ЕГ Петрашевская · 2018-10-29 · 2 УДК 811.111 (073) ББК П30...

Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования города Москвы «МОСКОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ ИНДУСТРИИ ТУРИЗМА ИМЕНИ Ю.А.СЕНКЕВИЧА Факультет туризма и гостеприимства Кафедра лингвистического обеспечения профессиональной деятельности Е.Г. Петрашевская Professional English for Hospitality Students Английский язык профессиональный для специалистов индустрии гостеприимства Часть 5 Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения Москва 2018

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Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования города Москвы



Факультет туризма и гостеприимства

Кафедра лингвистического обеспечения профессиональной


Е.Г. Петрашевская

Professional English for Hospitality Students

Английский язык профессиональный для

специалистов индустрии гостеприимства

Часть 5

Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами

для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов

заочного отделения

Москва 2018

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УДК 811.111 (073)



доцент, кандидат педагогических наук,

И.Ю. Мишота

Рекомендовано учебно-методическим советом МГИИТ

в качестве учебного пособия для студентов II курса

по дисциплине «Английский профессиональный язык»

по направлению подготовки 43.03.03 «Гостиничное дело»

Е.Г. Петрашевская. Professional English for Hospitality Students. Английский

язык профессиональный для специалистов индустрии гостеприимства, Часть 5:

учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и

промежуточного контроля по дисциплине «Английский профессиональный

язык» по направлению подготовки 43.03.03 «Гостиничное дело» - M:МГИИТ,

2018, 207 с

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по

направлению подготовки 43.03.03 «Гостиничное дело». Пособие направлено на

формирование профессиональных компетенций студентов посредством

иностранного языка.

Пособие состоит из 4 модулей, соответствующих содержанию Рабочей

программы учебной дисциплины: «Инновации в гостиничном бизнесе в России и

за рубежом», «Перспективы развития гостиничного бизнеса в России»,

«Договорные отношения отельеров с туроператорами. Составление контракта»,

«Организация работы гостиницы в рыночном сегменте MICE. Прием и

обслуживание деловых клиентов»

Пособие составлено на основе оригинальных источников и дает

возможность ознакомиться с практикой гостиничного бизнеса и условиями

работы в сфере индустрии гостеприимства.

© МГИИТ. 2018

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Введение ……………………………………………………………. 4

Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы



Module 1 Modern Trends in the Hospitality Industry……………… 8

Module 2 Russian hospitality market trends………………………… 44

Unit 1 Russian hospitality market trends …………………………… 44

Unit 2 International hotel chains in Russia………………………….. 64

Unit 3 Moscow hotel market ……………………………………….. 70

Module 3 Hotel Contracting …………..…………………………… 90

Unit 1 Tour Operation Management: Allotment and Commitment



Unit 2 Code of Practice on the Relations between Hoteliers and

Travel Agents………………………………………………………...


Unit 3 Negotiating Agreements and Contracts………………………. 146

Module 4 Business Travel …………………………………………... 165

Unit 1 Mice Industry………………………………………………… 165

Unit 2 Business travel……………………………………………….. 176

Методические рекомендации для выполнения контрольной

работы № 5 (7 семестр)……………………………………………..


Контрольная работа № 5 (7 семестр) …………………………….. 193

Перечень вопросов для подготовки к экзамену………………….. 203

Перечень учебной литературы…………………………………….. 206

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Цель курса овладения английским профессиональным языком

заключается в формировании языковой, межкультурной

коммуникативной профессионально ориентированной компетенции,

которая позволит использовать иностранный язык в профессиональной и

научной деятельности.

В процессе изучения дисциплины решаются следующие основные

задачи: формирование социокультурной компетенции и поведенческих

стереотипов, необходимых для успешной адаптации выпускников на

рынке труда; развитие у студентов умения самостоятельно приобретать

знания для осуществления бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации

на иностранном языке – повышение уровня учебной автономии,

способности к самообразованию, к работе с мультимедийными

программами, электронными словарями, иноязычными ресурсами сети

Интернет; расширение кругозора и повышение информационной

культуры студентов; формирование представления об основах

межкультурной коммуникации, воспитание толерантности и уважения к

духовным ценностям разных стран и народов; расширение словарного

запаса и формирование терминологического аппарата на иностранном

языке в пределах профессиональной сферы.

На освоение дисциплины отводится 144 часа, из них 12 часов – для

установочных практических занятий, 124 часа - для самостоятельной

работы, 8 часов - экзамен.

Выпускник должен обладать следующими общекультурными


ОК-5 - способностью к коммуникации в устной и письменной

формах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач

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межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия.

В результате освоения дисциплины студенты должны

знать: лексический минимум для реализации профессиональной

деятельности; основные грамматические явления, характерные для

профессиональной речи; правила речевого этикета

уметь: использовать знания английского языка в профессиональной


владеть: способностью к деловым коммуникациям на английском

языке в профессиональной деятельности

Распределение часов по темам и видам занятий


Наименование разделов и тем лекции практи






7 семестр

15 Перспективы развития

гостиничного бизнеса

2 2 35 39

15.1 Инновации в гостиничном

бизнесе в России и за рубежом.

Открытие новых гостиниц и

перспективы развития

гостиничного бизнеса в Москве.

2 2 35 39

16. Работа отельеров с деловыми

партнерами. Составление


2 2 35 39

16.1 Структура типового контракта

и его обсуждение.

Уторговывание цены. Работа с

документацией. Деловая


2 2 35 39

17. Диверсификация

обслуживания в зависимости

от статуса клиента.

Организация работы

гостиницы в рыночном

сегменте MICE.

4 50 54

17.1 Прием и обслуживание важных

персон. Деловой туризм.

География деловых поездок.

4 34 38

17.2 Контрольная работа № 5 20 20

Экзамен 8

Всего в 7 семестре 4 8 124 144

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Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы студентов

Учебный материал для данного семестра состоит из 4 модулей,

соответствующих разделам Рабочей программы учебной дисциплины.

Модуль 1. Перспективы развития гостиничного бизнеса

Модуль 2. Перспективы развития гостиничного бизнеса в


Модуль 3. Работа отельеров с деловыми партнерами.

Составление контракта. Структура типового контракта.


Модуль 4. Диверсификация обслуживания в зависимости от

статуса клиента. Организация работы гостиницы в рыночном

сегменте MICE.

Каждый урок модуля содержит терминологический словарь,

профессионально-ориентированный текст, вопросно-ответные

упражнения, тренировочные лексические упражнения, упражнения на

выполнение перевода с русского на английский и с английского на

русский, вопросы для самоконтроля.

Тексты сопровождаются различными коммуникативными

тренировочными заданиями – предтекстовыми, послетекстовыми,

упражнениями, которые стимулируют коммуникативно-речевую

компетенцию студентов и готовят их к обсуждению профессиональных

проблем на английском языке. Каждый текст имеет несколько

упражнений, направленных на закрепление профессиональной и общей

лексики. Тексты имеют законченное содержание и легко поддаются

пересказу и обсуждению.

Уроки следует прорабатывать в следующем порядке:

1. Изучить терминологию.

2. Выполнить предтекстовые упражнения.

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3. Прочитать и перевести профессионально-ориентированный текст

на тему урока.

4. Выполнить послетекстовые упражнения.

5. Ответить на вопросы самоконтроля.

Курс «Английский профессиональный язык» построен на изученном

раннее грамматическом и лексическом материале в рамках учебной

дисциплины «Иностранный язык» и не предполагает изучение новых

грамматических структур.

По окончании вузовского курса обучения выпускники со степенью

бакалавра должны владеть профессионально ориентированной

межкультурной коммуникативной компетенцией на уровне B2-В2+

(согласно общеевропейской шкале), который предусматривает степень

сформированности соответствующих умений во всех видах речевой

деятельности для пользования языком в профессиональных целях.

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Modern Trends in the Hospitality Industry

Тема: Инновации в гостиничном бизнесе в России и за рубежом

10 Modern Trends in Hospitality Industry

Wellness tourism

Airbnb & CouchSurfing


Sharing economy


1. Study the vocabulary.

1. gluten-free food

a gluten-free diet (GFD) (a

diet that excludes gluten -

a protein composite found

in wheat, barley, rye)

- безглютеиновые продукты

(продукты без содержания

клейковины (глютен)

- безглютеновая диета (диета с

полным исключением глютена -

протеина, который содержится в

пшенице, ячмене и ржи)

2. organic food

(food produced by methods

of organic farming without

the use of

pesticides and fertilizers,

synthetic food additives or

genetically modified


- органические продукты

(биопродукты) (продукция

сельского хозяйства и пищевой

промышленности, без пестицидов,

минеральных удобрений,

искусственных пищевых добавок, и

генетически модифицированных


3. E-booking

(Internet Booking Engine

(IBE) - a website that allows

consumers and travel

agents to book flights, hotels,

- онлайн-бронирование (IBE)

(веб-сайт, который позволяет

потребителям и турагентам

бронировать авиабилеты,

гостиницы, турпакеты,

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holiday packages, insurance

and other services online)

страхование и другие услуги


4. wellness

(a healthy balance of the

mind, body and spirit that

results in an overall feeling

of well-being)

wellness tourism

- велнес

(концепция здорового образа

жизни, основанная на сочетании

физического и ментального

здоровья, правильного питания,

разумных физических нагрузок и

отказа от вредных привычек)

- велнес-туризм

5. tourism expenditure

(the total consumption

expenditure made by a

visitor, or on behalf of a

visitor for goods and services

during his/her trip and stay at

the destination place)

- расходы на туризм

(затраты туристов на

потребительские товары, услуги и

ценности, приобретаемые для и в

ходе осуществления туристских


6. sustainable

Sustainable tourism

Sustainable hospitality

- устойчивый, экологический

- экологически безопасный туризм,

устойчивый туризм

- экологическая безопасность в

гостиничном бизнесе

7. low budget tourism

a budget hotel

a budget airline (a low cost


- низкобюджетный туризм

- недорогая гостиница

- бюджетная

авиакомпания (авиакомпания,

которая предлагает крайне

низкую плату за проезд в обмен на

отказ от большинства

традиционных пассажирских


8. innovative technology - инновационные технологии

9. fingerprint scan room entry - доступ в номер по отпечатку

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пальца гостя

10. touch-screen in-room


- тачскрин консоль

11. infrared body scanner - сканер с инфра-красными лучами

12. social network - социальная сеть

13. sharing economy

- экономика участия, экономика

совместного использования

14. underutilized assets

- недостаточный уровень

использования активов

15. AirBnB (AirBed&Breakfast)

- «Эйрбиэнби» (онлайн-площадка

для размещения, поиска и

краткосрочной аренды частного

жилья по всему миру)

16. Couchsurfing

- каучсёрфинг (одна из

крупнейших гостевых сетей,

существующая в виде онлайн-

сервиса. Члены сети

предоставляют друг другу помощь

и ночлег во время путешествий и

организуют совместные


17. E-payment

(a payment for buying and

selling goods or services

offered through the Internet)

- электронная платежная система

(система расчетов при покупке-

продаже товаров и за различные

услуги через Интернет)

18. peer-to-peer (P2P)

peer-to-peer (P2P)

- одноранговая,

децентрализованная или

пиринговая сеть (оверлейная

компьютерная сеть, основанная

на равноправии участников)

- P2P технологии, принцип "клиент-

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technology клиент"

19. bitcoin - биткойн (виртуальная валюта)

20. Near Field

Communications (NFC)

- коммуникация ближнего поля,

ближняя бесконтактная связь

(технология бесконтактных карт,

которая объединяет интерфейс

смарт-карты и считывателя в

единое устройство)

21. Uber

- Убер

(сервис личных водителей,

который позволяет производить

заказ через приложение на


2. Translate the sentences.

1. People have become more and more concerned about health and they

tend to eat healthier food like gluten-free food and organic food.

2. E-booking is Internet Booking Engine (IBE) and Central Reservation

System (CRS) designed for direct on-line booking and

payment, intended for accommodation objects of all types and sizes.

3. Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind,

body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.

4. Wellness tourism represents US$439 billion market or 14% of world

tourism expenditures.

5. Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place as a tourist and

trying to make only a positive impact on the environment, society and


6. There are many low-budget options that would allow you to get to

your dream destination.

7. A budget hotel is the lowest category of hotel that provides the rooms

and meals at cheap cost.

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8. A budget airline, also called a low-cost carrier, is a flight carrier that

seeks to provide flight service at low cost, sometimes undercutting

traditional airlines by more than 50%.

9. Self Service Concierge is a touch smart screen kiosk located in the

lobbies of hotels, which can help a guest find out information

(restaurants, activities, flights) without the hassle of carrying a laptop

or waiting for someone to assist them.

10. Touch-screen in-room consoles are panels that are located in hotel

bathrooms, allowing guests to set the lighting, curtains and control

music to indulge in an ultimate relaxation experience.

11. Infrared scanners are used to minimize disruptions relating to

housekeeping (which is a common complaint from customers).

12. Social media has made a huge impact on the tourism industry.

13. Consumers engage with social networking sites to research trips,

make informed decisions about their travels and share their personal

experiences of a particular hotel, restaurant or airline.

14. Sharing your skills or providing goods or services for a fee is called the

sharing economy.

15. A sharing economy is an economic model based on sharing

underutilized assets from spaces to skills for monetary and non-

monetary benefits.

16. In hospitality industry the major players of the sharing economy are

AirBnB and Couchsurfing. They are providing users spaces ranging

from a simple couch to a castle in England. It is cheaper than staying at


17. Uber and Lyft is a convenient, inexpensive and safe taxi service.

18. Virtual currency uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no

central authority or banks.

19. Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically.

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20. Near-field communication (NFC) technology is the next-generation

short-range high frequency wireless communication technology that

gives users the ability to exchange data between devices.

3. Read the text and answer the questions.

10 Modern Trends in Hospitality Industry

1. Providing healthy food

People have become more and more concerned about health and they

tend to eat healthier food like gluten-free food and organic food. That’s

why travelers expect hotels to cater to their special needs.

2. E-booking

E-booking is Internet Booking Engine (IBE) and Central Reservation

System (CRS) designed for direct on-line booking and payment, intended

for accommodation objects of all types and sizes. By implementing E-

booking you can also increase your guests’ satisfaction by providing them

fast, simple and direct reservation.

E-booking is not only system for real-time reservations but also a

distribution tool. System is connected with all of 4 world leading GDS

(Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre, Worldspan) and in that way hotel is distributed

to date bases approached by 500 000 travel agents in the world. Even

more, at no additional cost you are distributed to IDS/ADS (Internet and

Alternative distribution systems) assembling more than 1200 web sites.

3. Providing wellness service

Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind,

body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. It has been

used in the context of alternative medicine. Alternative approaches to

wellness are often denoted by the use of two different phrases: health and

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wellness, and wellness programs. These kinds of wellness programs

offer alternative medicine techniques to improve wellness.

A research by SRI International for the Global Spa and Wellness

Summit (GSWS) found that wellness tourism represents US$439 billion

market or 14% of world tourism expenditures.

4. Extreme sports

“Extreme sports” is a popular term for certain activities perceived as

having a high level of danger. These activities often involve speed, height,

a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear. Participation

has grown exponentially as more and more people get bitten by the

extreme sports bug and want to experience the adrenaline high. These days

an extreme sport is a multi-billion dollar industry.


1. What are modern eating habits like? Why are hotels supposed to

provide healthy food?

2. In what way can e-booking increase guests’ satisfaction?

3. What are the four world leading GDS?

4. What is wellness? Why do you think wellness tourism should be

promoted in the future?

5. What activities do extreme sports involve?

5. Green sustainable tourism and hospitality

Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place as a tourist and

trying to make only a positive impact on the environment, society and


Why is sustainable hospitality important? The hospitality sector has a

significant impact on the environment through energy and water

consumption, use of consumable products, and solid and hazardous waste

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generation. With this massive ongoing use of products and resources there

is a need for environmental action to preserve the environment and

conserve resources for future generations.

6. Low budget tourism

These days, traveling is considered as a luxury for most people.

However, traveling does not necessarily mean spending exorbitant

amounts of money on expensive airfare and hotel accommodations. There

are many low-budget options that would allow you to get to your dream


Low budget hotels

A budget hotel is the lowest category of hotel that provides the

rooms and meals at cheap cost. Budget hotel offers the facilities required

to fulfill basic requirements such as daily room service, telephone,

television, air conditioning, mineral water, doctor on call, pick & drop

facility etc. Some budget hotels also have a multi-cuisine room and mini

bar. The infrastructure of budget hotel is not very large and usually

operated by the owner and innumerous staff.

Low budget airlines

A budget airline, also called a low-cost carrier, is a flight carrier

that seeks to provide flight service at low cost, sometimes undercutting

traditional airlines by more than 50%. Low cost airlines have familiarized

their customers with the ease of using the internet and they tend to be

comfortable constructing their own holiday arrangements via the web,

booking flights, hotels and hire car online, at home. Low cost airlines have

expanded and created many new markets in the last few years. This

expansion is going to continue and airlines will be looking for new

destinations to add to their networks.

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1. What is sustainable tourism? Why is sustainable hospitality


2. Why do you think low-budget tourism is going to be rapidly

developed? What does it involve?

3. What is a budget hotel? What facilities does it provide?

4. What is a budget airline?

7. Innovative technology

Technology is advancing at a faster pace than ever before, and this is

changing both the expectations of guests as well as the way in which the

hospitality industry conducts its business. Some of the trends in industry

are leading to great improvements and savings for hospitality industry

companies; while some are changing how hotel developers plan their

buildings, infrastructure, management structure and staffing requirements.

New innovative technology trends that are currently being used in

some hotels are the following:

The do-it-all remote (room personalization): This allows guests to dim

or turn on/off lights, control room temperature, open/close curtains,

order room service, turn on the ‘do not disturb’ sign, set wake-up calls,

view TV channels and movies all on the television with the click of a

button on a remote.

Self Service Concierge: This touch smart screen kiosk is located in

the lobbies of hotels, which can help a guest find out information

(restaurants, activities, flights) without the hassle of carrying a laptop

or waiting for someone to assist them.

Smartphone keyless room entry: Guests book their stay on their

handheld smartphone. On the day of arrival, they will receive a text

with their room number. Guests can then go straight up to the room and

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swipe their smartphone over the door handle. Guests can also check out

the same way they checked in via smartphone.

In room iPads/ tablet devices: These devices enable the guest to order

room service, housekeeping service, make appointments/reservations

all at one’s fingertips. Hotel managers can also use tablets in place of

the original in-room guide book.

Digital Door Viewer: This is a handy alternative to the old fashion

“peephole”. A little screen that is mounted on the inside of hotel room

doors, so guests are able to have a clear view of visitors while

eliminating all uncertainties before they open the door.

Touch-screen in-room consoles: They are panels that are located in

hotel bathrooms, allowing guests to set the lighting, curtains and

control music to indulge in an ultimate relaxation experience.

Infrared body scanners: Infrared scanners are now also used to

minimize disruptions relating to housekeeping (which is a common

complaint from customers). Instead of hanging a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign

on doors or having cleaning staff wake up traveling guests with knocks

and phone calls, hotel staff can take a more innovative approach by

using infrared scanners that will detect body heat within a room and tell

cleaning staff that they should rather come back later if the room is

currently occupied.

8. Social media promotion

Social media has made a huge impact on the tourism industry.

Consumers engage with social networking sites to research trips, make

informed decisions about their travels and share their personal experiences

of a particular hotel, restaurant or airline.

Sites such as Facebook and TripAdvisor have had a massive impact

on the hospitality industry, affecting the public image and reputation of a

property. Hotels that monitor and manage their online profiles are able to

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reach out to clients in their online space and deal with questions or

complaints quickly and on a public platform. Hotels that embrace this way

of interaction will find a whole new area in which to manage hotel/client


Role of social media: 78% consumers are influenced by posts made

by companies on social media while making purchases; 72 % consumers

trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.


1. Could you name some new innovative technology trends used in the

hospitality industry?

2. What kind of technology is the do-it-all remote?

3. What does Self Service Concierge technology imply?

4. What technology provides keyless room entry?

5. What is Digital Door Viewer like?

6. How do Touch-screen in-room consoles work?

7. In what way does Infrared body scanners technology help


8. What impact do social media make on tourism? What is its role?

9. Sharing economy

Sharing economy, also known as collaborative consumption, is a

trending business concept that highlights the ability (and perhaps the

preference) for individuals to rent or borrow goods rather than buy and

own them.

A sharing economy is an economic model based on sharing

underutilized assets from spaces to skills for monetary and non-monetary

benefits. In hospitality industry the major players of the sharing economy

are AirBnB and CouchSurfing. They are providing users spaces ranging

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from a simple couch to a castle in England. It is cheaper than staying at


Uber & Lyft is a convenient, inexpensive and safe taxi service. Hire a

private driver to pick you up and take you to your destination with the tap

of a button on your phone. The nearest driver is often at your pickup

location within minutes.

10. E-payment

Virtual currency that uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no

central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of

bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Hotels and travel

agencies around the world are starting to accept bitcoins as a form of

payment. Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held

electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or

euros – they’re produced by people. Bitcoin’s most important

characteristic, and the thing that makes it different to conventional money,

is that it is decentralized. No single institution controls the bitcoin

network. This puts some people at ease, because it means that a large bank

can’t control their money.

Another e-payment method is the NFC wallet like Apple Pay or

Google wallet that allows its users to score debit cards and credit cards. It

uses Near Field Communications (NFC) to “make secure payments fast

and convenient by simply tapping the phone on any PayPass-enabled

terminal at check-out.

Near-field communication (NFC) technology is the next-generation

short-range high frequency wireless communication technology that gives

users the ability to exchange data between devices. Communication

between NFC devices can transfer data at up to 424 kbits/second and the

communication is enabled when two devices touch each other, which

makes mobile payments (by touching the smart phone to a credit card) an

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instant, secure process. This technology is also ideal for self check-ins by

guests at hotels as well as the smart room keys.


1. What is a sharing economy? Who are the major players of the

sharing economy?

2. What is Uber & Lyft?

3. What e-payment methods are supposed to be used in hotels?

4. What is a bitcoin / NFC?

4. Complete the sentences with the words from the text.

1. People have become more and more concerned about health and they

tend to eat_________.

2. E-booking is Internet Booking Engine (IBE) and Central Reservation

System (CRS) designed for ______.

3. E-booking is not only system for real-time reservations but also


4. Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body

and spirit that results in _______.

5. “Extreme sports” is a popular term for certain activities perceived as


6. Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place as a tourist and

trying to ______.

7. There are many low-budget options that would allow you ______.

8. A budget hotel is the lowest category of hotel that provides _____.

9. A budget airline, also called a low-cost carrier, is a flight carrier that

seeks to provide flight service ______.

10. Some of the trends in industry are leading to great improvements and


11. The do-it-all remote (room personalization) allows guests to _____.

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12. Self Service Concierge is a touch smart screen kiosk located in the

lobbies of hotels _____.

13. Guests can then go straight up to the room and swipe ______.

14. In room iPads/ tablet devices enable the guest _______.

15. Digital Door Viewer is a handy alternative to _______.

16. Touch-screen in-room consoles are panels that are located in hotel

bathrooms, allowing guests _______.

17. Infrared scanners are now also used to minimize ______.

18. Social media has made a huge impact _______.

19. A sharing economy is an economic model based on sharing

underutilized assets from spaces to skills for _______.

20. Uber & Lyft is a convenient, inexpensive and safe _______.

21. Hotels and travel agencies around the world are starting to accept

bitcoins _____.

22. Near-field communication (NFC) technology is the next-generation

short-range high frequency wireless communication technology that

gives users ________.

5. Match the words with their definitions.

1. A gluten-free diet

2. Organic food

3. E-booking

4. Wellness

5. Wellness tourism

6. Sustainable tourism

7. A budget airline

8. A budget hotel

9. AirBnB

a. a healthy balance of the mind, body

and spirit that results in an overall

feeling of well-being

b. a payment for buying and selling

goods or services offered through

the Internet

c. activities perceived as having a

high level of danger

d. a website that allows consumers

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10. Couchsurfing

11. E-payment

12. Bitcoin

13. Near Field


14. Uber

15. Sharing economy

16. Extreme sports

and travel agents to book flights,

hotels, holiday packages, insurance

and other services online

e. a flight carrier that seeks to provide

flight service at low cost

f. food produced by methods

of organic without the use of

pesticides and fertilizers,

synthetic food addictives or

genetically modified products

g. the lowest category of hotel that

provides the rooms and meals at

cheap cost.

h. sharing skills or providing goods or

services for a fee

i. travel for the purpose of

promoting health and well-being

through physical, psychological, or

spiritual activities

j. a diet that excludes gluten,

a protein composite found in

wheat, barley, rye

k. the place to go online if you wish

to find accommodation around the

world for long or short periods of


l. a way of exploring places on a

budget without spending a lot of

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money on accommodation

m. the concept of visiting a place as

a tourist and trying to make only a

positive impact on the

environment, society and economy

n. a form of digital currency, created

and held electronically

o. short-range high frequency wireless

communication technology that

gives users the ability to exchange

data between devices

p. a convenient, inexpensive and

safe taxi service

Wellness tourism

6. Complete the text with the words from the box.

a. health-conscious b. wellness tourists c. account for

d. physical fitness e. tourism expenditures f. well-being

g. wellness tourism h. healthy diet i. a healthy lifestyle

1) _______is travel for the purpose of promoting health and

2)______ through physical, psychological, or spiritual activities. While

wellness tourism is often correlated with medical tourism because health

interests motivate the traveler, 3)

______ are proactive in seeking to

improve or maintain health and quality of life, often focusing on

prevention, while medical tourists generally travel reactively to receive

treatment for a diagnosed disease or condition.

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Within the US $3.4 trillion spa and wellness economy, wellness

tourism is estimated to total US$494 billion or 14.6 percent of all domestic

and international 4)

______. Wellness tourism is expected to grow 50

percent faster than the overall tourism industry over the next five years.

Wellness travelers pursue diverse services, including 5)

_____ and

sports; beauty treatments; 6)

_____ and weight management; relaxation

and stress relief; meditation; yoga; and health-related education. Wellness

travelers may seek procedures or treatments using conventional,

alternative, complementary, herbal, or homeopathic medicine.

More and more hotel guests seek to maintain 7)

_____ while traveling.

Global hotel groups have developed and promoted programs to attract

these 8)

_____ guests. Programs include healthy menu options, relaxation

programs, spa services, and fitness facilities and classes. Internationally,

45 percent of hotel guests indicated that the existence of a hotel spa was an

important factor in their booking decision.

Wellness tourism is now an identifiable niche market in at least 30

countries. 20 countries accounted for 85 percent of global wellness

tourism expenditures in the past few years. The top five countries alone

(United States, Germany, Japan, France, Austria) 9)

______ more than half

the market (59 percent of expenditures).

7. Explain in what way wellness tourism is different from medical


8. Render the text into English.

Велнес - концепция здорового образа жизни, основанная на

сочетании физического и ментального здоровья, правильного

питания, разумных физических нагрузок и отказа от вредных

привычек. Главная задача велнеса — предотвращение и

профилактика болезней, а также признаков старения, как внешних,

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так и внутренних. Велнес — это философия благополучия человека

во всех сферах его бытия: духовной, социальной и физической. Тот,

кто живёт согласно с философией велнеса — удачен, полон энергии,

оптимистичен и бодр вне зависимости от возраста. Он уделяет

внимание внешнему виду своего тела, следует принципам здорового

питания, умеренно использует физические нагрузки. Основные

принципы философии велнес: движение; умственная активность;

расслабление и гармония; красота и уход за телом; сбалансированное


9. What have you learnt about wellness tourism? Why do you think it

is so popular nowadays?

Airbnb & CouchSurfing

10. Complete the text with the words from the box.

a. accommodation b. booking c. browse

d. preferences e. residential f. online

g. message h. properties

What is Airbnb?

Airbnb is the place to go 1)

_____ if you wish to find 2)


around the world for long or short periods of time.

You will be able to find virtually anything from a small room, bed

and breakfast hotel of a whole house or apartment.

The site is a marketplace with thousands of cities to choose from. It

is a home-stay network enabling people to list or rent short-

term lodging in 3)

_______ properties, with the cost of such

accommodation set by the property owner. You can set your 4)


according to budget, room size and many other requirements that you may

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have, so you get what you exactly want. These 5)

_______ and even boats

are available in over two hundred countries around the globe.

The company receives percentage service fees from both guests and

hosts for every 6)

______. It has over 2,000,000 listings in 34,000 cities

and 191 countries.

Airbnb was founded in August 2008, it is headquartered in San

Francisco, California, and is privately owned and operated. After its

inauguration, the site expanded to include properties in the market

between hotels and Couchsurfing.

The way that the business works is that you can 7)

_____ through the

website by first choosing a city that you are going to stay in and browse

the properties available.

You will be able to read extensive information on the property and

view clear photos of the accommodation. The unique part of this is it is not

like just staying at a hotel or empty apartment. These are people’s real

homes that you can rent a room in and the owners will be there too.

Once that you have identified a place that you would like to stay in,

the city of your choice, you can then 8)

______ the owner directly to get

further information or advice.

11. Render the text into English.

Airbnb — это онлайн-площадка для размещения, поиска и

краткосрочной аренды частного жилья по всему миру.

