Психиатрический Англо-русский Словарь

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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5-HT2 (serotonin) receptors

1. 5-HT2 (serotonin) receptors5-HT2 ()

2. 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid)5-

3. abasia

4. abasia-astasia-

5. abreaction

6. abstinence

7. abstract attitude ()

8. abulia

9. acalculia

10. access,

11. acculturation difficulty ()

12. acetylcholine

13. acting out

14. active condition

15. actualization

16. acute dystonia

17. addict,

18. adiadochokinesia

19. adinamic

20. adrenalin(e)

21. adynamia

22. affect

23. affectation

24. affected

25. affective

26. affective disorders

27. affective symptoms

28. affectivity,

29. age-associated memory impairment (AAMI)

30. aggravatio

31. aggression

32. agitation(psychomotor agitation) ( )

33. agnosia

34. agonist medication

35. agonist/antagonist medication/

36. agoraphobia

37. agranulocytosis

38. agraphia

39. akathisia ()

40. akinesia

41. akinetic apraxia

42. akinetic mutism

43. alcohol

44. alcohol addiction

45. alcoholism

46. alexia

47. alexithymia ( + )

48. algesia ( )

49. algophobia

50. alienation,

51. alienist

52. alogia

53. ambivalence

54. amentia

55. amimia

56. amines ( , - , , .)

57. amnesia

58. amnestic apraxia

59. amok ( )

60. amygdala

61. amyloid,

62. anaclitic ( - , , )

63. anaesthesia

64. anal stage ( 1 , )

65. analisis

66. analize

67. anankastic personality (- )

68. androgyny

69. anergy

70. anhedonia

71. anima ( - () , () )

72. anoia,

73. anomic or amnestic aphasia

74. anorexia

75. anorexic

76. anorexigenic

77. anosognosia

78. antagonism

79. antagonist medication

80. anticholinergic effects

81. antipsychotic(s)()

82. anxiety, ,

83. anxious,

84. apathetic

85. apathy

86. aphasia

87. aphonia

88. apperception,

89. apraxia

90. arrhythmia

91. assimilation ( )

92. astereognosis

93. asthenia

94. ataxia

95. attention

96. atypical antipsychotic

97. auditory hallucination

98. aura

99. autism

100. autoeroticism

101. automatism

102. autoplastic ( )

103. autotopagnosia

104. avolition ( )

105. basal ganglia

106. bestiality

107. beta-blocker -

108. blocking

109. blunted affect

110. bradykinesia

111. Broca's aphasia

112. bruxism ( , , .)

113. Capgras' syndrome

114. catalepsy

115. cataplexy

116. catatonia

117. catatonic

118. catatonic behavior ()

119. catharsis ( , "" )

120. causalgia ( )

121. cerea flexibilitas ()

122. cerebrovascular ischaemia

123. chlorpromazine

124. circumstantiality

125. classic apraxia

126. climacteric

127. clozapine

128. cognitive ()

129. cognitive dysfunction

130. comorbidity ( )

131. compensation

132. compulsion

133. conative

134. concrete thinking

135. condensation ( ( ))

136. confabulation

137. confrontation

138. constricted affect

139. constructional apraxia

140. conversion ( , )

141. conversion reactions ()

142. conversion symptom ()

143. coping mechanisms ()

144. coprophagia

145. cortical apraxia

146. counterphobia ,

147. crackpot

148. craze

149. crazy,

150. creeping schizophrenia

151. cretinism

152. cri du chat " " ( )

153. culture-specific syndromes ,

154. D2 (dopamine type 2) receptorsD2 ()

155. Da Costa's syndrome ( )

156. decompensation

157. defect

158. defective

159. defense mechanism

160. degradation

161. dj vu

162. delirious,

163. delirium,

164. delusion, ,

165. delusion of reference

166. delusional jealousy

167. delusive

168. dement ()

169. dementia ( )

170. denial

171. depersonalization

172. depot injections

173. depression,

174. derailment ( )

