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Great people of England. King Arthur. Kozhin Nikita 6A The teacher: Evlanova Anna Borisova

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Post on 19-Mar-2017




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Great people of England.

King Arthur. Kozhin Nikita 6A

The teacher: Evlanova

Anna Borisova

Arthur’s life

Born in the 5th century

The most famous Celts hero and knights in novels.

My questions:1) Are British legends interesting for you?

2) What British legends do you know?

3)Do you know which magician from Arthur’s legend is popular in British literature and also he was the prototype of the greatest wizards of Dark Ages?

4) Where is Arthur’s personality used?




Arthur and his nobleknights (5)

Robin Hood (9)

Hobbit (6)



Cartoons (2)


Cinematographyand literature (12)

Legend about Arthur Arthur was the first son of

King Utter and pretender to the throne.

Merlin advised that Arthur should be brought up in a secret place.

Proclamation of a new King

The sword:"Who pulls out this sword of this stone is the right wise born king of all England"

The Round TableThe Camelot

Castle. Now The Round

Table is one of the most famous symbols of those times.

Tragical love

Arthur’s love

Lancelot, the best knight

Arthur’s nephew

Arthur’s Death

Courage helped him to succeed in wars and to conquer new territories

Fairness people and knights loved and respected him

He was a far-sighted and good King

He cared about the future of his country and broadened its territories

Deserving leader and organizer

He gathered the best knights of the country and made them the strongest team in Britain.

The first works about Arthur

“Historia britonum”. Scientists think that it was finished in 800 by Nenyi

“12 battles of Arthur”. Geoffrey of Monmouth.

Thomas Malory. “Arthur’s Death”.

The book was written in prison

Combination of British and French styles.

Influence on literature Mark Twain, Mary Stuart,

Alfred Tennyson, Terrens White.

Fantasy as a genre R. R. Tolkien, Clive S.

Louise, and Steven King, which are very popular nowadays.


The sword in the stone Merlin (serial)King Arthur ExcaliburThe First Knight


• The project target and objectives were achieved. Thanks to my work with the project, I have learnt more about the history of England and King Arthur

• To acquaint my classmates with this theme, we have made the booklet, which tells about the King Arthur’s legends

You are welcome for your questions!