Пользователи Airbnb имеют возможность сдавать

путешественникам в аренду своё жильё целиком или частично. Сайт

предоставляет платформу для установления контакта между

хозяином и гостем, а также отвечает за обработку транзакций. Airbnb

предлагает более 2 000 000 домов, квартир или комнат в 192 странах

и 33 000 городах.

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Airbnb (изначально AirBed&Breakfast — «надувной матрас и

завтрак») был основан в августе 2008 года в Сан-Франциско.

Аренда частного жилья через Airbnb, по сравнению с отелями,

обладает рядом преимуществ:

Стоимость. Нередко, особенно в крупных городах, через Airbnb

можно найти более выгодные предложения, чем в отелях. Либо, за

те же самые деньги, можно получить гораздо более

привлекательные условия — лучшее расположение, бóльшую

площадь, наличие кухни, бытовой техники, бассейна и т. д.

Домашний комфорт. Нередко, квартиры в airbnb сдаются

полностью укомплектованые — в них есть всё, что нужно для

привычной жизни. В связи с этим в квартире вас будет ждать

домашняя атмосфера и возможность поближе познакомиться с

культурой страны изнутри.

Общение. Как правило, для хозяев, сдача в аренду своей комнаты

или квартиры в airbnb — это не только способ заработка, но и

возможность пообщаться с иностранцами. Поэтому, нередко, они

будут рады поговорить, рассказать вам о родном городе, дать

ценные советы и рекомендации.

Возможность уточнить детали жилья заранее. Перед тем, как

забронировать ту или иную квартиру, Airbnb предоставляет

возможность списаться с хозяином и получить ответы на

интересующие вопросы.

Социализация. Если ваш профиль в Airbnb связан с аккаунтом в

«Фейсбуке», вы сможете увидеть, где останавливались ваши

друзья и спросить их о впечатлениях от этого места.

Наличие стартового бонуса. При регистрации в airbnb по

рекомендации друга, вы получаете купон номиналом в 20

долларов, который можно использовать при бронировании жилья.

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Профили пользователей Airbnb (как гостей, так и хозяев)

содержат рекомендации, рейтинг и отзывы, оставленные другими


Оплата за бронирование проходит непосредственно через сайт

Airbnb, при этом полная сумма удерживается компанией в течение

24-х часов после предполагаемой даты заселения, предоставляя

гостю возможность убедиться, что жилье соответствует описанию и

фотографиям, и только после этого переводится хозяину.

После выезда хозяин и гость оставляют друг другу отзывы и

оценки по определенному набору критериев, что впоследствии

формирует рейтинг обоих.

12. Complete the text with the -ing form or infinitive of the verbs in


Couchsurfing is a great way of (explore) places on a budget without

(spend) a lot of money on accommodation. Moreover, you can meet

amazing people who can look after you and show you around the city. It’s

a great alternative for solo travellers (not / feel) lonely or for those who

are looking for new friendship and fun.

Couchsurfing has been created by Casey Fenton – an American who

set up a web portal that offers its users hospitality exchange (free couch to

sleep on, (show) around the place, etc.) and social networking services

(helping each other with travel issues). The idea is very simple and the

portal couchsurfing.org is getting bigger and bigger each day with more

than one million registered users from more than 70.000 cities. It’s free of

charge and easy (set up). You just need (fill) in some personal

information, add some photos and get references (look) more reliable.

Members are encouraged (review) references left for someone before

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(host) or (stay) with them. Members are also encouraged (review)

negative references.

Couchsurfing can dramatically lower your expenses when (travel)

in expensive places. Hosts are usually interested in (learn) about your

culture, (practice) English, or just (enjoy) your company as a break from

their regular routine. Typically, the only thing asked in return for a free

stay is some level of interaction, although (take) a gift to your host is a

nice gesture.

13. Role play the conversation.

- I was wondering what CouchSurfing is?

- CouchSurfing is a hospitality and social networking website. It

provides a platform for members to "surf" on couches by staying as a

guest at a host's home, host travelers, meet other members, or join an

event. CouchSurfing is a way for travelers to meet locals in the place

they’re going; it’s a way to find some free accommodation but also to

make some great friends in a new city and to learn about a culture that

otherwise you’ve never learnt about.

- So, are you actually staying on someone’s couch?

- While the term "couch surfing" refers simply to staying with hosts

while you travel, most people associate the concept

with couchsurfing.com, a social site to help budget travelers and

backpackers to meet potential hosts in different countries. Many people

offer just a couch, some people offer a spare room, some people offer

just a space in the backyard to pitch a tent, so it can be anything.

- Where can you do couchsurfing, then?

- Couchsurfing has about 600,000 members spread in 226 different

countries, provinces and regions.

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- Although constant bombardment of bad news from the media makes

staying with complete strangers seem inherently dangerous, how can

couchsurfing help weed out bad hosts and guests?

- Surfing offers some safety features. First, you can choose what type of

host you wish to stay with (e.g., male, female, couple, etc) and can get

a feel for their personalities based on their public profiles. We also

have a verification system and we use credit cards to verify who you

are. There is also a references system. You can see reviews left by

other travelers who stayed before you, and even contact those travelers

to see if they had a good experience and would stay with a particular

host again.

- How does it work?

- The idea is very simple and the portal couchsurfing.org is getting

bigger and bigger each day. The way that the business works is that

you can browse through the website by first choosing a city that you

are going to be staying in. Then you are given a list of profiles with

some small data. You can look through a person’s profile, going maybe

through five or six before you can find somebody who you think you

can be friends with. Then you send them an email.

- So is it free?

- It’s free of charge and easy to set up. You just need to fill in some

personal information, add some photos and get references to look more

reliable. Members are encouraged to review references left for

someone before hosting or staying with them. Members are also

encouraged to review negative references.

14. Render the text into English.

CouchSurfing - одна из крупнейших гостевых сетей,

существующая в виде онлайн-сервиса. Объединяет более 7

миллионов человек в 246 странах. Члены сети предоставляют друг

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другу помощь и ночлег во время путешествий и организуют

совместные путешествия.

Миссией каучсёрфинга является «создание вдохновляющего

опыта». Идея состоит в том, чтобы активизировать межкультурный

обмен и общение людей в дружеской неформальной обстановке. Это

даёт возможность реализовать естественное желание узнавать что-то

новое, обмениваться опытом в различных сферах жизни. В том числе,

благодаря такому общению людей из разных стран, представителей

разных культур и национальностей, они имеют возможность

взглянуть на многие международные проблемы с разных сторон.

Большое внимание уделяется обеспечению безопасности

участников при путешествиях. Для этого существует несколько

инструментов, дающих возможность узнать мнение других

участников об интересующем пользователе, и система верификации

имени и адреса пользователя. Также периодически администрация

сайта рассылает всем участникам информацию о правилах

безопасности или, реже, о выявленных мошенниках.

15. What alternative kinds of accommodation can be recommended to

those people who don’t feel like staying in a hotel? What are pros

and cons of each type?


16. Have you ever been sitting in a taxi, watching the meter run up,

and wondering if it’s ever going to stop? Were you maybe wishing

that you could have known beforehand how much it would have

cost you for your ride? Have you ever stood outside in the rain,

waiting for a cab that never showed up? Have you ever wished that

your driver knew exactly where you were going, and never needed

directions? Travis Kalanick and Garret Camp knew people who

did, and that’s why they founded Uber in 2009. So what exactly is

Uber? Read the text and find out.


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You hate sitting up in taxi and watching the cost of your ride keep

going up the longer you’re in the car? Ever wished you could’ve known

the cost of your trip ahead of time? If you’re tired of the inconveniences

that come along with traditional taxi services you should give Uber a try.

What exactly is Uber? Uber is an independent taxi company that

hires drivers who use their own vehicles. Drivers log in into the Uber app

on the mobile device to show that they’re available to drive, and

passengers can request rides using the app.

Enter the address of where you want to be picked up and where you

want to be dropped off and pay for your ride with your credit card right in

the Uber app. There’s no exchange of cash involved.

Uber is currently available in over 75 countries and over 500 major

cities in the urban areas worldwide.

So how does Uber work?

There are 6 ways you can use Uber

1. You can download Uber app, and sign up for an account for free.

Uber is available on mobile devices such as smarphones or tablet

computers. The sign-up process is fact, easy and free. Click the

annotation on your screen now. To go to our sign-up Uber tutorial.

2. You can decide on the type of car you’d like to be picked up in as

well as input your pick-up and drop-off locations. With Uber there’s

no need to flag down ride on a crowded city street. Your driver will

pick you up and drop you off at the location you specify on the app.

You can even choose to be picked up in a luxury vehicle or request

Uber XL if you’re sharing a ride with friends.

3. After requesting your ride you can keep tabs on your driver. A

tracker on the vehicle picking you up will appear on your screen and

you can track their position and know their estimated time of arrival

(ETA) to pick you up. You’ll also be able to see information about

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your ride such as your driver’s name, profile picture, license plate

number and the type of car. Uber will even send you a notification

when your car arrives.

4. If you’re more interested in saving money than time, you can try out

UberPool. UberPool allows users to share rides with other users

who are going the same way you are. In exchange for sharing your

ride you can save up to 50% on the cost of your trip.

5. You can take advantage of Uber promotions by referring your

friends and family. If one of your friends signs up for Uber using

your code, you can earn credit towards a free ride.

6. You can sign up to join Uber’s fleet. You can make money by

driving in your spare time. If you’d like to drive, sign up as an Uber

driver, pass a few security checks and meet their quotas for ride

acceptance rates and you can work as an Uber driver when it’s

convenient for you. You get to keep 80% of each fare you collect.

17. Complete the sentences with missing information from the text.

1. Uber is an _________ taxi company that hires drivers who use their

own _______.

2. Drivers log in into the Uber app on the mobile device to show that

they’re _________to drive.

3. Enter the address of where you want to be picked up and where you

want ________.

4. Pay for your ride with your _________ right in the app.

5. Uber is currently available in over ____ countries and over _____

major cities in the urban areas worldwide.

6. You can download Uber app, and sign up for an account for _____.

7. You can decide on the type of car you’d like______.

8. Your driver will pick you up and drop you off at the location ______.

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9. You’ll be able to see information about ______.

10. UberPool allows users to share rides with ______.

11. You can make money by ________.

12. If you’d like to drive, sign up as an Uber driver, pass _______ and

meet their quotas for ________.

13. You get to keep _______of each fare you collect.

18. Work in pairs. Your partner would like to use Uber service. Give

him all the information he needs.

1. Could you explain to me what kind of service is Uber?

2. What am I supposed to do to start using Uber?

3. What program should I install on my iPhone to use this service?

4. What methods of payments are used for this kind of service?

19. Give the Russian equivalents of the following phrasal verbs and use

them in examples of your own.

▪ pick sb up ▪ drop sb off ▪ sign up ▪ sign in ▪ set up

20. Render the text into English.

Uber - это сервис личных водителей, который позволяет

производить заказ через приложение на вашем смартфоне. При заказе

вы можете выбрать класс автомобиля, начальную и конечную точки

маршрута. Система найдет ближайшего к вам водителя и сообщит об

этом. По завершении каждой поездки вы оцениваете уровень сервиса.

При регистрации вы привязываете к вашему аккаунту банковскую

карту, денежные средства за поездки списываются с нее. Нет

необходимости беспокоится о наличных и сдаче. Такси Убер

работает в 53 странах. В России Uber работает в Москве и Санкт-


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Sharing economy

21. Complete the text with the words from the box.

a. accommodation b. a fee c. the sharing economy

d. skilled services e. service provider f. participate

g. a tax h. ride sourcing i.

What is the sharing economy?

People share all kinds of things. But did you know that if you receive

money for some of the things you share, you may need to pay 1)


Sharing your skills or providing goods or services for 2)

______ is called 3)

______. When a third party, commonly called a facilitator, connects a 4)

_________ and a buyer often through an app or website, that is part of the

sharing economy. The sharing economy includes services such as 5)

_______ (when you transport passengers for a fare), renting out a room, a

whole house or apartment as 6)

________, renting out a parking space,

providing 7)

_______ like building a website, or doing trade-related work,

or completing odd jobs or errands for money.

When you 8)

_______ in the sharing economy, you need to consider if

what you are paid needs to be included in your tax return (налоговая

декларация). If so, you may also be entitled to deductions. Depending on

the service you provide, such as ride-sourcing, or how much you earn, you

may also have to register for and pay GST (Goods & Services Tax – налог

на товары и услуги). For more information about the sharing economy

and what it means for you, go to ato.gov.au/sharingeconomy.

22. Render the text into English.

В XXI веке людям хочется быть, прежде всего, мобильными. Это

подразумевает отказ от обладания собственностью. Интернет-

технологии подхватили этот тренд, предоставили возможность

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людям связаться друг с другом, что породило возникновение нового

вида экономики — экономики шеринга.

Нет никаких сомнений в том, что концепция совместного

использования приходит на смену классическим моделям

потребления, создавая новую рыночную парадигму – шеринговую


Люди все чаще вступают в разные формы экономического

шеринга, будь то использование Uber или бронирование проживания

через Airbnb. Темпы роста экономики, при которой человек

превращается в поставщика услуг, превышают 25% в год.

В любой точке мира теперь можно быстро и дешево обзавестись

всем необходимым, а, сидя дома, заставить ненужные вещи

приносить реальный доход. Да, и экология выигрывает — ведь

потребление снижается.

Сервисом, который дал ощутимый толчок для развития экономики

деления, стал Airbnb. При помощи сайта можно сдать свою квартиру

на несколько дней очень быстро. Многие поступают так, уезжая

куда-нибудь за границу и оставляя квартиру новому жильцу. С

другой стороны, удобно приехать в другой город или страну и снять

комнату, еще и получив при этом хозяина, который может

поделиться знаниями о месте.


23. Read and translate the text about E-booking.

The Advantages of Online Reservations

E-booking is Internet Booking Engine (IBE) and Central Reservation

System (CRS) designed for direct on-line booking and payment, intended

for accommodation objects of all types and sizes.

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Gone are the days when you have to make trips to the local travel

agency to reserve airfares or book a hotel for the night. Today, if you have

a credit card handy and access to the Internet, you can finalize your travel

plans within minutes. Take advantage of some of the benefits of online

reservations to save both time and money, to ensure a stress-free vacation.


One advantage of booking a hotel, flight or car rental online is the

convenience. Being able to make all your travel plans on the Internet

means you can do it any time of the day or night at home, or while you're

on your lunch break at the office. Customers on the go can even make

reservations on their smartphones or tablets. There's no need for lengthy

phone calls or visits to a travel agency - with just a few minutes and a

click of the mouse, you’ll have all your plans finalized.


You can shop around when making online reservations and choose the

best price. Many hotel and airline websites boast of having the lowest

prices and even offer Internet-only offers for travelers, which are deeply

discounted. You might be caught paying an extra fee to speak with

customer service representatives if you make travel arrangements over the

phone, so another advantage of booking online is saving money on all

those extra hidden fees.

Changes and Cancelations

It’s simple for travelers to change or cancel online reservations. Instead

of calling the hotel or airline and waiting for a customer service

representative to help you through the process, booking online means you

can do it wherever you have Internet access. Hotels such as the Fairmont

(fairmont.com) and the Marriott (marriott.com) provide bookings with no

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cancellation fees, while Virgin America (virginamerica.com) provides free

online changes and cancellations within 24-hours of departure.

Customer Reviews

Making a reservation over the phone or at a travel agency doesn't allow

you to check out what past customers have thought of hotel chains or

certain airlines. Another benefit of making online reservations is being

able to see these customer reviews. Skytrax (airlinequality.com) features

over 4 million reviews of airlines on everything from seat comfort to

airport lounges. TripAdvisor (tripadvisor.com) is another place to read

customer reviews, with hotels, flights, attractions and even restaurants

among the places reviewed.

Here is the standard algorithm for online hotel booking:

1. The client enters the online booking system website and reads through

the booking rules.

2. Next, one locates a suitable hotel and, having made sure there are

vacant rooms available and filled in all the relevant information fields,

sends the order directly over to the hotel by email.

3. The hotel’s automatic control system automatically processes the order

and sends a preliminary confirmation along with the terms and

conditions of prepayment, and the name of the potential client is

entered into the waiting list.

4. Upon receipt of relevant guarantees from the client (a deposit, a letter

of commitment, etc.), the hotel makes a final confirmation of the room

or seat having been booked.

5. The booking information is entered into the occupancy schedule with a

subsequent automatic change of the status of the hotel’s room supply

on the website.

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The advantages of booking hotels online

Making instant payments for orders on the website.

The client immediately receives a guarantee of check-in at the

hotel’s prices.

The client can pick for oneself the length of stay, the room category,

and a set of additional hotel services.

There is no need for the hotel to get in touch with the client, since

booking takes places automatically without administrator


The hotel establishes the size of quotes for rooms to be booked

online, all the prices, and the availability of additional services.

The system works autonomously around the clock 24 hours 7 days a


24. Speak about the advantages of E-booking both for guests and


25. What does the hotel room of the future look like? What innovative

hotel concepts and solutions meet the challenges of a changing

world? Read the text “Future Hotel” and find out.

Future Hotel

Innovative concepts and solutions for the hotels of tomorrow

What does the hotel room of the future look like? What innovative

hotel concepts and solutions meet the challenges of a changing

world? How do hotels of the future benefit from new material

products and technologies?

How is the hotel sector being influenced by global trends such as

demographic change, growing environmental awareness and

increasing mobility?

What will be the requirements of hotel guests in the future?

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The future hotel project is a conjoint project from the Fraunhofer

Institute for Industrial Engineering and business partners. The research

faces the challenges and opportunities for the hotels of the future. The

future hotel showcase is in the in-house research center in Dortmund. This

is where the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering trials

innovative ideas and solutions for the hotel of 2020.

The futuristic interior has been designed to increase the guest’s

feeling of well-being during their stay. The guest of tomorrow won’t need

a key. It will be possible to enter a hotel room using a pin code sent in

advance to the guest’s mobile phone.

Sensors in the floor will pick up the guest’s movements and change

the lighting accordingly. The guest can adjust the colour of the light

according to his or her needs. It doesn’t matter whether the guest prefers

refreshing green, energizing blue or inspiring orange. There is a choice of

mood lighting.

It’s possible to change the business hotel room into a spa area

within seconds. The energy bed promises complete relaxation. A simple

command from the guest starts the bed gently rocking. ‘Energy bed is on’.

Actually, energy bed is activated. The energy bed rocks and the guest can

completely relax at the end of a tiring day.

Cool, white and warm wood are combined in the bathroom to create

a pleasant atmosphere. At the touch of a button it can be transformed into

a spa.

There are infrared light set into the wall which create a sauna-like

atmosphere while the guest enjoys a relaxing reflexology massage in the


The room is gently perfumed with one of a choice of room sense.

The guest can relax in the future spa while enjoying the best view of the

display screen in the bathroom.

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In this hotel room the guest has an ideal work environment.

Laptops, etc. can be quickly integrated and task completed.

Another feature of the future hotel showcase is the concealed

display wall. One command is enough to transform the generous window

into an enormous screen. The hotel guest can participate in a video

conference or look at his or her own pictures. An evening spent watching a

film becomes a special event thanks to this display wall.

A guest at the hotel of the future can give voice commands to the

room computer. “Call room service!”, “I’ll connect you gladly.” Or get the

information he or she needs quickly and easily. “What’s for lunch today?”

“Vienna schnitzel with fries and salad”. A robot quickly and discreetly

fulfills the wishes of the guest. It brings shoes to the bed or fetches a

refreshing drink from a central stock.

The innovative power of the future hotel project stems from the

collaboration between forward-looking industry and top researchers. This

model of collaborative research makes it possible to undertake extremely

detailed research and development thanks to joint financing initiatives.

The Frounhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering future hotel project

shows the way forward to an innovative and successful future for the hotel


26. Choose the correct answer.

1. The future hotel project is a conjoint project from the Fraunhofer

Institute for Industrial Engineering and…

a. business partners b. hoteliers c. governmental structures

2. The futuristic interior has been designed to increase… during their


a. the guest’s satisfaction b. the guest’s feeling of well-being

c. the guest’s comfort

3. It will be possible to enter a hotel room using…

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a. a smart key b. a keycard c. a pin code sent in advance to the

guest’s mobile phone

4. Sensors in the floor will pick up the guest’s movements and change

a. the lighting accordingly

b. the temperature accordingly

c. the furnishings accordingly

5. It’s possible to change the business hotel room into …. within


a. a working area b. a spa area c. a leisure area

6. The energy bed promises…

a. speedy recovery b. relaxing massage c. complete relaxation

2. A simple command from the guest starts the bed …

a. moving b. gently rocking c. swinging

3. At the touch of a button the bathroom can be transformed into…

a. a sauna b. a spa c. a beauty salon

4. The guest enjoys a relaxing reflexology massage in the …

a. Jacuzzi b. sauna c. bathtub

5. The guest can relax in the future spa while enjoying the best view

of the …. in the bathroom.

a. hotel b. garden c. display screen

6. In this hotel room the guest has an ideal …

a. work environment b. relaxing atmosphere c. spa treatment

7. Another feature of the future hotel showcase is the concealed

display wall. One command is enough to transform the generous

window into …

a. a display wall b. an enormous screen c. a huge plasma TV

8. A guest at the hotel of the future can give voice commands to the…

a. concierge b. room computer c. receptionist

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9. …. quickly and discreetly fulfills the wishes of the guest. It brings

shoes to the bed or fetches a refreshing drink from a central stock.

a. A bellboy b. A robot c. A valet attendant

10. The innovative power of the future hotel project stems from the

collaboration between forward-looking industry and …

a. business partners b. top researchers c. hotel experts

Design a hotel of the future and present it to the class. Think


Reservations & check-in procedures

Interior design

In-room innovative technologies

Services & Facilities

Speak about hospitality industry modern trends and



a. Name modern trends used in the hospitality industry.

b. In what way can both guests and hotels benefit from e-booking?

c. What is wellness? What’s the difference between medical

tourism and wellness tourism?

d. Why are sustainability issues very important in the hospitality


e. What does low-budget tourism involve? What is a budget hotel/


f. Name some new innovative technology trends used in the

hospitality industry.

g. What impact do social media make on hospitality?

h. What is the sharing economy? Who are the major players of the

sharing economy?

i. What e-payment methods are supposed to be used in hotels?

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Russian hospitality market trends

Тема: Инновации в гостиничном бизнесе в России. Открытие новых

гостиниц и перспективы развития гостиничного бизнеса в Москве

Unit 1 Russian hospitality market trends

Unit 2 International hotel chains in Russia

Unit 3 Moscow hotel market

Unit 1

Russian hospitality market trends

1. Study the vocabulary.

1. a bid - заявка

2. a bunk

a bunk bed

- спальное место, койка

- двухярусная кровать

3. to cater

to cater for (costumers)

to cater to

to cater to sb’s needs

- обслуживать

- обслуживать клиентов

- удовлетворять, угождать

- удовлетворять требованиям

4. a classification system for

the tourism industrial

facilities, hotels and other

accommodations, ski trails

and beaches (Order Nº 35)

- классификация объектов

туристской индустрии,

включающих гостиницы и

иные средства размещения,

горнолыжные трассы,

пляжи (Приказ от 25

Января 2011 г. № 35)

5. a city break - короткий отдых в городе,

поездка в город на

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непродолжительный срок

6. a communal apartment - коммунальная квартира

7. deficiency - дефицит

8. demand

demand and supply

to demand

- требование; потребность;


- спрос и предложение

- требовать

9. to define - определять, обозначать

10. a dormitory (dorm) - общая спальня

11. to forecast


- прогнозировать

- прогноз

12. franchise

to franchise


a franchised hotel


franchising operation

- франшиза (лицензии на

право торговли с

использованием торговой

марки и технологий


- продавать франшизы

- франшизный,


- франшизная гостиница

- франчайзинг

- франшизная деятельность

13. income

syn. revenue

- доход

14. lodging

lodging facilities

lodging property

- размещение, временное


- средства размещения

- предприятие размещения

15. on par with - наравне с

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16. optional - необязательный

17. profitable - прибыльный, рентабельный

18. property

lodging property

- предприятие, учреждение

- предприятие размещения

19. to renovate

syn. to refurbish

- обновлять, реставрировать,



20. to retain - удерживать, сохранять

21. target group - целевая группа, аудитория

22. turnover - оборот (капитала),


23. upscale - элитарный, элитный

2. Translate the sentences.

1. The tourism and hospitality industry is a rapidly growing and highly

profitable industry.

2. The world Tourism organization (UNWTO) forecasts that

international tourism will continue to grow at an average rate of 4% up

to the year 2020.

3. Old-type Soviet hotels have been renovated to match the international


4. Moscow and St. Petersburg account for 70% of the Russian hospitality

market turnover.

5. Today’s hoteliers must be creative and continually invest new ways in

order to attract new guests and to retain the regular customers.

6. Due to the fact that the hotel business is able to provide a steady

income to the federal budget, the number of hotels and accommodation

in Russia is growing every year.

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7. Numerous hotels and resorts are now highly motivated to invest their

resources in Russia either directly or through franchising structures.

8. While there is a growing demand for 2-3 star hotels, in the Russian

capital, the business is however focused on luxury or upscale segment.

9. In 2010 Russia won the right to host 2018 FIFA World Cup. Some

Russian cities that were included in the bid to host the event have

insufficient room supply.

10. The present-day construction in the cities which are going to host the

2018 FIFA World Cup events is aiming at covering the deficiency of

quality accommodation.

11. Luxury hotels of Moscow and St. Petersburg have the same standards

as any international five-star hotels. The prices here are on par with or

even higher than in Paris and New York.

12. The range of services and the number of facilities in guest houses is


13. Unlike hotels the guest houses are not monitored by the number of

government structures. That is why the room taxes are defined by the

free market.

14. The guest houses are especially typical for resort cities. They cater to

tourists coming to have a rest by the sea.

15. In the past there were many communal apartments in St. Petersburg

centre with communal use of the bathroom and kitchen.

16. Since apartments in many ways are more comfortable than hotels and

less expensive, this has become a very popular way to stay for guests

coming for city breaks.

17. Motels in Russia cater for a different target group than simply

motorists. They are a mixture of a mini-hotel and a motel, in fact.

That’s why calling this type of accommodation “a motel” is rather a

marketing strategy.

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18. Russian hostels are a budget-oriented sociable accommodation, where

guests can rent a bed in a dormitory, share a bathroom, lounge and

sometimes a kitchen.

19. In 1993 Russian Youth Hostel Association (RYHA) was founded. At

present it combines the lodging facilities in St. Petersburg, Moscow,

Novgorod, Petrazavodks, and Irkutsk.

3. Read the text and answer the questions.

Russian hospitality market trends

The tourism and hospitality industry is a rapidly growing and highly

profitable industry; it is one of the most important parts of the service

market. The world Tourism organization (UNWTO) forecasts that

international tourism will continue to grow at an average rate of 4% up to

the year 2020; perceiving Russia’s potentials to receive annually at least

70 million foreign and Russian tourists.

Tourism in Russia ranges from winter, business, education and

medical travel to cultural, sustainable and ecotourism. UNWTO views

Russia as a country with great potentials for tourism development. A

country that spans nine time zones from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok is a

multi-national and multi-religious state where Europe meets Asia and is

the largest country in the world. Natural miracles can be found

everywhere: Geysers of Kamchatka, the Altai, snow-capped Caucasus

Mountains, Siberian Taigas, Lake Baikal, picturesque Volga and the

Golden Ring. Combined with her art, architecture and culture, Russia is a

place of dreams for any adventurous traveller.

Although hotel development was neglected by investors for many

years, its development has recently come back into the spotlight. Many

travel professionals state that there are three main tourists’ needs each city

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should cater to: sightseeing, restaurants, and accommodation. If any of

these components does not fulfill the guests’ wishes, it immediately

influences his or her willingness to come back again.


1. What international tourism growth does the World Tourism

Organization (UNWTO) forecast?

2. Why is Russia considered to be a country with great potentials for

tourism development?

3. What types of tourism are well developed in Russia?

4. What tourists’ needs should be catered to according to travel


Today’s hoteliers must be creative and continually invest new ways

in order to attract new guests and to retain the regular customers. Due to

the fact that the hotel business is able to provide a steady income to the

federal budget, the number of hotels and accommodation in Russia is

growing every year. The leading cities for the hotel industry in Russia are

Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan,

Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Samara, Krasnodar, Yaroslavl

and Novosibirsk.

One of the major forces for hotel development in certain countries

has become the forthcoming world sporting events. The 2014 Sochi

Winter Olympics and the development of the city of Sochi as a

mountainous climatic resort have attracted international hotel operators.

The victory of Russia in the bid to host the Football World Cup in 2018 is

also a great opportunity for the construction of quality hotels in several


A new classification system was earlier issued in Russia for the

tourism industrial facilities, hotels and other accommodations, ski

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trails and beaches on 25 January, 2011 (Order Nº 35). As a result,

numerous hotels and resorts are now highly motivated to invest their

resources in Russia either directly or through franchising structures, for

instance Azimut, VOYAGE Hotels & Resorts, Accor, Kempinski, Shangri

La, Hilton, Hyatt, Inter Continental Hotel Group, Marriott, Carlson

Rezidor, Ritz-Carlton, Tulip Hotels, etc.

Hospitality is a very complex system, which depends on the degree

of development of the economy as a whole. The new hotel classification

system in Russia could go a long way to introduce international standards

in many business sectors in Russia.


