interference................................................................................41

Copyright 2013 Anita L Briggs ~ All Rights Reserved 2

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

Using Fragrance Alchemy to Clear Negative Emotions

This manual provides the instructions on how to use the fragrance alchemy oils. You are encouraged to read the pages on the website, where I give other detailed information. There is such depth of mystery in the Fragrance Alchemy and the insights on emotions of the old reality versus those of the new reality, that the information is given in layers. This manual is the introduction, or level 1 material, and you will get an overview of the meridians, emotional themes, and the path to eliminating negative or binding emotions. Several powerful protocols to clear old memory and emotions are given, along with audios and exercises with the ascension attitudes.

More detailed material is being developed, and will be available with additional protocols and uses of the FA from the website soon. This 'level 2 FA', will have details on how to move completely into the new reality through the cultivation of higher perspective, activation of the 24 chakras, integration of tones of pristine man, closing the gap of linear time, and body regeneration/rejuvenation exercises.

The Power of Fragrance

“To change the cellular matrix to the higher evolution of expression and activate godhood in the individual, the removal from blockages in the 12 main meridians of the body is essential. The blockages are the origin of memory, linear time, and the negative emotions associated with them. Fragrance, as the one sense that never fell, is a key component in providing an effortless solution to blockages caused by separation consciousness, reminding the body of its oneness with its Source.”

The senses have 'fallen' and this has caused the world of illusion or separation. By 'fallen' is meant that they have lost or suppressed their feminine aspect. Without the feminine, we remain in what we know, and the vast unknown is denied. What we deny or separate from becomes 'externalized'. Separation causes a gap between us and our wholeness, and this is how linear time is formed, as well as seemingly static space. If we did not separate, we would live in the moment and experience space as fluidly reshaping according to our consciousness.

When we separate from anything, we create a gap from self to what is separated. In separation we create opposition or positionality. We are meant to experience diversity in Oneness rather than separateness. In separation and opposition, we believe that outer reality is apart from us—that is the gap into which drama plays out.

Drama = illusion = tension = density = resistance to life = linear time

In linear time, we are disconnected from Source and under the forces of degeneration and mortality.

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

Anything aligned with Infinite Intent cannot draw from a finite supply of resources. If you wish to impose your will on the world, then you are perceiving the outer reality as separate from you, and all that you do depletes finite resources. The depletion of the earth's resources reflects our own inner depletion. Each time we believe we must rely on another or do something in order to....[fill in blanks...survive, make money, fit in, feel validated, compromise, etc.] We have access to infinite supply through our endocrine glands that are a bridge from inner and outer. In these glands, which are really 'etheric' more than physical, all becomes one.

When you try to change outer reality without unleashing that power from consciousness, i.e. without changing inwardly, then you deplete your resources right to the level of the body's cells. The cell then draws resources from its own organelle, which has a limited life span. We are told that only the Real is limitless.

Any boundary or rigid structure draws from a finite source. For example, a family unit that colludes in a certain reality has created a prison for its members. They then must generate resources amongst themselves, which they do through drama that yields temporary bursts of power exchange. If I take care of my partner's needs for companionship so that he will look after me financially, for example, we are drawing upon one another's finite resources and it won't be long before the relationship becomes strained. It then either busts out of the confines, or we create even more cobwebs to try to deny or hide the dysfunction for ourselves.

Frequency can break up form. The angels have told us that our emotional power that we have used to sustain illusion can also be redirected to break up the false structures of our lives. That is how the ascension attitudes are so powerful. They draw upon the Infinite Source and begin to shift our emotional nature. As we generate the expansive emotions, we break the stagnant and false structures in our lives. We break up the old 'grids' or reality that we have partaken in, and our disengagement causes them to crumble. This is already happening at more subtle levels, but we have to instigate our own cleanup.

The angels have given us many tools and insights to break up the old so that we align with graceful rather than cataclysmic change in order to move into the new reality wherein all that is created is 'Real'. There is breath work, insights and processes around the masculine/feminine alchemical marriage in the body, fragrance alchemy to support clearing of the meridians, and much more. As a simple step for now, we will be exploring cultivation of the positive and pure emotions that are gifted to us by the Mother, which have the power to break up the old and anchor us in the new reality. We move into those positive emotions first by learning the maps out of the old constricting emotions, and Fragrance Alchemy is the vibrational boost that will support you to dissolve the old obsolete emotional habits.

* * * * *

There is a Core Heart Frequency Pattern that I discovered about two years ago, which relates to the ascension attitudes. After I taught the CHFP, I found Almine's work that also speaks of this (though more elaborately than I was able to). Essentially, the three innermost bands of emotional energy are love/surrendered trust, peace/knowing perfection, and the smiling energy that the Taoist's refer to as the 'smiling heart'. These are bands or frequency around the zero-point of infinity in the Heart, and as we magnify their power in us, we begin to draw increasingly from Infinite Source.

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

The download package with the first level of Fragrance Alchemy has an audio to awaken the CHFP in you, along with angelic elixirs to support the ascension attitudes that will deepen this core Heart pattern.

In level 2 of FA, we go deeper into the pure emotions and start working with the 24 chakras of evolved man.

TABLE 1: The Twelve Officials and Their Descriptive Names

Element Organ/Official Descriptive Name

Fire HeartSupreme Controller

Fire Small IntestineOfficial in control of transforming matter, of separating pure from impure

Water Bladder Controller of the Storage of Water ~ Stores our Vital Energy

Water Kidney Controller of Water ~ Center of Willl and Determination

Fire Pericardium Heart Protector and Circulation-Sex OfficialFire Triple Energizer Official of Balance and Harmony

Wood Gall BladderOfficial of Decision Making and Wise Judgment ~ Gives direction and decisiveness

Wood Liver Controller of Planning ~ Holds vision

Metal LungController of Receiving Pure Ch'i from the Heavens ~ Controller of choice to live

Metal Colon Controller of Drainage and Dregs ~ Creates sustainability and regeneration to higher expression

Earth StomachOfficial in Control of Rottening and Ripening ~ Responsible to Nourish Sense of Self and Impart clear thought

Earth SpleenController of Transport ~ Creates Harmony within and with life through Self-Sovereignty, Integrity, and Transparency

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

The generating cycle reveals that anger causes injury to the Heart (sadness), which promotes worry, etc, whereas constructiveness or mastery promotes joy in the Heart, which enhances sympathy toward others, etc.

The controlling cycle depicts the effect of mastery or lack thereof: when the Lung/LI masters letting go and reinterpreting loss, it supplies the compost (confidence and support) for new growth to the Liv/GB pair. When Liver/GB is constructive and creative, this enhances self-empowerment and self-dignity to the Spleen/Stomach, which then has the spirit of adventure that imparts reassurance to the Kidney/UB pair, and so on and so forth.

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

The Oils, Corresponding Meridians, and How to Use Them

Massage the oil on the points indicated (below) in small clockwise circles. The bottoms of the feet are the most receptive area for essential oils, and they can be placed there before bedtime or if the fragrance is not something you wish to be noticeable (men may not want to smell of a feminine fragrance). Inside shoes and socks, fragrances are hardly noticeable. The appendix shows points on the feet or lower legs for the meridians where that is possible (mostly yang meridians)

The acupuncture points are locations where the many pathways of qi converge. They are 'fields' rather than points, and many have impact throughout the meridians systems, and even directly on other body systems. The meridians are the pathways of the emotional body, and the blockages within them determine our 'personality' and emotional patterns to some degree. The more blockages, the deeper the ruts and the more separation between the meridians. As the meridians clear of debris, and qi flows unobstructed, the meridian system operates as a unified field, and we have more emotional maturity and equanimity. The result is better health, less drama, more vitality for life, and eventually higher consciousness.

