·e e,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...aurelia san

/ )I. y J l···:; I \. ''""1 ., ) ·e e, Jl •·' I . ,•' ... Published in the Center of Stock Growing and Mining Country of the Southwest. I·'' ' Volume 11 No rl. WHITE OAKS, NEW 'MEXICO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th.,- 19o:z. · ·Subscription, $1.50 a Year; .. Monthly Report Of The .Of The Pupils White. Oaks Publi( S{bOOI. · THREE RIVERS NEWS. : · FROM CAPITAN. ' . ' Regu1n.r Correspondence. Rel!ulur Correspondence. There is ·some prospecting P. G. Peters, of Angus? is cast- going on down here.· We' have ing his eye about our town for a some fine lodes, and the only thing location, so we hear. We will lacking.is capital to work. them. welCome Mr. Peters whenever he· .. MONTH tNDINti fi:BRUARY 21, J902. · The weather is fine at present decides to lo<:ate with us. ,. and stock looking well, with an Ben Reutfrou has purchased GRAMMAR ·oE:PARTMENT. abundance. of and. for Wm. Booth's water tank and< is · the rest of the $eason,. untill rain n<?w supplying his many friends Kittie Buford, Julian Taylor, Pearl Keith, L·ena (irumbles, Xeliie ).1 ar:-;hal Parker, ::\! el \'in Paden, · Addie LaLone, Mabel Ramsdale, Luis Lai..fone, Roy Watson, Ollie Grumbles, 96 Ethel Walsh, 9'7 Richard Hamilton, 96 comes itt the .spx;ing. with pure water from the Govern- ·· 96 Nettie Lee, 96 Willie Gallacher, 96 · Oscar Hyde, one of our .. most mcnt spr.ings. (for 50 cts. a barrel.): ·. stock men has closed We hear that the Eddy Bros .. ·., 96 Ral.ph 'Preat, . 95 Richard McMains, ';95 orit his entire stock of cattle and have bought in with Messrs. Byrd·'. 94 Carrie Simms, 95 Ida Peterso.n, 95 horses, and his White Mountain and Collard up on the ·13'oriito. 95 Clara May, 95 · Clarence Ridgeway, 95 ·ranch; rece1vmg in payment. Very conclusive evidence< that'·. 96 Thos. Johnson:, 94 Zelia Qrumbles, 95 therefor 4 000 h d f fi h there is somethino- g·ood up there · 94 . Bessie Lesnet, . ·94 · · Willie'Lee; · 95 H . 11 ' ' h ea 0 e.ep. · 't f M 1 A Ed'd , .. ' · 95 Bessie Ross, 96 Nellie Ross ..... ; : 96 ·. e w1 .range t em on h1s scura 1n sp1 eo r. . ·· . · y s · 93 Allie Johnson, . 94 '\Valter Grdtnbles, 95 :ranch, from flicting report, on ·return.· to··· · 94 Farwell Barton, 96 Jones .Taliaferro, 97 G. P. Hyde and Bud Smith. El Paso. Aaron Ramsdale, 95 W. c .. Hyde, c. vV. Hyde and The free gold claim up on S,out'h: INTERMEDIATE DBPARTrlENT. M. E. Hyde have sold their en- Fork is like the old maiq.thatgot· I..fucy Archuleta, Georgia Lesnet, Bessie Wilson, Rosie Merrill, Azora Reisner, l\fyrtle 'l'innon, ' Merhl Koch, Hallie Grumbles, Roy Grumbles, 'vVillie Littell, Pete Johnson,· Lee Ridgeway, Ben Leslie, .... _ ....... ·--··-·------ ·- _ _ tire herd o( cattle, consisting of married, and on being aske.d how.· 93 Irene Titmou,. 97 Maggie Gallacher, 98 about 40.0 head of graded. cattle, she liked married life said. ••Itjs 98 Lou Johnson, 98 Sarah Sanchez, 94 toW. C. I\1cDonald; and are con- getting better and better 1.)5 Edith Wells, 98 Rill Wells, qg templating going into the sheep day." The last report from the 96 Jessie Treat, W> Ruth Gradner, 97 · · · · · ( '1::. I · 1 I <JS 11. 1 St k 97 business. m1ne, (not the matd) is that the 7.., -iuctn< a -lee, J.\ ary ec ·, Y5 Gertrude Mayer, Y8 Lila Ross, 98 JICARILLA. tunnel Byrd and Coilard are run- C)S. Attrora Smith, Yi Helen Canning, 97 ning on the free gold is showing· 98 !\-'lira Wingfield, Y7 Ellis Wingfield, 96 Regullll' Correspondence. up plenty df free gold. 97 Mary Peterson, W> Canning, 98 E. H. Talbert and wife, are ... "-·- """"·- 94 Ben J-4ujan, 93 Guy Lund, . 96 now residents of the .Tics. FROM RUIDOSO. 94 John Lee, 97 Chadie Thompkins, 98 97 Coral Reisner, 96 Willie James, 94 J. Ross and J. D. Brotherton, 96 Jessie Leslie, 94 Ward Leslie, 98 the Hawkeye claim. Regular Cm·rcspondcnC('. 'rhe Iowa Co. that is· operating on Turkey gulch, has half a doz- · .... " . .. i Geo. Ramsdale, Aurelia San<Zhez, Pearl 'ray lor; 96 Paul Owen, 96 Isadora Archuleta, 96 Wm. :Mehriman is developing 9fi Ira Johnson, · 94 Eddie Fitzpatrick, 94 the Prince Albert. 98 Ethel Lund, · 98 Maria Archuleta, 92 en me11 employed drifting. ·· · '. ! • ' · · · J. Long and M. D. Lincoln . PRJ.11ARY . .OEPARTMENT. . visited Richardson· to see the Maurice Brookin, Isabel Lee, Grace Mayer, Lorena Smith. Carmelita Tinnon, Valentin Sanchez, Sidney Wharton, Elvira Chavez, Ida Grumbles, Ellen Chavez, Preciliano Sanchez, Annie !vlayer, Ethel Littell. Jacob Reyes, Reatha Owen, H.osa Galvathon, Marcial Chavez, Ralph Otero, Carrie Teats, Hattie Wing·field, I sa bel Ch a \'ez · ,.- "-·· · ···· · -.. .. -- sights. 94 John Merril-l, 95 Genevieve Riggle, 98 94 Ben Sandoval, 92 Eufemia Baca, 95 Sam Tague has returned from 97 Bonnie Keith, 96 Albert Ross, 95 a trip to deliver l\1-. D. Lincoln in 96 Juan.Chavez, , 95 Louelia Rarnsdale; 9.6 the· Gallina mountains. Y5 .. Emma.' Garule, 92 Celia Sanchez, 94 camp is. more lively, and 94 John Reisner, 97 Alfred 96 96 . Ella Swain,'. · 96 Fh!d Lee, 94 people are coming to see what 9.4 Lena Highfill, ·95 Leona .. ,' . 93 chance there may be to invest in 95 Benigna Reyes, 94 Estolano San<;:hez, 95 property to develop, and the out- 95 James Jesse, 96 J oaqtiin Serrano, 94 look is good.· . 95· Luola. Reisner, :95 Clenientin Padilla, 92 · · . 95 Francis -:\Vells, 95 Harry Dyer, 94 T_he placer dredge is allowed to 95. Ellis Leslie,. . 92 Roman Chavez, 94 rest.for a while. 95 Lola Highfill, · 95 Nita T.aylor, · · . 95 Paul Meyer and.S. Wiener, of 93 Joe Otero, ' · · 94 Aurora Gal vathon 95 94 .Joe:Merrill, 9.:6 M,auelitaPa.dilla, 95 White were out to inspect 94 .. Fred Gibson, . 96' · Conrado Sa:lazar, · 92 that part of the camp in which 95 Sarah Guevara, 94 Metoria Chavez,· 93 the new find is situated. 95 Le<Hord Smith,.9S HarryMcGehee, 94 Many visitors are expected this 94 J-4ola 94 Cruz Guevara, 93 .92 : Ro.sar.ita Sanchez, . 92 we,ek, some to invest money in , . · · Sickness may prevent J. M. Rice from returning as soon as he desired. The Klondike on South Fork has the confidence of the miners of the district, and they predict it will turn out something pretty handsome. It is certain that there will be a world of prospecting done in our picturesque valley the coming summer. The claim oposite P. G Peters' place, they shows silver, copper and galina. . Mrs. J as. Reed, of White Oaks,. is moving into the Peters hotel. The weather is too :fine for this . ' season of the year, th.ere is but little snow'in the mountains, and there is soine fears that we will· not have tne· usual 'aniount ·o.·-r_· , · . . 1 ·Some one publi.shed the fact 'I he blll to repeal the war rev- 1 A fl!{h t occurred near Middles- that th . .d t d M R .summer. l'nue tax passed the lower hop.se I boro, Ky.·, between the J-4ee T. · It an rs .. doose,. · . 1 : . . . , . . ·.ve were on< OJ. poetry, an now nf congress m a whoop. .Mr. f'ner ga:ng of.outlaws and th.e ·.offi- · 1 ·· l . f" . The. son, Teddy, Hichardson, democratic :·cers .. Six were killed and a.· s 00 . <;>r ·a JOb has been very sick at Groton,. . . . . , ,: · . are seen wen mg etr wav tow- utoved 1ts passage wtthout :.many more/ w:qpndecL ·. · Tunter d th · Wh't. H · . 1 Mass., where he was attendini ' · · · · · 'k" ·tth "() . t H ,, t ar s c 1 e ousew1t1 a book ... every democrat \'oted for the; .ep e er an?. o- . . . , ' school, because of his fad of run .. . 'I'h , . h . t' · : nous salopu. .one of the sherrff's 1 of poelJlS under one arm. uR t e par tes . · . ,:,_.. 11 1 ... 1 fi • · ·,f t'I· . ning about headed ... Pneu.,. . . · · . , posse ·was Kl e< an< ve o 1e -----·· ---- ..... -··- ::g-reed for once. 'l'hc .. The were moniaislooking for such opor .. · i':tlls expected some of. the .demo-· . -•,.-.. - ............ : . .... · ' .0' . h d 1 . t' . . tl tunities, and this should be a · · . : S, ' ·· . 1 . . · "' runntn 0 on sc e tt e tme on 1e . . aats to oppose the measure as 1t · curvy pre':' a ent at Cape P· , R 1 , 1 · , le.sson to who may want to · . . · · · · ··Nome and 1s causmo- much suffer- E as.o- oc s and. Passenger follow the .example of the Presi- ongll1ated 011 ing:ainong·. the gokl of trains will be pu,t. on a.bout the dent's· SOn·· He is now out of but they were dtsappomted. far . · , · first of March.. . . ' ·danger. ' ' · .. . ' . - !\" \' ,.. ' ' . : . . ; : . ··.• .... j ••••• ,, ·.: . . ' . l i i 1 ' i ..1 ' I ;. ; I., , I I ' i

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·e e, Jl •·' I

. ,•' ... Published in the Center of .th~ Stock Growing and Mining Country of the Southwest. I·''

' Volume 11 No rl. WHITE OAKS, NEW 'MEXICO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th.,- 19o:z. · ·Subscription, $1.50 a Year;

.. '·

Monthly Report Of The Standin~ .Of The Pupils White. Oaks Publi( S{bOOI.


Regu1n.r Correspondence. Rel!ulur Correspondence.

There is ·some prospecting P. G. Peters, of Angus? is cast-going on down here.· We' have ing his eye about our town for a some fine lodes, and the only thing location, so we hear. We will lacking.is capital to work. them. welCome Mr. Peters whenever he· ..

MONTH tNDINti fi:BRUARY 21, J902. · The weather is fine at present decides to lo<:ate with us. ,. and stock looking well, with an Ben Reutfrou has purchased

GRAMMAR ·oE:PARTMENT. abundance. of gra~s and. w~.ter for Wm. Booth's water tank and< is · the rest of the $eason,. untill rain n<?w supplying his many friends

Kittie Buford, Julian Taylor, Pearl Keith, L·ena (irumbles, Xeliie .1\.k.Main~, ).1 ar:-;hal Parker, ::\! el \'in Paden, · Addie LaLone, Mabel Ramsdale, Luis Lai..fone, Roy Watson, Ollie Grumbles,

96 Ethel Walsh, 9'7 Richard Hamilton, 96 comes itt the .spx;ing. with pure water from the Govern- ·· 96 Nettie Lee, 96 Willie Gallacher, 96 · Oscar Hyde, one of our .. most mcnt spr.ings. (for 50 cts. a barrel.):

.~~ ·. ~?ssft:~c~stler, ,~~. ~~~~aT~~~~~ins, ~?. et}.terpris~ng stock men has closed We hear that the Eddy Bros .. ·., 96 Ral.ph 'Preat, . 95 Richard McMains, ';95 orit his entire stock of cattle and have bought in with Messrs. Byrd·'. 94 Carrie Simms, 95 Ida Peterso.n, 95 horses, and his White Mountain and Collard up on the ·13'oriito. 95 Clara May, 95 · Clarence Ridgeway, 95 ·ranch; rece1vmg in payment. Very conclusive evidence< that'·. 96 Thos. Johnson:, 94 Zelia Qrumbles, 95 therefor 4 000 h d f fi h there is somethino- g·ood up there · 94 . Bessie Lesnet, . ·94 · · Willie'Lee; · 95 H .11 ' ' h ea 0 ~e~ e.ep. · 't f M 1 A Ed'd , .. ' · 95 Bessie Ross, 96 Nellie Ross ..... ; :96 ·. e w1 .range t em on h1s scura 1n sp1 eo r. . ·· . · y s ·con~ · 93 Allie Johnson, . 94 '\Valter Grdtnbles, .· 95 :ranch, ·pu~ch3;sed r~cently from flicting report, on ·:h~s ·return.· to··· · 94 Farwell Barton, 96 Jones .Taliaferro, 97 G. P. Hyde and Bud Smith. El Paso.

Aaron Ramsdale, 95 W. c .. Hyde, c. vV. Hyde and The free gold claim up on S,out'h: INTERMEDIATE DBPARTrlENT. M. E. Hyde have sold their en- Fork is like the old maiq.thatgot·

I..fucy Archuleta, Georgia Lesnet, Bessie Wilson, Rosie Merrill, Azora Reisner, l\fyrtle 'l'innon,

' Merhl Koch, Hallie Grumbles, Roy Grumbles, 'vVillie Littell, Pete Johnson,· Lee Ridgeway, Ben Leslie,

.... _ ....... ·--··-·------ ·- _ _ tire herd o( cattle, consisting of married, and on being aske.d how.· 93 Irene Titmou,. 97 Maggie Gallacher, 98 about 40.0 head of graded. cattle, she liked married life said. ••Itjs 98 Lou Johnson, 98 Sarah Sanchez, 94 toW. C. I\1cDonald; and are con- getting better and better e~ery 1.)5 Edith Wells, 98 Rill Wells, qg templating going into the sheep day." The last report from the 96 Jessie Treat, W> Ruth Gradner, 97 · · · · · ('1::. I · 1 I <JS 11.1 St k 97 business. m1ne, (not the matd) is that the 7.., -iuctn< a -lee, '· J.\ ary ec ·, Y5 Gertrude Mayer, Y8 Lila Ross, 98 JICARILLA. tunnel Byrd and Coilard are run-C)S. Attrora Smith, Yi Helen Canning, 97 ning on the free gold is showing· 98 !\-'lira Wingfield, Y7 Ellis Wingfield, 96 Regullll' Correspondence. up plenty df free gold. 97 Mary Peterson, W> l~'rancis Canning, 98 E. H. Talbert and wife, are ... "-·- --.--~-~-~ """"·-94 Ben J-4ujan, 93 Guy Lund, . 96 now residents of the .Tics. FROM RUIDOSO. 94 John Lee, 97 Chadie Thompkins, 98 97 Coral Reisner, 96 Willie James, 94 J. Ross and J. D. Brotherton, 96 Jessie Leslie, 94 Ward Leslie, 98 a!eatwork~n the Hawkeye claim.

Regular Cm·rcspondcnC('.

'rhe Iowa Co. that is· operating on Turkey gulch, has half a doz- ·

.... "

-· . ~ ..