1. What should the hoteliers do to retain the regular customers?

2. What are the leading cities for the hotel industry in Russia?

3. What events have a great impact on hotel development in any


4. What can the victory of Russia in the bid to host the Football World

Cup in 2018 result in?

5. Why are numerous international chains highly motivated to invest

their resources in Russia?

6. Why is the introduction of the new hotel classification system very

important for hospitality business in Russia?

During the last 15 years the hotel business in Russia has been rapid

developing and undergoing the revolutionary changes. International hotel

networks have entered the Russian market, small private hotels have been

springing, local chains developed. Amaks hotels, Accord management

group, Alroso, Russian hotels, Eurasia, Forston are the main ones. Old-

type Soviet hotels have been renovated to match the international

standards. Some of them started to operate under the international brands

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like Marriott Hilton, Razidor SAS, Radisson SAS, Royal Hotel, Novotel,

Accor. The country leaders in the hotel market are Moscow, St. Petersbutg

and Sochi. Moscow and St. Petersburg account for 70% of the Russian

hospitality market turnover.

While there is a growing demand for 2-3 star hotels, in the Russian

capital, the business is however focused on luxury or upscale segment. St.

Petersburg is much friendlier to middle-budget visitors and a growing

number of mini-hotels in the city is partially satisfying the demand.

The construction of mini-hotels and guest houses is booming in

Krasnodar and Irkutsk regions thanks to the Olympic Games in Sochi and

an increasing interest in eco-tourism on the Baikal Lake.

In 2010 Russia won the right to host 2018 FIFA World Cup. Since

then Russian cities that were included in the bid to host the event witness

the hotel construction boom. While Moscow, St.-Petersburg and Sochi are

well-prepared to accommodate the participants and guests, other cities like

Kaliningrad, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saranks,

Volgograd, Yaroslavl, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don appeared to have

insufficient room supply. The present-day construction in the cities is

aiming at covering the deficiency of quality accommodation.


1. What changes has the Russian hotel market undergone during the last

fifteen years?

2. What cities are considered to be the leaders in the hotel market?

3. What is the Moscow and St. Petersburg’s share in the Russian

hospitality market turnover?

4. What types of hotels are in growing demand for in the Russian capital?

5. What type of accommodation is booming in Krasnodar and Irkutsk


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6. What Russian cities were included in the bid to host the 2018 FIFA

Football Cup?

Five-star hotels

Luxury hotels of Moscow and St. Petersburg have the same

standards as any international five-star hotels. The prices here are on par

with or even higher than in Paris and New York. Usually staying at these

hotels guarantees a visitor the best accommodation and the best service

levels in Russia. Most famous luxury hotels are Metropol or Golden Ring

in Moscow and the Grand Hotel Europe or Emerald Palace in St.

Petersburg. Russian five-star hotels are conserved to be the only truly


Four/three star hotels

Russian budget and mid-priced hotels that claim to be four star

hotels are mostly three or three-plus star hotels in fact. Some of them are

the Irbis and Zarya in Moscow and the Petro Palace Hotel, Rossiya and

Anderson in St. Petersburg.


1. What are luxury hotels of Moscow and St. Petersburg like?

2. What are the most famous luxury hotels in Moscow and St. Petersbutg?

3. What category do Russian budget and mid-prices hotels belong to?

Bed & Breakfast, guest houses and mini hotels

A number of private homes have been converted for the exclusive

use of guest accommodation. They are often called guest houses and

combine the features of Bed & Breakfast, a mini-hotel, a guest house and

an inn. The term ‘guest house’ is widely used in Russian tourism business.

It appeared not long ago (1990-2000).

The characteristic feature of this type of accommodation is that it

aims at providing a home comfort and more relaxed atmosphere than a

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hotel. The owner usually lives in the same building and offers a number of

services. The range of services and the number of facilities is optional.

The quality differs as well, as there are no set standards for guest houses.

Unlike hotels the guest houses are not monitored by the number of

government structures. That is why the room taxes are defined by the free

market. The guest houses are not obliged to fit in the standards of hotel

classification, and therefore there are no precise norms and rules as for the

room space, numbering, meals, etc.

The guest houses are especially typical for resort cities like Sochi,

Anapa, Gelindzhik and other resorts of Krasnodar Region. They cater for

tourists coming to have a rest by the sea. The visitors staying in a guest

house often have to rely on themselves in a greater extent than in a hotel.

However the latest tendency is to enlarge the number of facilities and

quality, so some guest houses can compete with good hotels.

Along with guest houses, there are mini-hotels. This type is mainly

characteristic for St. Petersburg. In the past there were many communal

apartments in the city centre which are large, pre-Revolutionary

apartments where a few families were placed to live together after the

Revolution – each family in one room with communal use of the bathroom

and kitchen. They had quite a big space from 120 to 600 square meters.

Most usual format is 200-300 square meters, which made it possible to

redesign them into a small mini-hotel with 6 to 8 rooms, each with a

bathroom. The mini-hotel is usually equipped with a shared-kitchen buffet

and a reception. Since apartments in many ways are more comfortable

than hotels and less expensive, this has become a very popular way to stay

for guests coming to the city for city breaks.


1. What is a guest house like?

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2. What is the characteristic feature of this type of accommodation in


3. Why does the quality in guest houses differ in Russia?

4. What are the room taxes in guest houses defined by?

5. Where are guest houses mostly located?

6. Why are mini-hotels typical for the St. Petersburg hospitality


7. What are they like? What are they equipped with?


Traditionally a motor hotel or a motel for short is a hotel designed

for motorists, and usually has a parking area for motor vehicles.

In Russia motels have national peculiarities and they are popular as

the country does not enjoy the developed highway system everywhere. So

the need for inexpensive, easily accessible overnight accommodation sited

close to the main routes is obvious. Most Russian motels developed from

the road cafes by contracting extra rooms for guests. The main accent is

made on public catering though. A Russian motel is usually a two or three-

storey building with a café or restaurant on the first floor and rooms for

guests above it. It usually doesn’t have more than 50 rooms.

Quite often the word ‘motel’ is used for entertainment complex

including a casino, amusement park, restaurant, rooms, horse-riding

facilities. (e.g. Motel Aivengo, 18km from Moscow). Motel “Chaika” in

Perm has a paintball complex, ski slope, football field and other not

typical facilities for whole concept of a motel. So, such motels cater for a

different target group than simply motorists. They are a mixture of a

mini-hotel and a motel in fact. That’s why calling this type of

accommodation “a motel” is rather a marketing strategy.

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1. What is a motel?

2. What national peculiarities do Russian motels have?

3. What is the main accent made on in Russian motels? What target group

do they cater for?

4. What other facilities in addition to parking can Russian motels offer?


Russian hostels are a budget-oriented sociable accommodation,

where guests can rent a bed in a dormitory, share a bathroom, lounge and

sometimes a kitchen.

Russian hostels operate together with travel agencies. According to

the Russian legislation hostels cannot act as an independent

accommodation. Such hostels are usually based on various lodging

facilities and occupy a rented space (one or several floors in the building).

The hostel has all the common features of this type of accommodation: a

travel agency arranges a shared kitchen, lounge, provides Internet use and

often translating services. Another scheme is when inexpensive hotels or

dormitories are promoted and are offered for rent under the hostel’s label.

First Russian hostel was opened in 1992 in St. Petersburg. In 1993

Russian Youth Hostel Association (RYHA) was founded. At present it

combines the lodging facilities in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novgorod,

Petrazavodks, Irkutsk. Due to the major flow of visitors to Russian

capitals the hostel community is quickly developing there. Moscow

hostels are more focused on foreign tourists who make 60-90% of the

visitors staying in hostels.


1. What kind of accommodation is a hostel?

2. What are the peculiarities of Russian hostels?

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3. When was Russian Youth Hostel Association (RYHA) founded?

4. What cities is this type of accommodation provided in?

4. Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Hotel development in Russia is still neglected by investors for many


2. Today’s hoteliers must be creative and continually invest new ways in

order to attract new guests and to retain the regular customers.

3. International hotel chains aren’t motivated to invest their resources in


4. International hotel networks haven’t entered the Russian market yet.

5. Many modern hotels have been constructed on the sites of demolished

old-type Soviet hotels.

6. Moscow and St. Petersburg account for 50% of the Russian hospitality

market turnover.

7. There is a growing demand for 2-3 star hotels in the Russian capital.

8. St. Petersburg is friendlier to middle-budget visitors.

9. Luxury hotels of Moscow and St. Petersburg have the same standards

as any international five-star hotels.

10. Russian budget and mid priced hotels that claim to be four star hotels

are mostly three or three-plus star hotels in fact.

11. There is a wide range of services and facilities in guest houses.

12. The guest houses are especially typical for big cities.

13. A great number of St. Petersburg communal apartments have been

redesigned into small mini-hotels with 6 to 8 rooms.

14. A motel is a hotel designed for motorists, and usually has a parking

area for motor vehicles.

15. Most Russian motels cater for a different target group than simply


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16. Russian hostels are a budget-oriented sociable accommodation, where

guests can rent a bed in a dormitory, share a bathroom, lounge and

sometimes a kitchen.

17. Russian hostels are independent accommodation units.

18. Moscow hostels are more focused on domestic tourists.

5. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1. Old-type Soviet hotels have been renovated ______.

2. The country leaders in the hotel market are _____.

3. Moscow and St. Petersburg account fot 70% of the Russian hospitality


4. While there is a growing demand for 2-3 star hotels, in the Russian

capital, the business is however focused on_______.

5. The present-day construction in the cities to host 2018 FIFA World

Cup is aiming at covering ______.

6. Luxury hotels of Moscow and St. Petersburg have the same standards

as ______.

7. Usually staying at these hotels guarantees a visitor _______.

8. Russian budget and mid-priced hotels that claim to be four star hotels

are mostly ________.

9. Unlike hotels the guest houses are not monitored by ______.

10. The guest houses are not obliged to fit in the standards of hotel

classification, and therefore there are no _______.

11. The mini-hotel is usually equipped with ______.

12. Traditionally a motel is a hotel designed for ______.

13. A Russian motel is usually a two or three-storey building with ______.

14. Quite often the word ‘motel’ is used for entertainment complex

including ________.

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15. Russian hostels are a budget-oriented sociable accommodation, where

guests can _______.

16. Russian hostels operate together with _______.

17. According to the Russian legislation hostels cannot act as _______.

18. Moscow hostels are more focused on _______.

6. Match the words with their definitions.

1. a bunk bed

2. a dormitory (dorm)

3. franchise

4. lodging

5. revenue

6. to renovate

7. turnover

8. upscale

9. forecast

a. accommodation

b. money which is received

c. the amount of goods or services sold by

an organization

d. a large room in which many people sleep,

e.g. at a boarding school or in a hostel

e. to repair and redecorate e.g. a room or

building so that it is like new

f. luxury

g. a description or calculation of what will

probably happen in the future

h. license to trade using a brand name and

paying money for it

i. two small beds that are joined together

with one above the other

7. Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Put the verbs in the

correct form.

franchise (n) franchise (v) franchising franchised

1. His sandwich bar was so successful that he decided ______ it.

2. The family owns a _______ chain of restaurants.

3. She runs her sandwich chain as a _______ operation.

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4. She has bought a hot dog _______.

refurbish (v) refurbishment (n)

1. The hotel has reopened after a £1.5m ________.

2. They spent thousands of pounds _________ the 36 bedrooms.

demand (n) demand (v)

1. There was an active ______for interpreters during the trade fair.

2. Budget accommodation is in great _____.

3. She ______ a refund.

4. The suppliers ______immediate payment of their outstanding


forecast (n) forecast (v)

1. Experts ______ a steady rise in the number of tourists.

2. We based our calculations on the _____ turnover.

3. According to the world Tourism organization (UNWTO) _______

international tourism will continue to grow at an average rate of 4%

up to the year 2020.

renovate (v) renovation (n)

1. The hotel ______completely.

2. The house is in good structural condition but the central heating

needs _______.

3. The hotel is closed for ______.

income (n) revenue (n)

1. What is your approximate annual _____?

2. For most hotels, the largest portion of ______ comes from sales of

services such as accommodation and restaurant meals.

3. There are benefits for people on low _____.

4. Some countries rely only on tourism for _____.

5. The magazine had been losing advertising _____ for months.

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cater to cater for

1. The hotel guests are well ______.

2. The store ______ mainly ____ overseas customers.

3. The school aims to ______ children of all abilities.

4. There are a lot of hotels _____ disabled travellers.

8. Read the descriptions of guest houses and hostels. In what way

do they similar to and differ from hotels?

Guest houses

A guest house (also guesthouse) is a kind of lodging. In some parts of

the world a guest house is similar to a hostel, bed and breakfast, or

inn where in other parts of the world, guest houses are a type of

inexpensive hotel-like lodging. In still others, it is a private home which

has been converted for the exclusive use of guest accommodation. The

owner usually lives in an entirely separate area within the property and the

guest house may serve as a form of lodging business.

In some areas of the world, guest houses are the only kind of

accommodation available for visitors who have no local relatives to stay

with. Among the features which distinguish a guest house from a hotel, or

inn is the lack of a full-time staff.

Most guest houses are family owned and family members normally live

on the premises. Hotels maintain a staff presence 24 hours a day and 7

days a week, whereas a guest house has a more limited staff presence. The

check-in at a guest house is often by appointment.


Hostels provide budget-oriented, sociable accommodation where

guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a

bathroom, lounge and sometimes a kitchen. Rooms can be mixed or

single-sex, although private rooms may also be available.

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Hostels are generally cheaper for both the operator and the

occupants; many hostels have long-term residents whom they employ as

desk clerks or housekeeping staff in exchange for free accommodation.

There are several differences between hostels and hotels:

1. Hostels tend to be budget-oriented; rates are considerably lower,

and many hostels have programs to share books, DVDs and other


2. For those who prefer an informal environment, hostels do not

usually have the same level of formality as hotels.

3. For those who prefer to socialize with their fellow guests, hostels

usually have more common areas and opportunities to socialize.

The dormitory aspect of hostels also increases the social factor.

4. Hostels are generally self-catering.

There is less privacy in a hostel than in a hotel. Sharing sleeping

accommodation in a dormitory is very different from staying in a private

room in a hotel or bed and breakfast, and might not be comfortable for

those requiring more privacy. Hostels encourage more social interaction

between guests due to the shared sleeping areas and communal areas such

as lounges, kitchens and internet cafes.

Care should be taken with personal belongings, as guests may

share a common living space, so it is advisable to secure guests'

belongings. Most hostels offer some sort of system for safely storing

valuables, and an increasing number of hostels offer private lockers.

In attempts to attract more visitors, many hostels nowadays

provide additional services not previously available, such as airport shuttle

transfers, internet cafes, swimming pools and spas, tour booking and car

rentals. Some hostels may include a hot meal in the price.

The traditional hostel format involved dormitory style

accommodation. Some newer hostels also include en-suite accommodation

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with single, double or quad occupancy rooms, though to be considered a

hostel they must also provide dormitory accommodation. In recent years,

the numbers of independent and backpackers’ hostels have increased

greatly to cater for the greater numbers of overland, multi-destination


9. Translate the sentences.

1. В течение последних трёх лет в России наблюдается

стремительное развитие гостиничного бизнеса. В крупные города

приходят международные гостиничные сети, растет число

маленьких частных отелей, реконструируются старые советские


2. Лидерами по развитию гостиничного бизнеса сегодня являются

Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Сочи. Быстро растет отельный бизнес в

Калининграде, Томской и Волгоградской областях, на Урале (в

частности, в Челябинске и Екатеринбурге), а также в


3. Одним из главных стимулов для развития гостиничного бизнеса в

некоторых странах стало проведение крупных спортивных

мероприятий. Зимние Олимпийские игры 2014 года в Сочи и

развитие города как горного климатического курорта привлекло

многих международных гостиничных операторов. Победа России

в борьбе за право проведения Чемпионата мира по футболу в 2018

году также является прекрасной возможностью для строительства

качественных гостиниц в ряде регионов.

4. Средний прирост рынка мини-гостиниц и хостелов в России

вышел на показатель «+10%» ежегодно. Значительную долю в

этом росте обеспечивают хостелы. Почти половина сегмента

приходится на Москву и Санкт-Петербург (49%), где

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насчитывается почти 2,4 тыс. «малых средств размещения». К

2018 году число мини-гостиниц и хостелов в Москве и

Московской области должно вырасти на 20% по сравнению с 2016

годом. Причина очевидна – ЧМ-2018 по футболу.

10. Speak about Russian hospitality market trends.

11. Find out about newly-opened hotels in Russia on the internet and

prepare a short presentation. Make use of the following e-resource.

Hotel Industry articles with the topic Hotel Opening Russia by Hotel


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Unit 2

International hotel chains in Russia

1. Read and translate the text.

Despite the unstable economic situation and a reduction in hotel

revenues, international hotel chains will double their presence in Russia in

the next few years. According to professional services firm Ernst & Young

estimates, the number of rooms belonging to foreign companies is to rise

to 61,000 by 2020. In October 2015 there were 152 hotels under

international management with the total room stock of 34,466 keys

operating in the region.

More than a half of the existing rooms supply is concentrated in

Moscow and St. Petersburg (54%), followed by Sochi (12%), the Moscow

Region (6%), Ekaterinburg (3%) and other locations.

It is planned that by 2020 the number of hotels under international

management will increase by 118 new properties (23,450 rooms). Thus, if

by 2020 all announced hotels open, the number of hotels under

international management in Russia will amount to 270 hotels (57,916

rooms) located in 54 towns and cities.

In this case, by 2020 the share of Moscow and St. Petersburg will

decrease by 6% (to 48%), the share of Sochi to 9%, due to the growth of

branded hotel supply in the Moscow Region (8%) and Nizhny Novgorod


Moreover, opening of first branded hotels is planned in 16 new

locations: Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Vladimir, Zelenogradsk, Kemerovo,

Khabarovsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Novorossiysk, Pereslavl-Zalessky,

Saransk, Saratov, Stavropol, Surgut, Tver, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk.

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The geography of the international hotel operators’ footprint is

enlarging due to a number of international-scale events. In 2018 the most

expected event is The FIFA World Cup which will be held in 11 cities and

towns: Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg,

Saransk, Sochi, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Volgograd.

Now the local branded stock in World Cup 2018 host cities is

represented by 106 hotels (26,129 rooms). It is planned that by 2018 the

number of hotels will increase by 61 new properties (12,977 rooms).

However, only 50,000 rooms are estimated to be required to host the 2018

FIFA World Cup.

Moscow does not need additional hotels especially for the World

Cup: The city already has enough accommodation for such an event.

However, Volgograd (603 miles south of Moscow) and Rostov-on-Don

(665 miles from Moscow) are planning to build a large number of new

hotels. In the upcoming years each of the two cities will construct five

internationally operated hotels.

If Russia is to strictly abide by FIFA requirements, it will have to

construct one five-star hotel, 300-400 rooms in the four- to five-star

category hotels and 300-400 rooms in the three-star category hotels in

each of the regional cities. The total cost of building all the hotels will

reach more than $1 billion.

The total branded room stock available in Russia is operated or

franchised by 23 international hotel chains currently presented in the

region. The biggest market share (66%) is divided between The Carlson

Rezidor Hotel Group, Accor Hotels, InterContinental Hotels Group and

Marriott International.

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In addition to international chains, Russian hotel operators increase

their presence in both Russia and abroad. National hotel brands as a rule

have significantly smaller proportion in the markets of most countries

(except U.S.) than hotels under international management. This is true of

the Russian market: at the moment the share of the hotels under

international brands (152 hotels) is almost 2.5 times higher than the share

of the hotels under national management (73 hotels).

2. Are you good at remembering figures? Try this test and check.

1. According to professional services firm Ernst & Young

estimates, the number of rooms belonging to foreign companies

is to rise to … by 2020.

a. 50,000 b. 61,000 c. 34,466

2. By 2020 the international hotel operators’ presence is planned

already in … cities and towns.

a. 38 b. 16 c. 54

3. In 2018 the most expected event is The FIFA World Cup which

will be held in Russia in …cities and towns

a. 16 b. 11 c. 54

4. Now the local branded stock in World Cup 2018 host cities is

represented by … rooms.

a. 26,129 b. 12,977 c. 34,466

5. Only …rooms are estimated to be required to host the 2018 FIFA

World Cup.

a. 61.000 b. 50,000 c. 34,466

6. The total cost of building all the hotels will reach more than ….

a. $ 2 billion b. $1 billion c. $3 billion

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7. The total branded room stock available in Russia is operated or

franchised by … international hotel chains currently presented

in the region.

a. 25 b. 35 c. 23

8. At the moment the share of the hotels under international brands

is almost … times higher than the share of the hotels under

national management.

a. 2 b. 2.5 c. 3

3. Choose the best headline for the article.

a. International hotels chains worldwide

b. International hotel chains in Russia

c. International hotel chains in Moscow

4. Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. Despite the unstable economic situation and a reduction ____ hotel

revenues, international hotel chains will double their presence in Russia

____ the next few years.

2. According ____ professional services firm Ernst & Young estimates, the

number of rooms belonging _____ foreign companies is to rise _____

61,000 _____ 2020.

3. In October 2015 there were 152 hotels _____ international management

____ the total room stock of 34,466 keys operating in the region.

4. It is planned that _____ 2020 the number of hotels _____ international

management will increase _____ 118 new properties (23,450 rooms).

5. The total branded room stock available in Russia is operated or

franchised _____ 23 international hotel chains currently presented in the


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6. _____ addition _____ international chains, Russian hotel operators

increase their presence in both Russia and abroad.

5. Give the English equivalents to the following expressions.

Несмотря на нестабильную экономическую ситуацию; снижение

доходов гостиниц; международные гостиничные сети; общий

номерной фонд; под международным управлением; мероприятия

международного масштаба; соблюдать требования; доля гостиниц

под международными брендами; доля гостиниц в рамках

национального управления.

6. Translate into English.

1. Мировой опыт организации гостиничного бизнеса показывает, что

сетевое объединение позволяет достичь наиболее высоких

показателей заполняемости отелей и максимальных финансовых

результатов. Эти факторы и предопределили основную тенденцию

развития российского бизнеса в последние 2-3 года: активное

освоение рынка ведущими международными сетевыми игроками и

создание национальных гостиничных сетей.

2. По прогнозам EY, к 2020 г. количество гостиниц в РФ под

иностранным брендом увеличится почти вдвое - до 270, и они

будут расположены в 54 городах.

3. Один из наиболее активных зарубежных игроков на рынке России

- компания REZIDOR SAS HOSPITALITY (брэнды Radisson (5*) и

ParkInn (3-4*), владеющая 6 отелями в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге,

Сочи и Екатеринбурге.

4. Довольно прочно в России обосновалась компания Mariott

International (США). В настоящее время компания объединяет

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более 2700 отелей, размещенных по всему миру, в том числе 6

объектов в Москве, Петербурге и Самаре.

5. Еще один брэнд в гостиничном бизнесе - Kempinski. Под этой

маркой сегодня работают два отеля - в Москве и Санкт-


6. После 2000 года в России также стали появляться национальные

гостиничные сети. И хотя это явление сегодня еще не стало

массовым, уже можно говорить о серьезных успехах отдельных


7. Одна из наиболее динамично развивающихся гостиничных сетей

«российского производства» - «Heliopark Hotel & Resorts»,

принадлежащая компании «Heliopark Group». На сегодняшний

день в ее структуру входят 14 отелей в России. Компания

развивает свой бизнес в трех направлениях: бизнес-отели,

клубные и курортные.

8. Сеть «AMAKS Grand Hotels», основанная в 2004 году, сегодня

объединяет 15 гостинично-развлекательных комплексов,

расположенных в российских регионах. Среди приоритетов

компании - создание и эффективное развитие национального

гостиничного брэнда, ориентированного на массового


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Unit 3

Moscow hotel market

1. Study the vocabulary.

1. to boast - хвастать, гордиться

2. to demolish - сносить, разрушать

3. to estimate



- оценивать, прикидывать,

подсчитывать приблизительно

- оценка, смета, калькуляция

- примерный, расчетный,

4. to evolve - развивать, развиваться

5. flexible - гибкий, подвижный,


6. market

market share

market scale segment

Midscale & Economy




- рынок

- доля рынка

- рыночный ценовой сегмент

- среднеценовой и экономичный


сегмент цены выше среднего

высокий ценовой сегмент

люксовый сегмент

7. occupancy

full occupancy

occupancy rate

- загрузка номерного фонда

- 100% загрузка номерного


- уровень загрузки номерного

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8. guestroom inventory,

guestroom stock

- номерной фонд

9. to supply



supply and demand

a supplier

- поставлять, осуществлять


- поставки

- предложение

- спрос и предложение

- поставщик

2. Translate the sentences.

1. According to Moscow City Government estimates, the current number

of tourists visiting Moscow is around 2.9 million per year, and this is

estimated to reach 5 million within the next decade.

2. The market of mid-scale and budget hotels has not developed to

satisfy the demand of both Russian and foreign middle-class business


3. Part of the clientele that stays at upscale hotels would move to less

expensive properties if supply were offered.

4. Moscow currently boasts 40,373 hotel rooms, with international hotel

chains managing 27 percent of the rooms, or 40 hotels.

5. Some of the old Soviet-time hotels have either already been

demolished or closed, thus significantly decreasing Moscow’s total

room inventory.

6. Alternative solutions for the lodging industry, offered by hostels and

private apartments for rent, are increasing their market share.

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7. The supply for alternative accommodation is evolving.

8. Hostels and private apartments are making the market more flexible

and can easily satisfy changing customer needs.

9. Among the 175 hotels presently open in Moscow, no more than 30

offer Western-style accommodation. These properties are distributed

among upper-scale class, mid-scale and economy.

10. While occupancy rates in three-star hotels are almost the same as in

the upper-scale, occupancy rates in the budget category are over 80


11. Budget hotels remain the most affordable tourist accommodation in

Moscow and therefore have no difficulty reaching close to full


3. Read the text about Moscow hotel market.

Moscow hotel market

Russia currently receives up to 40 million tourists per year, and this

number is anticipated to rise in both its domestic and foreign component.

According to Moscow City Government estimates, the current number of

tourists visiting Moscow is around 2.9 million per year, and this is

estimated to reach 5 million within the next decade. By year 2020, Russia

is expected to be among the 10 top most visited countries in the world,

attracting 3 percent of the world’s tourist market.

Some experts estimate the Russian hotel market at 2 billion dollars

a year. The highest level of unfulfilled demand is for quality three star and

economy hotels. To date, the market of mid-scale and budget hotels has

not developed to satisfy the demand of both Russian and foreign middle-

class business travelers and an ever increasing number of tourists. Part of

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the clientele that stays at upscale hotels would move to less expensive

properties if supply were offered.

Moscow and St. Petersburg market are in the focus of attention. The

Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry makes a forecast

that by 2025 a tourist flow to Moscow will reach 14,8 mln a year. For this

reason, it is necessary to expand a hotel infrastructure. 42 hotels for about

7,000 rooms have been put in operation in Moscow for the last six years.

The Moscow hotel market is comprised of approximately 175 hotels

able to accommodate about 72,000 guests.

Moscow currently boasts 40,373 hotel rooms, with international

hotel chains managing 27 percent of the rooms, or 40 hotels. Over the last

two years, Moscow saw a consistent increase in new hotel rooms operated

by international hotel companies.

The middle class and economy class hotel niche offers the most

promising perspectives throughout Russia and it is expected to boom in

the next several years. This is due also to the fact that some of the old

Soviet-time hotels have either already been demolished or closed, thus

significantly decreasing Moscow’s total room inventory.

Reduction in the mid-range due to the elimination of old room stock

is not compensated by new hotel supply additions. That’s why about 40

percent of new hotels to be built in the near future will be in the two- and

three-star classification.

Alternative solutions for the lodging industry, offered by hostels and

private apartments for rent, are increasing their market share and

becoming alternatives for traditional hotels in specific tourist segments.

The supply for alternative accommodation is evolving, thus we can

observe new global trends for the segments:

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- Hostels are becoming more trendy and in demand and offer an

alternative to traditional hotels all over the world.

- Private apartments for rent are gaining in popularity and can be

viewed as an alternative to economy segment hotels for certain

groups of tourists.

The last two trends cited above indicate that demand for lodging is

getting more personalized. Hostels and private apartments are making the

market more flexible and can easily satisfy changing customer needs.

These trends can be observed in major cities of the world as well as in

Russia. Since Moscow represents more than 37% of the branded hotels

room inventory in Russia, the trends also apply to the Moscow market,

both for traditional hotels and for new market sectors such as hostels and

private apartments for rent.

Moscow hotels can be divided into two major groups: Western-style

and Soviet-style hotels.

Western-style Hotels

Among the 175 hotels presently open in Moscow, no more than 30

offer Western-style accommodation. These properties are distributed

among upper-scale class, mid-scale and economy. Most of them are

concentrated within the center of the city (Central Administrative District),

and the majority falls into the 4 or 5 star category. Currently, the hotels in

highest demand are the small and budget properties.

This segment includes three-star small hotels providing quality

service (currently less than 10 percent of the market) and 1–2-star budget

hotels. While occupancy rates in three-star hotels are almost the same as

in the upper-scale, occupancy rates in the budget category are over 80

percent. Despite the fact that this segment underwent the highest rate of

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growth in average prices, these hotels remain the most affordable tourist

accommodation in Moscow and therefore have no difficulty in reaching

close to full occupancy.