When the meridians flow freely then the extraordinary meridians of cause may also flow, and these bring in new cause and higher intelligence and potential. In emotional equanimity we may interpret the subtle nuances that come to us from life, and flow more easily on Infinite Intent and intuition. The chakras begin to open up, and the inner terrain of the body is far more harmonious and life-enhancing.

These oils are of the highest quality (also blessed by Almine) and are maintained in pristine state through the alchemical equations and sigils that accompany them. The alchemy comes from the angelic beings who are here to support our evolution to the reality beyond duality, opposition, and constricting emotions that have resulted from the stories of separation.

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Emotional Ascension Technology ~ Fragrance Alchemy Basic Manual D R A F

The Main Points in the FA Protocol

The ones indicated in the FA sheet (see download page for separate reference sheet), were chosen based on their accessibility when treating a client. Please note the Thyroid meridian is also known as the Triple Warmer meridian.

The main points used in the Fragrance Alchemy protocol are depicted in the image below. The main points in the FA protocol are: Lu 7, LI 11, St 36, Sp 9, Ht 7, SI 3, B 60, Ki 1, Per 6, TW 5, GB 21,Liv 3.

Other key points that may be substituted or added are: K 27, LI 4, K 3, Lu 3

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Emotional Themes of Meridians

Memory ~ Linear Time ~ Density ~ Illusion ~ Tyranny of Emotions

(This next section is on an audio talk given with the material.)

When we have unprocessed emotions, they crystallize or fossilize as packets of frequency attached to snippets of an event, and this becomes memory. Memory lives in you, and is the result of all these fossils of the past that you were unable to really interpret. These emotional crystallized memories clog the meridian system that feeds every part of the body, and directly affects the chakras and endocrine system that determine your evolution. As you clear out the fossilized debris and reinterpret, you change the past. Like a dream that scares you, which upon waking you reinterpret and can see clearly what is only imagined, so too the past is fluid and reshapes and dissolves as you reinterpret. When you shed the wounds, regrets, guilt, past wrongs done to you, etc, you will actually remember things differently.

Fossilized memory causes us to live in defence and coping mechanisms, and we project past wounds into the present through distorted interpretation, and the present moment colors the next, which determines the pathways that open to us in life. With stories of woundedness, we identify with what we are not—when in fact our wounds happened because of the distortions of those in whose care we were. And then we live in those distortions that are not the true self, and out of this we react and perpetrate wounds on other...and so the cycle goes...there is no blame, there only the necessity to wake up from this destructive cycle that dims our consciousness. Furthermore, with any story of identity—even an acceptable one-- we box ourselves in...we try to put a small label on the vastness of our being. We do this in order to avoid overwhelm at the unknown. We must reinterpret the unknown from the fearful to the compelling path of maximum growth.

When facing the unknown, we know we are on a path of growth. The truth is that we can never know our true self because it is a template of emphases superimposed upon All That Is...we are unfathomable in depth and breadth. We can't feel this if we carry around a story as our so-called 'past'.

From the angel gods we have the following:

“Memories can be nothing more than an imagined story used to provide a present fabricated identity. Every moment fully lived changes the past and the possible future. Nothing stays the same as the river of life renews itself eternally.” 1

And from angelic beings of frequency working in our DNA, we are told:

For experience to be interpreted, a past event has to be remembered. Both the roles of the masculine, which is light, to interpret, and the feminine, which is frequency, to remember, are the causes of time. The past forms from memory, and the future from that which interprets the past. Memory is the retention of obsolete frequencies. Where a frequency lingers, a space forms that is different from anything else. Frequency forms a space from which it can replay its ghosts from the past, over and over again, like a broken record, until we finally release it....Memory is the retention of obsolete frequencies. When we play a piano piece, and there is a specific note that we don't let go of, it makes discordance.

1Insight #42 from Divinity Quest

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Frequency creates form, and in this form therefore there is a distortion. It is our holding onto past memories that continues to make the distortions that many blame God's creation for.

We are told to let go of memory that the true reality may arise in the present moment of life unfolding.

So long as we think that we need to remember in order to know, we are bound by yesterday's events. When we trust we will know without having memories tell us what we should perceive, we then live beyond the matrix of space and time. It is truly a complete joy, when images form in the very deep part of the mind, effortlessly, telling you what to do and choose, so that your life develops flawlessly. Without holding on to memory, the body becomes tensionless and form fluidly reshapes as regenerative powers increase.

When we live from emotional memory—in other words, in reaction and drama—we project our perpetrators on the players in our life, and these are the mirrors of their self-reflection. So long as we do this, we bring out the worst in one another, and we go around and around the old worn-out hamster wheel. Though there may be new players, the old stories that play are the same.

We are told unambiguously to let go of all the stories, and we have been given yogas, breathing routines, fragrance alchemy, and incredible insights so that we may allow the complete dissolution of the stories of pain. As these clear from the meridian system, we open up the 144 gates of abundance in the body. 144 acupuncture points makes up these specific gates that each has an intelligence that must begin to live. Each leads us further beyond limitation and struggle.

144 is an alchemical number, such that when all 144 elements are present, the result is far greater than the sum of the parts. When the meridians clear and the gates of abundance open, we live in simultaneity of giving and receiving and we receive lavishly, boundless from the universe as we outpour and shine our essence into the world...without apology or reserve.

This is the new reality we are headed to-- an entirely different vibrational level. Nothing of the old fits in—no story of sepation may enter. You walk through to the new of your own effort, only as a naked babe; otherwise you will be stripped through cataclysmic or painful, life-altering events. We are moving beyond linear time-beyond the triad of linear change that has kept us in life, death, and ascension cycles.

As you shed the emotional aches and pains, the physical ones also dissipate, because you become less dense, and increasingly fluidic and renewed to higher vibrations from the powerful entrainment fields of those embodying the higher reality.

There is only the present—consciousness present to itself. When you are not present, there can be no illumination. Think of an actor on stage under spotlight as the present moment. If the actor moves out of the spotlight he is no longer illuminated. Illumination is regenerative life. The present moment is not a mechanical point in time, rather it emerges from consciousness fully available to what is arising presently—no projections, no agendas, no distortion. Completely open, as a child, to what unfolds.

When we are in the present moment we are regenerated and draw from Source in all ways, and otherwise we draw from the finite resources of the body, causing aging and degeneration. When outside of the present moment, our cells draw from their own organelle, causing decay.

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Memories create identities that we defend and feel imprisoned by. Defining ourselves by our history holds on to the toxins because the obsolete of yesterday lived today is toxic to a conscious life. The denser the body is, the quicker it ages, because the more it is at variance with the fluid unfolding of Cosmic Life.2

We then resist life that wishes to reveal the paths of liberation. Resistance to life creates linear time. Linear time is tension, resistance, and density. In linear time we are disconnected from Source and the forces of regeneration. Without memory, on the other hand, we are made anew in each moment.

How would you be freed to dream without limitation if you were able to erase all memory of stories of pain and separation. Imagine that from all that you have experienced thus far, you extract all gems as pure inspiration...all experiences mined and gems extracted... We hold on because we don't know who we are without the memories, stories, and identities. What if you let that all go and entered the moment to experiencing yourself in an entirely new way each day? Allowing yourself to amaze yourself!

If you are finding this hard to take in—believing that memory is somehow sacrosanct—consider that in ancient times, man's memory extended to his entire ancestry. Ancient man remembered the lives of his ancestors as though they were his own personal life experiences.3 This is because we had group soul consciousness, and when blood ties were very powerful. The ancestral memory as our own faded in order that we may become individuated from the tribe. And now memory is changing again, and we are to remember ourselves free of the past cosmic story. We are not our memories and we must no longer allow them to define our sense of self.

When we embrace the unknown in each moment and allow ourselves to be made anew, we enter into exponential time, or timelessness—we live as eternal being holding vastness while tending to the details with a sense of play. What that looks like is effortless living. You think of someone and they call you. You work on one project and somehow it also serves another perfectly. You are guided to do something, not knowing why, and after a whole series of events unfolds because you did what you were guided to do.