• i

Geo. Ramsdale, Aurelia San<Zhez, Pearl 'ray lor;

96 Paul Owen, 96 Isadora Archuleta, 96 Wm. :Mehriman is developing 9fi Ira Johnson, · 94 Eddie Fitzpatrick, 94 the Prince Albert. 98 Ethel Lund, · 98 Maria Archuleta, 92

en me11 employed drifting. ·· ·

'. ! • '

· · · J. Long and M. D. Lincoln . PRJ.11ARY . .OEPARTMENT. . visited Richardson· to see the

Maurice Brookin, Isabel Lee, Grace Mayer, Lorena Smith. Carmelita Tinnon, Valentin Sanchez, Sidney Wharton, Elvira Chavez, Ida Grumbles, Ellen Chavez, Preciliano Sanchez, Annie !vlayer, Ethel Littell. Jacob Reyes, Reatha Owen, H.osa Galvathon, Marcial Chavez, Ralph Otero, Carrie Teats, Hattie Wing·field,

I sa bel Ch a \'ez

· ,.- "-·· · ···· · ~ -.. ~-"·· .. -- sights. 94 John Merril-l, 95 Genevieve Riggle, 98 94 Ben Sandoval, 92 Eufemia Baca, 95 Sam Tague has returned from 97 Bonnie Keith, 96 Albert Ross, 95 a trip to deliver l\1-. D. Lincoln in 96 Juan.Chavez, , 95 Louelia Rarnsdale; 9.6 the· Gallina mountains. Y5 .. Emma.' Garule, 92 Celia Sanchez, 94 ~ur camp is. more lively, and 94 John Reisner, 97 Alfred Ridgew~y,, 96 96 . Ella Swain,'. · 96 Fh!d Lee, 94 people are coming to see what 9.4 Lena Highfill, ·95 Leona .McGeh~ee .. ,' . 93 chance there may be to invest in 95 Benigna Reyes, 94 Estolano San<;:hez, 95 property to develop, and the out-95 James Jesse, 96 J oaqtiin Serrano, 94 look is good.· . 95· Luola. Reisner, :95 Clenientin Padilla, 92 · ·

. 95 Francis -:\Vells, 95 Harry Dyer, 94 T_he placer dredge is allowed to 95. Ellis Leslie,. . 92 Roman Chavez, 94 rest.for a while. 95 Lola Highfill, · 95 Nita T.aylor, · · . 95 Paul Meyer and.S. Wiener, of 93 Joe Otero, ' · · 94 Aurora Gal vathon 95 94 .Joe:Merrill, 9.:6 M,auelitaPa.dilla, 95 White Oak~, were out to inspect 94 .. Fred Gibson, . 96' · Conrado Sa:lazar, · 92 that part of the camp in which 95 Sarah Guevara, 94 Metoria Chavez,· 93 the new find is situated. 95 Le<Hord Smith,.9S HarryMcGehee, 94 Many visitors are expected this 94 J-4ola Gu~vara, 94 Cruz Guevara, 93

.92 : Ro.sar.ita Sanchez, . 92 we,ek, some to invest money in , . · · el~ims.

Sickness may prevent J. M. Rice from returning as soon as he desired.

The Klondike on South Fork has the confidence of the miners of the district, and they predict it will turn out something pretty handsome.

It is certain that there will be a world of prospecting done in our picturesque valley the coming summer.

The claim oposite P. G Peters' place, they c~aim, shows ~old, silver, copper and galina. .

Mrs. J as. Reed, of White Oaks,. is moving into the Peters hotel.

The weather is too :fine for this . '

season of the year, th.ere is but little snow'in the mountains, and there is soine fears that we will· not have tne· usual 'aniount ·o.·-r_·

, • · . . 1 • • ·Some one publi.shed the fact 'I he blll to repeal the war rev- 1 A fl!{h t occurred near Middles- that th . . d t d M R ~-~ter-flo\Y thi~ .summer.

l'nue tax passed the lower hop.se I boro, Ky.·, between the J-4ee T. ur~· · It e.P!f.e~1. 1· et.~ an rs .. doose,. · --..........,....~~-• . 1 : . . . , . . ·.ve were on< OJ. poetry, an now

nf congress m a whoop. .Mr. f'ner ga:ng of.outlaws and th.e ·.offi- · 1·· l . f" . The. Presidt:il~'s son, Teddy, Hichardson, democratic lead~r, :·cers .. Six ~1en were killed and a.· s manypers~>nsd_. 00 <:t,lhU~ . <;>r ·a JOb has been very sick at Groton,.

. . . . , ,: · . are seen wen mg etr wav tow-utoved 1ts passage wtthout deb~te :.many more/ w:qpndecL ·. · Tunter d th · Wh't. H .· · . 1• Mass., where he was attendini '

· · · · · 'k" ·tth "() . t H ,, t ar s c 1 e ousew1t1 a book ... ~Lnd every democrat \'oted for the; .ep e ~uar er ous~ an?. o- . . . , ' school, because of his fad of run .. . 'I'h , . h . t' · : nous salopu. .one of the sherrff's 1of poelJlS under one arm. measur'~· uR t e par tes . · . ,:,_.. 11 1 ... 1 fi • · ·,f t'I· . ning about b~re headed ... Pneu.,. . . · · . , posse ·was Kl e< an< ve o 1e -----·· ---- ..... -··-

::g-reed for once. 'l'hc repubh-•o11;~laws .. The buil~ivgs were Thr~mg:hfreighttrainsarenow moniaislooking for such opor .. · i':tlls expected some of. the .demo-· . -•,.-.. -............ : . .... ~ · ' .0' . h d 1 . t' . . tl tunities, and this should be a · · . : S, ' ·· . 1 . . · "' runntn 0 on sc e tt e tme on 1e . . aats to oppose the measure as 1t · curvy ~s pre':' a ent at Cape ~l P· , R ~k 1,1 · , le.sson to oth~rs who may want to

· . . · · · · ··Nome and 1s causmo- much suffer- E as.o- oc s and. Passenger follow the .example of the Presi-ongll1ated 011 t~le ~~pt.~bhcan St~le,' ing:ainong·. the gokl 'himt~rs of trains will be pu,t. on a.bout the dent's· SOn·· He is now out of but they were dtsappomted. tba~ far .t~orthern.yl.i~n~. ~~ . · , · first of March.. . . ' ·danger. ' ' · ..

. ' . -!\" ~ .· \' ,.. ' '

. : . -~· . ; : . ··.• ....

• j ••••• •



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WHI:r'E OAKS EAGLE), WHr·.rE. OAKS, N. M .. THURSDAY, .. F~~. . ... _ .. _ ,.,. ___ ..... .;._._ . . .

. Arti_cle.s 9f Incorporation.· day _of January 1904, ~nd continu~ th~."Nannie Baird," the "Mollie G~o. E. SLI~;a, "Frqe u_()ld Mining· & MiUing · fifty years from sa~d date~ cinless Gib~on" and the "Side issue." W. A. Mciv:rn~s, Gc.

: Company/1 sooner dis~olved in manner provi- The aforesaid mtnmg .proper- J. ']i. ·cocHRAN, Superintt~11u ded by law. ties to be taken by this Corpora- ·. -"~ ', .4R'1:'H~~E.X~. ..

'£erritory of New Mexico, Office of the See~·elary

C: or titi mt te,

I; J. W. REYNons, Secretary of the ,.rerritory of New Mexico, do hereby certify there was filed for record in this office, at 2 o'clock p. m. on·the fifteenth day of Jan­uary, A. D. 1902, Articles of In­corporation pf FREE GOL.D AfiJVING & JVIILLll\1(). COJI:f­.PANr,. (No. 2989.); and also that I have compared the follow­ing copy of the ··same, with ·the original thereof now on file, and declare it·to be a correct tran­script therefrom and the whole thereof. ·

1N \\'r't':·n~ss WHHREOP, I have JJ'ereun to set my hand and· af.fixed tny otlh.:i<d seal this fifteenth day vl January, A. D. 1902.


~ , Secretary of Nev;r .Mexico.

AI~TICL~ IV. · tion·at the face value of On(;} hu·n- The''lfi'gh~st atfiouiit of indebt-This Corporation shall have dted arld flrty thou~and ··Dolfars, edness or liability to wh_ich this

and possess all pow~rs, rights and at the time and date of . their Corporation shall at any. time be pri"vileges and immunities· pre- location, and. to be receiv- subject, 'shall· not exceed· two scribed and permitted by law, in- ed and accepted-by. this"· Corpor- thirds of its capital stock actual­eluding the the right to take, hold tion in full payment for·':. said ly issuep. or credi~ed upon ·its and dispose of · property, real or stock, and such stock, wh_en so books. In no event shall it exceed personal, to make,· to perfonli iss-ued shall ·be fully paid and for- the maximum limit of indebted­and enforce contracts, to transact ever treated and considered as ness prescribed· by ~the Laws of any lawful business, consonap.t non-assessable, and it shall he the 'territory of. New Mexico, for with the purpose of its• organiza- condusivly 'presumed as against corpora.tions of like character aJ;ld tion, to sue and he sued it~ its cor- i all persons dealing with this Cor- purpose. po'rat~ name, to have a C!Jmtnon poratiori, whether creditors, sto~k ARTICLE X. seal, to render the interests of its holders or others, . that the All . incumbrances or convey-stockholders tra~sfet~able, ·. t~ .do amount• paid f~r said ances of real or personal proped:y any and all acts necessary ·and,mining _claims was at the date of of the Corporation shall be in the proper .to carry out the purpose of said loeation ~nd purchase, the name of the Corporati()J;I; py its its organization, the same ·as a value of the same, and all persons President and Secretary, on order private individual might do, and shall be forever barred and estop- of the Board of Directors .. No to possess and exercise these pow- ed from·cl_aiming- or setting up indebtedness shall be con'traL.ted ers, privileges. and i1~11nun~ties, any proceeding at law or eqttity, by the Corporation or held as within th.e Territory of New that the said stock is not fully binding against it, except on ~1exico, or elsewhere that it may paid up. order of the Board pt Directors. 1a:wfully transact business. ARTICLE VII. .ARrrrcr~E XI.

ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. AH'l'lCLI~ V. The stock of this Corporation The Corporation shall have a Know all men . by these pres- This Corporation shall· have shall be non-assessable ai1d the prior lien upon the shares of stock

ents: That we the understgi1e<l power to adopt By-Laws and rules I par value of each share shall be and upon all moneys or property citizens of tb~ United States, de- for its governent and control and 1 One Dollar. due any stockholder from the siring to form a corporation for pe- to choose such officers 'a~d agents AH'l'ICLI~ VIII. Corporation for all sums unpaid cuniary profit under 'the laws of as shall he proper and clothe The affairs of this Corporation upon the stock or by him due to the Territory of New l\iexko. do them with all necessary power J shall be managed by a Board of the Corporation. hereby enter into and adopt for and authority in accord with Jaw Directors consisting . of fh·e or AR'l'rcr~r:c XII. ourse1Yes our associates and our and these· articles.· · more members, not e:xceeclit1-g The personal property of the sut.:cessors the following- articles Awncr.n VI. nine." stockholders of the Corpor- stockholders of this. Corporation of In~orporation: The amount, of the capital ation, ·who ;shall be elected at the 1 shall not be liable for corporate

Awncr.H 1. 'ltock authorized, shall be Five annual meeting of the s~oekhold- debts.

Tl f. tl I · t' j Hundred Thousand Doll<irs, eli· ers on the fourth Tuesday of AR'l'ICLE XIII. 1e r.ame o · · 1e neorpora ton . . . . . 1 .11 b ur:.. (" ll l\1. . . · & ndcd mto shares of One Dollar! September everv .year, except tn These arhcles may be altered

~ 1a e ~ n~e :ro < ..1.' tntnu· ,.. . . , -. .I • • • •

).I'll' C , . 1 't, o . each, of whteh 1'wo Hundred case of a vacancy tn satd Board, 1 or amended at any annual meet-... t 11t1gl omfpalny,_ an< t sh 1

1Jlnbn- 'l"housand shares shall be set or the maximum number herein' in!!'· of the stockholders, by a maJ· .. ctpa p ace o Jnsmess s a e . · · ·.- · . · . . tb t f N 1 . th apart and held and known as con- provtded be not elected, the Board onty vote of the captta1 stock 1s .. 111 e own o · .l. oo·a 111 e coun- . . · .. . t f L . 1 ::t T 1: ;-..1 tmgent treasury stock and shallr of Dtrectors may fill such vacan-, sued or credtted on the books of y o 1nco n, tern Or.} o ... "ew . . 1 . I 'f d ·. 't f th b I 1 c · b h , 1 . 'tl b h ffi' . 1 remam unso d as a conttngent c.y or 1 eenung t or . e est 1 t 1e orporatton, or y sue . vote

.1v ex1co, w1 1 a rane o ce 111 . · . . f h C · ' t · 1 ·h ld ' · . ·h th 1. • 1 •...• th ! fund for further use, unhl author-,mterest o t e orporatwn may; a a specta stock o ers meehng-suc o er p a~.;e or p aces, as e


. . . . 1 t '~d' · 1 d' t t h I 11 d f th 1 B 1. fD' t . b 11 1 t . 1zed by a maJonty vote of the le ec acJ thona 1. rec ors, o t e ca e · or at purpose .30 c ayB

oarc t> tree ors ~ a ·c e ernune . . 1 , . 'd · b -1 h 'tt t' · d f f th 1 1 t ·f .f ·t ·k

1 capti;al stoc r actually t<;sued and sat maxtmum num er, untt t. e wn en no tee 1n a vance o such

or e sa e anc rans er o s oc. , . . ' . 1 · · d t' d •t · · d tl 1 ld . f . .1 B d f 'I ~hall not be v.oted wlule held as I next annua meetmg, an except mee mg an 1 s purpose havtng an 1e 10 · mg o sue 1 . oar o . . . . · -

D. t , . 141 . t . 'such, but when sold or any part that the first meehng of the. been g1ven to each stockholder by tree ors meetm u·s am .. 1 e rans- . . . 1 . · .

t . f b b 0• f tl I thereof and entered upon the stockholders shall be held on the I' the Secretary, addressed to the . ac wn o sue . usmess o 1e 11- • . • . •

t . h B d f D' books of the Corporatwn, and lOth day of Apnl 1902 at the .. ,.last recorded address of satd corpora ton as t e oar o tree- . . . . · · 1 1 f b · f th' kh ld

. 1. t 1 d t . cash patcltnto the company's pr111c1pa p ace o us1ness o e stoc o er. tors may c tree a11( e ernune. · . · . · ·. . · I . . · ·treasury therefor, the shares so Corporation. . I In wttness whereof, we ha vc

AH'l'ICI.J~ 11. i sold, shall·have the same voting. Theofficer~shall.be a President,; hereunto set our hands and s'eals . The gen~ralnature o~ the bus-'! right and power. as each and all ~ice:-Pre~ident, Secr.etary, Trea_s- this 27th 'day of December, A. D. mess of thts Incorporahon,. shall other shares have. urer; General Manager and Su- 1901. he to acquire, own. buy, sell and ! One hundr_ ed and fifty thousand I perinfenden t. Th~se officers. spall . ...__.._...,

{SEAL, t lease mines and mining and pe- shares of the total capital shall be electe4 by th'e: newly···· elected ---.-

W. A. Mel YERS


GEo. E. S:LrGH ·


troleum and natura1 gas clahns be set aside. and ·held and known Directors at or about the time . of .{ ~} and properties and the mining of as TreaSUIT Stock, such part or the annual mee~ing of stockliold- ==. gold, I silver, copper and other all of said stock to be sold in such ers. except ·.to fill ~ vacancy, MJd .{~} mineral ores, also coal, and amou?"t and at such price,· to be their'dutie.s shal! ·b~ such a;:;_··.~-~,~ .. {~} the developing of petroleum and used tn the development of claims

1 usual. to such. offic~rs. or ~.s ·. t~~ . :::

natural gas wells from and 011 and property and such other bus- By Lay.rs .shall pr~scttbe, or. th.~ {sEAL.} E. H. Sco'l"l' the property or claims owned or iness of the Corporation as these Board of Directors require. Tii'e ·T. :-v-:t· f N M .

1 b th . c t. d. t . . . T . · ern ory o ew extco 1 --~ leasec y ts orpora ton; an o Articles pro.vide and the Board of office of Secretary and reasurer · County pf Linc<_>ln. . (· ss .. reduce ores, mill quartz, to acquire. 'Directors may determine. may be filled by one person, until .Before me, ~ Nota,.ry ,Public in ;,nd use tramways, roads, tele- One hundred and fifty thousand ltheir successors are pn>perly,"elect-: and for the County of Lincoln and g-raph and telephone, water pow- shares of the total capital. stock, I eel and qualified; the Board of Di- Territory of New Mexico, person­cr a~1d water ways, in connection shall be issued in payment of ~h~.l rectors and officers shall be as fol~ ally appeared w. H. Mclvers, Joe. \.'ith the op· eration.of said mines,_, certain mining claims and proD'~ hows, to wit:· · · T c h d. G

.l.f 1 • • : oc ran an eo. W. Harbin, ~ laims and properties; and to do erties, situated in the Nogallvfiti':., j. ·•· .·· Dnn~c;rcms: · p~_rsonally known to me to be the ;lncl to perform all other acts as ii1.g Dist~ict, in th~ cout1ty of,.: \V. A. Mclv. Ens;. Nogal, N. M. persons whose names are subscrib-;,re usually dDne and performed Lmcloln and rrerntorv of New J, T .. CocHl~AN, '' '' .. , ed to the above document and as J,.Y a mining _and development .Mexico, known-and :-designated Jj GEo. E. SI;IGH, '' '' '' parties thereto, on oath depose ~.ompany as herein provided. by the following names, to wit: . Gl~O. W.H:AI~Br~, \V.a_t.erloo,Iowa .and say that they signed the sa.