Mid-range Soviet-style Hotels

This group consists of Soviet-era three- or four-star hotels (according

to Soviet standards, which are significantly lower than in the West) that

have independent management. They are mainly concentrated in the

North-East Administrative District and in the Central Administrative


4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Moscow hotel


5. Read the interview with Andrey Smirnov, Director of Sales and

Marketing, Moscow Marriott Hotel about the main trends in the

Moscow hotel industry.

Interviewer: Mr Smirnov, could you tell us about the latest trends in

Moscow hotels?

Mr Smirnov: Three main trends have been recently identified in the

Moscow hotel industry: the flexibility of hotels, a change

in the pace of booking, and the growing importance

of online systems.

Interviewer: What exactly do hotels have to do to retain regular clients

and attract new ones?

Mr Smirnov: Increased competition on the Moscow hospitality market

is prompting hotels to be more aggressive and creative.

They are now offering more perks: complimentary shuttle

service to airports, train stations or business centers;

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complimentary Wi-Fi; complimentary mini bars;

complimentary early check-in and late check-out;

separate stations with national cuisine for breakfast;

various special offers and discounts for frequent guests.

The flexibility of hotels and strong overall demand

for accommodation help the Moscow hotel industry show

impressive results. The hotels ensure that travelers have

an easier and more comfortable stay.

Interviewer: What do you mean by the change in the pace of booking?

Mr Smirnov: At the moment, we can see a clear trend in which more

and more requests for accommodation and conferences

are coming at the very last minute, with less than two

weeks before arrival. One of the reasons behind this trend

is a constant increase in supply, both in hotel rooms

and conference facilities. Nevertheless, the hotels'

occupancy level is in no way decreasing; hotels are

simply changing their forecasts for booking and adjusting

their selling strategies accordingly. Notably, hotels go out

of their way to study the booking behavior of different

business segments, and they select an optimal business

mix for each period, depending on the season, in order

to maximize revenues. For seasons that tend to see low

demand, hotels seek to attract more bookings in advance

in order to ensure a base occupancy.

Interviewer: You’ve also mentioned online booking as one of the

current trends in the hotel business. In what way can

hotels benefit from it?

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Mr Smirnov: Individual travelers have started using online search

engines to make reservations instead of using traditional

travel agencies. Similarly, many corporate clients have

shifted their travel habits to online engines. By using

special promotion codes, corporate clients are able

to book preferred rates online. We are seeing a rapid

development of online conference services, and hotels are

receiving more and more requests for conferences

and events through online services.

Interviewer: What impact do you think these trends can have on the

overall Moscow hotel business?

Mr Smirnov: Moscow hotel industry is an integral part of the

international hospitality industry. Moscow hotels are

gaining more and more international recognition

and nominations for outstanding results and excellent

service. And from here, we must go forward — take

a good look at our processes, listen to our guests, learn

from other industries and constantly improve and upgrade

our services.

6. Answer the questions.

1. What trends have been recently identified in the Moscow hotel


2. In what way can hotels retain regular clients and attract new ones?

3. What perks are the guests offered in Moscow hotels?

4. What changes have taken place in the booking behavior?

5. In what way do hotels manage to maximize revenues?

6. Why do you think many corporate clients have shifted their travel

habits to online engines?

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7. What impact do the modern trends have on the overall Moscow hotel


7. Match the words with their definitions.

1. estimate (n)

2. market

3. occupancy rate

4. supply (n)

5. evolve (v)

6. market segment

7. market share

8. room inventory

9. flexible

a. demand for or possible sales of a particular

type of product

b. the average number of rooms used in a hotel

over a period of time, shown as a percentage

of the total number of rooms

c. the act of providing something which is


d. the set of rooms available for stays for a

particular date or range of dates.

e. the percentage of a total market which the

sales of a company cover

f. adaptable, easily changed

g. to gradually change and develop over a

period of time

h. a calculation of how much something is

likely to cost in the future

i. a section of a market defined by particular


8. Study the dictionary descriptions of the following word and word

combinations and translate the examples.

estimate (n) 1) a calculation of the

probable cost, size

or time of something

2) a calculation of how

much something is

Before we can give the

grant we must have an

estimate of the total

costs involved.

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likely to cost in the

future, given to a

client so as to get

him to make an


estimate (v) to calculate the

probable cost, size or

time of something

to estimate that it will

cost £1m or to

estimate costs at £1m

We estimate current

sales at only 60% of

last year’s.

estimated (adj) calculated


Costs were slightly

more than the

estimated figure.

estimated time of

arrival (ETA)

the time when an

aircraft, a coach or a

group of tourists is

expected to arrive

estimated time of

departure (ETD)

the time when an

aircraft, a coach or a

group of tourists is

expected to leave

market (n) demand for or possible

sales of a particular

type of product

The market for fly-

drive holidays has

risen sharply.

market segment a section of a market

defined by particular


We have 20% of the

British caravan market


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market share the percentage of a

total market which the

sales of a company


We hope our new

product range will

increase our market


market leader the company with the

largest market share

We are the market

leader in self-catering

packages to Spain.

supply (n) 1. the act of providing

something which is

needed not

available in large

enough quantities to

meet the demand

2. a stock of something

which is needed

Supplies are running

out – we’ll have to

order in some more


The brewery supplies

all the beer to the hotel.

in short supply Fresh vegetables are in

short supply during

the winter.

supply (v) to provide something

which is needed

We rely on him for our

supply of cheese (or

for our cheese supply).

9. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or word combination

from the box.

a. occupancy rate b. market segment c. evolve

d. boasts e. demand f. market research

g. estimate h. flexible

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1. The hotel complex ______ an 18-hole golf course.

2. We _______ current sales at only 60% of last year’s.

3. A fully ______ business class ticket is £360.

4. There is no ______ for expensive package tours in November.

5. Computer software will continue to ______ in response to users’


6. We need to make _____ about midscale ______.

7. During the winter months the _______ was down to 50%.

10. Render the text into English.

По оценкам экспертов индустрии гостиничный рынок Москвы

уже адаптировался к кризису. Несмотря на кризис, в этом году в

Москве намечено открытие девяти новых отелей под управлением

международных гостиничных операторов. В 2017 году ожидается

появление семи новых объектов.

При этом предложение все же пока нельзя назвать

сбалансированным, отмечают эксперты. Туристам по-прежнему не

хватает дешевых хороших отелей, а специалисты сетуют на большое

количество старых номеров советских времен.

Качественное предложение гостиниц Москвы в. 2016 г. осталось

на уровне 16 тыс. номеров (без учета хостелов, мини-отелей, а также

приаэропортовых отелей). Среди них самая многочисленная группа

находится в среднем ценовом сегменте (29 процентов), самая

небольшая — в люксовом (5,5 процентов). Все отели, кроме самых

дорогих, стараются наращивать загрузку и снижать цены.

Номерной фонд после открытия обновленной Holiday Inn

Seligerskaya, оценивается на уровне 750 единиц, хотя «чистое»

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увеличение качественного номерного фонда гораздо скромнее – 40


Рост предложения номеров эконом-стандарта в 2016 г. составил 25


Несмотря на запланированное открытие Novotel Kievskaya (250

номеров) и Adagio Kievskaya (150 номеров), доля сегмента Midscale

практически не изменится ввиду того, что из-за временного закрытия

270 номеров в бывшей гостинице «Белград», чистый прирост

предложения данной категории составит всего 2% от номерного


В отсутствие новых готовых проектов стандартов Luxury, Upper-

Upscale и Upscale, их пропорциональные доли в структуре рынка

если и сократятся, то незначительно.

11. Read about Moscow three-star hotels and describe them.

Three-Star Hotels in Moscow

Moscow's Standard Hotels are well-equipped 3-star and 4-star

properties offering affordable accommodation that conforms to

international standards. While they do not offer a full range of luxury

guest services, Standard Hotels are guaranteed to offer a reasonable range

of business and concierge services, and most offer on-site dining and some

leisure amenities. Few Standard Hotels are located in the very centre of

Moscow, but all are close to metro stations.

3 star hotels in Moscow is an ideal choice for those who want to

enjoy comfort for a reasonable price. When you book a stay at a three star

hotel in Moscow, you’ll get access to perfect little perks like on-site

restaurants and cocktail bars, well-appointed fitness centers, and spacious


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This type of hotel will always have a restaurant — often more than

one. A real kaleidoscope of national culinary traditions can be found in

Moscow’s 3-star hotels: Italian (The Salute Hotel), Arab (Hermitage),

Chinese and Korean (Astrus), Georgian (Tourist), as well as flights of

designers’ fancies in the interiors (at The Vega Hotel, for example, all the

restaurants are designed in the styles of various periods).

Three-star hotels are just as suitable for business trips as for

holidays. The majority of them have modern business centers that are well

equipped for holding various events.

The standard of service in Moscow hotels is improving day by day

and is now virtually indistinguishable from that in Europe. And an

encouraging trend has been observed: hotels not only provide guests with

all the necessary facilities, but also try to do it as well and as attractively

as possible. Quality furniture and reliable appliances meet the functional

aspect of your stay, while various elements of decor and interesting design

features can give your hotel room a warm, almost homelike atmosphere.

The majority of 3-star hotels are in quiet picturesque corners of the

city. Places of interest to tourists are also close at hand.

In such hotels, in addition to the customary services, guests can

visit a nightclub or a bowling alley (The Astrus Hotel, for instance, has

one of the largest bowling alleys in Moscow with eight lanes, as well as

seven tables for Russian billiards and four for American pool), a sauna, a

beauty salon, a medical center and other additional services to make your

stay more comfortable. In many hotels holidaymakers will find well-

equipped gyms, and in some — full sports centers.

3-star hotels are most suitable for the majority of tourists. These

hotels provide all the services necessary for a full-value stay. Sometimes

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the only difference between 3-star and 5-star hotels is in the size of the

rooms. Prices vary, of course, but you are unlikely to have to pay more

than 90 to 110 dollars a night for a 3-star hotel in Moscow. In addition,

most of the hotels offer a variety of discounts, special offers and

promotions: outside the peak periods of New Year and the three summer

months some amazing reductions are available, sometimes up to 50-60%.

12. Render the text into English.

Не так давно городские власти Москвы представили планы

ближайшего развития гостиничной отрасли на территории города.

Так, согласно данных проектов, к 2025 году планируется увеличить

количество объектов гостиничного бизнеса не менее, чем в два раза.

Общая численность всех предприятий гостиничной отрасли,

расположенных в российской столице к этому году, будет составлять

почти семьсот гостиничных комплексов. Основная особенность

проекта развития гостиничной отрасли в Москве на ближайшие

тринадцать лет – это ориентация на гостиницы среднего класса. Это

означает, что среди вновь возводимых отелей преимущество будет на

стороне двухзвездочных и трехзвездочных гостиниц.

Современное состояние гостиничной базы заметно

улучшилось за последние 5 лет, появились новые предприятия

размещения, в том числе различного класса обслуживания. Однако

все еще ощущается нехватка средств размещения экономичного и

среднего ценового сегмента, предлагающих стандартизированный

набор услуг. Увеличение емкости номерного фонда данного типа

становится главной предпосылкой к развитию внутреннего и

въездного туризма Решение этого вопроса может быть достигнуто

путем стимулирования предпринимательской активности в

сегменте малого и среднего бизнеса. Частная инициатива в сфере

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гостеприимства (мини-гостиницы, мини-отели, хостелы, гостевые

дома) позволяет заметно увеличить емкость средств размещения.

Следует стремиться к развитию национальных гостиничных сетей

как наиболее перспективного способа создания средств размещения

требуемого уровня качества и эффективного источника

формирования стандартов обслуживания, являющихся визитной

карточкой Российской Федерации и ее регионов.

13. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

We (be going) to explore the subject of hostels in this week’s

program. Every year new hotels (open up) in the Russian capital. But

that’s the lowest price bracket that (need) attention in the city full of

luxurious accommodation. With Russian and foreign entrepreneurs seeing

a gap in the market, a lot of budget accommodation (open) in the past


Our first location is Fabrika which is not just a hostel but an art

space with contemporary art (hang) on the walls. The distinctive feature

of this hostel is its interior design, high ceilings, (texture) walls and the

play of light and color. The hostel (situate) on the fourth floor of the

former sweet factory. All guests (offer) free Wi-Fi in the lounge, tea or

coffee facilities, and free parking. There are 14 rooms inside here (range)

from six-bed dorms to king-size private accommodations. Prices (range)

from 750 rubles to 3500 rubles.

Our next location is the Basilica Hostel. The accommodation

(feature) dorms as well as private rooms, both (equip) with simple and

homely furnishings. The prices for a bed in a dorm just (start) with 700

rubles. This hostel is popular with travelers from all over the world. It also

(share) the ground with a beautiful orthodox cathedral that (build) in

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1763 and (locate) right in the heart of historical Moscow. Whether you

(look) for a dorm or a private room, a fitness support or a (guide) tour in

here they (provide) everything you (want). And for those guests who are

adventurous there are free (guide) tours to the church bell tower which

normally (close) to the public.

14. Complete the descriptions with suitable words from the box.

a. ticket bookings b. ticket bookings c. baggage storage

d. visa registration e. pickup f. attractions

Godzillas hostel is the largest and most well-known hostel in

Russia and Eastern Europe. It is centrally located in an old building which

was constructed before the Revolution, 5 minutes’ walk

from Tsvetnoy Bulvar metro station and the city’s major tourist 1)


The hostel is Western owned and the staff is 2)

_____. They can provide

you with any information, assist with 3)

_____, and order a taxi 4)


Such services as 5)

______, safety deposit boxes and linen and towels are

free of charge. Other handy things about Godzillas include free 6)


(from theatres to airplanes) and the hostel's own taxi.

a. accommodate b. dorm rooms c. Wi-Fi d. location e. staff f. common

The HM hostel can boast a central 1)

_____. It is situated in the heart

of the city right next to the famous Arbat (pedestrian) street and it is only a

walking distance from many of the most popular and frequently visited

places like Red Square, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Bolshoy

Theatre and many others. The friendly English, French, Dutch, Hungarian

and of course Russian speaking 2)

_____ are at the hostel 24/7 to provide

assistance if needed and keep the hostel clean and proper at all times. HM

can 3)

_______ up to 40 people. There are three different types of

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comfortable 4)

______, one is only for girls/women, one is only for

boys/men and a mixed dorm for maximum 10 persons.

The hostel has a beautiful bathroom and a well equipped kitchen

which is a great alternative to dining in expensive restaurants. There is

also free 5)

_____ and a computer in the cozy 6)

______ room.

a. bunk-bedded b. budget c. internet access d. en-suite facilities

e. accommodate f. private

Moscow Home Hostel is a short walk from Arbat Street and Red

Square, next to Park Kultury and Smolenskaya Metro Stations. This 1)

_____ hostel offers comfortable rooms and free Wi-Fi in relaxed


Moscow Home Hostel offers a wide range of 2)

______ dorm rooms

(varying from 4 beds to 10 beds) and also 3)

_____ rooms. The guests can

choose between 4)

______ or standard twins/triples/doubles where the

bathroom’s situated just in front of the rooms. Bunk bedded rooms have

high quality bunk beds and personal keys making them comfortable,

modern and secure. The hostel can 5)

_______ up to 87 guests both in

private and dorm rooms!

The Moscow Home Hostel has 2 large common rooms with TV, 6)

______ and video games. There is also a spacious kitchen where snacks or

meals can be prepared and free tea and coffee is available.

15. Render the text in English.

Хостел — европейская система размещения, предоставляющая

своим постояльцам на короткий или длительный срок жильё,

представляющее собой, как правило, спальное место без

дополнительных удобств в комнате.

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Хостелы ориентированы на бюджетных путешественников,

которые хотят жить в центре города и платить небольшую сумму (в

пределах 1 тыс. руб. за ночь). В таком объекте они получают

минимум услуг - фактически койко-место в комнате, часто удобства

располагаются на этаже. В основном клиентами хостелов являются

школьники, студенты и другие категории экономтуристов.

В хостелах в одной комнате находится от двух и больше

спальных мест (нередко и по 12-18). В основном это двухэтажные

кровати, что позволяет экономить пространство.

В любом современном хостеле есть администратор, который

поможет освоиться; кухня с необходимой бытовой техникой и

ванные комнаты. В некоторых есть залы, комнаты для общения; Wi-

Fi, стиральные машинки и утюги. Все это делает пребывание


По данным Комитета по туризму и гостиничному хозяйству

Москвы, в городе действует свыше 70 хостелов на более чем 2,5

тысячи спальных мест. Игроки гостиничного рынка оценивают долю

хостелов в 3 % от всего гостиничного рынка столицы.


1. What changes has the Russian hotel market undergone during the last

fifteen years? Why is Russia considered to be a country with great

potentials for tourism development? Why are numerous international

chains highly motivated to invest their resources in Russia?

2. Why is the introduction of the new hotel classification system very

important for hospitality business in Russia?

3. What types of hotels are in growing demand for in the Russian


4. What is a guest house like?

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5. What is the characteristic feature of this type of accommodation in


6. Why are mini-hotels typical for the St. Petersburg hospitality

infrastructure? What are they like? What are they equipped with?

7. What kind of accommodation is a hostel? What are the peculiarities of

Russian hostels?

8. What trends have been recently identified in the Moscow hotel


9. What perks are the guests offered in Moscow hotels?

10. What changes have taken place in the booking behavior?

11. In what way do hotels manage to maximize revenues?

12. Why do you think many corporate clients have shifted their travel

habits to online engines?

13. What impact do the modern trends have on the overall Moscow hotel


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Hotel Contracting

Тема: Работа отельеров с деловыми партнерами. Составление

контракта. Структура типового контракта и его обсуждение.

Уторговывание цены.

Unit 1 Tour Operation Management: Allotment and Commitment


Unit 2 Code of Practice on the Relations between Hoteliers and

Travel Agents

Unit 3 Negotiating Agreements and Contracts

Unit 1

Tour Operation Management: Allotment and

Commitment Contracts

1. Study the vocabulary.

1. to allot


- выделять туроператору квоту

мест в гостинице

- квота (блок) гостиничных

мест, выделенных


2. a clause - положение, условие

(соглашения, договора)

3. commitment (of a tour


syn. obligation

- обязательство (туроператора)

4. contract - договор

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allocation contract

(allotment contract)

fixed (guaranteed) contract

commitment contract

5. contractual

contractual commitments


- договор элотмента (договор о

квоте мест без гарантии


- договор безотзывного

бронирования (договор о

твердой закупке мест с

полной оплатой)

- договор комитмента (договор

о квоте мест с гарантией

заполнения 30-80%)

- договорный

- договорные обязательства

6. to negotiate

~ a contract

~ a deal

7. negotiation


negotiated price

- вести переговоры,


- вести переговоры о

заключение контракта

- заключать сделку

- переговоры, обсуждение


- согласованный

- договорная цена

8. prior to - до (предлог)

9. to release

the release date

- выпускать, освобождать;

пускать в свободную продажу

- релиз-дата (день возврата

туроператором непроданных


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the release back period - релиз-период (период

высвобождения номеров из


10. room block

fixed (hard) room block

unsold room block (soft

room block)

room block allotment

room block commitment

- блок мест в гостинице,

гостиничная квота

- фиксированная квота

- остаток квоты (номера

квоты, нереализованные


- возвратное квотирование

- безвозвратное квотирование

11. sale

free sale

on-request sale

stop sale

- продажа

- свободная продажа

- продажа по запросу

- остановка продажи

2. Translate the terminology definitions.

1. Room block allotment - allocation of a certain block of pre-

negotiated hotel rooms to a tour operator to sell until a given date,

when the unsold rooms are ‘released back’ to the hotel without


2. Room block commitment – a set of commitments between a tour

operator and a hotel under which the tour operator buys and fully

pre-paid a pre-negotiated block of rooms for a specific period of


3. Fixed (hard) room block means fixing certain hotel rooms for

specific tour operator.

4. Unsold room block (soft room block) is the number of rooms

unsold by a tour operator by a stop-sale time.

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5. An allocation contract is an official agreement between a tour

operator and a hotel in which the company does not have to pay for

any beds that it has reserved but not sold.

6. A commitment contract is an official agreement between a tour

company and a hotel in which the company must pay for all the

beds it has reserved even if it does not sell them.

7. The release date - the day when unsold or unreserved rooms by a

tour operator or a travel agency will be released. Tour operators

book a certain number of rooms in hotels and have the right to use

them by a given date, known as a release date, that usually is some

days prior to tourists’ arrival.

8. Release back period - the period within which unsold room block

is released. A couple of days prior to hotel check-in any unsold

rooms may be released back to the supplier if such an agreement

exists between the two parties. A release back period is also

negotiated as part of the allotment contract.

9. Free sale - an arrangement that enables a tour operator to sell an

agreed room block without first checking availability with the hotel,

whereby reservations can be confirmed immediately to the client.

10. On-request sale - a tour operator’s reservation enquiry sent to a

hotel after receiving a reservation request which is due to be

confirmed or rejected within 24 hours.

11. Stop sale - a period of time beyond which the unsold room block is

released by a hotel.

3. Complete the definitions with suitable words from the box.

a. a commitment


b. agreement

c. period

d. availability e. fixing f. released

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g. stop-sale h. block of rooms i. commitments

j. allocation

k. payment

l. reservation


m. unsold room


1. A room block allotment is 1)

_______ of a certain block of pre-

negotiated hotel rooms to a tour operator to sell until a given date,

when the unsold rooms are ‘released back’ to the hotel without 2)


2. A room block commitment includes a set of 3)

________ between a

tour operator and a hotel under which the tour operator buys and

pre-paid a pre-negotiated 4)

_______ for a specific period of time.

3. The release date is the day when unsold or unreserved rooms by a

tour operator or a travel agency will be 5)


4. The release back 6)

_____ is the period within which unsold room

block is released.

5. Unsold room block (soft room block) is the number of rooms unsold

by a tour operator by a 7)

_______ time.

6. Fixed (hard) room block means 8)

_______ certain hotel rooms for

specific tour operator.

7. Free sale is an arrangement that enables a tour operator to sell an

agreed room block without first checking 9)

________ with the


8. On-request sale means that a hotel should confirm or reject a tour

operator’s 10)

________ within 24 hours

9. Stop sale is a period of time beyond which the 11)

______is released

by a hotel.

10. 12) _________ is an official agreement between a tour company and

a hotel in which the company must pay for all the beds it has

reserved even if it does not sell them.

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11. An allocation contract is an official 13)

______ between a tour

operator and a hotel in which the company does not have to pay for

any beds that it has reserved but not sold.

4. Imagine that you have to compile an English-Russian

glossary of the hospitality industry terms. Render the

following glossary articles into English.

1. Квота (room block) - количество номеров, выделяемых в

определенный период туроператору (турагенту) средством

размещения на основании договора.

2. Фиксированная квота (fixed room block) - квота с закреплением

определенных номеров гостиничного фонда за конкретным

туроператором (турагентом).

3. Безвозвратное квотирование (room block commitment) -

совокупность обязательств туроператора и средства

размещения, при которых средство размещения передает

туроператору право на реализацию квоты на весь период

действия договора; при этом туроператор оплачивает полную

стоимость квоты независимо от фактического количества

размещенных турагентов, а объект размещения обязуется

предоставить полный комплекс оговоренных в договоре услуг,

без права остановки продажи.

4. Возвратное квотирование (room block allotment) - передача

средством размещения туроператору права на реализацию в

течение определенного периода времени (периода

квотирования) квоты для размещения туристов - клиентов


5. Продажа услуг средства размещения по запросу (on request) -

означает, что после каждой заявки клиента в средство

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размещения направляется запрос туроператора. Подтверждение

или отказ от заявки должны быть направлены туроператору в

течение 24 ч.

6. Свободная продажа услуг средств размещения (free sale) -

предоставление средством размещения своим партнерам

(туроператорам, турагентам и др.) права самостоятельно

подтверждать их клиентам бронирование мест в средстве

размещения, с одновременным уведомлением последнего о

произведенном бронировании.

7. Релиз-дата (release date) - день возврата туроператором

(турагентом) средству размещения непроданных

(незарезервированных) номеров, отстоящий от фактической

даты на продолжительность релиз-периода.

8. Релиз-период (период высвобождения) (release period) - период

времени, в течение которого происходит высвобождение

номеров из квоты.

9. Период остановки продажи (stop sale) - период времени, за

который нереализованный остаток квоты туроператора

(турагента) изымается средством размещения.

10. Остаток квоты (unsold room block) - номера квоты,

нереализованные туроператором (турагентом) к моменту

объявления остановки продажи. При этом туроператор обязан

забронировать в течение 24 ч с момента объявления остановки

продажи все реализованные и незабронированные номера, а

средство размещения обязано в безусловном порядке

подтвердить бронирование.

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5. Read and translate the text about tour operation management.

Tour operation management

Planning, negotiating, contracting, marketing, and successfully

administering a package holiday is a complex management task and takes

place over a long period of time. Contracting with hoteliers and airlines

can begin two years in advance of the holiday.

Hotel costs are a substantial proportion of the brochure price –

usually around 40 to 50 per cent for a typical package holiday. There are

two types of contract used. With the so-called allocation contract or

allotment contract, tour operators only pay the hotelier for the beds they

use. For example, they may contract 100 beds another, and 100 the next


An alternative is the fixed (guaranteed) contract or commitment

contract, where the tour operator pays for a fixed number of beds

throughout the peak season, irrespective of how many are sold.

With a fixed contract, the risk to the tour operator is obviously

increased. Typically, 50 percent of contracted beds are fixed, but this can

rise to 100 per cent when a destination is in very high demand.

The amount of the contracted rooms to be specified in the allotment

contract is a result of the estimated, during the negotiation, volume of

sales to be realized by the tour operator. Allocation contracts usually

include a clause requiring the tour operator to confirm the number of beds

sold several weeks before the customers arrive, at which point the hotelier

may take some of the rooms back. This is called the release date. This

enables the hotelier to sell off any beds not required or to stop sale if the

hotel is full which stops that the tour operator from taking late bookings.

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The allocation (allotment) contract reduces the risk of any unsold

products by the supplier and grants relative price advantage to the travel

organizer helping him to stay competitive on the market by offering

extra discounts which can vary from 10% to 50% according to the period

of the year, the destination, the quantity and quality of services contracted

upon. Some big tour operators are able to obtain up to 70% of discount.

Allocation contracts are popular with tour operators from different

countries, and usually they contract for slightly more beds than they have

available. As tour operators vary in their success in selling an individual

hotel, the hotelier is able to have a very high occupancy rate, which keeps

prices competitive for the customer.

6. Answer the questions

1. What does tour operation management involve?

2. What types of contracts are usually concluded between hotels and tour


3. What is the difference between an allocation contract and a

commitment contract?

4. With which contract the risk is increased for a tour operator/ hotel?

5. What is the release date?

6. What discounts can tour companies receive for selling hotel room


7. What is the advantage of high occupancy rates for the customer?

7. Here are two operators describing the type of contract they

negotiate with principals. Which of these labels would you use to

describe them: allocation/ contract or commitment contract (fixed/

guaranteed)? What do you think are the advantages of each

contract for tour operators and hoteliers?

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a. ‘We take a certain number of rooms and give back those we can’t sell

some weeks before the arrival date.’

b. ‘We take a certain number of rooms and have to pay for them all even

if we don’t sell them.’

8. A tour operator has negotiated a price of $160 per bed per week

for 120 beds. They only sell 75% of the beds in one week. How

much would they have to pay the hotelier for that week under a

commitment contract and an allocation contract?

9. Complete the text with suitable words from the box.

a. on-request b. negotiated c. an allotment release back period

d. released e. prior to f. allotment contract

g. allotments


1)_____ in the tourism industry are used to designate a certain block

of pre-negotiated hotel rooms which have been bought out and held by a

travel organizer with a huge buying power like a wholesaler, tour operator

or hotel consolidator, and more rarely by a retail travel agent.

Allotments can be purchased for a specific period of time such as a

whole season, part of a season or for any single dates and then resold to

travel partners and final customers around the globe. A couple of days 2)

_____ carrier departure/hotel check-in any unsold seats/rooms may be 3)

_____ back to the supplier if such an agreement exists between the two

parties. 4)

______ is also negotiated as part of the 5)

______ (e.g. four days

prior to check-in/departure).

Allotments can be 6)

_______ between a tour operator and a travel

service supplier such a hotel/chain, or between two travel organizers such

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as a tour operator and a retail travel agent. Either way the buyer needs to

prove a consistent level of business, because allotments are hardly granted

without any previous sales history.

Rooms that have not been contracted between the travel company

and the product supplier are handled as 7)

______, where each booking of

an airline seat or hotel room needs to be confirmed with the supplier

before being confirmed with the client.

10. Match the terms with their definitions

1. allocation contract

2. commitment


3. occupancy rate

4. fixed (hard) room


5. release date

6. stop sale

7. on-request sale

a. an official agreement between a tour

company and a hotel in which the

company must pay for all the beds it

has reserved even if it does not sell


b. fixing certain hotel rooms for specific

tour operator

c. a period of time beyond which the

unsold room block is released by a


d. the percentage of rooms that are

occupied by customers in a hotel

e. the date when a tour operator must

inform a hotel how many rooms it

requires at a particular period in the


f. an offical agreement between a tour

company and a hotel in which the

company does not have to pay for any

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beds that it has reserved but not sold

g. a tour operator’s reservation enquiry

sent to a hotel after receiving a

reservation request which is due to be

confirmed or rejected within 24 hours

11. Render the text into English.

Элотмент и комитмент - это два основных вида

сотрудничества между туроператорами и гостиницами.