When you reinterpret the past, you literally change the substance of the Akasha, which are the living records of events at certain levels of interpretation. All lower Akasha creates karma—which is a magnetic force that draws us into what has been unresolved. Resolve at a higher level through reinterpretation and you dissolve the Akasha and do away with karma that keeps you bound to certain experiences. Resolving is about reinterpreting and eventually transcending all stories.

Karma is only there when there is a gap between cause and effect, which means there is some level of misinterpretation. Clearing memory yields insight and does away with karma. Your stories are irrelevant to the ocean that is ever changing; clinging to them is like taking a snapshot of the ocean's surface and living in the static picture rather than the ocean. You are here to experience the vastness of being that is beyond labels of identities.

Living the past leads to mediocrity because past becomes your prison. People who have been traumatized hold the trauma as a ball and chain, and rearrange their entire sense of self and lives around those traumas. I have seen people with PTSD and phobias release the trauma in one session, and their lives change course from that point on. That is the power of memory—it can imprison us or it can be a

2 Almine, Lemurian Science of Immortality.3 Rudolf Steiner, one of this many lecture cycles.

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springboard to higher expression and liberated being.

The collective memory of humanity is being stirred up as the old grid reality dissolves. These have attracted pollution in the waters of the earth. The correspondence at the micro level is in our meridians. The light and magnetic components of being are shifting as we move to close the gap in tonal luminosity, and these fossils of emotion can no longer remain. All must wash away to allow a new reality to emerge.

In the new, the old memories of pain cannot be carried forth, because the new is a reality without pain. There will be challenge and pressure toward movement, but when we know that Infinite Intent is catalysing the movement and that It is a force of love and highest evolution, we will move through in surrendered trust. Without resistance to life, there is no pain.

We are being supported to release and transcend negativity, because those negative emotions do not exist in the new reality. Distorted or negative emotions are those for which there is no true resolution. We may find temporary relief from them, but we are just moving things around from the same level of consciousness that believes negative emotions to be real. By 'real' is meant that they are part of divine reality and not part of illusion.

Through the Fragrance Alchemy that we have been gifted with recently, augmented by the insights of the angels who support this alchemical process, we are given the tools to move out of negative emotional states into new ones, through correct interpretation, higher perspectives, and learning to live proactively beyond all negativity. As you do this, the past closes up behind you, and eventually you are no longer able to react as you once did. The days of drama will then be over, and a life of ever new spontaneous unfoldment will begin.

The Fragrance Alchemy has the power to dissolve emotional memory from the meridians when repeated over a period of time. You will then remember in a new way, and feel the past as a distant story much like a movie you saw years ago—no more emotional charge, no more attachment, and no desire or need to revisit.

When we see the higher function of the distorted emotions, the inhibitors to the expression of higher hormones are removed. As we live the higher expression only, our hormonal secretions eventually change completely, causing profound evolution to body and consciousness.

Transcending Negativity – New Maps Out of Old Emotions

In the FA programs, the objective is transcending negative emotions so that new powers and faculties may unfold in the body. The three steps of transcending are:

1- Reinterpret negative emotions by understanding their message 2- Seeing with new perspective that closes the gaps in perception that hold illusion 3- Living proactively, beyond negative emotions

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When we see the higher function of the distorted emotions and cultivate higher perspectives, the inhibitors to the expression of higher hormones are removed. As we live the higher expression only, our hormonal secretions eventually change completely. The cascade through the body is as follows:

As the emotional body is cleansed (meridians), the rivers of cause of the extraordinary meridians bring new perspectives causing ignition of the 24 chakras of the body. With new faculties online, senses explode to depth and richness, which in turn causes new hormones to be secreted. Endocrine system activation to higher functioning is the beginning of new being that wields the power of magic that is our divine inheritance.

Reclaiming subconscious and clearing the pollution from it through cleansing meridians will allow us to enter into a state of innocence and noble being.

Main Emotional Bands, Ascension Attitudes, higher function, and perspectives of the Meridian Pairs:

anger – love – Liv/GB – decisiveness / planning - Inspired

fear – gratitude – Kid/UB – determination and will / ancestral essence or vital life force – Poetic

pain – praise – lung/LI – sustainability/creates order - Eternal

guilt – trust – St/Spleen – nourishing / Harmonizing -Adventure

hopelessness – appreciation – Heart/SI/TW/Per – exuberance-exhilaration / ruling sovereign - God


And these correspond to the first 5 rows of the DNA Rose. As we practice these perspectives, we claim the infinite power from the coding in the Rose.

1. The Perspective of Self as the Core of Inspiration (physical)2. The Poetic Perspective of Life as Art (soul)3. The Eternal Perspective - Seeing the Details within the Large Picture (lower spirit)4. The Adventurous Perspective (higher spirit)5. The God Perspective - Knowing Oneself to be the Origin of all that happens in one's environment

The Ascension Attitudes The following is extracted from an audio program that explores the ascension attitudes, perspectives, body-soul-spirit harmony, and more. On the download page for the basic FA kit, you receive two angelic elixirs and exercises to work with these.

Love, Praise, and Gratitude together form an alchemical equation that results in Adoration in Action—which is the expression or outpouring of adoration into the world. In this manner, our actions become a devotional prayer. As we live as prayer, we are in continual purification and elevation to a higher vibration or order of being. Through continual practice of theses attitudes, we purify and alter the cells and we reshape our being.

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Love, Praise and Gratitude are the three fundamental ascension attitudes. Added to these are two more that have become increasingly important in order to gain momentum to leave the old reality behind and move to the new reality that is vastly different. We are leaving all that we have known behind, and we must be in surrendered trust in order to move powerfully on divine Intent and be appreciative of every experience, because we may only leave or transcend what we can love. Furthermore, in appreciation we live beyond opposition, understanding that all shadows are cast by collective suppression and nothing more. When we oppose it we make it real and cannot leave the illusion—only when we appreciate the interplay of light and shadow and what it can impart to us, can we leave it completely behind. This is a deep esoteric truth, which when fully grasped and lived will set you on the path of freedom and unbounded being.4

Emotions and Internal Organs

Emotional habits from past wounds and coping and defence patterns are a primary cause of chronic imbalance. It takes far more resources to hold density in place than to hold purity in body. In cases of chronic imbalance, as underlying wounds dissolve by cultivating higher perspectives, chronic illness ameliorates and clears in time.

Negative emotions cause disharmony to the internal organs, and this in turns creates more pain and negativity. It is a self-feeding downward spiral. Negativity causes aging and overall deterioration. There is no resolution out of negative emotionality by the mind that sees the illusion out of which comes belief in wounds, inequity, and separation. This is very important to understand. Most psychology and therapies for emotional healing are now obsolete, and the only way to move into the new reality is through dissolving the emotional chaos and debris held in the meridians, which may be viewed as the 'glue' that holds the illusion in place. We need to dissolve the glue for more graceful dismantling of old structures.

4 This is elaborated upon in the audio to Presence Life and Dissolve the Shadows (

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Just as negative emotions cause aging, entropy, and disharmony within, so too do they cause that without. If you are looking at world events with judgement or fear, understand that you are contributing to the intensity of what you are looking at. Quantum physics reveals that the observer affects results of the experiment. How you perceive magnifies the outpicturing and inner effect—you create what you perceive because perception is a creative power.

The only reason you see the conditions in your life as static is because of fixed beliefs. Shed beliefs, live beyond limiting beliefs, and embrace all possibility from a consciousness of all-sufficiency, and your reality will become far more fluid and reshape according to your consciousness.

Shed the emotional wounds and patterned grooves and practice the ascension attitudes continuously, and you will find your reality becomes fluid and expansive. Look behind appearances at what is the magic of life—appearances reflect yesterday's beliefs. Each moment is portal to infinite potential, that you close when you believe things to be static and external to you.