TI ""1~ -t~ .• ·, tl "C k. ;, E. I-I. Sco':l.''l\ · .. Burhngton, .· '~' "' AH'l'ICU~ 111. 1e '4n erpitse, . 1C ro er,_. . _, . -·Oi<'·I~iCEHS. . . ., of their own fre'e will artd 'for the

Tb i's Corpor:ttion shall com- the ''Ct·acker Jack;" the "Gold (}J<~o. vV .. HAIHHN, . 'President uses and purposes therein mence business on the fi.fteenth Ba,r.'' the "I~uby," the '~.0. K.·, ,,: ~·E. H. Sco'r'l', · Vice-President --::ontinued 011 Ntge 3 set

. 1 ' • -~ • .,

. .

. .

. .~. _,.. _ _..._ ·-- -- .. -- {{:·~ - ..,...

,, ....

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. '. WHITE .OAKS EAGLE., WHITE OAKS, N·. ·M.:~·THURSDAY; FE·B. 2·7, Page3·


1 1 ~, · ; • ' • ' ' • ' ' • ~ • ~

OF :~INCO~N, DPlJNTY NEW MEXLEO',.· . .. . .

• 0




FIRST HALF QF 1901. FIRST HALF 1901. . '

TEJunToRv oP Nuw ~IE:xrco,· l TERRIToRY oF Nnw :MExico l · CouNTY ON LINCOLN, 1· ss. '. ~ou:NTY OF LINCOLN, · f ss

In accordance with chapter twenty-two of the la wsof the Thirty~ · f In accordance with arid in pursuance of the laws of the Terri-third legislative assembly of the Territory of New Mexico, I, the itory. of New Mexico,. I, the undersigned, Treasurer . and Ex-Officio .. undersigned, Treasurer and Ex~Offido ColleCtor of the County of Collector of the County of Lincoln, in the Territory of Ne~ Mexico, Lincoln in the Territory of New Mexico, do hereby moke, certify and do hereby make, certify and publisn the following notice an<1: list of publis.h: the following notice and list of delinquent ·taxes amou"uting delinqu,ent trxes amounting to less. than twenty-five-- dollars;_ with to not less than twenty~five dollars, with penalties and ·costs thereon, penalties and costs .thereon, p;1yable in said county and delinquent. payable in said county and delinquent on the first df1y of December on the first dayof December 1902, the same -being hereinbelow set· 1902, the same being· hereinbelow set forth in preci~c~s, and contain- forth in precincts, and co.ntaining first the names of the owners· of ing· first the naine of. the owners of all vroperty become delinquent; all property becoming delinquent; the amount of tax~s, penalties and the amount of taxes; penalties ·and cosfs due; the description of the costs due; the description of the property whereon the same are due,

. propL'rty whereon the same are due and the amount of taxes due on ancl the amount of taxes due on personal property. ou per:-:.unal property. And notice is hereby given that I, the untiersig·ned, Treasurer

And t1otice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, '.rreasurer and Ex-Officis Collector of said county .of Lincoln, will offer for sale and Ex-Officio Collector of said county of Lincoln, will apply to the and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the several. piec.es of district court, held in and for said county, upon the next return day property hereinbelow described, both real and personal, for the. taxes, thereof, to-wil: the fifth day of May A. D. 1902, the same occurin<r penalties and costs d ueand delinquent against tne several properties

• • b

not less than thirty days after the last publication hereof, for judge- hereinbelow mentioned and described (the several amounts so due ment against the lands, .real estate and. personal property described and delinquent being specified in the fo11owing list and set opposite in the following list, together with co~ts and penalties. and for an ·the re~pective properties against which they are due and delinquent order to sell the same to satisfy such judgement. . on the first Monday of :f\1ay 1902, the same being the fifth day of

And further notice is hereby given that within thirty days a"fter May 1902, at the front door of the county court house of said county the rendition of such judgement agaiust sttl:h property, and after of Lincoln, the same being the building in which the district court having given notice by a hand bill posted at the front door of the in and for said county is held; that I will continue the sale from day building in which the district court for the said County of I.,.incoln to day until all the property described in the following list be sold, is held, to wit: the court house of said county of L·incoln, at least ten or until the respective amounts due shall be paid or realized; that the clays prior to said sale, I, the undersigtled, 'f'reasurer and Ex-Officio I said sale will be held between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon

• Collector of the County of Lincoln, will offsr for sale at public auc~ I and four in the afternoon of each day of such sale; and that if a pur­tion, in front of said building, the real and personal property des~ chaser fails to pay the amount of his bid before ten o'clock of the aibe~l in said notice, against which judgement may be rendered for j da v succeeding the sale of the proper~y to him, t~e ·property bid for the amount of taxes, penalties and costs due thereon, continuing the I by him will be re~offered for sale, and he will not be allowed to make sale from day to day, as provided bylaw, until .the same shal be sold., any further bid or bids on such property; and that I, the ondersign-

. H~NRY LUTZ, ed, will issue and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers of property 'rreasurer and Ex-Officio Collector, at the said sale a certificate of purchase of the kind and character



Lincoln County, New Mexico. provided by low. Dated. Lincoln, N. :M., January 2nd, 1902.

I, l\Iontgom('i'y Geo A., lot ta blk" 6a lots 1 2 1 blk 15 lot 29 blk lti lut 5 blk 86 lot 14 hlk I il>l lot. 6 blk 86 lot 18 blk 86 lot 10 blk ~!.l

'" 1 l()t 9 blk 86 Jut 2 blk 771ot 2 blk 8fl lotll Montano Jose. s2 nw:-l my·1 ~w4 sec -~· , 26 27blk ua Jot 13 blk 87 lot 17 blk fi6

twp1lrgeU,s~seJuwhei ne4- se4 ne4 .' ' · ............. '• REAL ESTATE.

HENRY LUTZ, Treasurer and Ex~Officio Collector,

Lincoln County, New Mexico. Dated, Lincoln, N. M., January 2nd, 1902.

no4 sc4 !leo ZU twp 11 rg. e 10, s_ 2 ne_.4 sec 12 I 'l'tt::t 26.18 int 1.31 1mb 3.20 'l(I6U

s•d!lecaUtwpllrgel::l. Tnxfl1..'•:3iut2.'i~ ~· . PRECINCT NO. 10. PRECINCT NO.1. pub 1·75 .... : ....... ·· .. ·· .......... ·· .... ::; au.afi Hale L., sw4 sec 21 twp 11 rga 1! nw4 s~>t '('has Bartlett. Commencing at the sw· cor

PRECINCT NO. 4. sec 2L tvrp 11 rge 1·h2ne4 sec 21 tw1, 11 Lot1 8ec a twp 10 rge 16, runnina e along

t.h('nce s 42 de.e: e4, thence s 39 min w 12 ch thence north 8.50 ch to place of begin­ning being a part of nw4 se4 sec 29 tvrp 9 rge 16, tax 8.34 int 42 pub 35.... ... .. . .. .. U.ll

Octaviano Perea, Frac ne4 sec 11) twp 9 rge AnaJla Dulces Nombres de, nwf ~;e4, ne4-

bW! & lots a and 4 sec 7 twp 11 rge II),

rge I-! ne4 se.J. sec 20 twp 11 rge 14 uvr! the s line of s·1id lot 1 to these cor of said 1!\V4 sec 21! i;;'JP 11 rge U, 1'ax 35.4!'1, int Jut thence n follewing thee line of said }.67, pub 1. w .... ....... : .............. 00 .. aS.!IO lot 250 yds to j{j., Bonito thence in a. DW

15, tax . 7S int 04- pub 35.... .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. 1.17 Demetrio Perea., 5 acreR of land two miles

aboveLinooln, tax1.74int09 pnb 35 .... 2.11-i Tax a2.0i, iut 160, pub aa. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. :~:UI~l


l;lewitt ,John Y., e2 ~:w4 sec au twp 6 rge l:l ne4 nw! nw4 ne4 t~ec at t.wp ti rge 1a ~ti-~0 Little rtlack Lode sut"vey No. 525 se4- se4 sec 11, sw4 Hec 12, nw4 LW! sec 1:3 :-;2 nw4 w2 l:iW4: twv 11 rge 14. n2 ne4 sec 14 He-i ne4 ne4 se4 sec U1, e2 JOt-4- blk 5 W U lot 4 blk 5 lot 1 blk 22 Jut 4- blk !:14 lot /-. blk H4: e2lot 4 hl k :35 tot 2 blk atllOt :~ bl K :lll wZ lu' 4 blk 86 lot 8 blk :iti lot 7 hll{ 36, . bincoln Ave Cit.y Lode lot 8 blk :~ti

.. .• •• " lots 2 a 4 5 ti 7 !110 1:! " " •· "lots H 15 16 17 l~ 1!1

•· •• lots 20 22 2a " " " " lots 22 2J 24- blk :m

Willow st lot& 1 2; Grand tlt lot::! 1 2 ti 7 Pinon t~t I ott~ 1 2 a ;, 1.1 7; Pine lit. lots r, tl 7 ~ \l 10: Wa!:!hin,:cton st lut11 1 2 a ·15 Tax. asa.5::s, int Hl.lt~, tm b 15.55 ........... ,. a\n ~:ll

Hoyle M. W., Grand ~;t City Lode lott! a 4 5 W 0 , Pinon 1>t " '' •• 1:i !I 10 W U 0 P w2 lot :3 bllc 3H w:~ lot 1 blk !i!l L)iS 1 '5 blk :H lots 2 a blk iiti lot 1 blk 11. lut 7 blk 22 e2 lot 2 bJk a!llut 3 blk 26. •.rax 78.31, mt a !Jl, lJIIb a.:w .... 0 •••• 0. 0 • 0 1-\i} .J.2

:\!ontjeau C., 1·10 int l~it.tle .Mack miue. '" u .~l D M .E No. 52:). 1run CwWJI )l g 1. ax 2!>.l:i6, int l.:m. vnb 70.. 00 ...... , ..... 27 !\:1

( lltl Atu~ Co., Whit.e Uaks Lode and Robert 1~. Lee Lode nw4 tlec i1 twp 7·1',.e la, l'ax Oa6.34, im :n.t-:!. pub L05 ............ 6t.i!l.21

'l'opekaMirnng AHsociutiun, Jot 4 11ec 1 twp .. !lt•ge 10, Red Jim lode, Delaw..re lode, U 11l<m Jack, Copper J\btt. ( ~. •tmer Glance Pl'lvatie~, '+'rnf!t. ~lJor.litt•, _(_!iut.nn~''!.l Ha~·. Ht•c IJ M 1<.. Illx \lJ .. >L, lilt .J..a.l, pub :l.t>O.. . . !1:; 5:)

\\'hite Oak8 1\1. 0.1., Houth H<nnestalw · ru iue ME .No. Hti do nth tlome,;take mi.l­·tnte No. 1'171 J<.:meliue IHtr<•ha::-e 1st KelJ~· lllli"Chaso 2nd Kelly purchase \1 art. Ill. purchase White Oak.; 8pJ"Ill2' ~e-1 uw-l sP\l :-12 twp 6 t•ge 1:l t?eri,,t ul4 11•4 ~ec :n tw p (j r•ge l:l L'ipe hue lots 12 blk 46 _ Tax J2rl.7:i, int 21.:!\l, pub :!15.. . . . • ..... 4aO.HJ


J' 11 i,;l er & Braillar.l, !'W·~ 1'2 uw·t w2 n~->.J. '~~c 7. t·wv !II'A'C U, Tax 111.16, im 5.r,a, . . • pub.:l5 .................................... lltln!;

! \



Vem Cruz Gold Mining Co .. Vera ('ruz BnKtamentE> Holden Eagle Wa!'hoe ~o­gal mining district, Tax tlO. 88, int :·1.04 pub 1.40 ... :-.. · ...... ; ..... ·~... . .. . .. . . . . . . . tia 32

VandP.rbih G. l\l. Co .. American mme ~ugal diRtrict M J<J No. 4591 Tax 121.76 int 6.09, pnb .35 ........... , .............. 12.'1.20


Ca;penter Agnes. et al, ~~ int. HopEful mine, Bonito mining dlflti'1ct, M .h. 365 ~e~ord bon~ "D'' page 521, •rax 52.lli int •• 'i

.... 61,pnb.3a> .......... ~ •.• ·······•••t••···· oa.l-l .Joh!l!l '1'. C .•. Estate of, }6 int Ht>peful

mme,Bomto dtstrict, M KNo. 365 U S · J!ater!t 2U30t>, 1'a~ a.i. 7!1, int 1, 74, pub H5.. 31i.88

Wel1R, Parker & Co., 2·3 int Hopeful min~ Silver• l{iug, Rosie mine. all in ltio Bo: nit.o mi~inl! ditltrict, Tax 1:\6 97, int 4.35, 1>111J l.Oa i. • • • • • • • • .. .. • • • • • .. • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • 02.3'i



X am e. 'l'ax. ~isne!'<•s Hebeeca 8., 31.08

Int.· Pub. 'f4ltal 1 .• 55

. PRECINCT NO. t. D u h1e11 N. d c.> A uall a~ :l!J. 7i 1 0!1 'L'ot'n!t~ Puz, as.ls· 1.\JU


~rd i 11 o Mttt ilt>t, ·

PAEDINCT NO. a; .A.meri<·au Plu,..~>r oo., 173.95 Hhhwlml'cl Bros., 112.65 Hew.tt ,J<>hn Y.. :1b.OG

8.70 ·l.oa 1 90


Liudorrnllll Coalllo., -H.H 2.011 Weleh B. B , 4:1 4H 2 17


< :r·puolr Hat·t, 40.12 2.00 PRECINCT NO. U.

Vauderbilt U. i\L Co., ht),[l7 4.35


.a;, .:Jr, .aa ·






~!:!.11 ~U.4B

1S:l.OO a4.oa 4o.:u

J3.5a ~ti.01

42 -'7'


direction following the channel or said River, 39 yd!! to 11. cotton wood tree thence iu a sw directwn t.o thesw cor of said lot 1 place of beginning and the se4 ne4 of '~<~ec 3 twp 10 rge 16 swJ nw4 ned the n2 of nw4 of sec 2 twv 10 rge 16, tax 11 30 int 57 pub 1.05 •. ., ............................. 6 •• 12.!)2

Teodora B de Clmvez, Lot 4, sec 2 twp 10 c

rge 16, house and lot iu the town of .Jiu· colo comment'ing a.t sw cor of Jose Lopez laud runuin!.{ in a. w direction along ma10 st of Lincoln riO ft frOJn cor rto 2 w·direc· tion 280~ ft thence from cor no 3 to c·or no 4, in a 11 direction 350}6 ft satd lnnd if! sttuuted in Lincoln, N. :J\1., tax 10.00 int 50 pUb 70 .................................. 11.20

.Nicallora·de Carrillo, A fraction of se!l nw4-·s2 nP4 Sec l{ SW4 nw4 sec 13 twp 9 rge 15 . t.ax 1.92int 06 pub 70.......... . ... 00.. •• 2 68

l'llanuelita l!'ritz, Se!lnw4 sec 3:1 twp 9 rge lt:l,tax7.82int39pub 35.· ................. ~;!)()

August Goemeare, Lo'lifl 3lblk 63, lots 17 18 . blk 73, lot 21 blk 71:1, U\X 9.13 int 45 pub 80 10.:-Jt\

Viviani\ Ooazez de Garcia E2 ne4 sec 31, w2·sw!l t<eo 32 twp 8 rge l6, tllX 3 ,4S int 17 pubaa ....................... _. ............. 4.00

Isaac J~una. House fLlld lot, in Lincoln sec book J\1 page 571. 1 a:x 1. 74 iut !JH pub aiL .. 2 .18

Patricio Miranda, Honse and lot m Lin-••oln Dt~ed boe~k :M page 611, tnx a. ·18 iut 17 puh 35 ..... • ..... 00 ... .. ... .... • .. •• .. .. 4.00

Luis Montano, Lo~ no 1 sec a twp 10 rge 1u IPs~ 1i sold off e aid!•, liax 7 .:~a int 36 pub 3~ ........................................... ~·.n.s.