175. derealization

176. dereism

177. dereistic

178. detachment

179. deterioration,

180. diplopia ( )

181. disconnection syndrome

182. disinhibition ( )

183. disorientation

184. displacement,

185. dissociation,

186. distractibility

187. distraction-

188. double bind ( ) - ,

189. drinker

190. drive, ,

191. drug abuse ,

192. drug addict

193. drug addiction,

194. drug withdrawal symptoms

195. drunkard

196. dyad

197. dysarthria

198. dysgeusia

199. dyskinesia

200. dyslexia

201. dysphoric mood

202. dyssomnia

203. dystonia

204. ECG

205. echolalia

206. echopraxia

207. ego""

208. ego ideal "" ()

209. ego-dystonic ""

210. eidetic image

211. elaboration ( )

212. electrobiological activity

213. elevated mood ,

214. engram ( )

215. epigenesis ( )

216. epilepsy

217. ethnology

218. euphoria

219. euthymic

220. exalte

221. excited

222. excited

223. excitement

224. expansive mood ,

225. extinction

226. extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)

227. extraversion

228. extravert

229. fantasy

230. faulty

231. fit of passion

232. flashback

233. flat affect

234. flight of ideas

235. flooding (implosion) ( , )

236. flupenthixol ()

237. fluphenazine

238. folie deux ,

239. folly

240. formal thought disorder ()

241. formication ( )

242. fragmentation

243. free association ( , )

244. frotteurism ( )

245. fusion ( )

246. galactorrhoea

247. Gegenhalten, -

248. gender dysphoria ( - )

249. gender identity

250. gender role

251. globus hystericus

252. glossolalia ( )

253. grandiose delusion

254. gustatory hallucination

255. gynaecomastia

256. hallucination

257. hallucinogen

258. haloperidol

259. handicapped

260. hedonism

261. hippocampus

262. hyperacusis

263. hyperprolactinaemia

264. hypersomnia

265. hypnagogic

266. hypnopompic

267. hyposomnia

268. id ()

269. idealization

270. ideas of reference

271. ideation

272. identification

273. ideokinetic apraxia

274. idiot savant

275. illusion

276. illusory

277. imperfect

278. impotence

279. impotency

280. imprinting

281. in a state of exaltation

282. in a state of extreme excitement

283. inappropriate affect

284. incoherence,

285. incorporation ( , )

286. individuation

287. indoleamine ( (, )

288. initial insomnia ( )

289. innervation apraxia

290. insane

291. insane person

292. insomnia

293. instinct

294. integration

295. intellectualization ( )

296. intersex condition ()

297. introspection,

298. introversion

299. introvert

300. irritability

301. isolation

302. Klinefelter's syndrome

303. koro , ,

304. la belle indiffrence " ". , .

305. labile affect

306. latah - , - , .

307. latent content ( ).

308. learned helplessness (,

309. lethologica ( )

310. libido

311. locus coeruleus ( )

312. long-term memory

313. loosening of associations

314. loss of memory

315. loss of sexual power

316. loss of sleep

317. macropsia

318. madness

319. magical thinking

320. mania

321. maniac

322. manifest content () ( - , () )

323. masochism

324. megalomania

325. memory consolidation ( () )

326. mental

327. mental illness

328. mental or emotional transport

329. mental patient

330. mental retardation

331. mentally defective-

332. MHPG (3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol) ( , )

333. micropsia

334. middle insomnia ( )

335. mirroring ( , ; , )

336. mood

337. mood-congruent psychotic features

338. mood-incongruent psychotic features

339. negative symptoms ()

340. negativism

341. neologism

342. neuroleptic medications

343. neurotic disorder

344. neurotransmitter ()

345. nihilistic delusion

346. nystagmus

347. object relations ( )

348. obsession

349. oedipal stage ( ( 4-6 ) )

350. Oedipus complex ( )

351. olanzapine

352. olfactory hallucination

353. ontogenetic

354. operant conditioning (instrumental conditioning)"" - ,

355. oral stage ( ( ))