From Ancient Chinese Medicine (ACM) we have the following emotions affecting the Yin organs:

Anger damages the Liver Joy (or shock) affects the Heart Brooding (worry) affects the Spleen Sadness weakens the lungs Fear affects the Kidneys

All emotions affect the Heart, and anger injures it Worry affects the Lungs and Spleen Sadness cramps the Heart which pushes qi out to the Lungs Shock suspends qi in Heart and Kidneys (when fear is involved)

Further we have that anger makes qi rise too strongly, fear makes it descend, shock scatters qi, sadness dissolves it (hence tiredness and depression), and brooding knots it. Joy also scatters, and so is not an emotional state that can last for too long. Joy ebbs and flows, and we can leverage it as happiness in the moments between the joy, through the power of hope that knows there is magic behind all appearances in each moment. Fear on the other hand isolates the moments of joy and causes us to pine for them and feel loss over lost joy.

The joy that ACM refers to is mostly a state of hyper-excitement that “disperses the Mind out of its residence”. The person who has emotional equanimity feels joy deeply within, rather than as a state of hyper or uncontrollable excitement that strains the Heart.

It is not so clear cut as in the above list, as the organ affected depends also on whether we suppress or express the negativity. So suppressed anger affects the Heart, while expressed, it damages the Liver. Most people who have anger do both. But imbalances to qi flow are the root cause of all disease as well as all chronic emotionality. Without negativity, there is no illness, no linear time, no resistance.

Meridian clearing is foundational to higher body evolution. First level of foundation is repairing the DNA, and the next is emotional equanimity—all else will unfold most gracefully from that. There are

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practices to activate body evolution, but without this foundation it will have much less effect.

Each organ resonates to an emotion that has a positive nature. But under stress and tension, a negative one expresses instead and the organ is burdened by that. With chronic negative emotions, the organs break down under the strain and begin to act 'selfishly' by drawing all the body's resources to it. When positively attuned, all organs sing their song in a harmonious chorus that supports the soloists of the body (High Heart, Heart and Gut, for example).

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Main Emotional Themes for Meridians and Higher Perspectives of Transcendence

Understand that the emotional themes may overlap, as the meridians operate as aspects of intelligence within a unified.

Release Reframe

LungI release grief, sense of loss, yearning for the past, feeling betrayed, regret, bitterness, desire to numb, emptiness, feeling victimized by life....feeling overwhelmed...wanting to go back to how it was..seeing imperfection.

Seeming loss is there to nudge me to a change of direction. I know that life brings only gifts and I allow its power of love to direct me in the optimal way.

I trust life's guidance.

Large IntestineI release unable to let go, resisting change, afraid of change, need to control life, stubborn, inflexibility, intolerant, stuck ideas, belief systems, rigid, stagnation, defensiviveness....disappointed by life...disappointed in myself, feeling wrong, remorseful.

I happily let go of what is obsolete, in order to make room for far greater to flow to me.

As I cooperate with life's ebbs and flows, I grow in wisdom and am continually regenerated.

Question: Where are you stuck in rigidity? How are you living in the past? Pain is resistance to life forcing redirection. In surrendered trust, there is pressured guidance rather than pain. I no longer focus on what I am losing but rather on what better is waiting to flow in. I praise the perfection of each moment, and wisdom grows in me. There is no past—only the eternal moment of now.

Closing the Gap of ebb/flow, death/life, to enter into perpetual self-regeneration. Live life and death or ebb and flow as simultaneous aspects of the perpetual self-regeneration.

Ascension Attitude of Praise ~ “I cultivate continual praise for the wisdom that imbues all life—even the apparent darkness glows when I remember perfection!”

StomachI release guilt, shame or blame, disgust, jealousy/greed, distrustful, powerlessness, insecurity, desire to pacify others, subservience, self-suppression to fit in, weak sense of self, egotistic, unable to take life in, taking on beliefs of others, group think to belong.I release...people pleasing, avoiding confrontation, giving power away, addiction to needing others to value and validate me. I release masks, identities, family beliefs and values.

I embrace life as a grand adventure of self-discovery, knowing that there can be no mistakes. As I engage life from transparency and integrity, I free myself from self-suppression to fit in or please others, and I grow in confidence.As I please myself, life becomes free of drama, shame and blame.

Spleen I release worry, anxiety about the future, brooding, muddled thinking, self-destructiveness, mood swings, poor boundaries (immune system), co-dependency, self-abandonment to serve others, feeling unnurtured, low self-esteem, taking things personally, being

I think my own thoughts and am my own person—all else I release now.What others think of me is none of my business.I release worry and confusion and know that all is well as I practice self-care and self-respect.

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offended by others, living vicariously through others.

Guilt, shame and blame comes from the misunderstanding that you can make a mistake...that you can cause another harm. When we think we can harm another, we are in self-importance. Guilt, shame/blame occur for things that have not yielded their insights that we are hindered by.

From a higher perspective, you cannot harm another, so there need be no guilt or shame... It may seem that you deliver the blow to another, but the universe is using your unconsciousness to shake the other up in areas where they are lacking presence. And others show up for you that way one can harm you but yourself through being asleep to your power. Life is allowing you to deliver the 'blow' because it is revealing to you where you are not present to yourself...where you are in distortion. Comb through life to find all the insights that you have left behind, and you will then release all burden of the past. Then life will not use you to deliver the 'lessons' or blows.

When you are fully awake, self-sovereign and self-responsible, then life uses you to deliver blessings to others....and the quality of life is far better. In growing healthy self-centeredness...self-sovereignty...others will show up with blessings for you too, rather than the uncomfortable lessons.

Guilt, shame and blame is a trap of self-importance and self-pity. We fool ourselves into thinking we are virtuous in keeping peace, but we are in fear of confrontation, and what we fear we invite. And we enable arrogance and power abuse in others. Power is inner mastery that translates into being able to direct our lives.

Getting your sense of self in the mirror of opposites makes you live for how others see you. You can never be enough for then try to please or are the martyr, and you give your power away in order to feel safe. But only when you live for inner integrity and freedom are you truly safe. People show up in respectful ways when you are self-sovereign. With self-transparency and self-sovereignty, all anxiety in relationship dissipates.

Closing the Gap of self and other, to enter into knowing the Self as the One and through the Many. See others reflecting what is as yet unexpressed in you in some manner, know your innocence, and you will see the face of God in all.

Ascension Attitude of Trust ~ “I know my innocence and embrace life with the trusting openness of the child eager for the grandest adventure.”


I release joylessness, self-pity, neediness, craving, longing, shock, nervousness, excitement, agitation, guilt, and hate. I release racing thoughts, lack of self-control, being ruled by neediness, belief that something on the outside can 'fix' me. I release entitlement through being needy, manipulation and enmeshment.

I cultivate self-dignity, propriety, self-respect, and contentment within. The only true relationship is with the Self...I dwell in 'sacred' aloneness and am unconditional in love.

As I serve Love and see the innocence of life, I become worthy of the Kingdom.

In joy and love of life, I maintain inner peace and purity. In profound appreciation of Love, I become the Fountain of Life, and all beings thrive in my presence.

As I live in joy, I fill the joyless places in the cosmos

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with hope.

Small Intestine

I release overwhelm, unable to see pure from impure...what is good for me and what is not. I release feeling unheard, self-pity, being ruled by lower emotionality, serving the broken heart...I release the stories of being hurt, mistreated, abandoned, rejected.

As I release the stories of woundedness my body and life are renewed by the power of love.

I easily discern what serves and best inspires the Song of my Heart. I focus only on what inspires my Heart to sing.

JHHopelessness is about having shut down the heart. The message is that we have lost touch with the Song of the Self...with our essence as love, in order to avoid being hurt. We are assuming we will be hurt, and giving others the power to hurt us.