Суть элотмента состоит в том, что туроператор получает блок

мест в гостинице, не оплачивая его заранее, а расплачиваясь с

гостиницей непосредственно перед заселением гостей. Данная форма

сотрудничества является для отеля более рискованной, а для

туроператора наоборот более выгодной. Чаще всего на условиях

элотмент соглашаются сотрудничать не самые популярные отели, у

которых есть проблемы с загрузкой. Также часто отели практикуют

данную форму сотрудничества в наиболее низкие туристические


Комитмент в туристическом бизнесе описывает форму

сотрудничества туроператора и гостиницы, когда туроператор часть

номеров на определённый период времени выкупает на условиях

предоплаты, не имея права в дальнейшем отказаться от этого блока

номеров. Учитывая, что для гостиниц комитмент гораздо выгоднее,

чем элотмент, то и цена для туроператора в случае комитмента

оказывается гораздо выгоднее. Попытка минимизации финансовых

потерь связанных с термином комитмент и породило такое

популярное явление в туризме, как «горящие номера» или «горящие


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12. Imagine that you are an event planner. Study a room-block request

form, complete it and write an email to book a room block for your

attendees to the event.



DATE: __________

FROM: LA Auto Housing Bureau

TO: (Name, Company)

EMAIL: _________

RE: Company Room Blocks

Thank you for your commitment to attend the Los Angeles Auto Show

Press Days held at the Los Angeles Convention Center November 18-20,

in Los Angeles, CA.

Upon receipt of your room block request form, we will confirm your room

block request along with a room block agreement that will require your

signature prior to your receiving your rooming list instructions.

Please use the grid below to indicate the number of rooms required each


To secure your room block, please complete this preliminary information

and return via email to [email protected] via fax 859-269-4817.

Once your room block is confirmed (hotel choices are based on

availability), you will be notified of the assigned hotel along with a room

block agreement that will require your signature.

Upon receipt of the signed agreement, you will then be forwarded deadline

dates and rooming list instructions on how to make reservations either

online or via an Excel spreadsheet.




15 Nov


16 Nov


17 Nov


18 Nov


19 Nov


20 Nov


21 Nov


22 Nov


23 Nov








Hotel Preference: The rates below do not include state and local taxes,

currently 15% (subject to change).

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1-10 in order















& 4th


Omni Headquarter Hotel 2 miles $215 $20

Los Angeles Athletic Club 1.2


$179 $35

LA Hotel Downtown A Hyatt




$199 $25

The Millennium Biltmore 7 blocks $159 $30

The Ace Hotel 1 mile $239 $10

The Line Hotel 2.9 miles $209s $229d $20

The O Hotel 0.9 miles $209 n/a

The Westin Bonaventure Hotel

& Suites

1 mile $249 $20

Doubletree Downtown LA 2.1 miles $169 $20

Sheraton 0.8 miles $174 $25

13. Read and translate the text below.

How to Control Allotment Execution and Overbooking with Clock

Evo Hotel PMS”

Hi, I’m Eugene. I’m a contracting and sales manager for Palm

Beach Resort. The forecast and control over the using up of allotments and

the observance of the release periods are extremely important to us. Let

me show you how our Clock Evo helps us in that.

On the one hand the control over the booking of allotments

performance during the season is crucial for our forecast of the sales trend

for the season. Being aware of the tendencies in the season time lets us

make informed decisions that maximize our revenue at the end of the

season. Launching special discounts for certain periods or increasing the

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allotments of tour operators with high performance are just some of the

moves that can prove to be really efficient.

On the other hand, in high season almost everything is sold and rooms

must be assigned with greater precision. Stop sale must be announced in

time to prevent overbooking. How does the software help in this respect?

In a few quick steps we can set an allotment for each separate tour

operator contract. The allotment is defined for each room type and season

included in the contract. We also define release periods for each season

after which the allotment takes effect.

The useful thing about our software is that it differentiates and allows

comparison between the allotments in the contract. They declare booking

positions and the actual rooming lists with the confirmation status

‘confirmed’, ‘tentative’ or ‘waiting’. Booking positions are the booking

forecasts that some tour operators send us before the rooming lists with the

actual bookings. This together with the comparison to previous seasons

allows taking time in reactions like launching special promotions,

shortening release periods or increasing a tour operator’s allotment.

Naturally new rooming lists are reflected in the allotments and the overall

availability of the property automatically. On the other hand, free

allotments of certain tour operators, periods or room types are available

for sale without any need of manual release.

Overbooking of allotments in the property as a whole can be

controlled in several ways. It can be restricted partially or completely. In

addition to that some users can be granted overbooking rights witch

override the restrictions. These, in combination reduce the risk of

accidental overbooking for big periods and ensure that we can sell

allotments that are unlikely to be used otherwise at calculated risk. For

further convenience each arrival can be entered as a separate booking.

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This makes finding bookings, editing rooming lists or checking the use of

allotments much easier. This is how our Clock Evo PMS helps us control

allotment execution and overbooking for a daily basis.

14. Answer the questions.

1. Why is the control over allotments booking crucial for the hotel?

2. What moves help the hotel maximize its revenue?

3. Why is it important to announce’ stop sale’ in time in high season?

4. What does the allotment for each separate tour operator indicate?

5. What confirmation status is used on tour operators’ rooming lists?

6. In what way can overbooking allotments be controlled by the hotel?

Contract law vocabulary

15. Study the vocabulary.

1. acceptance - принятие, акцепт

2. to be binding in law

to be legally bound

- иметь обязательную

силу по закону

- быть юридически


3. breach of contract - нарушение контракта

4. contracting party

party to a contract

- сторона, заключающая


5. consideration - встречное удовлетворение

6. damages

to claim damages

- возмещение ущерба,

компенсация, убытки

- требовать возмещения


7. to enforce - удовлетворять в

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enforceable in court of law

судебном порядке

- способный быть

удовлетворенным в

судебном порядке

8. entity

legal entity

- организация, объект

- юридическое лицо

9. offer - предложение, оферта

10. remedy

to be entitled to a remedy

- средство судебной


- иметь право на средство

судебной защиты

11. to suffer some losses - понести убытки

12. terms and conditions - условия договора

13. valid


- юридически


- период действия

16. Translate the sentences.

1. A contract is an agreement which is made between two or more

parties and which is binding in law.

2. The parties must agree to contract on certain terms and


3. In order to be binding in law the agreement must include an

offer and an acceptance of that offer.

4. In every valid contract there must be an exchange of


5. Consideration is an important part of the contract. It is the

payment or cost promise given by one party in return for the

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promises of another party when making a contract. Consideration

may be something other than money.

6. Certain kinds of contracts must be in writing to be enforceable in

court of law.

7. In a valid contract each person is legally bound to do what is


8. If one contracting party does not carry out the promise, the

other party can go to court and be entitled to a remedy.

9. The contract must have all the essential elements: an offer, an

acceptance and a valuable consideration.

10. When one party refuses to perform or fails to perform the

obligations under the contract, it is called a breach of contract.

11. The party in breach must compensate the other party.

12. The usual remedy is damages – monetary compensation.

17. Read the text and answer the questions.

A contract is an agreement which is made between two or more

parties and which is binding in law.

The parties must have a legal intention to be legally bound before

making a contract. They must agree to contract on certain terms and

conditions, they must know what they are agreeing to.

In order to be binding in law the agreement must include an offer

and an acceptance of that offer. The definition for an offer is an

expression of willingness to contract on a specific set of terms. In order

to make the contract become valid, so the second party must accept

exactly the terms of the offer.

In every valid contract there must be an exchange of consideration.

Consideration is an important part of the contract. It can be viewed as

the concept of legal value in relation with contracts. In other words, it is

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the payment or cost promise given by one party in return for the

promises of another party when making a contract. Consideration may

be something other than money. It might be physical objects, services,

promised actions, and others.

Most contracts can be either written or oral. However, certain

kinds of contracts must be in writing to be enforceable in court of law.

In a valid contract each person is legally bound to do what is

promised. If one contracting party does not carry out the promise, the

other party can go to court and be entitled to a remedy.

First, the court must decide if a contract has been made. The

judge will also consider if the contract has all the essential elements: an

offer, an acceptance and a valuable consideration. It is very

important for a judge to consider the capacity of contractors, which is

whether they are legally competent to make a contract.

When one party refuses to perform or fails to perform the

obligations under the contract, it is called a breach of contract. The

party in breach must compensate the other party. The usual remedy is

damages – monetary compensation. A court will award damages only

for the loss closely connected with the defendant’s breach.


1. What is a contract?

2. What must a valid contract include?

3. In what forms do contracts exist?

4. What contracts must always be in writing?

5. What is a breach of a contract?

6. What may the injured party seek in court?

7. What is a remedy?

8. Who must compensate for a breach of a contract?

9. What are damages?

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18. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word


1) to contract on certain terms

2) to be legally bound

3) valuable consideration

4) party to a contract

5) monetary compensation

6) damages

7) remedy

19. Give the English equivalents of the following word


1) сторона, заключающая контракт

2) заключить контракт

4) быть обязанным по закону

6) нарушить контракт

7) средство судебной защиты

8) сторона, нарушившая контракт

9) присуждать возмещение ущерба

20. Match the terms with the definitions.

1. a contract

2. damages

3. contracting party

4. terms and


a. a court's estimate or award of a sum

as a fine for breach of a contract

b. entity who enters into a binding


c. general and special arrangements

and provisions that form an integral

part of an agreement or contract

d. voluntary but conditional

promise submitted by a buyer or

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5. an offer

6. acceptance

7. consideration

8. breach of a contract

seller to another for acceptance

e. something with monetary value,

voluntarily exchanged for goods

or services

f. granting of a consent to the terms

of a contract by the involved


g. a legally binding agreement

between two or more parties

h. contracting party's actual failure

or refusal to perform its

obligations under the contract

21. Translate the sentences.

1. Чтобы иметь обязательную силу, соглашение должно

включать оферту и акцепт.

2. Контракты заключаются как в устной, так и в письменной


3. Контракт – это соглашение, которое заключается между

двумя и более сторонами и является обязательным.

4. Стороны должны согласиться заключить контракт на

определенных условиях.

5. Некоторые контракты должны быть только в письменной

форме, чтобы они могли быть рассмотрены в судебном


6. Надлежащее встречное удовлетворение – это то, что лицо

дало, сделало или согласилось не делать при заключении


22. Give the definitions of the following terms.

A contract; an offer; acceptance; consideration; breach of a contract.

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Unit 2

Code of Practice on the Relations between Hoteliers

and Travel Agents

1. Study the vocabulary.

1. to abide - соблюдать, придерживаться

2. to acknowledge

to acknowledge receipt

- подтверждать

- подтверждать получение


3. to cancel


cancellation policy

late cancellation

cancellation penalty fee

- аннулировать, отменять

- аннулирование (отказ от

запланированных услуг)

- условия и сроки аннулирования

забронированных и оплаченных


- позднее аннулирование

(аннулирование в срок не позднее,

чем за одни сутки до даты

запланированного заезда или в

обусловленные договором сроки)

- аннуляционный штраф (сумма,

выплачиваемая средству

размещения в случае нарушения

аннуляционных сроков)

4. Code of practice on

the relations between

hoteliers and travel


- Кодекс отношений между

гостиницами и туроператорами

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The International Hotel &

Restaurant Association


The Universal Federation

of Travel Agents’

Associations (UFTAA)

- Международная ассоциация

гостиниц и ресторанов

- Всемирная федерация ассоциаций


5. conciliation - примирение сторон

6. circumstances

force majeure ~

unforeseen ~

irresistible ~

beyond one’s control ~

- обстоятельства

- обстоятельства непреодолимой


- непредвиденные ~

- непреодолимые ~

- неуправляемые ~

7. to dispose


at one’s disposal

- размещать; распоряжаться

- размещение; распоряжение

- в своем распоряжении

8. disputes

settlement of disputes

- спорные ситуация, разногласия

- разрешение спорных ситуаций

9. earnest money - задаток, залог

10. to exonerate - освобождать от ответственности

11. to entitle - давать право

12. to honour - выполнять, соблюдать

13. invoice - счет-фактура

14. to let (a room)

to sub-let

- сдавать номер

- передавать в субаренду

15. be liable for


- нести ответственность за

- ответственность

16. to notify - поставить в известность

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syn. notice

- уведомление, извещение

17. no-show - неявка клиента в гостиницу

18. payment

advance payment

advance deposit


- оплата

- аванс (залог)

- авансовая сумма, подлежащая


- предоплата

19. premature departure - ранний отъезд

20. rates

the agreed contractual ~

adjustment of the ~

- расценки, тарифы

- расценки, оговоренные в


- корректировка расценок

21. to refrain from - воздерживаться от

22. to refund

syn. to reimburse

refund, reimbursement

claim for refund


a refundable deposit

a non-refundable deposit

- возвращать деньги

- возвращение денег

- требование о возмещении

- подлежащий возмещению

- авансовая сумма, подлежащая


- авансовая сумма, не подлежащая


23. reservation

a reservation fee

a reservation request

non guaranteed

- бронирование номера, услуг

- плата за услугу предварительного


- запрос (заявка) о бронировании

- негарантированное бронирование

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guaranteed reservations

- гарантированное бронирование

24. a rooming list - список группы на размещение

25. scope of (the agreement,

contract, Code of


- область применения (соглашения,

договора, кодекса отношений и


26. signatories - стороны договора

27. to specify - указывать, уточнять

28. to stipulate - оговаривать, обусловливать

29. subject to - подлежащий чему-либо

30. to submit - представлять на рассмотрение

31. to undertake - брать на себя обязательства,


2. Translate the sentences.

1. If any article of the Code of Practice conflicts with national law or

international law, the signatories acknowledge that such articles

would not apply.

2. The "hotel contract" is a contract by which a hotelier agrees with a

travel agent to provide hotel services, at a specified price, to a

traveller or a group of travellers who are client(s) of the travel agent.

3. Upon receipt of the reservation request from the travel agent, the

hotelier shall confirm the reservation in writing, stipulating in

particular the price of the services ordered by the issuance of a

reservation number referring to the request.

4. The hotelier shall refrain from accepting reservations which he

cannot honour.

5. The travel agent must notify in writing about his/her acceptance of

the hotelier’s conditions.

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6. The travel agent acknowledges that the voucher issued to his/her

client is a guarantee of payment, unless clearly specified otherwise.

7. Vouchers covering an extension of hotel services are subject to prior

written agreement between the hotelier and the travel agent regarding

the services to be provided.

8. The hotelier shall abide by the agreed contractual rates in the

currency of the country where the hotel is located or any other

currency stated in the contract.

9. The hotelier may require a reservation fee or "advance payment"

(earnest money or guarantee deposit) as a condition of his/her

acceptance of the order.

10. The reservation fee will be deducted from the final invoice but will

not be reimbursed in case of late cancellation.

11. The hotelier shall acknowledge receipt of the advance payment no

later than seventy-two (72) hours thereafter.

12. A group is a minimum of fifteen (15) persons arriving and departing

together, considered by the travel agent and the hotelier as one entity.

13. The total charge for the group’s services shall be presented in one


14. If the hotelier covers the loss by sub-letting the room(s), he/she will

not be entitled to such compensation.

15. If the client does not arrive at the hotel before 18.00 hours, this will

constitute a no-show.

16. In the event of a premature departure or non-utilization of services

ordered, the travel agent shall compensate the hotelier for the actual

loss suffered.

17. The rooming list should be sent minimum 7 days prior to the group’s


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18. Force major is "circumstances that are unforeseen, irresistible and

beyond his/her control".

19. Any international dispute arising from a contract between a hotelier

and a travel agent may be submitted for conciliation and arbitration.

3. Give the Russian equivalents to the following terminology


1. Code of practice on the relations between hoteliers and travel agents -

An international code of conduct to govern relations between hoteliers,

travel agents and tour operators; a set of guidelines laying down standards

to which members of a profession or association are expected to adhere in

the exercise of their activities when concluding contracts at an

international level.

2. Hotel contract - Document by which a hotelier agrees to provide hotel

services to a traveller/or a group of travellers who is (are) a client(s) of the

travel agent.

3. Advance payment - any sum that is paid before the arrival of a

client/group to guarantee the reservation. An advance payment must be

identified at the time of payment by the parties as “guarantee deposit”,

“earnest money” or “reservation fee” in order to define its possible refund.

4. Full (or partial) advance payment – a tour operator’s remittance of a

partial or full amount to an accommodation establishment’s current

account for booked services to be rendered as soon as the pre-payment is


5. Guarantee deposit - partial payment in advance of reserved services,

made by the travel agent to the hotelier. Such payment is deducted from

the final hotel invoice or refunded if the hotel contract is cancelled.

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6. Guaranteed reservations – advance hotel booking with payment

guaranteed against a guest’s credit card or corporate account even if the

guest does not take up the accommodation. Depending on the hotel’s

cancellation policy, failing to arrive for a guaranteed reservation usually

costs the guest or the corporate account a night’s room and tax.

7. Non-guaranteed reservations - non-guaranteed reservations (sometimes

called 6 p.m.-hold reservations) have no monetary promise associated with

the reservation. Should the non-guaranteed reservation fail to materialize,

the hotel has no recourse against the guest. As such, non-guaranteed

reservations are very risky and uncertain reservations. Many hotels refuse

to accept non-guaranteed reservations (though they may accept them on

occasion as favors to particular guests or in unique circumstances).

Because there is a very high no-show factor associated with non-

guaranteed reservations, accepting such reservations impacts the hotel’s

ability to reach perfect fill.

8. Advance-deposit reservations - Advance-deposit reservations are another

form of guaranteed reservation. However, rather than guaranteeing the

room to a credit card or corporate account, an advance-deposit reservation

requires the guest to send payment in advance. Payment may come in the

form of a cashier’s check, personal check, money order, or even

authorized credit card payment. In any case, hotels that require advance-

deposit reservations often establish more rigid cancellation policies

(longer lead time for cancellations) in order for the guest to receive full


9. Reservation fee - sum paid by the travel agent to the hotelier, before the

client’s arrival. Such amount will be deducted from the final hotel invoice

but not reimbursed in case of cancellation.

10. Voucher - a document issued by a travel agent by which he undertakes to

pay the hotelier for services ordered by the travel agent and to be rendered

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to the travel agent’s client(s). Such services or their maximum value shall

be mentioned on the voucher. A copy of a voucher may be used as

reconfirmation document.

11. Late cancellation - cancellation of accommodation, transport or

another reservation after the designated time limit. This may incur a

charge if the cancelled room cannot be resold.

4. Read and translate the text about the contractual relationship

between hotels and travel companies.

In hospitality industry, a contract is an agreement or promise made

between two or more parties that the courts will enforce. In other words, it

is a set of rules governing the relationship, content and validity of an

agreement between two or more persons. Normally, it is related to the sale

of goods and provision of services. A valid contract can be considered as

the moment that the offer is accepted. In general, a valid contract may be

established either in writing or verbally. That means it can be a verbal

form of contract, and it also can be a written form of contract.

It has been felt that hotels and tour operators should have a set of

standard norms and procedures for working with each other. Although

individual units and companies have the freedom to decide on their

operating procedures and norms for relationships with other trading

partners, there is a practice of setting a Code of Practice for both sides by

their respective Associations. Internationally, such an agreement which is

called Code of Practice on Hoteliers/Travel Agents relations was

signed between International Hotel & Restaurant Association

(IH&RA) and Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations

(UFTAA) on July 3rd, 1991.

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In the absence of a contract and when non-contractual terms are

under dispute, the Code of Practice seeks to provide useful guidance to

hoteliers and travel agents with a view to promoting harmonious relations

and avoiding possible misunderstandings or disputes. It includes general

principles together with a list of definitions, a check-list for individual

client and group contracts, arbitration rules, an individual and group

cancellation chart, and an explanatory chart for cancellation policy for


5. Read the text again and find the words or expressions that

correspond to these definitions.

a. a set of rules governing the relationship, content and validity of an

agreement between two or more persons

b. the moment when the contracting party’s offer is accepted by the


c. a set of standard norms and procedures for relationships with

trading partners

6. Read the articles of the Code of Practice and answer the questions.

Code of Practice on the Relations between Hoteliers and Travel



The signatories are: The International Hotel & Restaurant

Association (IH&RA) and The Universal Federation of Travel Agents’

Associations (UFTAA).

Scope of the Code of Practice

The Code of Practice is intended to govern contracts known as

"hotel contracts" between travel agents and hoteliers. If any article of the

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Code of Practice conflicts with national law or international law, the

signatories acknowledge that such articles would not apply.

Definition of the Hotel Contract

The "hotel contract" is a contract by which a hotelier agrees with a

travel agent to provide hotel services, at a specified price, to a traveller or

a group of travellers who are client(s) of the travel agent.


Hotel contracts shall be initiated by a reservation request from the

travel agent to the hotelier. Verbal reservation requests shall be confirmed

immediately in writing (letter, telegram, fax, e-mail, etc.) to the hotelier.

Reservation requests shall specify the services to be supplied.


Upon receipt of the reservation request from the travel agent, the

hotelier shall confirm the reservation in writing, stipulating in particular

the price of the services ordered by the issuance of a reservation number

referring to the request. The hotelier shall refrain from accepting

reservations which he cannot honour.

Upon receipt of the hotelier's confirmation or within a time-limit fixed

by the latter, the travel agent must notify, in writing, his/her acceptance of

the hotelier’s conditions.

Reservation Document

Acceptance of the voucher: If so agreed between the hotelier and the

travel agent, the hotelier must accept a voucher. The travel agent

acknowledges that the voucher issued to his/her client - for the hotelier -

is a guarantee of payment, unless clearly specified otherwise.

Services to be specified on the voucher should include: dates of arrival

and departure, hotel services to be provided and possibly the means of


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Vouchers covering an extension of hotel services are subject to prior

written agreement between the hotelier and the travel agent regarding the

services to be provided.


1. Who are the signatories of the Code of Practice?

2. What articles shouldn’t be applied by the signatories?

3. What is a hotel contract?

4. What are hotels contracts initiated by?

5. What should the confirmed reservations stipulate?

6. What is a voucher?

7. What are vouchers covering an extension of hotel services subject to?


The hotelier shall abide by the agreed contractual rates in the

currency of the country where the hotel is located or any other currency

stated in the contract.

However, long-term contracts may contain a clause concerning

adjustment of the rates.

Advance Payment

The hotelier may request either total or partial pre-payment. The

hotelier may require a reservation fee or "advance payment" (earnest

money or guarantee deposit) as a condition of his/her acceptance of the

order. If the hotelier considers "advance payment" as "earnest money" it

should be specifically stipulated. The reservation fee will be deducted

from the final invoice but will not be reimbursed in case of late


Any such advance payment may be treated as a "guarantee deposit",

except when a cancellation is made in accordance with the hotelier’s

written cancellation policy or customary trade practices. Whenever the

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hotelier requests an advance payment, the hotel contract shall be

concluded only on payment of this amount or when proof of payment has

been produced.

The hotelier shall acknowledge receipt of the advance payment no later

than seventy-two (72) hours thereafter.

Payment due to the hotelier

The services payable by the travel agent are those specified in the

confirmation document (hotel contract).

The travel agent having concluded a hotel contract is responsible for

payment of the specified services except when it has been agreed that the

invoice shall be paid directly by the client.

In the case of a long hotel stay, the travel agent may be asked to pay

the hotelier during the course of the stay for the services already provided,

according to the terms of the contract.

In cases where the travel agent reserves hotel services to be paid

directly by the client, the hotelier guarantees the travel agent’s commission

on the confirmed services.

For direct payments, the hotelier will accept only those credit cards

for which he is accredited.

Clear Understanding of the Commission Policy

The hotel policy regarding payment of commission and terms of

such payment must be clearly indicated and agreed upon by the travel

agent before or at the time of the confirmation.

Information regarding commission policy should normally include:

- whether a commission will be paid and on which services;

- the rate(s) of commission;

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- whether commissions are payable on any extension of stay

agreed by the hotel and/or on reservations effected by the client

during his stay, for a further period where the payment is

guaranteed by the travel agent.

Definitions of Groups and Individuals

a. The group

A group is a minimum of fifteen (15) persons arriving and departing

together, considered by the travel agent and the hotelier as one entity.

Allotments, congresses, conferences, seminars, incentive tours,

exhibitions, etc. may require specific written agreement. The group

confirmation from the hotelier shall specify identical services for each

member of the group. The total charge shall be presented in one invoice.

If, after the confirmation, the group is reduced to less than fifteen (15)

persons, the hotelier must notify the travel agent whether he/she still

considers this party as a group.

b. Individual

An individual client is the person who cannot benefit from group



1. What currency shall the hotelier abide by the agreed contractual rates


2. What does the hotelier usually request before rendering the services?

3. What may the hotelier require as a condition of his/her acceptance of

the order?

4. In what case will the reservation fee not be reimbursed?

5. When must the hotelier acknowledge receipt of the advance payment?

6. What document are the services payable by the travel agent specified


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7. In what case is the travel agent not responsible for payment of the

specified services?

8. What credit cards will the hotelier accept for direct payments?

9. When should the hotel policy regarding payment of commission and

terms of such payments be indicated?

10. What does the information regarding commission policy normally


11. What entity is considered as a group?

12. In what case should the hotelier notify the travel agent whether he/she

still considers the party as a group?

13. Who is considered to be an individual client?

Cancellations – General Terms

The terms and time-limits governing total or partial cancellation of the

hotel contract, together with the amount of any possible compensation due

in case of late cancellation, shall be agreed upon at the time of

confirmation. The hotelier shall clearly define his/her cancellation policy

for the concerned period. The client shall be informed of this cancellation

policy. Cancellations shall be signified in writing and dated.

Cancellation of Groups

a. Cancellation time-limits:

In the absence of agreement to the contrary, the travel agent may

cancel a group reservation without having to pay compensation, according

to the following rules:

The entire group (100%) may be cancelled validly up to thirty

(30) days prior to the arrival date.

A maximum of 50% of the initial reservation may be cancelled

at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the arrival date.

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A maximum of 25% of the initial reservation may be cancelled

at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of arrival.

b. Cancellation fees

1) Cancellations made outside the above-mentioned time-limits

shall entitle the hotelier to the following compensation:

a fee fixed in advance;

in the absence of such an agreement: two/thirds (2/3) of the price

of the reserved services (minimum one night per cancelled


in case of cancellation within the three (3) days preceding the

arrival date three quarters (3/4) of the price of the reserved


2) If the hotelier covers the loss by sub-letting the room(s), he/she

will not be entitled to such compensation. The hotelier may be

required to prove that he/she did not sub-let the room(s).

Cancellations for Individuals

a. Cancellation time-limits

In the absence of contractual conditions to the contrary, the minimum

periods of notice that shall be observed by the travel agent to notify a

cancellation to the hotelier, are as follows:

fourteen (14) days before the date of arrival, in low season;

thirty (30) days before the date of arrival, in high season.

b. Cancellation fees

In the absence of contractual conditions to the contrary, cancellations

notified after the above-mentioned time-limits shall entitle the hotelier

to the following compensations:

For any stay of one or two nights, in low or high season: the

equivalent of services ordered for a one-night stay.

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For any stay of three nights or over, in low season: the equivalent of

services ordered for a one-night stay.

For any stay of three nights or over, in high season: the equivalent

of services ordered for a three-night stay.


1. What cancellation provisions should be agreed upon at the time of


2. In what case may the travel agent cancel a group reservation without

having to pay compensation?

3. What compensation is the hotelier entitled to for cancellations made

beyond the time-limits?

4. In what case is the hotelier not entitled to such compensation?

Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Reservations - No-Shows

a. Non-guaranteed reservations

If a hotelier accepts a booking, he/she must keep the rooms available

for the guests until 18.00 hours on the scheduled day of arrival. After

18.00 hours, he/she may dispose of the rooms.

b. guaranteed reservations

The guarantee given by the client or the travel agent is constituted by

a payment in cash, cheque or credit card (or, in the case of the travel agent,

a formal guarantee indicated on the reservation document or the voucher).

Once the guarantee is granted, the hotelier will keep the room at the

client's disposal until midday on the day following the scheduled date of

arrival. Thereafter he may dispose of the room.

c. No-show

If the client does not arrive at the hotel before 18.00 hours, this will

constitute a no-show. In this case, the conditions relating to late

cancellations are applicable.

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If the amount of compensation to be paid in the case of a late

cancellation or no-show is not specified, it is accepted that it should be

equivalent to the cost of the start rooms for a minimum of one night and a

maximum of three nights per room.

Premature Departure

In the event of a premature departure or non-utilization of

services ordered, the travel agent shall compensate the hotelier for the

actual loss suffered, except in those cases where the hotelier is responsible

for the premature departure or non-utilization of these services, or when

the hotelier and the client have agreed, in writing, on any other solution.


1. Until what time must the hotelier keep the room available for the guests

with non-guaranteed reservations?

2. What is the hotelier entitled to do with the reserved rooms after 18.00?

3. What are the guaranteed reservations constituted by?

4. Until what time must the hotelier keep the room at the client’s disposal

when the guarantee is granted?

5. Which client is constituted as a no-show?

6. What conditions are applicable in this case?

7. What compensation should be paid to the hotelier if a late cancellation

or no-show is not specified?