Leonarda Miranda; w2 nw4 sec 19 twp 10 .rge 17, tax 7. 7·1 int a!) pub :35 oo ............. 8.4tl

M1mnelita Frtiz, Commencing ut t~e 11 cor of the old chul'ch felice aud rnnnmu· ea.~t 'it ft-theuce s()u(h 72 ft thence we~t 42. t t t.lulllC<• twi'th 72 ft to the place ()f bt•gm· nitlg and h!iuse and lot in I.Jincoln, N.M. tm.: 1. 7-liut09 pub :J:i ................. ; .. .. ~!.18

Victo• ian aS de Peppiu,, Beginning lit, n t~t••ue m··nument st Lndwg for t.he start­ing 11t .. ut tu the four~h quarter· se~ 29 t.wp !} l'grl 16 and t·unmng thence e <J <lh thence t!OUI h 511 deg :JO nu 11 ~ 8 ch, thence •

-c ·12 deg o. th<•nce R 89 !leg w 12 ch, thenc n8.l0 ch to pl!ire of bnginning, beiug a J,>flrt Hf UW4 HeJ ~ec :.!!l, twp 0 t·ge 10, tax 8 :Hint ·i2 pubai) ......... 9111

Romero Bros. 14 acres land in the patent of tho deceased Francteco Romero y Va· lencia in Lincoln 1.11. l\1. tax 2.07 int 10 pub 35. .... •• . ••• •. •• ... .. • . • . • • . . •. •. . . .. . .. . 2.5::!

W. H. !:levier, See deed Record book M r>"ge 31'10, tax 2.61 int13 vub 35...... .... .. :·!.IJ!I

Rebecca S Sisneros, House and lot in Lin-coln, N. M. and Improvements at Salado N.M.,taxl:-3.92int70pnb 70 ............. 15.32

Geralda G-arcia de Salaz. Beg at stone cor marked os thence .fl 7.38 ch'to a. stone cor 2 marked 2-os, thence s 77 deg 23 min e 12.54 ch to cor 3 to· stone marked 3-os. thence along town acequia to cor 4which bears from cor no 3 n 10 deg 39 min w distant 8.13 l}h thence n 79 deg 57 min w 10.8 oh to place of begrnning, from the first above mentioned cor to cora seeR 19, 20 and 30 tvro 9 s rge 16 e, bears n 1'11 deg 59 iniu w distltnt 25.33 ch, alt!u parcel n 2 beg at cor no 1 to which is a witness cor­ner marked fiR 1s set 10 links of a tree corner which bears Routh distant 2.27 ·ch from cor no 21irst above written, thence south 1'1.35 ch to corn .l 2 a stoue marked 2-os, thence s 56 deg 33 mine, 18.Mch to con no -3 a stono marked 6-os which bears from cor no 5 w 46 deg 59 min w distant 4. 71 ch, t.hence s 82 deg 50 min vr 2.43 ch to cor marked os-13, thencf.' n 19 deg 40 min w 30 ch to a corner marked 8--sl'!, thence n 76 deg 4:~ min w 13.47 ch to place of beginning; tax a.4B int 17 pub 1 f ()5 e ••• J e • il ~ 0 • 0 I I • 0 I 0 I 0 .A • i 0 0 0 I 0 o o o 0 o t 0 oi I 0 • 0 ·1 0 7()

PRECINDT NO.2. GPorge Sen a, N W•l se4: sec 13 twp 9 rile 15

holJ,se and lot in Lincoln book J.\ol page 195, tax 2.26 int 11 pub 35 .• .. : .. .. ~-* •••• •• • 2.72

E W Tomlinl'\on, W2 sw4 sec 15 twp 6rge 15 house and lot in Lincoln, tax 6.99 ·int 35 pub 70.......... ... . .. .. . . . • . .... .. .. . . . . . 8.01

Reyes J!'resqnez de Sisneros; Se4 sw s2 se4 Awol sees 31. aml 32 twp 8 and 10 rge 10 and 17 Jess ao RCl"P!I sold Victoriano Lu.oero 5 acres to Lea Cattle Co., 20 acreR to Petra Alderete, 1 acre to Cruz Herrera, 15 act•es toM Bao:t,-tax 13.57 int ~ pub 1.05 ...... 15.3ll

LucaR Gallegos, deed to laud see book page 412', deed to lond see book page 14, houR~ and lot in Lincoln see deed book p 474, tax 8.79 int 44 pub 1.05 .... , ............... 11).11~

(Continued on page 6.)

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w. • ,•



' ·l~ntered at Po~:~toffice, White Oak&, !'; M., as second-clasR mail matter.

.. S. M.Wbarton, Editor and Prop'r.


Official Paper Lincoln (ounty. THUHSDA YS ............ $1. 50






B. S. Rodoy .............. Delegate to Congrel!s M. A: Otero ........................... Goterl)or J. W. Resnolds ..... ; .................. Secretary W. ,J. :Mills ......................... ChiefJmitice

., ·Of· • .J, ( 'rnmpaeket· ......... , / . ·

THURS.DAY ·FEB .. ·27.1902. l<'. H.·,Pa.rk!'~···· ···· ···· · A~sociate JUF;tices ~ ~ John _{, ulcl! 1e .......... \ . .... __ . --··-- .............. ___ ......... -··-· ·-. _ D. H. Mcl\Jilitln ........ .. · Winter wear in A ~are I


With·this issue the gAGI,l!~ has been merged.into a Company, the

· fit:m nat11e of which is Wharton, 11ay & Co. This change has 1H:-en mach~ for business advanta:.. g·es, au<1 while the J~AGL:r; is now tile 1>-~st ~-1uipped newspaper office in this section of New Mexico, it is the Company's intention to keep it up to the requirements, so that all lines of .commercial printing may be h~d right .here at home; and to merit the patronage of t:very business man and indidd­ual in reach of it.

.Mr. Silas ::\lay, \Yhose name appears in the Company, needs no introduction to the local readers of tht' EA<~T.H, as i11..' iR, at~cl has b<;!en a resident of this city for a long while, and is known to be a man of business integrity and good judgment. :Ylr. :May assumes the business management of the Company an<l S. ).L \Vhar­ton the editorial department of the publication. 'I'he new Com­pany will collect all accounts due

_the paper and pay all bills against \Vhite Oaks EAGLJ~.

Nine inches of snow in New York, seventeen indu~s at Phila­delphia. an<l the greatest storm in s.everal years on the Atlat1tic ~oast. Thus while wehav~ warm and~ almost spring-like weather, the people of the east are having the worst11 weather for years. ~ew Mexico climate is something wor~h having.

The ~resident has consented forhis daughter, :Miss Alice, to attend th~ coronation of King l~(lward. . ·And again some p~ople

.. objec.t . .'Why not allow our 'chil­: · .. <lren to. s~e ,·the Hights? Surely

there' is 110 danger 'of our becom" · · ·ing iml;>ued with monarchical

. 1e!ldencies (>y visiting. the 'col~o­. natiop.

The State Senate of l\Iaryland pas~ed a resolution for the clepor­

. •. t a.tion· of. J\IcClay's history from t1.1·e ~.tate bccau::;e o( its reflections

· ·on Admiral Schley. The Senate · · oJ Colorado wired congratulations.

.. , ! . TJ:.e, Harvey eating hottse at . , : ~ 1 ncott 1 qn the Sa.n ta 1-i'e, was

l;t~;·~ed the oth~r morning just ;1 !'tcr breakfast. 'I'he f-lre started. 11vthe kitchen. A ·hrick will be built in its place.


Quimby Yauce ................ RurVt>ybr Oenet'l).l -\., I,. Mord:son .... < 'olleetor Juternnl Revenue \V. B. Ohild('!'l-i .......... U.S. DiHtrict Attorney G. M. Foraklll' ....•.............. U.S. Mur~<hal

M. R. Otero ...... Ht>~it\teJ~ Laud Oflioe, lSHnta Fe E. F. Hobart ... Rcc:C'iver Land Otlice, Santa Fe

E. L. Bartlett ................. ~olicitur General ft. ( '. Gort.ner· ...... District At.tomer, Santa Fe L. Emmett ............................ IA bral'ian .Jose D. Bmm.... . .... : · ('Jerk of !:lnpreme Court H. 0. 8t'I!Rlllll .... Sn pPrintendnnt. Pe!litPntiUl'Y \Y. II. \V hitemnu ............ Adjutant. (}(moral .J. H. Vanghu ..... : . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... Trea~:~urer M. (~.de Baea ........ ~upr. PniJlie lnstruntion L . ..\1. Urtiz ................... Tel'l'itol'ial :\u(litor

ll. S. LA:\D COUHT.

.Jm:ppb B. L{pad ................... <'hi(JJ',Justice Wilbur F. ~torw .......... · l'lwmnl' I·. l''nllPt' ........ 'l \ · t J t · Wilillllll ..\f. ~\lill'l'll~· ...... I • l-t"lll'l/1 •.• '11~ H't':< llt'lll'Y < '. ~llls~< ........... J

Jlnt thc•w ( •, liPyrwld~ ............ U. S. Attot'lH'Y W. H. l'opP ............. \fsista.ttt U. H. Attornf:'y

LI:\C'OL:\ f'Ol':.-\TY.

IJtll'iiLtio T1•• jtllo.. . . .. . ... . l'robntP Judge I 1 •.. \nail:~ ...................... Prubutc <'lArk AlfJ•o·du (·i·onz . .J(•,; ....................... 81leriff Podirin Chav .. x ......................... ASI'essor Heu•·~· I ... utz ................ 'l'reasur<'l' & Collector L. H. HlldillilJe. . .. ............. Hrhool Supt;

COr :.-\TY eO:\li\.JlHSIOX Elt8.

lst l>it:t r·l! t ....................... Sipio Salazar :~nd IHstril't...... . ..... ~ C. Wi~>nm·. ( lhnh·uum a:·d I>il'trict . . . .. .. . .. . .. . Ed. c. Plingst!'I


:-:;ervic<'8 u t ..\I etho(.list < 'hllt'l'h.

fluhbnth-l:ich ol.t:hm., !I:.Jf> ............ a.m. Pt'enehing, · " 11 :00 . . • . . . • . • . . n. m. Aftcrnoonnw<•ting" :~:00 ., .......... J>.tn. Pt•enching. " i:tJO ............ p. m, Prnyer uweting,Wetl. i:OU ............ p.m. JJudie::;' H. M. S.l!'ri. a :00 .. .. .. .. .. . . p.m. Y. P. tnet'tinA·, " i :(),) ............ 'II• 111. All H l'l' eor<lialh· in itl.!d.

H.\:\1 B .. \t,LJsoN, Pm:tm·

THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Ht.ncln~· Rchool nt 1U o'clocl~ ·a.m. PrPttehing ·

h:t. nnd :kd. Sunday at 11n. m. nne! 7::!0 p.m.> Young PeopJp'l-1 t'nion fi:4.:i p. m. Pruym·

rn(•eting Ttw!'da.l; i ::;o II· m. R. P. PoPE, Pngtot·. ·


CHURCH. Preaching- ::;m·t·icP~. Sunday. 1l u. 111. und

7 ::lU p. 111.

· Httnduy School.lO:OO n. m. .., Uhri~tinn End en vot• mect.ingHunclay~. 2. p.m.

I'ridtty~Bihle and 'J'en('hf.'J'R meetmp;. 7:15 ]I. m. J,n<lic•l4' Aid Society, 1st. Tlnm~duy afternoon

at 2:!JJ. · HENHV 0. :.'\liLr,EH, P.h. D .• Pnl4t01'.



Grand Army Kearney Post, No. 10, ·

for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, '

Closing Out At Actual Cost.

• • l aliaferro Mere & T. {o. Little Casino Saloon ·~· .. ............................ Ht•ndqunrt£!t'l4 fo•· tiH' B<'st untl Pure~;t .... . -f t I t I - " t • I I I 0 I " I-f I . I I I I I.

Imported Wines, Liquors ~ Cigars ................. Sell!! :\~'<•nt:-: 1'01· Orec•n Rin'r Wllisk<.!Y ................. .


White Oal<:s Avenue Next Door East of EXCHANGE BANK.


li· Potter & white, ~fl~~ll:l ! Y'f"ff Drug~, BookB, Stationery, MM · Toilet Preporations, Etc.

Special attention given to Ivlail Orders. El Paso, 'l'ex.


Shelton==Payne Arms Compan_y. Wholesale and Retail Fire Annes, Ammunition

I ~,:t Saddles, Harness and Leather Goods. \Ve make ~ ~~. Specialty of Fit:e Arms, Ammunition and Stock

Saddles~ All mail orders gi_ven prompt Attention.

J_.~:::.:..:.!~.~==:.:.::!:.::!.~::: •• :::::~ •..•• l cauu:iuu·u:suwwuaw.wuuuwuuowuw .. uuuwwuOus•

. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~···

JOS. WHITE. )J eets the tln~t. Monday n.ight in en ell mont}l

at H. A. H. Hall. Visiting comrades cordi~d)y : . . :fr~igh ter . and Contractor for allldndH iriYitC'd. 'L'Imo. w.'HEM,\N, P. c. ·~ ~~. . . of Te.am \v.ork, Hat1ling etc. p· . rompt

.JOHN A. Bt-tOWN :M1,i't. ' . ~~ Baxter Lodge No. 9· i<. of p. : 'WI'>iWI a tten hon gl ven to . all orders. Prices ·I

)!Pets 'J'hlll'l'dlly evening· or' each weelt at - . Reasona1)1e ........ • ................ . ~f~~;i;~·~;lt~~~~a. Vi~iting· ~t·o~bers c.ordinlly~n ·t". :.:~y.:, o· u··. R.· . TRA. DE 'Is SOL I.e· I TED I

,JonN A HALBY, ('; 0, · '·· · · ·. · ·· . ·,' . GoHDlEHrcmt.Et~.·K. of u.&. H.-;.":.' .,;.,.-.,.·.;z.,..,:n.e••aa••e•ee0A•e .. ···········-".:.. . •

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. . . WHITE OAKS EAGLE, WHITE OAK·s, N. lvL, THURSDAY .F:mB. 27 Page 5.

The Old Abe will resume work Monda v morning. The EAGL:It is not prepared to say what the new conditions ~re, but has been in­formed that the mine is expected to soon be working a larger force of men than the company has ever employed since the mine was open­ed. This means good times for White Oaks. :Many of the old employees are returning to the dty to take their places with the company. The EAGLE has met a number of the boys and they all agree that miners, wages at White Oaks beat anything they have ever found in the way of employ­ment any where else. They are pleased and happy and so is every­body interested in the welfare of our town and community.

Terriffic wind storms prevailed h ~ re ,.l'uesday and Wednesday, cloing ~onsiderable damage to property. The roof was taken off Mrs. Tinen's kitchen, the ga~ ble of Robt. Haney's residence was blown in and some of the fur­nishings damaged.

Jas. R. Brent has gone to Silver City where he has accepted ·the position of City Marshall. l\-1r. Brent has a nice home at Silver City, and this position came in good time.

The EAor .. E has been officially informed that the regular passen­ger train service will be put on between El Paso and Kansas City March 4th, leaving El Paso at 8 or 9 o'clock A. 1v.L

Wm. · Tompkins has resigned the position of assistant postmas­ter at this office and Richard Hamilton succeeds him.

Joseph Spence and wife arrived in White Oaks last week, and are visiting the Spence ranch in the ·Gallo country.

Messrs. Hatfield, McCoy, Simms and '\¥all ace Gumm were in the city over Sunday from Jicarilla.

Allen Highfil returned yester­day from Vegas where he went to take Thos. Moore, of Nogal, to the nsane asylum at that place.

Col_. Prichard and wife returned home this week.

S. C. Wiener leaves soon for Chicago to purchase a stock of spring and summer goods.

J. G. Riggle went down in the Hrst round in a contest with la grippe.

F. C. Matteson and W. M. Rei­. 1 y were over from Ca pita·n Friday.

C. F. Goddard was a caller at the EAGLE office yesterday, and renewed his subscription. Mr. ( 1-oddard has a ranch in Artcho crulch and is interested in oil


lands near here.

Supt. of Schools, L. H. Rudi-


Druggist for


Delinquent Tax List" (Concluded from page 6)


' Bradford G L JJooth Wm Bentforro B W

2 57 197 9 70 109

.104 H2

10 54

Articles o.f Incorporation .. u Free Oold Mining & Milling


(Uonclndecl from page 2;)

H9 forth.