The Heart is the Ruler of the inner Kingdom-- when imbalanced nothing feels right. Heart impacts on our sense of self, rules blood (the substance of Love and Self), impacts the endocrine system profoundly, and is associated with the High Heart (thymus). When the heart is needy, it shuts down the High Heart and we are unable to secrete the hormones to higher order being. High Heart leads us to highest pathways, and ensures that the outer reality is suitably prepared to match our inner landscape. When the needy heart rules, the High Heart shuts down and we follow paths of mediocrity...the doors are closed to us. When the Heart is inconsolable, the Small Intestine feels helpless.

The Small intestine separates the 'clean' from the 'unclean' thoughts. Through SI we derive the power of subtle

discernment or the ability to interpret Infinite Intent. The needy heart creates coarseness in emotion and

thought such that we can no longer hear clearly. With needy Heart, the SI feels pulled in all directions, having to

serve many fickle masters.

The Heart must learn to serve something large than the small self—only then can it become a wise ruler. The wise regent has larger concerns than personal. As the Heart serves Love, it becomes the true Self. When it sings its Song into the universe, the universe bows down at it feet. You are a luminous miracle as a being of Love.

Closing the gap between microcosm and macrocosm, between small self and Higher Self, as we begin to serve something larger than the small wounded self.

Ascension Attitude of Appreciation ~ “In appreciative awareness of the unfathomable depth and power of being, I take full responsiblity for the quality of my emanations in the world.”

KidneyI release fear and worry, tendency to withdraw and isolate, paralysis of will, being self-absorbed, over sensitive to how others treat me, insecure/tentative, sense of impending doom, fear of the unknown, feeling unaccepted by others..alone, feeling unsafe around others...threatened by life...feeling others as hostile. I release past memory of trauma, ancestral trauma, birth trauma, and mother's

I root deeply in what is inviolable and incorruptible in me.

I am All and I have All—this world is created for delight.

I marvel at the richness of being and see poetry of life all around me. I am a luminous miracle.

In Oneness, all is granted to all. Each being has access to the Infinite and I honor their unique

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trauma in early years. I release survival programs, fight/flight reactivity.


Urinary BladderI release being timid, ineffective, feeling smothered, trapped, used, lack of vitality, chronic tiredness, sense of futility, hopelessness, unfulfilled, overwhelmed, confused, shut down.I release fear of not being seen or heard...fear of not belonging, fear of looking stupid, fear of what may happen, fear of life...

In surrendered trust, I calm myself and know that I am more than what I have experienced myself as so far.I am cocooned in the loving embrace of the Mother and preparing to emerge as luminous butterfly. I move through tight comfort zones daily, and tap into greater vitality and presence. I cultivate omniperspective perception, and see myself in others—I am all-inclusive...All-One.

Fear is the desire to retreat. Fear is the message that we have not allowed our roots to take hold deeply in firm soil of the self... in what is enduring and inviolable within. Fear as an overall response to life reveals where we have suppressed ourselves at a core level through trauma or skipped developmental stages.

In fear we feel threatened and want to flee, but we are really called upon to go within to root deeply in what is enduring. In chronic fear we retreat in an unhealthy way, to keep life out. When you retreat from others in mistrust and feeling excluded, life will come at you aggressively and you will experience others as being hostile. When we withdraw from life, both inner and outer life are impoverished, and life will chase after us.

“Fear also reveals what we have not yet, through compassionate understanding, embraced with our hearts...what we have not allowed in our inclusiveness. Fear of death, fear of existence, fear of change—old falls away and new is not yet there. It is time to step over edge of cliff with eyes firmly on the horizon..trusting that the springboard will be there to catch our fall...” 5

A general response to the unknown is to fear it. This must change, as the unknown holds the power to grow. When we encounter something entirely new, never before experienced, it can be turned into something that we love. To love all is to love our wholeness.

The battle is never against another or against externals, it's always against illusion. Befriend fear for it reveals to you how you may grow.As we love all things, we grow. Fear then signals us that there is yet more for us to love. The deeper the pocket of fear, the greater that which awaits our compassion.

As we reform fear of the unknown into growth potential, we will reform the fight/flight response into courage of life—this causes the adrenals to secrete more refined hormones that override the dissonance of fear in the world around us.

Through the poetic perspective that sees behind appearances..that knows there is magic and power in all consciousness rooted deeply in Source, you will know your place in eternity and marvel at what you may be.

5 From, Power of Emotions, by Almine

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Closing the Gap between Above/Below, the Infinite and Self, to realize there is only the One as the Many...there is only aloneness or all-oneness...there can be no separation and you are the center of creation. As point of consciousness in the Infinite Ocean of consciousness, you are the center of your reality that is a valued perspective to creation.

Ascension Attitude of Gratitude ~ “I am grateful to know the depth of incorruptibility within me, which enables me to see the value in all of life.”

Pericardium (Heart Protector/Circulation-Sex)

I release emotional injury, jealousy, addiction, self-abandonment, depleted, suppressed, sluggish, exhausted, invisible, apathy, ignored, dissociated, sexually shut down, fear of intimacy.

I see myself reflected in those of like energy, and discover what lies dormant within and how I might express my being as love more fully and radiantly.

As I express fully as love, I unleash trapped power and experience new vitality for life.

In increasing self-appreciation, I open to true intimacy with myself, which I can then express with otthers.

Triple Warmer (Thyroid)I release hopelessness, despair (suicidal), depression, confusion, muddled thinking, instability, paranoia, disconnected from love, no voice, holding back expresssion. I release projecting past pain into the future, which causes despair and dread.

The moment I show up fully present and in active hope is the moment the miraculous life unfolds.

Hopelessness is when we give up. We have resisted life and love and held back in suppression for so long that we can no longer. The message is that rather than resist life, we must surrender to it. So rather than give up, we are nudged to 'give in'. The resolution is to surrender to Higher Will.

In hopelessness we cannot see a way out, and we project the past into the future—the future is closed to us. But hope is not about future, it's about being present in a new way. Hope is an active power of the present moment that sees behind appearances, at the magic and miracles of life. As you live with hope, you open to the magic and thus to all possibility. Hopelessness closes all future paths, while hope opens all of them. Each moment is a miracle. In giving up being shut down and wounded, and surrendering to Higher Will, you will find you are cradled and soothed by Love.

Closing the Gap between past and future through surrender, so that you may enter into the miracle of the timeless moment.

Ascension Attitude of Appreciation ~ “I shape the quality and direction of my life and my environment through the resonating emphases of my Heart. I appreciate all qualities and experiences as they lead to deeper conscientious emphasis.”


I release anger and frustration at self, feeling entitled to anger, protectiveness, desire to save, obsessiveness, battling external obstacles, aggressiveness, comparing with others, envy and seeing that others have it easy.

Through self-inspiration to meet the moment with power and grace, opposition dissolves and makes way for exciting challenges.

In presencing life fully, nothings stops me from ever greater self-expression and self-realization.

All that I experience and perceive is the result of what I

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express and what I suppress in myself. Challenge calls me to express ever more from the fullness of my being.

Gall BladderI release rage, resentment, self-importance, judgment, self-centeredmess, galled, critical, stubborn, inflexible, stagnant, stuck, indecisive, avoidance behaviors, emotionally repressed, ineffective, impotent, harsh inner critic, distrustful. I release waiting for life or others to change.

I cultivate self-love through appreciation of others and become cooperative with life.I take full responsibility for how Infinite Intent expresses through me in life.

Question: How are you taking life too seriously and at face value? What is stagnant? Under self-mastery, Anger serves in breaking up stagnation and having the staying power to see things through.. All seeming obstacle is catalyst to deepen self-belief and self-inspiration.