8. Why must the travel agent pay compensation in the event of premature


Information Provided to the Hotel

The travel agent shall provide the hotelier with all necessary,

relevant and detailed information on the services requested and send the

rooming list minimum 7 days prior to arrival. The travel agent shall

provide information concerning the group's arrival details.

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Information to the Travel Agent and Client

The hotelier shall provide the travel agent with relevant, precise

information concerning the category/standards, location and services of

the hotel.

The travel agent is obliged to transmit to his/her client the information

exactly as supplied by the hotelier.

Disposal of Rooms

The hotelier must keep the reserved room at the disposal of the client

from 15.00 hours until 18.00 hours, on the day of arrival, unless the

reservation has been guaranteed or a late arrival has been specified.

Unless otherwise agreed, a hotel room must be vacated by the client no

later than twelve noon on the day of departure.

Obligations to the Client

For any reservation duly accepted and confirmed, the hotelier shall

respect his/her contractual commitments.

Failing this, he/she shall compensate the travel agent for the loss

actually suffered.

Should the hotelier not provide the client with the reserved

accommodation he/she (the hotelier) has confirmed, this latter will, at

his/her expense:

- secure accommodation for the client at the nearest equivalent hotel

and pay where applicable, for any difference of price;

- notify the client or the travel agent, in advance of the client's arrival,

where applicable, eventually pay for the client’s communication

cost to notify his/her home or office of the change of hotel;

- the hotelier will also pay for the client’s transportation to the other


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- pay for the client’s transportation back to the original hotel, if the

client wishes to return to the hotel he/she has originally reserved

when space becomes available.

Force Majeure

Whenever one of the parties to the hotel contract finds it impossible to

fulfill his/her obligations owing to a case of force majeure, that is

"circumstances that are unforeseen, irresistible and beyond his/her

control", he/she is exonerated from their obligations without having to

pay any compensation.

When the hotelier or travel agent finds him/herself unable to fulfill

his/her obligation for reasons of force majeure, he/she shall immediately

notify the other party in order to limit potential damages.

Settlement of Disputes

Any international dispute arising from a contract between a hotelier

and a travel agent may be submitted for conciliation and arbitration to the

IH&RA/UFTAA Liaison Committee.


1. What information shall the travel agent provide the hotelier with?

2. What is the deadline for sending the rooming list?

3. What information must be provided by the hotelier?

4. What are the time limits for keeping the reserved rooms?

5. What does the hotelier have to do in case of a breach of the contractual


6. What must the hotelier do if he doesn’t provide the client with the

reserved accommodation which has been confirmed?

7. In what case can both the hotelier and the travel agent be exonerated

from their obligations without having to pay any compensation?

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8. How can the disputes arising from a contract between a hotelier and a

travel agent be settled?

7. Complete the texts with suitable words and expressions from

the box.


a. verbal b. specify c. a reservation request d. hotel


1) _______ shall be initiated by 2)

______ from the travel agent to the

hotelier. 3)

______ reservation requests shall be confirmed immediately in

writing (letter, telegram, telex, fax, e-mail, etc) to the hotelier. Reservation

requests shall 4)

______ the services to be supplied.

Guaranteed reservation

a. a corporate


b. an advanced


c. cancellation time

d. reservation e. guaranteed f. one night stay

A guaranteed reservation is 1)

_______ by a credit card number, for

hotel accommodations. When this type of reservation is made by a guest,

it requires the hotel room to be held after the normal 2)

______. By

guaranteeing the 3)

______ the guest says, “I will definitely be there and

please hold the room for me no matter how late I am checking in.”

The room is reserved with a credit card, a cash deposit or 4)


(if the company making the reservation has direct billing). A guaranteed

reservation is 5)

_______ which means that the room should be held the

entire night for the guest and if the guest does not check-in, he/she will be

charged for 6)

______ or lose their deposit.

Force Majeure

a. circumstances b. notice c. obligations

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d. beyond the parties’ control e. penalty

This provision allows the tour operator or the hotel to cancel the

event without 1)

______ for unforeseen, catastrophic events, which may

include severe weather, earthquakes, act of war or terrorism, and strikes or

any other emergency 2)

______, making it inadvisable, illegal or which

materially affects a party’s ability to perform its 3)

______ under this

contract. Either party may terminate this contract for any one or more of

such reasons upon such 4)

______ to the other party as reasonable under

the unforeseen 5)


8. The Xara Palace Relais & Chateaux has made an allotment

offer. Read the offer and answer the questions.


1. Relais & Châteaux – a global fellowship of individually owned

and operated luxury hotels and restaurants offering fine dining and

exceptional surroundings, often located in historical buildings and


2. to quote – объявлять, назначать цены

3. pertinent to – относящийся к

4. to suspend – временно прекращать, приостанавливать

5. to forfeit the right – терять право

6. status report of sales – отчет о состоянии продаж

Hotel Agreement and Allotment Confirmation

From: the Xara Palace Relais & Chateaux

Address: Misral Il-Kunsill Mdina MDN1050 Malta

Date: 19-Jun-14

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Telephone: (+356)21450560

Fax : +356 21452612

Web Site: www.xarapalace.com.mt

E-mail reservations: [email protected]

Hotel Agreement between _______________ (hereinafter referred to as

"THE OPERATOR") and on behalf of The Xara Palace Relais &

Chateaux (hereinafter referred to as "THE HOTEL")

Period Applicable


1st May – 1

st June 1

st September – 1

st October Meal Plan

Allot Rate Allot Rate

Duplex Room Sngl On Request € 221.00 On Request € 195.00 Continental


Duplex Room Dbl On Request € 263.00 On Request € 231.00 Continental


Deluxe Room

Panoramic View -


On Request € 284.00 On Request € 258.00 Continental


Deluxe Room

Panoramic View -


On Request € 326.00 On Request € 294.00 Continental


Deluxe Suite

Panoramic View with

Jacuzzi - Sngl

On Request € 347.00 On Request € 320.00 Continental


Deluxe Suite

Panoramic View with

Jacuzzi -Dbl

On Request € 389.00 On Request € 357.00 Continental


Release Period – pre-negotiated

Stop Sales will be accepted and actioned within 24 hrs.

1. Above quoted Rates are per room per night.

2. The relevant booking details for each arrival date, i.e., the number

and type of rooms and names of clients must be notified to THE

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HOTEL at least (as per release dates) days in advance, failing which

THE HOTEL will release the allotment of rooms.

3. Breakfast included in the above quoted rates is Continental

Breakfast - a Supplementary Charge of 6.00 € per person will apply

for Cooked Breakfast.

4. Special requirements and supplements

Children 0- 2 years Free of Charge

Children 2 -11 years 50% Discount on BB (1/2 Twin Rate)

Children over 12 years 35% Discount on BB rate (1/2 Twin Rate).

(Sharing with 2 Adults)

Half Board Supplement (per person): On Request

Early Bird Discount:

10% Discount for all bookings made by 31st March, 50% pre-

payment by 15th April

5% Discount for all bookings made by 30th April, 50% pre-

payment by 15th May

Special Offers:

4 = 5 - For stay between the 1st July & 1


Offers cannot be combined.

The last night is always the free night.

Free Nights Offer is applicable once the Early Bird Discount has


Stop Sales are to be accepted.

Honeymoon Offer:

Complimentary Sparkling Wine and Petit Fours on arrival.

Room upgrade subject to availability.


Maximum occupancy in Duplex Rooms is 2 persons.

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Suites against Suggestion of the Hotel may accommodate either 3

adults (1 adult in rollaway bed) or 2 adults + 2 kids (2 kids in

rollaway beds)

5. The above rate(s) may only be used for bookings pertinent to your

published programme which is freely available to the general public

and in which THE HOTEL is featured.

6. A copy of this agreement should be signed and returned, as

confirmation of your acceptance of the terms and conditions

outlined herein, on or before the following date, or all arrangements

will become invalid.

7. The hotel reserves the right to issue Stop Sales and/or reduce the

allocation at its own discretion.


1. Where is the Xara Palace Relais & Chateaux located?

2. What accommodation units are on offer?

3. What period are the rates applicable for?

4. What meal plan is included into the quoted rate?

5. What is the surcharge for cooked breakfast?

6. Is the release period fixed in the offer?

7. Is there a ‘stop sale’ clause in the offer?

8. On what condition will the hotel release the allotment of rooms?

9. What special requirements and supplements are featured in the


10. What discounts are provided on a pre-payment basis?

11. What do special offers indicate?

12. What is the honeymoon offer about?

13. What information does the occupancy clause contain?

14. What bookings can the rates be used for?

15. What may serve as a proof of the acceptance of the offer?

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16. What is the hotel entitled to do?

9. Study the Terms & Conditions of the hotel’s offer.

Terms & Conditions

1. The Hotel undertakes to hold at the disposal of the Tour Operator the

rooms detailed in this agreement for the period stated and at the prices

shown. Prices are quoted per room per night inclusive of VAT, net of

commission in Euro currency.

2. The Tour Operator accepts the on request Basis and undertakes to

promote and advertise them for the accommodation of clients

throughout the period of the contract.

3. The Tour Operator undertakes to use the prices stipulated in this

agreement and shall promote and advertise the hotel at competitive


4. The tour operator has to provide a voucher to the guest, which has to be

presented upon check in. If a voucher is not available a rooming list or

booking form shall replace the guest voucher.

5. When accommodation is cancelled within seven (7) days of the booked

arrival date, the Hotel shall be entitled to claim payment of

cancellation fees of three (3) days services ordered. In cases of “no

shows” the Hotel shall be entitled to claim full compensation for

services ordered but in any event will not be less than three (3) days of

services ordered. Any reservation required after allocation has been

released or filled has to be specifically requested by the Tour Operator

unless sell and report facilities have been extended. No additions or

alterations after the release date can be made without approval by the

Hotel. In the event that the Hotel will not accept to replace a booking,

which has been, cancelled after the release date (as aforesaid) the Hotel

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shall forfeit the right to claim cancellation fees in respect of the


6. The Tour operator shall provide a true and proper status report of

sales with reference to each and every programmed date of arrival in

respect of the allocation granted if requested so to do. The Hotel will

reserve the right to increase or decrease the allocation on the basis of

sales report.

7. Payment for the accommodation will be made by the Tour Operator on

behalf of the client after the departure of the clients and on receipt of

the Hotel’s account. Payment is to be effected by no later than the last

day of every month for all invoices covering clients’ departure during

the previous month. Payments made directly by the Tour Operator

overseas are to be in the form of swift transfers, bank draft or banker’s

cheque payable in local Currency to:

Account Name: The Xara Palace Hotel

Account Number: 043002286001

Sort Code: 44439

Swift Code: MMEBMTMT

IBAN-Number: MT94MMEB44439000000043002286001

8. The Tour Operator guarantees the payment of the client’s account. In

the event of the Tour Operator failing to make payment in accordance

with the terms, the Hotel shall be under no obligation to accommodate

future clients and shall be entitled to serve notice informing the Tour

Operator that it is (a) suspending the contract until payment is


9. No claims for refunds or reductions shall be considered by the Hotel

unless such claims are based upon complaints which are lodged with

the Hotel manager or his deputy during the client’s stay in the Hotel,

either directly or through the local representative of the Tour Operator

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concerned. Under no circumstances will the hotel be liable for

compensation unless the Hotel admits liability in writing in respect of

any claim for any breach of this agreement alleged to have been

committed by the Hotel.

10. In the event that the Hotel finds itself unable to honour a booking by

providing the accommodation within the Hotel, it shall at the Hotel’s

expense, provide alternative accommodation and other services in

another Hotel of the same or superior category to the satisfaction of the

Tour Operator’s local representative and in such case, the Hotel shall

be deemed to have fulfilled its obligations arising from this agreement

and shall be exonerated from any liability for breach of contract.

11. This allocation agreement is subject to Stop Sales should the need

arise according to the Hotel's discretion.

12. The Hotel reserves the right to increase the following rates if any

increases are imposed by action of the Government or any Government

Agency after the date of this agreement.

10. Make an allotment contract using the following sample and the

information in the Terms & Conditions.


(one contract per group)


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Reservation in the hotel ____________ for the services mentioned




a) Arrival and departure

Number of



within the


Arrival at Hotel

Departure from Hotel Number of


Day Month Year Time Day Month Year Time

b) Accommodation


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Single room(s): _____ Twin bedded room(s): _____ Double room(s):


Triple room(s): _____ 4 Pax room(s): ______ Suite (s): ______

Tour leader/ guide/ driver

Persons (number): ______ Single room: _______ Twin bedded


c) Room facilities

d) Meals (Cross what is required)

e) Other Facilities / Requirements: __________________________

Other services: _________________________________________


Net price (non commissionable) per day per person _____ per room/

unit _____ in ______ (currency) – taxes and service included.

Special requests: _______________________________

Other services: _______________________________

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a. Price supplement

Early arrival/ late departure: __________________

Other: _________________________ (please specify)

b. Arrangements for payment


Reservations fees or Guarantee deposit or Advance payment or Earnest

money (per person/ room)


Payment against invoice within a given deadline: _________

Means of payment: _____________

Interest on late payment in %: _______


a. Without compensation

Up to 100% of the group: ______ days prior to arrival

Up to 50% of the group: ______ days prior to arrival

Up to 25% of the group: ______ days prior to arrival

b. With compensation

Amount of _________________________________

2/3 of the price of the reserved services (minimum 1 night per cancelled


Cancellation made 3 days prior to arrival: ¾ of the price of the reserved




______ days prior to arrival of the group


The parties agree to submit any dispute arising from this contract to:

The IH&RA / UFTAA Arbitration Committee

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The court and tribunals of the country where the service is dispute was


Other (specify):



The parties to this acknowledge that they are aware of the terms and

conditions of the IH&RA / UFTAA Code of Practice.

Done in duplicates in: _______ , on __________ (date)

For the Hotel

name and title of the authorized



For the Travel Agency

name and title of the authorized



11. You are going to render the text about contractual relationship

between hotels and travel companies. First match the Russian

terms with their English equivalents and then render the text

into English.

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1. Кодекс отношений между

гостиницами и


2. Всемирная федерация

ассоциаций турагентств

3. Международная

ассоциация гостиниц и


4. договор о твердой закупке

с полной оплатой

5. договор о квоте мест с

гарантией их заполнения

на 30— 80%

6. договор о квоте мест без

гарантии их заполнения

7. договор о текущем


8. оставшаяся часть квоты

9. квота номеров (мест)

10. гарантированная квота


11. загрузка гостиничных


12. заявка на бронирование

a. fixed /guaranteed contract

b. occupancy rate

c. Code of Practice on the

Relations between Hotels and

Travel Agents

d. International Hotel and

Restaurant Association


e. on request booking

f. commitment contract

g. room block/ allotment

h. the unsold room block

i. allotment contract

j. reservation/booking request

k. fixed room block

l. Universal Federation of

Travel Agents’ Associations


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В сфере международного туризма в соответствии с Кодексом

отношений между гостиницами и турагентствами, принятым

Всемирной федерацией ассоциаций турагентств (UFTAA) и

Международной ассоциации гостиниц и ресторанов (IH&RA),

вступившим в действие с 3 июля 1991 г., используются на практике

следующие варианты договоров на гостиничные услуги.

Договор о твердой закупке с полной оплатой. По данному

договору фирма гарантирует гостинице полную оплату выделенной

квоты номеров вне зависимости от их заполнения. При таких

условиях фирма «выторговывает» низкие цены на размещение в


Гарантированная квота мест необходима турфирме для

подтверждения иностранному партнеру приема большого количества

тургрупп, путешествующих по одинаковому маршруту и

обеспечивающих непрерывную загрузку гостиничных номеров в

течение длительного времени.

Договор о квоте мест с гарантией их заполнения на 30— 80%.

По такому договору турфирма получает от гостиницы в свое распоря-

жение определенное количество мест, которые она обязана в течение

оговоренного периода заполнить. При этом она гарантирует оплату

30—80 % выделенной квоты мест, даже если они не будут

использованы. Остальную часть квоты фирма имеет право

аннулировать в установленные сроки. По этому договору цены на

номера в гостинице ниже обычных розничных тарифов.

Договор о квоте мест без гарантии их заполнения. По этому

договору фирма не берет на себя никакой ответственности за

заполняемость выделенной ей квоты мест в гостинице. В силу

вступает обычное правило аннуляции неиспользованных

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гостиничных мест. При этом фирма рассчитывается с гостиницей по

обычным тарифам.

Договор о текущем бронировании. Это наиболее типичный

договор для турфирм, занимающихся организацией индивидуального

туризма. По договору фирма не получает от гостиницы никакой

квоты мест, а всякий раз при обращении клиента направляет в

гостиницу заявку на бронирование и только по получении от нее

подтверждения производит продажу гостиничных услуг. При таком

договоре действуют обычные тарифы на места в гостинице.

12. Look at the rooming list sent to the guide escorting the Koala

Tours 'Sydney Opera’ group and answer the following


1. Where is the group staying?

2. How many rooms are required altogether?

3. How many groups of three or more are there? What size are they?

4. Who has the concert tickets?

5. Who probably has difficulty with stairs?

Koala Tours

15 Cook Road, Sydney

Tel. No. Reservations 2-226-31 50

OPERATIONS 2-226-6079

ACCOUNTS 2-226-9596

Leader Drabble

Hylodge Hotel, Sydney

Sydney Opera

14 Nov 20 ___ 1 night

Rooming list Double with facilities

CC Mr/ Mrs B Dolamore

CC Mr/ Mrs A Williams

2 double with facilities – 4 pax

Triple with facilities

LF Miss J Tattum/ Mrs F Tattum

Mrs D Hughes

1 triple with facilities – 3 pax

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Single with facilities

Driver Has Tix

1 single with facilities – 1 pax

Twin with facilities

AA Mr/ Mrs Roberts

AA Mr/ Mrs Baker

Mrs N Banks/ Mrs S Jones

Mr/ Mrs L Dunbar

Mrs Dyment/ Mrs W Noyes

DD Mrs F Elson/ Mrs T Mullen

Mrs Fletcher/ Mrs K Cousineau

Mrs J M Grant/ Miss J Grant

Mrs J Griffiths/ Mrs V Miller

Mrs J Hill/ Miss R Hill

Mrs W Hughes/ S Miss Hughes

Mrs M Morris/ Miss S Morris

Mrs J Macdougall/ Mrs N Jones

Mr/ Mrs M Roberts

FS Miss M Roberts/ Miss Williams

DD Mrs B Scott. Mrs K Willcock

Mrs S Taylor/ Mrs J Ravenscroft

BB T Evans/ G Davis

BB Mrs Thomas/ Burke

BB M Pumford/ R Williams

BB A Needham/ J Needham

21 twin with facilities – 42 pax

Special requests

FS Front seat requested

LF Low floor requested

AA Travelling together

BB Travelling together

CC Travelling together

DD Travelling together

Total – 50 pax

Koala Tours guide (Coach only)

Total on coach - 51

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Unit 3

Negotiating Agreements and Contracts

1. Tour operators and hotels have to hold detailed discussions before

signing contracts. During these discussions the parties must try to

negotiate the best deal. You are going to read an article giving

advice on how to negotiate successfully.

The art of successful negotiation

Are you satisfied with the way you handled that last set of

negotiations? Couldn’t you have done just a little bit better? Are you

letting down your company – and yourself? This list of helpful hints may

allow you to come away from your next negotiation with a greater sense of



Being prepared is the most important thing. If you haven’t had time

to prepare properly, then cancel the meeting – you’ll be wasting your time.

1. Make sure you know the arrangements – the time and the place.

2. Set aside enough time for the meeting.

3. Have a clear set of objectives: what you really want to achieve. List

your secondary objectives. What is the minimum position you are

prepared to accept?

4. Take what you need – documents, materials, people.

5. Dress appropriately. ‘Power-dressing’ may help, but it’s more

important to dress so that you feel comfortable and confident.

6. If you are hosting the negotiation, then think carefully about the

arrangement of the room and the layout of the furniture.

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Language and behaviour

Your behaviour should be polite and respectful – you won’t gain

anything by being rude. In international negotiations you may also find

you’re talking to someone whose first language isn’t the same as yours.

1. Allow time for social conversation – and have a few topics of

conversation up your sleeve.

2. Don’t use threaning body language or gestures.

3. Be polite and civil, even when you’re being tough.

4. Make sure you understand what the other person is saying. Ask

for clarification if necessary.

5. Be sure the other person understands you. Offer repetition or


6. Show respect for different cultures and find out about them

before your meeting – it may help you get what you want!

7. If the language difference is really great, then employ an


Achieving your objectives

If you’ve done all of the above then you’re nearly there. But you’ve

still got to keep alert during the meeting, and respond to developments


1. Prepare a strategy – a ‘game plan’ – of how you want the

meeting to go, but be ready to adapt. Flexibility is vital.

2. If you’re negotiating in a team, then think about your different

roles and strategies – you may each have a different area of

expertise, or you may each decide to take a different approach

(for example, ‘hard man, soft man’)

3. Make concessions if it helps to achieve your main objectives.

The concessions can be real or apparent.

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4. Avoid an atmosphere of conflict.

5. Listen to the other speaker. Don’t interrupt – let them finish their


6. Respond to the points they make with respect.

7. Avoid saying ‘No’.


A successful negotiation can be destroyed if you don’t spend time

confirming what has been agreed.

1. Keep notes of the main points as the meeting progresses.

2. Make sure all parties agree on what has been agreed before you

leave the meeting.

3. Follow up the meeting a few days later with a letter or a contract

listing the terms on which you agreed.

2. What is meant by the expressions up your sleeve, a game plan, and

hard man, soft man.

3. You might hear the following things said during a negotiation.

Which piece of advice in the text do they refer to?

Could you just repeat that?

Did you have a pleasant journey?

Can I just recap on what we’ve agreed so far?

If I can start with your first point…

Yes, I see what you mean, but don’t you think it would be better


Would you like me to go over that again?

4. Do you think any of the advice is particularly important for a tour

operator about to start negotiations with a hotelier? Is any of it

not relevant?

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Role Play Activities

Activity 1

Preliminary negotiations

5. Read the following situations. Using your own ideas, write down

what you might say.

1) You are on the phone with a client whose hotels you use for your

tours. He has just suggested meeting next Wednesday, but you

would prefer to meet on Friday at 11.00.

Client: What about meeting next week – say Wednesday at 2.30?

You: _______________________________________________

2) Your client asks if there is anything in particular you want to talk

about. You want to discuss how many rooms you will need for next

season. You also want a price reduction, but don’t want to go into

details now.

Client: Is there anything in particular that you’d like to bring up?

You: _______________________________________________

3) Your client wants to discuss the complaints you had last year. You

think this is a good idea, and suggest bringing along some of the

letters you have received from dissatisfied customers.

Client: Perhaps we could look at any complaints you had last year

and see if there are any problems we can sort out.

You: ________________________________________________

4) Your client suggests that he may have to raise prices; this is

absolutely unacceptable. Say you understand his point, but might

consider booking more rooms instead.

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Client: Now, as I am sure you know, the changes in the exchange

rate mean that there will have to be a modest increase in our

charges, or we’ll end up losing money.



5) Your client asks if there is anything else to discuss; your directors

have insisted that you talk about the high cancellation charges,

which they felt were unreasonable.

Client: Is there anything else that you’d like on the agenda?



6) You have decided to bring the phone call to a close. Finish by

confirming the time of your meeting.

Client: I’ll make sure that the meeting room is free, and I’ll bring

along the documents I mentioned.



Activity 2

Negotiations with a hotel

6. You are going to role-play the preliminary negotiations between a

tour operator and the representative of a hotel chain. To prepare,

divide into three groups: tour operators (Student A), hotel

representatives (Student B), secretaries (Student C). Read the

information below.

There will be three stages to the role-play:

Stage 1: arrange meeting

Stage 2: set agenda

Stage 3: the actual negotiations

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Tour operators

You would prefer a meeting at the hotel next week in the early morning.

Friday is best for you.

Your objectives are:

a) a larger allocation of rooms – 50 per night in high season;

b) a range of types of accommodation (e.g. self-catering, family rooms,

half-board, etc.)

c) shorter release dates (so you have more chance of selling your

allocation at the last minute);

d) a contribution to advertising costs;

e) hotel to provide some better photographs;

f) extras in the rooms (e.g. bottle of wine, basket of fruit);

g) clearer idea of the hotel’s recreational and leisure facilities (there was

some confusion last year).

Hotel representatives

You would like a meeting at your hotel next week. Midweek and late

morning is best for you (maybe over lunch).

Your objectives are:

a) set allocation – 60 rooms per night in high season;

b) promote new self-catering villa complex;

c) limited credit period (account was settled very late last year);

d) tell tour operator about new recreational facilities;

e) a more prominent display in the operator’s brochure;

f) introduce a sell-on clause (sell the unsold rooms weeks before date).


You are in charge of arranging a meeting between a tour operator and a

hotel representative. Agree upon the day, time and place of the meeting

and set the agenda.

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7. Spend some time preparing your roles in your groups. Then hold

the meeting.

8. After the meeting return to your groups and disicuss:

how well the negotioations went

were all the objectives achieved

what compromises and concessions were made

could the meeting have been more successful


1. What types of contracts are usually concluded between hotels and tour

companies? What is the difference between an allocation contract and a

commitment contract?

2. With which contract the risk is increased for a tour operator/ hotel?

3. What is a contract? What must a valid contract include? What is a

breach of a contract? Who must compensate for a breach of a


4. What kind of document is the Code of Practice?

5. In what case is the travel agent not responsible for payment of the

specified services?

6. What entity is considered as a group?

7. What is the difference between a guaranteed and non-guaranteed


8. Which client is constituted as a no-show?

9. In what case can both the hotelier and the travel agent be exonerated

from their obligations without having to pay any compensation?

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MODULE 4 Business Travel Тема: Диверсификация обслуживания в зависимости от статуса

клиента. Организация работы гостиницы в рыночном сегменте


Unit 1 Mice Industry

Unit 2 Business travel

Unit 1

Mice Industry

1. Study the vocabulary.

1. to attend


an attendee

an attendant

посещать, присутствовать



присутствующее лицо

2. a convention съезд, собрание

3. to exhibit

an exhibit

exhibit space rentals

an exhibition

an exhibitor

выставлять, экспонировать


аренда выставочных




(лицо, учреждение,



предмет (экспонат) на


4. a fee

an attendee registration fee

взнос, сбор

регистрационный взнос


5. intermediary посредник

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6. a lectern кафедра

7. MICE:





индустрия корпоративных


корпоративные встречи,

презентации, переговоры

и т. д.

поощрительные или

мотивационные туры и


конференции, конгрессы,

съезды, форумы

выставки, корпоративные


8. Events деловые мероприятия

a conference

конференция, совещание

(собрание представителей

различных организаций,

сообществ, стран для

обсуждения и решения

актуальных проблем)

a convention

съезд, собрание (собрание

представителей разных

организаций или групп

населения, деятелей в

определенной области)

a forum

форум (мероприятие,

проводимое для

обозначения или решения

глобальных проблем)

a symposium


(совещание, научная

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конференция по какому-

либо научному вопросу

обычно с участием

представителей разных


a colloquium

коллоквиум (совещание,

семинар, посвященные

обсуждению научной,



a seminar

семинар (интерактивное

практическое учебное

мероприятие, участники

которого обсуждают

тематические сообщения,

доклады, рефераты и пр.)

a workshop

практический семинар,

секция, рабочая группа

(интенсивное учебное


предполагающее активную

работу всех участников)

a roundtable

«круглый стол» (дискуссия

за круглым столом,

обсуждение каких-

л. вопросов в группе)

a panel discussion

панельная дискуссия

(обсуждение темы группой

людей перед аудиторией на

научных, деловых или



a training meeting тренинг (краткосрочное

мероприятие или ряд

мероприятий, на которых

участники получают

знания или приобретают


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9. meeting setups

boardroom style

classroom style

theatre style

типы рассадок помещений

для проведения деловых


стиль зала для заседаний

стиль классной комнаты

стиль театрального зала

10. an outcome результат

11. purpose-built специализированный

12. to reward вознаграждение,


13. to target

a target

a target audience

намечать, планировать

цель, задача

целевая аудитория

14. teambuilding командообразование

(модель корпоративного

менеджмента, построение

команды, корпоративного

духа с помощью игр и

специальных тренингов)

15. a venue место приведения деловых


2. Translate the sentences.

1. MICE is an acronym for group business organizations whose market

segments are comprised of meetings, incentives, conventions, and

exhibitions or events.

2. The importance of the MICE industry lies in the fact that it

converts the annual business meetings and conferences into

a glamorous and enjoyable event for the delegates and attendants.

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3. MICE as a new form of business tourism is the fastest growing section

of the international tourism market and one of the fastest growing

segments within the tourism industry generating millions in revenues

for cities and countries.

4. The MICE industry represents an important revenue source for


2. The primary sources of MICE revenues are attendee registration

fees, exhibit space rentals, sponsorship fees, and conference program

advertising fees.

3. Sometimes meeting planners try to keep attendance fees low in an

effort to attract the largest number of attendees.

4. Meetings are conferences, workshops, seminars, or other events

designed to bring people together for the purpose of exchanging


5. A conference is the most general term to indicate a meeting for

discussion, most commonly adopted by associations and organizations

for their regular meetings.

6. A forum is an assembly for the discussion of common concerns.

7. A seminar is a lecture and a dialogue that allows participants to share

experiences in a particular field.

8. A symposium describes a meeting at which a particular subject is

discussed by experts and opinions are gathered.