. Ely's Cream Balm . Goldsmith c o 52

661 163 Ha 4.17 -'93

12 10 49 05 oa . 43 08 22 22

3!i :lli aa a5 3a 35 35 a a 85

60 9 4,5 206

~ Witness my hand ~nd seal this 27th day of December, A. D. 1901. Givea Relief at once. 'Garcia Jose Montnuo

lt cleanses, soothes and Haverty P heals the diseased mem- · Jewett D J !11 A

500 jw~ 494 (~f 5 53

G:~to. E. SLIGH, brane. ItcuresCatanll Johnson M p · and drives awny a Cold 25 35. Notary Public. In the Bea4 quickly. It M1ller Julian 11 absorbed. Heals McReynolds W !\I

05 15 \1.6 07 40 10 04, 05 17 02 01

133 346 My commission·expires May 1902. Restores the Senses of c

141c.; Trial ~ize lOe,; nt Druggiets mall. Joy · J 2 96

State of Illinois } ss !Hi6

&I·Y BRO'l'HERS. 56 Warren l:!tre,et. New York.' Myers Wm 136 801 210

:35 35 :m 35 35 35 Bl'i 35 H5 85 35 45

188 8 76 ·. County of Adams. MooreHM

MooreT N MooreMrsEL M()ntgomery Geo A Narbow Adolph OrmonJV Neely Chas B. U'~eil M G P:ice JT Pons Harriet Reily Willie B Reily M A Rowland Bert P.ogerp, J W SwanJ· W Serna Julian The Capitan Pt•ogt'CIIR

ThomasJD Wort.Jy Sam

84 96

3 38 35 17

45! 37

2 05 87

!i 31 130 4, 98 238

3H 8 70 600

()2 10 03 27 07 25 12 02 u ao 02

P,.EOINCT No. 10.

Before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Adams and State of Illinois personally ap­

. 72 pea red E. H. Scott, to me person­a;; ally known to be the person whose

2 55 123 136 I 90

u name is subscribed to the above. ~ :~ document and a party thereto., on

oath deposes and says that she signed the same of her own free will, and for the uses 3:nd purpos­

5 93 1 72 5 58 295

60 9 94: 671

es therein set forth.

The African Methodist Episco­pal Church, at Albuquerque, Now has a divided set of members, all on account of tte unique way Rev. Barksdale, the pastor, put into execution an order to secure funds to bring his family from Evensville, Indiana. He proposed to the board of trustees that they mortgage the church property for $200, the amount he desired, but the trustees did not favor the suggestion. when their time ex-

Gallegos Agapito oired Rev. Barksdale named a set GarCia Elias

149 1 50 2 99


1•7 08 15 60 14:

Witness my hand and seal this 82 the first day of January, A. D.

1902. au 191 35 194 J -A-'

25 !149 I~ ( WM. A. SHUMATE,

Notary Public. of trustees that favored his plan Gill Wm G gsta.tc of

HaleL 35 13 08 35 3 22

Territory of New Mexico, 1 and yesterday tbey secured per- . Payne l'hos 1. 283 mission from Judge Baker to place the mortgage, getting the money from E. H. Dunbar, a real estate dealer. Today the ousted members of the board of trustees instituted injunction proceedings to prevent the mortgage becom­ing effe(:tive, a11d lively times in colored ch t.trch circles are expect­ed


In Justice Court Precinct No. 8 I~incoln County, New Mexico.

N. B. '!'AYLOR & SoN Vs.

Bwr1.•s. BAILY & Co. A Copartnership.

To BE'rTs, BAILY & Co:

You are hereby notified that suit has been commenced against you in above court byN. B. Tay­lor & Son, for the sum of thirteen and fifty one-hundredth dollars ($13.50) due upon account. And that your property has been at­tached to satisfy same. And that unless you enter your appearance in said cause on or before March 21, 1902, judgment will be enter­ed against you by default.

This Feb. 26, 1902. John W. Owen,



CUSrfOJI ASSAY OFFICE 111 Sttn }~rancisco Street


P,.IEOIONT No. 11. t\ndorson Mary E 2 76 · ByerA J J 2 84 Byfidd 0 ·t 7 7.1 Uorn Alford 69 Eakers Geo Gnylord MD H~nley J A Hankin Frank HuRt Olnrk Hinch Robert, Henley Mrsll'ranccs Harkey ll A HustRL HomanEB McKeenER Queen Hillman Wilson T B Washburn W M Worcester W W

7 30 348

1318 7 56


226 113 212 124

49 125 191

69 186


14 ;.J9

02 86 17 66 as 57 30 11 10 10 06

a5 2 20 . County of Lincoln. f ss. ~r a:Ja . · :.~ Before me, a Notary Pubhc, 1n o.J H 47 :m 1 07 and for the County of Lincoln and ~~~ :g~ Territory of New Mexico, person-au U19 ally appeared Geo. E. Sligh, per-aG 8 29 son ally known to me to be the 35 11! .a ai> 6 a7 person whose name is subscribed :35 272 to the within document and as a5 2 37 33 2 r7 party thereto, on oath deposes and 35 165 says that he s.igned the same of

02 35 86 oo a5 156 his own free will, and for the 10 ().'}

3" . ,, 35 35

2 36 uses and purposes therein set ~~ forth.

PREOIIfOT No, 12, Witness my hand and seal this Crofut w n 227 11 35 273 the 6th day of January, A. D. Brockett M 03 35 92 1902. Corn W W U 26 71 35 15 32 -A-

Greer G B 20 46 1 02 35 21 86 J1 SEAL. ~ JOHN H. CANNING, George P M 2 06 10 35 2 51 -.-- 5 Green A 5 99 so 35 6 64 Notary Public. Herbert Guy A 4 21 21 35 11 76 ENDORSED Herbert R L 10 87 54: 35 11 76 HightowerCJ 1950 98 :is 2083 No. 2989-Cor. Rec'd Vol. 5, Harkey M R 122 06 35 113 Page 180. Articles of Incorpora-Johns T 0 Estate of 143 07 35 185 tion "Free Gold Mining and Mill-i~:~s~nsw H 2 : ~: :: ~ !: ing Company." Filed in office of Lamay R L 72 o' 85 111 'Secretary of New Mexico, Jan. Mankins Josepine 15 98 80 35 1713 15, 1902, 2 P· m. Parson B J 80 40 35 1 55 , J. W. RA YNOI.DS, Parson 8 E 2 89 u 35 3 38 Secretary Roberts C E 5 03 25 25 5 63 • Robinson B R 7 9-l 40 3l'.i 8 6! E Wright 4 59 23 a5 517 Charles Arderwerth a farmer of ZemmatT B 65 oa 35 101 the Florance precinct of Eddy

The Cook & White coal mine county, is dead. When taken fire at Madrid has thrown more sick a physician was sent for and than 200 men temporarily out of he diagnosed the case as an alka~ employment no matter how quick- loid poisoning resulting from the ly the damage may be repaired use of milk and butter from a de­the company will be greatly be- seased cow. Several cases of pois­hind with its .. orders, which will work a hardship on dealers and oning are reported in the Florence consumers in many places. Th~ neighborhood, and the cattle in­mine is still closed tight and spector of that district has been water is being pumped in con tin- asked to make a thorough inves­uall·~·~?rough two two-inch pipes. tigation .

Experience Convinces. The Union ore Extraction and Prove its value by investing 10 cents in Reduction Co., of Denver, is ar­

trialaize of Ely's Cream Balm. Druggists eupply it and we mail it. Fullsize60cents. ranging to put in a plant at Las

ELY BROS.t 66 Warren St., New York. V , Th 1 b t Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20, 1899. egas. e P ans are a ou

Me~&rs. ELT Bnos. :-Please send me a 50 , completed, and if no hitch occurs cent bottle of Cream Balm. I :find your • • remedy the quickest and mo1t permanent wtll beg1n soon. We hope the cure for catarrh and cold in t~e ltead. . . plant will go in, as it will grea t1 y DELLH.PoT'rEB,Gen.Mgr.Attz.GoldM.Co. 1 V d

Messrs. EL-r Bnos.:-1 have be~naftlicted. benefit Las egas an surround-with catarrh for twenty yeara. It :m~de me I ing country. 10 weak I thought I had oons-qmptlon. I ·

1-'ille, a11d wife have retu.rned I Wetwt as Agent~ for Shipversto F;nwltcr from a Week among the drffer- Control and Umpire Wcwk n Spcciltlt.v


got one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and iu -----th~ee days the discharge stopped. It is the II. A. Scott, Richardson, best medicinoihaveusedforeatarrh. in the city Monda'\",

Proberta, Cal. FB.&.Nx E. Knn>LEBPIBE. J

• ·1 W c are prepared to handle OI'OR l.'t•om u hall(] t•ttt schools of the west end of the sample to ftvc·ton Jots. us we have the

I LAltGES'l' m•ushing po•ver plnut of J ntly nssay office :In the Southwest.


! ' ~ ; !

' ;

I • .

-··· . !

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·, ...

.;~~~·,, "'. -··-··--- --~"''·

Page 6. WHITE OAKS EAGLE, WHITE· OAKS, N. M., THURSDAY FEB. 27 Delinquent Tax List. M.t•s J .B Ball,· 1-ti int Miners Uablll and . W H Tuttle, lot bllc 18 w o. tax 50 int O:'l

~n6i~P~~{~lfeei~;t~~r~ r~: :utSkll"':f.; ~~:~~~t~i; i~t: 7 ·bik'i6 ·~~ ~· ~· ~·, ·i~~· 50:i~~ · 73

u w o, tax 5.38 int 03 pub 1.25.:............ 6.66 03 pub 20 ...................... · ...... ,..... , 73 vlanoburd Bt·os. s2 nt?4 sw4 ne4 se4 sec 3l'i ·Albina Teats, lot 2 b 42 w o, tax 3,98 int 20

twp 7 rge 13 ne4sec 25 twp 'i rge 13 16 b 20 a acres near Lincoln p:r deed book 1.' p 74, pu · ·"" · •"" "· · "· · .. · · · · • · .. • · .... · 4,3.,

.I ginio Guena, n2 sw4 Bee 4 twp 11 rge 17 · 30 acres known as Leslie Ellh~ land near White Oaks B & L Co. Parcelland situated tax 7.89 int 87 pub a5 ....... • ... ,. •.',., .. , 8.11 Peppin,s and Salt•m, house and lot in f!D N:.:'rt.h Romestake mill site, tax: 10.~4

Santiago Gonzal{l~, deed Reo book T page Lincoln known as Carpenter's bouse. tax tnt fi,, pub35 .. · · ............................ 11.84 ~~~~g ~!"~.:a~J'T;kigi¥·(~)\~'Y.~~f1a~~h1~1: . 2:3A2 int; 1.17 pub 2.20 .................... 26.69. Wm J Wri~orht,lot 1 blk 25 w o, tax 6.66 iot t t fl di ..... li .... 1.',JBoom,Lotltot2.hlkiJ!l,lot12blk24 iut33pub20 ...... : ....................... 7.19 rae o an t eeueu to .1m .. y Joseph 1 ,., blk 21 1 blk 60 1 blk Storms and being recorded in boolc T P ot • :, ut 11 , · ot 7 61; tax Wm Watson, sw4 of w2 sec 32 twp 8 rge 13 5~ being RPC 11 twp 1() 1·ge 17, tax 3,..8 int 7.95 int40 pub UW.... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 9.55 blk no 5, 6, 7 being part w2 nw4 se4 nw4 11 pub 1.04 . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 4 . 70 W m f'affrey 'ERt of, Lot 7 blk 9 w o o p, t ~ec 3~ twp f{ge l3, n44 set:~4 ne74 sec 1130

,fuanita 8 df' Gutienez, ne4 sw4 and lots Ilo tax 1.49 int 07 pub 20 ........... , .. .. .. .. •. 1. 76 'I·~hpt' rge f' w, nw se~ ww rge ' 3 d 4 ... p c · . 1 t 1 blk '"0 t •19 a part o. t H' town f!lte survey no 256 • an sep 31 twp 10 rge 17, tax 8.70 int 43 m.. ?usms~ 0 1 W 0 0 p, ax " being a part of ne4 being~ of said town pub 85 ............... , ...... , ........... ., . !1.48 lilt 0,) pub 20 .......................... ·" · 1.2! site sec36 twp 6 rge 12, lot ::1 blk 11l,lot 3

Lupita <;tome2! y Luc(~ro, frac of land on N W F Cochran lots 3, 4 hlk 6·.i w o o p, tax blk 21, lotR 3, 7, 8 blk 23, lot, 4 blk M Jot Rlde Rt,2 Ruulm;o, pat to 'fetiliJ s1sneros lA!:l int 07 pub :w. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. 1. 75 5 blk86,lotlil7, 8 blk 41, Kemp's 2nd iot 6 betwae. land owned by (~ruz Herrenl J C blk H, Collier's h;t ad lot B, lobl3, 4 blk nnd 1.'eofilo SirmeroR s2 f.lf:'4 n of Rio Rni- dl!'l tjpua~o, 1L!~.6 ~~~ 28 ~246or, 4 blk 2:1 65 w o, tax 20.98 int 1.04 pub4.35 ...... ,. 26.37 doso,tax6.92intB5pub85 ......... / ...... "'6'> woop, ax ·' m pu • ............ 2 ·27 Wilson&Briggs,lot3blk27,e.2lot3blk4, ·

C • • S 1 • -~ E S CoombE!, e2 !cot 4 blk 8, lot. 1 hlk 51 lot "no>tma de Romt~rn, bAg at a Govern'tcor , 2 blk 51 w2 lot 7 blk H lot bllc 7 w o, ta:r . lot 1 blk 42 w t1. tax 1.68 int 08 pub 60.... 2.36

on t1heRne side marked 1-A l'ec 2!:! twp 10 4.!17 iut 25 pnb l.OO....... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,22 l\f

2r9s ifen

0nie Whoodland, lot 5 blk 2 w o. tax

rge. 6 io RnidOfm. thence along the Rio J1 B (' 11. .. 4 " 4 .,,. t 6 tnt 1 pu 20 ... · .. · .. · . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .5(1 Ru1doso "'es .. , thar1ce !"',>O ud ... · t11 place 1.11' ' 1 10

' ter, fl"' f'W neo ~e sec •>> .wp rge M 1 Wh n • ~ . -) J ~ 12 l t ' 1 t 1') . blk 1 1 t ~ t 10 . ar \ item an, Frac pllrt (1272 ft X 21 ft)

beginnina, tax 2.61 int 13 pub Uri .. :...... 3.0S hl.k '::i.'Iot~'i, ~ ~~k 3, lot~ 5't~ s hik 4. 1~:t~ honse, 1-6lots 1. 5, (5 blk 35, lot 4- blk 7, ;J•>seph Storm~;~, sw4 !lW4 sec: 4 twn H rge l'l' r, t;u 8 blk a ,ot,s 5 to 8 hlk6, lut!l 6,7,8,10 w2lot3blk 8, w2lot 2 blk9, w2lot3 blk

s2 ne4 flee,; fwp 11 rf,!e 17, tax 13 75 int ti!l lllk 7, I· t~ 5 to 10 inc bllc 8, lot 14 blk 8, : 11, e2lot J blk 12, lot 2 blk 41, e2lot 3 blk pub 35 ....................... , ............ 14.711 lot~ 1ti t9 20 blk 1!, lot" 1 to Ul hlk 9,lots 1 B\1, 1Qt2 blk 5a, w o. tax 20.39 int 1.02 pub .