In judgment we have lost the sense of innocence of all experience, and we put a value on experience. We are only to discern what is life-enhancing and what is not...what inspires us—beyond that, we may know that all things have value in creation or they would not be there. When you engage life knowing that life unfolds according to what you express or suppress, then your choice is not to deny what shows up but rather it is about how you will show up for you will respond. Your attitude determines the fluidity or the rigidity in the circumstances that life presents.

Anger is the power to break up stagnation. Another more graceful way to break up stagnation is through perception and might you expand in consciousness to transcend chronic anger? What does anger reveal to you about what is out of balance that you did not know before? Look at the gift or message in it.Rage is anger not guided by its opposite pole...anger as desire to attack and break up stuckness has as opposite pole protectiveness. The true warrior does not fight externals because we empower what we fight. Warrior fights battles within, knowing that life is but a mirror and that which is within will most certainly manifest without. We change the world by changing self...

Let seeming obstacles become catalyst for self-belief and self-inspiration and you become self-impelled and the Spring where new growth abounds, you push through inner resistance and grow in new ways as you manifest creatively in the outer world.

Closing the Gap of inner/outer, to enter into being the dream and the dreamer of my reality.

Ascension Attitude of Love ~ “Knowing life as a force of love, I am self-inspired to meet the moment with power and grace—all opposition dissolves and makes way for exciting challenges.”

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Methods of Using Fragrance Alchemy

General Clearing of the Main Emotional Themes with Clearing Statements

You can do the general clearing process, using the information from the table given above, as a regular clearing process with the FA.

If you are starting out, I suggest a practice of using the oils daily, as you can, and ruthlessly transcending negative emotions as they arise. Ask the angels working through the oils to dissolve all old obsolete patterns as you release release you give them up to allow higher perspectives to emerge. In time, you will find that old emotional reactions and states are no longer even possible! You will be amazed at the powerful support through these oils!6

Below is a process to do on clients or groups below, and you can adapt it easily for personal use.

Play a music elixir (an angelic elixir, the angel healing music, or the Oneness pulsation entrainment audio provided on the download link), as these support the overall process and clear distorted frequencies. (Details on the download page).

Tune into overall sense of life, or a specific issue. Optional: rate discomfort on SUDs scale.

Enter into a light meditative state. If you are working on a client, then lead them into a meditative state. I will describe the process that you would do for a client, and you can adjust it for yourself. Encourage a light meditative state throughout the process, so have client close eyes between oil applications.

Put oils on for one pair of emotions, starting with Lung/LI. So apply both the lung and the LI oils on corresponding points.

Have client tune in, and rub the yin meridian point (Lung) while you lead them through the Release statements (in the table). You may say it as a command “Release...”, or while they are tuned in you say for them “I release...”.

Have client hold point for reframe. If they can hold point bilaterally at the same time, then great, if not hold only one side. You lead them through one or more affirmations, as appropriate. Alter the statements to best suit, if you wish.

Do the same for the next yang meridian point (LI in the case of the first pair), and release and reframe as above.

Then read the brief message on the meaning of the negative emotion and how to work with it. (So with first pair example, you would read the essential aspect of pain as nudging a direction change, and loss as being the opening for greater to come.)

Repeat for the next 5 pairs of meridians.

6 I have found that these oils are a 'new matter' such that they can embody angelic consciousness. I am just exploring the implications of this, but the oils are capable of profound clearing of the meridians and emotional body beyond what was possible in the old reality.

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Optional: When done, have them tune in again, while you lead them through the five statements for the ascension attitudes (listed in the table, and reproduced below). After that, have the client(s) tune in again and rate their issue or overall emotional state.

Pain-Loss/Praise I cultivate continual praise for the wisdom that imbues all life—even the apparent darkness

glows when I remember perfection!

Joylessness/Appreciation: In appreciative awareness of the unfathomable depth and power of being, I take full

responsiblity for the quality of my emanations in the world.

Guilt/Trust: I know my innocence and embrace life with the trusting openness of the child that is eager for

the grandest adventure.

Fear/Gratitude: I am grateful to know the depth of incorruptibility that enables me to see the value in all of life.

Hopelessness/Appreciation: I shape the quality and direction of my life and my environment through the resonating emphases

of my Heart. I appreciate all qualities and experiences as they lead to deeper conscientious emphasis.

Anger: Knowing life as a force of love, I am self-inspired to meet the moment with power and grace—

all opposition dissolves and makes way for exciting challenges.

General Clearing at Night

Before bedtime...

Place Oud or Blend of the Gods on the top of the head (level with Crown—Du or GV 21- see below).

Place Goddess Blend or Fuschia just above the tailbone (GV1/2, see below).

Place Flower of Saffron along the spine ( 1 1/2 inches on either side) in line with the navel area (but on back—see UB 24-25, below).

Do the above at minimum, and add the next points if you can.

Use all 12 oils on all 12 FA points as indicated.

Play an angel elixir (short or long one as you have time for), and review all that transpired during the day, from the last thing to the first upon waking up. Just review as an observer, and 'replay' whatever feels out of higher alignment.

Get a sense of what you need to emphasize in you...what you may need support to

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express...what is lingering as wound or distortion, etc. Ask for help to transcend this through the night.

Use the sigil in the appendix (C) for dream time. Look at it, make the statement, then place your hand on it, and ask that you go into formlessness and not the soul level of the matrix of opposition. Ask that in formlessness, your merge with Living Love and integrate all that you need to transcend whatever you feel hindered or challenged by. Enter into sleep in a state of reverence and gratefulness.

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Using the FA/Clearing on Specific Issues

Method 1 ~ General

Tune in to the issue and feel the emotions and sense into the assumptions/beliefs, etc.

Select the specific meridians implicated, and apply the oils. While rubbing, do the release and reframe statements (from the main table). For added effect, play an angel elixir to close the gap of illusion (A196-7 min one is good).

Tune in again and repeat on what is there.

End with contemplation on the higher perspective for the main emotional theme you cleared on (refer to information in the main table).

Tune into the ascension attitude associated with the meridians, and enter into those as deeply as you can. As you do, involve all senses, feel your whole body, feel the new attitude right to the cellular level.

Method 2 ~ Simple Ear Points for Profound Shifts

If you have chronic anxiety or stress, you need to learn this simple technique, which uses the three most potent points in auricular acupuncture therapy for homeostasis, centering, and a return to self. Rub rose oil on both index fingers and rub into area of ear that covers the three needle locations in the image, above. Then press a nail into each point area and hold for 30 seconds on each. You may use the affirmations provided below with the point names and descriptions.

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Shen Men (top point on image)

This is the most popular point in ear protocols. It is a master point that affects the entire body. Shen Men, known as 'Divine Gate', is so powerful that it treats almost everything–stress, anxiety, depression, inflammatory diseases, and more. It is best known for its calming effects. Use it to shift out of anxiety, overwhelm, confusion, and hyper-active states.

“I enter the still point of surrendered being, into the luminous present moment that stretches to I presence the moment is what determines the next.”

Sympathetic Autonomic System Point (2nd point from top-down on image)

The sympathetic nervous system is what gets the body in the fight/flight mode for survival purposes. When it engages, our digestive and organ functions shut down, and resources go to support the fight/flight response. We are supposed to be in parasympathetic mode when not in emergency response. Most people live in constant stress and so are in a continual SNS state. This is devastating to health and shuts down the possibility of body evolution. Stimulating the Sympathetic Autonomic Point moves you into the parasympathetic state where body healing and regeneration may take place.

Repeat the affirmation above, or use the following if it speaks to you:

“I dwell in the loving embrace of the Mother, in the Womb of Creation where I am All and I have All.”

Point Zero (3rd point on image)

This is a centering point that lines up with the solar plexus area when the ear is seen as a homunculus (i.e. the entire body is mapped onto the ear). When you need greater presence and potency through calm centering, you may stimulate this point.