9. The term “colloquium” indicates both a traditional conference and a

conversational seminar.

10. A workshop is a brief intensive educational program for a small group

of people that focuses on techniques and skills in a particular field.

11. Roundtables commonly bring together academics who usually are

invited as key-note speakers.

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12. During a panel discussion three or more subject area specialists give a

brief presentation after which the audience has the opportunity to ask

questions of the panellists.

13. The three main types of meeting setups are theater style, classroom

style, and boardroom style.

14. Incentive tourism is usually undertaken as a type of employee reward

by an organization for targets met or exceeded.

15. Exhibitions are events that bring together sellers of products and

services at a location (usually a convention center) where they can

show their products and services to a group of attendees at a

convention or trade show.

16. A trade fair is a marketplace for commercial suppliers of products or

services that are of interest to a specific profession or market segment.

3. Read the text and answer the questions.

MICE Industry

MICE is an acronym for group business organizations whose

market segments are comprised of meetings, incentives, conventions, and

exhibitions or events.

It caters to various forms of business meetings, international

conferences and conventions, events and exhibitions and is slowly but

steadily capturing every big hotelier's attention.

The importance of the MICE industry lies in the fact that it

converts the annual business meetings and conferences into

a glamorous and enjoyable event for the delegates and attendants.

MICE as a new form of business tourism is the fastest growing

section of the international tourism market and one of the fastest growing

segments within the tourism industry generating millions in revenues for

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cities and countries. Europe and United States still remain the major

markets worldwide in respect of the number of meetings, conferences and

exhibitions. The industry statistics point to the fact that the average MICE

tourist spends about twice the amount of money that other tourists spend.

Four major parties are generally involved in the group business

travel industry consumption cycle:

The individual participant in the event

The sponsor of the event (the association or corporation)

The intermediary (the meeting planner, travel agent or

convention and visitors bureau)

The venue (the hotel, convention/exhibition center, or municipal


The MICE industry represents an important revenue source for

organizations. Whether a meeting planner is organizing a meeting, a

convention or an exhibition, the primary sources of revenues are as


• Attendee registration fees

• Exhibit space rentals

• Sponsorship fees

• Conference program advertising fees

The pricing strategy for organizing events varies. For example, when

organizing an event in which a large public attendance is desired, it may

be best to keep attendance fees low in an effort to attract the largest

number of attendees. In that case, the meeting planners would attempt to

attract corporate sponsors, exhibitors, or advertisers to make up the

difference in revenue.

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Several factors are evaluated when determining the venue.

Considerations include facility location and service level, accessibility,

hotel room availability, conference room availability, price, city,

restaurant service and quality, personal safety, local attractions and

geographic location, and hospitality.


1. What does the acronym MICE stand for?

2. What forms of meetings do MICE cater to?

3. What is the importance of MICE industry?

4. What does the industry statistics show regarding the tourists’


5. What parties are generally involved in the group business travel

industry consumption cycle?

6. What are the primary sources of the MICE industry revenues?

7. What does the pricing strategy of MICE industry depend on?

8. What factors are evaluated when determining the venue?

Meetings and conventions

Meetings are conferences, workshops, seminars, or other events

designed to bring people together for the purpose of exchanging

information. Meetings can take any one of the following forms:

• Conference: The most general term to indicate a meeting for

discussion, most commonly adopted by associations and organizations

for their regular meetings.

• Forum: An assembly for the discussion of common concerns. Usually

experts in a given field take opposite sides of an issue in a panel

discussion, with an opportunity for audience participation.

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• Seminar: A lecture and a dialogue that allows participants to share

experiences in a particular field. A seminar is guided by an expert

discussion leader, and usually thirty or fewer persons participate.

• Symposium: Nowadays, this describes a meeting at which a particular

subject is discussed by experts and opinions are gathered, but its

original meaning defines it as a drinking party devoted to conversation

and following a banquet. A symposium thus has a slightly more

informal character than a conference.

• Colloquium: This term indicates both a traditional conference and a

conversational seminar. Colloquia tend to privilege the aspect of


• Workshop: A brief intensive educational program for a small group of

people that focuses on techniques and skills in a particular field. It is

adopted to describe meetings reserved for small groups of specialists

who come together for some activities or discussion.

• Roundtables: The roundness of the table clearly symbolizes the

equality of all participants. Each of them will have the same right to

take the floor. Roundtables commonly bring together academics who

usually are invited as key-note speakers. Discussion nevertheless plays

the leading role in this kind of meeting.

• Panel discussion: Three or more subject area specialists each give a

brief presentation after which the audience has the opportunity to ask

the panellists questions.

Meetings are mostly organized by corporations, associations, or social,

military, educational, and religious groups. The reasons for having a

meeting can range from the presentation of a new sales plan to a total

quality management workshop. The number of people attending a meeting

can vary.

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Meetings are set up according to the wishes of the client. The three

main types of meeting setups are theater style, classroom style, and

boardroom style.

• Theater style generally is intended for a large audience that does not

need to make a lot of notes or refer to documents. This style usually

consists of a raised platform and a lectern from which a presenter

addresses the audience.

• Classroom setup is used when the meeting format is more

instructional and participants need to take notes or refer to

documents. A workshop-type meeting often uses this format.

• Boardroom setups are made for small numbers of people. The

meeting takes place around one block rectangular table.


1. What events do meetings include?

2. What is a conference?

3. In what way are issues discussed at a forum?

4. What two components does a seminar include? Who is a seminar

guided by? What’s the number of attendees?

5. What’s the original meaning of the word “symposium”? What’s the

difference between a symposium and a conference?

6. What does the term “colloquium” indicate?

7. What type of meeting is a workshop?

8. What does the roundtable discussion symbolize?

9. What is the difference between a roundtable discussion and a panel


10. What are the reasons for having a meeting?

11. What are the main types of meeting setups?

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Incentive tourism is usually undertaken as a type of employee

reward by an organisation for targets met or exceeded. Unlike other

components of MICE industry, incentive tourism is usually conducted

purely for entertainment, rather than professional or educational purposes.

The preferred venues for incentive travel are upscale resort hotels or cruise

ships that offer unique amenities and leisure programs. Imagine

sunbathing on a beach in Jamaica or snow skiing in the Alps. Then

imagine that your trip is completely free. Many companies use incentive

travel as a marketing tool. These trips can range from a week in an exotic

location to a weekend getaway in a nearby resort. Most of the time all of

the expenses are paid by the company including food, hotel, airfare and in

some cases a car rental.


The term conference can be used to describe any meeting of people

to ‘confer’ (exchange views) on a certain topic. These are generally larger


Conferences may take many different forms, including:

conventions – the largest type of conference, which is usually a

gathering of delegates from various groups

videoconferences – which involve using video technology to enable

communication between people who are geographically separated

teleconferences – which involve using telephone conference-call

links to enable communication between people who are

geographically separated.

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Exhibitions and trade fairs

Exhibitions are events that bring together sellers of products and

services at a location (usually a convention center) where they can show

their products and services to a group of attendees at a convention or

trade show. Exhibitors are an essential component of the industry

because they pay to exhibit their products to the attendees. Exhibitors

interact with attendees with the intention of making sales or establishing

contacts and leads for follow-up.

A trade fair is a marketplace for commercial suppliers of products

or services that are of interest to a specific profession or market segment.

Trade fairs are occasions in which corporations of a certain industry gather

to display their latest products and innovations.

Trade fairs are usually held during the same period in the same

location each year. There are closed trade fairs that are only open to the

professional trade, and open trade fairs that are targeted to a sector of the

general public (e.g. home and garden shows, bridal shows, auto shows).

Large trade fairs and exhibitions are usually held in purpose-built centers.


1. What is incentive tourism? What purposes is it usually conducted for?

What are the preferred venues of incentive tourism? Who are most of

the expenses paid by?

2. What forms can conferences take? What’s the difference between a

videoconference and a teleconference?

3. What are exhibitions? Why are exhibitors considered to be the

essential component of the industry? What can the exhibitors’

interaction with attendees result in?

4. What is a trade fair? Where are trade fairs usually held?

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4. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions is a type of tourism

in which large groups, usually (plan) in advance, (bring) together for

a particular purpose.

2. Recently there (be) an industry trend towards using the term

‘meetings industry’ to avoid confusion from the acronym.

3. Most components of MICE well (understand), perhaps with the

exception of incentives.

4. Incentive tourism usually (undertake) as a type of employee reward

by a company or institution for targets (meet) or (exceed), a job well


5. Unlike the other types of MICE tourism, incentive tourism usually

(conduct) purely for entertainment, rather than professional or

education purposes.

6. MICE tourism usually (include) a well-planned agenda (center)

around a theme or topic, such as profession trade organization, a

special interest group or an education topic.

7. Convention bureaus, MICE event locations normally (bid) on by

specialized convention bureaus in particular countries and cities.

8. The process of marketing and bidding normally (conduct) well in

advance of the event, often several years.

9. MICE tourism (know) for its extensive planning and demanding


5. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. Conference

2. Convention

3. Colloquium

4. Symposium

a. an event used by an organization to

meet and exchange views, or give

publicity to an area of opinion on a

specific subject

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5. Seminar

6. Workshop

7. Panel discussion

8. Roundtables

9. Video conference

10. Teleconference

11. Training

b. an academic meeting where one or

more content specialists speak about

a topic and answer questions

c. a general and formal meeting of a

legislative body or social or

economic group to provide

information on a particular situation

and to establish consent on policies

among the participants

d. three or more subject area specialists

each give a brief presentation after

which the audience has the

opportunity to ask questions

e. a form of academic discussion in

which each person is given equal

right to participate, as illustrated by

the idea of a circular layout

f. a lecture, presentation, and discussion

under the guidance of an expert

discussion leader allowing

participants to share experiences in a

particular field

g. a conference which involves using

telephone conference-call links to

enable communication between

people who are geographically


h. experts discuss a particular subject

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and express opinions

i. a conference that involves using

video technology to enable

communication between people who

are geographically separated

j. a training session in which

participants develop skills and

knowledge in a given field

k. the organized procedure by which

people learn knowledge and/or skill

for a definite purpose

6. Complete the text with suitable words from the box.

What is a conference?

a. panel discussions b. exhibits c. event

d. online e. presentations f. brings together

g. workshops h. teleconferences i. attendees

j. venues k. issues l. conference

A 1)

_______ is a gathering of people with a common interest or

background, with the purposes of allowing them to meet one another and

to learn about and discuss 2)

______, ideas and work that focus on a topic

of mutual concern. The Latin roots of the word “conference” mean,

literally, “Bring together.” A conference 3)

______ people and ideas.

Conferences may be held in 4)

_______ other than the workplaces and

neighborhoods of their 5)

________. Some conferences are even held in

another area of the country or the world.

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A conference may also be held 6)

_______, or something similar. 7)

________ bring people together through live video feeds, allowing people

to discuss issues, hear presentations, network, and otherwise do many of

the things they might do at a conference, without leaving their homes or

offices. Similar situations can be set up using the Internet, projectors, and

web cams and microphones.

The structure and contents of conferences can vary greatly, but a

typical framework would include one or more 8)

_________ of work

and/or ideas about a given topic. These presentations may take the form of

lectures, slide shows or films, 9)

_______, 10)

_________, and/or

interactive experiences. In addition, many conferences include posters or

graphic or multimedia 11)

______ that participants can view independently.

A conference may last a few hours or several days. It may be a one-

time 12

) ______, or a regular (usually annual) fixture on participants’

schedules. It may be held at the venue down the street, or in a hotel in

Paris or Barcelona or San Francisco.

7. Look at the table and find the four words, beginning with M, I, C,

and E which mean the following.

1) occasions when people come together to discuss or decide

something – usually involving a small number of people

2) journeys or holidays given to a worker or group of workers as

rewards for good work

3) large official meetings, usually lasting for a few days, at which

people with the same work or interests come together to discuss

their views

4) events at which products and services produced by different

companies are shown to the public

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Individual business travel Business tourism




one-to-one meetings

meetings and seminars


product launches

incentive trips (team,


exhibitions (trade fairs,

trade shows, consumer


corporate hospitality

8. Define the types of MICE events using the items from the table.

Then complete the sentences (1-5) with the words or phrases below.

▪ delegates ▪ a PowerPoint presentation ▪ box ▪ stands ▪ gala banquet

a. __________

The World Federation of Tour Guides is meeting in Hong Kong to

discuss a number of issues affecting their business and to hear talks

from key representatives of the industry. There will be 1)


from all over the world.

b. ___________

Hammond Brothers Ltd are pleased to announce their new ‘Green

machine’ power-cycle, ideal for the business person and the weary

sightseeing tourist alike. Come to the Meeting Room of the Imperial

Hotel for _________2)

by the Chief Designer and the Sales Manager.

Drinks and snacks will be provided.

c. ___________

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Join us for the final of the Rugby League World Cup for champagne

and a superb buffet lunch. Watch the game from the comfort and

luxury of our private _________3)


d. ___________

As a reward for achieving record sales figures in the last financial year,

the Directors of General Instruments Inc. are delighted to invite you on

a tour of the capitals of Western Europe. On the final evening the

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will attend the __________4)


personally thank you.

e. _____________

FITUR is the world’s largest travel show after ITB Berlin. There are

three trade days (with 75,000 professional visitors expected) and two

consumer days (with 150,000 visitors expected). FITUR is also the

major event for Latin American tour operators contracting their

European tours. Industry partners can hire ________5)

for five days for

approx. €4,000.

9. Where are these people going? Match the sentences with the words

in the box.

1. Lecture

2. Congress

3. workshop

4. board

a. A group of hoteliers who want to listen to a

formal talk on management techniques from a

specialist speaker.

b. Travel agents going to see promotions from

tour operators and tourist boards in order to

find new packages and venues for their clients.

c. An international group of tour operators

meeting to discuss global problems.

d. Hotel staff needing practical know-how to

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5. trade fair

improve their work techniques.

e. The directors of a company going to their

monthly decision-making meeting.

10. Translate into English.

1. MICE — область индустрии делового туризма, связанная с

организацией и проведением различных корпоративных


2. Понятие MICE образуют четыре базовых направления: meetings -

корпоративные встречи, презентации, переговоры и т. д.,

incentives - поощрительные или мотивационные туры и

программы, тимбилдинги, обучение персонала, корпоративные

праздники, conferences - конференции, конгрессы, съезды,

форумы, семинары и т. д., exhibitions - выставки, имиджевые

мероприятия (фестивали, благотворительные концерты

и т. д.), PR-события и пресс-туры.

3. В корпоративных мероприятиях принимают участие

представители самых разных профессий и отраслей экономики.

4. К основным целям MICE-мероприятий относится:

проведение встреч, презентаций и переговоров с деловыми


посещение профессиональных мероприятий (конференций,

выставок, конгрессов, семинаров, форумов, съездов и т. д.);

установление деловых контактов, привлечение новых

партнеров, клиентов, инвесторов, поставщиков и т. д.;

обучение, участие в тренингах и программах по повышению

корпоративной культуры или командообразованию


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участие в поощрительных или мотивационных

мероприятиях/турах/программах, проводимых компаний для

сотрудников или партнеров;

привлечение внимания инвесторов, партнеров и клиентов к

бренду и продуктам/услугам компании за счет проведения

имиджевых мероприятий, PR-событий, участия в выставках.

5. MICE-мероприятия напрямую связаны с индустрией

гостеприимства. На сегодняшний день все крупные отели

располагают обширными возможностями для проведения

переговоров, встреч, форумов, конференций, семинаров,

тимбилдингов и проч. Информация о MICE-возможностях,

бизнес-залах, удобствах и услугах по сопровождению подобных

мероприятий, как правило, доступна на веб-сайтах гостиниц,

многие из которых дополнительно предлагают вниманию

клиентов информационные брошюры и презентации.

11. How do things stand in the Russian tourism market? Read the text

and find out.

MICE Industry in Russia

MICE development in Russia is highly dynamic as well as in the

rest of the world, and according to the prospects the profitability of this

branch of tourism will grow up to $2 billion a year by 2020.

Today, all the areas of corporate tourism, according to MICE experts,

have firmly established themselves in modern business lexicon of the

Russian economy. For instance, in September, one of such events “The 7th

International Meetings Industry and Business Travel Exhibition &

Conference” was held within the framework of the MIBEXPO Russia

Business Tourism Exhibition at the Crocus Expo Center in Moscow.

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Notably, at a session, entitled, ‘Business Tourism Industry-2020: A Look

into the Future,’ leading Russian and foreign professionals in the industry

‘brainstormed’ over such issues as the analysis of congress and exhibition

business, development of MICE tourism in Russian regions from scratch,

the geographical projection of priority destinations for business events

through to 2020, as well as effective methods and analysis of MICE

services sales in conditions of rapidly growing market competition.

Besides, the official Russian Business Travel & MICE Award-2016

ceremony also took place during the MIBEXPO in September. The

awards, honoring the best companies on the Russian MICE market and

related industries, were given in 20 nominations to the best congress

hotels, best congress centers, conference organizers and incentive

programs in Russia and abroad, as well as the best business travel

agencies, best airlines for business travelers, etc. Similarly, another major

event in the industry “The Moscow International MICE Forum,” which

was organized in March 2016 by aiGroup company, a top player in this

market, set a new national record, hosting 76 Russian and foreign

companies as participants, while the event itself was visited by 1,252

prospective customers from across the globe.

According to the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, an association

of leading exhibition centers and trade shows companies in Russia, about

5,000 events are organized annually. Moscow, the nation’s political and

financial capital, naturally accounts for 50-60% of all the business

conferences, tourism and other related events in the country, generating

over $400mln in the process. For instance, Moscow alone boasts about

600 specialized MICE-services providing firms, while the nationwide total

runs into several thousands. Besides, the number of annual high-profile

MICE events — conferences, exhibitions, etc., averages between 800 and

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1,000, generating between $600mln and $750mln, figures that experts say

are fully on a par with global standards. The remaining part of the market

activities, or about 40%, is held in the regions, with St. Petersburg, often

called the ‘second capital and cultural center, leading the pack, with

between 10-15% of the gross market share.

The key players in this industry are hotels, business centers, conference

halls and out-city business amenities. Specifically, the hospitality industry

is in the epicenter of the market, as MICE events organizers and business

representatives need places for accommodations, meetings, conferences

and seminars and finally for feeding and recreational activities. These

services mean additional revenues to hotels that have the equipment and

other needed facilities — conference halls, negotiation rooms, in-house

restaurants, technical gadgets such as telephone, Internet, Wi-Fi and

others, as well as recreational amenities — to offer companies and

individuals in need of such services.

Apart from hotels, other key players are the providers of spaces for

conferences, exhibitions and other related corporate activities, whose

marketing departments also ‘went an extra mile’ to keep and/or attract new


12. Find the answers to these questions.

1. What are the prospects of MICE tourism development in Russia?

2. Who were the nominees at the Russian Business Travel & MICE

Award-2016 ceremony?

3. What MICE industry event was organized by a top player in this


4. Why does Moscow account for 50-60% of all the business

conferences, tourism and other related events in the country?

5. What gross market share does St. Petersburg account for?

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6. Why is the hospitality industry in the epicenter of the MICE


7. What other key players apart from hotels are involved in providing

MICE industry services?

13. Find the facts in the text that prove the following statements.

a. All areas of corporate tourism firmly established themselves in

modern business lexicon of the Russian economy.

b. Moscow is the key player in organizing the business events in the


c. MICE events mean additional revenues to hotels.

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Unit 2 Business Travel

1. Read and translate the text.

Business Tourism

Business travel is one of the most stable working and highly

profitable part of world tourism, and one of the youngest, too. Business

travel or MICE (abbreviation from Meetings / Incentive / Conferences /

Exhibitions) became a separate branch of tourism business in 1970s. First,

business travel was considered by businessmen only as opportunities to

have a good rest at the expense of the government or the company you

work for. The situation changed greatly after 1998 when the number of

entertaining trips has lowered and at the same time the number of

corporate events has grown.

Business travellers are businessmen and government officials. They

travel on different missions. They often travel to attend a convention.

Convention tourism is a part of business tourism. It involves taking part in

a conference or a seminar. Business travellers often travel to attend an

international exhibition or a trade fair.

Business travel will develop faster than other types of tourism in

future. There will be more business tourists and more tourist companies

which will deal with business tourism. They will provide more services in

future. They will collect information on markets and trade partners,

provide economic data on monitors, arrange negotiations, offer pre-

convention and post-convention tours.

2. In pairs discuss how business travel can benefit the tourism in a

particular destination.

Example: increased hotel occupancy

3. Read the text to see if any of your ideas are mentioned.

Inside tourism: combining business with pleasure

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The first major way in which business travel benefits tourism in

general is that it brings more business to travel agents, transport providers,

and hotels. Travel for business-related purposes can increase the level of

leisure and recreational activity at the destination in a number of ways.

Extenders: Business travelers extending their visit to the destination

– adding a number of days before or after – in order to enjoy the cultural,

shopping, or sightseeing resources of the destination.

Guests: Business travelers being accompanied by guests (usually

spouses or families) who engage in leisure tourism activities such as

sightseeing excursions while at the destination.

Social programme: Business travelers themselves engaging in

leisure or recreational activities as part of the social, networking, or

relaxation element of the event attended.

Returners: Business travelers who have been impressed by the

destination returning with their spouses or families for holidays or short

breaks, or encouraging others to do so.

The second major way in which business travel benefits tourism is

that it provides employment. Often this work is temporary – helping at

conferences, trade fairs, or hospitality events – but these jobs can lead to

longer term work and careers in tourism.

4. Which of these activities and tours are examples of ‘extenders’,

‘guests’, ‘social programme’, or ‘returners’?

1. Edinburgh: Special whiskey-tasting evening for delegates

2. Vancouver: Come and see us again! Bring the family and get a


3. Istanbul: While you work – sightseeing excursion for your partner.

4. Helsinki: Post-conference three-day Lapland tour

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14. What extender, guest, and social programme activities would you

include for a conference in your city or region?

15. Render the text into English.

Словосочетанием деловой туризм (Business travel) можно

обозначить два понятия. Первое — это деловая поездка бизнесмена

или менеджера с целью развития бизнеса. Второе — развитая

индустрия по обслуживанию деловых поездок.

Специалисты обычно рассматривают понятие деловой туризм как

бизнес-систему, состоящую из четырех подсистем: 1) компании-

заказчики (они направляют своих сотрудников в деловые поездки), 2)

компании-поставщики отдельного вида услуг (авиакомпании, отели,

бюро по аренде автомобилей, страховые компании и др.), 3)

компании-поставщики полного комплекса услуг (туроператоры) в

сфере деловых поездок и 4) организации и фирмы индустрии MICE.

В среде Business travel деловые поездки принято делить на

несколько видов в зависимости от целей и пакета востребованных

услуг. Это собственно индивидуальные деловые поездки, на долю

которых в среднем в мире приходится 70—78 % от общего объема

деловых поездок. Поездки для участия в конференциях, конгрессах и

семинарах — 12—14 %. Поездки на выставки — 10—12 %.

Поощрительные поездки как одна из форм мотивации и поощрения

сотрудников, партнеров, клиентов, торговых агентов,

дистрибьюторов и руководителей высокого ранга составляют 3—7 %.

Виды деловых поездок могут тесно переплетаться, например,

выставочно-конгрессные и поощрительные поездки.

The needs of the business traveller

16. Hotels like to make sure their important guests enjoy a superior

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service. Read an interview with a hotel manager about how a hotel

treats its important guests and complete the table.

Interviewer: Donald, you said that it is important to treat all your guests well, but

differently. Could you explain what you mean by that?

Donald: Yes, of course. Like any other company, we, as a hotel, need to be

able to identify those customers who are important to us. Just as an

airline will try to offer a better-quality service to first-class

passengers, we’ll try to provide a higher standard for our important

guests. Business travellers, for example, generally expect a higher

class of service. Also, because they are frequent travellers, business

people are potential regular customers and it is very, very important

for the hotel to attract regular guests. Some of our business clients

have been coming here for years because, we like to think, we look

after them well.

Interviewer: So, are all business people treated the same?

Donald: No, using the same logic, we like to distinguish between different

types of business guests, too. Some have Very Important Person

status, or VIP for short. A typical VIP guest might be a customer,

like a company salesperson, who makes regular visits. The VIP

business guest soon becomes well-known by all the front-of-house

staff - indeed we have one Italian salesman who we see on almost a

weekly basis! Then there is the CIP, who is a Company Important

Person, which means he is an important person in a company which

the hotel does a lot of business with. That might be a company that

makes regular use of our conference facilities or business

apartments, for example. Finally, top of the range is the VVP, or

very, very important person, such as the managing director of an

important company. Of course, not all managing directors are VVPs,

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and businessmen are not the only important people.

Interviewer: So, how are they treated differently?

Donald: Well, unlike the normal business guest, the VIP has his or her room

allocated in advance. We make sure we have all the necessary

information about the guest and his company on the computer. We'll

know what kind of room he likes, what side of the hotel, and so on.

So there’s just a simple check-in procedure. The duty manager is

made aware of the VIP’s presence in the hotel, but he doesn’t usually

come out to meet him. For the CIP, the room is also allocated in

advance. However, all CIP rooms are double-checked, to make sure

that everything is OK, and some additional extras are usually

included. For example, if a CIP has asked for something in the past,

we try to make sure it's there again on his or her return. Again,

check-in is very simple and the duty manager does try to meet the

CIPs if at all possible.

Interviewer: OK, so there’s extra attention to detail.

Donald: Right. Then, there’s the VVP. Whereas CIP rooms arc double-

checked, all VVPs have their rooms treble-checked, the last check by

the senior housekeeper or duty manager. What’s more, a full range

of extras is provided, including flowers, wine, chocolates, etc. For a

VVP there’s no need to check in at Reception. The duty manager

always meets and accompanies the guest to his or her room, where

check-in procedures can be completed. In other words, for us, all our

guests are important, but some guests are definitely more important

than others.

Class of Guest Typical


Before Arrival On Arrival

VIP (very

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CIP (company



VVP (very very



17. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of business guests are important for a hotel?

2. What can a hotel do before and on the arrival of an important guest

to make their stay comfortable and easy?

18. What special facilities do business travellers expect? Make a list.

19. Read the text about the Copthorne Tara Business Apartments. In

what ways are the facilities they offer similar to or different from

the list you have made?

When you are away on business, you need a place which is equipped

for and conducive to business. Somewhere quite unlike the average hotel

room. But you need to know you'll have a comfortable stay, too.

With this in mind, the Copthorne Tara Hotel now offers the unique

Business Apartment: a high-quality bedroom linked to a fully-equipped

office meeting room for up to six people, with its own separate cloak

room/toilet facilities.

The perfect setting

The Coprhorne Tara has a particular understanding of the needs of

the busy executive, and each Business Apartment is furnished to create

the professional atmosphere in which you would wish to do business.

The bedrooms, separate but interconnecting with the office meeting

rooms, are of the Coprhorne Tara’s usual high standard, with private

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bathroom, TV, and telephone.

The right facilities

The equipment in your Business Apartment has been carefully

chosen to place at your fingertips all the essentials of the modern office:

fax/ copier, phones, and PC with printer (loaded with the latest Lotus and

WordPerfect software).

A VHS player and teletext television are conveniently situated for

group viewing. A screen is ceiling-mounted for use with slide or overhead

projector (available on request) and there is a large white marker board, a

flip chart, and supply of stationery.

Fridge and tea- and coffee-making facilities are provided, and full

room service is, of course, available at all times.

20. Which if these are more important for buisness travellers than for

non-business tourists and travellers?

time to choose from different travel options

possibility to make reservations at short notice

access to reservations 24 hours a day

express check-in at airports

pakaged travel arrangements – flight, transfer, accommodation,

meals, etc. all included

fast internet connections in hotels

hotel in a quiet relaxing location

support information on local area and culture

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21. Read an interview with a travel agent who specializes in corporate

travel describing the particular needs of the business traveler.

Before you read, think about the meaning of these phrases.

at short notice client history extended credit

a complete package to settle up en suite facilities

- Mark, your company specializes in corporate travel. What exactly does

that mean?

- Well, we aim to look after all the needs of the business traveler. That

includes booking flights and hotels, planning and arranging itineraries,

advising on locations, sorting out conference venues, providing VIP

services, arranging visas and insurance, and so on.

- Quiet a range.

- Yes. What we’re doing really is offering a complete package for the

business traveler so that he or she can concentrate on the business

while we look after the travel.

- Do you find that the needs of the business traveler are different from

the ordinary tourist?

- Yes, quite different. To start with, we don’t usually deal directly with

the person who’s going to be using our services – it’s more likely to be

a secretary or an assistant who makes the arrangements. Also, for the

ordinary tourist the arrangements for the flights, the hotel, the resort,

or whatever are all part of the fun, and they want to spend time

choosing them. But for the business traveler they’re a just a means to

an end. First and foremost what the business traveler wants is speed

and efficiency. One of the most common requests is a reservation at

short notice, and we pride ourselves on being able to provide this.

- Do you have any special ways of doing this?

- Well, we keep detailed records of a client’s history, all their

preferences and particular needs, so we know which airline they prefer

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to fly with, which class they want to fly, and so on. With corporate

travel the secret is knowing your customer and being able to provide

the full range of services for their needs. We take over the whole

contract for a company’s business travel arrangements. In return we

can offer attractions like discounts and extended credit.

- What exactly is extended credit?

- It means we can set up an account and give the client a longer period

to pay, sometimes as much as ten weeks. The ordinary tourist usually

has to settle up eight weeks before departure.