Petra Alderete de Sisneros, w2 Rw4 r-;e.J. flee ·to 13 blk 10, lnt~ 1 t<~ 13 •·lk 11, lots 1 to 16 2.:~0 ...... " '· .. ·· ··· · · .......... · .. · .... · .. · 23.61 31'twp 10 r·ge 17, tax .87 i.rt 0( pub 35...... 1.20 t.IK 12, lotH Ho lti blk lH, lot!!l to 8 blk 14, .Too W Walker, lot 1 blk 60 woo p, tax 50 Nicolas Silva, 254 "ds land on the east ~iJe lots 1 to 19 hltc .tii, lntR l to 17 hlk 16, lots int0!3pub35.... .... ...... ...... .... .... .... . .73

• 1 t.o 10 hlk: n' lotf' 1 to H blk 1t:, lotR 1 t.o c w Wh't 4 .I 7 ... 3 lloundedbylandowned by J.:tan 'Clibarrion blkl\lwo; tax17>.51int78pub 8".40 ...... 2i.6!J t e,nw nw..,sec twp•rgel ,sw-i tl · t 2" 1 d d L f>W4 sec 6 twp 7 rge 1a. ne! ne4 sPc 12 twp 1e wes ""' yar s bonn ed by njan Gallego':)' , J·as P Calf, 160 acres lot ·1 blk 41). lots a, .t 7 rge 12, se4 se4 sec 1 twp 7 rgt.• 12, tax 5.97 l mel the north 354 yat·ds along the Ruidoso on I blk 48 w o, tax 4.57 int 2:3 pub 95 ........ · ri.75 int 30pub 70 .................. , ........... 6.97 fh<< R<•Utb !l:il yard!\ bounded by public litnd. ~Juan (r:.h~vez"y :Moreno. e21ot4 blk2:3 wo 1.2' LC Wnlllot6 blk32 w o, tnx 50 int oa pub Tll.l·~l·r I' II 1 dE t fJ Ul.l ·\ tax ... ltntO.Jpub 20 ....................... _ .. "0 .'73

o cl H IS nlll"· f''~ n L'Y 0 uzn I H\l'rl ·" "' "" • "• "·" · "" "" "" "" "" '"' ' 1 •.• , _,1 . t 1 , 1 ... '! , 8 Comf\ry Bros. w2 Re4 n2 ne4 Reo 17 Twp 6 rge Wh't Oak I ,, F 1 2• t 6 :·~ ... ~· Ul ... ]lU ' ''''· ......................... .:! I 13, lot 8 blk :Ill w ().tax rl-116 int ao I;Uh fl!i. 6.81 1 e s mp uO. rae sw-., ~eo :) WP J~rlqlllu Salwh· z R2sw4- sec 20 lWP 10 rge lti n:!.' n H Clark ]ots 2,:1,4, blk 1 w o. tax 1.49 int rge 12, tax !1.24 int 46 pub 35 .... ' ........ 10.05

~ 1 · Simon Wilson, 1-6 intMinees Cabin sur. I ,, ·()~· ~u lUX J :u mt 16 pub 35 .......... ,11 H2 07 Illlb 60 ..................................... 2.16 vey 272,1-6 int. Silver Cliff survey 273, l:ei\g·,o 'l'orres, A fmc se4 nw4 sec 4. twp l1 I HIIF!I Danieh;, lot 3 blk 46 w r). tax .r10 int 1-6 i•1t imp on mill sitP, 1-6 int lot 6 blk

rge 17, tax 3.21int 16 pub 35 ...... .. .. .. . a 721 oa pub 20......... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73 27 w o. tax 5.39mt :.'.7 pub 1.05............ 6.71 .Juan Tmhllo, Ne4 sw4 nw4 se fl'ac sw4 ne.J. L P Dubuis, lot 4 hlk 41 woo p, tax 9! int J E Wilson, 1-6 int Miners Cabin and Sll-

sec 27 1.wp 10 n,:-e 1o, ta11: H.::::7 int 41 pub :15 \1,03


o~, pub 20................................. 1.2·t ver Cliff minql'al survey 2".2 and 273, 1-tl .Juan Uli.barri, Lan•l hPnght fl'llm Jnnn It B l!'erg•uo.;F.!oll, HI-HO int T .. ittle Mal' mine inton mill s1te, l-6 int l•1t 6 bllt 27 w (,,

'l'rujillo :m!l Il'el!x •rrnjillo Rlli~ Jnnd is w o.m d me 52!i, tnx 19.b!l iut 911 Pllb ar> .. 21.2'3 tax l.U int 07 pub 90 .... .. .. • . .. . .. . .. :~.38 ~'2 Jnttu Uhba.rl'l PaL, tax 4.26 mt 21 pub •·•>, Gro~~ Blackw.-ll &Co.}ut. 7 blk 27 w o. tax ,J E \'barton, 'rrnstee, the und llalf of tho ,l,J ......................................... J,,,w .~.!l7int1i5pub20 .......................... 5.42 A2ne!anrln2Jle4sec26tW(>8rge 13, tax

PRECINCT NO. 3. Martha..\ Onmm. lot•d,2,3, b1k 6 w o, tux 1.!19 int 10 pnb 35 ............ .............. 2··1-l [neR Garcia, Lot 4 sec 4 twp 11 rge 17, tux 2:1.49 irtt 1.02 pnb UO ..................... :!2.11 PRECINCT NO. 9,

.86 int 03 pnb :l!i.................. .... .. .. 1.~1 Gumm & Bt·nn" u, lor. l) hlk :J w2lot a blk G L Bradfortl.lots 26 aud 2; blk 48 ('apitau 'XicolaRilSanchez. Halfsw·~ 111'4 "l'•t nwJ Jl••·f I 5 w o. 11tX 1 ·IR iut07 pnh ·10............... 1.95 tax 4.80 int24pub40 ............ " ........ r,.4!

sw.J, lot 110 6 sec (j t.wp \J l'o!(e 18, tax: 2.rl'i :1 BIt' Hnmm Unct 1-6 iut Mi~u •l Otem miu- n w Beutform, lot 31 hllc s:; Capir.an. t·:tX int 11 pnb :15 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. ... . .. • . :1.0:1 ing ••lnim me 21!l Buckhorn und 1-tl h1t tax a.!JJ int 20 pub 20 .............. ,...... 4,:!1

(CQntinued from p;tge a)


R L Herbert, w2 sw4 sw4 'sec 20, se4 se4 s~c . 19 twp 10 rge 14, tax4.61 int 23 pub 35..... 5.19

M~y Jf!bnston. lot 2 blk 16 woo p, tall: .50 1nt 0::; pub 20 •. , ..•.• , , . ·. ~ , . , .. •.• . . • • . . . . . . • • 73

E ij Long, w3 se4 e2 sw4 sec 8 twp 10 rge 1d · irrigation ditch, tax'10.01 int 50 pub 35 ... 10.86

Josephine Mankins, 'lot no 3 ne4 !lw4 se4 · nw4 sw4 ne4 sec 7 twp 10rge 14, tl\x 11.10 int 55 p-qb 35 ................ , ............. 12.00

S E Parson, Y:t int. :tJ:opl)fnl Mine Bonito diat me 365 US patent :!180fi, tax 17.a9 int 87 pub at ............................. 18.61

Mrs E V Slack, s2,s'Y4s2 1e<i sec 33 twp 10 rge 13, lots 2, 3 seQ 5 twp 11 rge 13, tax 5.22 int 26 pub 70., ................. ;.......... 6.11::!


Name. Tax, Int . Bartlett Chas. H., 2 42 12 ChRvez B. de Teodorn, 4 25 21 Fritz Manuelita, 87 04

. Pub. 35 35 85 35 :35 35 35 :15 85

•rotal. 2 89 481 1 26

Goemeare August, 8:.1 02 Halstead .Bros., 2 90 · 15 ERtes Jof!eph, 1:3 11 66 Leaf Wm. K., 2 02 10 ' Miranda Patricio, 1 41 07 · Montano Jose, 1 25 06 Mnntano Luis; 2 49 12 McPherson & Biggs, 6 55 33 Ortiz Manuel, 1 as 07 Peppin Victorian aS de 2 32 12 Perea Octaviano, 1 01 05 Perea Demetrio, 217 11 Rubio Juan, 2 85 14 Sevier W. H.. 86 04 Serrano ,J·. A., 4 an 22 Btrelon Chas., 79 04. Garcia de Salaz G 26 02 Sen a George a 97 20


Bt•ady Rober·t 2 07 Guerra Yginio l 29 Gallea-os Lucas 79 Gonzalez Santiago 4 40 Gutierrez .Juanita t; de 1 07 Gomez y Lucero L Perez Vnlenti Jomel'o Orf'sita S de Storms ,Joseph Sisner·os P A de Silva Nicolas

us 8 41

17 2 79 Hl 148

Sanchez Esiquio 1 27 Fresques de Sisnel'Oil R 1 80 Torrt>s Refugio 110

10 06 04 22 05 0!}

'17 07 14 2.! 24 I) (I

35 35 35 35 35 35 B5 a5 35 35 35 B!i



70 3 40

1412 2 47 tsa 1 56 295 7 23 175 2 79 H1 2.63· 3 84 125 492 118

6a 4 52

. 2 52 1 6!1 118 497 1 4'7 1 6!1 a 93

"oa a 2x 600 ,1 !)() 16H

PRECINCT No. 4. I' Jot 1 to 10 inc hlk 1, lotR 1.2.:1,6 7.S,U.l0, blk ,J () Eckloo.;, lot~:~ 18, 14 blk i7 Capt. tax 6,!)!1

I) 1 N 1 11 ~· 1Iott~ 1tv1,',x1.1111.~o blhklka, !ut~1 1t,a,6.l7.!1:l6~97,t~ 9hJ1k0 . int :lO puh 20 ........................... .. 6.5!1 Tt•ujillo Juan 81 I Uliltarri 155

01! OH 1)4,

08 7!)


1 51 1 20 1 9!\ 11 ne~< 1 ml rP.R < ~~Ana a. nw.t se4 ne·l fiW·I ·•· o s ·o 1 111' :~, o s "',a, , ,,,,, o

lotH a au i 4,.;ec 7 twvll rge tl:!, tux 16.0~ I bl~ 6, lots J,:>,.J..ri,6.~.8.!J 10. hlk 7, lnts 1 to Antonio JOlle Gtu•cia. lot!-1 2':3,4 ~ec 1!1 twp 9 i• t 80 tmb a:i ............. : ............... li .17 1 10 me b1k H 1•·1;; 1. 2 b!k !): lots 1, 2 blk 10 rge 14, se! nt•hec 24 twp I) 1·~e l:l, tax .17

w D ca~er, R2 RW-i ueol nw<l sec• l'i twp lL . 1-6 mt w o. t·1x :1.98. mt 20 pub 9.20 ..... 1:1.!!8 int (11 JIUb70 ............................ , r~e 17, t.a:dl. 70 int-14 pab ill.... .. .. .. • .. !I.X 1 I •!mel-' Hrn·• ·~lot. 2 blk 47 w 0 0 p, tax .50 M M 1\-lcBoynold~, lut 2, tax l i4 int 08 pull 2 .ua

EllHn J<; C·l!:c~·. ~2 w•4 tWr ~ twp llrue LH ·W4 111 t 0~ pub ~0 .. " .. " .. '",'.. .... .... .. .. .. .73 20 .. " """ "" "· "" "· · "" · .... " "" HW4fle(: 9 tWI.J llr·ge 18, tax l!i.Ua iut j,'\ 1\Iar:v 1!. IIughe~. lot 4 blk ti6 w 0 0 p, tax H T Moor.•, Jut :J.J. blk 6:J ( :atJt, tax 1!i.74 int lU.r:,•• l)u ~, ~~, I" I'' I 9fl" to· b"" 1 '39 79 pub20 ··-· ......... .... .. ..•. .•.. .. .•.. .• , )

' ~ ••• 0 •••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • • • - ' • t) • I J 11 ;) I>U f)o) •••• I •••••••••••••• 0 • • • • • • • • ••

bJ 11' (' All r .J. 1 H Ma Chuck, lmpruv'ts half int in boarding II Je ~uy-e, (I. sw t!Oilt \ ondc> t-el! Theo w Heman, lot 7 blk 2, lot 8 blk 10, house ut. Cl~pitau. tax H.70 int .J..ltJUb aa.. OA!I 15 all of n2 111~4 ~flO 22 t wp 11 J'ge 18 tux ,. lots 5,6,7 blk ~4. lotsl. 2 blk ll:i, lot 1 blk 24.78mt 1.21 pub 70 ................. : .. ... :!ll.ti!l ti6 woo p, t11x 5.97 mtao pub 1.60...... .. 7.87 1' N Moore, no descrivtion, tax 5.22 int 26

Jh·ancisco Honwro y J'Juur.~s, 'l'ra•Jt ~w.J. seu ,. !llr11 E ,J lve~·. lot 6 blk 17 w o. tax .50 int pub 35 .. " .... "" .... " .... " ...... " .. " · iJ.S3

1• t 11 18 t 1 •t ~~4 ., • (I'' pub 20 .~1 ,•• MrR)!} L Moore, lots 1, 2 blk 49· Nogal, tux o) Wll rge • )(I() t "' p :.. .. ' ta"C: h.Ot , .... .. ...... .. . .. . .. ............. J • ,,

J·r•tl">Pilb ''"> 'I"", N 1 1 I • J•>t •' 12 t tl.:l:3mt1J7pub40 ........................ 12.: .. .> • .,, ....................... ·....... • .•. .,., ~· 1:1on e 1n, ne ..... ec w Wp ,, rge , ax •1· 1 H l' 1' 1 1 '' !!" 1'11t ·•o pub 'l" • ··> A1lolpb Nn.rhow Et>tate of,lot9 blk 64 Gn.tl· •• n.nuc errera. y •<•mernl ~ 1·nc RW+ sw4 o. " · "' •II .. ·........ .... .. ..... .. .. ...a., b

nw4 l'ec 2a twp 11 rge 18 nnd us per deed 1 l~m~a Langston, lot 8 blk :n w 0 0 p, tax itan, t.-1x 5.05 int 28 pu 211 ... • .. " •• .. " ... 6.13 I k H 172 t •. , · t 03 b 'l" I ·o 1nt 0'> pttb "O ·"•" Char ll Neely, lot U blk 77 CatJitan, tax 1.:n )00 p I a-.: .ololll' : Pll oil....... .!II.' • ' ., - .......... .................. 0 • li7

Huhartler t'l.v Goff, e2 nw4 w~ ne4 sec 2a tWJ> · J PC Lanw~tou1lut 4 blk 112 w olot 1 blk 40 tnt 06 pub 20 "" .................. " .. "" 1.' 6 rge 1a. t.lx 4.3~ int 22 pub 3!i............ 4. !J2 1 ~oga1, lot 1 b :< G Nogal, tax 08 int pub J V Ormond, 1ot:35 blk 6!1 Capitan, tax 10.44

l'az1'ol'res, Begr.t11 cortoHe" 11 twp 12 I ,60 ................. ,; ......................... tl!l int52pub20 ............................... 11.16 r~P 17 north no 1 thrmce var ]· dPg 4:; min • \\mE Ll·mun, lot 1 blk 4 woo 1'· tax 1.00 J T Price, lot 14 blk 76 Capitan, tax .87 int e50ydstucorno2,t.hencelldeu:4:'imin l int05pub20 .............................. 1.25 04pub20 ................................ 1.11

.HS WilliamR J s 14 oa


Ferguson Charles Fre~ques JosH Fresqnes Pedro Gutierrez Andres Gnrcla luez Lucero AJIOlonio McTigllC :Mrs Inez Sanchez Nicolasn Sanchez Felipe

184 8li5

l!i 89 683 :3 22 !I oa 1 61

46 44

.l:J 42 70 :!4 16 45 08 02 03


Guyse Mollie MerchantJ A Romero y Lueras 1<' Herrera y Romero :\l SheppGR

1185 59 27 oa 18 01

251 J\6

1a 03

a5 :35 :l5 35 !!3 a5 a:;--

35 35

15 (ll

2 28 9 aa

17 oa 70:! a 'l'a 9 Sa 2 04

92 !.12

12 79 65 M

2 9!1 94.

e, west» yd~ to cor no -1, thence nOI'th ~0 . Fred Lalone. lot 4 blk 5H woo p. tax 2 OR Hattie PonR, rw de~cription 160 acl'es land ch tu place of beginning and tract ad- I' t 1- b •Jt) • •• '.S!'. tax • •>~ t'11t 22 pub "5 1 ,(.12 Vijil Trinidad joining above be>uuded on the north bv •n '1 pu w .. • "· .. " .... • .... • .... • ..... • ,, 'J:,..., " • .. " .... "........ ... .,. hmd of Juan Analln on tbA east hY land II .. oavenworth G & 13 ~l ('o. Sflnate Loria m Nellie B Riley, lot 9 Nogal, tux 2.52 iut 13

2077 PRECINCT• NO. 7.

104 22111 35

of Jose An all a. on theS Riv Hondo being .. e Badger Boy, t~x 0.~6 int 132 pub 70...... 7.48 pub 35 .................. · .. · ............. .. L9 ch running Routh and 24 nw and being


• {:lt!o W Miller, lot 5 blk 9, lot 1, 2 blk 4{1, J W Roger,., lot~; 1, 2 blk 36 Gupitn.u. tttx a. 00 Stoneroad G W 1 96 10

a. part of s2 se4 and 1'2 sw.t- sec 1L -twp 11 lot4 blk 6!1, lor. 7 blk :37,lot 2 blk 70, Jot. li 1.7-!int O!l pub 40 .......... · .. •............ 2.2:J r•ge 17, tux 7.83 int. !!0 pub ;o. .. . .. ... .. .. X,\121 hlk 23, lot 8 blk 24 woo p. tux 7.44 int :37 J W Swan, w2 nw! w2 sw4 sec 2 t.wp !lrge 13

'l'r!nidad Vijil, no description, tax !i.31 int pnb 1.60 .. ·: .. ·: ........ " .. · · .... •· ...... · {1.41 tax 8. 70 int 46 pub 35............... ... .. .. !1.51 :.7 pub a~ ............................. , .. .. 5.93. Am11,1 L 1\lcGmms, lot 4 blk 4J w o up. tax 'fhe ('apitan l>rogrt.>Ss.lot 2a b1k48 Capitan

1 · 50 wt 118 pub 20 .. ·.......... . ""........ .;a tax 8.70 int «-pub 20.... ... ......... .... .. 11.3! PRECINCT NO. 5. 1 Hl\rah H McPhersc.n, lots 5. 6 blk 13. lot 'i Snm Wortley, n2 Fe4 n2 sw-hec 3 twp 9 rge

Adela Lueras, ne·! nw4 sec 1~Hwpll 1'1!« t:l I blk 5, Kemp's l~t.}C>~ 1,2,5 blk 1, Kemp't> 14, tax 3.91 int 20 pub 35 .................. 4.46 ae4 sw4 sec 12 twp 6 t•ge 1!3, tax 1. 74iut liH i 2nd lotf:l 1, 2 lf blk 'F'. tax ·1.57 int 22 pub E B Weleh, lot and building at (.'apitnn, pub 35 .............. • ............... ,.. • . .. • 2.171' J 1W . .JOM .. c·B· :;e·.·e··~ .n. :.:.·a·n· d. ·e·.·2· s .. e.l ·s·e·c· .2. "t'w"p";., 6.20 tax 17.:10 int HI pub 35 .. ... .. • ... • .. .. . 18.61

D. H. Lnerao~, Se4 Re4 !ICC 14 e2 ne4 SPC 2:{ v - r"' .. t!W-l nw4 flee 24 twp 6 rge 13, tax 1.74 int I rge 11. tnx 5.97 int 30 pub :35......... ..... 1).62 PRECINCT NO. 1 o.