Point Zero brings the body back into homeostatic balance. It is known to balance energy, regulate the brain, viscera, and the hormones. It is a catch-all and used in so many treatments.

“I am confident presence--fully engaging the moment's potential from my whole being.”

Healing the Needy Heart

The needy heart is devastating to our evolution, I have discussed some of the effects in the table of emotions, but have developed a protocol specifically to support dissolution of neediness in order to enable rulership of the true Heart.

When needy heart is tyrant, the small intestine meridian is overwhelmed and incapable of discerning what is life-enhancing and what is not. Its muddled state affects hormone secretions directly because it keeps the pituitary balanced. The pericardium (Heart protector) then feels invisible and incapable, and the thyroid meridian gives in to hopelessness. The needy heart directs life into situations of temporary relief that end up causing greater pain, and eventually we give in to hopelessness or we continue in

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obsessive neediness. When all three meridians that serve the Heart are in continual high alert under the heart's tyranny, everything is thrown into chaos.

When heart is needy, it creates pressure in the lungs which then feel 'cramped' and unable to do their job. There will be bitterness if neediness persists.

You may read more about the needy Heart in the appendix (A). Below is the protocol with trigger affirmations. It is a variation of the Heart balancing yin pattern.7 Point locations are given in the main points for the FA protocol, and missing ones are depicted below.

Acupressure routine to ignite Heart and Lungs

Apply oils bilaterally for best effect. You may use the angelic elixir

Du 20 (Top of Head) Oud or Blend of Gods oil ~ Called “Celestial Fullness”, this point is associated with opening of the Crown (thousand petalled lotus). It helps to draw in qi from the celestial realms.

I perceive anew, with hope and clarity that sees behind appearances into divine perfection. As I see perfection, so I bring about a higher order of life and am renewed in the One Life.

Ht 7 ~ Rose Oil ` Called “Spirit's Gate”, this point calms the spirit (Shen) and is the most powerful heart point.

I release the tyranny of emotionality and woundedness, and let my Heart feel profound universal love and innocence.

SI 3 – Lotus - calming effect to clear overwhelm or paralysis of will, and helps to integrate new understanding. Restores confidence in ability to interpret Infinite Intent. Also helps with integration of higher precepts—good to use when taking in affirmations.

In surrendered stillness I am able to interpret Infinite Intent. I easily discern highest truth.

Per 6 – Henna Flower ~ Called the “Inner Pass”, this point affects both Lung and Heart meridians and brings harmony between them. Lung is able to release the wounds and support the Heart's healing.

7 Mikio Sankey. Esoteric Acupuncture.

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I engage life to full capacity as I now fill my lungs with the sweet breath of life.The resonance of my Heart is carried into the world through the power of my engagement in life.

Lu 3, Neroli ~ Known as the “Heavenly Palace”, this is a 'window of heaven' point known to soothe the soul and support its integration in the body. This window stores the Akashic Records; it allows access to the intergenerational and karmic patterns that perpetuate grief. This is the spirit of the lungs. Without this connection to spirit or inspiration, there is eternal emptiness, desolation, and despair, which are common themes with the lung. Focus on the level of Akasha referred to as the "valley of tears", and release these through higher perspective.

Through the eternal perspective, I dissolve the ghosts from the “valley of tears” and draw only inspiration from the past. I dissolve the valley of tears that I may bring in my higher deeper self into embodiment.

Ren (CV) 17 (top point—midline, in line with nipples) ~ Goddess oil of Fuchsia ~ Strengthens the “Palace of the Heart” and opens the chest.

I create my reality through the resonance of my Heart.My listening Heart hears the currents of life through appreciative poetic perspective, and I thereby shape my life as a work of art.

Ren (CV) 4 ~ (bottom point—midline, between hip bones) Called the “Gate to the Original qi”. Helps with courage to make decisions that serve Higher Intent. Helps to harmonize spirit, soul and body through many effects.

I have the courage to act without agenda and in deepest alignment to Infinite Intent.

Using FA According to the Horary Clock

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When any of the meridians are blocked through resistance and imbalance with life, negative emotions and suppression, they take up too much of the body's resources and cause imbalance to the system. Every two hours the body focuses on a particular meridian, in order to support homoeostasis and harmony in the body. When a meridian is imbalanced, particular discomfort may be felt more acutely during that time of the day, as the body has to mobilize vast resources in trying to restore harmony in the dissonant meridian.

Below is a simple depiction of the Horary clock. A more complex picture is given in the appendix (B), along with the standard points used for optimizing homeostasis. For emotional clearing, use the general FA points indicated. If you have many physical ailments, the points from the more complex chart is preferred. Look up the points on the Internet, and use the FA oils as indicated for the correct meridian.

Emotional habits from past wounds and coping and defence patterns are a primary cause of chronic imbalance. Remember that it takes far more resources to hold density in place than to hold purity in body.


In some material (including the FA booklet from Almine's team), anger is associated with the Heart, while not with the Liver. This can be misleading if not clearly understood. The anger in the Heart is the damage from harboured anger that is stored in the Liver organ and meridian. So during those times indicated (11:am to 1pm), you may experience a mix of emotions (sadness, numbness, hurt, feeling wrong, confusion, etc, along with anger). The key point here is that the Heart does not store the anger, but rather it holds the effect of suppressed anger that is in the liver. And the 'protectiveness' associated with the Liver meridian (from 1am to 3am), again is the 'effect' of the harboured anger. So I would focus on the anger by working the liver meridian, and be aware of the protectiveness patterns that then

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resulted. And then work with the needy heart patterns in the heart meridian.

Affirmations for the Emotions following the Horary Clock

Exercise 1:

This very focused exercise requires that you devote concentrated time to it. You may do it for a full day every now and again, but for more profound clearing results, doing it for several days in a row is best.

This process is intended to entrain the meridians vibrationally to deepest release through the alchemy of the oils working at the times where the body focuses on balancing each meridian and healing all associated organs and systems. Take a full day, or even a few consecutive days, where you commit to 'stalking' your emotions. Every two hours, follow the horary clock (above), apply the relevant oil, and tune into the emotional themes of that meridian. If you need to, set an alarm to go off every 2 hours at least.

This exercise works with clear intention to have surface what is unresolved in you. It is not done in response to emotions that arise, but through it you are actively seeking for what may have been hidden. Use the affirmations given below, or those from the main table of emotional themes and meridians.

Exercise 2:

Consult the chart when you feel physical symptoms or emotional intensity. And use the FA on the associated point, and the statements from the list below (or list in the general clearing exercise), as appropriate.

If you wake up chronically at a certain time, work with that meridian daily, along with the ones that appear before and after in the clock. Do this for a few days or until things shift.

Lung Meridian

Grief - There is no loss as all is accessible in the moment arising.Intolerance– I release all value judgment, appreciate diversity and have omniperspective perception.Frustration – I release all resistance and sense of opposition, and hold the eternal and vaster perspective even as I tend to the detail.Bitterness – The perfection of life is revealed as I release bitterness from misinterpretation that keeps me unable to be made anew.

I delight in the Flow of Change that is the essence of life. I am the changing current that yields to the might of the Ocean.I release all loss and grief over the past, and know that all is perfection and exactly according to Infinite Intent.I cultivate continual praise for the wisdom that imbues all life—even the apparent darkness

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glows when I remember perfection!In praise, I am uplifted to refined awareness, in gladness to be alive, witnessing the ebbs and flows as a natural process of graceful unfolding of Infinite Intent.I no longer live in nostalgia and embrace the gifts that life has for me this moment.

Large Intestine

Guilt – in courageous letting go I renew my whole life and set others free.Disappointment / Remorse – I no longer allow ghosts of the past to drain me, and I take full responsibility for how Infinite intent expresses through me in this new moment arising.Opposition to change – As I allow life to be new in each moment, I am renewed and regenerate to higher vibrancy and consciousness.