356. organic

357. orientation

358. orthostatic / postural hypotension ()

359. overcompensation

360. overdetermination ( , )

361. overvalued idea

362. panic attacks

363. paranoid ideation

364. parasomnia ( )

365. parkinsonism ( )

366. persecutory delusion

367. person in the grip of an obsession

368. personality,

369. phallic stage ( 1,5 6 , , - )

370. phobia ()

371. physically handicapped

372. piblokto ( , )

373. positive symptoms ()

374. preconscious

375. pregenital ( )

376. pressured speech ( )

377. prevalence

378. primary gain ( )

379. primary process ( - , )

380. process

381. prodrome

382. projection ( )

383. projective identification ( )

384. projective tests ( , )

385. prolactin

386. prosopagnosia ( )

387. pseudocyesis ( )

388. pseudodementia

389. psychical

390. psychoanalyse

391. psychoanalysis

392. psychoanalyst

393. psychoanalytic

394. psycholinguistics

395. psychological

396. psychological attack

397. psychologist

398. psychology

399. psychomotor agitation

400. psychomotor retardation

401. psychopath

402. psychopathic

403. psychopathology

404. psychopathy

405. psychosexual development

406. psychosis

407. psychosomatic

408. psychotherapeutic

409. psychotherapist

410. psychotherapy

411. psychotic, ,

412. psychotropic medication

413. quetiapine

414. rationalization ( )

415. ravings

416. reaction formation ( , , )

417. reality principle ( - , , )

418. receptor

419. reciprocal inhibition

420. regression

421. reinforcement ()

422. repetition compulsion

423. repression ( - )

424. residual phase ( )

425. respondent conditioning (classical conditioning, Pavlovian conditioning)

426. risperidone ()

427. schizophrenia

428. schizophrenic

429. screen memory

430. secondary gain (, )

431. secondary process ( - , , ).

432. self-agression

433. self-stigmatization

434. sensory extinction ( )

435. separation anxiety disorder ( , 18 , )

436. separation-individuation ( )

437. sex

438. sick role ( "" )

439. sign

440. signal anxiety (, )

441. simultanagnosia ( , )

442. sleep terror disorder ( )

443. social adaptation

444. somatic delusion

445. somatic hallucination

446. soul

447. spatial agnosia ( )

448. specialist on mental defects and physical handicaps

449. splitting ( )

450. stereotyped movements ( )

451. stigma

452. stigmatization

453. stigmatize

454. Stockholm syndrome ( () )

455. stressor ( )

456. structural theory ( - , , ).

457. study of mental defects and physical handicaps

458. stupor

459. sublimation

460. substitution ( )

461. suffering from mental illness

462. suggestibility , ..

463. suggestion

464. superego

465. suppression ( , , )

466. symbiosis ( ( - ) )

467. symbolization ( - )

468. symptom

469. syndrome

470. synesthesia

471. syntaxic mode ( )

472. systematic desensitization ( , , )

473. tactile hallucination

474. tangentiality,

475. tardive dyskinesia

476. temperament

477. temporary insanity

478. terminal insomnia ( )

479. termination , ( - )

480. therapeutic community ( )

481. therapeutic window

482. thioridazine

483. thought broadcasting ( )

484. thought disorder

485. thought insertion ( )

486. tic

487. to be delirious

488. to become degraded

489. to have hallucinations

490. tolerance

491. transsexualism

492. transvestism

493. trichotillomania ( )

494. trifluoperazine

495. typical / conventional antipsychotic

496. unconscious

497. undoing , ( " ", )

498. urophilia ( - )

499. verbigeration ( )

500. visual hallucination

501. voyeurism ( - ())

502. war hysteria

503. Wernicke's aphasia ( )

504. windigo ( , -)

505. withdrawal

506. withdrawal symptoms

507. word salad

508. zeitgeist ( )

509. zoophilia