PRECINCT NO. 6. · 1.79 int 0!1 pub 20 ................. .'..... 2.08 twp 11 ree 14,nw4 ne!sec 22 twp llrge 14 CRpnb:35 ............................... 2.1i,JamesMadrlen.lota.4.hlk1w c) o p tnx Hart.Crouch,sw4ne4nw4se4s2se! ~ec 15

S"r"h J 1\leli'n11a. l(>t 1 blk "6 t ·o F-W-i ne4 sec 22 twp 11 rge 14, tax 22.43 int ,John N C0pela.nd, 8e4 sw4 sec 23 twp 7 rge · • .. ~ · • · " w o o P nx •> 1

• , 1 26 t 7 1- .• 1 •J6 1 J.JltO:'pub''O "I'' 1.12pub1.40 ............................. 24.05 ·• n:. nw,.. sec wp rge ·; ne"' ne ... sec- ' ' .. "" ·" · " .. " .. · """ .. · .. · ''

twp 7 rge 17, tax 6.116 int :l5 pub 70....... X.Ol i :\tneller Rros. lot:i blk 10 w o, tax 1.48 int Agapito Gallegos, parg2lanbd deed book M ,.,,

.PRECINCT NO. a. .,E~~~~~~~l~ .. i~t .. GblklS~·~·c;;,·~~~·99'i~~ 1.7a El~::~~i!7~z::~s~c6:~R;~·~~~ .. ~·t~~ .ti.

AdamR, Lots l. 2, 7, 8 hlk 18 W 0 e2 lot 2 1 05 pub 20.... .... ................ .... ... . .. 1.21 11 rge 15, tax 4.!35 int 22 pub 3:i ........... !.02 blk 6lot 1 blk 1\1 0 P, tax :3.97 inr. 20 pub ! Own.-rs Unknnwn, lot 3 ble 18, lots 2. 6 blk Gill G Wm Estatc,land in Nogal, tax 1.17 1.20 ........ · .. · ...... · ........ ·.... ... ... !UJ7 26,lot 8 blk 32, lot 4 blk 40. lot 3 blk 4.J., int 06 pub !35 ............ · ............... ·.. 1.5!!

]) B .Burger, w2lot -l blk 6lnt 5 hl k 7 lot. 2 lot 7 blk 39, lot 7, 8 blk •!1, lots 3, 4 hlk (2 blk 11 I ot blk 13 lots 3 .j. blk 17 e2 lot :3 · lotR 2, 4 blk 4:3, lots 3, 4 hlk 13, lota2, :3, 4 b1k 33 w2lot 4 blk lHJluts 1, 2 blk tiO lotH · w 01 tax 6.97 int 35 pub 3,60 ............... 10.92 blk 54 w o~o p, tax 10.!:!3 int M Pllb 2.20 .. 1:1.57 Annie B Putnam, Leavenworth ad w o. tax

V .r Bonnell, t.>2 nw4 rre4 ~>w4 se.J. l'ec 29 twp ·l.98 int 2~ nnb 35.......... •. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. !i.58 li R rge 1:1 e, tax !J,94int flO pub :35 ....... · Hl.7!1 !!'rank W Pm·ker, house anrllot-Jot 6 b1k

ed R .Bonnell Rtt of, ( 2 I'I?C 11 twp 7 rge 1B . 12 w 0 tax 9 95 int 50 pub 20 ........ : ..... 10.65 t,z right and interest ill Martin Lode, ~·11 M. ,J Rowlins, lot 1 b1b .l.J- w u o p 1 tax 50 int l'i~,tht and int. in th

1e Bro

1wn l'lakce. w

121ot ua pub 20 ......... ,...... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ;a

2 blk 12, lot.s 5, :.l b k 22 llt 1 bl 28 ot. 2 k hlk allot :3 blk 40, w2 lots l,:! blk 4:3 lots W Rogert~, lot:! bl. ns woo p, tax 99 int05

:l, 4, blk 49 lot4 blk 5!1 lot 2 blk2:~.1otfl3, 1£~~~~~~~i'R.~~~·,;Id,·(:1;jl·i~~~~·i~t;d·t·l;·t·o·~~n· 1.2-l .~blk6Bw2lot4blk 11: tax 14.12 mt 70 1 pub 3.oo ..•... ·u· •.• 1., ....... ~ ·~ ........... 18.:12 . gik~,l{.a~tu91;~·tJ.~ ~~~~{,51 .Jo.t.s .. 1:~:~~·t.z •. ~~ 2.S4

J I'll D Bronson, Ill ~li int, uiumel Otero ~lining claim me 21a Bnr.khorn. und 1,; Arnolcl H.idgeW'1Y· lnt 5 blk 12, ~2lot 3 hlk

· 10 · llk 1 1 t l •} '! 6 ,., !:! 9 10 l3S, w2lot a blk 3\l, lot ;, blk 21, lots L 2. 3, int 1 to me~ ~ ' 0 sk., -• '' 1 '• ' ' • blk 5!'\, lot pluce-o: impt ·f'nrface gronn•l blk 2, lots 6, 7 •. ~. !l, 1lJ hi . a, Jots 1, :1, li,; • 1\f' c b" 1 ') J 2M ' /{, 9, 10 bJk 4,, lot~; 1 l o 10 inc blk 5. JotS .J.. 1 . • lllCl'S tt Ill •orle, tax w'to I lilt 1.21 pUb r .. 6.7,8,9,10 blk 7.lots 1.ll,~,!i,6,7.H.!l,l0 bll' 7 I : 2.15 ........................................ 27.6:3 Joj;s ito 10 inc blk It lot!'.l,:! blk IJ Jot.; 1, J H !4nllivau, lnt 1, 2 blk l7, tax 1.00 int ()5 2 blk 10 w n; tax !I. H.! i.ut r10 pub !UO .... , HI H • pub 20.................... ... . .. .. .... .. .. . 1.2ri

J\1 rs. ]~ J Ulack, w2 lnt 2 blk 2 w n, tax .·!!1 l\lrR Pet.Pr Strnmqni~t., hnu!'e and lot Jot a· mt Oipub 20.... .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. . .71 blk 50 w o. tax •L!l7 int2! pub 20.... .... . :;,31

~ H Bellomy, lot a blk !I lot. (j hlk tl P2lot Mrs Mnry E ~tOnt', 1..,...6 'iut. MitJei'R ('nhir. :1 rllkll, lots.!, 4blk u,.)ot 1 hlk 2!:!, lotH Rllrvey 272,1-6 int Silv.>r (~]iff fllll'Vt'~' 27:! hlk 3 und e21ots 7. S blk HI w o. tax 7 .!Jfl 1·1i impt mill Rite, 1-li iur. lot t1 blk 2i w o


Mary E Anderson, lots 4,4,8,9,12 blk 23, lots . 2,3,6,7,9,10 blk 24, lots 2, 3 blk 27 Nogal, tax

.t.a! int 21 pub 2 60 ....................... . 7.15 Alfterl Corn, lots8,9,l~ blk 3 Nogal, tax 1.48 ·

int17pub·60 ............................... 4.25 Allen Henley E~:~tate of, w2 nw4 sec 13, e2

ne4 sec 14 twp 10 rge 13, lots 7, 8, 9, 10 bllc. 60, lots 8,9.12 blk 66, lotz 2 3,6. 7 blk 81, lotR 10, 11, 1, 4. 5 blk 82, lots 1'2.8,4,5. 6, 8, 9, 10 blk 61, whole blks 80, 60. 65,78 at Nogal, tax 21.93 int 1.10 pub 5.80 ................. 28.83

J: Lucey Ht.>nley E!ltate of, w2 ~wtlot,; 6, 7 ' sec !l t.wp 9 rge 13, tux J-.80 int 24 pub a5 ..

Heulel' & S0n. gve a.crHR on 'rorrPS frac of ·lane( near Nogal, sec 5 blk ii, t.ax 1.77 in:t · ()9 pub :~5 ....... , •. ~······· , .•. ...............

Clark HuRt, lnts 1, 6 blk 2:3, lot 1 hlk !38, '!:i ! int Nognl, tax 5.74 int 29 pub 60 .....•..... Mr~ Fr·anri~ Henley lotR 9. 12, blk 4:i. lots · •Lfi,6,7,8.1J,10,11,12 blk 42 Nogal, tax 6.1!8 int.

35 pul:i 2.20 ................................ · E B Homan, ne4 ne.t see21 twp 10 rge 10, s2 ' n w4 nw4 sec 2 twp 10 rge 10,.lots 5. 6, tax ·I ·1.!~5 int 22 pub 70 .......... . : •· ...... · · •· ..







Fambrough S R 221 Lueras Andres 135 LuerasD H Si Montero Modesto 138 Padillo Tunio 3 34 Robert.<~ B H 13 76

11 07 04 07 17 ll!l


Chavez Nicolas 120 Copeland John N 15 28 Lucero E 16 58 McFarland J & Son" 8 9! Panncl H 143 Stafford B F Estate of 5 21 Yates Mabel C 3 48

06 77 sa !3 07 26 17

PRECINCT NO. a. Boston Boy Mine l 99 Bellomy .M H 4!J Boone T J 8 !i6 Compromise i\l'g Co 1 99 Capuano Joe 1 29 · Carpenter 99 Comrey Bros 7 87 Eerguss"on 0 M 2 11 Hoyle W 111 .J, 53 La.ngtson Emm:~ 5 27 Langston .J P C 1 'l'1 Leslie Lishla 10 31 McPherson M. 1 98 Marsh I F 2 08 Madden James 141ol Wwen J IV 20 28 Ozanne Helen 11 3!i Old Abe Co 31 Parker Frank W 1 ·1!1 Ridgeway Arnold 5 69 Stenns 'Chas W 10 H Stewart Eugene 12 38 White Oakll H & L Co 6 96

10 02 4!1 10 ()6

05 39 10 23 26 08 59 10 10 07

1 01 56 (;2

OS 50 i>O !)2

int 40 pub 1.80 ............................ lO.HI · o p tax 5.HD iut ~7 rmb 1.25................ fi.!ll 1) B .Bnrger & Ben l•'i leR, 0 ud !l-12 int i\li- N .J Hhaplex, w2 lot. 2 bllt H:-l. lots 1. 2 bl k ti~1

~IIIIIR l\1<'D0~'':~1, lot 9 blk .t, lut 3 hlk 58 N gal. t1•.x .~.nnt 02 pub 40 ............... . .7 "1 w t a son Wm 710 \16

03 g-nel Utero mining clui111 m e 213 Hncl;. 'w u, tux 1.!.1!1 int lO pnh 80, ..... , ..... , .. . 2,HU hul'n 1 und :~-11 iut 1 to HI inc hlk 1 lor,.; L Uh11s A St.oven.:. !'<14 Ae4 sec 2ii .t;wp lL l'"E' 14 ~,:J,,Ii,7,1'l,ll,10 hlk 2. IOi R f>.i .~,!1.111] 't'll' l

1l, ]ot;.; · tax 1.5!1 int OK JHlb :{5 ..... , . , ,. ..... ~, .. 2, 1)2

1 .:~,l.i.7,",\l.Hl hlk 4 . .1. tolll inch { r1. ott' -l. -),(l,'i

1X.{!,J.O hlk 61 lOti:; l :U.5,tl,7.8,{1,1ll hlk 1-l!lrr·~· M SWII[lk, B11clthol'lll, 2 blk B lot"' 4

7, L W ltl hHl blk X; 1, 2 hlk !1, 1 ts l, 2.hlk ii blk w u, tax Ui!l int {18 pub nil ... : ... :.. 2.4-7 Ill :J-12 int w o; tnx f1,!'6 i'lt !lO pnh U.-10 .. HUIU A ·~·'fu'ttl~, lot 1 blk 2:3 w o u p, tux iiO int •

,f g Hird, LotS hll< 1.1, l )t:. 4, 8 blk 27. loft: oa pnh 20.................................. , 7:! 1,:.\.!\ hlkfiO, lot 1 h k:ll; tax ~.25 int .w l•':r'hOI}lPkin~, lot6 blk27 w o OJl, tnx .!1!1 !JiliJJ.2() .......... ,. ............ '"""" !l.f.:i Jflt,(I:JpUbNU .. ,.,,,,,,., ............ 1 .:?.1,

Victoria 'l'orrP!I, iot1:11, 2 blk 20 Nogal, tax :til u1t p;J 'pub 81i ........................ · ...

Woodland Mrs Jennie 50 .fl9 Wha~ton S :1\l 9 94


<J.,ll•rd & Dor•ktll'<', Ir·on i-dde mining claim ·in Roriito miniilJ:.dil't, tax 8.70.int!4 pub I :J:) .. ~o •••• i> •••~ lo •••• '' •• ••· •••• ooo• •••• ioo g .. 19 Gtn• Hel'-.ert. w2 se4 se! RW4 sec 30 twp 10 · rge U, net. i1w.t RPC 30 twp 10 rge l.J-, tax I :t:n iut 17 pub air.................... a.H9

Wharton Sallie )[ 3 97 Wharton J E 2 88 Wili!on .r E 3 O·l

50 20 14. 17

35 :35 a5 35

35 H5 35 35 35 35 35

a!l !15 :!5 85 a;; 33 35 35 35 35 :35 35 3:\ 33 :35 !!5 35 :~5

ail 35 35<>

2 !4

267 1 'l'i' 126 17!1 386

14 811

165 16.50 1'176 g 72 18:1 582 4 (){)

244 86

9 34 244 1 7(} 1B9 8 61 2 56 511 5 98 2H

1116 2 4a 2 aa 185

2164; 12 27

68 192 fl32

1099 13 35 T66 781

88 10 79 H2 3,37' I




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" £1 Paso--Rock Th p s . t ..... . s. A ~ .. (/ e ews ys em. 0 ~:.RACTO~~d BUILDER. ·Ziegler Bros.


'l't•ain leaves El Paso 10:30 a. m. " nrt•ives Alamogordo 2:45 p. m. " ·• Cal'l'izozo 6:55 p, m.

'J'rain leaves Cart•izozo u :38 a. m. " art•ives Alamogot·do 12:15 p .m. ·• •• El Paso r, :00 p. m.



At Tutarosa: Jfm·l\Jescult>ro Indinn Agency & San Amlres Mining Regiou.

At C~rrh:ozo WIJite Oub, .Jicar­illa, HaUina and 1he sutTOUJ,ding couutr~·. ·

At \'l'alnut: l!~ot· Nogal.

At Capitan: ):t'or J!'ort: St.anton San­itarmm. Lincoln, Richardson, Rui .. doso a';'d Honito llountry.

For information of any kind regard­iJJu 11·•• r·ailrtmnd, m· the country n<l. .i:w,·n .. tlwr• 1 .. , 1:all on or write to

A. N. Bt:IIWN, H. P. A.

1~1 Pal'io, Texas.