- I see. And in general, what things are most important for business


- It’s difficult to generalize, but it’s probably flight times – they want to

have a choice of times and a speedy transfer through the airport, so if

we can ensure express check-in and check-out it’s a bonus. Things like

good food and free champagne aren’t as important as some advertisers

want to think.

- What about upgrades?

- Yes, they’re quite important. Automatic upgrades, which some airlines

offer, are especially important for the frequent traveler. We always

make sure we know which airlines have special promotions on,

because you often get good deals which can save the client’s money.

- Could you tell me something about what the business traveler looks

for in a hotel accommodation that you arrange?

- Number one is location – not far from the airport and not far from the

city centre, or wherever they’re doing business. That’s assuming, of

course, that the hotel has everything that we could regard as essential,

such as en suite facilities, and access to fax and modem.

- What about things like meeting rooms and business suites?

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- Yes, well they can be important depending on the purpose of the trip.

But I would say that comfort is probably more important. You often

find that particular clients are very loyal to certain hotel chains, partly

because they often get better deals though “Priority Clubs’ – you

know, things like discounts, and express check-in and check-out – also

because they like to know what to expect, a sort of home from home.

So once again it pays to keep our client history records up to date.

- Right, thanks, Mark. Good luck with the business.

- Thanks.

22. Discuss the following questions.

1. From the travel agent’s point of view, what differences are there

between dealing with a business traveler and an ordinary tourist?

2. What does a business traveler look for when arranging a trip?

3. When arranging a flight or a hotel which of these things are most

important for the business traveler?


a choice of flight times

a choice of airlines

express check-in

automatic upgrade

good food with free champagne

lots of leg-room

reclining seats

immediate car hire pick-up on


limousines service from airport to



express reservation

corporate discounts rate

express check-in/check-out

access to fax

modem point in room


close to airport

room for business meeting

sports centre

free newspaper

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air miles incentive scheme

23. What are the business travelers' needs and what should the hotels

do to fulfill them? Read and find out.

A Guide On Business Travelers Hotel Needs

Whether you know or not but half of any hotel's revenue come

directly from the business travelers' budget. So the hoteliers always want

to cater these revenue generating travelers and to retain them for a longer

period. Well, to be frank, most of the hotels fail to retain them as they

don't have any concrete idea to implement and to fulfill the business

travelers' needs. So what are the business travelers' needs and what the

hotels should do to fulfill them? Watch the video here to know everything

in detail.

Though a hotel’s revenue comes from various segments, half if it

comes directly from business travellers’ budget. Most of hotels want to

cater these revenue generating travelers but failed to do so as they don’t

have a concrete idea to fulfill their needs. So what are the business

travellers’ needs?


Hotels that offer all the amenities to prepare for the morning

meeting or conference are highly admirable. Some amenities like a laptop

desk, more plug points, ironing board or iron with laundry facility, good

lighting, reliable Wi-Fi, etc. are expected as standard for a business

traveler. Some travelers also expect for complimentary breakfast, brand

shampoo or soap and a perfect time wake-up call as a part of hotel


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Business travelers mostly want a room that could fulfill dual

purpose: relaxation after a long journey & accomplishing office work.

Such ambience makes them return once more to that hotel.

The most annoying thing for travelers is the early wake-up call for

breakfast in most of the hotels.

Health & wellness

Most of the travelers wish to have a low-fat and healthy food apart

from the hotel’s menu. A hotel providing healthy, organic and fat-free

options is popular among travelers. Travelers give importance to quality

dining: They like to arrange meetings with their clients if the hotel

provides a measure of privacy with quality dining in the restaurant or

coffee area.

The 24/7 on-site gym or fitness centre where they can go for a quick

workout and burnout of the day stress can make a difference for travelers.

Female business travelers also value the hotel if there is availability of

organic spa and swimming pool facilities.


Business travelers also prefer a good location where they can get

easy access to different meeting venues or conferences joints, business

parks, etc.

Business travelers only choose those hotels that are around the conference

venues in order to minimize the transit time from place to place.

Hotels highlighting famous buildings and attractions nearby attract

more business travelers than others.

Most of the travelers prefer to choose hotels near to an airport or a railway

station for easy access to their check-in and out time.

Convenient connectivity

The first need of business travelers is to be connected with clients or

colleagues by using mobile phones or emails, etc.

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When a business traveler finds the benefit like a reliable Wi-Fi

where they can access their email, join video meetings or can open a large

file of attachments then it’s a win-win for them and that certainly poses a

good option for their next trip as well.

Business travelers also sometimes look around to enjoy the vacation

points nearby. So if the hotel offers a good concierge service, then it also

values their needs.

Hotel loyalty programs

Most of the business travelers try to fix with the single hotel that

fulfills all criteria compared to other hotels. In this case hotels also add

some relaxation to the customers by adding them to their loyalty list where

they provide special offers to the loyal guests.

When a hotel gives what a traveler wants, like the uniqueness of

being well-cared, definitely builds the trust.

The best value of the money is always concern of business travelers.

The travelers want a package that would include all needed amenities

without any extra strings. So when a hotel presents their special offers

with all benefits in a single bucket to business travelers they want to grab

the deal and want it for all their future trips in the same way.

Most of the travelers compare the offers with other hotels before

selecting. So when a hotel gives the exact value of their money they tend

to get the deal as early as possible.

As the needs and requirements are changing, a hotel should change

its way or presentation that can attract the new travelers.

24. Answer the questions.

1. Where does half of a hotel’s revenue come from?

2. Why do some hotels find it difficult to retain business travelers for a

longer period?

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3. What hotel amenities are expected as a standard for a business


4. What is the dual purpose of a hotel room for a business traveller?

5. What freebies do business travelers expect to get in a hotel?

6. What food options are popular with business travelers?

7. Why health facilities are important for business travellers?

8. What health facilities do female business travelers value?

9. What locations are most attractive to business travelers?

10. What connection links are extremely important for business


11. Why do loyalty programmes help attract more to business


25. Complete the fax with suitable words and expressions from the


a. meeting rooms b. banqueting rooms c. technical equipment

d. boardrooms e. the support services f. conference facilities

g. lectern

h. conference and

banqueting space

To: Ms Laura French fax: 0034 208 491 445

From: Sales Office

Subject: 1)

______ Pages: 2


Dear Ms French,

Thank you for your email and your interest in our hotel. It is my pleasure

to send information on our conference facilities with a floor plan.

The hotel has a total of 700 m2

of 2)

________. The Conference Centre is

located on the ground floor. It consists of nine 3)

_______, including the

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Grand Hall ballroom, which is able to accommodate up to 600 people. The

room can be divided into three separate sections. Next to the Grand Hall

there are four 4)

_______, with capacity for about fifty people each. They

can be connected to create large spaces. There are also two 5)

_______ for

smaller groups. The whole conference centre is air conditioned. Five

rooms have daylight.

We offer a full range of 6)

_______ including overhear projector, slide

projector, microphones, flipcharts, 7)

______, audiovisual equipment,

satellite link, internet access and computer rental.

8) _______ at our guests’ disposal include: secretarial services, conference

coordinator, interpreters, printing service, florist, transportation,

photographers and catering services.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

With kind regards,

Katarzyna Zarek

Conference Bookings Manager

26. Write an email reply to the representative of a company enquiring

about conference facilities. You are going to attach full details of

your conference facilities, but you should answer the enquirer’s

direct questions in your email.

Dear Conference Coordinator

We are interested in holding our annual conference in your hotel and I

would be grateful if you could send me full details of your conference

packages and facilities.

We are particularly interested in the capacity of your meeting rooms

and the technical equipment and services you offer.

Also, are there any special features that you offer?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

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Ralf Moller

PA to the Managing Director

Communications Worldwide


1. What does the acronym MICE stand for?

2. What kinds of meetings does MICE industry cater to? Give the

definitions of ‘seminar’, ‘workshop’, ‘roundtable’.

3. What is incentive tourism? What purposes is it usually conducted for?

4. What’s the difference between an exhibition and a trade fair?

5. What are the prospects of MICE tourism development in Russia?

6. What key players are involved in providing MICE industry services?

7. Give the definition of ‘Business travel’.

8. Who are business travelers?

9. What kind of business guests are important for a hotel?

10. What services does a business traveler need from a hotel? What

special facilities do business travellers expect?

11. What makes a hotel suitable for hosting a conference?

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Методические указания для выполнения контрольной работы

№ 5 по дисциплине «Английский профессиональный язык» 7


Контрольная работа составлена в соответствии с Рабочей

программой учебной дисциплины «Английский профессиональный

язык» по направлению подготовки 43.03.03 Гостиничное дело. Для

подготовки к выполнению контрольной работы студентам

рекомендуется изучить материал по следующим темам:

Инновации в гостиничном бизнесе в России и за рубежом

Перспективы развития гостиничного бизнеса в России

Договорные отношения отельеров с туроператорами.

Составление контракта

Организация работы гостиницы в рыночном сегменте MICE.

Прием и обслуживание деловых клиентов

В процессе подготовки студентам рекомендуется выполнить

задания для самостоятельной работы из учебного пособия

“Professional English for Hospitality Students” Часть 5 (автор

Петрашевская Е.Г.) для заочного обучения.

Критерии оценки

«отлично» - 90-100% правильных ответов

«хорошо» - 75-89% правильных ответов

«удовлетворительно» - 60-74% правильных ответов

«неудовлетворительно» - 59% и меньше правильных ответов

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Контрольная работа № 5 (7 семестр)

1. Read the text “Hotel Contracting” and choose the best answer

to each question.


Hotel contracting is one of the most crucial activities of any holiday

company's business - it is also one of the most demanding with endless

round of resorts and hotels and the inevitable negotiations of next season’s


“We need hotels as much as they need us, said Cadogan Travel’s tour

operations general manager Gary David, who has made thirty-four visits to

nine destinations featured in the winter brochure.

He claims this year to have toured 170 hotel and self-catering

properties, viewed 500 bedrooms and visited sixty-five handling agents.

This is an addition to briefing couriers, inspecting hotel noticeboards to

make sure material is well displayed (it often isn’t), visiting the tourist

offices for each destination and dealing with forty airlines that serve the


“There are all sorts of politics,” said Mr David. “It is a question of

attitude as well because some hoteliers like bigger operators while others

do not.”

At Gibraltar's Rock Hotel, the manager agreed to contributions for

advertising and brochures, whereas in Tangier, the Rif Hotel manager

refused to move from his 20 per cent hike in rates.

However, bartering for room rates is only one aspect of Gary David’s

work. Others cover increases in room allocations, upgrades, added extras

such as wine, fruit or flowers, afternoon tea, improved child reductions,

long-stay deals and contributions towards advertising, which are all used

to improve overall deal.

Another way of getting a better deal from hoteliers is to introduce a

new section to the brochure which promotes a top hotel in each resort, and

use this as a bargaining tool, or give out awards to tempt them to give

better discounts.

“In Gibraltar I’ve had to drop two hotels because of poor standards so

I’ve got a shortfall in capacity. I’ve got now to push for increased room

allocation, but I’m dealing with hoteliers who don’t need me because most

cater for business traffic.”

1. Who is Gary David?

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2. What does his job involve?

3. What do you think a tour operator wants from a hotelier?

4. What do you think a hotelier wants from a tour operator?

5. Who is in a better position to negotiate?

a. The tour operator is likely to be in the stronger negotiating position

unless the hotelier is sure of being able to fill his/her hotel

throughout the season.

b. He is tour operations general manager for Cadogan Travel.

c. Hoteliers want to sell as many bed-nights in advance at the best

price and also obtain payment in advance.

d. His job involves visiting all the places featured in Cadogan's winter

brochure. He visits all the accommodation providers, deals with

handling agents, tourist offices and airlines, briefs couriers and

checks noticeboards. His work with hoteliers includes negotiating

room rates, allocations, upgrades, extras, child reductions and

contributions towards advertising.

e. Tour operators want to book bed-nights in bulk at advantageous

prices, without committing themselves or paying in advance

(5 баллов)

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

Some 40 new hotels to be opened in Moscow by 2020

Approximately 40 new hotels 1)

(open) in Moscow until the year 2020,

Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin told reporters on Tuesday.

According to Mr. Sobyanin, Moscow increasingly 2)

(attract) tourists

from all over the world. “Last year, 17,5 million people 3)


Moscow,” Sobyanin said and added that, according to the forecast, the

number of tourists 4)

(continue) its rise between the years 2017 and 2018.

For this reason, it is necessary to expand a hotel infrastructure. Over

the course of the last six years, over 40 hotels 5)

(build) in the capital city

of Russia. “Forty hotels more are under construction,” he stressed.

As a reference, 42 hotels for about 7,000 rooms 6)

(put) in operation for

the last six years.

(6 баллов)

3. Match the technologies with their descriptions.

New innovative technology trends that are currently being used in some

hotels are the following:

1. The do-it-all remote (room personalization)

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2. Smartphone keyless room entry

3. Self Service Concierge

4. In room iPads/ tablet devices

5. LED touch screen panels

a. This touch smart screen kiosk is located in the lobbies of hotels,

which can help a guest find out information(restaurants, activities,

flights) without the hassle of carrying a laptop or waiting for

someone to assist them.

b. Panels are located in hotel bathrooms, allowing guests to set the

lighting, curtains and control music to indulge in an ultimate

relaxation experience.

c. This allows guests to dim or turn on/off lights, control room

temperature, open/close curtains, order room service, turn on the do

not disturb sign, set wake-up calls, view TV channels and movies

all on the television with the click of a button on a remote.

d. Guests book their stay on their handheld smartphone. On the day of

arrival, they will receive a text with their room number. Guests can

then go straight up to the room and swipe their smartphone over the

door handle.

This is a user friendly way to order room service, housekeeping

service, make appointments/reservations all at one’s fingertips. Hotel

managers can also use tablets in place of the original in-room guide


(5 баллов)

4. Translate the following term descriptions.

Franchising: A contractual relationship between two parties for the

distribution of goods and services, in which one party (the franchisee) sells

a product designed, supplied and controlled by and with the support of the

other party (the franchisor). Although interdependent, both parties are

legally and financially independent business units. Franchising is

particularly prominent in filling stations, fast-food outlets, retailing,

repairs and other personal services, also increasingly in civil aviation. It is

also common in hotels, particularly in the USA, where franchising is most

developed generally.

Renovation: The process of improving the image of a hospitality

organization by making changes in the property’s layout, such as a new

extension or replacing furniture and equipment. Renovation may be

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essential for a number of reasons, such as improving operational

efficiency, reducing costs, responding to new trends and technology in the

market, complying with government requirements, and recovering from

accidents and disasters. In some cases, renovating may be faster and more

economical than building a new property. Renovation may range from a

minor renovation, which may only involve replacing furnishings, to a

master renovation or restoration that involves the entire property and

results in extensive changes to the physical layout, and that may take a

long time to complete.

(8 баллов)

5. Complete the text with a suitable word or expression from the


a. breach b. refund claims c. allotment


d. prior to e. cancellation f. a rooming list

g. a penalty fee h. payment i. terms and


j. notify

Budvanska Rivijera Hotel Group does business with over 90 tourist

agencies and tour operators from various markets. They enter into two

types of contracts with their business partners: 1)

__________ and fixed

contracts, the ones with a guarantee of meeting the commitments to

leasing hotel capacities.

The number and type of accommodation units (room, suite), type of

service and prices are established by the 2)

________ of a contract.

According to an allotment contract, agencies and tour operators

shall supply the Hotelier with copies of the notice on registered guests

every 15 days from the contract term, as well as a list of guests, 7 days 3)

_____ their arrival the latest in pre- and post season periods, and not less

than 14 days in advance during the high season.

In case of untimely 4)

________ or a no-show by all the announced

guests, the agency shall pay the Hotelier the amount of 50% of the

contract value.

Agencies and tour operators shall supply the Hotelier with 5)

________ within 3 days, and not later than the date of their starting to use

the capacities. In case that the Agency fails to make the 6)

_______ within

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the time-limits, it shall pay 7)

______. In case of the Agency’s 8)

______ of

the contract in terms of selling the capacities, it shall pay the Hotelier

100% of the contract value per unused bed. The Agency shall 9)


the Hotelier and supply the Hotelier in written with any possible 10)

_______ by its guests in relation to provided service, immediately upon

the occurrence of any such event, and not later than the end of the guests’

stay in the hotel and shall make a written record to be verified by the

hotel’s director and the authorized representative of the Agency. After the

expiry of the terms set forth for such claims, no refund claim shall be

taken into consideration.

(10 баллов)

6. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. A contract

2. An offer

3. Acceptance

4. Allocation contract

5. Commitment contract

6. Room block

7. Rooming list

8. Guaranteed


a. a list of guests in a group, their

arrival and departure times, method

of payment, and room data supplied

to the hotel before the group's arrival

b. a court's estimate or award of a sum

as a fine for breach of a contract

c. a consent to the terms of a contract

by the involved parties

d. any formal agreement between

people or business

e. money paid by a hotel guest prior to

arrival in order to guarantee the


f. an official agreement between a tour

company and a hotel in which the

company must pay for all the beds it

has reserved even if it does not sell


g. an offical agreement between a tour

company and a hotel in which the

company does not have to pay for

any beds that it has reserved but not


h. a proposal of a possible contract to a

person or business

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9. Cancellation clause

10. Release date

11. Damages

i. part of a hotel's room inventory held

under contract for a set period of time

between a hotel and client

j. a clause in a reservation agreement

which defines when a reservation can

be cancelled without losing a deposit

or being charged

k. the day when unsold or unreserved

rooms by a tour operator or a travel

agency will be released

(11 баллов)

7. Answer the questions.

1. What modern trends are used in the hospitality industry?

2. What alternative types of accommodation are widespread


3. Why is e-booking popular with both guests and hotels?

4. What types of hotels are in growing demand for in the Russian


5. What is the difference between an allotment contract and

commitment contract?

6. What elements must a valid contract include?

(6 баллов)

8. Render the text into English.

В прошлом году качественное гостиничное предложение

Москвы увеличилось на 972 номера (на 6,3%) за счет открытия 5

гостиниц. Две из них относятся к высокому ценовому сегменту

(Upper-Upscale, 339 номеров), одна – к среднеценовому (110

номеров) и еще два – к экономичному формату (523 номера). В

следующем году планируется открытие 7-ми качественных

городских гостиниц общим номерным фондом 1549 ед. Кроме

этого, планируется открытие 2-х приаэропортовых отелей общей

вместимостью 682 номера. Среди операторов абсолютным

лидером по числу новых отелей является оператор Accor (7

гостиниц, 1414 номеров). Одновременно, строительство новых

отелей сопровождается выбытием старого номерного фонда.

Холидей Инн Селигерская представляет собой проект

редевелопмента Ирис Конгресс отеля (201 номер, 1991 г.). Также

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планируется реконструкция отеля Белград (230 номеров, 1973 г.) в

Азимут Смоленская (474 номера). Таким образом, качественное

гостиничное предложение по итогам года должно увеличиться на

8% и составить 17,7 тыс. номеров.

(8 баллов)

9. Complete the text with suitable words and expressions from the


a. attendees b. a classroom style c. entertainment d. a lecture theatre

e. syndicate rooms f. a training session g. board meeting h. a sales

lunch i. a conference j. a venue k. extra services l. meeting setup

m. to attend n. a rooming list o. VIP

When you have been asked to find 1)

______ and organize 2)

_______, there are certain points you should know before you can actually

make the booking.

The first, the most important point, is the number of 3)

_______. Is it

a big conference – say for fifty or 100 people – or a small 4)

_______ for

just six, because it makes a big difference to the size of room and all the

arrangements. So number one is the number of delegates.

The next thing to decide is what you actually want to achieve with

your conference: either it is 5)

_________ or 6)

______. You may get all

your sales people together and you show them a new product. That is very

different from a training session.

Then you have to decide how long your conference is going to last

and what time of the year you want to hold it.

Another point is where the conference is going to take place. Before

you can decide on this, you must know where the people that you are

expecting 7)

______ will be coming from. Will it need to be reasonably

central – near to an airport, near to good railway connections, or easy to

get to by road? Are there adequate car parking facilities?

And of course you need to know who is actually paying for the

conference. Are the delegates paying for themselves or is the company

paying? Usually the company pays for the main part of the conference and

the delegates pay for their drinks and telephone calls and 8)


Once you’ve decided on all that and you’ve found your venue,

you’ll have to think about the things that you’ll require while you’re there:

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things like conference room size, 9)

_______, etc. If it’s very informal you

won’t need a very big room, but if you need everybody with desks you’ll

need 10)

__________. If you have a very large meeting in the ballroom you

may need people sitting in rows like in 11)

__________. You’ll also have to

decide whether you need 12)

_________– that’s small rooms for fifteen to

twenty people. You then come onto your conference equipment. If

someone is giving a presentation, they will need overhead projectors, flip

charts, slide projectors.

Then you can get down to the menu arrangements – what are you

actually going to eat? Another thing to consider is accommodation and

how many of the delegates will be staying. Perhaps some of the guests are 13)

______ clients, so you’ll want to put them into better rooms than the

ordinary delegates. So you must work out 14)


And finally you have to decide if the delegates are going to have any 15)

_________. Perhaps they want to go out and see the local sights, perhaps

they want an organized sporting activity.

So, when you have all this information you can go about booking.

(15 баллов)

10. Match the words below with their definitions:

a) Meeting

b) Exhibition

c) Incentive trip

1. Also known as trade fairs, trade shows and customer shows.

2. Includes the vast range of events, such as conferences, training

seminars product, launches and annual general meetings that are held

by companies and associations in order to facilitate communications

with and between their employees, customers, shareholders and


3. Comprises those trips – usually luxurious and often to attractive

destinations – that employees receive from their employer as a prize of

winning a competition related to their job

(3 балла)

11. Match the types of meeting with their definitions.

1. Conference

2. Colloquium

a. a lecture, presentation, and discussion

under the guidance of an expert

discussion leader

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3. Convention

4. Panel discussion

5. Roundtables

6. Seminar

7. Symposium

8. Workshop

b. an academic meeting where one or more

content specialists speak about a topic and

answer questions

c. a large meeting where people who are

interested in the same thing come together

d. a general meeting of an association or

political party

e. three or more subject area specialists each

give a brief presentation after which the

audience has the opportunity to ask

questions of the panelists

f. tables seating 10 to 12 attendees are

placed at round tables throughout the

room. A key topic and an expert in that

area are assigned to each table and the

experts lead the discussion

g. a training session in which participants

develop skills and knowledge in a given


h. experts discuss a particular subject and

express opinions

(8 баллов)

12. Answer the questions.

1. What does the abbreviation MICE stand for?

2. What does incentive tourism mean?

3. What is the difference between dealing with a business traveler and

an ordinary tourist?

4. What does a business traveler look for in a hotel?

5. Why are business travelers so important to hotels?

(5 баллов)

13. Render the text into English.

MICE — область индустрии делового туризма, связанная с

организацией и проведением различных корпоративных

мероприятий. Понятие MICE образуют четыре базовых направления:

Meetings – встречи. Поездки сотрудников на отдых,

совмещенные с деловыми мероприятиями (семинары, презентации,

тренинги и т.д.).

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Incentives – мотивационные туры. Выезды коллективов фирм,

направленные на их сплочение (юбилей компании, новогодние и др.

праздники), поощрительные тур-поездки для работников компании

и их семей.

Conferences – конференции, конгрессы, форумы. Организация

и проведение конференции, конгрессов и форумов в разных странах


Exhibitions – посещение международных выставок и ярмарок.

Выезды представителей фирм с целью продвижения товаров (услуг),

поиска новых партнёров, клиентов, выходов на новые рынки.

MICE-мероприятия напрямую связаны с индустрией

гостеприимства: на сегодняшний день все крупные отели

располагают обширными возможностями для проведения

переговоров, встреч, форумов, конференций, семинаров,

тимбилдингов и проч. Информация о MICE-возможностях, бизнес-

залах, удобствах и услугах по сопровождению подобных

мероприятий, как правило, доступна на веб-сайтах гостиниц, многие

из которых дополнительно предлагают вниманию клиентов

информационные брошюры и презентации.

(10 баллов)

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Перечень вопросов для подготовки к экзамену

Тема 1 “Modern Trends in the Hospitality Industry”

1. Name modern trends used in the hospitality industry.

2. In what way can both guests and hotels benefit from e-booking?

3. What is wellness? What’s the difference between medical tourism and

wellness tourism?

4. Why are sustainability issues very important in the hospitality


5. What does low-budget tourism involve? What is a budget hotel/


6. Name some new innovative technology trends used in the hospitality


7. What impact do social media make on hospitality?

8. What is the sharing economy? Who are the major players of the sharing


9. What e-payment methods are supposed to be used in hotels?

Тема 2 “Russian hospitality market trends”

1. What changes has the Russian hotel market undergone during the last

fifteen years?

2. Why is Russia considered to be a country with great potentials for

tourism development?

3. Why are numerous international chains highly motivated to invest their

resources in Russia?

4. Why is the introduction of the new hotel classification system very

important for hospitality business in Russia?

5. What types of hotels are in growing demand for in the Russian capital?

6. What is a guest house like?

7. What is the characteristic feature of this type of accommodation in


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8. Why are mini-hotels typical for the St. Petersburg hospitality

infrastructure? What are they like? What are they equipped with?

9. What kind of accommodation is a hostel? What are the peculiarities of

Russian hostels?

10. What trends have been recently identified in the Moscow hotel


11. What perks are the guests offered in Moscow hotels?

12. What changes have taken place in the booking behavior?

13. In what way do hotels manage to maximize revenues?

14. Why do you think many corporate clients have shifted their travel

habits to online engines?

15. What impact do the modern trends have on the overall Moscow hotel


Тема 3 “Hotel Contracting”

1. What types of contracts are usually concluded between hotels and tour


2. What is the difference between an allocation contract and a

commitment contract?

3. With which contract the risk is increased for a tour operator/ hotel?

4. What is a contract?

5. What must a valid contract include?

6. What is a breach of a contract?

7. Who must compensate for a breach of a contract?

8. What kind of document is the Code of Practice?

9. In what case is the travel agent not responsible for payment of the

specified services?

10. What entity is considered as a group?

11. What is the difference between a guaranteed and non-guaranteed


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12. Which client is constituted as a no-show?

13. In what case can both the hotelier and the travel agent be exonerated

from their obligations without having to pay any compensation?

Тема 4 “Business Travel”

1. What does the acronym MICE stand for?

2. What kinds of meetings does MICE industry cater to? Give the

definitions of ‘seminar’, ‘workshop’, ‘roundtable’.

3. What is incentive tourism? What purposes is it usually conducted for?

4. What’s the difference between an exhibition and a trade fair?

5. What are the prospects of MICE tourism development in Russia?

6. What key players are involved in providing MICE industry services?

7. Give the definition of ‘Business travel’.

8. Who are business travelers?

9. What kind of business guests are important for a hotel?

10. What services does a business traveler need from a hotel? What special

facilities do business travellers expect?

11. What makes a hotel suitable for hosting a conference?

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Перечень учебной литературы

1. Петрашевская Е.Г. Professional English for Hospitality Students.

Английский язык профессиональный для специалистов

индустрии гостеприимства, Часть 5: учебное пособие с

методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и

промежуточного контроля для заочного отделения по

дисциплине «Английский профессиональный язык» по

направлению подготовки 43.03.03 «Гостиничное дело» -

M:МГИИТ, 2018, 207 с .

2. Robin Walker and Keith Harding. English for Careers. Tourism 2.

Students’ Book. Oxford University Press, 2010 – 145 c

3. Robin Walker and Keith Harding. English for Careers. Tourism 3.

Students’ Book. Oxford University Press, 2010 – 144 c

4. Мошняга, Е.В. Английский язык: туризм, гостеприимство,

платежные средства : учеб. пособие / Е.В. Мошняга .— 5-е изд.,

стер. — М.: Советский спорт, 2012 .— (Профессиональное

туристское образование) (электронная библиотека)

5. Keith Harding & Paul Henderson. High Season. English for the

Hotel and Tourist Industry. Oxford University Press, 2000 – 176 с.

6. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Veronica Garza. Hotels & Catering.

Express Publishing, 2011 – 114 c.

7. A. Lockwood and S. Medlik. Tourism and Hospitality in the 21St

Century. Elsevier Buttenvorth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan

Hill, Oxford, 2003 – 345

8. Moscow City Committee for Tourism and Hotel Industry. Moscow

Hotels market review, 2012 – 32.

9. International hotel chains in Russia – 2016 – 12.

10. Hotel Industry in Russia. IMAGE: HTTP://WWW.TOURISM-


11. www.youtube.com

12. Innovations Technologies Worldwide. http://www.innovationtw.com

13. International Hotel Chains in Russia.



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Петрашевская Екатерина Георгиевна

Professional English for Hospitality Students

Английский язык профессиональный для специалистов

индустрии гостеприимства

Часть 5

Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами

для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов

заочного отделения

Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования города Москвы

Московский государственный институт индустрии туризма

имени Ю.А. Сенкевича

125499, Москва, Кронштадтский бульвар, д. 43 а.

Подписано в печать. Формат 60х90/16.

Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная №1. Печ. л. 4,75.

Тираж экз. Заказ №

Издательство МГИИТ

125499, Москва, Кронштадтский бульвар, д. 43 а.

Тел./ факс (495) 454-31-66, тел. (495) 456-15-32