I easily let go of what no longer serves and make way for the new to eventually arise.I release all that I hold onto and cut any cords of control.As I let go of all rigidity and dogma, all the edges soften and life flows more gracefully.I live cleanly, ruthlessly eliminating all that does not serve maximum life and growth.I gracefully shed all that is obsolete, knowing that the less I cling, the more I flow with the power of the mighty Ocean of Life.I let go in order that my life can reform to higher expression. I embrace the ever changing expression of the fluid structure of my environment.The more I let go, the more movement and newness comes into my life.As I let go, I become self-composting and create a nutrient rich life into which greater continually arises.

LiverI release all comparison that I may be self-referenced and become self-inspired from within.As I become self-inspired to meet the moment with power and grace, opposition dissolves and makes way for exciting challenges.In presencing life fully, nothings stops me from ever greater self-expression and self-realization.Under self-mastery, anger serves in breaking up stagnation and in having the staying power to see things through. All seeming obstacle is catalyst for self-belief and self-inspiration.I am self-determined, self-impelled, and self-inspired to give life full attention.I have the power to push through inner resistance and grow in new ways as I manifest creatively in the outer world.

Gall BladderI release self-importance, rigid expectations of others, and entitlement, and take responsibility for how life shows up for me.I release the judgemental, critical eye, and see with new-found innocence that gives freedom to all to show up anew in each moment. As I see with innocence and appreciate and cherish others, the quality of my life is directly impacted. I cultivate self-love and tread lightly and resolutely, knowing I affect the quality of my days by my attitude toward others.

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Others to come in next version of the manual....

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Light Elixir to Heal Negative Emotions

"Hopelessness has arisen among humanity, where the few labor diligently, to ease the lot of the many. It seems that as you change the song of life by changing the song of yourself, that it is again undone.

Life is interconnected like a huge web. Unraveling one thread of it unravels all. The most profound cosmic changes must begin from the bottom of density. This means that the race of man has the

opportunity to change the way life unfolds, more than any other race.

Each of you can help eliminate these fields of the ghosts of the past. They cannot be tackled directly - they have been accumulating too long." message from the Arcturians through Almine

And you eliminate those ghosts by releasing the woundedness and stop being affected by so-called past. As the emotions clarify and memory of pain dissolves, you clear those fields for all.

You can accelerate elimination by calling on help to reintepret the past completely, through the lens of timelessness that can appreciate the journey of life through eternity. The past can then live in you as pure inspiration. This clears the amygdala and allows it to function at a higher level, where it scours

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past memory for inspiration.

Past is not only what happened in waking life—it includes what you lived through in dream time that covers all the paths not taken that were strong potentials. Like gemstones from the rock, from that whole field of 'past' inspiration may be drawn. Ask this often when you are stuck in believing life to be real and seeing obstacles and closed doors.

Acupressure/FA Protocol

Use the FA oils, bilaterally, on Lu-3, Ht-7, Per 6, Sp 21 (see image below; Sp 21 is below the underarm, and is generally a sore 'lymph' spot for many), and K-27 (use main image of points given at the start of the manual)--these are the points of the yin meridians. Feel into your emotional state or issue for which you seek a shift, and look at the light elixir for a few minutes, while also playing an angelic elixir if you wish (A033 or A196 are good ones). You may also contemplate on the affirmations below.

The past gems of inspiration are my inner treasure chest with jewels that may adorn me.

Inspirated by past choices taken and not taken, I create artistic expression of the unfolding eternal moment.

As the past lives in me only as inspiration, obsolete emotional scars and distorted memories dissolve as do all signs of aging in the body.

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A) The Needy Heart that Sustains Drama and Chaos

(continuation from Needy Heart discussion....)

The needy heart is not healed by finding a 'soul mate'. In fact it prevents this possibility. You will not even notice some of the wonderful people in your life right now when you look through the skewed lens of neediness. Neediness is binding to all those it ensares. The matrix of the mirrors of opposites is sustained powerfully through it.

And so we have that the Heart is key to liberation to a higher order. When balanced and aligned with Higher Will, it holds the key to the upward spiral of accelerated evolution. With a needy heart, we end up believing we are a frog...and we forget the prince trapped within by enchantment. Heart is the most powerful emitter of electro magnetic frequencies, with far greater potency than the brain. Unconditional love is the most potent creative force that can reorder life to greatest depth.

We are given the following insight from the angel gods that leads away from neediness:

“When we direct personal love at someone in our life, we invite opposition by making them an opposite. Let your love for those who play a significant role in your life be an emphasis within the impersonal love you feel for all.”

And further, we are guided to release our addictions to relationship through our desire to feel valued, to feel alive through drama, and also through the cooperative alternating emphasis that can often happen in relationship. When we need relationship to feel valued, we do not allow our greatness, as we must be according to another's needs or expectations and we require this of others also. Drama keeps us in illusion and fully shut down. And co-operative resonating emphasis means that we do not express what our partner expresses—the two at best make close to 1 but often fall short of even that.

Unspoken Contracts that Bind Us

Below is a list of some of the contracts that bind the heart, which must be eliminated in order to liberate the Heart, wield its true power, and activate the high Heart and the endocrine system to higher functionality.

Addiction to relationship through the desire to be valued.

Addiction to relationship through the desire to create drama through adversity (as a means to generate temporary resources and false sense of power or life)

Addiction to relationship through co-operative alternating emphasis (e.g. Partner has certain complementary traits that you then feel you don't need to have and vice verse).

Ties of self-importance: believing we are responsible for another's happiness; self-abandonment to serve another, desire to fix, blame (wanting others to change for us), ties of

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Ties of self-pity: guilt that allows others to take advantage of us, blame for the conduct of others, fear of missing out... fear of deprivation.

Ties of wanting to pacify others for acceptance or peace.

Ties of accepting social standards, feeling bound by duty.

Examine all your relationships for the underlying mutual contracts that bind you in various forms of enmeshment. Feel into these...and see how they keep you stuck...Without the contracts you open up to 'all possibility' create spaciousness in relationship and eliminate predictability and stagnation.

Change focus from 'what am I getting from this?”, to “how am I supporting the Infinite's Expression in this relationship?” You then know that any self-stifling also stifles the other, any self-importance or powerlessness in you sustains it in the other. You are the dream, dreamer, and all players in the dream. Others show up for you in the manner that they live within you. Seek to live beyond the confines of control and insufficiency from within, and everything will take on a far more exciting dynamic without.

Know that the control that you exert over others is in measure of your sense of powerlessness. If you increase control, you increase powerlessness. Work within, and you will set yourself and others free.

The wounded heart stifles the Song of the Self, and keeps you stuck in emotionality and drama, which prevents the chakras from exploding into sphere of higher intelligence. The wounded heart stops our evolution in its tracks, and it sustains an outer reality of hostile forces. The true Heart has the power to change realities.

* * * * *

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B- Horary Clock with Physical Symptoms

To use this clock, when in physical discomfort during the day, check the clock, associated meridian, and use the FA oil on the point indicated on the inner circle. It is also advised that you use the associated affirmations for emotional clearing as well.

An additional chart that may also be useful is the following:

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Appendix C ` Points to Use to Conceal Scent (several options)

Channels on feet: Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Stomach, Spleen

Liver Point: SI-3. ""FA: Gardenia

Kidney point: Ki-1

“”FA: Narcissus

Bladder point: UB-62 “Ninth Channel”FA: Flower of Saffron

Kidney point: Kid-6 “Shining Sea”FA: Narcissus

Spleen point: SP-4 "Minute Connecting Channels" FA: Goddess Blend

Gall bladder point: GB-41“Falling Tears”FA: Patchouli

Other bladder points on the footFA: Flower of Saffron

St 41 is a point with good activity, but any one can be used.FA: Sandalwood

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Figure 1. FA points on the feet

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D- Sigil To Prevent Dream Time Interference

Sigil by Almine (

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