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به نام خدای بخشنده و مهربان. دکتر اکبری اقدم استادیار دانشکده پزشکی اصفهان. Forearm,Monteggia&Galleazzi Fracture Dislocations. Forearm Both Bone Fracture. Common 12 to 16y Most common site for refracture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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و بخشنده خدای نام بهاقدم مهربان اکبری دکتر

اصفهان پزشکی دانشکده استادیار

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Forearm,Monteggia&Galleazzi Fracture Dislocations

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Common 12 to 16y

Most common site for refracture

Fx suspected >>child has not returned all

normal arm function within 1 to 2 days of


Forearm Both Bone Fracture

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Practical classification2 bones3 levels

4fracture patterns(Bow,Greenstick,Compelet&Comminuted)


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Closed Reduction still remains the gold standard for closed isolated pediatric

forearm fractures


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Non or minimally displaceLong arm cast(except above 4 y with stable

distal third fx)1 and 2 week visit

6-8 week castAfter that splint until union compelet

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Displaced fracturesManipolation with sedation

Contorol with fluroscopySugar tong splint(7-10 layers 3inch plaster)

Next week x-ray and change splint to cast2 next weeks follow up4 weeks after reduction can chang short cast

Except under 4 yReturn to sport now if…

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Distal third< 20 degreeMiddle third< 15 degreeUpper third <10 degree100% translation with <1cm shorteningRotation< 45 degree.difficult to measure

Bicipital tuberisity and radial styloid

Acceptable limits of angulation

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Open fractureFracture with unacceptibale reductionFx in assosiated supracodylar fx(to avoid

risk of compartement syn)


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Interamedullary fixation is preferredIf one bone fixation Fix ulna

If both bone should be fix,radius first2-2.5 mm nail

brace or cast6-12 mo nail removal

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RedisplacementForearm stiffnessRefractureMalunionNonunionCross union(synostosis)Infection…


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Monteggia Fracture Dislocation InChildren

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Type 1Ant dis radial head associated with ulnar

diaphyseal fx at any level(most common)


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Ant radial head dislocasion(include pulled elbow)

No plastic deformity of ulnaAnt dis radial head with radial neck fxAnt dis radial head with fx of radial

diaphyseal fx proximal to ulnar fx.…

Type 1 Equivalents

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direct blow theoryHyperpronation theoryHyperextention theory

Mechanism of injury

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Fusiform swelling elbowPain &limit ROM elbow


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Three steps:Correcting the ulnar deformityStable reduction of radial headMaintaining ulnar length and fx stability


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A bivalved long arm cast 4-6 w slight supination and elbow 90 to 110 flex

Radiography every 1 to 2 wHardware remove

Postoperative care

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Can be associated with various syndromesTraumatic

Isolated ant. Or ant lateral dislocationUnless congenital or systemic difference

Traumatic versus Congenital dislocation

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Posterior monteggia fx dxRare in children usully older patientMechanism

Direct force,sudden rotation and supinationSuddenly loaded in longitodinal direction

elbow at 60 flex

Type 2

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Incomplete fx ulna>>close reduction casting in extension

If doubt>>interamedullary fixationComminuted or very proximal ulnar

fx>>open reduction plate screw


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Lat swelling,varus,significant limitation of ROM

Mechanism>>hyperextesion of elbow combined with pronation

Monteggia type 3

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Incomplete or plastic deformation of ulnaClose reduction>>

Elbow in extension longitudinal traction valgus sterss test

Long arm cast elbow 70 to 80 flex


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Ant dis with fx both radius and ulna Radial fx level same or distal too ulnar fx

Fx unstablefixation

Type 4

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Chronic Monteggia InjuryUnder 12 years old


Determine congruency radial head and capitellum


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SurgeryRadial nerve identify

Anconeous-extansor carpiulnaris intervalRepair or reconsteraction of annular lig

Radius head unreduceable >>ulnar osteotomy

After radial head redauction>>anullar lig repi

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Fracture of the distal radius with DRUJ disruption

Mechanism >>axial load ,forearm rotationSigns &symptoms>>pain,limitation of

forearm rotation,wrist flex ext

Pediatric Galeazzi Fractures

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Type 1 dorsal (apex volar)displacmentType 2 volar(apex dorsal)displacmentGaleazzi equivalent

Distal radius fx with distal ulnar physis disruption


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Volar apex Radius fx greenstick or incomplete

Close reduction and long arm cast in supinationComplete fx

Open reduction and fix with plate


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Incompelet radius fxClose reduction

Compelet fxOpen reduction

Dorsal apex