C. A. BLANOIIAlm. Agent, Can•izuzo.

---·-····· ·~-- ·- ~--·-· .............. _., .... ~·----·· ____ ... _.,_, __ , -·- ~ ·- ........ __ MORTGAGE SALE.

vVHHNEAS on the 20th day of July 1900, Benj. F. Gmnm and

The P·eoos Valley and~

Northeastern Railway Co . ., o

CENTRAL TIME. Train No. a leaves Pecos daily 1 :et5 p. m., and art•ives at Cat·lsbad 4:::?0 p. m., leaves Carlsluul4 :45 p.m. nrrivcs Roswell 7:4» J). m.; leaves ltl)swoll8 :1.0 p. m., aLTi\T(IS A mnrillo 4::30 a. m. connections with A. T. & S. (1'. and l<'. W. & 1), C. ltn ilways. Train No :z leaves lHnnl'illO daily 5:30a.m., atTives Hoswell2:00 p.m. leaves Roswell 2:00 p. m., arrives Cat·lshad 5:15 p. m. Train No. 6 leaves Carlsbad daily 'i':ao a. m.,ar­rives Pecos 11 :H5 a m., corinect.ing· with Texas & Pacific Ry.

~Slcoping· cars run between Ros­well and Amarillo on 'frahas No • 1 und 2 . ..A:l Stages From Lincoln, White Oaks n.nd NoA·nllenve Roswell at 7 n. m. daily except Sunda.)',

f-or low rates. infot·mation rcgnrd­ing the count.l'y's resources, price~; or Iunds, Ol' any other mtltters ol' inrercBt to the pnhlic, apply to

E. W. M Alt'l'I:'<i':Pr:r.J., D. H. Nicnor.s, ~Iartha A. Gunun, his wife, ex- n. 1~. & P .• -\gent, Gen. M~r.

ecuted and de}i,·ered to Pauli ~ . ..:~~~~:-.~~ ME~ICO. I ~~~~··--,-·-~ .... ~!:-·---···~ .. 1:!....~.~-=m:t:=.c:io:t"""-"'""""'"""'-:Mayer, their :Vlortgage Deed, con- E WOR

,·eying L-ot Eight (8') Block thir-! . ly-eig·ht (38) in the town of \Vhite Oaks T..Jinco]n County New .Mexi-\ ~

c~, whkh mortg·age deed was, ~l.:•>~ g·tven. to secure the paym~nt of a 1 \!!! ~ ~ protmsory note executed and de-l 1ivereCl by the said Benj. F. Gumm I and Martha A. Gt.unm to the said! Paul lVlayer for the sum of five l hundred dollars (8500.) with in- i AND ENCYCLOPEDIA terest at 12 per cent. per annum! A STATI8TICAl. from the date thereof until paid, , YDLUME OF • •

:::~six months after said date, i Ov I r I 0' 0 0 0 WHEREAS, ~aiel note has loner f t · d f•

since been due and payable and ac s an agures default has been made in such Containing Ovtr 60tl l'ag••

pa~~;:c~: ~~'~::ee~:~;,~en that in ! Jv ~.::·I pursuance and bv nrtue of the con-I :~~ ;

• • • • - Mlllloaalrea of tbe United .5tatea; Partl• dtttons of satd mortgage deed and 1 culars About Three Thousand American the power of sale therein contain- j Ma~nates. Or,;anlze4 Labor; Streai'fh ofthr

I Labor Unioas. T h e ed, I, Paull\'layer, the mortg·ag·ee . ·· · Tru•ts. United states~~~ named in said mort<rage deed will t Census. New Ceasu.s :~;;:~]

.. 0 ' I ofl!uropeaaCountrles. Ll on SatnrdaJ the l..,th day of 1Iarch I The NicaraKua c:aaal

1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock in! and the Hay-Pauace-. . I tote Treatl .. With

the forenoon of saul dar. in front! OreatBrltala. Thelte-

of the postoffice in the · town of i latlou of Cuba With "':y · () :r , I the Ualted .5tat•• The t htte aks New Mcxtco, expose' Coafenac:e of Amerl-

to sale at phblic auction and sell! caa Republica at the . . · I C:ltT ot MeJdco. The to the htghest bl(lder for cash the Aaar41tt stau.tlc:a :;aid property so mortg·aged, viz:: ot 1"111• Couat,. aad

I 8 . . . , Europe. Pro~ el "'ot 111 Block 38 111 the town of: Aerial Navlptloa Ia 1901. TM New York

\Vhite Oak~, I..,in~oln County New i Munldpal Elec:tlOII of 1901. Aplcultura. . . . • ; Maaufactuns. nortalltT. '

).lextco, t? sat1sly the amount! FACTS ABOUT POLITIO& due on satd note and co~ts of sale, l +· ... ..... · ....... · ·.. -+

, :1nd will make the purcha~er i THE BOOK THAT BELONGS thereof a deed therefor. j IN EVERY OffiCE AND

Dated l'eb. (,th tiJ02. IN EVEitY HOME Of , EVERY AMI:RICAN.

~ Io rt g· c.tgc c. i ltlt .... • ............ %:..... ...---............... ~ ................. _ ...... _...-....... ...,, .................. _,._~_,._ ...... ..1

Jo.Hl\i Y. liE\\Tl"l', 1 Price I STANDARD ! ft5 AMERICAN ANNUAL AttottH'y 1'01· ~Iortgagee. .j ilK CfS. AT ALL NEWSDEALEIJ8.

------··---·- --·· I THE WORLD Pulitzer Bldg., *•• Yti'A J.l1tcrnational Sto..:k Food i ........ ·-·----:· . -

EsTIMATES Furnished on Stone and Brickwork, and Plaste-ring.

Lime and Cement.

RELIABLE ASSAYS (fold ............ $ .50 Gold and Silver ...... $ .·75 Lead,........... .50 Gold, Silver, Copper l .50

Samples by Mail receive prompt attention.

Gold and Silver, refined and bought. OCDEN ASSAY CO.,

l-429·16th St.,

J, E. Wharto11, Attorney-at Law,

Denver, tolo.

------------------s. M. Wharto11,

Editor and Prop, Eagle. ---

WHARTON BROS., Mines and Mineral I,ands for salG. Also

ll'arms and Ranches. If you have anything to sell, list it with us. If you want to buy a Mine, Mining Prospect, a Farm or Ranch we can ac· commodate you. '1'1tleF1 iuvestigated and patents obtained. Assessments for non-residents. . POSTOFFICE: WHITE OAKS. N. M.



European Plan.----... _ ...... Buffet and

........ Restaurant.

PAULMAYER. :Livery, feed and

Sale Stable. .:Good Stock and Rigs.

White Oaks Avenue.

Carry a Most Com­

plete Line of Dry





ing.s, Staple and

Fancy Grpceries.

Mail Oders Re(eive Prompt Attention.


Will keep a good

fire ALL NIGHT iu

Cole's Original w;:~;"~,_. Hot-Blast


Saves half the coul )'OU have been throwing away.

Write for Booklets

and Prices to


$10 REWARD. From Estey city, N. M., nec. Hotel Baxter

5th, one pair of black horses, ce=C\ one branded L Bon left shoulder, one white hind foot; the other branded N M on left flank. white H~s -~he ve~y best of accom­spot in forehead, one white hind foot. Ten dollars reward for the moda tions to be found in thi~ return of said horses, or informa-

1 tion that leads to t1~i~A~~~~;:·1 section of New. M_e~~~·

I Come and see us. Dr. E. M. Hight, while on the ---------

train going home to San Antonio Texas, from the carnival, wa'3 f. M. Lund, rrop'r. robbed of two hundred dollars, or had his pockets picked and lost that sum.


COPYRIGHTS a,c. AnJone aendlng a eketcb anct del!crlptlon maJ

qutckl1 ai!Certain our- opinion free whether an Invention 111 probablJ' ))atentable. Communlca­tlonaBtrlctlJ contldentla.l. Handbook on Patents eent free. Olde11t agency for aecurtng_pa.tentl!.

Patents taken tllrougb MlPln .t co. receive ap~etal nottce. without cbarge •. ln the


Notary Public Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Con tin en tal Oil Co1nparty - - -

Avenue Barber Shop·. - .... , . . . . . ,.. • i In tern a ttonal Poultrv Food, l he g·reat sto.:k rem~rl \', I• or I the great e :-o· producer ~for sale I ~ale by :\I. G. P~1dl'J1, •\Vbitl' Oak._, 1 bv .1\f. G. ·'::rl~a.den, \.Yhite Oaks, I

Sdtntific Jlmtrl(an. A bandsomeiJllluBtrated weeklr. J;argel!t clr. culatlon ot 8DJ'I!CientiCIC :tournai. Term e. es a year ; four montba, et. Sold. bJ all new11dealer&

Eagle Block. Agent Troy Laundry, El Paso.

Your Pa.trQnage Respectfully Solicited. ',_ 'f f ' ... - -~ I ... ". ;_\ .·---·t · ~. M. ~u MYftl fm£~~6~:;:-::~.ft!! J.~rk Chas. Ada!Jls, PrQprietor •

- ..,..., " _,_, ·--.

r.."' - - -- ,-----1

.... .. • ~ d .

Page 8: ·e e,archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Aurelia San


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Page.s .. WHITE OAKS EAGLE~, WHI~.E OAI<:S, N. M., THl.!~SDAY FEB. 21·


"The Best is the Cheapest.,

Not how cheap, but how good, is the question.

'l'he 'tWICJ!;.A·WEEK REPt:JBl.4IC is The Most Widely Read News- not as c.heap·as are some so-called

paper In America. ·newspapers. But it is as cheap as it is possible to sell a first-class

Time has demonstrated that newspaper. It prints all the news the Thrice-a· Week World stands that is wort~ printing. If you

alone in its class. Other papers have imitated its form but not its success. This is because it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It is in fact almost a daily at the price of a.weekly and you cannot afford to be without it.

Republican and Democrat alike can read the Thrice-a-Week World with absolute confidence in · its truth.

In add itionw uews, it publishes Hrst-elass serial stories and other. features suited to the home and iireside.

The '!'brice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year and this pays for 156 papers. Vve offer this un• equaled newspaper and W Hl'l'~ OAKS EAdT.,E together one year for $2.00.·

THB COMMONER. [l\1r. BIIHl" s Papca·. I

The Commoner has attained within six months from date of the first issue a circulation of 100,~ 000 copies, a record probably never equaled in the his tory of American periodical literature. The unparalleled growth of this paper demonstrates that there is room in the newspaper field for a nationalvaper de,roted to the dis­cussion of political, economic,and social problems. To the columns of The Commoner ~1r. Bryan con­tributes his best efforts; and his reviews of political events as they arise from time to time can not fail to interest those who study public questions.

The Commoner's regular sub­scription price is $1.00 per year. We haYe arranged with Mr.Bryan whereby we can furnish his pa­per and WHI'l'E OAKS EAGLJ~ to· gether for one year for $2.00. The regular subscriptions price of the two papers when subscrib­ed for separately is $2.50.

LETTER. LIST. Letters l'emaining unoallerl for in the White

( )aks postoffice, .Fe h. 1 Rt 1~102. Zenda Walker. .Juan Zumaro

H. D. Torian \:'gnaoio Vltlclivia Mrs. !'earl StrauKt~r (2) N. Tneviero • I use Moria LU!~ero Ji'. ~~rvin P. Olvin ,luan Rub Ft·ank Huynold Jaemto Alvarado .l11e Heel 1.J. Moreonu Mllnna•ia Otero . . 1. Huerrer l\li~s May Hicks (:ll' :>; Garcia durt Hicks Jtitu flurcia. ·I :HI. Hubbert .Jesut~ Garcia ': uadilupe Oa,·ilo l<'mncisco Montee !\h·s, 1\lillie I .. ett R Flores .r. o. Burleson r2). ( 1, Yanes ?II auuel Baca C •• \mallor• ~I. J\lagun

read it all the year round, you are posted on all the important and interesting affairs of the world. It is the best and most reliable newspaper that money and brains can produce-and those should be the distinguishing traits of the newspaper that is designed to be read by all members of the family.

Subscription price, $1 a year. Any newsdealer, newspaper or postmaster will receive your sub· scription, or you may mail it direct to ~ 'l'HE REPUBr .. rc~

St. Louis, Mo.


Nineral del Oro, E~taclo de Mexico,

Mexico, Enero 21 de 1902. Sr. Editor \Vhite Oaks EAcH.~:

Dear Sir: "'l wish you to insert this ad­

vertisement on the second page of your interesting paper, which I chanced to pick up in one of the fashionable hotels in the City of Mexico. Please print this ·"Ad" for two weeks and kindly send the account to •Miss Aline King.

Yours sincerely, Address Miss ALINE KING,"

A partado de Correos No. 21, Mineral del Oro, Estado de

~Iexico, Mexico. (Via Sultenango.)

"A Spanish-American lady age 20 desires a situation as teacher of public school and kindergarten in the country, or with private family in same. A 1 references."

Address:-Apartado de Correos No. ·21, Mineral del Oro,

E. de Mexico, 2t. Mexico.


Enstet•n mail from El Pnso arrives 9:30 p.

Enstct·n mail for El Paso closes at 7:00 a n. Southern mail '•ia Nogal, Gray, Lincolr, .1nd

Roswell, arrivt~sl:OO p. m., closos 3:50 p. · .1.

Jicarilla m1til departs'l'ucsdays and Fricla)'S, 7 :00 a. m. At·rives 3:30. p. m.

Richardson mail arrive!'! Mendays, Wednes-

duys, and l!'ridays at 12 m. Departs same days at 1 p. m.

Sunday hours ft·om i a. m. to 8::30 11. m.

It is now learned that more tha11 2,000 persons perished in the earthquake at Baku, in Russia. About 4,000 houses were destroy­ed. This is the greatest loss of life for manJ; years from this

l'·~tor Burle!IOII A ntonill ft[edina cause. ;r 1<\ A.yres }'clilnll::iudt~lo (},Bargar • lnsp M. HasqUI•Z Juli n C11rnj/.'a!l

, ~. Castaneda A. B. tarclnna · E~ v1·.~s· 'I''·~S'"''•'D F':'II"EE J B I .nuis Compo J;J. D!!hmtl illll · ..,. ... ..,. '- "' •- • • J't. Domingut•z 1<'. Lolmto COI.I,II~H, Optician. ,, u. Ldler H. B, Ltmk~~ H. \1illaltlbos -------·---'l'ho~:~. Gordon J'u m·tin A rehaln

Itt•M jlBc!t.fully John A. Bl'I)Wn

Com Jcnuiugs · ll. H .• Wehh foa· Ot•ugll and nookM, Or-!llatiu Abill\ ders promptly tll111cl. J<;J J·H~n 'I'••XHII,

Pt'l!li master. Leslie Ellis, of Lincoln, has a nice flock of

Angora Goats for sale.


4 Important fiateways 4

"No Trouble to Answer questions."


'lRAIN '!'his hattdsomely equipped train leaves EI Paso daily and

runs through to St. Louis withoutchange, wheredirectconnec· tions are made for the North and East: also direct connections via Shreveport or New Orleans for all points in the Southeast.

Latest Pattern Pullman Buffet Sleepers flegant New Chair Cars-Seats free

Solid Vestibuled Trains Throghout.

For desriptive pamphlet, or other information, call on or address~

~ \V. CURTIS E. P. TU~NER S. W. P. A, 0. P. & T. A.

El Paso, Texas. .

Dallas, Texas.


ASSAY OffiCE AND ~~J=~~~~5~v ............ Manufa<:turer of.. • • .•... Rubber Stamps. Seals--Notary Public and Corporation, Stencils llnggage Checks, Rubber Type, Daters, Ink Pads, lull:, Etc ..... .

El Paso, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Texas.

Estabtiahed in Colorado,l866. Samples by mail or express will receive prom~t and careful attention Gold & SIIJer Bullion ae~~d, ,.MJ~~ ~~~ ~·~~r•d Concentration Tests-100 tba. or car toad 1"' c,

Write for term!' e 17 36-17 38 Lawrence St. •• Denver. Co ....

Three Rivers Store, GRAIN AND FLOUR


General. Merchandise, Country Produce, Hay and Grain. Highest Prices paid for Hides, Pelts, Etc. Standard Liquors & Fine Cigars.


BROWNf & MANlANARfS <o. fast Las Vegas, N. M. fi.Paso, Texas .

Wholesale Grocers, Wagons ANo Ag·ricultural lmpl~ments, ll'Cormick Rakes and Harvesters • HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR

Wool, Hides, Pelts .and furs. ·~----------------------~------............. ~~--~~--..

. , ...


I '


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p. ,;..;( ·, .

t ,. '

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